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04 Mar 00:36

Advocacy evaluation using contribution analysis

by Glenn

A challenge of advocacy evaluation is in analysing and interpreting data and information in a systematic and rigorous manner.  For a recent advocacy evaluation I carried out with my colleague Patricia for the Norwegian Refugee Council,  we used a simplified content analysis to assist us with this task.

In carrying out this analysis, we asked four questions:

1) What were the policy changes desired by NRC (“the asks”)?

2) What were the reaction of targeted institutions, individuals and allies to these asks?

3) What was the level/significance of policy change (if any)?

4) What was the role of NRC in any change seen?

We then summarised this in a table, listing the some 30 (!) policy asks of NRC’s advocacy, here is an extract:

Ask Reaction Change seen Role of NRC advocacy
UNICEF and partners need to adapt RRMP to include assessment of protection needs. UNICEF deployed protection specialist for six months to work with RRMP. High High
Organisations need to ensure that pressure to move quickly does not marginalize commitment to longer-term work with more impact. This and broader thinking of report taken on-board in creation of DRC DMG network. Medium Medium
(NRC advocacy was one of many influences on DMG)

View the full report here (pdf) (see annex 1 for the contribution analysis table, page 27)>>

04 Mar 00:25

Nation's largest supermarket chain Kroger registers another Hawaii prescription facility

by Duane Shimogawa
The Kroger Co., the largest supermarket chain in the U.S., recently registered as a new business in Hawaii for a second prescription mail order facility as a licensed pharmacy, a spokesman for the Cincinnati-based company confirmed to PBN this week. The second-largest general retailer in the United States behind only Wal-Mart Stores registered as a new business in the state in early February, according to public records. The Kroger Co. has more than 2,600 locations in the nation, throughout 34 states,…
06 Nov 02:18

Online Chat: Juggling Work and Caregiving

Amy Goyer answers your caregiving questions and discusses her new book, Juggling Work and Caregiving