Shared posts

03 Jul 15:22

[ASAP] Pore-Forming Monopeptides as Exceptionally Active Anion Channels

by Changliang Ren, Fei Zeng, Jie Shen, Feng Chen, Arundhati Roy, Shaoyuan Zhou, Haisheng Ren, Huaqiang Zeng

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b04657
29 Jun 20:48

[ASAP] From Phenanthrylene Butadiynylene Macrocycles to S-Heterocycloarenes

by Yong Yang, Ming Chu, Qian Miao

TOC Graphic

Organic Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.8b01668
29 Jun 15:08

Interfacing porphyrins and carbon nanotubes through mechanical links

Chem. Sci., 2018, 9,6779-6784
DOI: 10.1039/C8SC02492H, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Leire de Juan-Fernández, Peter W. Münich, Arjun Puthiyedath, Belén Nieto-Ortega, Santiago Casado, Luisa Ruiz-González, Emilio M. Pérez, Dirk M. Guldi
U-shaped bisporphyrin molecules are clipped around SWCNTs using ring-closing metathesis yielding rotaxane-type derivatives, in which porphyrins and SWCNTs are connected through mechanical links.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
27 Jun 19:33

Circularly Polarised Luminescence in Enantiopure Samarium and Europium Cryptates

by ElisabethKreidt , LorenzoArrico , FrancescoZinna , LorenzoDi Bari , MichaelSeitz
Chemistry – A European Journal, EarlyView.
27 Jun 10:41

Highly strained [6]cycloparaphenylene: crystallization of an unsolvated polymorph and the first mono- and dianions

Chem. Commun., 2018, 54,7818-7821
DOI: 10.1039/C8CC03693D, Communication
Sarah N. Spisak, Zheng Wei, Evan Darzi, Ramesh Jasti, Marina A. Petrukhina
The first crystallographic characterization of [6]cycloparaphenylene in the solvent-free environment and upon chemical reduction reveals unique solid-state structures of neutral and negatively charged [6]CPP.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
26 Jun 04:45

A Three‐Dimensional Capsule‐like Carbon Nanocage as a Segment Model of Capped Zigzag [12,0] Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Complexation with C70

by Shengsheng Cui , Prof. Guilin Zhuang , Dapeng Lu , Qiang Huang , Hongxing Jia , Ya Wang , Prof. Shangfeng Yang , Prof. Pingwu Du
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
20 Jun 10:38

Enzyme‐Free Replication with Two or Four Bases

by M. Sc. Elena Hänle , Prof. Clemens Richert
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
12 Jun 14:59

[ASAP] The Photodynamic Covalent Bond: Sensitized Alkoxyamines as a Tool To Shift Reaction Networks Out-of-Equilibrium Using Light Energy

by Martin Herder, Jean-Marie Lehn

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b03633
09 Jun 20:37

Dynamic Covalent Chemistry under High‐Pressure:A New Route to Disulfide Metathesis

by Szymon Sobczak , Wojciech Drożdż , Giulio I. Lampronti , Ana M. Belenguer , Prof. Andrzej Katrusiak , Dr. Artur R. Stefankiewicz
Chemistry – A European Journal, EarlyView.
08 Jun 20:22

Practical water production from desert air

by Fathieh, F., Kalmutzki, M. J., Kapustin, E. A., Waller, P. J., Yang, J., Yaghi, O. M.

Energy-efficient production of water from desert air has not been developed. A proof-of-concept device for harvesting water at low relative humidity was reported; however, it used external cooling and was not desert-tested. We report a laboratory-to-desert experiment where a prototype using up to 1.2 kg of metal-organic framework (MOF)–801 was tested in the laboratory and later in the desert of Arizona, USA. It produced 100 g of water per kilogram of MOF-801 per day-and-night cycle, using only natural cooling and ambient sunlight as a source of energy. We also report an aluminum-based MOF-303, which delivers more than twice the amount of water. The desert experiment uncovered key parameters pertaining to the energy, material, and air requirements for efficient production of water from desert air, even at a subzero dew point.

06 Jun 15:19

Nano‐Saturn: Experimental Evidence of Complex Formation of an Anthracene Cyclic Ring with C60

by Yuta Yamamoto , Dr. Eiji Tsurumaki , Prof. Dr. Kan Wakamatsu , Prof. Dr. Shinji Toyota
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
31 May 16:14

Achieving biopolymer synergy in systems chemistry

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, 47,5444-5456
DOI: 10.1039/C8CS00174J, Review Article
Yushi Bai, Agata Chotera, Olga Taran, Chen Liang, Gonen Ashkenasy, David G. Lynn
Successful integration of chemical and physical networks through template assisted replication processes as well as mutualistic associations between polymers facilitates the translation of the macromolecular functions of biology into synthetic frameworks.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
27 May 09:41

Unique Tube–Ring Interactions: Complexation of Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Cycloparaphenyleneacetylenes

by Koji Miki , Kenzo Saiki , Tomokazu Umeyama , Jinseok Baek , Takeru Noda , Hiroshi Imahori , Yuta Sato , Kazu Suenaga , Kouichi Ohe
Small, EarlyView.
24 May 20:29

[ASAP] Diamondoid Supramolecular Coordination Frameworks from Discrete Adamantanoid Platinum(II) Cages

by Liping Cao, Pinpin Wang, Xiaran Miao, Yunhong Dong, Heng Wang, Honghong Duan, Yang Yu, Xiaopeng Li, Peter J. Stang

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b03856
24 May 20:28

[ASAP] An Environmentally Responsive Reciprocal Replicating Network

by Craig C. Robertson, Harold W. Mackenzie, Tamara Kosikova, Douglas Philp

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b13576
15 May 07:43

Electronic Communication between two [10]cycloparaphenylenes and Bis(azafullerene) (C59N)2 Induced by Cooperative Complexation

by Jérémy Rio , Sebastian Beeck , Dr. Georgios Rotas , Sebastian Ahles , Prof. Denis Jacquemin , Dr. Nikos Tagmatarchis , Dr. Chris Ewels , Prof. Dr. Hermann A. Wegner
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
08 May 09:54

Supramolecular Kandinsky circles with high antibacterial activity

by Heng Wang

Supramolecular Kandinsky circles with high antibacterial activity

Supramolecular Kandinsky circles with high antibacterial activity, Published online: 08 May 2018; doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04247-z

Nested structures are common throughout nature and art, yet remain challenging synthetic targets in supramolecular chemistry. Here, the authors design multitopic terpyridine ligands that coordinate into nested concentric hexagons, and show that these discrete supramolecules display potent antimicrobial activity.
07 May 20:22

Materials challenges for the Starshot lightsail

by Harry A. Atwater

Materials challenges for the Starshot lightsail

Materials challenges for the Starshot lightsail, Published online: 07 May 2018; doi:10.1038/s41563-018-0075-8

This Perspective explores the optical, mechanical and thermal properties required to successfully design an ultralight spacecraft that can reach Proxima Centauri b, which is the goal of the Starshot Breakthrough Initiative.
05 May 19:37

[ASAP] Ultrabright Polymer-Dot Transducer Enabled Wireless Glucose Monitoring via a Smartphone

by Kai Sun, Yingkun Yang, Hua Zhou, Shengyan Yin, Weiping Qin, Jiangbo Yu, Daniel T. Chiu, Zhen Yuan, Xuanjun Zhang, Changfeng Wu

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b02188
04 May 19:37

[ASAP] Phage Display of Dynamic Covalent Binding Motifs Enables Facile Development of Targeted Antibiotics

by Kelly A. McCarthy, Michael A. Kelly, Kaicheng Li, Samantha Cambray, Azade S. Hosseini, Tim van Opijnen, Jianmin Gao

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b02461
03 May 06:00

Supramolecular Copolymerization as a Strategy to Control the Stability of Self‐Assembled Nanofibers

by Bala N. S. Thota , Xianwen Lou , Davide Bochicchio , Tim F. E. Paffen , René P. M. Lafleur , Joost L. J. van Dongen , Svenja Ehrmann , Rainer Haag , Giovanni M. Pavan , Anja R. A. Palmans , E. W. Meijer
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
27 Apr 15:48

Machine Learning for Organic Synthesis: Are Robots Replacing Chemists?

by Dr. Boris Maryasin , Dr. Philipp Marquetand , Prof. Dr. Nuno Maulide
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
26 Apr 18:17

[ASAP] Controllable Self-Assembly of Macrocycles in Water for Isolating Aromatic Hydrocarbon Isomers

by Guangcheng Wu, Cai-Yun Wang, Tianyu Jiao, Huangtianzhi Zhu, Feihe Huang, Hao Li

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b01651
23 Apr 20:06

Ion mobility and gas phase H/D exchange: revealing the importance of a single hydrogen bond for the chiral recognition of crown ether ammonium complexes

Chem. Commun., 2018, 54,4967-4970
DOI: 10.1039/C8CC01671B, Communication
Jan M. Wollschlager, Konstantin Simon, Marius Gaedke, Christoph A. Schalley
Ion mobility MS and gas phase H/D exchange experiments allow the detection of chiral recognition of crown ether/ammonium complexes in the gas phase.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
22 Apr 16:28

Halogen Bonding in Solution: Anion Recognition, Templated Self‐Assembly, and Organocatalysis

by Ronny Tepper , Prof. Ulrich S. Schubert
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, EarlyView.
21 Apr 16:11

[ASAP] Alkyne Origami: Folding Oligoalkynes into Polyaromatics

by Igor V. Alabugin, Edgar Gonzalez-Rodriguez

TOC Graphic

Accounts of Chemical Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00026
20 Apr 08:44

Reversible disassembly of metallasupramolecular structures mediated by a metastable-state photoacid

Chem. Sci., 2018, 9,4253-4257
DOI: 10.1039/C8SC01108G, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Suzanne M. Jansze, Giacomo Cecot, Kay Severin
Only stable in the dark: when mixed with a metastable-state photoacid, metallasupramolecular structures become light sensitive. The photo-induced disassembly of the structures is reversed when the light is switched off.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
17 Apr 20:40

[ASAP] Template-Directed Synthesis of a Conjugated Zinc Porphyrin Nanoball

by Jonathan Cremers, Renée Haver, Michel Rickhaus, Juliane Q. Gong, Ludovic Favereau, Martin D. Peeks, Tim D. W. Claridge, Laura M. Herz, Harry L. Anderson

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b02552
17 Apr 09:32

Photophysical characterization of a highly luminescent divalent-europium-containing azacryptate

Chem. Commun., 2018, 54,4545-4548
DOI: 10.1039/C8CC01737A, Communication
Tyler C. Jenks, Matthew D. Bailey, Brooke A. Corbin, Akhila N. W. Kuda-Wedagedara, Philip D. Martin, H. Bernhard Schlegel, Federico A. Rabuffetti, Matthew J. Allen
Modulation of the coordination environment of europium(II)-containing complexes alters the bright and visible luminescence arising from f-d transitions.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
16 Apr 14:40

Spatially controlled clustering of nucleotide-stabilized vesicles

Chem. Commun., 2018, 54,4818-4821
DOI: 10.1039/C8CC02318B, Communication
Subhabrata Maiti, Ilaria Fortunati, Ayusman Sen, Leonard J. Prins
A two-step hierarchical self-assembly process is presented relying on the GMP-induced formation of vesicles, which then cluster into large aggregates upon the addition of Ag+-ions.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry