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08 Nov 08:00

Everyone Needs a Narrator to Speak the Real Truth About Their Life


It worked out well for Michael Bluth, right?

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Tagged: narrator , twitter , list , Memes
04 Nov 14:31

Food Challenges Only The Strongest Eaters Will Survive

by Zeon Santos

We need to do this challenge in Clinton, NJ

Food challenges have made eating enough a mountain of food into a sport, and those who make it their mission to tackle challenges wherever they go have to physically train their bodies to handle the feasting.

As food challenges become more popular the restaurants putting out the challenges keep raising the bar, so only the mightiest of appetites will stand a chance of winning.

(Image Link)

This is the Kitchen Sink challenge from the San Francisco Creamery Co., which consists of eight scoops of ice cream, eight topping servings, whip cream mounds, three sliced bananas, chopped almonds and maraschino cherries.

Eat it all in 30 minutes and you win free ice cream for a year, but you'll probably need surgery to repair the damaging effects of brain freeze.

Eaters who prefer savory to sweet and adore seafood might want to try the 15 Dozen Oyster Challenge at the Acme Oyster House in New Orleans instead.

(Image Link)

If the competitor eats no less than fifteen dozen oysters in an hour their name goes up on the board, and they learn what walruses and carpenters feel like after dinner. 

Speaking of dining with buddies- this massive burger is the 50-lb Mount Olympus cheeseburger challenge offered by the Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey.

(Image Link)

A team of five eaters has three hours to eat the whole thing...or they have to pay for the burger!

See 10 Insane Food Challenges Reserved For The Bold here

02 Nov 05:54

I'm The Big Boy

by Ashley Feinberg on The Concourse, shared by Ashley Feinberg to Deadspin

In 2011, The Metropolitan Golf Writer’s Association awarded the Trump family the honor of Golf Family of the Year. Also in 2011, Donald J. Trump Jr. was a big fancy booster chair boy.


02 Nov 05:50

Traditional Wedding Outfits From Around The World

by Zeon Santos

(Image Link)

Traditional American wedding attire is about as bland as a mayo sandwich on white bread, but the outfits worn by brides and grooms in other countries around the world are far from boring.

(Image Link)

In fact, the wedding dresses worn in Mongolia, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia and China are so visually compelling and brightly colored it's hard to take your eyes off the bride.

(Image Link)

And if you think those wild wedding outfits are the farthest thing from traditional American wedding attire on the planet check out what a Gorani bride wears to her wedding- it's out of this world!

(Image Link)

See How Traditional Wedding Outfits Look Around The World here

01 Nov 07:03

This 8-Year Old Kid With Autism Just Nailed the Thriller Dance in Rainboots

Submitted by: (via Apsects Holidays)

Tagged: kid , halloween , cute , dance , thriller , Video
01 Nov 06:29

People Are Going Crazy Right Now on Twitter for the Dude Who Ran an Entire Marathon in an Eiffel Tower Costume

twitter,paris,awesome,athlete,reactions,marathon,eiffel tower,win

ABSOLUTE.LEGEND. For real tho, this is what extreme athleticism looks like, guys. The Eiffel Tower costume-rocking athlete has been identified as 70-year-old Paris-based runner Michel Bach. A friend of Bach's says he has participated in (and finished!) over 200 marathons across the globe in places like New York, Chicago, Paris, Los Angeles and Nepal.

Submitted by:

31 Oct 12:39

This is the Greatest Note of All Time to Leave For Someone Who Sucks at Parking

31 Oct 07:24

Guy Gets His Parking Ticket Dismissed By Using Parking Logic

by Zeon Santos

Parking tickets just plain suck, because the thought of paying around a hundred bucks just because you parked in the wrong place can make you hate parking enforcement officers with a passion.

But why get mad when you can get that fine removed with a little parking logic?

Writer Joe Lycett found out the city must provide proof of your parking offense if you ask for it, so he was able to get out of paying a parking ticket by playing the game via email- asking for proof then denying the proof provided.

I can't say Joe's method will work for everybody, but in the end his pranky back and forth banter over the ticket paid off when his fine was cancelled, and it made for an entertaining story to boot!

Joe- you're my new parking hero.

(YouTube Link)

-Via FAILBlog

31 Oct 07:17

Is Your Halloween Costume Racist?

by Zeon Santos

Nothing makes your friends and loved ones wonder what they ever saw in you quite like wearing a racist costume to a Halloween party, and if you manage to get out alive you'll never outlive the stigma of your racial insensitivity. 

But unless you showed up in blackface, wearing a Klan hood or dressed as the Führer himself it's probably not your fault, because it can be hard to tell which costumes are acceptable and which are downright racist.

That's why Dan Hopper from CollegeHumor put together this handy dandy flowchart to help us navigate the seas of racial tension and reach the shores of racial harmony on Halloween.

-Via CollegeHumor

12 Oct 14:52

These Are the Best Pregnancy Reaction Videos You Won't See Going Viral

12 Oct 06:11

An Online Costume Shop is Cashing in With a 'Kim Kardashian Getting Robbed' Costume and the Internet is Not Happy About It

costume,twitter,list,halloween,kim kardashian,reaction has decided to add a "Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume Kit" to their "Hot Takes" costume section and their reviews are as divided as you imagine.

Submitted by:

10 Oct 09:56

Never Forget About the Ol' Airbag Chair

funny fail gif airbag chair explosion joke

Submitted by: (via Andersms83)

Tagged: chair , hilarious , FAIL , gifs , airbags , fire , classic
10 Oct 08:37

Prankster Uses Explosive Bait Box To Cover Package Thief With Poo

by Zeon Santos

Package theft is one of the most frustrating forms of theft, especially when nobody in your neighborhood sees the crook, so victims look for ways to catch thieves in the act.

Some set up cameras, others use decoy packages or traps on their porch, but theft victim and prankster Tom Mabe decided a package thief with poo on their face would be easy to catch.

So Tom made a "bait box" set to explode and spray poop all over the thief forty seconds after being touched, then he went to the security cam footage to watch his crappy revenge plan unfold.

(YouTube Link)

-Via RealClear

10 Oct 08:18

Watch This Rainforest Activist Eat a Live Tarantula Off a Snake and Get His Face Wrecked Because This Was Clearly a Dumb Idea

"A shocking video has emerged of Brazilian activist Arteval Duarte getting bitten by a snake during a stunt in July.

The footage, shot in Jacunda, Brazil, shows the 'Ninja of Serpents' getting bitten by the large snake as he tries to put its head in his mouth where he already holds a tarantula.

His face is left covered in blood, but he doesn't seem to mind all that much.

Arteval regularly performs stunts like this to raise awareness about deforestation in the Amazon. Sometimes, they go wrong.

Submitted by: (via D Attacker)

Tagged: rainforest , spiders , FAIL , no , Video , snake
07 Oct 06:24

World Champion Pole Vaulter's Explanation For Positive Cocaine Test Totally Worked, Somehow

by Kevin Draper

World champion pole vaulter Shawnacy Barber tested positive for cocaine after winning the Canadian Olympic trials in July, but was allowed to compete in Rio after an arbitrator ruled that he inadvertently ingested the cocaine while kissing a woman he had solicited for sex on Craigslist the night before the trials.


06 Oct 09:56

If Peter Pan Couldn't Fly This Would Be His Ride Too

Keepin' it young at heat (and with your mode of transportation) Philly. Watch out for PennDOT without a license though.

Submitted by: (via David Cohen)

06 Oct 06:30

College courses that seem too good to be true (14 Photos)

by Travis
06 Oct 06:29

Learn the Lesson These Kids Didn't: Your Parents Have Social Media Too

05 Oct 14:44

Freaky vintage halloween costumes are serious nightmare fuel! (35 Photos)

by Martin
05 Oct 13:01

A Bride Riding a Unicorn Photoshoot is a Great Idea Until...

funny fail image bride falls off unicorn-horse in wedding photoshoot

Boom, you splash back to reality.

Submitted by: (via Caters)

05 Oct 06:13

Some random ‘go-to’ facts to jumpstart a conversation (22 Photos)

by Martin
04 Oct 05:53

The Secret Cave In Central Park That Has Been Sealed Up Since The 1930s

by Zeon Santos

Central Park is known for many things- muggings, picnics, ice skating, the turning of the leaves and the finest horseback riding in NYC, but it was built to be a place for big city folk to keep in touch with nature.

So when Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux designed and oversaw construction of Central Park in the 1860s they included natural elements such as waterfalls, ponds, and lots and lots of trees.

But there was one natural element which was there from the very beginning- a narrow cave, believed to be partly carved out by humans, which they discovered while excavating for The Ramble.

(Image Link)

Olmstead and Vaux decided to blend the cave into their carefully constructed "wilderness" park and even added a flat stone staircase leading to one of the cave's entrances.

(Image Link)

The cave was a big hit with visitors, especially kids, but by the early 1900s it had become a den of iniquity:

In 1904, a man attempted suicide (not the first to take place in the Ramble) on the stone steps—though some believed it was actually attempted murder.

In 1922, artist Alexander MacArthur was sentenced to three months in a workhouse for “behaving improperly” inside the cave, and in 1929, about 335 men were arrested in Central Park for “annoying women”—and the Ramble Cave was one of the preferred spots to do so.

Park authorities sealed off the cave in the 1930s, blending it nicely into the surrounding ramble on one side and bricking it up on the other, and now park visitors walk by Central Park's secret cave unaware it's even there.

See The Secret Cave in Central Park- And Why It Was Sealed at mental_floss

04 Oct 05:49

[GRAPHIC] Story of the Day: Man Gets Attacked by Grizzly Bears, Lives to Film and Tell Tale

Todd Orr is one tough mother.

When hiking in the Madison valley in southwest Montana, two Grizzly bears attacked him, biting him all over the head and chest, and leaving him bleeding. He then hiked three miles out to his car, where he drove himself to the hospital.

He maintained his cool the whole time in a way I'm not sure any other human would, so hat's off to Todd Orr!

Read Todd's story in full:

Submitted by: (via Todd Orr)

03 Oct 06:03

Oops, Wrong Store

Parenting FAILS,sex toys,toys,NSFW

This isn't Toys-R-Us!

Submitted by: el.carl2

03 Oct 06:02

Ellis Island Immigrants in Color

by Miss Cellania

Augustus Frederick Sherman was a clerk at Ellis Island from 1892 to 1925. He was also a gifted amateur photographer. Beginning in 1904, he took portraits of some of the immigrants who were detained for further examination. Sherman would ask them to dress in the traditional clothing of their country, then he set them front of a plain background. The 250 or so portraits he took are a national treasure a hundred years later. The Ellis Island Immigration Museum has a selection of Sherman’s photographs at Flickr, and the New York Public Library has more

Jordan Lloyd of Dynamichrome colorized some of the original sepia portraits to show us what they would have looked like to observers of the day, in a collaboration with Retronaut that will eventually be a book. The caption for the 1906 photograph above says,

"Ruthenian woman." Historically inhabiting the kingdom of the Rus ranging from parts of modern day slavic speaking countries, this example of Ruthenian traditional dress consisted of a shirt and underskirt made from linen which was embroidered with traditional floral based patterns. The sleeveless jacket is constructed from panels of sheepskin.  

See the pictures in all their colorful glory at Retronaut. Even more can be seen in a slideshow at Time. And Buzzfeed has a gallery with sliders so that you can see the difference in colorization.

(Image credit: Augustus F. Sherman/New York Public Library/Jordan Lloyd/Dynamichrome)

30 Sep 14:19

Hold in the Feels While Watching Tommy Boy Recut as an Inspirational Movie

This could have been up there with Rudy 😢

Submitted by: (via CineFix)

Tagged: feels , movies , recut , genre , Video
29 Sep 10:13

These Mammals Are Just Straight-Up Murdering Each Other All The Time

by Barry Petchesky on The Concourse, shared by Barry Petchesky to Deadspin

Not sure how this is any different from us? I guess we might know its wrong and do it anyway.

One of the more disturbing nature documentaries I’ve ever seen shows a dozen chimpanzees punching, kicking, biting a member of their own troop, chasing him up a tree and leaving him there to slowly die of his wounds over a span of three painful days.


29 Sep 10:08

Guy Has Epic Rap Battle with Girl on Tinder, and He's Probably on Track to Get Lucky Tonight


Nine times out of ten it never plays out like this, but right here have a slam dunk.

Submitted by: (via _)

Tagged: rap , tinder , win , dating
29 Sep 09:57

We Couldn’t Come Up With a Better Headline Than This One About a Lady Fucking a Headless Dinosaur

by Brendan O'Connor on Jezebel, shared by Barry Petchesky to Deadspin
We Couldn’t Come Up With a Better Headline Than This One About a Lady Fucking a Headless Dinosaur
Image via screenshot/Daily Star

Here’s what we know: Some three quarters of all plant and animal life on our planet—including all non-avian dinosaurs—were wiped out during a mass-extinction event about 66 million years ago.


29 Sep 08:26

Things That All Manly Men Should Know

by Zeon Santos

(Image Link)

I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a "manly man", mostly because I don't feel like I need to prove my masculinity, but I will acknowledge the archetypal "manly man" does know how to do some really cool stuff.

(YouTube Link)

In fact, most of these "manly man" skills should really be referred to as "capable person" skills, because we can all benefit from knowing how to gut and clean a fish, sew a button on a shirt, or change a tire.

(YouTube Link)

The more masculine skills in a manly man's repertoire, such as properly tying a tie, smoking a cigar, or shaving with a straight razor, may not appeal as much to women, but you never know when this info might come in handy.

(YouTube Link)

See 19 Things That All Manly Men Know here