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28 Dec 03:55

Photos of mind-blowing Kantanka Sports car appears on social media

by John-Bunya Klutse
kantanka sports car

Today, the 40th Kristo Asafo Tech Exhibition was held with many important people, including media personalities, to make the occasion spectacular at Awoshie, Accra.

I wasn’t present at the exhibition ( As organized by Kristo Asafo Mission), but from what I have seen online, the best exhibition by the company in terms of what people including myself wished the company was investing in.

This story’s focus is to share photos of one of the innovations by Kantanka Automobile I deem impressive and speaks boldly of a solid future for the company.

Kantanka Automobile outdoors a sports car at this year’s exhibition and here are the photos I was able to collect online:

kantanka sports car kantanka sports car kantanka sports car kantanka sports car

Let me end this story by adding a photo of the manufacturing process:

kantanka sports car
A photo of the Kantanka sports car when it was being manufactured

This is good, and I see myself owning a Kantanka manufactured car shortly. If you find this work beautiful? Please comment and share this story for me.

The post Photos of mind-blowing Kantanka Sports car appears on social media appeared first on JBKlutse.

28 Dec 03:55

Top 3 target victims of Mobile Money fraudsters, and why

by Ad Julian Mawuli
target victims of Mobile Money fraudsters

Mobile Money fraud has become a petty criminal running game in the streets of Ghana’s cashless transactions world. From small-time amateurs to sophisticated professionals and syndicates, some people are deciding to go into that criminal act as a past time, or as a profession.

The perpetrators spare no one in their quest to make money. However, while that is true, they have a special demographic or class of people they aim their scams at. In today’s article, we will learn about the top 3 target victims of mobile money fraudsters so, stick around; there’s a lot to find out.

Top target victims of mobile money fraudsters

Criminals, in general, are like fishermen. They love to cast their nets wide in order to make a large, sizeable catch. After a while, and having found out which type of fish command high prices at the markets, they decide to specialize in catching that particular type. This means that they must sail for the parts of the sea where their preferred fish can be found in abundance; making their work easy and their catch abundant.

The same strategy is employed in identifying the top target victims of Mobile Money fraudsters; a little bit of general attacks in the beginning, and then later, they specialize on the ones who can guarantee them money. Below are their top targets:

MoMo agents

Believe it or not, Mobile Money agents themselves also fall victim to the MoMo fraudsters’ schemes. How can that be possible? Well, there is something known as the ‘use cases‘. With the ‘use cases‘ scam, the fraudsters approach the MoMo agents – posing as authorized field agents of MTN — under the pretext of teaching them revised short codes and wrongful transaction reversal steps.

If the agent happens to be naive or inexperienced, they will obediently follow through with the steps — only to realize a little too late that the supposed MTN field operatives have defrauded them and their accounts cleared.

The MoMo agents are top targets, victims of Mobile Money fraudsters because they receive a lot of deposits in one business day, so, a successful operation would mean lots of money for the scammers.

The unsophisticated elderly

The MoMo fraudsters love this demographic because of their need to be assisted at every turn — during a transaction — by a 3rd party. Usually, these elders even go to the extent of letting their ‘helpers’ know what their Mobile Money PIN is; essentially taking away all hopes of keeping their account secure.

For such persons, there is no way of them keeping track of their account balance. And the one in control of their account can make as many personal withdrawals as possible without being found out.

It is important to educate your elders — especially those living in the rural areas — about how to keep their accounts and funds secure; lest the monthly allowance you’ve been sending becomes someone else’s pocket money.

Online shoppers and businesses

The final group to close out our top 3 target victims of mobile money fraudsters is the online shoppers and (or) business owners. At one point or another, we’ll all find ourselves belonging to either one or both of these categories.

Shoppers have suffered the most when it comes to this. A lot fall for fantastic discounts only to receive faulty appliances or items that in no way look like what they paid for. In fact, some receive no items at all; the scammers take their money, and that is the end.

While online businesses may not suffer from Mobile Money fraud as often as individual shoppers do, some find themselves losing money in a similar fashion to how the MoMo agents get defrauded as mentioned earlier.

All the aforementioned are target victims of Mobile Money fraudsters because they handle a lot of cash flow on any given day. And in relation to the fisherman analogy used in the beginning, there are plenty of fishes in those seas.

… … …

This article on the top 3 target victims of mobile money fraudsters is part of a series is developing to educate the public about Mobile Money fraudsters, their activities, and how to stay vigilant and not be a victim.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook. To report a typo, email the editor:

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28 Dec 03:54

Keep your little one engaged with educational apps using MTN Google Carrier Billing

by Abena Canada
buy apps MTN Google Carrier Billing

My daughter, Esi, is 12 years and like every other pre-teen, she loves her screen time. I know they said not to prop kids in front of TVs but her supervised screen times were a lifesaver when she was younger. Whenever I needed to get some work done, I will put on ABC Mouse and leave her to be entertained. It really did help because, by the time she was ready for Creche, my little angel knew her alphabets, colours, numbers, shapes and others. I was so proud; I had an extra bounce in my step walking her up those stairs like the proud mama I was; you couldn’t tell me anything!

Now at 12, Esi plays every game you can imagine. And her favourite, like every preteen, is Minecraft. She loves the game so much; she got it as a gift from her godmother a year and a half ago and has not stopped playing it since she started. Esi plays the game every time she gets her thirty-minute screen time after her homework and readings.

To celebrate her good grades last semester, I got Esi a Samsung tablet and increased her screen time to 45 minutes. After setting up the parental locks and safety features, I handed it to her and told her if she saved her allowances, I would allow her to buy any app she wanted. For four months, she saved every allowance and came to me with enough money to buy her beloved Minecraft from Google Play.

I was impressed she had saved enough to get herself the Minecraft game, but I was not too elated about putting my bank card into her Google Play. For the most part, I knew my child was responsible and won’t make purchases without asking me for approval, but I was not so sure about when she had friends over, and they innocently paid for in-app purchases.

I promised her I would get the app for her if she finished her chores on time. As expected, she finished in record time, kids! I wasn’t too excited about the idea of using my debit card, and I was not sure if Google will allow me to use our address for the purchase.  I did not want to go back on my word, especially as she had kept her end of the bargain, so I got to work looking for ways to purchase apps from Ghana. I was open to anything, even looking for Google gift cards so I could get her the app she saved diligently for.

Imagine my surprise when I found out I could use my very own mobile money account to buy the application my daughter desperately wanted without having to use my debit card or ask for a foreign residential address.

The MTN Google Carrier Billing is a solution that MTN introduced to allow parents like me purchase applications for their kids with their mobile money accounts without compromising bank account details and the best part, every purchase requires the mobile money pin to verify meaning no mistaken purchases by Esi or her friends.

Setting up my momo on the tablet was so simple, I was done in 5 simple steps.  No confusing process, I could set up the carrier billing for another person in my sleep, and I am not the most tech-inclined person on the planet so you should know just how simple this really is.

Since then, we have used the carrier billing to purchase coding games for her since she is convinced she will be a coder in future to create games like Minecraft. I couldn’t be prouder of my baby.

If you have kids with their own phones, tablets or share yours set up the carrier billing solution by MTN for their educational games, that wise saying is actually true; kids learn best when playing.

The post Keep your little one engaged with educational apps using MTN Google Carrier Billing appeared first on JBKlutse.

28 Dec 03:54

UNDP Ghana announces 22 winners of its COVID-19 Innovation Challenge

by PR Partner
UNDP Ghana COVID-19 Innovation Challenge

The Accelerator Lab (AccLab) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ghana announces 22 winners of its COVID-19 Innovation Challenge dubbed “Creating the “New Normal” and Building the Recovery”. The Challenge has created a nationwide platform for innovators, entrepreneurs, local authorities and communities to submit innovative solutions that help people adjust to the “new normal” under COVID-19 and support Ghana’s recovery from the pandemic.

The winners will receive mentorships and a total grant of Ghc185,000 (USD32000) to scale up their innovations.

“Congratulations to all the winners. Your innovative solutions are a testament to the wealth of creativity and home-grown solutions available across Ghana. UNDP and our partners will continue to support emerging entrepreneurs and innovators as we step up our efforts to recover from the impact of COVID-19 by building back stronger and smarter. Our innovation support is a critical component of our collective efforts to contain the spread of the virus and its impact on human development”, noted Angela Lusigi, Resident Representative of UNDP in Ghana.

The winning innovations include:

  • Efuom Ghana: a digital platform that enables smallholder farmers to reach bulk buyers easily without physical interaction.
  • Computer-Aided Detection “4” COVID-19 (CAD4COVID): an artificial intelligence (AI) software tool deployed in health facilities across Ghana to increase COVID-19 testing capacity and patients’ throughput.
  • IXAM: ensuring inclusive learning for people with disabilities during the pandemic.
  • Suma Deliveries App: facilitating delivery services by connecting senders to dispatch riders via a mobile app and text messages.
  • Auto Tap: a low cost all-inclusive automatic handwashing tap.
  • Extending Social Insurance to Informal Sector Workers through Circular Economy: this is adopting a digital system of waste collection from subscribed individuals, households, facility owners and waste pickers through text messages/USSD for recycling and composting.
  • Tendo: an online selling platform, which reduces physical contact.
  • Ponaa Briquettes: transforming agricultural waste such as rice husks into smokeless charcoal briquettes as an alternative to the conventional charcoal and firewood for cooking and heating.
  • Deafcantalk: facilitating access to information on COVID-19 for the deaf.

The challenge received 198 applications from all the 16 regions of Ghana, out of which 44 innovations were shortlisted, and 10 winners and 12 runners-up emerged. The selected innovations are in health-tech and Al, sanitation and waste management, education and social welfare, medical and sanitary devices, and support for vulnerable groups. Of the 22 winning innovations, more than half are already in production. The full breakdown of applications and winners is available on the Innovation Challenge website.

UNDP Ghana COVID-19 Innovation Challenge

All the 198 innovations submitted to the COVID-19 Innovation Challenge will form part of the AccLab’s “solutions map” of Ghanaian innovations. This will contribute to a repository of knowledge about grassroots innovations aimed at tackling various development challenges, which will be for the benefit of UNDP’s Global Accelerator Lab network, other agencies, policymakers and the public.

The AccLab has also developed a support portal to continuously engage and work with winning innovators to help in shaping and increasing the reach of their solutions.

UNDP Ghana COVID-19 Innovation Challenge

The Innovation Challenge was designed to be inclusive, by encouraging all innovators, including those who often fall beneath the radar of competitions, due to technological barriers, lack of confidence, lack of experience or limited social-media presence. The Accelerator Lab made available various easily accessible and basic communication channels, including by phone and dedicated WhatsApp and website channels to support applicants.  Local innovation networks, hubs and community contacts were leveraged to assist applicants to submit their innovations and participate in pitching sessions.

While technology-driven solutions to addressing this pandemic are critically important, this Challenge went beyond technology, to showcase social innovations which can support vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities.

The COVID-19 Innovation Challenge is one of the Ghana UNDP AccLab’s efforts to tap into grassroots innovations and showcase the ingenuity of Ghanaians during the pandemic.

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28 Dec 03:54

Watch NBA on ESPN with StarTimes: Who can challenge Los Angeles?

by PR Partner
NBA on ESPN with StarTimes

Last season’s NBA was like no other, as the global pandemic played havoc with the sport, causing a temporary suspension of the regular season, which was then continued in the NBA bubble located in Bay Lake, Florida.

LeBron James inspired the Los Angeles Lakers to a 17th NBA title, beating the Miami Heat 4-2 in the final of the play-offs.

For the Lakers, it was the first championship since 2010, and it was of special significance as it came in the same year as iconic Laker legend Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash.

Going into the 75th season, the Lakers are again counted amongst the favourites, especially since digging deep and issuing 35-year-old James with a two-year contract worth 85 million dollars.

The controlling owner of the team, Jeanie Buss, who is also the president, said that James was instrumental in helping the team to the championship in a difficult period.

“The way that the team came together, they put on their shoulders a fanbase that was heartbroken, led by LeBron James. And watching him, especially in this time of crisis, not only in the loss of Kobe but during a pandemic and also the social unrest that we experienced this summer, he’s a leader; he’s fearless, he’s taught me just by example that you don’t accept anything less than your respect.”

Another NBA star the Lakers managed to hold onto was Anthony Davis, who won his first NBA championship in his first season with the Lakers. He signed a new five-year contract worth 190 million dollars.

With James and Davis in the fold and several star newcomers including Spanish centre Marc Gasol, who won the championship with the Toronto Raptors in 2019 and German Dennis Schröder, the Lakers could be even stronger than last season.

They will presumably not have to look very far for one of the teams that are eying to take the championship away from them as city rivals LA Clippers, with whom they share the Staples Center are looking to better their 2019/20 season, when they were going for the title, but failed to even advance to the conference final.

Other teams expected to be strong are the Milwaukee Bucks, the Miami Heat and the Denver Nuggets.

The Bucks’ star player is Giannis Antetokounmpo, who won the NBA MVP award for the last two years running and teams up in Mike Budenholzer’s team with his brother Thanasis.

Born in Athens to first-generation Nigerian immigrants, the “Greek Freak” as he is nicknamed for his impressive 6-foot 11-inch height and 11 inch-long hands, has said he considers himself both Greek and Nigerian.

“The Nigerian and Greek cultures are always present in my home, whether it’s through music, or food or what’s being watched on TV. When I arrived in 2013 [in Milwaukee], the first thing I did was to locate the closest Greek and African restaurants!”

Despite all the accolades that Giannis has achieved – two time MVP, four-time NBA All-Star player and in 2017 he became the first player in NBA history to finish in the top 20 in total points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks for a single season – there is one thing that his younger brother Kostas has achieved that he has not: He has won the NBA title. Despite playing only a few games last season for the LA Lakers, he was re-signed on a two-year contract and an Antetokounmpo versus Antetokounmpo NBA final this season is certainly not out of the question.

With the NBA gaining popularity throughout Africa, basketball fans can watch the best of the action brought to Ghana and the entire continent live and exclusive on ESPN, which is broadcast on the StarTimes platform.

And to reward its subscribers, StarTimes launched a “1 to 3” project giving each pay-TV subscriber 3 VIP membership on the StarTimes ON streaming app for free!  Then, all family members can watch their favourite content simultaneously on various devices. This handy application can provide users with 150+ live TV channels and 20,000hrs+ programs.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook. To report a typo, email the editor:

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28 Dec 03:54

Huawei Supports Korle Bu, Nyaho Dove Foundation with Covid-19 medical supplies

by PR Partner
Huawei Supports Korle Bu Nyaho Dove Foundation Ghana

In the bid to support the fight against Covid-19 in Ghana, leading ICT Company Huawei Technologies Ghana has donated medical supplies and technological equipment to Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and Nyaho Dove Foundation, the CSR wing of Nyaho Medical Centre in Accra.

The events held on the 16th and 21st December 2020 at Nyaho Medical Centre and Korle Bu Teaching Hospital saw the donation of medical equipment worth USD 10,000 to each medical facility.

Some items donated at both hospitals include thermometer guns, portable pulse oximeters, disposable plastic aprons, protective goggles, hand sanitizers, viral transport medium, clogs, scrubs, water dispensers, and tabletop fridge for the storage of medication.

Speaking during the donation, the Deputy Director of PR, Jenny Zhou, said as a responsible corporate citizen, Huawei beliefs in giving back to the society in which it operates, hence its decision to support the Covid Unit of both facilities to enable them to discharge their duties effectively during the festive period.

Huawei Supports Korle Bu Nyaho Dove Foundation Ghana

Mrs. Zhou further mentioned that as a world-leading ICT company, Huawei believes that technology continues to be at the forefront in the battle against Covid-19 hence the donation of tech-enabled devices and medical supplies to help facilitate communication between frontline workers and the hospital management whiles ensuring that physical contact between patients and nurses are minimized.

Receiving the items on behalf of Nyaho Dove Foundation, Nana Pokua Appafram, Operations Director of Nyaho Medical Centre, said, “We are grateful to Huawei Ghana for these donated items which will go a long way to support in improving access to quality health care for our patients and vulnerable persons in the community.”

Dr. Harry Akoto, Deputy Director of Medical Affairs at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), thanked Huawei for the donation stating the KBTH is grateful for the effort made.

“KBTH is very grateful that Huawei has come to help with PPE’s for our patients and staff. We are also happy and grateful because these communication gadgets will help with information gathering and storage as well as enhance research as to how the disease is spread.”

“We know this virus is continually changing, and so you need to keep track of it to win this fight. We will therefore like to use this opportunity to encourage you to rally behind us, as we continue to fight virus”, he added.

Earlier this year, Huawei donated video conferencing facilities to the Ministry of Health to help combat Covid-19 in the country.


For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook. To report a typo, email the editor:

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