Shared posts

18 Jan 10:34

Mud hill takes no prisoners (Video)

by Sebastian
17 Jan 06:38

Man has an ingenious technique for sneaking hard alcohol onto cruise ships (Video)

by Dougy

This man is living in 2089!

09 Jan 15:08

Florida Man’s newest form: A substitute teacher (7 GIFs)

by Jacob
01 Jan 11:45

Powerful words to wake up to in the new year (30 Photos)

by Bob
31 Dec 06:15

Tracing the Real Betty Boop back to a Notorious Bootlegger’s Club in 1920s Harlem

by Miss Cellania

When Grim Natwick first drew the character that became Betty Boop for Fleischer Studios, a song made popular by Helen Kane was the direct inspiration. Kane had made a career with her high voice, big eyes, and the "boop-boop-a-doop" she would insert into songs. Kane was so upset that Fleischer stole her act for the cartoon character that she sued. But karma intervened, as it turned out that Kane did not originate the "boop-boop-a-doop" act, but appropriated it from a Cotton Club headliner named Esther Jones, also known as Baby Esther.

Tipped to be the next Josephine Baker, her real name was Gertrude Saunders and African American historians believe that she “coined” the famous words “Boop-Boop-a-Doop”, first uttering them on stage at the Cotton Club. Jazz studies scholar Robert O’Meally, referenced by the Harlem World Magazine, even referred to Saunders as Betty Boop’s “black grandmother.” But somewhere between 1927 and 1928, a white Broadway actress and singer, Helen Kane, caught one of Esther’s performances and almost immediately began using the “boops” in her songs.

An article at Messy Nessy Chic tells the story of Esther Jones, Helen Kane, and Betty Boop, but only after running down the fascinating history of the Cotton Club itself.   

24 Dec 11:07

Ever wonder what Siri looks like? (Video)

by Sebastian
23 Dec 08:06

Popular songs of yesteryear that aren’t as innocent as you think (20 Photos)

by Martin
21 Dec 12:28

Guy effortlessly dives through the depths of the ocean (Video)

by Sebastian

Just did this dive in Dahab, Egypt, hands down the sickest thing Ive ever done. Plan to do it again next august.

06 Dec 16:19

Lightning Fast Destruction Of Heckler By Comedian

Pure satisfaction in this one. 

Submitted by: (via Yung Daddy Podcast)

28 Nov 14:02

Girl Live-Tweets Her Italian Family's Freakout Over Their Shocking DNA Test Results


Reminds me of the time when Bonner found out his family wasnt from Ireland.

cover image of a family upset that they're not Italian

Who knew "Joey bag a donuts" would be the straw that broke the camel's back. This family's ideas about their Italian heritage burned down in a pile of devastation alongside the Colosseum. 

Submitted by:

26 Nov 12:38

Single patch of ice annihilates an entire family (Video)

by Dougy
16 Nov 14:23

Tide’s new detergent looks oddly similar to boxed wine…(15 Photos)

by Elizabeth

Do you guys remember the night we drank detergent, febreze, and windex to create a diversion, while we stole a keg from the girls house in Ardmore, and they blamed their neighbours. Ha!

15 Nov 07:15

Women proving that weight doesn’t matter (20 photos)

by Alex
12 Nov 13:14

There Are Hidden Bottles of Absinthe in the Swiss Woods

by Dana Beeman

The green, lush Val-De-Travers Valley in Western Switzerland features forests straight out of fairy tales. And this place of huge moss covered rock formations, and gnarled trees, is the birthplace of absinthe. In the forests bottles of spirits are hidden away in cold running brooks often featuring fountains where thirsty hikers are invited to imbibe of both the spirits, and the water.

In 1910, because of the rumors that absinthe made users hallucinate, production was banned by the Swiss government. And after the ban was finally lifted in 2005, a joint French & Swiss commission created the Absinthe Trail, a route that takes visitors past distilleries, and also to a handful of the historic hidden fountains as well.

Read more on Atlas Obscura.

Chasing the Green Fairy on the French-Swiss Absinthe Route (YouTube) via

Image Credit: A bottle of absinthe tucked away in the woods. NICOLAS GIGER

07 Nov 10:48

Get Eight Bottles Of Wine For $47...In Cans [Exclusive]

by Shep McAllister on Kinja Deals, shared by Shep McAllister to Deadspin

For as long as humans have been fermenting grapes, wine has always been an “indoor” beverage. If you want to enjoy wine on the go, you’ve got a pack a big, breakable bottle, a corkscrew, and glasses. There’s an entire cottage industry dedicated to making the practice slightly less inconvenient. Here’s a better idea:


05 Nov 05:55

Wisconsin Woman Displays Incredible Knowledge Of Cheese 

by Gabe Fernandez

The Bucks decided to run one of the most Wisconsin in-game fan contests ever on Sunday. In order to receive an autographed basketball, a fan had to name more cheeses than Milwaukee guard Sterling Brown did in the span of 30 seconds (17). With a foam cheese on her head, and a toddler on her arm, this Wisconsin woman…


01 Nov 05:46

Inkalamu: 5,655-carat Lion Emerald Discovered in Zambia

by Alex Santoso

It looks like a shard of Kryptonite, but it's actually a massive emerald discovered at Kagem, the world's largest emerald mine in Zambia.

The Inkalamu emerald was named in honor of the wildlife conservation group that Gemfields, the mine's co-owner, collaborates with. It was discovered by geologist Debapriya Rakshit and miner Richard Kapeta.


(Photo: Gemfields)

26 Oct 16:23

Pangolin Men of Zimbabwe

by Alex Santoso

In collaboration with the Tikki Hywood Foundation, wildlife photographer Adrian Steirn documented the "Pangolin Men," a group of remarkable men who are dedicated to protect the pangolin, which happens to be the world's most trafficked animal.

The pangolin is the only mammal that has scales - unfortunately, that unusual feature caused them to be illegally hunted and killed.

Steirn's work helped spotlight the plight of the animals, and how a dedicated group of people are working to protect and to rehabilitate rescued pangolins.

View more of Steirn's amazing photos over at his Instagram and website.

(Photos: Adrian Steirn)

As shown in the clip above, each of the Pangolin Men is assigned an individual pangolin. They walk and rehabilitate them so the pangolins can learn to forage naturally. "Everyday with my friends we protect the animals," one of the men said, "we walk them, we feed them, we protect them like our children."

Watch the rest of story of the Pangolin Men in this video clip by Barcroft Animals.

26 Oct 06:15

Comedian Tears Into Someone When They Leave And Return During His Show

Top quality! 

Submitted by: (via Frenchy SungaAttack)

Tagged: banter , comedy , funny , Video , comedian , win
11 Oct 05:59

Famous things that started with completely different names (18 Photos)

by Elizabeth
08 Oct 08:54

Worst things people have done for money (18 Photos)

by Reilly
03 Oct 08:27

14 Horribly Unfair Rules People Have For Their SO's

relatable relationships petty significant other ridiculous dating - 5818885

Not so sure we see these testy relationships working out...

Submitted by:

02 Oct 05:53

Group of friends demonstrate that happiness doesn’t cost much (Video)

by Ben
01 Oct 06:07

The Evolution of Hokusai's Great Waves

by Miss Cellania

You've seen the iconic artwork everywhere, The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. It is both simple and intricate, colorful and calming, and infinitely meme-able. Hokusai created the woodblock print when he was 72 years old, after drawing sea waves for half his life, although he also illustrated many other subjects. Japanese literature PhD tkasasagi shows us Hokusai's other waves, and how they evolved through his career.

Springtime in Enoshima 1792

View of Honmoku off Kanagawa 1803

First Cargo Boat Battling the Waves 1805

The Great Wave off Kanagawa 1831

-via Digg

01 Oct 06:04

The One Day He Didn't Wear a Plaid Shirt

by Miss Cellania

You might see this picture around the internet claiming that these are the same people as the original stock image, just a few years later. That's not it at all. This spot-on recreation came about almost by accident. Charlie Todd, the guy in the middle, explained what really happened.

Hey! I'm the guy in this photo. This was at a Know Your Meme party at the Museum of the Moving Image in NYC. They had a gallery of memes hanging on the wall. I noticed my wife was wearing a red dress so I suggested she pose in front of the girl in the photo. While I was taking her picture someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to be in it, so I hopped in. Then the girl in blue walked up and said, "Hey! Let me be the other girl!" The whole thing was spontaneous and random, and of course it happened on the one day in my life I'm not wearing a plaid shirt.

Pretty funny that our silly photo of us in front of a meme is now a meme itself (just tweeted by Zach Braff). I Air Dropped the photo to the girl in blue after we took it a few weeks ago. She put it on Facebook a few days ago. I guess the person who first put this on Reddit must have seen it there and decided to imply that we are older versions of the people in the meme, but we are not. As others have pointed out, I'm the dude from Improv Everywhere, and my wife is an actress, and we host a political podcast together. I don't know much about the girl in blue, but she was nice!

-via reddit

29 Aug 07:17

A sex doll brothel is opening in Toronto — and you thought getting hand-me-down toys as a kid was lame

by Alex
28 Aug 07:45

25 Incredibly Weird Explanations Behind Famous Band Names

by Miss Cellania

Unless a band is named after the most prominent member (Bon Jovi) or an obvious fact about them (The Philadelphia Orchestra), there's probably a great story behind how the name was selected. Some of them may even be true.

Check out a pictofacts post that tells the stories of how 25 bands got their unique names at Cracked.

31 Jul 05:34

15 Times Florida Man Proved His Title as the Anti-Hero of the People

news FAIL headline crime florida funny newspaper - 6376965

Florida Man. Not the hero we asked for, but the hero we deserve.

Submitted by:

Tagged: news , FAIL , headline , crime , florida , funny , newspaper
24 Jul 05:52

Breakup tweets are relatable on so many levels (22 Photos)

by Travis
11 Jul 05:32

Girl Coming Down From Anesthesia Shows Her Parents Her 'Special Talent' With A Popsicle

Holy shit she owns her mom with that last line. 

Submitted by: (via Youtube)