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14 Oct 17:22

Daddy's boys

by Joanna Goddard
How is your week going? To be honest, we've had a few ups and downs. Overall things are good, but sweet little Anton has started grunting (!) in his sleep, and since we share a room, I'm basically averaging 3.5 hours of sleep a night, broken up into half hour chunks. Consider me totally exhausted. Did your babies ever grunt in their sleep? Our pediatrician reassures us that it's normal, but holy smokes, it's not ideal.

But during waking hours, things are great. One sweet thing I've loved watching: Our two little boys are totally enamored with Alex. Anton gazes at him, awestruck, like in the sweet photo above. And Toby thinks he's a total hero. Toby's favorite thing of all time is when Daddy takes him to an Indian restaurant in the East Village. They sit quietly together at a table and watch two men play Indian instruments, and it has become a Sunday ritual. In the video below, Toby tells my sister (whose husband's family is from India) about their dinners...

P.S. I just have to remember: Babies be babies. :) Also, 8 confessions of a new dad, and what marriage means.
15 Sep 17:16

Persistent Scars of Long-Term Joblessness

About 4.3 million Americans have been out of work for six months or more, and hundreds of thousands without jobs for long spells have simply given up.
26 Aug 17:14

Tina Fey is always hilarious.

by Joanna Goddard
Ericka Clouther

I am posting this mainly so that Kevin reads it.

Since I'm still in a newborn baby haze, I'm not sure what's old news versus new news to people. But! Have you heard that Tina Fey sold TWO new sitcoms this week?! The first will be a Cheers-like comedy set on Fire Island, and the second is about a women’s college that begins accepting men.

Above is a clip of Tina on Letterman this week describing how her two-year-old is a psychopath. And a fun fact you might not know: Liz Lemon's catchphrase "I want to go to there" was originally said by her then-three-year-old daughter Alice.

P.S. Four more hilarious Tina Fey moments.

(Via Jezebel)
12 Aug 13:12

Sunday night, watching Mad Men: Kim:  How did...

by Evan
Sunday night, watching Mad Men: Kim:  How did Betty get so skinny?  She's back to being hot! Evan:  Fat suit off. Kim:  She's so pretty. Evan:  I think Megan is better looking. Kim:  NO!  WRONG! Evan:  I think Jessica Pare is more attractive than January Jones. Kim:  You are so wrong.  You are the only person in the world who thinks that blatantly incorrect statement.  Do you have eyes?  I
12 Aug 12:55

Las Vegas, Nevada 2013

by Ericka
We drove to Las Vegas for a fun night out. I've never been to Vegas or Nevada before so I didn't know what to expect. I don't enjoy gambling and we weren't planning on seeing a show, so I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I did! It's hard to explain what I love about it, but let me try. First off, it's totally cheesy. This might sound like a bad thing, but I think there is a place for everything. Cheesiness invading day-to-day life can be threatening to living an authentic life. But cheesiness in Vegas is a fun release from real life. For example, our hotel was an Egyptian-style pyramid. Ridiculous but fun. The hotel next to us looked like a castle. The strip has replicas of both the Brooklyn Bridge and the Eiffel Tower a short distance from one another, as if the two hotels were attempting to out-cheese each other. Feel free to use that as an expression: "out-cheese each other."

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Welcome to Nevada!

Las Vegas, NV 2013
See our pyramid in the distance?

Las Vegas, NV 2013
The inside of our pyramid hotel (The Luxor)

The other thing I liked was that our room was really nice but extremely affordable. It cost less than we spend on economy hotels in other parts of the country. This because they expect that on average you will spend a lot more on gambling. Except I don't gamble, and on average, Kevin wins a little modest amount whenever he gambles.

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Nice room with a  view (Kevin is bummed because we couldn't Facetime James)

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Crazy view out of our window!

I also liked the general "fun night out" vibe of Vegas. We were only there in the evening, but the way the hotels and casinos are set up, they are dark all day long so it always feels like it's a fun night out even if it's early afternoon and you haven't even left your hotel yet. I feel like that has a lot of potential if you're body is still in a different time zone. It also has a lot of promise if like me, you prefer to party in the afternoon when you have a lot of energy, rather than in the evening when you're tired.

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Drinks at Aurora, our hotel bar

The strip could have better more direct access over the highways or better signs through the hotels if you try to move inside, but generally, I liked being able to walk along the strip rather than having to drive or take a cab somewhere far away. I might have been a little sensitive though since temperatures were above 100 degress and my shoes were a little uncomfortable, but overall, walking up and down outside is part of  the fun.

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Walking to the strip

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Fun on the strip with Showgirls! Kevin looks pleased.

We had dinner at a Thai restaurant called Sea, and I was a little dubious because we have really good food in New York, but it was amazing. I wish it had been less amazing or that the portions were smaller because I definitely ate too much. It made the rest of my walk both more necessary and more difficult.

Las Vegas, NV 2013
Fountain show at the Bellagio, walking along the strip after dinner

Las Vegas, NV 2013
The strip at night

I even liked going into the casinos even though I didn't personally participate. Some of them are really fun to walk around. The Cosmopolitan was the fanciest one I saw, probably because it's relatively new compared to the others. It's cheese factor was low, however, compared to more playful ones like Paris where everything was designed to look like Parisian sites and bistros. Kevin did take advantage of the gambling. He enjoys being able to make random sports bets in Vegas since there are only a few places in the country where you can do that. He also won a little money at black jack. So overall, a very successful date night for both of us.

Las Vegas, NV 2013
The Cosmopolitan casino
12 Aug 12:54

zeldas-hoose: So totally not always sunshine and roses, but...


So totally not always sunshine and roses, but she’s starting to sing with wild abandon, make up songs, and banter like a professional socialite (“Oh hi, have you met my friend dad?” and “Shall we go to the park? Shall we, mom, shall we?”). She tells people she’s three (she’s not!) and talks to Sam about lumps on a rump (??) and rascally chubby baby boys. The other day I asked her where the diaper I just handed went and she replied, “its on my butt, mom.) And last night as we’re speeding down I-95, trying to stay awake while driving, she suddenly belts out, “pull over mom, there are so many stars out there! Pull over!

12 Aug 12:53

Maybe this appeals to me because we’re house hunting....

Maybe this appeals to me because we’re house hunting. Untitled || Limited Edition 3 of 5 (+ 2 Artist Proofs) by Liat Elbling

12 Aug 12:52

Meaning of life probably looks something like this. Medusas by...

Meaning of life probably looks something like this. Medusas by Lilla Kuizs

12 Aug 12:50

Silas & James

Silas & James

05 Aug 11:28

Solastalgia, in the Green by Nikki Lindt

05 Aug 11:24

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark

by Ericka
Ericka Clouther

Good book!

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book. It explores some of our worst instincts in such a carefully constructed and subtle manner. The author doesn't condescend. Despite being a short book, it leaves a lot for you to think about. I snatched this book away from Kevin who was about to read it, but it would have been a perfect book club selection.

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