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29 Nov 21:01

Tree Huggers

by Jonco

Tree huggers

Thanks AH


29 Nov 21:01

Memory Foam

29 Nov 20:57

Medicaid Fraud: Obamacare promise of free quality healthcare

by William A. Jacobson

It may be the biggest Obamacare lie of all.

Not that you can keep your health care plan if you like your plan.

Not that you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor.

Not all of the phony cost estimates and supposed efficiencies.

The biggest lie of all is that 15-30 million additional people who will be enticed or shoved onto Medicaid will receive quality health care. 

In reality, they will receive health care “insurance,” but there will be few doctors willing to see them because the reimbursement rates are so low.

I have mentioned before how, anecdotally, almost every doctor with whom I speak sings that same song, that Medicaid reimbursements are so low they either have to restrict or eliminate Medicaid patients.

It’s not just anecdotal.  Even The New York Times notes that the problem will become much worse under Obamacare, Medicaid Growth Could Aggravate Doctor Shortage (h/t @Drudge_Report):

Dr. Ted Mazer is one of the few ear, nose and throat specialists in this region who treat low-income people on Medicaid, so many of his patients travel long distances to see him.

But now, as California’s Medicaid program is preparing for a major expansion under President Obama’s health care law, Dr. Mazer says he cannot accept additional patients under the government insurance program for a simple reason: It does not pay enough.

“It’s a bad situation that is likely to be made worse,” he said.

His view is shared by many doctors around the country. Medicaid for years has struggled with a shortage of doctors willing to accept its low reimbursement rates and red tape, forcing many patients to wait for care, particularly from specialists like Dr. Mazer.

Yet in just five weeks, millions of additional Americans will be covered by the program, many of them older people with an array of health problems. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that nine million people will gain coverage through Medicaid next year alone.

As furious as people who have lost their private insurance are now, just wait until those “qualifying” for Medicaid they find out that the seeming freebie means they lost their plan, their doctor, and their health care.

The result of all this will be a targeting of doctors.  Forcing doctors to accept Medicaid patients will be the inevitable solution.

5 votes, 4.00 avg. rating (82% score)
29 Nov 20:54

Want Some Syrup With Those Pancakes?

Want Some Syrup With Those Pancakes?

Submitted by: Zack Jones

29 Nov 20:53

Can’t Stop You

by Jonco

Can't stop you



29 Nov 20:49

250lb Body Builder Vs 150lb Jiu Jitsu Black Belt

250lb Body Builder Vs 150lb Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Awesome fight from back in 1994 with 2nd Degree Black Belt Pedro Sauer taking on Body Building champion Lance Bachelor.
29 Nov 19:44

How my girlfriend eats pie

29 Nov 19:43

The things she's seen...

29 Nov 19:43

Giving Thanks for Obama

29 Nov 19:43

Christmas Intensifies

29 Nov 19:43

Continual Dinner

by (Miss Cellania)
Send messages to
29 Nov 19:30

Black Friday Shoppers Fight for Their Right to Shop

by Beckett Mufson

This Black Friday, maybe you should hide yo kids and hide yo wife, cause Black Friday shoppers are doing a lot more than snatching yo people up. During the past few years, this unofficial holiday has become associated with violence, inhumanity and terror, and RSVLTS has cut together a video showing why.

There is screaming, shoving, trampling and outright brawling. At one point, crazed customers tear a bag apart the same way the Shaun of the Dead zombies tear apart David. They got the sweet, sweet savings, but at what cost?

If you do venture out the day after Thanksgiving, keep in mind what's out there. And take some footage for next year's compilation. Read more...

More about Viral Videos, Sales, Mobs, Riots, and Black Friday
29 Nov 19:30

I think my girlfriend wants me to stop playing tf2

29 Nov 19:29

Giant Talking Plush Chewbacca

by Geeks are Sexy


This 24″ talking re-creation of the best Wookie ever will blow your mind. Almost the same size of a small child, you will spend hours cuddling with him and pressing his belly to make him growl. Exciting gift or addition to your Star Wars collection. His spoken phrase is the trademark Wookie Growl. Chewbacca is the perfect gift for any fan who’s ever wanted a furry co-pilot of their own. Add this furry 24″ Chewie to your collection today. Recommended for ages 3+.

[Giant Talking Plush Chewbacca -]

29 Nov 19:28

The First In-Flight Movies Had a Live Orchestra

by Andrew Liszewski

The First In-Flight Movies Had a Live Orchestra

As crude as they may seem when compared to the home theater setups we enjoy in our living rooms, the in-flight entertainment options available on most flights have come a long way. Although, it's hard not to feel a tinge of sadness that movies accompanied by live orchestras never caught on. Now that was flying in style.


29 Nov 19:28

I Whip My Chair Back And Forth

chairs gifs funny overly attached girlfriend - 7924808192

We should GIF her a chance to be a meme again

Submitted by: Asciicodeplus

29 Nov 19:27

New Barbie Game Is The Stuff Of Nightmares

by Luke Plunkett

This is gameplay footage of Barbie's Dreamhouse Party, recorded by Rock, Paper, Shotgun. It terrified me. I showed it to my three year-old daughter. She stared blankly at it for a minute before softly walking away.



29 Nov 19:26

Deep Sea creatures. Interesting, but very WTF

29 Nov 19:25

A Killer Breaking Bad Leg Sleeve Tattoo

by Geek Girl Diva

breaking bad tattoo

Tattoo by Gunnar V Tattoo.

Send your nerdy tattoo pics to

(via FYeah Tattoos)


29 Nov 19:24

One does not simply "get up" the morning after thanksgiving...

29 Nov 19:24

Man Attacks Girls For Shopping Prank

Man Attacks Girls For Shopping Prank It just wouldn't feel like the holidays without angry shoppers attacking each other.
29 Nov 19:21

IGN must have been hacked

29 Nov 19:21

Things I'd Rather Do Than Go Shopping on Black Friday

shopping,black friday,Pie Chart

Graph by: Unknown

29 Nov 19:20

Olympic Torchbearer Catches Fire

by Miss Cellania

(YouTube link)

In Mother Russia, Olympic torch ignites YOU! This mishap took place in Siberia on Wednesday.

A clip posted on YouTube by the Russian site Lifenews shows former Olympic bobsledder Pyotr Makarchuk parading the torch through a crowd in the city of Abakan when flames suddenly leap from the left shoulder and upper arm of his jacket.

Escorts immediately put out the flames and Makarchuk was not injured, said Roman Osin, spokesman for the Russian Sochi 2014 torch relay, who witnessed the incident on Wednesday.

The flames were caused by drops of liquid gas that fell on Makarchuk's jacket, he said.

The Winter Games in Sochi don't start until February 7th, but the torch is on its longest pre-Olympic relay ever, a journey of 40,000 miles. The flame has gone out dozens of times already, but this is the first public news of a torchbearer catching fire. -via Digg

29 Nov 19:20

Frozen Boat in Port Clinton.

29 Nov 19:19

My grandpa found my cigarettes

29 Nov 19:18

The day has arrived, but not without some confusion...

29 Nov 19:18

My mom today

29 Nov 19:15

007 Bird

29 Nov 19:14

Snails Devour Lettuce

critters gifs funny lettuce snails frankie original

Submitted by: Unknown