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23 Apr 22:15

[ASAP] Ultrafast Electron Cooling and Decay in Monolayer WS2 Revealed by Time- and Energy-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy

by Yaolong Li†‡, Wei Liu†‡, Yunkun Wang†‡, Zhaohang Xue†‡, Yu-Chen Leng#, Aiqin Hu†‡, Hong Yang†‡§?, Ping-Heng Tan#, Yunquan Liu†‡§?, Hiroaki Misawa??, Quan Sun*?, Yunan Gao*†‡§, Xiaoyong Hu*†‡§?, and Qihuang Gong†‡§?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00742
23 Apr 22:15

[ASAP] Ultraheavy and Ultrarelativistic Dirac Quasiparticles in Sandwiched Graphenes

by Stephen Carr†§, Chenyuan Li†§, Ziyan Zhu†, Efthimios Kaxiras†‡, Subir Sachdev†, and Alexander Kruchkov*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04979
23 Apr 22:14

[ASAP] Direct Measurement of the Contents, Thickness, and Internal Pressure of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoblisters

by Beng Hau Tan†, Jun Zhang‡, Jing Jin‡, Chin Hong Ooi‡, Yi He§, Renwu Zhou?, Kostya Ostrikov?, Nam-Trung Nguyen*‡, and Hongjie An*‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00398
23 Apr 22:14

[ASAP] Non-Invasive Nanoscale Potentiometry and Ballistic Transport in Epigraphene Nanoribbons

by Alessandro De Cecco†, Vladimir?S. Prudkovskiy†‡, David Wander†, Rini Ganguly†, Claire Berger†‡, Walt?A. de?Heer‡§, Herve´ Courtois†, and Clemens B. Winkelmann*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00838
11 Apr 23:09

[ASAP] Planar Hypercoordinate Motifs in Two-Dimensional Materials

by Yu Wang†, Yafei Li*†, and Zhongfang Chen*‡

TOC Graphic

Accounts of Chemical Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.0c00025
11 Apr 23:09

CVD growth of large-area InS atomic layers and device applications

Nanoscale, 2020, 12,9366-9374
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR01104E, Communication
Chien-Liang Tu, Kuang-I Lin, Jiang Pu, Tsai-Fu Chung, Chien-Nan Hsiao, An-Ci Huang, Jer-Ren Yang, Taishi Takenobu, Chang-Hsiao Chen
Indium sulfide (InS) atomic layers made by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are synthesized onto a mica substrate, producing a highly crystalline, large-area, and atomically thin-film InS flakes.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
11 Apr 23:07

Direct observation of minibands in a twisted graphene/WS2 bilayer

by Ulstrup, S., Koch, R. J., Singh, S., McCreary, K. M., Jonker, B. T., Robinson, J. T., Jozwiak, C., Rotenberg, E., Bostwick, A., Katoch, J., Miwa, J. A.

Stacking two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals materials with different interlayer atomic registry in a heterobilayer causes the formation of a long-range periodic superlattice that may bestow the heterostructure with properties such as new quantum fractal states or superconductivity. Recent optical measurements of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterobilayers have revealed the presence of hybridized interlayer electron-hole pair excitations at energies defined by the superlattice potential. The corresponding quasiparticle band structures, so-called minibands, have remained elusive, and no such features have been reported for heterobilayers composed of a TMD and another type of 2D material. We introduce a new x-ray capillary technology for performing microfocused angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with a spatial resolution of ~1 μm, and directly observe minibands at certain twist angles in mini Brillouin zones (mBZs). We discuss their origin in terms of initial and final state effects by analyzing their dispersion in distinct mBZs.

11 Apr 23:06

Picoscale structural insight into superconductivity of monolayer FeSe/SrTiO3

by Peng, R., Zou, K., Han, M. G., Albright, S. D., Hong, H., Lau, C., Xu, H. C., Zhu, Y., Walker, F. J., Ahn, C. H.

Remarkable enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) has been observed for monolayer (ML) FeSe films grown on SrTiO3 substrates. The atomic-scale structure of the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface is an important determinant of both the magnetic and interfacial electron-phonon interactions and is a key ingredient to understanding its high-Tc superconductivity. We resolve the atomic-scale structure of the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface through a complementary analysis of scanning transmission electron microscopy and in situ surface x-ray diffraction. We find that the interface is more strongly bonded for a particular registration, which leads to a coherently strained ML. We also determine structural parameters, such as the distance between ML FeSe and the oxide, SeFeSe bond angles, layer-resolved distances between FeSe, and registry of the FeSe lattice relative to the oxide. This picoscale structure determination provides an explicit structural framework and constraint for theoretical approaches addressing the high-Tc mechanism in FeSe/SrTiO3.

11 Apr 23:06

Black phosphorus quantum dots in inorganic perovskite thin films for efficient photovoltaic application

by Gong, X., Guan, L., Li, Q., Li, Y., Zhang, T., Pan, H., Sun, Q., Shen, Y., Grätzel, C., Zakeeruddin, S. M., Grätzel, M., Wang, M.

Black phosphorus quantum dots (BPQDs) are proposed as effective seed-like sites to modulate the nucleation and growth of CsPbI2Br perovskite crystalline thin layers, allowing an enhanced crystallization and remarkable morphological improvement. We reveal that the lone-pair electrons of BPQDs can induce strong binding between molecules of the CsPbI2Br precursor solution and phosphorus atoms stemming from the concomitant reduction in coulombic repulsion. The four-phase transition during the annealing process yields an α-phase CsPbI2Br stabilized by BPQDs. The BPQDS/CsPbI2Br core-shell structure concomitantly reinforces a stable CsPbI2Br crystallite and suppresses the oxidation of BPQDs. Consequently, a power conversion efficiency of 15.47% can be achieved for 0.7 wt % BPQDs embedded in CsPbI2Br film-based devices, with an enhanced cell stability, under ambient conditions. Our finding is a decisive step in the exploration of crystallization and phase stability that can lead to the realization of efficient and stable inorganic perovskite solar cells.

11 Apr 23:06

A sensitive and robust thin-film x-ray detector using 2D layered perovskite diodes

by Tsai, H., Liu, F., Shrestha, S., Fernando, K., Tretiak, S., Scott, B., Vo, D. T., Strzalka, J., Nie, W.

Solid-state radiation detectors, using crystalline semiconductors to convert radiation photons to electrical charges, outperform other technologies with high detectivity and sensitivity. Here, we demonstrate a thin-film x-ray detector comprised with highly crystalline two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper phase layered perovskites fabricated in a fully depleted p-i-n architecture. It shows high diode resistivity of 1012 ohm·cm in reverse-bias regime leading to a high x-ray detecting sensitivity up to 0.276 C Gyair–1 cm–3. Such high signal is collected by the built-in potential underpinning operation of primary photocurrent device with robust operation. The detectors generate substantial x-ray photon–induced open-circuit voltages that offer an alternative detecting mechanism. Our findings suggest a new generation of x-ray detectors based on low-cost layered perovskite thin films for future x-ray imaging technologies.

11 Apr 23:06

Correlation-driven eightfold magnetic anisotropy in a two-dimensional oxide monolayer

by Cui, Z., Grutter, A. J., Zhou, H., Cao, H., Dong, Y., Gilbert, D. A., Wang, J., Liu, Y.-S., Ma, J., Hu, Z., Guo, J., Xia, J., Kirby, B. J., Shafer, P., Arenholz, E., Chen, H., Zhai, X., Lu, Y.

Engineering magnetic anisotropy in two-dimensional systems has enormous scientific and technological implications. The uniaxial anisotropy universally exhibited by two-dimensional magnets has only two stable spin directions, demanding 180° spin switching between states. We demonstrate a previously unobserved eightfold anisotropy in magnetic SrRuO3 monolayers by inducing a spin reorientation in (SrRuO3)1/(SrTiO3)N superlattices, in which the magnetic easy axis of Ru spins is transformed from uniaxial <001> direction (N < 3) to eightfold <111> directions (N ≥ 3). This eightfold anisotropy enables 71° and 109° spin switching in SrRuO3 monolayers, analogous to 71° and 109° polarization switching in ferroelectric BiFeO3. First-principle calculations reveal that increasing the SrTiO3 layer thickness induces an emergent correlation-driven orbital ordering, tuning spin-orbit interactions and reorienting the SrRuO3 monolayer easy axis. Our work demonstrates that correlation effects can be exploited to substantially change spin-orbit interactions, stabilizing unprecedented properties in two-dimensional magnets and opening rich opportunities for low-power, multistate device applications.

11 Apr 23:05

[ASAP] Optical Spectroscopy of Single Colloidal CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanoplatelets

by Caixia Huo†‡?, Chee Fai Fong†?, Mohamed-Raouf Amara†§?, Yuqing Huang†, Bo Chen?, Hua Zhang??, Lingjun Guo‡, Hejun Li‡, Wei Huang?, Carole Diederichs*#§, and Qihua Xiong*†¶

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00611
11 Apr 23:05

[ASAP] Anisotropic Nonequilibrium Lattice Dynamics of Black Phosphorus

by Daniela Zahn*, Patrick-Nigel Hildebrandt, Thomas Vasileiadis, Yoav William Windsor, Yingpeng Qi, He´le`ne Seiler, and Ralph Ernstorfer*

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00734
11 Apr 23:05

[ASAP] Optically Stimulated Synaptic Devices Based on the Hybrid Structure of Silicon Nanomembrane and Perovskite

by Lei Yin†, Wen Huang†, Rulei Xiao‡, Wenbing Peng†, Yiyue Zhu†, Yiqiang Zhang†§, Xiaodong Pi*†, and Deren Yang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00298
11 Apr 23:04

[ASAP] Nonlinear Charge Transport in InGaAs Nanowires at Terahertz Frequencies

by Rakesh Rana*†, Leila Balaghi†‡, Ivan Fotev†‡, Harald Schneider†, Manfred Helm†‡, Emmanouil Dimakis†, and Alexej Pashkin*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05328
11 Apr 23:04

[ASAP] Nano-photocurrent Mapping of Local Electronic Structure in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

by Sai S. Sunku†‡?, Alexander S. McLeod†?, Tobias Stauber§, Hyobin Yoo?, Dorri Halbertal†, Guangxin Ni†, Aaron Sternbach†, Bor-Yuan Jiang?, Takashi Taniguchi#, Kenji Watanabe#, Philip Kim?, Michael M. Fogler?, and D. N. Basov*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04637
11 Apr 23:04

[ASAP] Formation Mechanism of Twinning Superlattices in Doped GaAs Nanowires

by Nebile Isik Goktas†?, Andrei Sokolovskii§, Vladimir G. Dubrovskii‡?, and Ray R. LaPierre*†?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00240
11 Apr 23:03

[ASAP] Unprecedented Charge State Control in Graphene Quantum Dots

by Marc Bockrath*
Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01132
11 Apr 23:03

[ASAP] Let There Be Order, in Films of Colloidal CdSe 2D Nanocrystals

by Iwan Moreels*

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01373
11 Apr 23:03

[ASAP] Switchless Multiplexing of Graphene Active Sensor Arrays for Brain Mapping

by Ramon Garcia-Cortadella†?, Nathan Scha¨fer†?, Jose Cisneros-Fernandez‡, Lucia Re´‡§, Xavi Illa‡§, Gerrit Schwesig?, Ana Moya‡, Sara Santiago?, Gonzalo Guirado?, Rosa Villa‡§, Anton Sirota?, Francesc Serra-Graells‡, Jose A. Garrido*†#, and Anton Guimera`-Brunet*‡§

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00467
11 Apr 23:03

[ASAP] Raman Fingerprints of Graphene Produced by Anodic Electrochemical Exfoliation

by Vaiva Nagyte†, Daniel J. Kelly‡, Alexandre Felten§, Gennaro Picardi†, YuYoung Shin†, Adriana Alieva†, Robyn E. Worsley†, Khaled Parvez†, Simone Dehm?, Ralph Krupke??, Sarah J. Haigh‡, Antonios Oikonomou#?, Andrew J. Pollard?, and Cinzia Casiraghi*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00332
31 Mar 23:14

[ASAP] Experimental Realization of Two-Dimensional Buckled Lieb Lattice

by Haifeng Feng†‡?, Chen Liu§?, Si Zhou*†?, Nan Gao?, Qian Gao?, Jincheng Zhuang‡, Xun Xu†‡, Zhenpeng Hu?, Jiaou Wang§, Lan Chen*#?, Jijun Zhao?, Shi Xue Dou†‡, and Yi Du*†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05316
31 Mar 23:13

[ASAP] Defect-Seeded Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides on the Basal Plane of 2D Layered Materials

by Michael F. Mazza†‡, Miguel Caba´n-Acevedo†‡, Joshua D. Wiensch†, Annelise C. Thompson†, and Nathan S. Lewis*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00179
31 Mar 23:13

[ASAP] Molecularly Thin Nitride Sheets Stabilized by Titanium Carbide as Efficient Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Fiber-Shaped Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

by Zhihan Wu†#, Hao Wang‡#, Pan Xiong§#, Guohui Li†#, Tianlun Qiu†, Wen-Bin Gong?, Fangfang Zhao†, Cuiling Li?, Qingwen Li?, Guoxiu Wang*§, and Fengxia Geng*†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00717
31 Mar 23:13

[ASAP] Carboxylic Acid-Functionalized, Graphitic Layer-Coated Three-Dimensional SERS Substrate for Label-Free Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers

by Hyung Joon Park†‡, Seunghee Cho†, Minjoon Kim†, and Yeon Sik Jung*†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00048
31 Mar 23:13

[ASAP] Unveiling Valley Lifetimes of Free Charge Carriers in Monolayer WSe2

by Manfred Ersfeld†#, Frank Volmer†#, Lars Rathmann†#, Luca Kotewitz†, Maximilian Heithoff†, Mark Lohmann‡, Bowen Yang¶, Kenji Watanabe§, Takashi Taniguchi§, Ludwig Bartels¶, Jing Shi‡, Christoph Stampfer†||, and Bernd Beschoten*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05138
31 Mar 23:12

[ASAP] Experimental Observation of Strong Exciton Effects in Graphene Nanoribbons

by Alexander Tries†§, Silvio Osella?, Pengfei Zhang‡, Fugui Xu‡, Charusheela Ramanan†, Mathias Kla¨ui§, Yiyong Mai‡, David Beljonne?, and Hai I. Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04816
31 Mar 23:12

[ASAP] Superconductivity in Single-Quintuple-Layer Bi2Te3 Grown on Epitaxial FeTe

by Hailang Qin†, Bin Guo†, Linjing Wang†, Meng Zhang†, Bochao Xu†, Kaige Shi†, Tianluo Pan†, Liang Zhou†, Junshu Chen†, Yang Qiu‡, Bin Xi§, Iam Keong Sou||, Dapeng Yu†, Wei-Qiang Chen†, Hongtao He*†, Fei Ye*†, Jia-Wei Mei*†, and Gan Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05167
31 Mar 23:12

[ASAP] Ultralow Thermal Conductivity of Two-Dimensional Metal Halide Perovskites

by Ashutosh Giri*†¶, Alexander Z. Chen‡¶, Alessandro Mattoni§¶, Kiumars Aryana†, Depei Zhang?, Xiao Hu?, Seung-Hun Lee?, Joshua J. Choi‡, and Patrick E. Hopkins*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00214
28 Mar 22:42

[ASAP] Gate-Tunable Semiconductor Heterojunctions from 2D/3D van der Waals Interfaces

by Jinshui Miao†, Xiwen Liu†, Kiyoung Jo†, Kang He?, Ravindra Saxena†, Baokun Song†, Huiqin Zhang†, Jiale He‡, Myung-Geun Han§, Weida Hu‡, and Deep Jariwala*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00741