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22 Jun 22:55

Regional Pro Tour Qualifier Changes in South Korea and China

by Wizards of the Coast

Due to the MERS virus outbreak in South Korea, and in an effort to ensure the safety of the our community’s players, Wizards of the Coast is postponing the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier that was scheduled to take place in Seoul, South Korea, on July 4 to instead take place October 31. It will take place alongside the next round of Regional Pro Tour Qualifiers that are tied to the first Pro Tour of 2016.

China’s next Regional Pro Tour Qualifier, which was scheduled to take place in Shanghai on October 31, and was tied to the first Pro Tour of 2016, will be moved to July 26. This Regional Pro Tour Qualifier will be tied to Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar. The format for the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier will be Magic Origins Sealed Deck.

Wizards of the Coast is prepared to make adjustments to events that are part of our Organized Play program when the safety of our players is called into question, and we will act and communicate such changes promptly.

10 Apr 15:51

7Sins: #3 Narrow epistemology

by Elina Halonen
Editor’s note: Today we continue our series on the seven sins of consumer psychology from the presidential address of professor Michel Tuan Pham at the recent conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology. Read the introduction here. Our field is also … Continue reading →