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14 May 16:39

Fegyverzetet kap a villámgyors lánctalpas

A Ripsaw eredetileg terepjáró volt, de az amerikai hadsereg távvezérlésű Terminátort farag belőle.
14 May 12:05

Sony Xperia E4g - sok jó G kis helyen is elfér

Az Xperia E4g több az E4 LTE-s variánsánál: más a kijelzőméret és minőség, erősebb a rendszerchip, no és persze eltér az árazás is.
14 May 06:01

LG G4 drop test video shows that a shattered screen still works


betört de megy juhu

13 May 22:15

AMD Radeon R9 390X to debut on June 24th

by Babu Mohan

New information from is indicating that the AMD Radeon R9 300 series cards will debut on June 18th while AMD R9 390X card will debut on June 24th. The website has been quite accurate with its rumors in the past, so there are good chances that the new info could actually be accurate. Technology...

The post AMD Radeon R9 390X to debut on June 24th appeared first on VR-Zone.

13 May 12:12

LG Joy - memóriazavar

Az LG jelenlegi legolcsóbb okostelefonja a Joy névre hallgató modell, aminek legnagyobb problémája a memória méretében keresendő, emellett a kétmagos processzor sem túl erős.
13 May 08:52

Extrém lapkaterületet használ a mobil piacra szánt Skylake-U IGP-je

Az Intel új fejlesztésű lapkájánál a várhatóan legnépszerűbb verzió majdnem 80%-a lesz grafikus vezérlő.
13 May 06:05

Mobile Google Chrome Surpasses The 30% Market Share Mark

by Vygantas

azért itt a safari az asz

Just recently, we have revealed that Google Chrome has crossed the 25% market share mark on the desktop and now it looks like the search giant has even more things to celebrate. As it turns out, over the course of last month, Google Chrome on mobile has too reached a new milestone and surpassed the […]
13 May 06:04

NVIDIA’s GRID Game Streaming Service Rolls Out 1080p60 Support

by Ryan Smith

Word comes from NVIDIA this afternoon that they are rolling out a beta update to their GRID game streaming service. Starting today, the service is adding 1080p60 streaming to its existing 720p60 streaming option, with the option initially going out to members of the SHIELD HUB beta group.

Today’s announcement from NVIDIA comes as the company is ramping up for the launch of the SHIELD Android TV and its accompanying commercial GRID service. The new SHIELD console is scheduled to ship this month, meanwhile the commercialization of the GRID service is expected to take place in June, with the current free GRID service for existing SHIELD portable/tablet users listed as running through June 30th. Given NVIDIA’s ambitions to begin charging for the service, it was only a matter of time until the company began offering the service, especially as the SHIELD Android TV will be hooked up to much larger screens where the limits of 720p would be more easily noticed.

In any case, from a technical perspective NVIDIA has long had the tools necessary to support 1080p streaming – NVIDIA’s video cards already support 1080p60 streaming to SHIELD devices via GameStream – so the big news here is that NVIDIA has finally flipped the switch with their servers and clients. Though given the fact that 1080p is 2.25x as many pixels as 720p, I’m curious whether part of this process has involved NVIDIA adding some faster GRID K520 cards (GK104) to their server clusters, as the lower-end GRID K340 cards (GK107) don’t offer quite the throughput or VRAM one traditionally needs for 1080p at 60fps.

But the truly difficult part of this rollout is on the bandwidth side. With SHIELD 720p streaming already requiring 5-10Mbps of bandwidth and NVIDIA opting for quality over efficiency on the 1080p service, the client bandwidth requirements for the 1080p service are enormous. 1080p GRID will require a 30Mbps connection, with NVIDIA recommending users have a 50Mbps connection to keep from any other network devices compromising the game stream. To put this in perspective, no video streaming service hits 30Mbps, and in fact Blu-Ray itself tops out at 48Mbps for audio + video. NVIDIA in turn needs to run at a fairly high bitrate to make up for the fact that they have to all of this encoding in real-time with low latency (as opposed to highly optimized offline encoding), hence the significant bandwidth requirement. Meanwhile 50Mbps+ service in North America is still fairly rare – these requirements all but limit it to cable and fiber customers – so at least for now only a limited number of people will have the means to take advantage of the higher resolution.

NVIDIA GRID System Requirements
  720p60 1080p60
Minimum Bandwidth 10Mbps 30Mbps
Recommended Bandwidth N/A 50Mbps
Device Any SHIELD, Native Or Console Mode Any SHIELD, Console Mode Only (no 1080p60 to Tablet's screen)

As for the games that support 1080p streaming, most, but not all GRID games support it at this time. NVIDIA’s announcement says that 35 games support 1080p, with this being out of a library of more than 50 games. Meanwhile I’m curious just what kind of graphics settings NVIDIA is using for some of these games. With NVIDIA’s top GRID card being the equivalent of an underclocked GTX 680, older games shouldn’t be an issue, but more cutting edge games almost certainly require tradeoffs to maintain framerates near 60fps. So I don’t imagine NVIDIA is able to run every last game with all of their settings turned up to maximum.

Finally, NVIDIA’s press release also notes that the company has brought additional datacenters online, again presumably in anticipation of the commercial service launch. A Southwest US datacenter is now available, and a datacenter in Central Europe is said to be available later this month. This brings NVIDIA’s total datacenter count up to six: USA Northwest, USA Southwest, USA East Coast, Northern Europe, Central Europe, and Asia Pacific.

11 May 16:12

Jövőre olcsóbb lehet az internet

by Koi Tamás
Lapértesülések szerint számottevő mértékben csökkenhet jövőre az internetszolgáltatásokhoz kötődő, vagy azokra közvetetten kivetett adóterhek mértéke, ami a végfelhasználói piacon is az árak csökkenéséhez vezethet.

11 May 16:07

Gumipáncélosokkal a nácik ellen

Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok a második világháborúban egy fantomhadsereget is bevetett.
11 May 12:26

Itthon ezt csak a vallásosok veszik meg

Félmillióba kerül alapból, és ultravékony, de tudja, hány USB-csatlakozó van benne? Olyan, ami önnek kéne, pont semennyi. Viszont sokáig bírja egy feltöltéssel, és tökéletesen hangtalan. Teszteltük az Apple legújabb Macbookját.
11 May 10:36

Lenovo K3 Note - sárgatest

Kínából érkezett a Lenovo phabletje, amely irgalmatlanul sárga, meglehetősen méretes, hardveresen pedig a középkategória felső szegmensébe tartozik.
11 May 10:35

Bizarr: Alonso önmagát ejtette ki?

by (Telesport)


Elképesztő balszerencse miatt vesztette el fékjeit…
09 May 20:29

A világ legdrágább megajachtjai – TOP10

by vizzitor
A 4,444 milliárd forintos ötöslottó főnyeremény (máj.9-i sorsolás számai: 18, 37, 44, 52, 76) legtöbbünknek felfoghatatlan összeg, elkölthetetlen mennyiségűnek tűnő pénz, miközben mondjuk Khalifa Al Nahyan megayahctjának ez a 3 hónapos rezsije, fenntartási költsége. Steven Spielberg jachtját, a Seven Seast mondjuk kibérelhetnénk 1 hétre, úgy hogy a pénz nagy része megmaradna, de vásárlásról ne is álmodjunk, mert vannak olyan játékszerek, amelyeknek az első pár havi törlesztője gyorsan felélné a 4 Mrd Ft-ot. Nézzük emelkedő számsorrendben a legdrágább magántulajdonban lévő hajókat: A máltai sólyom Tulajdonos: Elena Ambrosiadou, az IKOS alapítója, becsült vagyona: $300 millió (83 Mrd Ft) Árcédula: $120 millió (32,5 milliárd Ft) Hossz: 88 méter (289 láb) […]
08 May 15:50

A csúcsok csúcsára tör a Zotac GTX 960 Gamer Force TOP-X

Nem kevesebb mint 5 ventilátorral vértezte fel új kártyáját a Zotac, melynek GPU-ja így akár 1,5 GHz-en is járhat.
08 May 15:30

Kínai luxusautóban feszíthetnek a belorusz tábornokok

Meglepő választás: két nyitott Hongqi L5-ösből integethetnek a katonai vezetők a győzelem-napi felvonuláson.
08 May 10:47

GTA V Rockstar Editor Coming To PS4 And Xbox One Consoles (video)

by Julian Horsey
GTA V console players that were a little disappointed to learn about the new Rockstar Editor features and application that were rolled out with the recent release of the PC version of the Grand Theft Auto game. Will be delighted to learn that Rockstar has this week revealed that the GTA V Rockstar Editor will […]

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08 May 10:46

Nvidia: Neue GPU in Kürze, 10-nm-Fertigung auf dem Fahrplan

Im Zuge der Quartalszahlen hat Nvidia einige Details über die nahe und ferne Zukunft offenbart. Auf eine neue Grafiklösung müsse man demnach nur noch „ein wenig“ warten, der Langzeitfahrplan sieht mit TSMC als Hauptfertiger und Optionen für andere Hersteller in der Hinterhand Produkte in 20, 16 und 10 nm Strukturbreite vor.
08 May 10:45

Samsung Galaxy Xcover 3 - takaros takarás

Két év után frissült a Galaxy Xcover strapasorozat. A harmadik generiációs Xcover WVGA kijelzőt, négymagos, 64 bites SoC-t, valamint MIL-STD 810G és IP67-es védelmet kapott.
08 May 08:28

C.H.I.P $9 Tiny Computer Launches On Kickstarter (video)

by Julian Horsey
Anyone who thought the Raspberry Pi was a little expensive priced at $35 is sure to find the $9 C.H.I.P. tiny computer much more to their liking. For $9 the C.H.I.P. PC is equipped with a 1Ghz processor supported by 512MB of RAM together with 4GB of internal storage for your operating system and files. […]

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(C) Copyright 2007-2014 Geeky Gadgets. Republishing of this feed is forbidden without our written permission.

08 May 06:07

AMD’s upcoming Fiji XT GPU detailed in new leak

by Babu Mohan

New information on the AMD Fiji XT GPU has arrived today, revealing more details on the most highly anticipated GPU from AMD this year. According to the new info, AMD Radeon R9 390X card will be available in two SKUs, one of them will be air-cooled while the other one will be a new Water...

The post AMD’s upcoming Fiji XT GPU detailed in new leak appeared first on VR-Zone.

07 May 13:05

Project Cars: Grafikkarten, Prozessoren und Kantenglättung im Vergleich

Nach einigen Jahren Entwicklungszeit, vielen Screenshots, Videos und spielbaren Alpha-Versionen ist Project Cars endlich erhältlich. ComputerBase hat zahlreiche Benchmarks zu verschiedenen Grafikkarten und Prozessoren erstellt sowie die vorhandenen Kantenglättungs-Einstellungen untersucht.
07 May 09:59

Meghágta a Porschét a Volkswagennel

Valószínűleg a világ egyik legdrágább parkolását adta elő a kínai hölgy, aki szabályszerűen ráállt egy ponyva alatt álló Porschére.
07 May 09:36

iPhone szerviz blog: 2015 első negyedéves javítási statisztikái

Azál 2015-ben még mindig az iPhone 4S-t és az iPhone 5-öt kellett a legtöbbet szervizelni.
07 May 09:29

Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power тест GPU

by (svl)
t3 Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power - грандиозное приключение со сложными и увлекательными уровнями станет лучшей проверкой боевых навыков и смекалки в решении головоломок для трех героев, которым предстоит проявить чудеса находчивости.
06 May 21:01

Leformázza a merevlemezt a kártevő

Ha ez mégsem sikerül neki, 960 milliószor fut le, hogy teleírja a memóriát véletlenszerű adattal.
06 May 20:29

AMD’s 2016-2017 Datacenter Roadmap: x86, ARM, and GPGPU

by Ryan Smith

As part of AMD’s business unit reorganization in 2014, many of AMD’s high-growth businesses were organized into a new group at the company, the Enterprise, Embedded, and Semi-Custom Business (EESC). Now through their first few quarters, Forrest Norrod, the Senior VR and General Manager of the EESC was on-hand at FAD to present AMD’s specific plans for that business for the next 2 years.

Forrest’s comments on the embedded and semi-custom businesses generally reflected AMD’s earlier comments on their three growth opportunities, but I wanted to call specific attention to AMD’s datacenter plans, which Forrest we into in more detail.

AMD’s datacenter plans for the next couple of years will see AMD taking a three-pronged approach to the market. On the CPU side, AMD will of course be leveraging their forthcoming x86 Zen and ARM K12 CPU designs in various fashions. Zen, as previously discussed, should offer a significant increase in IPC and improve AMD’s competitive positioning in the x86 space. And since AMD is launching their high-performance desktop Zen CPU as the first Zen product, the implication is that the server version of that product should not be too far behind.

Meanwhile over the next couple of years AMD will be leveraging the Opteron A1100 “Seattle”, followed by the K12 in 2017. AMD is positioning their ARM datacenter products as being primed for efficiency, whereas their x86 products are primed for high native I/O capacity and high overall performance. Opteron A1100 will ship later this year, though I’m still unsure just how much adoption it is going to see as opposed to the K12 in 2017.

Last but certainly not least however, I wanted to call attention to AMD’s GPU/APU plans in the datacenter space. AMD already has a presence with GPU accelerator cards in the form of the FirePro S-series, with these cards being the basis of their high performance computing (HPC) and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) initiatives. AMD is expecting these markets to continue to grow as customers increasingly turn towards GPUs for better compute throughput, and VDI for remote client hosting and the server-side use cases it was designed for.

But the most interesting thing about this roadmap is AMD’s “high-performance server APU”. To date, the closest AMD has come to a server APU is are their FirePro APUs, which are versions of AMD’s standard desktop APUs with the ability to use their FirePro driver set and are intended for workstations. Consequently the creation of a high-performance server APU represents a new product within AMD’s portfolio, as they have never done something quite like this before.

AMD isn’t saying much about this APU, but it will be a multi-teraflops chip for both HPC and workstations, which implies something significantly more powerful than today’s Kaveri APUs, and much closer to the performance of some of AMD’s discrete GPUs. The end-game here of course is to leverage HSA and the close proximity of CPU and GPU in a way no other vendor currently can, to deliver high performance in workloads that benefit from close CPU/GPU interaction. The fact that AMD is targeting this at HPC makes me curious just what they’re planning for FP64 performance, but they could just as well be going after markets such as oil & gas and machine learning where FP32 and F16 are sufficient. Meanwhile there is also a very good reason to suspect that this may be the first place AMD implements HBM for an APU, as it would be in-line with their previous comments about doing HBM with more than just discrete GPUs, and this is a high-margin market that would be suitable for a higher-cost feature like HBM.

Ultimately for AMD their plans for the datacenter are ambitious, but if executed well seem to be achievable. After being pushed out of the x86 server market, AMD is making a concentrated effort to re-enter it via the Zen CPU, and AMD’s APUs offer an interesting, alternative take on getting there. That said, we should also expect to see AMD significantly leaning on open industry standards to get back into the datacenter space, and consequently making part of their argument the fact that they are not Intel, and consider themselves to be more open towards working with partners and customers.

06 May 16:09

Lélegzetelállító színes videó került elő a háború utáni Berlinről

A felvétel 1945 júliusában készült, a Harmadik Birodalom kapitulációja után.
06 May 15:21

Szavazás: AMD vagy Intel processzort használsz?



Core i3, i5 vagy i7? Netán AMD FX, vagy Kaveri APU? Itt a PROHARDVER! házi processzorfelmérése.
05 May 22:40

Kínos hirdetéssel próbálkozott az Alibaba

A szexista a legenyhébb kifejezés, ami eszünkbe juthat a kínai Alibaba már eltávolított hirdetése kapcsán.