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22 Jul 03:09

Breast Augmentation Miami

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

Are you looking for a change? Perhaps you feel like your breasts are too small, lopsided or just do not have the right look. You are not alone.

It’s estimated that 71% of women are not content with their breasts, with 47% looking for bigger breasts. While aesthetic plastic surgery is not the answer to all your problems, it can help you get back your self-confidence.

Dr. Bart Kachniarz is Miami’s top breast augmentation surgeon, with the skill set and latest technology to guide you in your transformation. Please contact us for a free consultation to explore your breast augmentation options.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation (or “Breast Augmentation Mammaplasty”) is an outpatient cosmetic procedure that enhances the natural form and volume of the breast. It utilizes a combination of implants and/or the patient’s own fat tissue to achieve a natural breast aesthetic, and create a harmonious, feminine physique.

Breast augmentation helps restore lost volume, particularly in the upper aspects of the breast, which may have been lost following pregnancy or weight loss.

It can also correct breast asymmetry, especially when combined with a breast lift procedure.

Breast augmentation enhances the fullness of the breast, offers a more balanced feminine physique, and can serve as a transformational confidence boost.

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedure in the United States, and its popularity continues to grow. Many women opt for breast enlargement to enhance a naturally small chest or to address sagging and volume loss associated with aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. It’s one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, with the number of breast augmentations increasing year-on-year.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Implants?

Ideal candidate for breast augmentation:

  • Is interested in improving the size and shape of their breasts
  • Is generally healthy, without medical conditions that could impair healing
  • Does not smoke or is willing to stop smoking before the procedure
  • Has a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits of breast augmentation
  • Has no recent changes in breast size and shape (e.g., from weight loss or breastfeeding)

During your consultation, Dr. K will guide you through all of your options and help you decide whether breast augmentation is the right fit for you.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation Surgery, Miami

Breast enhancement surgery offers more than just larger breasts. This cosmetic surgery can address an excessively flat chest, correct asymmetrical breasts, and provide a better appearance after pregnancy or significant weight loss. For most women, it’s about feeling more confident in clothing, bras, and swimwear.

Breast Augmentation For Reconstruction

Breast augmentation isn’t limited to enhancing size. It’s also a crucial component of reconstructive surgery following a mastectomy or breast cancer treatment.

Choosing the Right Breast Implants

Selecting the right implants is about finding what works best for your body type and desired outcome. We will walk you through the different types of breast surgery procedures and implants that are currently available.

Types of Breast Implants

The two main types of breast implants, based on their filler material, are saline and silicone. Saline breast implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, while silicone breast implants contain a cohesive gel that closely mimics the feel of natural breast tissue. It’s important to note that silicone implants require periodic MRI screenings to detect any potential implant leaks or ruptures.

Breast implants also come in different shapes, with round and teardrop (anatomical) being the most common options. Round implants provide a fuller projection at the upper portion of the breasts, while teardrop implants mimic the sloped curve of a natural breast, offering a more subtle and naturalistic look. The choice between these shapes often depends on the patient’s desired outcome and their existing breast tissue.

Are Saline or Silicone Breast Implants Better?

While both types of implants share a similar outer silicone shell, they are filled with distinct materials that dictate their properties. Silicone implants contain a silicone gel of variable cohesivity that mimics natural breast tissue, whereas saline implants are inserted while deflated, and subsequently filled with medical-grade saline.

Silicone breast implants have a more natural look and feel compared to their saline counterparts. The cohesive silicone gel tends to “ripple” and distort less along the upper aspect of the breast and provides more fullness.

This is particularly true among thinner patients, or when placed above the chest muscle.

Furthermore, modern silicone implants come in a wide variety of cohesivities that afford plastic surgeons greater nuance in individualizing results. Less-cohesive implants tend to have a more natural feel and teardrop shape when upright.

Gummy Bear implants are highly cohesive and optimize upper breast fullness while providing a smooth, shapely cleavage. Saline implants have the advantage of being placed through a slightly smaller incision, since they are inflated while inside the breast pocket.

They also generally do not require imaging surveillance for rupture; ruptured saline implants deflate in size and are readily noticeable.

What Are Gummy Bear Implants?

Gummy Bear implants are a type of high-cohesivity silicone implant, and are among the latest technology within the Natrelle lineup. These implants optimize upper breast fullness and minimize “rippling” of the skin.

They also minimize any leakage within the implant pocket in case of implant shell rupture. You may discuss whether Gummy Bear implants are the right fit for you during your complementary consultation.

Natural Breast Augmentation

For women seeking a more subtle breast enhancement, natural breast augmentation, also known as fat transfer breast augmentation, could be a viable option. This technique involves harvesting excess fat from areas like the abdomen, hips, or thighs through liposuction. The purified fat is then carefully injected into the breasts to add natural-looking volume and improve breast shape. However, it’s important to note that the main limitation of this method is that it typically allows for an increase of only about one cup size.

miami breast job

How Do You Select Your Implant Size?

The most valuable technique in selecting your implant size is using specifically-designed implant sizers. These are shaped silicone inserts that allows you to “try on” different sized implants. You will have an opportunity to actually feel the fullness and volume of your new breasts.

It is also imperative to assess the impact on your overall physique and achieve harmony with your hips, waist, and chest structure. During your consultation, Dr. Kachniarz will also take careful measurements of each breast to ensure perfect fit of the final implant.

Are Implants Placed Above or Below the Muscle?

Breast implants are placed either above or, at least partially, below the pectoralis major muscle. We’ll discuss the benefits of each approach and help you select the option that best suits your body and lifestyle.

Frequently, breast implants are placed partially under the pectoralis muscle, which is known as a Dual-Plane technique. The muscle over the upper aspect of the breast masks the shape of the underlying implant and provides for a more naturally-sloping shape.

The muscle also masks any “rippling” or distortion of the implant, which is particularly important in thinner patients or when using low-cohesivity or saline implants.

Implants placed under the muscle have also been shown to have lower rates of capsular contracture, which occurs when a tight layer of scar tissue forms around the implant.

Implants may also be placed above the muscle, and underneath the breast tissue. This greatly speeds up recovery, as the pectoralis muscle remains undisturbed. This technique also preserves native muscle function and eliminates the risk of animation deformity, which is particularly helpful among physically active patients.

Animation deformity may occur when the contracting pectoralis muscle pushes on the underlying breast implant. Implants placed above the muscle may be more visible; this may be alleviated with careful fat transfer to better mask the implant and provide a natural upper breast form.

Where Is the Incision for Breast Augmentation?

In the vast majority of patients, the incision is placed within the inferior fold of the breast, also called the inframammary fold approach. This technique provides the most direct access to the implant pocket with minimal disruption of native breast tissue.

It has also been shown to carry the lowest risk of capsular contracture; the incision hides seamlessly within the breast fold.

Other less-commonly used approaches include the edge of the areola, armpit, and belly button. These techniques each have advantages that you may discuss with Dr. Kachniarz at your complementary consultation.

Implant Placement Options

There are two main implant placement options: subglandular and submuscular breast augmentation. In subglandular placement, the prosthesis is placed behind the mammary gland, between the breast tissues and the pectoral muscle. This is ideal for those with adequate breast tissue, so the implant doesn’t look artificial.

In submuscular placement, the prosthesis is placed below the pectoral muscle, being entirely covered by it. This offers very natural results in sight and touch, especially for women with very little breast tissue. The plastic surgeon makes a small incision in the lower chest area, so visible scarring is minimal under the natural fold.

boob job miami

What To Expect on the Day of Your Miami Based Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Our experienced team will guide you in preparation for your breast augmentation surgery. Your safety is our top priority, which is why all procedures are performed at an accredited ambulatory surgery center.

For procedures performed under general anesthesia, you will need to see your primary care doctor for an examination and obtain basic bloodwork. We’ll have your Marena postsurgical garment and any prescription medication ready prior to your procedure.

Breast augmentation surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, although it can be done while awake. You can discuss the best option for you during your complimentary consultation.

The cosmetic procedure takes approximately two hours, and you’ll go home the same day. Dr. Kachniarz will call you the evening after your procedure to check in and answer any questions that may have come up. You will have 24/7 access to your surgeon following your procedure.

Breast Augmentation Recovery and Results

Recovery from breast augmentation depends largely on whether the implant was placed under or above the muscle. Patients with implants placed under the muscle will note a degree of muscle tightness, which can last a couple of weeks.

This sensation is greatly relieved by muscle relaxants, which are usually prescribed prior to your breast augmentation procedure. Implants placed above the muscle tend to have a much faster recovery, which is generally limited to surgical site tenderness and recovery from anesthesia.

Potential Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries certain risks and potential complications. While these risks can be minimized by choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon and following all pre- and post-operative instructions, it’s essential to be aware of them.

Some potential risks and complications associated with breast augmentation include infection, bleeding, fluid accumulation, persistent pain, unfavorable scarring, poor wound healing, breast asymmetry, and injury to the nipple or surrounding tissue. In rare cases, implant rupture or capsular contracture (hardening of the scar tissue around the implant) may occur, necessitating additional surgical intervention.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Miami?

Breast augmentation surgery in Miami costs approximately $6,000 – $12,000 using implants, and approximately $8,000 – $12,000 using your own fat transfer.

You may schedule a complementary breast augmentation consultation to obtain an individualized surgical quote.

Surgical pricing is all-inclusive; it covers the surgeon fees, facility and anesthesia fees, implants, sizers, Keller funnel, a Marena postsurgical garment, and a supplemental CosmetAssure insurance policy.

We never charge hidden fees.

young woman at the beach with perky breasts

Can You Perform Breast Augmentation Using Your Own Fat?

Yes, fat transfer breast augmentation is an excellent option for patients desiring a more modest increase in volume and a natural, long-lasting result.

Most frequently, the abdomen, waist, and flanks are liposculpted to obtain fat tissue for the transfer. To optimize fat survival, the REVOLVE system is used to purify the fat prior to transfer.

For patients who desire higher volume augmentation, fat transfer may be combined with implant placement to provide a more natural upper breast shape and better conceal the implant.

Dr. Kachniarz will help you decide whether this is the right option for you during your complimentary consultation.

Is Breast Surgery Painful?

Placement of implants above the muscle yields a more rapid recovery, often limited to postsurgical tenderness that generally subsides after a few days to a week.

Placement of implants underneath the muscle does result in more chest muscle tightness, which may take a couple of weeks to resolve.

Muscle relaxants frequently help alleviate tightness as the muscle grows accustomed to the new implant position.

Full healing of the area may take up to six weeks, and the procedure incision will continue to mature and fade for up to a year.

Can You Combine Breast Augmentation Surgery With Other Procedures?

Yes, breast augmentation is often combined with other aesthetic procedures. The two most common procedures performed alongside augmentation are a breast lift and tummy tuck. This combination is often referred to as a “Mommy Makeover,” addressing changes in the breasts and abdomen following pregnancy.

You can discuss your individualized treatment plan with Dr. Kachniarz during your complimentary consultation.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

How Long Does Surgery Take?

On average, a breast augmentation procedure with implants takes about two hours, while that using your own fat takes approximately 3-4 hours depending on the areas undergoing liposculpture.

After the procedure, patients recover from anesthesia in the postoperative care unit and are discharged home the same day.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture occurs when a layer of scar tissue forms, encapsulating the breast implant.

With more advanced degrees of capsular contractures, the breast may feel hardened, appear distorted, or even become painful. Although studies are ongoing regarding the exact pathophysiology behind capsular contracture, there appears to be a contribution from low-level bacterial contamination.

To minimize this risk, Dr. Kachniarz utilizes the latest aseptic techniques, including Keller funnels, single-use sizers, a no-touch technique, and antibiotic irrigation.

In cases of capsular contracture, a revision breast augmentation procedure may help remove scar tissue and place the affected implants in a fresh position.

How Many Cup Sizes Can You Go Up?

The increase in breast volume you can safely achieve during augmentation largely depends on your individual anatomy and will be discussed at your consultation visit.

The best predictor of how your new breast size will feel inside a bra is using our specialized implant sizers. Unfortunately, cup sizes are not a standardized measure of breast size, and vary significantly between brands.

As such, we focus on enhancing your physique and providing a natural-looking result, rather than aiming for a specific cup-size increase.

Can I Receive a Breast Surgery Again in the Future?

Yes, you can undergo breast augmentation in the future if you wish to change your implant size or shape.

Most patients who undergo breast augmentation surgery will require a revision procedure at some point, which may include replacement of implants.

How Often Do I Have To Get My Breast Implants Replaced?

Breast implants are often quoted to have a 10-15 year lifespan on average.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to replace your implants at that interval. Indications for replacing breast augmentation implants include leakage or shell rupture, which is readily visible with saline-filled implants, and assessed via surveillance imaging for silicone implants.

Implants may also need to be replaced if they shift position or change shape over time. Ultimately, the need to replace your breast augmentation implants will be discussed during consultation with Dr. Kachniarz.

Will There Be Any Loss of Sensation in My Breasts After Surgery?

It’s quite common to have temporary changes in sensation following breast augmentation as the surrounding tissues stretch over the implant and heal.

This may include areas of temporary numbness, tingling, or nipple sensitivity, which generally resolves over the course of a few weeks to months.

Very rarely, there may be permanent changes in sensation to the breast following breast augmentation.


  1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  2. Mayoclinic.
  3. National Library of Medicine.
  4. Springer.
22 Jul 03:08

Facelift Miami

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

Are you looking for a more refreshed and rejuvenated facial appearance? The aging process causes facial skin and muscles to sag and crease, leading to visible signs of facial aging. If this makes you feel self-conscious or unhappy about your appearance, a facelift surgery may be just the right solution for you.

But what does a facelift surgery entail, and how can it improve your appearance?

A facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery that helps create a more youthful and attractive facial appearance. It improves the look of your face and neck by removing excess facial skin and tightening underlying tissues. A facelift can be used to reduce facial wrinkles, deep creases, tighten sagging skin on the cheeks or jowls, and remove loose neck skin or excess fat in the neck area.

In this article, we explain everything you need to know about facelifts, including their benefits and any potential risks. We will also explore the different types of facelifts, what the procedure entails, and practical information about preparing for the facial plastic surgery in Miami, recovery period, results, and costs.

What is a Face Lift?

A facelift surgery, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can help improve the overall appearance of an individual’s facial features. The procedure involves removing excess skin, fat, and tissue from areas around the eyes, cheeks, chin, and jawline to create a smoother and more youthful look.

It can also be used to reduce wrinkles or fine lines near the mouth. In addition to helping individuals achieve a more youthful appearance, a facelift can also address sagging jowls caused by age-related changes in the skin’s elasticity.

A neck-lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a closely related procedure. Many opt to include a neck-lift along with their facelift surgery. Depending on your desired results, you may need one or both procedures.

A facelift focuses mostly on treating wrinkles around the eyes, cheeks, and mouth, while a neck lift aims mainly at eliminating sagging skin from underneath your chin down through your jawline to restore youthful contours. Often, the blanket term “facelift” is used to describe both a facelift and neck-lift together.


Types of Facelift Procedures

There are various types of facelift cosmetic surgery procedures, each with their own aims, techniques, costs, and effectiveness. We will explore the most common types:

Mini Face Lift

A “mini-facelift” is an outpatient procedure which targets the lower third of the face and upper neck. A mini facelift procedure is a good option for those who want to address mild sagging in their mid-face and jowls without undergoing a full facelift. It primarily targets:

  • Jowls
  • Facial creases from the nose to the mouth
  • Lack of jaw definition
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Lax upper neck skin and tissue

The procedure utilizes smaller incisions, and results in less bruising and other side effects, as well as a shorter recovery time.

It is a popular choice for middle-aged individuals who do not have relatively good skin elasticity. It is quite common for those who undergo this procedure to eventually opt for a more extensive procedure later in life to address more significant changes with aging.

The benefits of undergoing a mini-facelift include a more youthful appearance, improved facial contours, and increased self-confidence.

Mid-Face Lift

A “mid-facelift” targets sagging cheeks and provides subtle yet long-lasting results for those who are not yet experiencing neck banding or jowling.

The mid-facelift procedure is performed by repositioning the sagging soft tissues with a cheek lift, including the fat pads and facial muscles. The goal is to elevate the mid-face, creating a more youthful and naturally pleasing appearance.

When performing the mid-facelift, Dr. Kachniarz makes small incisions that are hidden within the natural creases of your face, which results in minimal scarring. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can expect a shorter recovery time than with a traditional facelift.

A mid-facelift strikes an ideal balance between non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures and the extensiveness of a full facelift.

It is a conservative approach with a commitment to natural-looking and effective results. Due to it being a less invasive surgical procedure, a mid-facelift can help you achieve a youthful look with minimal scarring and downtime.

Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

A deep plane facelift is aimed at providing significant solutions to mid-face drooping, jowls, and deep nasolabial folds. It differs from traditional facelift surgeries in that it targets deeper layers of the facial structure by repositioning the underlying tissues and ligaments.

During the procedure, the surgeon creates tension-free releasing incisions around the ear to allow for access to the deeper layers of the face. The surgeon then repositions the tissue and muscles to provide longer-lasting results, with a more natural and youthful appearance.

With his expertise in cutting edge surgical techniques, Dr. Kachniarz can help you achieve your desired goals while ensuring a safe and successful procedure.

Deep plane facelifts are the best option for patients who have substantial jowls or loss of mid-face volume. It also targets the nasolabial folds, which are the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth, creating a more defined jawline and smoother overall appearance. The deep plane technique allows for tighter skin in the treated area and the ability to contour the face more precisely than traditional facelift techniques.

The longer-lasting and more natural-looking results of the deep plane facelift make it a popular choice among most patients. Even though it is a deeper procedure than a traditional facelifts, it results in less trauma to the outer layer of the skin and therefore a speedier recovery process. It also results in softer and more natural results, and is the preferred facelift technique by Dr. Kachniarz.

What are the Benefits of Face Lift Surgery?

The main benefit of having a facelift surgery is that it can quickly give you a younger, more refreshed look. Specifically, a facelift can:

  • Reduce sagging skin on your face and/or neck,
  • Improve contours around your eyes,
  • Make your jawline and cheeks more defined,
  • Diminish wrinkles and lines around the mouth.

Some other benefits of having a facelift include:

  • Long-lasting improvement in appearance, with many patients reporting visible improvements for 10 – 15 years after their initial treatment.
  • Restores facial volume that has been lost over time due to aging or weight loss.
  • Helps create an overall balanced facial structure which gives a natural look without looking overdone.
  • Restores your self-confidence and therefore leads to greater emotional well-being.
  • Facelifts are fully customizable due to the various types available, so you can tailor your facelift procedure according to your specific goals.
smooth face of a woman

Am I A Good Candidate For A Facelift?

As one ages, the face changes due to a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, as well as a lowering in facial fat distribution. You may be the right candidate for a facelift surgery if you have experienced any of the following age-related facial changes:

  • Loose skin on the face and neck,
  • Deep facial and neck wrinkles,
  • Sagging in the lower face along with the development of jowls/ double chin.
  • Loss of facial muscle tone and definition,
  • An overall look of being tired and worn out.

Generally, people under the age of forty or fifty prefer minimally invasive procedures such as dermal fillers and/or injectables to improve their facial appearance. However, those older than fifty usually get the best results with a facelift. Typically, a good candidate is also in good overall health, doesn’t smoke, and has realistic expectations for the outcome of the facial surgical procedures.

There are many different forms of facial rejuvenation surgery, with a facelift being only one cosmetic procedure. There are both surgical and non-surgical techniques.

For instance, while a facelift mainly addresses skin laxity and wrinkles, many patients who experience the loss of fat volume in the face can undergo a facial fat transfer that takes fat from other parts of the body to restore lost fullness in the face.

Other commonly used plastic surgery for facial rejuvenation procedures can include, eyelid lift, neck lift, brow lift, and facial fat transfer.

To determine if you’re a good candidate for a facelift and which treatment options are best suited for your goals, it’s important to schedule a consultation with a facelift surgeon like Dr. Kachniarz. During the consultation, he will assess your health history, skin condition, and overall facial structure to determine the best approach for your unique concerns.

woman smiling with clear face

What Are The Risks?

A facelift performed by an expert plastic surgeons is a relatively low-risk procedure. However, it is still important to be aware of the risks of minor complications. Long-term or permanent complications are very rare but should still be mentioned and understood by the patient. Some of the risks include:

  • Typically, swelling and bruising subside within the first few weeks.
  • As with any operation, there is always the risk of infection, nerve injury and scarring. These risks can be minimized by following proper hygiene precautions and all other pre- and post-operative care instructions given to you by your surgeon.
  • Hematoma, which is a collection of blood under the skin, is another potential complication of a facelift; it is easily treatable but may require a brief surgical procedure.
  • Other less common risks such as hair and/or skin loss.

Major complication rates for facelifts are relatively low when performed in trained hands. Paying heed to all post-operative recovery instructions such as frequent head elevation to minimize swelling, sufficient rest, consuming healthy foods, drinking lots of fluids and avoiding any activities that might strain your neck are crucial for successful outcomes with minimum complications.

Preparation For Surgery

The first step in preparing for a facelift is to research the procedure thoroughly and schedule your initial consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. During the consultation, you will be able to ask your surgeon questions about what to expect before, during, and after surgery in Miami. Dr. Kachniarz will help you decide whether the procedure is right for you and specifically which type of facelift you should look to have. The consultation will also include:

  • A full medical history and a physical exam.
  • A medication review, in which you should let your surgeon know which medications you are taking on a regular basis and disclose any previous surgeries.
  • A facial exam, during which time your surgeon will take photos of your face and examine its facial anatomy carefully. The exam will help to decide on the best type of facelift and the appropriate approach for your situation.
  • Questions about what your expectations are from the facelift, as well as an explanation about how the facelift is likely to change your appearance, and what can realistically be achieved with this procedure.

Before undergoing the actual procedure, you will have to prepare both mentally and physically in the following ways:

  • Ensure that you are in good physical health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Your physician may recommend certain tests prior to your operation such as bloodwork or imaging scans depending on what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure.
  • Avoid eating anything beginning from the night before your facelift. You will still be able to drink water and take medications which have been approved by your surgeon.
  • Wash your hair and face with a germicidal soap given to you the morning of the surgery.
  • Ensure there will be someone who can provide care for you following surgery. This could be a family member who is able to assist with post-operative activities such as dressing changes, driving, or going out for walks.
rhytidectomy miami

surgical Procedure Details

The exact details of the procedure depend on the type of facelift and your specific needs. During a traditional facelift, an incision is made along the hairline near each ear, extending around the behind the ear.

The surgeon then separates layers of facial tissues so they can tighten underlying tissue with small stitches; once done, they will re-drape the skin over these areas for a firm, natural appearance. The excess skin is then removed, and the incisions are carefully sutured closed. The exact procedure and incision site differs for other types of facelifts.

The surgery itself usually takes several hours depending on the type of facelift being performed, as well as how much work needs to be done to achieve the desired results. The procedure is often performed with the aid of general anesthesia, but local anesthesia may be used for more minor treatments.

Aftercare And Recovery

It is important to take the time to properly recover after the procedure. During the initial period, you may experience the following:

  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Drainage from the incisions
  • Swelling, bruising, and numbness

For optimal facelift recovery, it’s crucial to adhere to specific aftercare guidelines. These include:

  • Keep your head elevated while sleeping to reduce swelling and discomfort around the incision sites.
  • Avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting for at least two weeks following the procedure.
  • Ensure that you get plenty of rest and sleep.
  • Take pain medication or any other treatments recommended by your surgeon.
  • Applying cold compresses on swollen areas can help reduce inflammation quickly; however, these should only be used intermittently throughout the day according to your surgeon’s instructions.

You will also be asked to come for regular check-ups with your surgeon during the two months post-surgery, which helps ensure that you are healing correctly, and that the procedure is giving the desired facelift results. You may additionally be asked to come for later visits to monitor your progress over a longer timescale and check for any residual swelling.

smoothing wrinkles on the face of an older woman

How Much Does A Facelift Cost In Miami?

A facelift in Miami can cost anywhere from $5,000 up to $15,000 or more for more complex procedures. The procedure can range in price depending on a variety of factors, including the complexity of the surgery, as well as any additional procedures that may be required along with the Miami facelift.

Feel free to book a consultation today and we can discuss your needs in more detail, as well as answer any questions you have about facelifts and the costs involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Combine My Facelift surgery With Other Procedures?

Yes, it is quite normal to combine facelifts with other cosmetic procedures such as neck lifts, brow lifts, and eyelid surgery. If you’re looking to enhance your facial appearance, a facelift can provide you with the desired results, however, sometimes a facelift alone might not give you the look you’re hoping for, in which case it is worth considering a more integrated treatment plan.

Are The Scars Well Concealed?

One of the biggest concerns for people considering a facelift is the visibility of scars after the procedure. However, an experienced surgeon like Dr. Kachniarz know the importance of carefully placing incisions in strategic locations to minimize the appearance of scars. These incisions are usually made within the hairline or along the natural creases of the face where they can be easily hidden.

Does A Facelift Make You Look Younger?

Yes, a facelift procedure can significantly improve the appearance of saggy tissue and skin laxity, restoring a more youthful natural contours.

The procedure involves tightening the deeper layers of tissue in the face, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and ultimately making the skin firmer and younger looking.

What Is A Non-surgical Facelift?

A non-surgical facelift is a minimally invasive procedure that enhances facial appearance without the need for major surgery. This procedure typically involves injectable fillers or fat transfer, which can restore facial volume and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

A non-surgical facelift can complement a traditional facelift by targeting facial concerns that can’t be treated surgically. For example, a traditional facelifts can address sagging skin and excess fat, but a non-surgical facelift can restore lost volume and improve skin texture. This approach can provide a more comprehensive solution to achieving a desired youthful appearance.


[1] Facelifts: A Contemporary Perspective. National Library of Medicine.

[2] Facelift: Planning and Technique. Science Direct.

22 Jul 03:08

The Global Obsession with Brazilian Butt Lifts: Why Are BBL’s so Popular?

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has skyrocketed in popularity, becoming the fastest-growing cosmetic surgery worldwide. This plastic surgery procedure is not only sought for its aesthetic allure but also as a reflection of the cultural shift towards embracing fuller, more curvaceous body ideals. As media representation and celebrity influence heighten the desirability of these attributes, the BBL has secured a prominent place in the realm of body-contouring surgeries.

A growing openness about cosmetic surgery in social discourse has also fueled the distinct appeal of the Brazilian Butt Lift. Social media platforms showcase numerous post-operative results, further propelling interest and normalizing the procedure. The interplay between online visibility and societal beauty standards has undoubtedly contributed to the BBL’s prominence in contemporary plastic surgery trends.

The Rise of Brazilian Butt Lifts

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has witnessed a meteoric rise in popularity, becoming one of the fastest-growing cosmetic procedures. This surge can be largely attributed to the influence of social media and evolving beauty standards.

Influence of Social Media and Celebrities

Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have played a significant role in shaping beauty ideals. Celebrities and influencers often flaunt their enhanced figures to millions of followers, setting trends within the realm of beauty aspirations. High-profile personalities such as Kylie Jenner and the Kardashians have been instrumental in popularizing the Brazilian Butt Lift. Their widely shared images have contributed to an increased desire for a fuller, more contoured posterior, which this procedure promises to deliver.

Cultural Shifts and Beauty Standards

Over the years, cultural beauty standards have shifted towards embracing curvier body types. The Brazilian Butt Lift aligns perfectly with this current beauty paradigm, as it offers a means to achieve the coveted hourglass figure. The demand for BBLs reflects a deeper change in attitudes, where a fuller derrière is perceived as a symbol of attractiveness and femininity. This procedure’s ability to reshape the body’s contours aligns directly with contemporary beauty standards that celebrate a more voluptuous figure.

Risks and Considerations

When considering a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), patients must be aware of the inherent risks and the importance of selecting a qualified surgeon for the procedure. This section delves into the potential dangers and the criteria for choosing the right surgeon.

Understanding the Potential Dangers

The BBL procedure carries significant risks, which may include but are not limited to:

  • Mortality rate: Previous data indicated a mortality rate as high as 1 in 3,000, although recent improvements in technique have sought to reduce this.
  • Pulmonary embolism: One of the most severe complications is where fat enters the bloodstream and travels to the lungs.
  • Fat embolism: Fat accidentally injected into muscle can enter the circulatory system, posing life-threatening risks.
  • Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection, which can range from mild to severe.
  • Complications with anesthesia: Some patients may have adverse reactions to the anesthesia used during the procedure.

The Cost of Brazilian Butt Lifts

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery has variable costs, influenced by factors such as geographic location, the skill level of the plastic surgeon, and the specific requirements of the procedure.

Investment in Aesthetics

A Brazilian Butt Lift is considered a significant investment in one’s aesthetic appearance. Costs have been noted to vary, with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) stating the average cost for fat grafting, which is a part of the BBL process, was approximately $4,800 in 2020. Recent data suggests an increase, with the average BBL cost in 2024 now around $6,700, although prices may span from $3,700 to $15,900, depending on various factors.

Cultural and Demographic Aspects

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has seen a surge in demand driven by specific cultural preferences and demographic interests. These trends underscore the procedure’s global appeal and the variation in its popularity across different groups.

Popularity Among Different Groups

Black Women: Black women have been at the forefront in embracing the BBL, partly due to societal beauty standards that often emphasize curvaceous figures, especially an hourglass shape which the BBL aims to enhance. This demographic’s patronage of the surgery is seen as a means of celebrating cultural aesthetics and bolstering self-confidence.

Hourglass Shape: The desire for an hourglass shape has transcended demographic boundaries, influencing a broad spectrum of people to consider BBL. The aesthetic ideal of balanced proportions and fuller buttocks is a driving force behind the procedure’s adoption across various age groups and ethnic backgrounds.

Global Interest and Trends

Brazilian Heritage: Brazilian culture, known for its celebration of the body and its features, contributes to the global allure of the BBL. The procedure’s namesake adds an exotic appeal, often associated with the vibrant lifestyle and sensuous imagery of Brazil.

Ivo Pitanguy: One cannot discuss BBL’s global interest without mentioning Ivo Pitanguy, the Brazilian plastic surgeon who is a pioneer in aesthetic surgery. His legacy has significantly influenced the procedure’s credibility and spread, with the BBL serving as a testament to his impact on aesthetic surgery education and research.

Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation: As BBLs gain traction, organizations like the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation play a pivotal role in advancing the safety standards and educational resources for the procedure, further promoting its global adoption.

Alternatives to Brazilian Butt Lift

While the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is popular for buttock augmentation, there are both non-invasive techniques and other procedures that serve as alternatives for candidates seeking enhancement without undergoing traditional surgery.

Non-invasive Techniques


  • Function: Offers an immediate but temporary shape change.
  • Suitability: Ideal for candidates wanting a non-permanent solution.

Topical Treatments and Creams:

  • Function: Aim to firm and tone the buttock skin.
  • Suitability: Suitable for those preferring a routine-based approach.

Exploring Other Procedures

Buttock Implants:

  • Description: Implants are a surgical alternative to BBL, providing permanent augmentation.
  • Consideration: Involves a more invasive approach compared to non-invasive methods.

Injectables (e.g., Sculptra):

  • Function: Designed to stimulate collagen and enhance buttock volume over time.
  • Duration: Offers long-lasting results, though not permanent.

Skin Tightening Lasers:

  • Effect: Helps to firm and lift the buttocks non-surgically.
  • Candidates: Beneficial for those displaying mild to moderate skin laxity.
22 Jul 03:08

What Are the Benefits of Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift BBL?

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic procedure that reshapes and augments the buttocks through fat transfer. Unlike butt implants, this surgery utilizes the patient’s own body fat, typically extracted from areas like the abdomen, hips, or thighs through liposuction. This dual approach not only enhances the buttocks but also contours other areas, resulting in an improved overall silhouette.

The extracted fat is carefully purified and then strategically injected into the buttocks. By using the patient’s natural fat, the BBL offers a safer alternative to implants, with a more organic augmentation approach and a reduced risk of rejection. The procedure’s popularity stems from its ability to provide a more proportional body shape while naturally enhancing the gluteal region.

Understanding the Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the buttocks’ appearance by transferring fat from other body areas like the abdomen or thighs. The primary goals are to augment the buttocks for a fuller look and to slim the areas where fat is harvested through a process called fat grafting or fat transfer.

Unlike butt implants, which involve inserting artificial devices into the buttocks, the BBL utilizes the patient’s own fat, reducing the risk of rejection and achieving a more natural feel and appearance. Additionally, the fat transfer technique contours not just the buttocks but also the areas from which the fat is taken, unlike implants, which solely focus on augmentation.

Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift offers several benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their figure and self-image through precise body contouring.

Enhanced Body Contouring and Shape

The BBL is designed to increase the fullness and roundness of the buttocks, yielding a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing contour. The transferred fat can be sculpted to achieve the desired buttock shape, resulting in enhanced body contouring.

Natural-Looking and Feeling Results

One of the most compelling advantages of the BBL is the natural-looking outcome it produces. Since the procedure uses the patient’s own body fat, the enhanced buttocks feel and appear more natural compared to synthetic implants, providing a subtle and authentic improvement in body shape.

Reduction of Fat Deposits in Target Areas

In addition to improving the buttocks, the BBL involves liposuction to remove excess fat from other areas like the abdomen, hips, and thighs. This can lead to a reduction in localized fat deposits, thereby enhancing overall body symmetry and figure.

Improved Body Proportions and Balance

By transferring fat to the buttocks, patients often find that their entire body appears more balanced and proportionate. The BBL can create a more defined waist-to-hip ratio, which is a key component of an attractive figure, contributing to an improved overall body contouring and symmetry.

Boosted Self-Confidence and Satisfaction

Patients often experience a boost in self-confidence following a BBL procedure as they achieve a body shape that aligns more closely with their personal aesthetic goals. The satisfaction derived from an improved body image can lead to a more positive outlook and greater comfort in one’s lifestyle and wardrobe choices.

Safety and Risks of Brazilian Butt Lift

While the Brazilian Butt Lift offers aesthetic benefits, it’s essential to be aware of the potential safety concerns and risks associated with the procedure, as it involves transferring fat from one area of the body to the buttocks.

Common Risks and How to Minimize Them

  • Infection, Bleeding, and Scarring: Like any surgery, there are standard risks of infection, bleeding, and scarring. To minimize these, patients should follow their surgeon’s pre-and post-operative care instructions carefully, including the use of antibiotics, maintaining a clean environment, adhering to medication and activity level guidelines, and considering scar treatment options.
  • Swelling: Swelling typically occurs after the surgery and can be managed with compression garments, rest, and proper fluid intake.
  • Fat Embolism and Pulmonary Fat Embolism: A serious risk where fat cells may enter the bloodstream and travel to the lungs. This can be minimized by choosing a surgeon who uses safe and precise techniques in fat transfer.

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Safety

  • Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon: Patients should seek out a surgeon certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) to ensure they have the proper training and adhere to safety protocols.
  • Specialization and Experience: A cosmetic surgeon with a specialty in Brazilian Butt Lifts and substantial experience is more likely to conduct the procedure safely and effectively.

Understanding the Possibility of Complications

  • Fat Transfer Survival: Not all transferred fat cells will survive, and some degree of resorption can be expected.
  • Blood Clots: Following the ASPS guidelines, surgeons take precautions to minimize the risk of blood clots.
  • Long-Term Results: Patients should understand that long-term results can vary, and secondary procedures may be necessary to maintain the desired effect.

Determining Candidacy for Brazilian Butt Lift

Choosing to undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift requires careful consideration of one’s health, body type, and expectations. Here are the factors and assessments necessary for determining suitability for this cosmetic procedure.

Assessing if You’re a Good Candidate

A good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift is someone who:

  • Maintains a stable weight
  • Possesses adequate fat stores in areas like the abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs
  • Has good skin tone (firm and elastic) to adapt to new contours
  • Is generally healthy without chronic medical conditions that might impair healing or increase surgery risks
  • Has realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome, as genetics play a role in the final appearance

Factors Influencing Eligibility

  • Stable Weight: Fluctuations in weight can negatively affect the surgical outcome. Patients need to achieve and maintain a healthy weight before the procedure.
  • Excess Fat Deposits: There must be enough fat in specific areas like the abdomen, flanks, or thighs to harvest for the augmentation.
  • Health Status: The absence of life-threatening illnesses or conditions that can impair healing is required. A thorough health assessment will precede surgery approval.
  • Skin Quality: Firm, elastic skin will respond better to the fat transfers, while poor skin quality might lead to unsatisfactory results.
  • Subcutaneous Fat: Candidates should have sufficient subcutaneous fat for liposuction. It’s not solely about quantity but also about the quality of fat that can be utilized for grafting.
  • Genetics: A person’s natural body shape and genetic predisposition might influence both the surgical approach and the potential effectiveness of the BBL.

Long-Term Results and Maintenance

A Brazilian Butt Lift can offer significant and enduring enhancements to the contour of the buttocks, but these results are not immune to change. Maintaining the augmentations involves a combination of lifestyle management and understanding the biological behavior of transferred fat cells.

Sustaining the Results of Your BBL

Once the body has healed and the transferred fat cells have stabilized, the long-term results of a Brazilian Butt Lift become evident. However, these fat cells are still subject to the body’s metabolic processes:

  • Weight Stability: Significant weight fluctuations can cause the newly transferred fat cells to expand or shrink, altering the BBL’s aesthetic outcomes.
  • Fat Reabsorption: Some of the transplanted fat may be reabsorbed into the body during the healing process, though a skilled surgeon aims to minimize this.
  • Lumps: The appearance of lumps is rare but can be managed or avoided through proper aftercare and massages as recommended by the surgeon.

Post-operative care is crucial to ensure that the transferred fat cells receive a sufficient blood supply to survive. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon can help monitor the longevity of the results and address any concerns promptly.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Lasting Outcomes

Maintaining the results of a BBL is a long-term commitment that involves a combination of lifestyle choices and adherence to post-operative instructions. Patients are generally advised to:

  • Avoid sitting directly on the buttocks for at least two weeks post-surgery to ensure optimal fat graft take.
  • Incorporate a healthy diet and regular exercise into their routine to support the longevity of the BBL results.
  • Wear compression garments as directed to reduce swelling and support the new contours of the buttocks.

It’s essential to recognize that the body’s natural aging process and potential future pregnancies can also affect the long-lasting nature of BBL results. Therefore, patients should strive for a consistent and healthy lifestyle to enjoy their enhanced figure for years to come.

22 Jul 03:08

What are the Different BBL Shapes?

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

The Brazilian Butt Lift, commonly referred to as BBL, has become a popular cosmetic procedure, offering the dual benefit of enhancing the volume and contour of the buttocks while also allowing for body sculpting where fat is removed from other areas.

This procedure involves strategically injecting a patient’s own processed body fat into specific areas of the buttocks to create a more curvaceous and prominent gluteal region.

Classifying BBL Shapes

When considering a BBL, it’s important for patients to understand the range of shapes that can be achieved through this cosmetic procedure. Professional surgeons typically classify BBL shapes into several distinct styles, each with its own characteristics:

  • Heart or A-Shaped Butt: This shape is characterized by a fuller bottom that tapers towards the waist, accentuating a curvy figure that resembles the outline of a heart.
    • Ideal for: those seeking a traditionally feminine hourglass figure.
  • Round or Bubble Butt: A universally popular choice, this shape aims to create a perky and rounded posterior.
    • Target candidates: individuals seeking a balanced augmentation of the buttocks.
  • Upside-Down Heart or A-Shape: Similar to the heart shape, this style presents a more pronounced contour at the bottom, with less fullness at the top.
    • Best for: patients looking to enhance the lower curves of their buttocks.

Here’s a simple way to visualize these options:

Shape Type Description Ideal For
Heart/A-Shaped Full bottom, narrow waist Hourglass figure aspirants
Round/Bubble Evenly augmented and perky Balanced enhancement seekers
Upside-Down Heart Pronounced lower curves, less full top Lower buttock curvature emphasis

Note: To achieve realistic results, it’s essential for patients to communicate clearly with their surgeon about their desired outcome and to consider their natural body shape when selecting a BBL shape.

Factors Influencing BBL Results

The final outcome of a BBL is influenced by several factors that patients and surgeons need to consider before proceeding with the procedure:

  1. Patient’s Anatomy: An individual’s natural body shape, fat distribution, and skin elasticity play critical roles in determining the achievable results.
  2. Surgeon’s Expertise: The skill and experience of the surgeon are paramount. A surgeon’s understanding of proportion and aesthetic goals impact their ability to effectively sculpt and enhance the buttock area.
  3. Desired Shape: Each BBL shape, such as the Hour-glass, Heart-shaped, and Athletic look, requires different techniques and strategic placement of fat.
  4. Health and Lifestyle: Postoperative care, including adhering to recovery protocols, maintaining a stable weight, and leading a healthy lifestyle, can affect the longevity of BBL results.
  5. Fat Absorption: Individual differences in how the body absorbs and retains the transferred fat can alter the final appearance over time.
Recovery Practices Impact on Results
Compression Garments Help to contour and reduce swelling
Sitting Restrictions Prevents pressure that may affect fat survival
Nutrition and Hydration Supports healing and maintenance of results

The patient, and surgeon work towards achieving the desired buttock shape and ensure the best possible BBL results by considering these factors.

Customizing BBL to Body Type

Surgeons emphasize tailoring the BBL procedure to complement an individual’s unique body type, ensuring a proportional and aesthetically pleasing result.

  • Heart-shaped BBL: Ideal for those seeking a fuller look at the bottom of the buttocks, emphasizing natural curvature. Often favored by individuals with a more petite frame.
  • Round/Bubble BBL: Suitable for individuals desiring pronounced curves and volume centered around the buttocks, providing a noticeable lift and projection.
  • A-Shaped or Pear BBL: Patients with a naturally narrow waist and wider hips may prefer this -shape, enhancing their existing hourglass figure by gradually widening from the waist to the hips, resembling a pear.
  • Athletic BBL: This shape offers a more subtle enhancement, focusing on creating a firmer, muscular appearance for those seeking a natural-looking lift without excessive volume

Choosing the Right Surgeon for BBL

When selecting a surgeon for a BBL, patients should prioritize board certification from reputable organizations like the American Board of Plastic Surgery or similar organizations that uphold high standards of education, ethics, and practice.

Experience with BBL procedures is crucial. Patients should inquire about the surgeon’s specific experience, including the number of BBL surgeries performed and before-and-after photos of previous patients. This provides insight into the surgeon’s aesthetic judgment and skill level.

Effective communication is another key factor as an ideal surgeon should listen to the patient’s goals, communicate realistic outcomes, and customizes the procedure to the individual’s body type and preferences.

Here’s a quick checklist for choosing the right surgeon:

  • Board Certification: Ensure they are credentialed by reputable boards.
  • Experience: Confirm they have extensive experience specifically with BBL procedures.
  • Portfolio: Review before-and-after photos of actual patients.
  • Reputation: Check patient reviews and any professional awards or recognitions.
  • Safety Record: Investigate their facility’s accreditation and safety record.

Post-BBL Shape Maintenance

Maintaining the newly sculpted shape after a BBL requires adherence to a post-operative care regimen that supports healing and helps sustain the results:

Compression Garments: Wearing compression garments as instructed by the surgeon is essential for reducing swelling, shaping the buttocks, and ensuring the skin adheres to the underlying tissue.

  • Duration: Typically worn for several weeks post-surgery
  • Purpose: Provides support and helps to contour the body

Exercise: Gradual resumption of regular exercise is important after recovery.

  • Initial Weeks: Light activities such as walking are encouraged
  • Post Recovery: Incorporate exercises that target the buttocks and lower body to maintain firmness

Diet: A balanced diet is essential in preventing significant weight fluctuations that can alter the BBL results.

Nutrient Role in Maintenance
Protein Supports tissue repair and muscle maintenance
Fats Healthy fats are necessary, but in moderation
Carbohydrates Choose complex carbs for sustained energy
Vitamins & Minerals Vital for overall health and skin elasticity

Regular Consultations: Patients should regularly consult with their surgeons to ensure proper healing and to address any concerns, allowing for tailored advice and adjustments to the care routine as needed.


BBL procedures continue to evolve, reflecting an aesthetic trend focused on body contouring and individual preferences for buttock enhancement. Patients seeking BBL treatments often aim for shapes that complement their physique and personal desires; such as the A-shape, often associated with the hourglass figure, and the round ‘bubble’ shape, which emphasizes fullness.

22 Jul 03:08

What is a Skinny BBL? 

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

A Skinny BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift), is a specialized form of cosmetic surgery designed for individuals who have a lower body mass index (BMI) seeking to enhance the contour and volume of their buttocks.

Unlike traditional BBL procedures that transfer larger amounts of fat from other parts of the body to the buttocks, the Skinny BBL focuses on the precision transfer of smaller amounts of fat. This procedure is tailored for individuals who may not have significant fat deposits but still seek the reshaping benefits of a BBL.

BBL Vs. Skinny BBL

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular plastic surgery procedure that aims to augment and reshape the buttocks through a fat transfer process. The surgeon extracts fat from areas with excess fat deposits, such as the abdomen or thighs, and transfers it to the buttocks, creating a fuller and more contoured appearance.

The Skinny BBL on the other hand, adapts the traditional technique for individuals with lower body fat percentages. While still focused on enhancing the buttocks through fat transfer, the Skinny BBL utilizes limited fat quantities. Surgeons carefully harvest even small amounts of fat to achieve a natural-looking enhancement, ensuring the procedure remains effective for those with slimmer figures.

Ideal Candidate for Skinny BBL

Identifying the suitable candidate is crucial for achieving the desired outcome and maintaining procedural safety.

Body Type and BMI Considerations

Body Mass Index (BMI): Ideal candidates for a Skinny BBL should have a BMI of 25 or less. This criterion ensures that the individual has sufficient fat cells for transfer while still being within the leaner body spectrum. Those with a BMI between 25 and 30 might be better suited for a traditional BBL due to having more available fat.

Body Fat: Since the procedure involves transferring body fat to the buttocks, candidates should have a stable weight and a small but sufficient amount of harvestable fat. They often have an athletic body type or are naturally thin but with areas where fat can be harvested.

Physical Health and Medical History

  • Good Physical Health: A candidate must be in good physical health with no underlying conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery. Being a healthy non-smoker is emphasized, as smoking can adversely impact healing processes.
  • Medical History: A thorough medical history review ensures that an individual isn’t too slim for the procedure, meaning they lack the minimum amount of harvestable fat or that they don’t have any pre-existing conditions contraindicating the surgery. Stable weight and absence of significant weight fluctuations are important for sustaining Skinny BBL results.

Skinny BBL Surgical Procedure

The Skinny BBL adapts traditional fat grafting techniques to enhance the buttocks of individuals with limited fat reserves, prioritizing precision and contouring.

Fat Harvest and Transfer Techniques

The Skinny BBL involves liposuction to remove fat from selected areas of the body — typically the abdomen, thighs, arms, or back — where even slender patients may have sufficient fat deposits.

This procedure involves the insertion of a cannula to extract fat cells, which are then purified before being transferred. Fat grafting is critical for the Skinny BBL, as it allows for contouring by adding volume to the gluteal region. During this process, surgeons meticulously ensure the fat transfer survival rate is optimized, as only a portion of the transferred fat cells will ultimately integrate with the surrounding tissues to provide the desired augmentation.

Anesthesia and Surgical Methods

Skinny BBL surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure, although local anesthesia with sedation may be an option in some cases. The surgical methods involve careful planning to respect the patient’s natural physique while aiming for a subtle and proportionate enhancement.

Not all fat harvested will be suitable for transfer, so the surgeon selectively chooses the highest quality fat cells. The re-injection of fat is carried out strategically to sculpt the buttocks, giving a natural and aesthetically pleasing result. Post-surgical contouring is achieved as the fat graft settles and integrates, contributing to the buttocks’ shape and projection.

Recovery and Post-Operation Care

Recovering from a Skinny BBL procedure involves diligently following post-operative guidelines to support the body’s healing process, significantly influencing the outcome and longevity of the results.

Immediate Post-Op Guidelines

Immediately after surgery, patients should adhere to their surgeon’s specific instructions to minimize complications and ensure the best possible healing environment. The initial recovery time for a Skinny BBL typically spans a few weeks.

  • Rest: Patients require ample rest, avoiding strenuous activities to allow the body to heal.
  • Compression Garments: Wearing these as directed reduces swelling and support the new contours.
  • Avoid Sitting: Minimizing pressure on the buttocks by not sitting directly on them helps maintain the transferred fat cells.
  • No Smoking: Avoidance of smoking and nicotine products is crucial as they can impede healing and negatively affect fat graft survival.
  • Hydration: Adequate fluid intake is essential for recovery.
  • Lymphatic Massages: Some surgeons may recommend these to encourage healing and reduce swelling.

Long-Term Recovery and Maintenance

As the patient transitions into long-term recovery, they should continue to follow care instructions for several months as the body fully adapts to the changes.

  • Gradual Return to Activities: Gradually resuming normal activities is important to avoid disrupting the healing process.
  • Sustained Use of BBL Pillow: Using a BBL pillow when sitting provides ongoing support and comfort.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise contributes to sustaining Skinny BBL results.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Regular check-ups with the surgeon are important to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Each patient’s recovery process and maintenance plan are unique, and they should rely on their surgeon’s expertise for personalized guidance.

Realistic Expectations

Managing expectations is critical when considering a Skinny BBL. While the procedure can create significant enhancement, the results are designed to complement a slender physique.

The aim is not to dramatically alter body shape, but to enhance the hourglass shape within the patient’s natural body structure. The improvement in volume and projection should appear congruent with the rest of the body, aligning with the natural-looking goal of the treatment.

Cost and Financing Options

The cost of Brazilian Butt Lift surgeries, including the Skinny BBL, varies depending on a range of factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, location, and the specifics of the procedure. A Skinny BBL typically starts at approximately $6,000, which is less than the cost of a traditional BBL.

Table: Cost Comparison

Procedure Type Cost Range
Skinny BBL ~$6,000+
Traditional BBL $4,800 – $15,900

Note that these figures may fluctuate significantly based on individual circumstances.

For individuals seeking cosmetic surgery enhancements like a Skinny BBL, one must factor in not just the surgeon’s fees but also the cost of anesthesia, operating room facilities, medical tests, post-surgery garments, prescriptions for medication, and potential hospital stays.

Financing for BBL procedures is generally not covered by insurance as they are considered elective cosmetic surgeries. Patients may explore various financing options like:

  • Personal Savings: Setting aside funds in preparation for the procedure.
  • Payment Plans: Some surgeons offer in-house payment plans.
  • Medical Credit Cards: Specifically designed for healthcare services.
  • Personal Loans: Acquiring a loan from a bank or financial institution.

Before committing to a BBL, it’s advised that patients hold consultations with their chosen plastic surgeon to understand the full breakdown of costs and discuss potential payment plans that align with their financial situation.

Alternatives to Skinny BBL

For those seeking buttock enhancement but considering options other than a Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift (Skinny BBL), several cosmetic surgery alternatives exist, varying in invasiveness, material used, and the amount of augmentation they provide.

Butt Implants: A more permanent solution involving surgically inserting silicone implants into the buttocks. Suitable for patients lacking sufficient fat for a fat transfer but seek a considerable increase in volume.

Traditional Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL): Transfers a larger amount of fat—typically from 1,000cc to 1,300cc per buttock—to create a more pronounced enhancement. This procedure is better suited for patients with a greater amount of donor fat available.

Sculptra Butt Lift: Instead of silicone or fat, Sculptra injections stimulate collagen production to add subtle volume and improve skin texture. This non-surgical option may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired outcome.

The choice between these procedures depends on factors like body type, the desired level of enhancement, and the amount of donor fat available for transfer. Each approach has its unique set of risks and benefits which should be thoroughly discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Procedure Material Used Invasiveness Volume Increase
Butt Implants Silicone Surgical Considerable
Traditional BBL Fat transfer Surgical Moderate to High
Sculptra Lift Collagen stimulant Non-surgical Subtle

Patients must carefully weigh these options, considering their individual anatomy and aesthetic goals, to select the most appropriate method of buttock augmentation.

22 Jul 03:08

What are the Reasons for Getting a Brazilian Butt Lift?

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the size and shape of the buttocks using the patient’s own body fat. Instead of implants, excess fat is taken from areas like the abdomen, hips, or thighs through liposuction.

The fat is then purified and strategically injected into the buttocks, creating a more rounded and lifted appearance. This process not only augments the gluteal area but also contours the areas from which the fat was harvested, resulting in a more sculpted and balanced physique.

What are some Reasons to Get a BBL?

Patients opt for a BBL to achieve various reasons, including:

  1. Enhanced Appearance: The primary goal is to increase the size of the buttocks to improve the person’s profile and overall appearance.
  2. Natural Results: A key advantage is the natural look and feel achieved by using the patient’s own fat.
  3. Improved Contours: In addition to enhancing the butt, the areas from which fat was harvested may also appear slimmer and more contoured.
  4. Boosted Confidence: Many patients experience an increase in self-esteem and confidence due to their improved body shape.
  5. Customizable Results: It is not easy to get get the shape you are looking for, while a BBL can give you exactly that

1. Achieving Desired Contours and Proportions

While enhancing the buttocks, a BBL can also help sculpt other areas of the body. By removing stubborn fat deposits from the abdomen, love handles, or other problem zones during the liposuction phase, our surgeons can create a slimmer, more defined waistline. This strategic fat removal and transfer often results in a striking hourglass silhouette, with improved body proportions and accentuated curves.

In addition to achieving desired contours and proportions, a Brazilian Butt Lift offers several other compelling benefits that contribute to its growing popularity

2. Natural-Looking Results

A key advantage of a BBL is the natural appearance and feel achieved by using the patient’s own fat tissue. During the procedure, excess fat is carefully extracted from areas like the abdomen, thighs, or flanks through liposuction. This harvested fat is then purified and skillfully injected into the buttocks by our experienced surgeons, ensuring an even distribution and seamless integration with existing tissues.

Not only does a BBL produce natural-feeling curves initially, but those results tend to maintain their volume over many years. Surgeons utilize specialized techniques to gently process and purify the harvested fat prior to re-injection into the buttocks. This meticulous approach helps improve fat cell survival rates, so more of the transplanted volume persists long-term.

Many patients prefer this approach over artificial implants, as it eliminates the risk of an allergic reaction and promotes a more organic outcome. With proper post-operative care, patients can expect their BBL outcome to last over a decade in most cases.

3. Longevity of Brazilian Butt Lift

The results of a Brazilian Butt Lift are typically long-lasting. Unlike synthetic implants, the relocated fat cells in a BBL respond naturally to changes in body weight and the aging process. With a stable weight, the results can last for years or even decades.

Should you experience minor fluctuations over time, the transferred fat will adjust accordingly, ensuring your enhanced contours maintain a natural appearance as you age. The transferred fat cells integrate with existing tissues, aiming to maintain their volume and position over time.

4. Psychological Impact of Enhanced Appearance

The psychological benefits of a BBL are significant, as the surgery can lead to improved self-esteem and confidence. Many patients report a positive impact on their self-image following the procedure, feeling more confident in their clothing and experiencing an overall boost in their quality of life.

The natural-looking results of a BBL are intended to enhance a patient’s appearance while still reflecting their intrinsic body shape.

5. Customizable Results

A BBL is highly customizable, allowing the surgeon to tailor the procedure to the patient’s specific goals. This customization ensures that the results align closely with the patient’s aesthetic preferences, providing a personalized enhancement.

Many women are not satisfied with the shape of their derriere. A BBL offers women the option of getting a unique shape, one that might be difficult in getting through diet, exercise or implants.


Who is Eligible for a BBL?

While a Brazilian Butt Lift can deliver stunning results, to ensure you’re an ideal candidate for the procedure you need to:

  • Be in good overall health
  • Have sufficient excess fat in donor areas like the abdomen, flanks, or thighs to facilitate the transfer process
  • Maintain a stable weight, as significant fluctuations can impact the longevity of results
  • Be prepared to follow post-operative care instructions, including avoiding direct pressure on the treated area for several weeks

During your initial consultation, our surgeons will carefully evaluate your medical history, body type, and aesthetic goals to determine if a BBL is the appropriate solution for you. If you’re on the slimmer side, they may recommend gaining a moderate amount of weight beforehand to ensure enough fat is available for the transfer process.

While a Brazilian butt lift can create stunning curves, it does not address excess or sagging skin in the buttock area. If you are concerned about loose skin, you may be better suited for a surgical butt lift, which removes and tightens redundant skin. Your surgeon can guide you on the most appropriate procedure for your goals.

Brazilian Butt Lift vs. Buttock Implants

A key advantage of the Brazilian butt lift is using your own natural fatty tissue to augment, rather than implants. This results in a softer, more natural look and feel compared to buttock implants. It also eliminates risks like capsular contracture.

For very slender patients who lack sufficient fat for transfer, buttock implants may be the only option for increasing size. However, implants carry additional risks like shifting, infection and a higher revision rate long-term. Your surgeon can discuss the pros and cons of each option. We always recommend using natural options as it ensures that your body will not reject the procedure.

22 Jul 03:08

What to Realistically Expect from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

by Dr. Bart Kachniarz

Embarking on the journey of cosmetic enhancement is a deeply personal and transformative decision, often driven by the desire to align one’s outer appearance with their inner confidence.

Among the myriad of options available, the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has surged in popularity, promising not only a fuller, more contoured silhouette but also the dual benefit of body sculpting

What to Expect from a BBL?

A BBL will enhance your natural curves and provide a fuller, more contoured buttock. However, it is not a miracle producing surgery. The goal is to make you look like a more enhanced version of yourself, not to create an entirely new body profile.

1. Natural-Looking Results

The procedure aims to enhance your natural curves, providing a subtle and proportionate increase in buttock size while maintaining a natural appearance. The results will enhance your natural shape but won’t transform your body drastically. BBL uses your own fat, so the results look and feel more natural than silicone implants.

It’s also crucial to understand that not all of the transferred fat will establish a permanent blood supply. Anywhere from 20-40% of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by the body in the months following surgery. For some patients, a follow-up “touch-up” procedure may be recommended to replace any significant volume loss and optimize the final aesthetic result.

2. Two-in-One Procedure

A BBL is actually a two-part procedure. First, liposuction is performed to remove excess fat from areas like the abdomen, waist, back, or thighs.

This harvested fat is then processed and injected into the buttocks to create the desired shape and volume. By undergoing liposuction, you get the added benefit of contouring those areas where the fat was removed.

3. The Recovery Process

Recovery can be significant after a BBL. Beyond the initial healing period, patients must take special precautions to ensure the best possible outcome. This includes wearing compression garments to minimize swelling and support the treated areas.

Perhaps most crucially, patients must avoid extended sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for several weeks post-op with a minimum of 14 days. This minimizes pressure on the newly grafted fat, allowing it to establish a robust blood supply. Using specialized BBL pillows or plenty of foam padding when seated is essential during this phase.

Recovery from a BBL involves a period of rest and reduced activity, during which patients must careful not to exert the body for at least 8 weeks. This allows the transferred fat to establish a robust blood supply. Patients will need to use a specialized BBL pillow when sitting to avoid putting pressure on the treated area. Swelling and discomfort can be managed with prescribed medication.

Most patients can return to light activities within 2 weeks and resume their normal routine in 6-8 weeks, following their surgeon’s guidance.


4. Long-Term Results

To preserve the results of a BBL, patients need to maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the outcome. Follow-up appointments with the surgeon are also important to monitor the results and address any concerns.

When performed by a qualified surgeon and followed by proper post-operative care, a BBL can provide long-lasting results. However, the longevity of the results depends on factors like:

  • Fat Cell Survival: Typically, 60-80% of the transferred fat cells establish a new blood supply and remain permanently.
  • Weight Fluctuations: Significant weight gain or loss can affect the size of the augmented buttocks, as the fat cells behave like other fat cells in the body.
  • Aging: Over time, the effects of aging and gravity may lead to changes in the shape and firmness of the buttocks, as with any other part of the body.

5. Patient Safety

At our practice, patient safety is our highest priority. We follow a comprehensive approach to mitigate risks and ensure the best possible outcomes:

  • Our surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery and has extensive experience performing BBL procedures, adhering to the latest techniques and safety protocols.
  • We thoroughly review each patient’s medical history, conditions, and medications to anticipate potential complications and ensure suitability for the procedure.
  • We provide comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative instructions, and closely monitor the healing process through follow-up appointments, ready to intervene if any complications arise.
  • We prioritize open communication, ensuring patients fully understand the procedure, potential risks, and establish realistic expectations.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift Exactly?

A Brazilian Butt Lift, commonly referred to as a BBL, is a type of plastic surgery procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of your buttocks. It involves transferring fat from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs, to the buttocks’ region.

The procedure adds volume to the backside and also contours the surrounding areas, creating a more defined and aesthetically pleasing silhouette.


While commonly referred to as a “Brazilian Butt Lift” or BBL, this procedure is more accurately termed “gluteal fat grafting”. The term “Brazilian” is a misnomer, as the technique was not developed or pioneered in Brazil. Similarly, it does not involve a traditional “lift” in the surgical sense. Rather, it aims to augment and enhance the buttocks’ shape and projection through fat transfer.

Ideal Candidate for a BBL

The best candidates for a BBL are individuals in good overall health, with realistic expectations and sufficient fat deposits for transfer. Non-smokers who maintain a stable weight are ideal, as significant weight fluctuations can affect the surgery’s outcomes.

Those seeking a more pronounced and aesthetically pleasing buttock shape, while improving overall body contour, may be excellent candidates for this procedure.

BBL Surgical Technique

Most Brazilian Butt lifts are outpatient procedures lasting 1–4 hours. It three main steps:

  1. Liposuction: Fat is carefully removed from areas like the abdomen, hips, and thighs using a thin cannula and suction device. This provides the fat for transfer while also contouring those areas.
  2. Fat Purification: The extracted fat undergoes processing, often in a centrifuge, to separate and prepare the highest quality fat cells for injection.
  3. Fat Injection: The purified fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks at varying depths using a meticulous, layered technique to reshape and augment the area for a natural-looking enhancement.