Shared posts

24 May 01:04

New Hubble images of the Ring Nebula reveal the Eye of Sauron

by Annalee Newitz

The Ring Nebula, a massive cloud of gas around a dying star, is one of the best-known celestial objects. Not only is it gorgeous, but it's easy to find in a telescope, even if you're an amateur. This new Hubble image is anything but backyard astronomy, however — and it's given astronomers a new understanding of the nebula's shape in space.



24 May 01:04

Fracking Might Destroy the German Beer Industry

by Taylor Berman


If there are two things Germans have traditionally loved, it's purity and beer. Now, according to a German brewers association, both are at risk because of a potential law that would legalize fracking in the country.



24 May 01:03

The 9 James Frankiest Lines From James Franco's Painful Vice Review

by Caity Weaver

Revolutionary street artist, self described "actor/Yale Doctoral candidate," and Vice-President of Being the Best Blogger James Franco has recently begun penning film reviews for Vice magazine. Vice has labeled this undertaking "A Few Impressions," probably because reviews serve a clear purpose and "impressions" are whatever you want them to be.



23 May 18:19

Behind the scenes

23 May 18:17

Rear Window

23 May 18:16

Tiffany Bozic

Tiffany Bozic

Tiffany Bozic

Tiffany Bozic

Tiffany Bozic

23 May 18:13

textsfromlondon: AMAZING Patton Oswalt’s 8 minute Filibuster...



Patton Oswalt’s 8 minute Filibuster take from Parks and Recreation (Season 5, Episode 19). Now with animation.

23 May 17:54

At Long Last, Here are Obama's Prom Pics

by Max Rivlin-Nadler

Check out Obama in that cheesy suit!



23 May 17:52

Viva Space Gratuity

by JA

He had me at Cumberbatch in the space-shower. Click through?

Personally I find the supposed brouhaha over the shot of Alice Eve in her panties in Star Trek Into Darkness beyond silly - if we need to start having legitimate "reasons" to want to look at gorgeous people in their underpants then I'm moving to the Moon! And there upon the Moon I will build a society that embraces gratuity, in all its forms. I mean I don't so much care to see Alice Eve in her panties but once they come for one, they come for all. Stand united against the puritanical ninnies! (I mean wouldn't our time be better spent casting a critical eye upon the movie's appropriation of 9/11 imagery and the sight of millions of people getting killed, rather than a pair of lovely breasts, anyway? Just maybe?) And anyway, the movie had totally already leered at Kirk once.

I could've used more of that (when can't I) - the first movie did a marvelous job keeping Chris Pine in some incredibly snug skivvies for lengthy scene - but I figure they threw us a bone, at least. And that's not even getting to Mr. Pine in that wetsuit in the opening scene...

Mmmmm. (via) Well JJ Abrams was on Conan last night talking about this ridiculous controversy and you can watch the clip here but he showed a deleted shot from the movie which I think we'll all appreciate, since it's Benedict Cumberbatch in the space-shower...

Equal opportunity leering!
Leering for all!
23 May 17:47

Pope Says Atheists Are A-OK By God

by Neetzan Zimmerman

In impromptu remarks made during yesterday's Mass in his residence, Pope Francis shocked many by declaring that atheists can be just as good as Catholics if they "do good."



23 May 17:46

This Is the Generous Swag Bundle for HBO's Liberace Biopic

by Rich Juzwiak

All of this arrived Tuesday in a box so big I thought maybe someone was sending me a suffocated animal. I asked my boss John Cook if I could keep it and he said, "Do you even want it?" An iPod and a bottle of Moët? Yes, that is an instant Friday/living Mariah Carey song. Whatever. I was going to watch Soderberg's Liberace biopic, Behind the Candelabra, anyway (I wanna see Michael Douglas and Matt Damon fuck!). Now I'm gonna watch it in class, like Liberace would if he were alive today and used headphones for the sound on his TV. Anyway, this is the sort of shameless shit that networks do to try to buy positive coverage. We'll see if it works.



23 May 02:03

Cate Recruits Todd To Get Carol Off The Ground

by JA
When I was wishing Cate Blanchett a happy birthday the other day I noticed anew this project on her IMDb page and almost brought it up again, but I've brought it up so many times that it just depresses me, so I didn't. I speak of the adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's wonderful book The Price of Salt (oh god that new cover is awful), about the fraught psycho-sexual relationship between an older woman and a sales girl. It was 2006 when I first posted about it. That was when I read the book. I immediately pictured Cate Blanchett in the role of the older woman, because she couldn't be more perfect. Then later she became attached to an adaptation, and I knew I was awesome, one more time. (I figured Natalie Portman for the younger character, at the time, but she's too old now.) Anyway then just just about one year ago exactly (May 18th of last year) we heard that Cate and Mia Wasikowska were making the movie, set to be titled Carol after the older woman, with John Crowley, director of Boy A. I was very excited about this. And then another year passed, and nothing. 

Until now! Apparently Crowley dropped out because good god nobody can get this thing off the ground and people do have to move on with their lives eventually, but somebody - no offense to Mr. Crowley - ten thousand times more exciting has picked it up. Todd Haynes is going to direct it

TODD HAYNES. He hasn't made a proper movie since I'm Not There (and some might not consider that a proper movie) - he did make Mildred Pierce for HBO of course, and he did direct a magnificent episode of Enlightened. (Sigh, Enlightened.) But just thinking about what he will make of this really delicious material... I am covered head to toe in goosebumps. So many goosebumps they hurt! They're literally killing me! I am dead, poisoned by goosebumps, thanks to this news. Write that on my tombstone.
23 May 01:23

Allegedly Ewan

by JA
That is apparently Ewan McGregor (via). That is apparently the way they're making him look for Jane Got a Gun. And now it totally makes sense, why everybody kept dropping out of that role.
23 May 01:21

Who Wore It Best?

by JA
Sherlock's Super Sleuthy Hunting Cap?

Basil Rathbone or Benedict Cumberbatch?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born 154 years ago today.
22 May 00:56

Area rugs

22 May 00:56

The Return of Arrested Development

21 May 14:31

Pics of the Day

by JA


How could I resist - here's Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston done up vampire-like for Jim Jarmusch's upcoming Only Lovers Left Alive, which tells the tale of their centuries long love affair. See more pics and clips and quotes over at Slash! It's just about to show at Cannes.

21 May 14:14

Oklahoma Tornado Survivor Finds Missing Dog During Live Interview

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Barbara Garcia, a resident of Moore, Oklahoma, who survived yesterday's potentially historic tornado, was being interviewed by CBS News about riding out the storm in the bathroom of her former home.



21 May 13:53

Unbelievable Footage Shows Oklahoma Tornado in the Process of Forming

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Sean & I watched this happen live on CNN. Nature is fucking terrifying.

Charles Cook happened to be in Newcastle, Oklahoma when yesterday's devastating tornado began to form, and managed to capture the entire thing on his cellphone camera.



20 May 17:49

In Case You Were Wondering...

by JA

Attn: Courtney.

... what Ed Skrein (the just-introduced-last-night actor playing the sell-sword Dario Naharis on A Game of Thrones) would look like if he were to ditch his costume, here's a glimpse. Not too shabby, eh?
20 May 17:18

Patti Smith

20 May 17:17

Bullshit, New Jersey 3rd in Survey of Cursing (larger)

19 May 23:45

I believe in advertising

19 May 23:44

Stephanie Tillman


The first one made me laugh out loud.

Stephanie Tillman

Stephanie Tillman

Stephanie Tillman

Stephanie Tillman

19 May 23:40

Poorly drawn lines

19 May 19:59

Lost's Sawyer is a super-solider for the Info Age in Intelligence

by Rob Bricken

I don't know if Josh Holloway's character in Intelligence has a chip on his soldier, but he definitely has a chip in his head — a microchip! (See what I did there?) Holloway plays a soldier whose brain has access to the "global information grid" in CBS' new scifi action series.



19 May 19:50

Game of Thrones will end with season 7, according to producer

by Rob Bricken

No! It must go on FOREVER.

We've all been wondering how the Game of Thrones TV show will end. Will George R.R. Martin finish the book series in time? Will HBO try to pad it out? Will it be canceled? Now we have an answer — assuming all goes well. the show will last seven seasons, according to producer Frank Doelger.



19 May 19:45

Patton Oswalt's Amazing Star Wars Episode VII Rant, Brought To Life

by Owen Good

The totally improvised, 7 1/2 minute filibuster from an episode of NBC's Parks & Recreation last month, in which Patton Oswalt outlines his vision of Star Wars: Episode VII (with Marvel crossovers) could not possibly have been more perfect, could it? Well, yes, it could, actually ...



19 May 02:31

Balloon sculpture is the least deadly stage in the Xenomorph lifecycle

by Lauren Davis

Michael Abrahamson creates whimsical balloon sculptures of pop culture characters. This Xenomorph might look deadly, but outlast it for a few days, and it will simply deflate.



18 May 02:47
