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17 Nov 14:12

Amazon just dropped a huge hint that Alexa is about to get even smarter.

by Mark C. Webster

The foundation of Amazon Alexa’s “intelligence” is the individual apps, called Skills, that a user can enable to enhance the functionality…

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17 Nov 14:09

Robotic Hatching Animal Eggs

by staff

Win parent of the year by surprising your kid with their very own robotic hatching animal egg. Once their adorable little critter hatches, your kid will be able to listen to its heartbeat and even teach it how to walk, talk, dance, and play games.

Check it out


15 Nov 21:14

Making it easier for anyone to start exploring A.I.

by Google Devs
Alexander Chen, Creative Lab

With all the exciting A.I. stuff happening, there are lots of people eager to start tinkering with machine learningtechnology. We want to help make it easier for anyone to do that – whether you're an engineer, hobbyist, student, or someone who's just curious. But sometimes, it can feel pretty intimidating when you're just getting started.

That's why we've created a site called A.I. Experiments. The site showcases simple experiments that let anyone play with this technology hands-on, and resources for creating your own experiments.

The experiments show how machine learning can make sense of all kinds of things – images, drawings, language, sound, and more. They were made by people with all different interests – web developers, musicians, game designers, bird sound enthusiasts, data visualizers – with everyone bringing their own ideas for how to use machine learning.

We also want to make it easier for coders to make their own experiments. Many of the projects we're featuring are built with tools anyone can use, like Cloud Vision API, Tensorflow, and other libraries from the machine learning community. The site has videos by the creators explaining how they work, and links to open-source code to help you get started. To submit something you've made, or just play with things other people are making, visit A.I. Experiments.

And if you're looking for even more inspiration for what's possible using machine learning, check out these new experiments from our friends in Google Arts & Culture.

15 Nov 21:05

This Google-powered AI can identify your terrible doodles

by Nick Statt

As part of Google’s slew of artificial intelligence announcements today, the company is releasing a number of AI web experiments powered by its cloud services that anyone can go and play with. One — called Quick, Draw! — gives you a prompt to draw an image of a written word or phrase in under 20 seconds with your mouse cursor in such a way that a neural network can identify it. It’s both a hilarious and fascinating exercise with broader implications for how AI can self-learn over time in key AI research areas like image recognition and optical character recognition.

Quick, Draw! is a great way to familiarize yourself with how neural networks work to identify objects and text in photos, which is one of the most common forms of AI-guided...

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15 Nov 14:21

Microsoft teams up with Elon Musk’s OpenAI project

by Frederic Lardinois
3D render of a robot trying to solve a wooden cube puzzle OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research non-profit backed by Tesla’s Elon Musk, Y Combinator’s Sam Altman, a Donald Trump fan called Peter Thiel, and numerous other tech luminaries, is partnering with Microsoft to tackle the next set of challenges in the still-nascent field. OpenAI will also make Microsoft Azure its preferred cloud platform, in part because of its… Read More
15 Nov 13:33

First Click: I used an OLED laptop for two weeks and don't know if I can ever go back

by James Vincent

As part of The Verge’s international team, I’m used to a certain amount of teasing about my work set-up. While colleagues in Slack dissect the pros and cons of using 30-inch external monitors in vertical orientation, or bemoan the fact that Apple and LG’s 5K UltraFine display isn’t shipping to Japan yet, I sit here with perhaps the simplest workstation I can get away with: a single 2013 MacBook Air. I have no external monitors, no second-screen tablets, and do all my work on a 13-inch display that hasn’t changed since 2010. And, until recently, I was happy. Until, that is, I tried a laptop with an OLED screen.

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14 Nov 08:44

Coca-Cola crée une bouteille qui prend des selfies sur Snapchat

by Francois Castro Lara

Aujourd’hui, le selfie est devenu un véritable phénomène de mode. Longtemps cantonnée aux jeunes générations, cette pratique se démocratise chez tout le monde, tout comme Snapchat. Coca-Cola l’a bien compris et a décidé d’en jouer pour sa nouvelle opération mise en place en Israël avec l’agence Gefen Team. L’idée : créer une bouteille qui capture automatiquement des selfies quand vous buvez pour les uploader sur votre compte Snapchat.

Mais ce n’est pas tout : la bouteille uploade également vos selfies sur la page Facebook de Coca-Cola Israël, et sur son compte Instagram. Cette opération résolument dans l’air du temps a été mise en place à l’occasion du Coca-Cola Summer Love, un festival dédié à la marque en Israël.


Une idée de Coca-Cola & Gefen Team | Via

Cet article Coca-Cola crée une bouteille qui prend des selfies sur Snapchat est apparu en premier sur Creapills.

13 Nov 22:15

Snapchat Spectacles are here and they are ridiculously fun

by Bryan Bishop

When Snap, Inc. announced earlier this year that it had created a pair of video-recording sunglasses called Spectacles, it was a little hard to get a handle on just what the end result would be. Snap was new to the hardware game, and more ambitious wearables like Google Glass had been expensive, niche failures. But yesterday a limited number of Spectacles went on sale, offered through a yellow pop-up vending machine near the company’s original headquarters in Venice, California — and we finally got a chance to see what the company had come up with.

After spending some time with them, I don’t think I’m ever going to give my Spectacles up.

That vending machine gambit sets up a core ideal — Spectacles are supposed to be...

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13 Nov 22:06

As far as Kickstarter projects go, this amazing virtual drum kit is tough to beat

by Luke Dormehl

Want to get your Keith Moon or John Bonham on, but don’t have space for a real drum kit? No problem: Virtual drumkit Freedrum is your hookup. Here's how you can get your hands on one.

The post As far as Kickstarter projects go, this amazing virtual drum kit is tough to beat appeared first on Digital Trends.

10 Nov 17:21

Master of Orion bientôt adapté en jeu de plateau

by Bertrand L.


Après avoir sorti le reboot de Master of Orion en août dernier, WG Labs et Cryptozoic Entertainment vont proposer aux amateurs de Space opera une déclinaison en jeu de plateau de ce fameux jeu PC. Prévu pour 2 à 4 joueurs, cette version boardgame utilisera un système à bases de cartes, permettra de faire une ...
10 Nov 12:27

Google’s miniature radars can now identify objects

by James Vincent

When Google unveiled Project Soli in 2015, the company presented it as a way to create gesture controls for future technology. Soli’s miniature radars are small enough to fit into a smartwatch and can detect movements with sub-millimeter accuracy, allowing you to control the volume of a speaker, say, by twiddling an imaginary dial in mid-air. But now, a group of researchers from the University of St Andrews in Scotland have used one of the first Project Soli developers kits to teach Google’s tech a new trick: recognizing objects using radar.

Every object has a unique radar fingerprint

The device is called RadarCat (or Radar Categorization for Input and Interaction), and works the way any radar system does. A base units fires...

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09 Nov 12:03

Cryptocurrencies rise on Trump victory

by Natasha Lomas
bitcoin Donald Trump’s historic victory in the 2016 US presidential elections predictably immediately hammered the value of the dollar on foreign currency exchange markets. But it’s the opposite story if you’re looking at cryptocurrencies. Read More
09 Nov 09:00

Grass Blade Ballpoint Pen

by staff

Give your workspace a little natural color with this set of grass blade ballpoint pens. These functional novelty silicone pens are styled to look like slender bright green blades of grass and come in packs of 12 that create a lively bouquet when placed together.

Check it out


06 Nov 10:11

Big Mouth Alexa Bass

Mike Dee hacked his Amazon Echo to make the device's Alexa voice assistant speak through a Big Mouth Billy Bass animated singing fish...(Read...)

03 Nov 13:27

Amazon wants police offers to have a tiny ‘assistant drone’ on their shoulder

by Trevor Mogg

While Amazon is best known for its enormous ecommerce site and line of consumer gadgets, it also has an interest in drone technology. Besides a grand plan to deliver goods by drone, it's now looking into the idea of mini-drones to help cops in their work.

The post Amazon wants police offers to have a tiny ‘assistant drone’ on their shoulder appeared first on Digital Trends.

02 Nov 21:48

Whisk Wiper is the smart kitchen utensil cleaner you never knew you needed

by Luke Dormehl

New Kickstarter contraption the Whisk Wiper lets would-be chefs quickly clean a kitchen whisk without frustration or mess in just a matter of seconds. It's the utensil you never knew you needed!

The post Whisk Wiper is the smart kitchen utensil cleaner you never knew you needed appeared first on Digital Trends.

29 Oct 17:03

Hot Ice Experiment

How to make Hot Ice at home - Amazing Science Experiment..(Read...)

27 Oct 21:43

A New Kind of AI: Google’s Deep Learning Neural Nets Have Learned Encryption

by Dom Galeon

Developing Its Own Encryption

Alice and Bob can keep secrets — well, at least from Eve. These three are the neural networks (or neural nets) that a team from Google Brain, Google’s research division for machine deep learning, developed to see just how well artificial intelligence (AI) can keep secrets. It turns out, they can do it pretty well.

In a study published on arXiv, researchers Martín Abadi and David Andersen feature how neural nets can develop their own simple encryption techniques in order to keep messages from eavesdroppers, even without being given special cryptographic algorithms. In theory, neural nets “are generally not meant to be great at cryptography,” the researchers said.

The experiment involved these three, affectionately named, neural nets. The idea was for Alice and Bob to pass messages to each other while Eve tries to intercept and decode the exchanges. In order to do this, Alice and Bob were given a pre-determined set of numbers as a key to help encrypt and decrypt the message. Eve had no access to this key.

Credits: Abadi and Andersen/Google Brain

After 15,000 iterations of the scenario, Alice and Bob became adept at developing their own simple encryption technique. Alice managed to convert the original plain-text into a cipher text that Bob, in turn, was able to decrypt. Eve only managed to decipher 8 of the 16-bits in the message, where each bit was either a 1 or 0 — a success rate equivalent to pure luck.

AI is everywhere

Google’s work on deep learning has already made considerable development in AI ability to interpret speech and recognize images (with Cloud Vision), and even one that’s capable of human-level speech. Even more, it’s not just limited to practical tasks. A Google AI has tried exploring the arts by making its own song.

So, while AI has only just started to try out cryptography, it has gradually been in, pretty much, everything else.

Neural nets are capable of all this because they are computer networks modeled after the human brain. This is what’s fascinating with AI aggregate technologies, like deep learning. It keeps getting better, learning on its own, with some even capable of self training.

We are, indeed, at the center of one of the biggest moments in our civilization’s history.

The post A New Kind of AI: Google’s Deep Learning Neural Nets Have Learned Encryption appeared first on Futurism.

27 Oct 16:51

Un drone découvre une gigantesque croix Celtique dans une forêt Irlandaise

by Julien

Si les Crop Circles font toujours débat entre sceptiques et ufologues, cette croix Celtique gigantesque visible depuis les airs, n’a rien de mystérieuse. Selon plusieurs sources, cette croix formée par un type d’arbre différent, est le fruit du travail d’un forestier local. Symbole du christianisme celtique, cette croix forestière est devenue une curiosité de la forêt de Donegal proche de la ville de Derry. Voici des images capturées cette semaine par un drone.

Un drone survole une forêt Irlandaise et découvre…

— Golem13 (@Golem_13) 27 octobre 2016

Région de Derry

via Donegaldaily

27 Oct 16:28

Meet Satan 2: Russia’s New ICBM Nuke Capable of Leveling France or Texas in One Hit

by Dom Galeon

Summoning Satan 2

Russia has just revealed an upgrade to their intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) arsenal, and reports assert that it is strong enough to level a massive amount of ground.

Dr Paul Craig Roberts, who is the former assistant secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, said in a blog post that the missile packs so much power that it would be strong enough to “wipe out three-fourths of New York state for thousands of years.” Other reports assert that the size of the package could be large enough to devastate an area the size of Texas.

The RS-28 Sarmat, nicknamed Satan 2 by NATO, will be high on the list of the world’s most deadly weapons. It was developed by the Makeyev Rocket Design bureau, and has been in the works since 2011.

Originally intended for a 2020 release, the Satan 2 is now expected to be operational by 2018. The more than 100-ton missile would be launched from a silo and can travel distances of up to 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles), through the North or South poles, to deliver an enormous 10-ton payload.

Though heavy, it is not slow, reaching maximum speeds of more than Mach 20—some 24,500 km/h (15,220 mph).

The RS-28 Sarmat. Credits: Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau
The RS-28 Sarmat is huge. Credits: Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau

Its payload can reportedly carry 10 heavy warheads at a time or 16 lighter ones. It can also equip huge amounts of missile defense countermeasures to prevent it from being taken out by anti-missile systems. According to Sputnik magazine in Russia, Satan 2 could pack enough nuclear power that could devastate a landmass as big as France in a single blow.

That’s strong. Very strong.

In a statement, the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau told state controlled news agency Sputnik International: “In accordance with the Decree of the Russian Government ‘On the State Defense Order for 2010 and the planning period 2012-2013’, the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau was instructed to start design and development work on the Sarmat. In June 2011, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a state contract for the Sarmat’s development.”

And they note the purpose of the missile, saying that, “The prospective strategic missile system is being developed in order to create an assured and effective nuclear deterrent for Russia’s strategic forces.”

Technological Brinksmanship

Russia isn’t the only one updating military technology for the future. Just recently, the US unveiled its largest-ever destroyer, the USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000), which can be used to fire futuristic railguns.

Indeed, there is also no shortage of smart weapons (and bullets) and autonomous military vehicles. There’s DARPA’s ACTUV submarine hunting drone, and technologies developed by Lockheed Martin have led to an unmanned boat (the Marlin MK2), and then there is Ocean Aero’s submarine drone (the Submaran)—just to name a few.

Clearly, modern technology is reshaping the future of warfare.

The post Meet Satan 2: Russia’s New ICBM Nuke Capable of Leveling France or Texas in One Hit appeared first on Futurism.

27 Oct 11:31

This AI-powered alarm clock promises to make your life better, more French

by James Vincent

Ah, the French, the nation-state equivalent of that friend from high school who always seems to be doing better than you and who your mom won't stop asking about. The French cook well, they dress well, and, according to a Kickstarter campaign for an AI-powered alarm clock, they're even better at getting up in the morning.

The alarm clock in question is called the Bonjour and pledges to be your "morning assistant," making your life easier and more luxurious. It offers all the sorts of features you'd get from Google Assistant or Alexa (warning you about traffic on your way to work, checking your calendar, playing music, etc) but houses this information in a chic-looking circular alarm clock with an animated UI and built-in speaker. It can...

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27 Oct 08:04

Table basse ou table pour manger : pourquoi choisir ?

by Masha (Maria) Koblyakova for The Creators Project

gif.gifGIF via

Si vous habitez dans une grande ville où la question du logement implique souvent de vivre dans un espace minimal, que vous avez des revenus que nous qualifierons de modestes ou que vous préférez simplement vivre de peu, vous avez sûrement déjà été confronté à ce dilemme : est-ce que je choisis d’acheter une table basse ou une vraie table, genre pour manger ? C’est la question que nous nous sommes posés mes colocs et moi lors de notre emménagement à Paris, et je ne vous cache pas que l’option « apéro convivial » a été privilégiée face à celle de « dîner posé ».

Mais bientôt, ce dilemme n’aura plus lieu d’être, grâce à la table Boulon Blanc. En effet, une jeune marque de mobilier française a pris la décision salutaire de répondre à cet épineux problème. Frustrés, comme nous, du manque d’élégance des solutions jusque là proposées, les designers disent s’être inspirés « des mondes de l’aéronautique et de l’horlogerie » pour apporter à une table aux « lignes épurées » un « assemblage mécanique et universel et emblématique, composé de deux éléments : une vis et un écrou », comme on peut le lire sur la page Kickstarter du projet.


S’il faut encore bosser dur pour s’offrir l’astucieuse création de Boulon Blanc — à partir de 630€ pour les early birds —, vous pouvez d’ores et déjà contribuer au projet à hauteur de vos moyens, ou, comme nous, vous contenter de l’admirer en images et en GIF.

Pour en savoir plus sur le projet, c’est par ici, et sur Boulon Blanc, c’est par .

26 Oct 06:13

With 102 cameras, Metapixel can create photorealistic 3D models in 30 minutes

by Andy Boxall

The era of not-quite real video game characters is almost at an end. Using an amazing 102-camera rig, Metapixel can scan and recreate a digital version of you with uncanny accuracy. We tried it out.

The post With 102 cameras, Metapixel can create photorealistic 3D models in 30 minutes appeared first on Digital Trends.

25 Oct 12:33

Navdy’s Heads-Up Display for your car starts shipping for $799

by Greg Kumparak
navdy2 We got our first glimpse of Navdy’s smart heads-up display for cars back in 2014, when the company crowdfunded its way to around two and a half million dollars. Two years and around $26 million in venture capital later, it’s here: as of this morning, the Navdy is officially shipping. The idea behind Navdy is simple enough: take the stuff that might usually live on your… Read More
25 Oct 07:15

InContext Solutions raises $15.2M to bring retail experiences into VR

by Lucas Matney
chi-incontext-solutions-funding-bsi-photos-201-003 Virtual reality offers businesses the ability to see consumer habits in digital environments before committing the resources to actually building out those environments in the real world. For InContext Solutions, a major market opportunity that they’ve been able to isolate is giving retailers the opportunity to test and explore new in-store retail concepts inside virtual reality. Today,… Read More
21 Oct 20:26

Ces artistes qui magnifient leurs véhicules

by Morgan
Si la plupart des propriétaires de voiture veulent la conserver aussi immaculée que possible, certains aiment la personnaliser. Parfois, c’est discret, joli et/ou drôle, parfois, c’est très ostentatoire. Cette Volkswagen Coccinelle façon Steampunk, par exemple, est magnifique. Voici quelques réalisations intéressantes. Certains apprécient de tuner leur voiture, d’autres préfèrent lui ajouter une petite touche artistique, comique […]
20 Oct 12:21

Il réalise que les chinois volent les projets kickstarter

by Thibault Deschamps
Un israélien ayant débuté un projet kickstarter s’est rendu compte que son idée avait été volée par des copieurs chinois. Problème, ces derniers ont été capables de produire à toute vitesse et pour 5 fois moins cher le produit en question. Nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à utiliser des perches à selfie. Observant […]
19 Oct 20:19

Le « Home Hub » un appareil autonome pour Cortana dans nos maisons ?

by Julien Renard

Comme vous le savez, Microsoft va tenir un évènement presse le 26 octobre prochain depuis New York qui sera le théâtre d’annonce de nouveaux produits. Parmi les nouveautés attendues, un nouveau « Home Hub » attire notre attention…

Après avoir conquis les smartphones, les PC et les tablettes, Cortana pourrait arriver directement dans nos foyers.
Après avoir conquis les smartphones, les PC et les tablettes, Cortana pourrait arriver directement dans nos foyers.

En plus de nouveautés Surface ou un éventuel nouveau smartphone sous Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft pourrait surprendre tout le monde le 26 octobre prochain en annonçant un « Home Hub », un nouveau produit totalement autonome propulsé par Cortana. Pour le moment seul le nom de ce projet s’est retrouvé sur la toile… depuis l’année dernière.

D’après les premières informations autour de ce projet, celui-ci pourrait permettre de placer Cortana directement dans nos foyers via un appareil totalement autonome. On pourrait par exemple placer cet appareil dans nos cuisines et demander à Cortana des recettes de cuisine ou toutes autres actions. Après avoir été popularisé via les smartphones, les tablettes, les PC et la Xbox, Cortana s’apprête à prendre une place cruciale dans foyers.

Grâce au machine learning entreprit par la firme de Redmond, il est également possible que cet appareil soit à destination des hôtels ou tout autre lieu public pour permettre à Cortana de traduire à la volée les discussions des différents interlocuteurs. Les progrès réalisés par Skype Translator ne seront évidemment pas étrangers à ces nouveautés.

Même si pour l’heure peu d’informations sont réellement disponibles, nous en saurons plus dans les prochains jours et qui sait, Microsoft pourrait créer une belle surprise lors de sa conférence du 26 octobre ;) !

Et vous, qu’en pensez-vous ? Attendez-vous un nouvel appareil de ce genre ?

19 Oct 19:11

Un pop up store du Studio Ghibli ouvre à Paris

by Julien

Même si l’on trouve énormément de produits dérivés sur Internet, il est toujours agréable de voir réellement les objets que l’on souhaite acquérir. Situé dans le XIIe arrondissement de Paris, ce pop-up store baptisé Le Château Éphémère, va proposer un important éventail de produits issus des films du Studio Ghibli. Ouvert du 22 octobre au 03 décembre 2016, les fans d’Hayao Miyazaki vous pouvoir retrouver des objets collectors des oeuvres telles que Le Voyage de Chihiro, Mon voisin Totoro ou Princesse Mononoké.

Le château éphémère : 26, rue Charles Baudelaire. De 11h à 19h. 75012 Paris

du 22 octobre au 03 décembre 2016

ghibli-amazon-059 ghibli-amazon-01 ghibli-amazon-02 ghibli-amazon-055 ghibli-amazon-03 ghibli-amazon-05

via studioghibli

19 Oct 18:24

3 pillars of the most successful tech products

by Nir Eyal
Doric Columns Why do some companies scale to millions of users while others wallow in obscurity? What explains the runaway success of a company like Facebook while a startup like Viddy, a mobile app for video, attracted millions of users and millions of dollars in financing, only to lose both? When it comes to startup success, there’s never a magic bullet. Read More