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14 Jan 17:43

How to get an International Driver’s Permit (IDP), and how to Travel without a Driver’s License – Your Right to Travel

by admin
International Driver's Permit - back
International Driver's Permit - back
International Driver's Permit - back view.
International Driver's permit - Front view
International Driver's permit - Front view
The International Driver's Permit is recognized by the United Nations, which is evident by the front cover view.
International Driver's permit
2020 BMW Alpina B7
How to get an international Driver's permit and how to Travel without a license.
International Driver's Permit
2020 BMW Alpina B7
How to get an international Driver's permit and how to Travel without a license.

Greetings friends, before reading this blog post, “How to get an International Driver’s Permit (IDP), and how to Travel without a Driver’s License – Your Right to Travel,” please familiar yourself some with the subject by watching Dane Calloway’s YouTube Video, “Untold Truth about not needing a driver’s license to Travel throughout America.” I shared his video because some of you all love Dane Calloway. Well, Dane is absolutely right and there is even US Supreme Court Case law on this topic, well as far as your God Given Right to Travel goes. Here is some law on this Right to Travel topic:

  • According to the 49 USC Section 31301, only people who are engaged in commerce need a driver’s license. A Commercial Motor Vehicle is for commerce and for employers who are paying drivers’ wages. The affiant doesn’t qualify for a driver’s license, according to the said United States Codes, and therefore, he doesn’t have or need a driver’s license.


  • Shapiro vs. Thomas, 394 U.S. 618 April 21, 1969. “Further, the right to travel by private conveyance for private purposes upon the common way cannot be infringed. No license or permission is required for travel when such travel is not for the purpose of commercial profit or gain on the open highways operating under license in commerce.” Murdock v. Penn, 319 U.S. 105, (1943) “No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it.”


  • “The privilege of using the streets and highways by the operation of motor carriers for hire can be acquired only by permission or license from the state or its political subdivision.” (See Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Page 830.

Friends, as you can see, the law is clear that you do not need a Driver’s License when traveling in an automobile for recreational use. The key to the Fraud is understanding wordplay or legalise, because Motor Vehicle, according to title 49 USC Section 31301,  is for commerce and for employers who are paying drivers’ wages. They classified our automobiles as “Motor Vehicles” to take away our God given right to Travel, in which you don’t need any permission (a license to do commercial business) to travel. Well, this was all done for control and to Tax the citizens (subjects).

How do we get back our God given Right to Travel? Well, you can do it several ways, it’s just that I prefer to do it safely with an International Driver’s Permit (IDP), which is recognized by the UNITED NATIONS and issued by the Pan American Travel Association (PATA). The IDP is good for 4 years and it is recognized in over 200 Countries. The IDP is a very powerful form of ID to have, because it rebuts the presumption that you are a US citizen (subject) by placing you under an International status with an International form of ID that is coming from a sovereign authority.

You will also need a Affidavit or a Declaration, invoking your right to Travel, because the Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit and “the Written word lasts forever, while the spoken word goes out the window” ~ole saying. Also, by you filing an Affidavit you are putting the proper authorities on Notice of your God given Right to Travel, and you are giving them a written contract (Affidavit), if they don’t rebutt it, that Affidavit will become truth in commerce. I provide you with a well written, “Affidavit to Invoke your Right to Travel,” the IDP application, and instructions on how to prepare and apply the IDP and the Affidavit, all for only $100.00 US dollars, so this is truly an Amazing offer and you can get it right Now: I hope you enjoyed and I hope this post helps those that are have driving issues. Thanks for your time. Peace.

The post How to get an International Driver’s Permit (IDP), and how to Travel without a Driver’s License – Your Right to Travel appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:43

How to become Indigenous – the Black Edition

by admin
Black Cherokee Indian
Black Cherokee Indian
Black Cherokee Indian wearing a headdress
Black Navajo Indian female
Black Navajo Indian female
Black Navajo Indian female

Greetings friends, this blog post, “How to become Indigenous – the Black Edition,” deals with a subject that is long overdue, because a lot of us know that so-called African Americans are the true Native American Indians of the American landmass; however, most of us don’t know how to declare Indigenous Status as Native American Indians. Well, my process is the answer to the problem of not knowing how to declare your indigenous status as a Amurru-Khan (American). According to the Webster 1936 Universal Dictionary: American – “an Aboriginal or one of the various copper-colored natives found on the American Continents by the Europeans. The original application of the name was AMURRU.” What color is copper? Well, copper is brown and most Black people are brown people, so yes, Blacks are the original Americans, because the definition of American fits our description.

Please watch this YouTube Video, by Tasha Xi, entitled, “Book hundreds of years old on America showing real Indigenous aboriginal Indians” just to demonstrate that so-called Blacks are in fact the original Americans. The Video is embedded in this blog post for your viewing convenience. I have to give Tasha Xi, the assist for this video, because the information is not her find, therefore, it’s not her Slam dunk. She gave me the assist for my Slam dunk when she took my research from Facebook as my Facebook friend and made this said YouTube Video without mentioning me as her source. Here is the evidence, right here: Now, as you can see, my information was shared months before Tasha made the Video in this post. I am glad she made the video, because this is about waking up our people and I tip my fez to her for the assist she gave me for my Slam dunk, but it would have been a grand slam if she would have mentioned me.

Now, that we know for a fact that African Americans for the most part are the original Americans, aka, Native American Indians. Let’s discuss my process more, which is a simple two part process that uses government forms to achieve our end. Yes, this process is not any homemade, sovereign, or patriot legal jargon that will get you on a terrorist watch list if you apply it. No.., this is a process that corrects their government contracts that made you Black or African American. By you being an adult you have every right to change those contracts and my process shows you how to do it safely and easily. You will get 2 digital downloads with instructions, which is a total of 3 downloads, altogether with your purchase. Here is evidence that my process works, because I used it on myself successfully: If my process doesn’t work, I will refund you your money, which is  a small investment of only $200 US dollars, because the original selling price is $500.00 US Dollar, and it is well worth every penny because Indians are not taxed according to the US Constitution; Indians have access to certain colleges and government grants for free; and most importantly, Indians are under International law, because they are Indigenous people, due to the Signing of the UNDRIP by President Barack Obama.

Once you become a Native American Indian, you will be under the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP), which is Human Rights and not Civil Rights: . Civil Rights are for artificially created all-caps, 14th Amendment persons (BIRTH NAME & SSN) and not for we the people. Human Rights are for We The People, and not for all-caps PERSONS. Start now by declaring your Indigenous status on the record in their government databases, which is where it counts. Please get this revolutionary process right here, while it is on sale: I hope this post helps. Enjoy. Peace and thanks for listening.


The post How to become Indigenous – the Black Edition appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:43

How to start a tax exempt business and how to build business credit.

by admin
Tax Exemption
Stop paying taxes
Stop paying taxes with a foreign EIN number
Foreign EIN Number
Foreign EIN Numbe
This is the foreign EIN number for Marrano Reality. As you can see, the IRS placed my business in the 0 9999999999 classification, which means that this business is tax exempt, because the IRS doesn't have a file on it; since it's in the zero file category of entities.
Foreign EIN Number
Foreign EIN Number
This is the foreign EIN number for Organic Beauty Supplies. As you can see, the IRS placed my business in the 0 9999999999 classification, which means that this business is tax exempt, because the IRS doesn't have a file on it; since it's in the zero file category of entities.
Foreign EIN Number
Foreign EIN Number
This is the foreign EIN number for Moorland Farms. As you can see, the IRS placed my business in the 0 9999999999 classification, which means that this business is tax exempt, because the IRS doesn't have a file on it; since it's in the zero file category of entities.
foreign EIN Number
foreign EIN Number
This is the foreign EIN number for Your Organic foods. As you can see, the IRS placed my business in the 0 9999999999 classification, which means that this business is tax exempt, because the IRS doesn't have a file on it; since it's in the zero file category of entities.
foreign EIN Number
foreign EIN Number
This is the foreign EIN number for Hempnotize Industries. As you can see, the IRS placed my business in the 0 9999999999 classification, which means that this business is tax exempt, because the IRS doesn't have a file on it; since it's in the zero file category of entities.


Let’s face it. Everyone wants to start their own business and live the American Dream. You can do it, but do it in a smart way by avoiding taxes with a 98 series foreign EIN number from the IRS. Now, what is a 98 series foreign EIN number? Well, it is a foreign trust/foreign person that you can do commerce with. It is a 9 digit credit profile number(CPN) just like your social security number is a 9 digit CPN number that you can do commerce with. The social security number is a domestic trust/US person and subject to taxation and regulation by the Eagle (Rome), via, its corporation called the UNITED STATES. The foreign EIN number is a Foreign Trust/foreign person that is not subject to the UNITED STATES corporation (Rome/Eagle), because it is foreign, hence, private to the UNITED STATES. It’s all about jurisdiction over property(trust) that you own or created. Rome (the Vatican Eagle) owns most of the US persons/US citizens through contracts called the Birth Certificate and Social security number; therefore, your allegiance to Rome, via, the Eagle is through means of involuntary ignorance, because the powers that be can never teach us the truth that a US person/US citizen is a domestic trust that is subject to taxation, because he or he is government owned property that has been assigned a Social security number. All property (trust) is assigned a number. “All property is a right belonging to trust” ~ Roman Canon Law.

Because your Foreign EIN is a foreign Trust/ foreign person with a 9 digit CPN number, you can open a bank account, get credit cards, get loans, rent cars, buy property, and do the same thing you can do with your doesmetic EIN number, which is your Social security number. The main difference is that your Social security number is owned, regulated, and taxed by our colonizers, because it was created within the UNITED STATES and they created it by issuing it to you. Your Foreign EIN is not subject to the UNITED STATES corporation, because it was created outside of the UNITED STATES corporation because of the foreign business address and therefore it can not be taxed and/or regulation.

I have a total of 5 Foreign business entities that I have created under my 98 foreign trust using my process , “How to Start a Tax Exempt Business” (see images of the 5 foreign entities); however, you want to have 10 businesses, as I will explain later. All of my businesses are on the 0 999999 file with the IRS, which means that the IRS has a zero or no file for any of my businesses. This means that none of my businesses can be taxed or regulated by the STATE and the UNITED STATES. This means that all of my business are private. I picked things that I am good at doing and business that are already a success. Then I copied their business model. For example, Walmart copied the business model of Kmart. You want to create business entities in commercial fields that are booming, but first learn that field, because all things start with knowledge.

Why create 10 business entities? Well, because 1 in every 10 businesses succeed, so we are playing the odds of success by creating 10 business entities. Additionally, having 10 persons/trusts/companies/corporations is 10 different streams of revenue coming in to you. 10 of you is a lot better than having one all-caps person/trust/estate/corporation in commerce. This one all caps-person I am referring to is your all-caps BIRTH NAME and the Social security Number, which is a domestic trust (public trust/public person), aka, a US person, according to 26 CFR 301.7701-7- Trusts. In this blog post is a Youtube Video, Entitled, “The Truth About Your Birth Certificate. It’s a short but powerful video that will educate you on your Strawman (the all-caps fictional person that you think is you: the matrix). Also, we need to point out that  The UNITED STATES is a federal corporation, so this is all commerce we are dealing with here. This US commerce game is  corporate, all-caps, US persons dealing with or doing business with other all-caps, US persons/US citizens. The UNITED STATES is just the DBA (doing business as) for America, because the UNITED STATES is a federal corporation according to 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15): “The United States is a Federal Corporation”.

You also want to open up business bank accounts for all of your foreign businesses to build credit. I explain how to open up the foreign bank accounts, how to get the EIN number, and I provide completed template forms with your purchase of my process, “How to Start a Tax Exempt Business”: Get it now only for a limited time for only $100 US Dollars, because the normal selling price is $300 US Dollars and well worth it, because we spend thousands and some of us spend millions of dollars in taxes. Just image if we could save all of that money. Well, you can, it’s just a matter of knowing how to navigate in these commercial waters with the right process and procedures. Knowledge is truly power and the world belongs to those that learn things the fastest. All of which are ole sayings, but true ole sayings. Get ahead of the game with my process.

Additionally, you want to get a bank card/credit card for each account, and a Dun & Bradstreet number for each business to help build the credit score for your business/person/corporation. Then you want to place each business on Manta so that customers can better find you. You want to make money transactions (deposit money and withdraw money) in these accounts and you want to get property and bills in the names of these businesses to build the credit score in these accounts. Please never miss any payments or make any late payments when you are first establishing your credit, so please stay current with all bills in the name of your businesses. Also, study this credit forum, because it is a wealth of information and it’s all about how to build your credit:

Now, by your businesses being corporations, they will have a higher credit score than a normal all-caps domestic US person with a all-caps birth name and Social Security Number. Once you build your credit score in those accounts, all you will need is a good business plan that is based off a good business model ideal, and the minimum the Bank will give you is between $30,000 and $50,000 thousand dollars. Do the same thing for each business account that you got. Pay off each loan gradually, to build credit and never miss and payments and never make any late payments. This is the art of flipping money, family and friends. You keeping doing that and eventually you will have a good credit line in each business account. The goal is to have at least 1 million dollars worth of credit in each account. We can get their, it just takes time, because you have to pay off several business loans, in a timely fashion, before, any Bank trusts you with a huge line of business credit. This concludes this post and I hope these financial tips helped you to get a step closer to financial freedom. Peace.

The post How to start a tax exempt business and how to build business credit. appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:43

The true meaning and origin of the term Mu’ur/ Moor found in ancient times

by admin
Old World Moorish virgin Mary
The Virgo (virgin) Mary was a mohur (Maur)
Old World gold coin of Mughal Jahangir king Emperor empire zodiac Mohur Virgo female. Yes, the concept of the Angel and the Statue of Liberty comes from the Muurish Blackamoor women who was Venus (love/Isis) and the Virgo (virgin) Meru/(Ta)Mauri/Mary. This makes perfect sense because ancient societies where matricial societies - meaning women ruled. Hollywood even gave us a hint to on how true this is with the movie Maleficent, which showed you a winged dragon queen (female Merovingian: Saint Sara, the mother of the saracens who became the Berber Merovingians) that referred to herself as queen of the Moors (land). Notice the Arabic writing on the reverse side of this gold coin, which demonstrates that Arabic was one of our first languages. This coin is very real too because its from the Oxford Museum in England. This evidence is a major body bag for the hijack.
The real statue of Liberty
The real statue of Liberty
This is a $100 dollar US gold coin of the original statue of liberty. This gold coin was approved in 2017 as official US currency. Yes, the original statue of liberty was the image of a Moorish (black) Muslim woman. The image of the Moor's head was very powerful in ancient times and in it was the first brand/logo used in commerce that was to signify power and Royalty.
Old World Statue of Liberty
The Real Statue of Liberty
The Old World Statue of Liberty. This was the original Statue of Liberty, aka, Lady Liberty. Yes family and friends, the Statue of Liberty was originally the image of a Moorish (black) muslim woman.
The real Statue of Liberty
The real Statue of Liberty
This is the original Statue of Liberty, aka, Lady Liberty. Yes family and friends, the Statue of Liberty was originally the image of a Moorish (black) muslim woman.
Statue of liberty quote
Statue of liberty quote
Old World gold coins of Merovingian kings with wings
Coins of Merovingian kings with wings
Old world collection of gold coins of Merovingian kings with wings. The Merovingians were French Maurs that were known as the dragon (Christ) kings because of their immense spiritual or supernatural powers. The Merovingians considered themselves sons of Saint Sara (Saracens), aka, Mary Magdalene (love of magnetism/Mount Meru), which was a Merovingian relic from India Superior (the Americas/ Asia Major). The Moors became the Custodians of the Egyptian Mysterious when Egypt fell according to the book, “Stolen Legacy,” by George G. James. Maur (Moor/Muur) means a high priest of Anu according to a book called, “The Teachings of Ptahhotep the oldest Book in the world,” by Asa G. Hilliard.
Coin of Merovingian King Clovis I
Coin of Merovingian King Clovis I
This is a gold coin of King Clovis I, who was the son of King Childeric I, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty. King Clovis I (481–511 A.D) united all of Gaul under Merovingian rule. The Merovingians were the Jews/Hebrews that set up the tribe of Ptah (Judah) in Europe, including England. This family bloodline due to its wealth and status was able to mix in with the Kings and Queen of France, Germany, England, and Jerusalem. Notice on the reverse side of this coin it shows you king Clovis I in Angel (dragon) form holding a sword. As you can see, this was a Blackamoor king. Look at the coin of his father King Childeric I if you have and doubt that the Merovingians were an order of Blackamoor Magi's (magicians).
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Kara Arslan
Islamic coin of Emperor Kara Arslan with wings & holding the Book of life
Old World Islamic coin of Kara Arslan 1144-1166 with wings & holding the book of life. Emperor Kara Arslan was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
The M Hieroglyph
The M Hieroglyph
The symbol Drake (Draco=dragon) has a deep connection to Tameri (America, aka Atlantis). Man Know thyself is written on the walls in Ancient Kush /Egypt. And the owl hieroglyphic is the symbol for the letter M(13)=Muur. The owl also has supervision because it can rotate its head 360 degrees. The Owl knows "WHO", and is therefore wise. The owl (the Eagle or Phoenix) and the draco (dragon or serpent) are a husband and wife team (Hermetic marriage) that work together as our Kundalini system, which created and maintains our physical bodies.
The R Hieroglyphic
The R Hieroglyphic
The R Hieroglyphic is a symbol of the mouth, because it is the human mouth that is used for the "R" sound. For example, words like right and wrong, and names like Robert and Rebecca. It's the mouth that speaks the truth and it is the mouth that speaks falsehood, so the mouth can be used for either good or evil, but the choice is ours. The mouth is both creator and destroyer, because you can create good opportunities and bad opportunities with your mouth. The mouth can start wars and end wars too. This Hieroglyphic looks like a human eye (supervision) too, so the eyes and the mouth are related. This is true because the human eye and the mouth make up the human form.
The Blackamoor woman is Mu/Meru/Meri/Mary
Niven Tablet number 1584 - showing woman as Mount Meru
This is Tablet number 1584 from Niven’s Collection showing woman as a physical representation of Mu/ Meru/Mauri/Mary.
Old world 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
Old world 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North pole. Notice Mount Meru, which is the black magnetic mountain, aka, the Kaba, at the center in the lake, which is our magnetic North pole that aligns perfectly with the Pole Star or North Star.
Old world 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
1595 mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
Old World 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see someone listed Eden and Meru right there. But why?Well, because the KJV Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see 4 rivers and the Black cube (the Kaba or the tree of life) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). What is the Swastika? Well, the Swastika is the clockwise rotation of the constellations around the Pole Star/North Star, which creates the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains life.
Old World Sacred Symbol of Mu
Sacred Symbol of Mu
Old world Sacred symbol of Mu/Meru/Meri/Mary. This Symbol is also the Key to Universal Movement. Universal movement, as in a clockwise spiral rotation, generates electromagnetic energy. This same energy creates life and maintains life. This is a very ancient symbol, because it was taken from the William Niven Tablets found in the Valley of Mexico, which was a find dated to be over 50,000 years old.
The pole Star - first star and first thought
The pole Star - first star and first thought
The Pole star or North star is the first star and the highest star that created all of the rest of the stars; therefore, this star is the first thought (seed) that created all life. The star constellations revolve around the Pole star, because it is the Pole Star that spins the zodiac wheel of life. This clockwise rotation of the Pole Star is responsible for creating the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains all life on this planet. The pole star is the blue cross that is in the center of the image of the big dipper. This image shows you the zodiac wheel (the Swastika) that revolves around the Pole Star, aka, the great mother. You see how the cross and the Swastika are one and the same, because they form the same system and they come from the same source of blue light.
Lord Brahma, aka, Abraham of the Bible
Lord Brahma, aka, Abraham of the Bible
This is an Image of Lord Brahma, aka, Abraham of the Bible with his 4 faces and his Swastika, which represent Mount Meru/Meri/Mary.
Old World Wisconsin State capitol in madison
Wisconsin State capitol in madison
Old World Wisconsin (sons of Wakhanda) State capitol in Madison is Greco-Roman Architecture that was built by the Cherokee (Cherry Tree) before the great comet of 1811-1812 destroyed the old world Order that was ruled by Blackamoors. This was once a free energy building too before they removed the gold or copper plated dome. This state Capitol is a physical representation of Mount Meru/Meri/Mary, which is the Arctic North Pole; because you can see the four rivers (the four buildings) of the Garden of Eden and the tree of life (the dome) that emanates from the Center of the Source.
Old world map (1548) of India Superior
India Superior in America
Old world map (1548) of India Superior in North America. I took this map from a book called, "The Journey of Coronado," by Castañeda de Nájera, Pedro de, 16th cent. The book cover displays the 1569 Mercator world map which shows India Superior being in North America. This is evidence that the Americas is the old world, because the Americas is the Orient (the East). Notice India Superior and La China on this old world map.
Old World bust of Olmec Head - First Americans
The first Americas
Old World bust of Olmec Head - First Americans. The phenotype is undoubtedly that of a Blackamoor and the Headdress resembles a Fez.
Old World bust of Olmec Head - First Americans
The First Americans
Old world bust of the back of an Olmec Headdress and you can see several tassels, which indicates a Fez.
Old World 1657 Map of La Florida
The Tamerikaans
Old World 1657 Sanson map of La Florida (the Floridas), which use to be part of Washitaw proper, aka, Louisiana County. Look at how big Florida (the Floridas) use to be. It covered several states. Also, notice how the Mu’urs were known as Tamerikaans, because it’s the first word on the map banner. Tameri was an ancient Name for Egypt. This evidence suggests that the Americas is old Egypt or the Egypt of the West.
Old World map showing Mauritania in the Americas
Old World map showing Mauritania in the Americas
Old World Map from the book “Africa Versus America” by Isabel Alvarez de Toledo. This Old world map shows you Mauritania (Ta-mauri-tania) in the Americas.
Timbuctoo, California
Timbuctoo, California
This is a satellite image of Timbuctoo, California from Google Earth. Credit due to Tram Dickerson El for the good share and find.
Tambuco, Mexico
Tambuco, Mexico
This is a satellite image of Timbuco, Mexico from Google Earth. Credit due to Tram Dickerson El for the good share and find.
Timbuctoo, New Jersey (New Jerusalem)
Timbuctoo, New Jersey (New Jerusalem)
Timbuctoo, New Jersey (New Jerusalem). This is a satellite image of Timbuctoo, New Jersey from Google Earth. Credit due to Tram Dickerson El for the good share and find.

Peace friend and family, this blog post is in response to Dan Calloway’s YouTube video, “The Origin of the Term Moor -Part 1.” If you have not seen that video yet, please watch it first before reading this blog post, because you all need to see how ignorant this young man is when it comes down to actual historical facts. I will even go as far as saying that Dan Calloway and Young Pharoah are both agents because of the level of misinformation that have produced against the Muurs from Mu/Mount Meru/Mauri/Mary/Mry/Mr. Any real scholar should know that the Americas is Tameri (the land of the muurs/ the land of Mary); therefore, it is fair to say that Dan Calloway and Young Pharaoh are amateur scholars at best; and I am going to prove it with this post, so let’s begin to debunk them both as scholars.

It is generally held that the word “Moor” is defined as “North African, Berber,” late 14c., from Old French “More,” from Medieval Latin “Morus,” from Latin “Maurus” meaning “inhabitant of Mauritania”, which stems from Greek “Mauros,” thought to be a native name. Yet, it is very unfortunate that many neglect to trace the terms etymological roots further back; as language did not begin with the Greeks and Romans, nor did the term “Moor;” and so we must look further back to find its true source, which brings us to the Phoenician term “Mahurin” meaning “Westerners” and that can be ultimately linked to the Egyptian “M’R,” “Mer,” “Maur,” “Meh-Ru,” and “Mu.”

“A Book of the Beginning” by English poet and Egyptologist Gerald Massey, he tells us that: “This name for a land lying north-west of the African centre-always reckoning from the south-would deposit the names of the Mauri land; Marmarica (a duplicate form) and Marocco (Morocco) as the Mauri or Moors went farther north into Spain, or Tzeiphon. From these and other data may be drawn the inference that the Maori people were self-named as the emigrants who came from the north-west, one name of which Mauru, Egyptian Meru, Meroe or the Meh-ru.” Gerald Massey further states that: “The Mauri name is that of the later Moors, of a land under the Tropic of Cancer and north-west of the equator, as well as of Aethiopia the typical birthplace. And the name of the Moors found on the Egyptian monuments is written Mauri or Maurui. The original Mauri dwelt in the north-western land lying between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and their name is identifiable with that of the Maori, whose traditions derive them from the north-west.”

In the book entitled, “The Venus Blueprint: Uncovering the Ancient Science of Sacred Spaces” By Richard Merrick, the author gives us information relating to the variants of the word “Moor” and its etymological root; writing that: “Now to be fair, this is not the only path taken by the Rig-Veda and “Meru” name. Variations of the name traveled with many different people along often-circuitous routes at different times in history. For example, the people who migrated across the Mediterranean into Spain from North Africa were known as Moors or Moorish, a derogatory name meaning dark (think Moon and night). They came from Moroccan cities such as Marrakech (again meaning “Land of God”) and Mauritania-both located beneath the Atlas mountain range west of Egypt. In this way the word for “dark” was likely taken from these dark people’s belief in Meru and the corresponding Egyptian M’R.” Richard Merrick then tells us that: “We can say the same about Meru as a name in India. The Mauryan Empire that first unified the entire Indian subcontinent in 340 BCE was named after its emperor Chandragupta Maura. In this case, the emperor’s name is believed to have originated from Moriya or Maurya after another reference to the sacred mountain of the Rig-Veda.”

Not only have we been given Phoenician evidence, but there is numerous references that validate the presence of ancient Egyptians in the Americas. In the book “Amerika: Timeless World” by Chilean-born writer and researcher Hector Burgos Stone, we are told that: “Egyptians were originally natives of South America’s equatorial regions. Throughout Peru, Bolivia and southern Brazil numerous findings have substantiated comparisons to ancient Egypt. Such discoveries pertain to customs, myths, common names of gods and etymological similarities.” Hector Burgos Stone also tells us that: “According to ancient Egyptian legends and traditions. The Sphinx came from the west. And the Egyptians held the west as the land of their forefathers. In other words, it was Amenti. It was America.”

In the book “Mysteries of Ancient South America” by British journalist Harold T. Wilkins, “Perhaps, most compelling yet least known references establishing “Moors” cradle or origin within the Western Hemisphere, particularly that of America; comes from the mythos and the zodiacal equivalents from which they were originally based upon. In the work “Researches into the lost histories of America; or, The Zodiac shown to be an old terrestrial Map in Which the Atlantic Isle is Delineated; so that Light can be thrown upon the obscure histories of the earthworks and ruined cities of America” By English tailor and Atlantis enthusiast William Stephens Blacket, the author tells us that: “The history of Egypt must, to some extent, hang on to the west coast of South America. There must have been migrations from that land into the valley of the Nile, sufficient in extent and influence to have created a religion and given Egypt – a God.”

I have already given enough Scholarly evidence to debunk Dane Calloway and Young Pharaoh, because the Term Moor is firmly established in ancient Times; However,  our people are under a spell, so I gotta take it a step further so that there is no doubt that the Americas was a Moslem (Muslim) Nation that was overthrown in the name of Christ, using Christianity as a tool to get what they had wanted, which was land and resources. Please read my recent Blog post, “The Original Arabs, Turks, and Muslims were Blackamoors,” because the information all ties in: 

America was never a white Christian Nation at first. Believe it or not, but America is your home. Stop calling yourself an African-American when you are an American:

I. I attest that my nationality is Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. I am a Tribal Moor and my tribe is Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah.

  1. According to the Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th edition, deluxe, the word Moor is specifically designated in the definition of Land.
  2. According to the Webster 1936 Universal Dictionary, the word ‘American’ is defined as “an Aboriginal or one of the various copper color natives found on the American Continents by the Europeans. The original application of the name was Amurru [the West].” ~ 1936 Webster Universal Dictionary.

  3. The book, “Africans and Native Americans,” by Dr. Jack Forbes, states, “The slave trade started in America and the slaves were taken mostly to Spain and Europe. When the Spanish came to America they found the Indios (Indians), the black people who are with God.”

  4. Empress Verdiacee Tiacee Tiari Washitaw (Washington) – Turner (Tunica) Goston El Bey (the current heiress, by and through blood, and Supreme Sovereign of the de Bourbon Estate, also known as The Emperial International Estate of the Bourbon Habsburg Empire, later as a whole called The Empire of Amurru Washitaw de Dedugdahmoundyah), wrote in her book, “The Return of the Ancient Ones,” “That 85% of the blacks in America were already here before the slave trade. Only 15% of blacks come from Africa.” We all come from Africa but there is a suppressed history of blacks being a global people. Pangaea proves that all of the continents were connected, so migration to and from Africa and to other places was simple and easy.

Some of the images shared in this blog post are images of  the original statue of Liberty. Yes, family and friends the original symbol of America was actually a Moorish (black) Muslim women: Why Muslim, well because this Country was founded on Islam, it was the Muurs who established and taught the europeans government. This is why elite Europeans call themselves Shriners, aka, Moslem sons, and wear the Muurish Fez in secret. All of the so-called founder fathers of the Country had a Holy Quran and it was Morocco, Indiana that first recognized the UNITED STATES as a nation.

Additionally, the Barbary Treaties of 1786-1836 between US and the Barbary state, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1786/1836 between Morocco and the US, and House Resolution 75, read April 17, 1933, page 5759, demonstrates the Moor/Muur presence right here in America. All of the said treaties are treaties of the US and are the Supreme Law of the land per Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. The said treaties demonstrate the existence of the Mahometan (Mohammedan) Nation right here in America, formerly known, as Al-Morocco, aka, the North Gate. This country was not founded on Christianity, per the Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11: “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” . This country was founded on the science of ISLAM, because the Olmec Muurs from Mu/Mount Meru (mother Mary) were the first ones in Americas (see Olmecs and also see Washitaw Mu’urs) and they brought the science of I.S.L.A.M (Sufism/ Masonry) along with them.

The Morocco in North Africa wasn’t established until 1956, therefore, the Morocco that first recognized the US in 1777 as a Nation, couldn’t have been the Morocco that was established in North Africa in 1956, because the 1956 Morocco was not around in 1777. The Morocco that it is referring to is Al-Morocco, which means the farthest most West. North America is a continent that is the farthest most West. Al-Morocco, the West, is an ancient Name for America. This was not the only name for America, but it did exist very recently on paper as you can see.

In this blog post is an image of a gold coin, valued at $100 US dollars, of the original statue of Liberty, aka, Lady Liberty.  Yes, Lady Liberty appears “in a new light: as a Blackamoor woman,” in a $100 US dollar gold coin that officials at the U.S. Mint have announced. But what could be it’s meaning? Here are some compiled notes and research points.

The 2017 American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin shows a Moor’s head in profile with a crown of stars. It features the year of the Philadelphia mint’s founding, 1792, as well as 2017. The reverse side of the coin depicts an eagle in flight.

In 1792, the Philadelphia Mint was created from the need to establish a national identity and the needs of commerce in the United States as a result of the new found indigenous wealth. This led the Founding Fathers of the United States to make an establishment of a continental national mint, a main priority after the ratification of the Constitution of the United States. The Coinage Act of 1792 was entered into law on April 2. It proclaimed the creation of the United States Mint.

Philadelphia at that time was the nation’s capital as a result of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Morocco and the UNITED STATES established under the sacred Elm Tree of Sagamoor Tamanend. (See St. Tammany and William Penn). Therefore, the first mint facility was built there. The Mint Act also instituted a decimal system based on a dollar unit; specified weights, metallic composition and fineness; and required each United States coin feature “an impression emblematic of liberty”.

You see, family and friends they put the symbols right in front of our faces, but it is up to us to know the symbol. The Elite Europeans know who we are, we don’t know who we are because we entrust in a racist white supremacist school system to teach us our history and that’s really foolish if you think about it, because it is not in their best interest to teach us who we really are in their schools. I am a big advocate for us having our own schools.

I have pretty much debunked double agents Dane Calloway and Young pharaoh, but we are not done with them yet, because we are having fun with this. I know I am having fun. Lets see if we can find the term Muur /Moor in the term “America” with the use of Etymology.

We need to get out of our feelings and understand that Moor is the ancient and proper way of calling someone with dark skin, Black. Moors were blackamoor people of all faiths and customs, and not just Islam! There is also two sets of Moors. The Moor spelled with the double O are the Moors from Europe and Africa. The Moor spelled with the Mu’ur are the Moors from Mu/Atlantis, aka, Lemuria (the Americas). Keep in mind that you have the Title Moor/Mu/Mer/Maur/Meru/Meri in the Word America. For Example, Amaur-ka, (T)a-mer-Inca (America), Amen-Ra-Ka, Al Morocco (Al-mer-Ra-Ka), Al-Mauri-khan (American) Ameru-Ka, Amexem (Mexico), and etc. Etymology is very powerful true science. In fact, Moors are Indians and here is evidence: Prophet Noble Drew Ali was even from the Cherokee (Cherry Tree/ Red flag) Tribe, which was a tribe of Berber Indians, aka, Moors from India Superior, which was in North America: Yes, Islam comes from Sufism, which is a science that came from Indian Superior.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali was a Prince of the Washitaw Muur Empire. The Washitaw Moors are the oldest indigenous people on the planet. The word Washington [DC] is derived from the word Washitaw. Read this blog I did years ago to learn how vast the Washitaw Empire use to be. This empire covered 75% of the World’s land at one point in time and this was the last great empire we as a people ruled under: I call myself a Berber Indian, aka, a Muur, because it ties me back to land and our last great empire, as blackamoor people, was a Muurish Empire. Emotionism does not count. Get over the fact that they have lied to us about everything.

The powers that be have paid agents that go on smear campaigns against the Muurs, by placing all Muurs under the Islamic title and by labeling only the Muurs as traitors to the Blackamoor race, when all races have traitors of all faiths and of all nationalities. This is all by design, because being a Blackamoor ties you back to not only land, but also back to royalty. You see, the king’s knights learnt the king’s law, Common law, and they enforced it. For example, the first sheriffs and bailiffs were Moorish knights. You see, the word Sheriff comes from the Arabic word Sharif, which means noble. The word Bailiff comes from the Hebrew word Bey, which means lord and/or governor. Get the black’s law Dictionary 4th edition and look up the word Moor. When you do you will discover that one Moor equals 100 bailiffs: Moor. An officer in Isle of Man, who summons the courts for the several sheadings. The office is similar to the English bailiff of a hundred. (Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition)
Mors/mors/. Lat. Death. State v. Logan, 344 Mo. 351, 126 S. W.2d 256, 259. (Black’s Law Dictionary Editions 5-9)
Mora /mora/. Lat. In civil Law, delay; default; neglect; culpable delay or default. (Black’s Law Dictionary 5-9) the word and definition of Moor, is/was not found after the 4th Edition. According to the Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th edition, deluxe, the word Moor is specifically designated in the definition of Land.

America is Al-Morocco. In Fact, the Muurs designed Washington DC: .

More evidence that Blackamoors not only built the UNITED STATES but also help the Europeans run their government: .

The Blackamoors are indigenous to the Americas. In fact, the Morocco that first recognized the UNITED STATES as a Nation in 1777, was the Morocco, Indiana that is in America: Please avoid, the hijack because Morocco, Indiana was the first Morocco, since America is the True old World and the Birthplace of civilization.

Here is more evidence: . The so-called Blacks in America for the most part are Berber Moors and the American land mass was once known as Al-morocco and this is a recorded fact.

The word Indian comes from the Latin Indios, which means the Black people who are with God. When Columbus first came to America he landed in the West indies, so he called the Muurs who was already over here Indians, because Muur and indian is all one and the same nationality, because they are both the Khmer (Khan/Khem/Shem/Kam/Ham/Sam/I Am) people from India Superior that civilized the world.  Additionally, If you read subsection 4 of this Delaware law it will tell you that the Lenape Indians were formerly known as Moors:…/20…/title-29/chapter-1/section-106/ .

These European masons took a blood oath to never reveal to the children of the Moors who they truly were. As Azeem Hopkins Bey quotes in his book ‘What Your History Books failed to Tell you’. George Washington Chairman of the Continental Congress of 1774 is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were. And only allow the Moorish Children to be taught that they were truly Negros, Black people and Colored Folks.”

George Washington stated that 200 years from today the Moorish people would not know their nationality nor the national name of their forefathers also they would not know from which land or ancestors that they descended from.”

The Iroquois League of Nations has a lot in common with the Camp Holmes Treaty of 1835 that recognizes the Five civilized (christianized) tribes as part of the Wichita/ Witchetaw (Washitaw) Nation. The Treaty of Camp Holmes can be read here: . These are the Five Civilized (Christianized) tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Anyone claiming to be one of these tribes is a Washitaw Moor and I got the Camp Holes Treaty of August 24, 1835 to prove this.

The Washitaw (Washington/Wichia/utah/Yudah) were direct descendants of the Olmecs whom were from the Americas because they were survivors of the Atlantis disaster. There have been no Olmec heads found in Africa, so the Olmecs were native to the Americas. The name “Washitaw” comes from the Washita River which flows along Northwest Texas and Oklahoma to the Red River, where the Cheyenne Native Americans lived with the Chawasha, meaning “Racoon People” (Coon people). The Washo were a tribe of Moors who lived above the New Orleans Bayou (Bey) and were of Tunican (Turner) linguistic stock. The name “Washitaw” is a derivative of the term “Ouachita” or what is now “Wichita”. The term is a Choctaw term which means “Big Arbor” which represented the Grass thatched arbor homes that the people lived in.

In this post is images of the 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North pole. All water (life) is renewed (Anu/A-new) at the Arctic North pole, aka, Mu/Meru/Meri/Mary. As you can see, by looking at the images of the Arctic North pole it used to be a warm and lush area as recently as the 1600’s, so it is very possible that life could have come from the North, aka, via, Northmen (Olmec Muurs, who became the Maya-Naga), in accordance with many myths. Yes, the old world looked very differently, then we know it now. What happen? Well…, a series of cataclysmic events happen that changed the geography of the world. That topic is for another post, so I will stay on topic.

Now, in a literal, physical sense, the Olmec Muurs, being the first  Americans (Amurru-Khans), are from Mount Meru, because they are Mary Men, aka, renown men of mother Mary. Every man and women are born from Mount Meru (Mother Mary), because everyone was born through the womb of a woman. As above, so below. Yes, the same way Mount Meru, the Pole Star/North Star, created the heavens (the stars) and the Earth, “Woman,” being a reflection of the great mother, created man and woman.

The human form is also a representation of Mount Meru, because the Human body has four major limbs and a Navel (center or key). Each limb of the human body represents the 4 cardinal points of the zodiac (see image of the zodiac wheel, which resembles a Swastika) and the Navel is the Pole Star/North Star, which is the center or the Source of electromagnetic energy. As above, so below. The KJV Bible tells you in several places that ye are gods. Now, you know why, because the Human form is Mount Meru.

Polaris is short for Pole Star/North Star, and it is the highest star that is at the center of our Galaxy (see image of the zodiac wheel, which resembles a Swastika). Polaris is also religious figures like: Lord Brahma (Abraham of the Bible), Dhruva, Christ & his 12 Disciples (the zodiac), Meru (see image in this post), and the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden are one and the same. Polaris is the central axis where the universal life force (electromagnetic energy) runs through and branches out to feed everyone and everything. Mount Meru, literally, creates the Vortex (spiral/spirit) of life that creates and sustains life.

The Chinese called Polaris “The great and Honorable Lord of the Heavens” who gives spiritual powers and a sense of purpose, direction, connectedness, and the ability to achieve one’s objectives and to remember and find one’s way back home to source.We all came from Polaris, and at some point, and we shall all go back.

Polaris is the First Blue Ray, and its vibrations are felt by those on the higher path to spirituality. It is also closely linked to Aquarius and the search for truth. All of the Avatars and Manu come from Polaris, seeding the root races on the Earth planes. A root race is seeded roughly every 24,000 years, and one of the oldest root races is the Hyperborean giants, which were the progenitors to the Olmec giants (the Blackamoor race) from MU. The Olmecs were Mu’urs, because they come from MU/Meru/Meri/Mary. MU is code for Mu’urs.  See image of Olmec Mu’ur head. The headdress on the Olmec (old Mexican) resembles a Fez. The image in this post shows you the tassels on the back of the Fez. How can you call yourself a Scholar and not realize the Olmecs, the First Americans, were Muurs? How can you say it was no Muurs in the Americas in Ancient times when the First Americans were Muurs from Mu/Atlantis (the Americas) and the oldest indigenous people on the planet were Wasitaw Muurs? Hopefully, this post will help some of you realize that Dane Calloway and Young Pharoah are misinformation agents. None of them have been studying long enough to be in the category of real scholars. You all love them, because they are popular and sometimes funny. They are entertainment for the most part.

In this post is images of Merovingian Kings, aka, the dragon (christ) kings that established the Tribe of Ptah/Utah/Judah in Europe: Yes, these kings had wings because the Virgo (virgin) Mary (Saint Sara [Saracens]: Mary Magdalene), whom these Kings descend from had wings (see the golden image of the virgo Mohur female Empress). The Virgo Mohur female is also were the concept of Lady Liberty, aka, the Statue of Liberty comes from. The hollywood movie Maleficent is based off of the concept of the Virgo Mohur female.  In the movie, Maleficent referred to herself as Queen of the Moors (the land). The Avengers movie showed you the Merovingian King, as Falcon (Horus/Hero) with his wings flying around like the dragon-king/Christ king that he was. Was Jesus a Dragon? I believe so, because he was a magi (magician) and he referred to himself in the book of Psalms as a Worm, which translates as Dragon/serpent. The Lord said of Himself: “I am a worm [dragon] and not a man” ~ Psalms 21:7 KJV Bible. Jesus never referred to himself as Christian, because he was a Pagan. We were all pagans before they conditioned us with religion, which is just a tool to control the masses.

I will finish off both amateur scholars and misinformation agents (Dane Calloway and Young Pharaoh) with three maps of Timbuktu being in the Americas. These maps are very significant, because Timbuktu is heavily associated with the land of Cush/Kush (Ethiopia) and with the Blackamoors that established it long ago. This was the original Timbuktu, because the Americas is the True Old World and the birthplace of civilization. Timbuktu is a famous place that was established by the kushite Muurs from Kush/Cush (Marrakech, Indiana and Morocco, Indiana), which was also in the Americas, since Morocco was the Capital of Marrakech/Marrakush. Timbuktu was once a major learning center (university) and a source of light (knowledge) for the rest of the world. Yes, the Muurs (Blacks) are the true mothers and fathers of civilization and all of this information ties in with my blog post I did on, “The Holy City of Mecca was in Moslem-Jerusalem,” which can be read right here: . I keep telling people that the near East is just a reflection of the far East (the great Westerner), the Americas, aka, Granada land (Israel/Promised land).

“I’m just here to make you Think” ~ Dane Calloway.


The post The true meaning and origin of the term Mu’ur/ Moor found in ancient times appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:43

The Original Arabs, Turks, and Muslims were Blackamoors

by admin
Black Arabia & the African Origin of Islam
Black Arabia & the African Origin of Islam
Black Arabia & the African Origin of Islam by Wesley Muhammad, Phd. Is Islam a Religion of the Black Man as suggested by Elijah Muhammad? Or is it a slave religion originated by white Arabs and imposed on Black People? Finally, this question is addressed with scholarship rather than with rhetoric. Internationally known scholar of Islam Dr. Wesley Muhammad brings together in this his latest work a tremendous amount of scholarship and demonstrates that: Ancient Black Arabia, which is the matrix of Islam, is a root of civilization and an integral component of the Global African Civilization paradigm. Islam the veneration of Allah as the supreme God predated the Arabian prophet Muhammad by millennia The oldest records of this ancient veneration of Allah indicates that Blacks or Africans in Arabia were the originators of this veneration And much more Remarks about Black Arabia from Africentric Scholar Wayne B. Chandler, author of Ancient Future: The Teachings and Prophetic Wisdom of the Seven Hermitic Laws of Ancient Egypt (1999) about new book: I began going through it and I must say I was really impressed with your work and historical insights. More times than not, much of what has come on the heels of the work we did with [Ivan] Van Sertima has been no more than a regurgitation of our ideas, directions, and story lines. I applaud you in creating a written work which is fresh and inspiring. I am enjoying the read! Peace & Blessings.
Old World painting of the Shield of Prophet Muhammed
Prophet Muhammed was a Blackamoor
Old World painting of the Shield of Prophet Muhammed. Yes, Prophet muhammad was black and this is the evidence. Normally it is against Islamic customs and practices to display an image of the Prophet but this was done under extreme circumstances due to the fact that the Islamic Moors were losing the Crusade wars against the Christian Moors. The Christians Moors had rallied themselves around Saint George, who also was a Moor (black), and his symbol, which is the cross of saint George. This Christians developed a motto to never let the Cross of Saint George hit the ground in battle unless it's death. This motto gave the Christian Moors a psychological edge in Battle, therefore, the Islamic Moors had to counter that psychological edge by creating their very own symbol, hence the Shield of prophet Muhammed was the answer. The painting is the famous Blackamoor Saladin holding the shield of the Prophet and being knocked off his horse.
Old World painting of Berber chief ABU BAKR IBN UMAR
Abu Bakr Ibn Umar, the founder of Marrakesh.
Old World painting of Berber chief ABU BAKR IBN UMAR. His full name was Abu Bakr ibn Umar ibn Ibrahim ibn Turgut. He was a chieftain of the Lamtuna Berbers of the western Sahara, and commander of the Almoravids from 1056 until his death. The Founder of Marrakesh. This is one of the few illustrations that was not whitewashed. The painting is a depiction of Almoravid general Abu Bakr, riding a camel with a whip of knotted cords. The painting is also a Chart of the North-East Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, part of the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Baltic Sea.
Old World painting of King Peter I of Aragon and Navarre
King Peter I of Aragon and Navarre
Old World painting of King Peter I of Aragon and Navarre (1061 - 1104 A.D.) Peter I receiving a shield emblazoned with the Cross of Saint George. According to legend, George appeared on the field of battle at Alcoraz. The heads of four decapitated MOORS were also found on the battlefield and, when added to George's familiar emblem, the Cross of Alcoraz was created, which would later form the basis for the Sardinian coat-of-arms. The Christian Moor Peter I was warring against the Almoravids Moors, who were Berber Moors that practiced Islam. Notice that each Moor head has a crown, so these Berbers were indeed Royalty, and this was a Moor on Moor war. This was the Real game of Thrones that was fought over land and resources, because religion was just the excuse they had used to get what they wanted.
Old World painting of Saint Godfrey de Bouillon
Saint Godfrey de Bouillon, the founder of the knights templars
Old World painting of Saint Godfrey de Bouillon. Yes, the medieval crusades were Christian Moors against Islamic Moors. The founder of the kingdom of Jerusalem and the leader of the first crusade was a French Maur by the name of Saint Godfrey de (DEY) Bouillon. The Templars, the French kings, the Holy Roman Emperors, German Kings, kings of Jerusalem, and English Kings all descend from the Merovingian dynasty. The founders of the merovingian Dynasty were all Moors: .
Old World painting of Saint George killing the Dragon
Saint George killing the Dragon
Old World painting of Saint George killing the Dragon. Saint George was an Ethiopian Moor. and the patron saint of knights and the patron saint of England. Saint George is shown killing the serpent/Dragon people (the muurs/moors) and their serpent/dragon wisdom. He was an agent of Rome ( the Eagle). Rome wanted to Rule the world through Christianity, therefore, this knowledge of self and its people had to be killed too.
Quote by Saint Godfrey de Bouillon
Quote by Saint Godfrey de Bouillon
Quote by Saint Godfrey de Bouillon. Saint Godfrey was a descendant of the Merovingian kings, aka, the dragon kings, and he was the founder of Jerusalem and leader of the first crusade. You have heard it from the horse's mouth, so don't let anyone tell you that the crusades were fought over freeing the Holy City of Jerusalem from under Moorish rule. The territories the Moors had were major trading posts. The Moors dominated commerce (business) in those days because the moors controlled the major trading posts and had a monopoly on the resources of Africa. The moors become so wealthy that they were able to breed into European Royal families. The Moors were able to build the great Cathedrals in Spain and Italy because of the wealth they had generated from trading. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was build by the Moors, long before any crusade and long before any occupation by a foreign king after the crusaders. How is this possible? Well, the Islamic Moors are Sons of Ishmael, so therefore, they are Islamic Jews. Who was Ishmael? Islamel was one of the Sons of Abraham of the Bible. This is strong evidence that Jerusalem was built by the Islamic Moors and taken by the Christian Moors using religion as an excuse to get what they wanted, which was wealth and land.
The Fez is native to the Americas
The Fez is native to the Americas
The Fez is native to the Americas. People hate on Moors like Moors are not Native to this land mass. This is images of Native-American Fezzes. The Native-Americans spoke Algonquian languages, which are composed of mostly Hebrew and Arabic. Why? Because America was owned and ruled by the seed of Abraham who is Isaac and Ishmael, aka, the Hebrew Israelite Moors ( the Tribe of Ben Ishmael). My Hebrew Brothers and sisters, whenever you deny your Moorish Heritage you are denying your own bloodline. My Moorish brothers and Sisters, whenever you deny your Hebrew Heritage you are denying your own bloodline, because the tribes did intermingle and we are brothers and sisters according to the Bible.
The North Carolina Negro Law of 1839
The North Carolina Negro Law of 1839
The North Carolina Negro Law of 1839: "The term Negro is confined to slave Africans (Ancient Berbers) and their descendants."
One Mohur Brass Metal
One Mohur (Moor) Brass Metal
1841 Double Braid One Mohur Brass Metal Of East India Company
Old World Islamic Coin of the Lion of Judah
Islamic Coin of the Lion of Judah
Old World Islamic Coin of the Lion of Judah. The Dirham (Seljuk Dynasty Silver Coin) minted by Gıyase'd-din Keyhüsrev II (1237-1246) in Konya, 2.2 cm x 2.80 grams, dated 1240/1241. There is a Inscriptions on the obverse; Arabic: “Al-imam al-mustansir bi'llah emir al-mu'minin.” English Translation: “Emir of the faithful, Imam Mustansir billāh.” Inscriptions on the reverse; Arabic: “E-sultânu'l-a'zam Gıyâ'd'd-earth and'd-dîn Keyhüsrev bin Keykubad.” English Translation: “The last of Great Sultan Keykubad, Gıyaseddin world veddin Keyhüsrev. Arabic
Old World Islamic Coin of Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan
Emperor Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan
Old World Islamic Coin of Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. Emper Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Notice the 6 pointed Star of David on the reverse side of the coin. This is evidence that Moors are also Jews/Hebrews, because the moors had our Moslem-Jerusalem in the Americas called Granada (Israel/Promised land). Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic Coin of Emperor Najm al-din Ghazi I
Islamic Coin of Emperor Najm al-din Ghazi I
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Najm al-din Ghazi I was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Notice the 6 pointed Star of David on the reverse side of the coin. This is evidence that Moors are also Jews/Hebrews, because the moors had our Moslem-Jerusalem in the Americas called Granada (Israel/Promised land). Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Salahaddin Ayyubi
Islamic coin of Salahaddin Ayyubi
Old World Islamic Coin of Salahaddin Ayyubi was the first sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. A Sunni Muslim of Kurdish (Turk) ethnicity. Saladin led the Muslim military campaign in defense against the Crusader invasion of Jerusalem. At the height of his power, his sultanate included Egypt, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia, the Hejaz, Yemen and other parts of North Africa. Notice the 6 pointed Star of David on the this coin. This is evidence that Moors are also Jews/Hebrews, because the moors had our Moslem-Jerusalem in the Americas called Granada (Israel/Promised land). Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coins from the Artuqid Dynasty
Islamic coins from the Artuqid Dynasty
Old World Islamic coins from the Artuqid Dynasty, Various Rulers (1101-1409)
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Najm al-Din Alpi ibn Timurtash
Emperor Najm al-Din Alpi ibn Timurtash
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Najm al-Din Alpi ibn Timurtash of the artuqids dynasty, (1152-1176 AD), was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Kara Arslan
Islamic coin of Emperor Kara Arslan
Old World Islamic Coin of Emperor Kara Arslan was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic Coin of Emperor Najm al-Din Alpi
Emperor Najm al-Din Alpi
Old World Islamic Coin of Emperor Najm al-Din Alpi was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan
Emperor Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Qutb al-Din Il-Ghazi II
Emperor Qutb al-Din Il-Ghazi II
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Qutb al-Din Il-Ghazi II was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Qara Arslan
Emperor Qara Arslan
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Qara Arslan was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan
Emperor Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Husam al-Din Timurtas
Emperor Husam al-Din Timurtas
Old World Islamic coin of Emperor Husam al-Din Timurtas. He was a ruler of the Artuqids or Artuqid dynasty, which was a dynasty of Turkmen (Turks) who practiced Islam. Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old world Islamic Coin of the Star of David
Ancient Islamic Coin of the Star of David
Old world Islamic Coin of Emperor Nasir ad-Din al-Mansur Artuq Arslan (1201 - 1239). Notice the 6 pointed Star of David on this coin. This is evidence that Moors are also Jews/Hebrews, because the moors had our Moslem-Jerusalem in the Americas called Granada (Israel/Promised land). Additionally, the Americas had a Turkey, because you once had a Nation of Berber Moors from South Carolina that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina.
Old world map (1548) of India Superior
Old World Map of India Superior
Old world map (1548) of India Superior in North America. I took this map from a book called, "The Journey of Coronado," by Castañeda de Nájera, Pedro de, 16th cent. The book cover displays the 1569 Mercator world map which shows India Superior being in North America. This is evidence that the Americas is the old world, because the Americas is the Orient (the East). Notice India Superior and La China on this old world map.

Peace friends and family, this post is in response to the YouTube debate between Young Pharaoh vs. Fredrick El – “Who are the Moors Civilizers or Sell-outs?” If you have not seen that debate yet, please watch it first before reading this blog, so you can see how ignorant this young man is when it comes down to actual historical facts. The debate is embedded in this blog post so you can watch it. Young Pharaoh proclaims that Islam was established by Pale Arabs and Turks and not by Blackamoors. Young Pharaoh also thinks that Mu’urs are not indigenous to the American landmass. Well, this blog post is designed to prove him wrong so let’s begin.

The Prophet Muhammad’s (SAWS) tribe; family were The Qureshi; Quraish; Quraysh. Who were the Qureshi; Quraish; Quraysh? The Qureshi; Quraish; Quraysh a blue-black tribe also known as the Ansar; helpers or companions of the Prophet (SAW) were of dark hue of skin. The Qureshi; Quraish; Quraysh in the past were a very dark skinned people. Dr. Wesley Muhammad, PhD, wrote this article from his book, “Black Arabia:”  Check out page 6 and you will see the Shield of Prophet Muhammed, also in this post is an Image of the Shield of Prophet Muhammed. Yes, that is a Blackamoor as prophet Muhammad on that shield. Normally, it is against Islamic customs and practices to display an image of the Prophet, but this was done under extreme circumstances due to the fact that the Islamic Moors were losing the Crusade wars against the Catholic/Christian Moors. The Christians Moors had rallied themselves around Saint George, who also was a Ethiopian Moor, and his symbol, which is the cross of saint George. This Christians developed a motto to never let the Cross of Saint George hit the ground in battle unless it’s death. This motto gave the Christian Moors a psychological edge in Battle, therefore, the Islamic Moors had to counter that psychological edge by creating their very own symbol, hence the Shield of prophet Muhammed was the answer.

Also, the Berbers were blackamoors too, because they were Moors. The Berbers were Moors, because the Almoravids were a blackamoor Islamic dynasty . The Almoravids were sea merchants and also pirates. The Almoravids became so wealthy that some of them were able to marry into wealthy European Royal Families. In this post is a image of a Berber Moor chief from the Almoravids Dynasty named Abu Bakr ibn Umar ibn Ibrahim ibn Turgut. He was a military general and the founder of Marrakech, which is the capital of Morocco. The Almoravids Dynasty was one of your first Islamic dynasty and as you can see this Islamic dynasty was melanated people.

The cross of Saint George was presented to Peter I of Aragon and Navarre during the Reconquista and war with the Almoravids, who were Moors. A painting of Peter I is in this blog post.  Notice how Peter I, a Christian/catholic Moor, had white European knights go out and bring him back heads of Berber Moors that are all wearing crowns. Peter I, was named after Saint Peter, the first Pope. The medieval crusades were Christian Moors against Islamic Moors. The founder of the kingdom of Jerusalem and the leader of the first crusade was a French Moor by the name of Saint Godfrey de (DEY) Bouillon. A  image of him is in this blog post. The Templars, the French kings, the Holy Roman Emperors, German Kings, kings of Jerusalem, and English Kings all descend from the Merovingian dynasty. The founders of the merovingian Dynasty were all French Maurs:

Saint Godfrey also helped to establish the Order of the Knights Templar, who were also Moors. Here is the evidence that the Templars were Moors: .

The Crusaders were not just fought to take Jerusalem from the Moors, the Crusades were fought over land, wealth and resources. See the photo of the Quote by the famous templar himself Saint Godfrey de Bouillon, which is in this post. The territories the Moors had were major trading posts. The Moors dominated commerce (business) in those days because the moors controlled the major trading posts and had a monopoly on the resources of Africa and the Americas. The moors become so wealthy that they were able to breed into Blackamoor European Royal families. The Moors were able to build the great Cathedrals in Spain and Italy because of the wealth they had generated from trading. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was built by the Moors, long before any crusade and long before any occupation by a foreign king after the crusaders. How is this possible? Well, the Islamic Moors are Sons of Ishmael, so therefore, they are Islamic Jews. Who was Ishmael? Islamel was one of the Sons of Abraham of the Bible. This is strong evidence that Jerusalem was built by the Islamic Moors and taken by the Christian Moors using religion as an excuse to get what they wanted, which was wealth and land. As Blackamoors, the religion of christianity, has been used as an excuse to kill us, enslave us, and to take our wealth and lands, in the name of Christ; but yet, we still want to call ourselves Christians. More bloodshed has been done in the name of Christ than any other Religion, but yet they make Islam out to be so evil. I think all religions are the biggest problem for the world, because they all keep us divided and ignorant for the most part. I think the world would be a better place if we had more love and less religion.

Islam was created by Moors (blacks), aka, Saracens just like all of the other religions too. But what is a Saracen? Well, a Saracen is an old Arab (Berber), the original Arab. All of these faiths were established by the Berber Merovingians, i.e., Saracens, which means sons of Saint Sara, aka, Mary Magdalene (love of magnetism/Mount Meru). The Saracens were the original Roman Catholics (Holy Cat/Sphinx) that established the three major faiths as a means to establish religious orders, as a means of control,  and to establish law and order.

The Saracens or the Race of Saint Andrews were the original Cathy/Cathar/Catholic (caithness). The word Catholics comes from Cathy which is pertaining to the lost Tribe of Israel, aka the RED ONES/REDMEN/RED LAND/RED FLAG, Hebrew Israelite Moors:

The Christian crusaders (Templars) took Moslem-Jerusalem from the Muurs, and these Crusades were fought mostly on the American Landmass too; because the Holy city was in the Americas. The Knights Templars were also found in Ptah/Utah/Judah territory. Additionally, Christopher Columbus actually came to the West indies, aka, the Americas for gold, spices and to retake Moorish-Jerusalem, the Holy City, from The Moors: Deuteronomy 34, in the King James Version Bible Describes Judah. The strange thing is that all of these places are in Utah (Yudah/Judah): Additionally, the City of David, aka, Jerusalem, is in Peru: . All of this evidence proves that God’s Chosen People are the original Copper-colored people of the America’s. So-called Blacks are the only people that fit the scriptures as being God’s Chosen.

In this blog is images of Native-American Fezzes. Yes, the Fez is native to the Americas because all things are, since the Americas is the True Old World. Also, the Mu’urs didn’t have to come to the Americas and take anything, because they were already over here in the Americas. Google the Washitaw Mu’urs, who are Native to the Americas, and are the oldest indigenous people on the planet: . Additionally, If you read subsection 4 of this Delaware law it will tell you that the Delaware Moors, aka, the Lenape Indians were formerly known as Moors:…/20…/title-29/chapter-1/section-106/ . Yes, the Muurs are native to the Americas and so is the Fez.

These European masons took a blood oath to never reveal to the children of the Moors who they truly were. As Azeem Hopkins Bey quotes in his book ‘What Your History Books failed to Tell you’.
George Washington Chairman of the Continental Congress of 1774 is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were. And only allow the Moorish Children to be taught that they were truly Negros, Black people and Colored Folks.”

“George Washington stated that 200 years from today the Moorish people would not know their nationality nor the national name of their forefathers also they would not know from which land or ancestors that they descended from.” [End quote].

Last knockout blow for Young Pharaoh is the fact that the Turks were Blackamoor Islamic Jews. Look at all of the ancient Islamic coins of the Blackamoor Turkmen (Turks) and with their Islamic 6 pointed star of David. Most of these coins are Islamic Emperors from the Artuqid Dynasty, which was a very powerful dynasty that the Ottoman Empire descends from. There were three Artuqid dynasties who ruled the area comprising modern-day eastern Turkey, northern Syria, and northern Iran during the 11th and 12th centuries. The Artuqid dynasty took its name from the founder, Artuk Bey, from which the name Turkey is derived. The Artuqid dynasty struck an extensive range of copper dirhams depicting their portraits and Islamic script.

Artuqid rulers commissioned many public buildings, such as mosques, bazaars, bridges, hospitals and baths for the benefit of their subjects. They left an important cultural heritage by contributing to literature and the art of metalworking. Please learn more about this powerful Islamic Blackamoor Dynasty, right here:

Well, since we are on the subject of Turkey and Turkmen. What do we eat during Thanksgiving to allegedly celebrate thanks and/or goodwill? A turkey is the answer. Why a Turkey? Well, it’s to celebrate the defeat of the Muurs who are Berber Indians (India) from India Superior (the Americas: Asia Major). One year after the Pope issued his Papal bull in 1452, which authorized Christians to take away the possessions and wealth of Saracens and subject them to perpetual servitude (slavery), the pirate Christians took the Byzantine (Berber) Empire from the Moors in 1453. The Christians didn’t stop taking land and wealth from the Saracens, because this same Papal Bull authorized them to take the Granada (Israel/promised land) that we had in Spain in 1492 and the Granada that we had in the Americas starting in the early 1500’s. You see how Christianity has been used as a tool to destroy indigenous people and to take their land, wealth, and possessions in the name of Christ, a fictional concept that is based off of Astrology.

The same way the $5 dollar Indians hate Thanksgiving, Blackamoors are suppose to hate it too, because only ignorant people celebrate their own defeat. Evidence that Turkey (the Country) was also in the Americas is the fact that there was a Nation of defeated Moors called the Turks of South Carolina: More evidence that Turkey was also in the Americas:

They were called Muurs at first, because Turk/Turkey (jive Turkey) became an insult to the Turkish moors after they were defeated. We love Thanksgiving so much, because we have been conditioned to love it when the Turkey bird is a splice between the Buzzard and the Chicken and it has nothing to do with the Indigenous People, because of what happened to our ancestors. How can we be this ignorant that we honor the deaths of our own people, by the hands of our oppressors, via, the defeat of the Turkish melanated people of  the 1453 Byzantine war? Turkey is a word that is actually worse than Nigger, because Turk means ignorant or stupid. The stuffed Turkey aspect is referring to the dead bodies of the Moors that they would stuff the bodies with paper, feathers, and etc. The derogatory feast, Thanksgiving, that subliminally shows the inhumane evils done to the melanated woman, i.e., the pieces of the Turkey’s body symbolizes the woman’s breast, leg, and thigh.  The reality of Thanksgiving is that you celebrate the same Holiday the oppressor celebrates in the defeat of the Moors who were mockingly labeled as Turkeys (Turks).

Lastly, I will finish with this,  Moor and Indian (India) is all one and the same people, because they are both the Khmer (Khan/Khem/Shem/Kam/Ham/Sam/I Am) people from India Superior that civilized the world. In this post is a map of India Superior in the Americas. This map is very significant, because it demonstrates that the Americas is Asia Major/Asia Proper, aka, the Orient (the East). Yes, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Prophet Noble Drew Ali (PBUH) was right when they told us that we are the Asiatic, because the Americas is Asia Major because the Americas is India Superior.

The post The Original Arabs, Turks, and Muslims were Blackamoors appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:43

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome was in Old World America.

by admin
Old World 1800's postcard of California State Capitol
1800's postcard of California State Capitol
Old World 1800's postcard of the California state capitol building. As you can see, it once had gold or copper plated dome to help it conduct atmospheric electricity from the Ether. Yes, this was once a free Energy building. Sacramento was known for its blackamoor kings, hence, the reason for the basketball franchise name, "The Sacramento Kings." I have to agree because the Moorish or Tartarian architecture from San Diego to Bel Air (Hint: Fresh Prince of Bel Air) is just immaculate, and you can tell that it was built for Kings & Queens.
Old World 1800's postcard of the Old Tampa Bay Hotel
1800's postcard of the Old Tampa Bay Hotel.
Old World 1800's postcard of the Old Tampa Bay (Bey) Hotel. Notice the gold domes and the gold Moorish Antennas on this Moorish/Tartarian building. The Gold was to help the building conduct atmospheric electricity from the Ether. Yes, this was a free energy Building.
Old World Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford
Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford
Old World Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford. Notice the gold or copper plated dome at the top. Well, the purpose of this was to collect atmospheric electricity from the Ether. Yes, this was a free energy building. The building style is also Gothic Architecture, which is a Moorish or a Tartarian mode of craftsmanship according to the master textbook. "A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages," by John Britton.
Old World Iowa State capitol
Iowa State capitol Building
Old World Iowa State capitol Building. Notice the gold or copper plated dome at the top. Well, the purpose of this was to collect atmospheric electricity from the Ether. Yes, this was a free energy building. The building style is also Gothic Architecture, which is a Moorish or a Tartarian mode of craftsmanship according to the master textbook. "A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages," by John Britton.
Old World US Capitol Building
US Capitol Building
Old World US Capitol Building is Greco-Roman Architecture, which means that the Cherokee Built this before the great comet of 1811-1812 destroyed the Old World Order that was ruled by Blackamoors. Notice the gold lighting on the US Capitol building, which is a hint to us that this Capitol building and all of the state capitol buildings once had a gold or a copper plated dome to conduct the atmospheric electricity from the Ether.
Old World US Capitol Building
The US Capitol Building
Old World US Capitol Building in Washington DC is Greco-Roman Architecture that was built by the Cherokee (Cherry Tree) before the great comet of 1811-1812 destroyed the old world Order that was ruled by Blackamoors. This was once a free energy building too before they removed the gold or copper plated dome.
Old World US Capitol Building
US Capitol Building
Old World US Capitol Building in Washington DC is Greco-Roman Architecture that was built by the Cherokee (Cherry Tree) before the great comet of 1811-1812 destroyed the old world Order that was ruled by Blackamoors. This was once a free energy building too before they removed the gold or copper plated dome.
Old World Texas State Capitol Building in Austin
Texas State Capitol Building in Austin
Old World Texas State Capitol Building in Austin is Greco-Roman Architecture that was built by the Cherokee (Cherry Tree) before the great comet of 1811-1812 destroyed the old world Order that was ruled by Blackamoors. This was once a free energy building too before they removed the gold or copper plated dome.
Old World Wisconsin State capitol in madison
Wisconsin State capitol in madison
Old World Wisconsin (sons of Wakhanda) State capitol in Madison is Greco-Roman Architecture that was built by the Cherokee (Cherry Tree) before the great comet of 1811-1812 destroyed the old world Order that was ruled by Blackamoors. This was once a free energy building too before they removed the gold or copper plated dome. This state Capitol is a physical representation of Mount Meru/Meri/Mary, which is the Arctic North Pole; because you can see the four rivers (the four buildings) of the Garden of Eden and the tree of life (the dome) that emanates from the Center of the Source.
Old world 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
Old world 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North pole. Notice Mount Meru, which is the black magnetic mountain, aka, the Kaba, at the center in the lake, which is our magnetic North pole that aligns perfectly with the Pole Star or North Star.
Old world 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
1595 mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
Old World 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see someone listed Eden and Meru right there. But why?Well, because the KJV Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see 4 rivers and the Black cube (the Kaba or the tree of life) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). What is the Swastika? Well, the Swastika is the clockwise rotation of the constellations around the Pole Star/North Star, which creates the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains life.
The pole Star - first star and first thought
The pole Star - first star and first thought
The Pole star or North star is the first star and the highest star that created all of the rest of the stars; therefore, this star is the first thought (seed) that created all life. The star constellations revolve around the Pole star, because it is the Pole Star that spins the zodiac wheel of life. This clockwise rotation of the Pole Star is responsible for creating the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains all life on this planet. The pole star is the blue cross that is in the center of the image of the big dipper. This image shows you the zodiac wheel (the Swastika) that revolves around the Pole Star, aka, the great mother. You see how the cross and the Swastika are one and the same, because they form the same system and they come from the same source of blue light.
Lord Brahma, aka, Abraham of the Bible
Lord Brahma, aka, Abraham of the Bible
This is an Image of Lord Brahma, aka, Abraham of the Bible with his 4 faces and his Swastika, which represent Mount Meru/Meri/Mary.
Old world map (1548) of India Superior
Old World Map of India Superior
Old world map (1548) of India Superior in North America. I took this map from a book called, "The Journey of Coronado," by Castañeda de Nájera, Pedro de, 16th cent. The book cover displays the 1569 Mercator world map which shows India Superior being in North America. This is evidence that the Americas is the old world, because the Americas is the Orient (the East). Notice India Superior and La China on this old world map.

The Greco-Roman (Greek and Roman) Architecture demonstrates that the Americas was Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The US Capitol Building, the White House, the Governor’s Mansions, and all of the State Capitol Buildings in the UNITED STATES, display Greco-Roman Architecture, which is Moorish/Tartarian mode of craftsmanship. Yes, the Cherokee (Cherry tree: old Glory/ the red Flag) where the real Greco-Romans (Greeks and Romans) and they built all of the Greco-Roman Architecture in the Americas:

In this post is images of Greco-Roman and Gothic Architecture, all of which is a Moorish or a Tartarian mode of craftsmanship, according to the master textbook, “A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages,” by John Britton: . Most of these capitol buildings use to have gold or copper plated domes to conduct the atmospheric electricity that these Tartarian/Moorish buildings use to harness. Yes, the Old World had free-energy technology and almost every modern convenience that we have today as far as technology goes, before the great comet of 1811-1812, destroyed the Old World Order that was ruled by Blackamoors: Since Moors were the Tartartians according to the Gothic Architecture all over the world, but mainly in the Americas, this means that modern-day Europeans did not build any of these Greco-Roman/Gothic structures in Old World America, because a previous advanced American civilization called Mu’urs (Moors) and Berber Indians (India), all one and the same people, because they are both the Khmer (Khan/Khem/Shem/Kam/Ham/Sam/I Am) people from India Superior that civilized the world. In this post is a map of India Superior in the Americas. This map is very significant, because it demonstrates that the Americas is Asia Major/Asia Proper, aka, the Orient (the East).

It actually makes perfect sense that Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome was in Old World America, because the Americas is the True Old world, and the birthplace of civilization, as we have already proven correct, in my previous blog post, “The Americas is Atlantis and the Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization.” This means that everything in the near East is just a reflection of the great Westerner (the far East: the Orient).

Not only do we have the Greco-Roman Architecture as proof, but we have plenty of Greek place names all over America, but especially in Georgia. Let’s discuss Georgia. Georgia is the feminine form of George. George comes from the Greek “Georgios,which is derived from the Greek word Yewpyoc (georgos) meaning farmer, earth worker. Now, that we know that Georgia is a Greek (Creek=Cherokee) name, let’s look at some of these Greek place names in Georgia: Sparta, Georgia; Ephesus, Georgia; Corinth, Georgia; Sardis, Georgia; Smyrna, Georgia; Antioch, Georgia; Aracadia, Georgia; Columbus, Georgia; Athens, Georgia; Olympia, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Troy, Georgia; Thebes, Georgia; Egypt, Georgia; Rome, Georgia; Eden, Georgia; Jerusalem, Georgia, Bethlehem, Georgia; and etc.

The interesting thing about Georgia is that they found a Mayan Temple in Georgia:  This makes perfect sense, so this Mayan Temple was not a hoax. Also, 1/3 (33%) of the Mayas tongue was Greek, according to the book, “Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx,” by Augustus Le Plongeon. In his book, Hindu America, India-Indian author Chaman Lal states:
At present we are studying the native tongues and find that at least as far as Nahuatl, Zapoteca, and Maya languages are concerned, they are of Indo-European (Sanskrit) origin.”[End quote]. Yes, the Mayas spoke Sanskrit, which is the oldest language and the origin of all of the languages. Sanskrit is of course an Indian language, all of which gives credence to the fact that India Superior, (the Americas) is the True Old World and the birthplace of civilization. This also gives credence to the fact that languages like Greek and Roman Latin come from the tongue of the Ancient Maya Indian (India).

Also, they found Greek and Roman coins in the Americas, so there is nothing new about the Americas and Greece and Rome was also in Old World America: It’s hard for people to understand that everything in the near East is just a reflection of everything that we had first in the Americas. Yes, including Egypt (Atlantis), because Egypt was a global blackamoor civilization:

The Greek language was the Egyptian Coptic language. Dr. Ben even told us that there is no such thing as any Greek language. This means that the Greek language is Coptic. Even if it was Greek, Greece was a colony of Egypt and a global Blackamoor civilization. According to Herodotus, Greece was a colony of Egypt: It was Pharaoh Narmer Menes who first established Greece. After Pharaoh Narmer, we had Pharaoh Sesostris, who founded and built Athens, Greece:

Blackamoor Greeks:

The Greek Gods were Blackamoors:

The Americas is old Egypt Tameri (the land of the Muurs/ the land of Mary), because the Ancient Egyptian god Ptah (a predynastic Egyptian deity /Atlantean god) is from the Americas. Yes, Ptah (Judah) is from the Americas, because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. Additionally, Ptah was also the chief god of Luxor in Memphis, Tennessee, which was in the Americas. Please read this old Facebook post, which demonstrates that Ancient Luxor was in Old World America:

The post Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome was in Old World America. appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:42

America is the True Old World – Paperback

by admin
Old World bust of Olmec Head - First Americans
The first Americas
Old World bust of Olmec Head - First Americans. The phenotype is undoubtedly that of a Blackamoor and the Headdress resembles a Fez.
Old World bust of Olmec Head - First Americans
The First Americans
Old world bust of the back of an Olmec Headdress and you can see several tassels, which indicates a Fez.
America is the True Old World - Book Teaser
America is the True Old World - Book Teaser
Amazon Kindle Book Reviews
Amazon Kindle Book reviews for the book, America is the True Old World; which has received two 5 star ratings on Amazon Kindle so far.
America is the true old world - Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle: America is the True Old World. Get in now on Amazon kindle.
Amazon Kindle Book Review
Amazon Kindle book review for the book, America is the True Old World. Get the paperback on Amazon and the ebook on Amazon Kindle.
America is the True Old World - eBook
“America is the True Old World," is destined to rewrite history, because this eBook demonstrates that the Americas is the Far East, the Land of the Bible, and the oldest landmass. All civilization started in the Americas and branched out to the rest of the world. This eBook also discusses the Lost continent of Mu, Atlantis, Hyperborea, Ancient Indian, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Sumer with 40 color illustrations to highlight the beauty of the Old World. This eBook is Volume I of an IV volume eBook series, so there is more to come.
America is the True Old World - Paperback
Where is the lost continent of Mu and Atlantis? Have Mu and Atlantis been discovered? Yes, Mu and Atlantis have been found. The new Ancient American History book, “America is the True Old World,” has the answer to all of those questions and more with their discovery. This book is destined to rewrite the history books, because this book demonstrates that the Americas is the far East, the land of the Bible, and the Motherland, and it comes complete with 40 color illustrations to highlight the beauty of the Old World. This is volume I of an IV-part book series so there is more to come. Enjoy.

Hello, my name is Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, and I am proud to introduce to you my new book entitled, “America is the True Old World,” but first let me tell you more about myself. I am a honorary 33 degree mason, Metaphysician, Historian, Philosopher, Paralegal, Researcher, Poet, Published Author, Crown Knight of Kush, and Ghostwriter. I am 40 years old and loving life in beautiful South Florida. I spend most of my time with my family and friends, so I do consider myself to be a family man and a team player. Now, let’s discuss my new book.

The book, “America is the True Old World” (Vol., I), is destined to rewrite the history books, due to the topic of the book, if proven correct, because the old world is suppose to be the East and not the West. This book reveals the discovery of the Lost Continent of Mu, the discovery of Atlantis, the discovery of the Garden of Eden, and so much more. This book has 40 color illustrations to highlight the Beauty of Old World America.  This book is volume I of a IV volume eBook series that covers 12 chapters, so there is more to come. Volume I, eBook Chapters include: Chapter 1: America is the True Old World (Vol., I); Chapter 2: India Superior was in North America (Vol., I); and Chapter 3: Ancient Sumer was in the Americas (Vol., I).

This book is actually an open challenge to any and all scholars, whether they be professional or amateur scholars. I don’t rely on any degrees from western Colleges to qualify me to write this eBook, because I will let the evidence that I present qualify this book as factual. I am of the firm belief that it is the current established western academia model of history, which is the Out of Africa Theory, is the main reason why none of the discoveries listed in this books are not known and are not talked about if known, because no one wants to go against established western academia. To go against Western Academia is to be label a fraud and an incompetent person, so I understand why the information in this book is not known or either not talked about. We are in the age of Aquarius, which is the Information Age/the Age of Knowing, so everything that was hidden will come to light.

Over the last hundreds of years, people have infatuated with ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, and India. However, those civilizations could never be in the NEW World (the Americas), because this landmass was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, which is what they teach us in school. As a result of most people believing that the Americas is the New World, most people are completely wrong about how old the Americas are and that the said ancient civilizations were also in the Americas too. This book is designed to set the record straight.

In this post is an image of  a Olmec head. The Olmec’s (old Mexicans) were your first Americas and, probably, your first humans too. The Olmecs were some of the survivors of the Atlantis disaster. I say this because no Olmec head has been found in Africa, so therefore the Olmec’s did not come from Africa, which is contrary to what western academia believes. The Olmec head image in this post is undoubtedly that of a Mu’ur/ Moor (Negro) from Mu. Mu means Mother, according to James Churchward in his the Lost continent of Mu, book. The Olmecs were Mu’urs, because they come from MU/Meru/Meri/Mary. MU is code for Mu’urs. The headdress of the Olmec resembles a Fez. You can even see the tassel on the front of the fez and you can see tassels on the back of the Fez too with the other Olmec image I have shared in this post of the back view of the Olmec head.

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14 Jan 17:42

The Americas is Atlantis and the Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization.

by admin
Old World King Atlas - King of Atlantis and Mauritania
Atlas - King of Atlantis and Mauritania
Old World King Atlas, the Muur King of Atlantis and Mauritania shown holding up the world. Atlas was a Titan (giant/Olmec), the word Titan is etymologically equivalent to words like Tartan/Tartar/Tartary/Torah. Did giants once exists? Yes, according to all of the Smithsonian cover-ups of giants found on the American landmass and according to scripture from the King James Version Bible, Genesis 6:4, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." How Big were these Titans? Well, the Book of Enoch, verses, 7:1-4, which was taken out of the Bible, speaks about giants being over 3,000 ells (cubits) tall, which is 11,250 feet tall or over 2 miles tall.
Old world giants: The Ancient Giants who Ruled America
The Ancient Giants who Ruled America, by Richard J. Dewhurst
Old World giants: The Ancient Giants who Ruled America is the most comprehensive and level approach to the subject of giant humanoids in Earth’s past to have ever been published. The most appealing aspect is that Dewhurst has collected a vast array of primary sources and presents them here. Reading one newspaper discovery after another of giant skeletons and artifacts is perhaps the most compelling reason to question the standard lines we are given about humanity’s origins. When coupled with his persuasive theories explaining why the Smithsonian would actively cover up such discoveries, you have one valuable and entertaining read! Highly recommended.”, Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D., author of Founding Fathers, Secret Societies and host of 21st Century R “Giants in ancient America? You bet! It’s all here in Richard Dewhurst’s fabulous book. Extensively illustrated and chronicled with firsthand accounts from early 19th- and 20th-century news clippings, this book will shatter the mainstream academic teachings that continue to ignore and cover up the role giants played in early American history.”, Xaviant Haze, author of Aliens in Ancient Egypt and coauthor of The Suppressed History of America “At last, a comprehensive sourcebook that demystifies the giants of ancient America. Lavishly illustrated, this goliath and gutsy book delivers an unprecedented wealth of information on the great mound builders. Dewhurst digs deeper than the rest. Don’t miss it.”, Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., author of Lost History of the Little People and The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid man.
Old World map showing Mauritania in the Americas
Old World map showing Mauritania in the Americas
Old World Map from the book “Africa Versus America” by Isabel Alvarez de Toledo. This Old world map shows you Mauritania (Ta-mauri-tania) in the Americas.
Old world map of the Eye of Atlantis in Mexico
Eye of Atlantis in Mexico
Old world map of the Eye of Atlantis in Mexico. This map shows the eye of Atlantis in Mexico. All credits due to Gene Matlock and to I claim Transformative Use, because the Americas was Atlantis and not just Mexico.
Satellite image of the Eye of Atlantis in Mexico
Eye of Atlantis in Mexico
Satellite image of the Eye of Atlantis in Mexico
Old World 1597 map of Hyperborea by Abraham Ortelius
1597 map of Hyperborea by Abraham Ortelius.
Old World 1597 map by Abraham Ortelius of Amsterdam, showing "Hyper Borei" (Hyperborea) in the Arctic North Pole. I believe this map is much older because the land is not divided yet. You can also see that Atlan (Atlantis) was in the American region on this map, which is another map that verifies that the Americas is Atlantis. Notice how the North pole was once a warm and lush area, because according to this map the North pole is not covered with ice; therefore, civilization could have come from the North in accordance with many myths.
Old world 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
Old world 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North pole. Notice Mount Meru, which is the black magnetic mountain, aka, the Kaba, at the center in the lake, which is our magnetic North pole that aligns perfectly with the Pole Star or North Star.
Old world 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
1595 mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
Old World 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see someone listed Eden and Meru right there. But why?Well, because the KJV Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see 4 rivers and the Black cube (the Kaba or the tree of life) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). What is the Swastika? Well, the Swastika is the clockwise rotation of the constellations around the Pole Star/North Star, which creates the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains life.
Old World Sacred Symbol of Mu
Sacred Symbol of Mu
Old world Sacred symbol of Mu/Meru/Meri/Mary. This Symbol is also the Key to Universal Movement. Universal movement, as in a clockwise spiral rotation, generates electromagnetic energy. This same energy creates life and maintains life. This is a very ancient symbol, because it was taken from the William Niven Tablets found in the Valley of Mexico, which was a find dated to be over 50,000 years old.
The pole Star - first star and first thought
The pole Star - first star and first thought
The Pole star or North star is the first star and the highest star that created all of the rest of the stars; therefore, this star is the first thought (seed) that created all life. The star constellations revolve around the Pole star, because it is the Pole Star that spins the zodiac wheel of life. This clockwise rotation of the Pole Star is responsible for creating the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains all life on this planet. The pole star is the blue cross that is in the center of the image of the big dipper. This image shows you the zodiac wheel (the Swastika) that revolves around the Pole Star, aka, the great mother. You see how the cross and the Swastika are one and the same, because they form the same system and they come from the same source of blue light.
Atlantis in Mexico by Dr. Clyde Winters
Atlantis in Mexico by Dr. Clyde Winters
Atlantis in Mexico by Dr. Clyde Winters
Old world 1510 Hunt-Lenox Globe of Atlantis
1510 Hunt-Lenox Globe of Atlantis
Old world 1510 Hunt-Lenox Globe of Atlantis, which is the second oldest terrestrial globe in existence. This map shows you South America as Atlantis. It was enlarged so you can see it.
Old World 1607 map of the Atlantic world
1607 map of the Atlantic world
Old World 1607 map of the Atlantic (Atlantis) world
Old World 1661 Sanson map of the Atlantis Insula
1661 Sanson map of the Atlantis Insula
Old World 1661 Sanson map that was created by renowned French cartographer, (termed by some the Creator of French Geography), Nicolas Sanson. This map shows the Americas as the Atlantis Insula.
Old World 1669 Sanson map of Atlantis
1669 Sanson map of Atlantis
Old World 1669 Sanson map that was created by renowned French cartographer, (termed by some the Creator of French Geography), Nicolas Sanson. This map shows the Americas as the Atlantis.
King Atlas
The Story of King Atlas
This is the story of the the Atlantean King Atlas.
King Atlas -part 2
King Atlas -part 2
This is part 2 of the story of the the Atlantean King Atlas.
William Stephens Blacket
Quote from Researches into the lost histories of America
Quote from Researches into the lost histories of America; or, The Zodiac, by William Stephens Blacket
Quote from The Venus Blueprint
Quote from The Venus Blueprint
Quote from The Venus Blueprint - Uncovering the Ancient Science of Sacred Spaces, by Richard Merrick
Old World painting of a Ethiopian from America
A Young Noble Ethiopian from America
Old World painting of a Ethiopian from America. Look at the scenery and the dress of the Ethiopian, which indicates the Americas (palm tree, bow & arrow, and feather headdress). Well, the civilized world was once known as the three Ethiopia's/ three Indies, which was the Americas, Africa, and Euro-Asia. The Americas was once known as the farthest Ethiopia. Ethiopian, just like the term Moor is referring to anyone with dark skin, aka, black skin.

Peace friends, this post is in response to Pan-Africans hating on the fact that the so-called African Americans, aka, Blacks, are Atlanteans and that the Americas is the Old World, because the Americas is Atlantis. Egypt was a colony of Atlantis according to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth (thought). Since Egypt was a colony of Atlantis this means that Atlantis is the origin of the Egyptian civilization. This post stems from a post I did months ago showing and proving that the Americas is the old world. You can read that post on Facebook below, which has been subjected to a lot of debate. I won this debate too, which was a debate to determine if the Americas is really the True old world:

Pan-Africans accused me of teaching you all mythology, because according to them Atlantis was a myth and if it was real it was in Africa. Everything has to be in Africa, according to the Illuminati and its masonic white and Black subjects. Additionally, how can Atlantis be mythical when Atlantis is on countless old world maps? Also,  we have an Atlantic (Atlantis) Ocean; we have an Atlanta (Atlantis), Georgia; and we have Aztalan (Atlantis) State Park in Wisconsin. All of which are named after Atlantis. Well friends, I hate to break this news, but “It is in the mythical that we have the Truth.” ~ Greek proverb.

In this post is a 1607 map of the Atlantic (Atlantis) World, a 1661 and a 1669 Sanson map of Atlantis, and more old world maps. As you can see, Atlantis was in the Americas for the most part, but Atlantis was a global Blackamoor civilization:

Also, here is a Globe/Orb (1600’s) of the Americas being described as the Atlantic Insula from the Stanford University Library, by Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 and Mortier, Pierre. Please click on this link of this map so that you can zoom in and see it for yourself:…/…/fm706sb1090

Also, here is 1600’s map of the Americas being described as the Atlantic Insula from the Stanford University Library, by Sanson. Please click on this link of this map so that you can zoom in and see it for yourself:…/…/yq819xv4507.

The Americas is also Granada (Israel/the promised land) due to its abundance of resources: Also read my blog post entitled, “The Holy City of Mecca was in Moslem-Jerusalem: America is the True Old World,” because the information is all related: .

They took the promise land, aka Granada land (Israel), away from the Ancient Indians (Aryans/Chosen people/Children of the sun (son)/Children of the Corn/Master Race/Master Builders/Khmer People), who become the Ethiopians, Sumerian, Hebrews, Blackamoors, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Atlanteans, Olmecs, Mayas, Aztecs, Washitaw, Buddhist, and etc. But how was this possible? Well, they convinced the Ancient Aryans (Vedic Indians/Blackamoors/Egyptians/Hebrews/Blacks), aka, the Asiatic Black man, and the world, that only Blackamoors come from Africa; and that the Americas is a New world discovered by Columbus in 1492. This was all done so that the Asiatic Black man (the Aryan/Ancient Indian) from Asia Major/Asia proper, aka, India Superior [this India is not to be confused with Hindustan or East India], would abandon his land, Birth-rites, Wealth, Culture, and everything associated with Granada (Israel/the Promised land: the land of milk and honey). Yes, India Superior was in the Americas and the Americas is the Orient (the East). This is very significance, because scholars associate Egypt with being in the Orient (the East):

Also, in this post is images of the Arctic north pole, aka, Mount Meru/ the Garden of Eden. Genesis of the KJV Bible, 2:10–14, lists four rivers in association with the garden of Eden: Pishon, Gihon, Chidekel (the Tigris), and Phirat (the Euphrates). It also refers to the land of Cush—translated/interpreted as Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a Greek word which means burnt face or sun darken people, aka, Blacks/Negroes. With regard to the Ethiopians, Strabo indicates that they looked similar to Indians, remarking “those who are in Asia (South India), and those who are in Africa, do not differ from each other.” [10] Turner, Sharon (1834). The Sacred History of the World, as Displayed in the Creation and Subsequent Events to the Deluge: Attempted to be Philosophically Considered, in a Series of Letters to a Son, Volume 2. Longman. pp. 480–482. Retrieved 20 January 2015. [end quote from].  This makes sense because its already firmly established that so-called Black people were your first people, because white skin is only 6,000 years old. White people came on the scene 6,000 years ago, because European Skin only became white recently. Goggle, “European Skin Turned Pale Only Recently, Gene Suggests Ann Gibbons,” and read that scientific article for actual proof:

In this post is a old world painting of a Ethiopian from the American land mass. The painting indicates that he was Ethiopian. In fact, the painting is called, “A Young Noble Ethiopian.” Look at the scenery and the dress of the Ethiopian, which indicates the Americas (palm tree, bow & arrow, and feather headdress). Well, the civilized world was once known as the three Ethiopia’s/ three Indies, which was the Americas, Africa, and Euro-Asia. The Americas was once known as the farthest Ethiopia, according to Greek record.  Ethiopian, just like the term Moor is referring to anyone with dark skin, aka, black skin.

Ethiopia is considered to be the birthplace of Egypt, which was in the Americas. Additionally, Ethiopia has a long rich and powerful history that the so-called African American can be proud of, so why not claim it when it applies to us too? So not only is the name Africa wrong, but everything we love about Africa was actually on the American landmass – places like Egypt, Punt, Ethiopia, and etc., because the Americas is the birthplace of civilization. The oldest name I found of Africa was Aethiopia (Ethiopia). Please watch Dr. Ali Muhammad, “The African controversy”:

Also, there is no such thing as a Greek language, because Greek is actually the Egyptian Coptic language, so therefore, Ethiopia was an Egyptian name that means Sun Darken faces. This makes sense to me, because we are known to name ourselves after traits. For example, the Egyptians called themselves the Khemetians, which means Black-Headed ones. Another example is how the Indians (Blackamoors) would name themselves after a personal trait our something they were good at.
Blackamoor Greeks:

The Greek Gods were Blackamoors:

The Greek language was the Coptic Egyptian language. Dr. Ben even told us that there is no such thing as any Greek language. This means that the word Ethiopian is not Greek, but actually Egyptian Coptic. Even if it was Greek, Greece was a colony of Egypt and a Blackamoor, Egyptian civilization.

Greece was a blackamoor civilization and a Egyptian colony, therefore, it shouldn’t matter. Aethiopia predates Africa by far and has a much richer history.

According to Herodotus, Greece was a colony of Egypt:
It was Pharaoh Narmer Menes who first established Greece. After Pharaoh Narmer, we had Pharaoh Sesostris, who founded and built Athens, Greece:

As you can see, by looking at the old world maps in this post, civilization could have come from the North, in accordance with many myths, because that region was once lush and green, as recently as the 1600’s, according to the old world maps in this post. The magnetic North pole is were all of the waters of life are renew/Anew/Anu (Anu: Anunnaki) or reborn again, because the 4 rivers associated with the Garden of Eden flow inward or drain inward in order to be recycled again. What causes the 4 rivers of the Garden of Eden, aka, Mount Meru, to flow inward? Well, the Sacred movement of the Zodiac wheel (the Swastika), which is clockwise rotation, creates a very powerful vortex of energy that pulls the waters inward to drain around the Kaba, aka, the magnetic pole.

In this post is a image of hyperborea on a old world map, which looks like a older version of the Arctic North pole before the land was divided into 4 parts, so it appears to be a lot of truth to the Hyperborea myth, which can be read here: The link shows the 1595 mercator map of the Arctic North pole as Hyperborea and the link goes on by saying that they were a race of giants who lived “beyond the North Wind”.

Now, that we are on the topic of giants, lets tie in all of the information. The Olmecs were a race of giants, according to the size of the Olmec heads found, that were survivors of the Atlantean disaster. Yes, the Olmecs were your First Americans and they were not from Africa, because there have been no Olmec heads found in Africa. They have carbon-dated the Olmec heads to be over 5,000 years old, however, because the timelines have been distorted to keep everything within a 6,000 year time period of human history, we have to add a zero behind the 5,000 to make it 50,000 years, which is more realistic, because the Olmec heads were found in the valley of Mexico near the same region that Archaeologist William Niven found over 2600 Egyptian-style artifacts that rewrite history, because the find was dated to be over 50,000 years old.

The work of William Niven was dismissed by mainstream academia as a hoax, because his find does not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being the New World, since his find is dated over 50,000 years old. How can Niven’s find be a Hoax? Would a respected mineralogist and archeologist, really create 2,600+ fake tablets and other discoveries? To what end? It seems he would have more to lose than to gain. In any event, the controversy rages on to this day. I am curious to know, where the ruins he discovered are and what explanation archaeology offers to explain them away, because how can 2,600 artifacts be a hoax. I think the Niven Tablets are worth re-examining. Many people dismissed them only because they were featured in the poorly written and racist “Lost Continent of Mu” book, but that’s not Nivens fault.

William Niven was buried at Mount Calvary in June 2, 1937. Interesting thing is that Jesus was crucified on Mount Calvary. Mount Calvary is also code for the Arctic North Pole, aka, Mount Meru, the great mother Meru/Meri/Mary, which is the source of life.

Also, in this post is a image of Atlas, the first Muur king of Atlantis and king of Mauritania, which was in the Americas, according to the old world maps and the information provided in this post. I know you are probably thinking that King Atlas couldn’t have been real, because he was a Titan being according to myth. Well, there are mountains, oceans, and places named after this King, so there could be a lot of truth to this myth. Also, after ever cataclysmic event that destroys civilization every 200 -250 years, due to solar minimums, the human race has gotten smaller each time, because the amount of Oxygen was depleted due of the cataclysmic event. This means that thousands of years ago, you had titan beings on this earth, because you had huge amounts of oxygen available to support a giant era (Jurassic era?). We had giant trees that reached all the way into the heavens that were big enough to support a giant era, due to the huge amount of Oxygen that they produced (meet the beanstalk): Evidence that Titan beings once existed (meet Jack): Well, it appears that Jack and Beanstalk was more than just a myth when you look at the evidence.

The post The Americas is Atlantis and the Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:42

“Life is a Constant Becoming,” a poem by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey

by admin
Poem - Life is a Constant Becoming
Red and white Rose
Poem - Life is a Constant Becoming. The rose is a good symbol to use for this poem, because the rose starts off as a simple seed (thought), but through the process of constant becoming, through its own divine will, it blossoms or wills itself into a beautiful rose. Yes..., life is truly a constant becoming. It doesn't matter where you start off at in life, because it's all about your constant becoming through your own choices that you make in this life.
Poem - Life is a Constant Becoming
Muurish couples in love
Poem - Life is a Constant Becoming. This is a Muurish Couple that is dancing. Yes.., life gives us these good moments from time to time, so we better enjoy them.
Poem - Life is a Constant Becoming
Poem - Life is a Constant Becoming. This is a Rollercoaster ride. This image is perfect for this poem too, because we all know the old true saying, "Life is a rollercoaster." We have to agree with it, because life gives us ups and downs just like the rollercoaster ride does in real life.


Living Life is the only way to learn from experience, so keep striving towards the endless end, the beginning-less beginning, because life is a constant becoming. Life brings strife, but that is the spice of life.

To Strive… to be a god or a goddess, or judge mankind in its own self-worth; to tell pain and pleasure from everything that is…, and everything that is not.

To squeeze the leaves for every ounce of pain and pleasure from the learning experiences of life, because living life is the ultimate tithe.

Life gives us a chance to dance for a moment and think tank on the fact that all is love and love is life. Love is the supreme nutrient that switches on the spice of life, in which the price for life… is never right.

However, when it’s all said and done and when we sit down and contemplate for a moment, we realize that life is a constant becoming, because it is forever changing; therefore, we must keep on knowing no thing.

“I am the rose that has just blossom. I am the Lily on the pad.” ~ Amunhotep Chavis El Bey.

The post “Life is a Constant Becoming,” a poem by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey appeared first on America is the Old World.

14 Jan 17:42

“Horus – the Egyptian Christ,” a poem by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey

by admin
Before, After, and way after
Before, After, and way after
As you can see, the original virgin Mary was Isis holding her son/sun Horus. Yes, the Christian Holy trinity was copied from Egypt, via, Osiris (the father), Isis (virgin mother Mary) and Horus (the sun/son), according to the master history textbook, "The Outline of History," by H.G. Wells.
Horus vs Seth
Horus vs Seth
Horus vs Seth was one of the original superhero stories. The word Hero comes from the Egyptian god Heru, because with ancient languages the vowels are interchangeable. You can see were the" U" in Heru, became the "O" to make Hero. Horus vs Seth (sun set: darkness) is a classic battle of good vs evil, or light vs Darkness, in which Horus wins because the light aways expels away the darkness when the sun rises above the Horizon (Horus).
Egyptian God Horus
Egyptian God Horus
Egyptian God Horus using his force/source of Power. Yes.., Horus was a magi (magician) and so was Jesus Christ. Jesus is just a copy of Horus, according to the master history textbook, "The Outline of History," by H.G. Wells.
Horus holding up sun
Horus holding up sun
This is Horus/Heru/Hero holding up the sun (Ra). Yes, Horus was the first son of God. Jesus is just a copy of Horus.



Horus the savior, who was brought to birth
As light in heaven and sustenance on earth.
Horus in spirit, verily divine,
Who came to turn the water into wine.
Horus, who gave his life, and sowed the seed
For men to make the bread of life indeed.
Horus the comforter, who did descend
In human fashion as the heavenly friend.
Horus the Word, the founder in his youth.
Horus, fulfiller as the Word made truth.
Horus the lord and leader in the fight
Against the dark powers of the ancient night.
Horus the sufferer with his cross bowed down,
Who rose at Easter with his double crown.
Horus the pioneer, who paved the way
Of resurrection to eternal day.
Horus triumphant with the battle done,
Lord of two worlds, united and made one.

The post “Horus – the Egyptian Christ,” a poem by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey appeared first on America is the Old World.