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11 Sep 08:52

Programming Lessons

By the beginning of summer vacations, my niece Thao was pretty comfortable programming in Blockly Games. So for the next couple of months I spent one day a week teaching her more advanced...
19 Oct 12:05

by Joe Marshall
Let's start with a list:
'(a b c d e f g h i j)

We'll add some elements:
'(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)

Delete some:
'(a b c d e i j k l m n o)

Add some more:
'(x y z a b c d e i j k l m n o)

Maybe delete one:
'(x y z b c d e i j k l m n o)

We want to compare the original sequence with the end sequence and
summarize the difference with a set of "indels", which specify the
indexes at where elements were inserted or deleted:

(diff '(a b c d e f g h i j) '(x y z b c d e i j k l m n o))

    :LEFT-SUBSEQ-START 0         ;; 'a'
    :RIGHT-SUBSEQ-START 0        ;; 'x y z'
    :LEFT-SUBSEQ-START 5         ;; 'f g h'
    :RIGHT-SUBSEQ-START 7        ;; nothing
    :LEFT-SUBSEQ-START 10        ;; nothing
    :RIGHT-SUBSEQ-START 9        ;; 'k l m n o'
Exercise 6 (hard): Implement this.

For an extreme challenge, implement this in a way that is not hopelessly inefficient.