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15 Dec 03:06

How YIFY-Torrents is Battling the Internet Censors

by Andy

In 2010 when x264 really started to take off, an opportunity was spotted by an individual called YIFY. The codec allowed the spreading of movies in a compact filesize, something which proved popular with the masses.

By August 2011 YIFY releases had become so popular they justified a platform of their own. A site bearing the same name was born and quickly grew to become a major player. By 2013 the site was receiving 700,000 visitors a day, something which placed it on Hollywood’s radar.

Perhaps inevitably, on November 22, 2013, the popular torrent site was blocked by the UK’s leading ISPs following a High Court order obtained by the major Hollywood studios. Anyone wanting to access the site could now only do so by using a web proxy, reverse proxy, VPN, or other anti-censorship tool. YIFY-Torrents wanted to do something about that.

“Our user base is the most important and integral part of Yify-Torrents, so having access restricted by major ISPs not only in the UK but also other places around the world was a big worry for us and we almost immediately started looking for solutions to the problem,” YIFY’s tech team told TorrentFreak.

“As most of us here at Yify-Torrents are based outside the focuses of large anti-piracy groups it was difficult for us to assess what was happening. Our first step was to figure out exactly how widespread the blocking was and how they were doing it.”

YIFY says their first guess was backed up a TorrentFreak report detailing findings by EZTV that ISPs were carrying out their own DNS scrapes to update their blacklists, something which later led to the accidental blocking of TorrentFreak. Time to carry out some tests.

“After a day of coding up a small test application we sent it out to some UK visitors that had reached out and expressed their interests in aiding in any way possible. Within a day we had results for two major ISPs in the country, Sky and TalkTalk. This provided the first real insight into the issue and was when we hit our first milestone!”

YIFY discovered that DNS lookups for still responded with the site’s IP addresses meaning that they could rule out DNS tampering. Also, pings to YIFY’s infrastructure were replied to, meaning that the ISPs weren’t simply dropping traffic to blacklisted IP addresses. With no DNS tampering, YIFY had opportunity to bypass the blocks.

sky“After all the testing we came to the conclusion that Sky (and others) regularly pull IPs listed on our DNS servers and add them to their block list. This block list is then used by an advanced proxy system that redirects any requests to the blacklisted IPs to a webserver that the ISP owns and returns a stock ‘blocked page’ message,” YIFY explains.

“What this meant for us was that if we added new IPs behind they would work until Sky and friends updated their blacklist. This was our second edge on Sky. Because they did the blocking on an IP level and didn’t do anything related to domain names, we could do some fancy DNS trickery to keep the site online.”

People attempting to access during the next few hours from the leading ISPs should find out the site has been unblocked. At the time of writing Virgin Media is for some reason causing problems, but a solution to that (and any others that might appear) is just a couple of clicks away.

“We have set-up a new domain name for inhibited visitors:, which should already be accessible to all. This domain was and still is running completely separately from the main site. What we were originally betting on was that in order for our new domain to be blocked, anti-piracy groups would need to get another court order to get it taken down, something that doesn’t happen overnight,” YIFY says.

But what YIFY wanted was a more permanent solution and for this they are currently using CloudFlare

“CloudFlare is an amazing CDN and security provider for small to large sites. They offer caching of services so that any static content is loaded from CloudFlare instead of the origin server,” YIFY explains.

“Along with this it offers protection because instead of the IPs of your real server being public, CloudFlare’s IPs are seen instead. This offers protection from plenty of web nasties like DDoS attacks. In fact, CloudFlare have and still do harbor some notorious sites like LulzSecurity’s site. Whilst the protection isn’t perfect (people can still submit DMCA notices and get real IP addresses), this wasn’t a problem for us as we already have a setup where the only public IPs listed are those of our front-end caches.”

yifyeztvAt this point, YIFY returns to the EZTV story referenced earlier and why blocking CloudFlare IP addresses to get at YIFY-Torrents would be a particularly bad idea.

“Because CloudFlare provide services to something like 1,000,000 customers, any downtime would affect a large portion of the Internet. Everything from Imgur to gaming forums who use their services would go down.”

But while YIFY could use CloudFlare exclusively, they are choosing not to thanks to something called Geo DNS.

“GeoDNS allows us to hand out different IP addresses based on the location of the visitor. Our new system uses this to hand out CloudFlare IPs and only CloudFlare IPs to any UK visitor that hits our site, whilst the rest of the world gets to use our existing network.”

Details shared with TorrentFreak this morning shows that there is a real cat and mouse game going on behind the scenes, with YIFY doing everything they can to unblock their site and measures being taken by certain ISPs to hinder them. The site acknowledges that there still might be issues over the next few days while the system is fine-tuned but they hope that by sharing some of their findings other sites will able to take similar measures to thwart censorship. In any event, they believe that overall the sites will prevail.

“It’s really a giant game of cat and mouse with the supposed ‘good guys’ always playing catch up. ISPs have exhausted every single tactic in keeping sites censored and are bordering on affecting other legitimate sites like was seen with TorrentFreak and EZTV. When that sort of stuff starts happening, there really is nothing more they can do.

“Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t all smooth sailing from here on out, but we are happy to have the site up and running back in the UK for now and will keep on pushing against the ever growing censorship that is happening everywhere we look,” YIFY concludes.

Source: TorrentFreak, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing and VPN services.

14 Dec 21:01

Spike Away Vest Preserves Your Personal Space in Public Places

by Hazel Chua

There are days when you want to be with people. There are times when you just want to be alone. So when people overstep boundaries and cross the line into your personal space when you’re in the latter mood, it gets more than just annoying.

Prevent that from happening ever again – at least, in the physical sense – with the Spike Away vest.

Spike Awaymagnify

As the name implies, the entire vest is riddled with spikes. It’ll turn heads, but it’ll keep people away because it frankly looks scary and will probably cause a lot of pain if you bump into it head-on. The piece was created by Singapore industrial designer Siew Ming Cheng, who used off the shelf materials, including strips designed to keep pests out of gardens to make the prototype.

Spike Away1magnify

Cheng explained: “Trains are usually crowded during peak hours. Everybody will push each other to try and get onto the train. How can I protect my personal space? The idea was then conceived.”

While the Spike Away is just a one-off concept at this point, Cheng could sell millions of these to daily commuters – especially if the spikes were sharper.

[via C|NET]

14 Dec 20:10

Wait, This Wall Isn't Adhesive


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gifs , Cats , jumping
14 Dec 20:07


14 Dec 20:07

The blue part actually erased any trace of paper

14 Dec 20:06

Grumpy Cat Is The Next Doctor

by Geek Girl Diva

grumpier grumpy cat

Just made Grumpy Cat 30% more grumpy. #PeterCapaldisScaryEyes #DoctorWho

— Ian Berriman (@ianberriman)

(via Twitter)


14 Dec 20:06

Parody ads for Photoshop as beauty products.

14 Dec 20:02

Everything looked to be perfect ...

14 Dec 20:01

Kmart is Back for the Christmas Season With Another Ridiculous Commercial

Who's the author they would choose to star in their new "Ship Your Trousers" commercial?

Of course. Charles Dickens. Har har, guys.

Submitted by: Unknown

14 Dec 20:00


14 Dec 19:58

California Red-Sided Garter Snake.

14 Dec 19:58

Where planets are born.

14 Dec 19:58


14 Dec 19:57

A beautiful sunny day in the snow

14 Dec 19:56

How it feels to be a white man walking through airport security

14 Dec 19:55

A Closer Look at Google's New Robot Army

by Robert Sorokanich on Gizmodo, shared by Michael Ballaban to Jalopnik

A Closer Look at Google's New Robot Army

We learned today that Google has purchased Boston Dynamics, the lab of mad scientists behind some of the most awesomely scary robots ever seen. What exactly did Google get out of the deal? An army of jaw-droppingly capable robots that can walk, run and climb through seemingly any terrain. Let's meet the team.



14 Dec 19:55



14 Dec 19:51

My Wal-Mart had this on "clearance".

14 Dec 19:33

One Quote Sums Up How Edward Snowden Has Blindsided The US Government

by Michael Kelley


Over the last six months, estimates for the number of classified files Edward Snowden stole from NSA systems have been upwardly revised from 10,000 to "as many as 200,000" to a staggering 1.7 million.

But, according to a new report by Mark Mazzetti and Michael Schmidt of The New York Times, the U.S. government really doesn't know how many files the 30-year-old took because of outdated systems in Hawaii and Snowden's ability to cover his tracks.

From The Times:

“They’ve spent hundreds and hundreds of man-hours trying to reconstruct everything he has gotten, and they still don’t know all of what he took,” a senior administration official said. “I know that seems crazy, but everything with this is crazy.”

What they are certain of is that the "hacker got into the store room," and the subsequent theft could turn out to be the largest breach of classified information in American history.

Adding insult to injury, Snowden fled to China, reached out to WikiLeaks, and now lives under the supervision of Russia's intelligence services.

In short, the NSA's nightmare has just begun.

SEE ALSO: Edward Snowden's Claim About Ditching All Of His Secret Documents Doesn't Add Up

Join the conversation about this story »


14 Dec 19:32

An incredible photo of a colonial base in an alien world called Earth

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo

An incredible photo of a colonial base in an alien world called Earth

This otherworldly photo is so amazingly weird and exotic that you may think it comes from a secret colonial base in the Jovian moon of Europa. In reality, it's the Halley VI Research Station in Antarctica as photographed by Antony Dubber, the chef of the British Antarctic Survey.


14 Dec 19:32

Pokémon Battle in Real Life

Pokémon Battle in Real Life
  • Buneary ¡Tackle!

Submitted by: Vishkey

Tagged: animals , IRL , Pokémon
14 Dec 19:06

Horrifying Early Images of the Michelin Man

by John Farrier

(Images: Michelin)

The Michelin Man—the mascot for the Michelin tire company—is a happy, jovial fellow. He’s always been that way, but you may find early photos and illustrations of him scary.

His name is Bibendum. That’s a reference to a line by the Latin poet Horace, who said, “nunc est bibendum.” That means “now is the time to drink.” Michelin did not adopt this phrase in order to promote drunk driving, but to express that Michelin tires eat up obstacles on the road.

He doesn’t anymore, but Bidendum used to drink heavily, smoke cigars and wear pince-nez glasses. He was drawn gray when tires were usually gray in color, then black when tires were commonly black. You can see more early images of him here.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

14 Dec 07:16

Man builds amazing igloo using frozen milk cartons

14 Dec 07:14

Hello ladies. I'm ready for you...

14 Dec 07:13

I guess I'll be missing my stop

14 Dec 07:07

Millionaire fast-forwards Oculus Rift--and PC gaming--into the future

Oculus Rift may be on its way to the consumer market. Time to start thinking about upgrading the ol' gaming PC...

14 Dec 03:57

Don't Make me Come Up Here Again

14 Dec 03:56

Oh, so that's why Bison almost went extinct....

14 Dec 03:56

[NSFW] Pimp my penis: Extreme edition

14 Dec 03:25

You'll Want To Punch This Gamer After 5 Seconds

You'll Want To Punch This Gamer After 5 Seconds You know his mom probably dropped him off.