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05 May 16:50

Haswell-EX: 18-Kern-CPU für 7.175 US-Dollar, 4 Kerne auch für $6.814

Die heute offiziell vorgestellten Haswell-EX markieren als Xeon E7 v3 die neue Speerspitze in Intels CPU-Portfolio mit insgesamt zwölf Modellen, darunter einigen Exoten. Alle basieren auf dem gleichen 18-Kern-Die mit einer Größe von 662 mm², woraus sich die vielfältigen Prozessoren schlussendlich ableiten.
05 May 12:58

Az Országház is bejárható Street View-val

Turisták elől elzárt helyiségekbe is be lehet nézni. 2,5 kilométernyi vörös szőnyegen lehet sétálni.
05 May 05:15

The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings (2011) - ретро тест GPU

by (svl)


wt2 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings — компьютерная ролевая игра, разработанная польской компанией CD Projekt RED по мотивам серии романов «Ведьмак» известного польского писателя Анджея Сапковского, продолжение компьютерной игры «Ведьмак» 2007 года выпуска.  
04 May 21:50

Így lőjük fel a fájlokat a felhőbe

Van már korlátlan online tárhely, tölthetünk a netre terabájtos fájlokat is, tehát véget ért a szívás az usb-vinyókkal és meghibásodott szektorokkal. Összehasonlítjuk a legjobb online tárhelyeket.
04 May 12:01

Samsung Gear VR - szemünk előtt a jövő

Az Oculussal közösen fejlesztett, a virtuális valóság megjelenítésére egy Galaxy Note 4-gyel képes szemüveg az elmúlt évek egyik legnagyobb technológiai fejlesztése, de veszélyes is.
04 May 11:58

Arduino Hack Lets You Control GTA V Cellphone Using Your iPhone (video)

by Julian Horsey
Gamers that enjoy tinkering with Arduino, are sure to enjoy this neat GTA V PC hack that used the Arduino platform to enable you to control the in-game cellphone using your real iPhone using a keyboard and more emulator system. The hack uses an Arduino Leonardo micro-controller board together with an Ethernet shield that has […]

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04 May 11:37

Playable Batgirl DLC For Batman Arkham Knight

by Conner Flynn

aztan a sok geek nehogy mast kapjon mint amire szamit xd

Batman Arkham Knight is the latest title that will end Rocksteady’s Batman trilogy. The Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass has been detailed by WB Games and we can safely say that the most interesting revelation is that you will be able to play as Batgirl, since the title will receive a playable Batgirl DLC later […]

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04 May 11:36

42mm Apple Watch Shipping Time Shifts To July

by Roland Hutchinson

tavaly szeptemberben mutattak be xd még egy kicsi csúszás és egy év meglehet

When the Apple Watch went up for pre-order the device was showing a shipping time of June for most models by the end of the first day. This date has pretty much been the same since the device launched, although it now looks like some models wont ship until July. The 42mm models of the […]

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03 May 14:28

Weekly poll results: Apple Watch takes a beating

by Victor
Last week, we asked you to tell us what you think about the Apple Watch and how you would size it up against an array of competitors. The results are now in and you definitely made it clear that Apple’s new smart wearable just isn’t your cup of tea. This being said, however, we can [...]
03 May 14:28

Weekly poll: LG G4 vs the world

by George
The LG G4 is the new kid on the block and inevitably faces fierce competition. We invite you to share your thoughts on how LG’s latest and greatest compares to the current crop of premium offerings.
03 May 13:48

DiRT Rally графический видео обзор APU

by (cybertron)

egész jól megy az intelnek

dr Мы продолжаем наши циклы видеообзоров APU, целью которых стало тестирование топовых встроенных графических решений AMD и Intel. Следующей игрой, принятой для тестирования встроенных графических решений, стала игра DiRT Rally. 
03 May 07:42

Vérbeli szimulátor lesz a Dirt Rally

Ha befejezik akkor a Dirt Rally lehet a Codemasters első, valódi autós szimulátora.
02 May 13:42

Microsoft Edge Will Support Firefox And Chrome Extensions

by Vygantas
Not coming anytime soon though. Good news for all the potential Edge users and extensions developers out there. During Microsoft Build 2015 conference, the software giant has revealed that their upcoming browser will support both Firefox and Google Chrome extensions. Although it’s not yet certain how exactly will the users will be able to install […]
02 May 07:27

Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen) review: E for Evolved

Almost a year later we are getting the second generation Moto E, which improves on the basics established by its affordable predecessor. The Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen) continues the legacy of a lag-free Android system provided by a powerful...

02 May 07:03

Grafikkarten: 17 × AMD Radeon und Nvidia GeForce im Vergleich

ComputerBase hat den Grafikkarten-Testparcours umgestellt: Viele neue Spiele, Frametime-Messungen, ein Vergleich mit dem alten Core-i5-2500K-Prozessor und noch einiges mehr. Insgesamt 17 verschiedene 3D-Beschleuniger von AMD und Nvidia wurden erneut miteinander verglichen.
02 May 06:58

Google Nexus 6 Battery Explodes

by Hammad Saleem


Google Nexus 6 isn’t the perfect handset and has seen its fair share of problems. Previously, several users reported that the back cover of their devices are peeling off. The issue resulted due to the battery swelling in most cases, but it’s seems this time, it has gone far beyond swelling. A Nexus 6 user […]

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30 Apr 19:41

Forma–1 futóművet kapott egy harci jármű

Egy új futóművel sebességrekordot döntött egy CV90. Fényesebb a lánctalp, ha lengéscsillapított.
30 Apr 19:40

Szexhirdetésre klikkelt, ellopták a prototípus iPadjét

A magányos huszonéves csak egy kis szórakozásra vágyott, de ennél sokkal többet kapott.
30 Apr 13:53

First Intel Skylake desktop CPU benchmarks arrive

by Babu Mohan

The first benchmarks of the 6th Generation Intel Skylake Core i7-6700K have been leaked by Turkish website PC FRM. The Intel Core i7-6700K is expected to be the flagship Skylake desktop processor and will succeed the Intel Core i7-4770K and Core i7-4790K CPUs currently available. It is a quad-core CPU with a total of eight...

The post First Intel Skylake desktop CPU benchmarks arrive appeared first on VR-Zone.

30 Apr 11:08

Ellopott egy utat két tolvaj. Egy UTAT!

Ki az alvállalkozókat lopja meg, ki egy kész utat, feltűnés nélkül. Őrület, de Kínában megtörtént.
29 Apr 08:00

Dominóként tarolt a türelmetlen camarós

Vitte magával a nagyokat, egy pickupot és egy kamiont. Türelemmel messzebbre jutott volna.
29 Apr 07:59

Fiji XT PCB to end up significantly smaller than Radeon 290X

by fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic)
Fiji XT PCB to end up significantly smaller than Radeon 290X

Mainstream card sized

A modern high end graphics card tends to be quite big. It usually needs two slots for the cooler and is between 280 and 300 mm in the length. 

The Radeon R9 290X height varies between 114mm and 142mm and our sources are telling us that the Fiji XT card will end up much shorter than the 280 to 300 mm Radeon 290X.

The reason behind this is quite simple. The GPU sits on a piece of silicon called the interposer and is surrounded by the HBM1 memory chips. Traditionally, a high end card such as a Radeon R9 290X has eight to sixteen GDDR5 chips on the front and the back of the card, and Fiji XT will have to rely on four chips per GPU.

This enables engineers to make much smaller PCB and much more compact graphics card. Our industry sources are claiming that the card will be as big as an average mainstream card, but we don’t have any exact figures at this time.

Currently, AMD's plan is to launch the card in June, but not at Computex. There is a gaming event just days after called E3 in Los Angeles, and we would not be surprised to see AMD making the big announcement there. Maybe they will even show a Fiji VR at the show, as we know that both HTC Re Vive and Oculus have been testing Fiji VR with their glasses.

27 Apr 22:43

Fáj a háta? Egyen több banánt

Segíteni nem fog, de brit tudósok szerint az ön hátcsigolyája a majmokéra hasonlíthat.
27 Apr 11:57

Batman’s New Batmobile Teased In New Trailer

by Roland Hutchinson
We recently saw a new trailer for the Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice movie and now we have another trailer, although this one feature’s the new Batmobile from the movie. The video below gives us a quick look at the new Batmobile from the Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice movie. As yet there […]

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27 Apr 08:02

HTC RE - kamera kipipálva

Különös tartozék a HTC RE: ki sem nézné az ember ebből a kis csőből, hogy mire képes. Amennyire szkeptikusak voltunk, annyira lelkesek lettünk.
26 Apr 22:10

Drunk DNA

by Kristian

This might be the only religious theory that is equally as plausible as evolution.

Happy belated DNA Day, everyone! (It was on Saturday.)

26 Apr 22:02

Film ilyen gyorsan még nem érte el az egymilliárdos bevételt, mint a Halálos iramban 7



A Halálos iramban 7-nek mindössze 17 nap kellett az egymilliárdos bevétel elérésére.
25 Apr 10:16

Veletech blog: kegyetlen durva tuning készülődik!


jo h nem sporol a jelzővel

A négy tuningmester végzett az előkészületi lépésekkel – már folyik a nitrogén!
25 Apr 09:30

Intel Skylake-S desktop CPU lineup details leaked

by Babu Mohan

A new leak from the website sheds light on the upcoming Skylake-S processor family. The leak details 10 SKUs that will be part of the Intel Skylake-S processor lineup, expected to launch before the end of the year. The 10 Skylake-S processors that have been revealed in the latest leak are the Core i7-6700K,...

The post Intel Skylake-S desktop CPU lineup details leaked appeared first on VR-Zone.

24 Apr 11:10

Még hogy a Grand Theft Auto veszélyes a gyerekekre!

Amerikában az ötvenes években játékos minilabort árultak gyerekeknek igazi uránnal és sugárzó polóniummal.