Shared posts

19 Dec 19:41

Very Funny, Bro

Very Funny, Bro

Submitted by: Unknown

19 Dec 19:40

The Brits and the Yanks at Work Are a Little Testy


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: football , sports , work , soccer
19 Dec 19:39

Pay Up or I's Gon' Gitcha!

food,chicken wings,funny signs,restaurants

Submitted by: Unknown

19 Dec 19:36

Smart Glasses Reveal What It's Like to Have Superpowers

by Samantha Murphy Kelly

Google Glass lets you view emails, find directions and take calls right from the high-tech specs. But what if you wave your hand in front of a 3D projection to move around a calendar? Or if you want your eyewear to suggest meals based on the contents of your fridge?

Tech company Atheer is launching a Google Glass competitor that let you touch the digital world, shifting from passive viewing to an immersive "doing" and interacting — the ultimate vision of augmented reality. The company launched an Indiegogo campaign on Thursday as a part of an effort to bring more developers into the development process. Read more...

More about Mobile, Wearables, Wearable Tech, Small Business, and Startups
19 Dec 19:34

Yes, It Exists: Big Ass Spider – The Movie [Video]

by Geeks are Sexy

I’m not even joking here, guys, there’s a real move called “Big Ass Spider”, and here’s the three first minutes of it.

Synopsis: When a giant alien spider escapes from a military lab and rampages across the city of Los Angeles, it is up to one clever exterminator and his security guard sidekick to kill the creature before the entire city is destroyed.

Big Ass Spider will be released on DVD and Bluray on January 7th, 2014. You can pre-order it right here from

[epicpicturesgroup | Via IO9]

19 Dec 19:33

Geektastic Articulated Statues: Famous People as Star Wars Characters [Pics]

by Geeks are Sexy


Seattle-based artist Mike Leavitt has recently created a series of articulated wooden statues featuring famous people, dead or alive, as Star Wars characters. As you see (above and below,) his approach is rather unique and makes a statement, both serious and humorous at the same time, on the personality of each subject.


“Empire Peaks” is an entirely new set of collectible statuary debuting at Jonathan LeVine Saturday November 23, 2013. The new series is composed of 5-part articulating pieces ranging in height from 12″ (30 cm) to 36″ (1 meter), sculpted in carved wood and polymer clay.


If you’re in the NYC area, you can go and check out Mike’s amazing art in person over at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery. The show ends this Saturday (December 21st, 2013.)

sw-mike4 sw-mike5 sw-mike6

[Source: Mike Leavitt | Jonathan LeVine Gallery | Via Walyou]

19 Dec 19:32

Kitty Cosmetic Surgery

by Not That Mike The Other Mike

“And now, we simply pull the skin back like so, and… Oh, madam! You are a goddess, a radiant vision of youth! This procedure will take years off your face!”

Via the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens
19 Dec 19:30

Miley's little brother

19 Dec 19:30

The absolute BEST PRANK of 2013 [FIXED]

19 Dec 19:27

Prison riot aftermath in Brazil.

19 Dec 19:27

Hide Liquor In Your Tampons

by drew


“Tampon Flasks” are test tubes which come with fake tampon wrappers, so you can bring an ounce of liquor (per tampon) somewhere and then pour it out of your tampon into your drink. Or just drink it straight out of the tampon! Both of those would be totally normal in a public place.

19 Dec 19:22

The wait continues: Mac Pro ship dates have already slipped to February

by Andrew Cunningham
All but the earliest of buyers will actually be seeing their Mac Pros in 2014.

Fans of Apple's Mac Pro workstations have been waiting for the system to get a true upgrade for quite a while now, especially since Apple CEO Tim Cook promised them "something really great" for 2013. While Apple technically kept Cook's promise, it looks like just a few lucky buyers will actually see their workstations on their doorsteps this year: the new Mac Pro was initially shipping to buyers on December 30th, but just a few hours after appearing in Apple's online store, the ship times have slipped to a more distant and nebulous "February."

Most of Apple's products do end up being supply constrained early in the product cycle, especially in cases where the external design has changed along with the internals. The long wait for a new Mac Pro is similar to what happened last year when Apple released the 2012 iMac late in the year—the 27-inch model, in particular, was hard to find for several weeks after its release. On an earnings call earlier this year, Cook told reporters and analysts that he would have released the new iMac later if he had it to do again.

"In retrospect, yes, I sort of wish we had done it after the turn of the year," he said. "Customers wouldn't have had to have waited as long as they did."

Read 1 remaining paragraphs | Comments


19 Dec 19:21

Meanwhile in India of the Day: Morgan Freeman Mistaken for Nelson Mandela on Billbaord

Meanwhile in India of the Day: Morgan Freeman Mistaken for Nelson Mandela on Billbaord

A public sign has been displayed in Coimbatore, India to commemorate Nelson Mandela but ended up being a huge FAIL when an image of American actor Morgan Freeman was mistaken for the late president of South Africa. Alongside Freeman, the poster also includes images of Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr. According the the Huffington Post, the included text translates to the following:

Among today's politicians who cannot think beyond the next election cycle, Nelson Mandela was a leader who thought of the well-being of future generations. He went to join Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King on 5.12.13. We bow down to him, proud to have lived during his time on earth and praise his message of love, non-violence and sacrifice. "The farmer may sleep, but the seeds he planted never will.

The man responsible for the poster plans to have it amended.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Huffington Post)

19 Dec 19:21

Towing in Russia

19 Dec 19:21

This is deep...

19 Dec 19:20

Explosive Christmas Tree


Submitted by: Unknown

19 Dec 19:20

I Dident Go Too Univeristy and Lookit Me!

19 Dec 19:20

Which Of Your Local Emergency Rooms Has The Shortest Wait Time?

by Chris Morran

erwaittimeWhen a medical emergency hits, the tendency might be to simply go to the nearest hospital and hope to get seen right away — and if you’re truly in dire shape then this is probably good advice because even if you’re not admittedly immediately, you are surrounded by nurses and doctors. But for people whose medical needs are urgent but not URGENT, there might be a faster-moving emergency room a few miles down the road.

That’s the kind of thing that ProPublica’s new interactive “ER Wait Watchers” tool can help you figure out.

Plugging in your ZIP code will provide you with wait time data, driving distances, and patient recommendation stats for nearby emergency rooms.

It’s important to note that the times given by the tool are NOT real-time estimates intended to tell you exactly how long a patient will wait to be seen. Instead, this info is based on publicly available data from the federal government, along with expected drive times to the hospital. It also has phone numbers people can call to try to get an up-to-the-moment estimate on wait times.

So while you don’t know for certain that the wait time at the hospital down the block is twice as long as the wait time at the emergency room in the next town, it does give consumers an easy way to compare how quickly the local hospitals have gotten around to seeing patients in the past.

Each ER also has a percentage rating showing the likelihood of previous patients to recommend the facility. That can be factored into one’s thinking when determining which hospital they would want to go to in case of an emergency, as the positive of a short wait time might be offset by inadequate care.

Again, even though the ER Wait Watcher isn’t of use if your appendix is erupting as you read this, it’s useful information to have so that you can plan ahead in case you ever need to make a trip to the ER.

19 Dec 19:20

BitTorrent's peer-to-peer Chat service will use strong encryption to protect your identity

by Steve Dent
In the NSA age, being paranoid really doesn't mean they're not out to get you, so placating your fears has suddenly become a cottage industry. BitTorrent, for one, has just spilled more beans about Chat, it's peer-to-peer, encrypted messaging service ...
19 Dec 19:19

The Newly Released Firefox Logo


Submitted by: NeilRashbrook

Tagged: doge , gifs , firefox , Memes
19 Dec 19:19

Please Don't Wet Yourself


Submitted by: Unknown

19 Dec 19:11

Move Over Bitcoin, The Next Great Digital Currency is Dogecoin

Move Over Bitcoin, The Next Great Digital Currency is Dogecoin

Doge was the biggest meme of 2013 and what started out as a joke has become a trending digital currency called Dogecoin. As of right now Dogecoin is the eighth largest cryptocurrency according to Coinmarketcap. While memes come and go, we will have to see if Dogecoin has any actual staying power.

If you want to get in on all the Dogecoin action you can check out the official Dogecoin site or the Dogecoin subreddit.

                                                                                                       such profit
                                   much currency

                                          very crypto

                                                                                                         ready 2 mine

Submitted by: Unknown (via Dogecoin)

Tagged: digital currency , news , doge
19 Dec 19:11

Nissan Buys 1996 Maxima From Hilarious Viral Video Craigslist Ad

by Zac Estrada

Nissan Buys 1996 Maxima From Hilarious Viral Video Craigslist Ad

Nissan North America people have confirmed with me that they are going to be the new parents of a 1996 Maxima made famous by a fantastic video in an ad. And they gave him more than the asking price.



19 Dec 19:10

Target Just Lost 40 Million Credit Card Numbers

hackers,identity theft,credit cards,Target

PSA: If you've shopped at Target recently, you should probably do one of two things (or both):

1) Watch your credit card transaction history very closely for a while.
2) Just cancel any recently used credit cards and get new ones.

Submitted by: (via UPROXX)

19 Dec 19:05

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? To Create Optical Illusions

by Colin Lecher



Why zebras have stripes has long been something of a mystery. We have a pretty good idea they're used as protection, but the exact mechanism isn't totally understood. I mean, why would evolution pick out that? The black on white is like a semaphore for savannah predators, saying Eat at Joe's wherever the zebras go. (Charles Darwin himself mentioned that the "stripes cannot afford any protection in the open plains of South Africa.") Thanks to a computer simulation, researchers now have a better idea. 

With a motion-detecting algorithm, a pair of researchers from the University of Queensland and the University of London simulated the movements of a herd, and determined that the stripes provide zebras with not one, but two, optical illusions that keep other animals from chowing down on them.

The first is what's called the wagon wheel effect. Imagine a spinning helicopter blade. When the spin of the blade reaches a certain speed, you get the illusion that it starts spinning in the opposition direction. The same goes for any spoked wheel (hence the name).



The second optical illusion zebras use is what's known as the barberpole illusion. Even though barbershop poles move horizontally, when you watch them, it looks like the stripes are moving down vertically. (Which, you know, isn't possible.) 



The stripes on zebras, the researchers suggest, induce both of these illusions, which can ward off insects and possibly predators. From the study: "We suggest that the observer's visual system is flooded with erroneous motion signals that correspond to two well-known visual illusions: (i) the wagon-wheel effect (perceived motion inversion due to spatiotemporal aliasing); and (ii) the barber-pole illusion (misperceived direction of motion due to the aperture problem), and predict that these two illusory effects act together to confuse biting insects approaching from the air, or possibly mammalian predators during the hunt, particularly when two or more zebras are observed moving together as a herd."

So there you go! Advice: if you're trying to avoid someone, gather in a crowd and wrap yourselves in black-and-white shawls and run as fast as you can. 


19 Dec 19:04

Video: New Yorkers not impressed with atheist billboard … at all

by Ed Morrissey

"Joy to the world ... for no particular reason."

Yes, I know that this sounds like it’s designed to generate outrageous outrage, but the best thing about this video is the lack of any such reaction in MRCTV’s vox populi.  No Big Apple denizen demanded that someone get suspended or fired for the provocative billboard messages bought by an atheist group that proposed taking […]

View the video »

19 Dec 18:59

Gaia Out To Map Space With Its Billion Pixel Camera

by Edwin Kee

Gaia Out To Map Space With Its Billion Pixel CameraSo, you are pretty happy with your high end smartphone that captures some pretty interesting photos with clarity on the move, or you are a professional photographer who cannot get enough of your Canon 5D Mark III, but neither one of them are able to hold a candle to the European Space Agency’s recently launched Gaia satellite. The Gaia satellite is on a mission to map the galaxy while capturing beautiful photographs of it, and will do so with an unprecedented level of detail and accuracy. We are talking about a billion pixel camera here, allowing its lens to be able to “see” a star that is far flung away, offering an error margin of seven micro-arcseconds – which is the equivalent to measuring a person’s thumbnail on the moon all the way from terra firma.

First of all, the Gaia satellite will need to complete the gruelling 1.5 million kilometer journey away from earth before it will kick off is 5 year long mission to capture far away galaxies in its splendor and beauty. It is capable of making accurate measurements of the positions and motions of 1% of the total population of roughly 100 billion stars, and will hope to offer answers to all time favorite questions concerning the beginning as well as evolution of the galaxy. Good luck, Gaia! [Press Release]

  • Follow: Gadgets, gaia,
  • Gaia Out To Map Space With Its Billion Pixel Camera original content from Ubergizmo.

    19 Dec 18:58

    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘I’ll Be Back’ Named Best Catchphrase

    by Todd Rigney

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Catchphrase

    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s iconic line “I’ll be back!” was recently named the best catchphrase in the history of motion pictures.

    According to a poll put together at LoveFilm, moviegoers in the UK declared the 80s action hero’s oft-used dialogue as the most memorable chunk of dialogue found in any major motion picture. IBN Live reports the catchphrase received over 25 percent of the votes.

    The Terminator star has uttered a variation of the line at least a dozen times over the course of his career. In fact, people who haven’t seen a single Arnold Schwarzenegger movie know where the line originated. Not surprisingly, the catchphrase found its way to the very top of LoveFilm’s list.

    “There are catchphrases from films that are universally recognized and quoted time and time again. It’s interesting to see how they’ve crossed over into mainstream conversation, and amazing that one line can instantly conjure up a character and a scene so vividly,” editor Helen Cowley explained.

    “I’ll be back” managed to trump James Bond’s iconic line “Bond, James Bond” from Dr. No as the best catchphrase in the annals of cinema. The Times of India reports that “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Mary Poppins came in third the Ghostbusters line “Who you gonna call?” came in fourth.

    Other noteworthy flicks that made the list include the 1939 classic The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Forrest Gump, and Stanley Kubrick’s terrifying horror film The Shining. Check out the entire list of popular movie catchphrases below.

    If you still need even more Arnold Schwarzenegger-related goodness in your life today, then take a look at the following video. Someone with a fair amount of free time on his or her hands decided to craft a lengthy clip featuring every single person the former California governor killed on-screen over the course of his cinematic career.

    Take a look at the video in question below.

    Since the clip features over 509 different deaths, it’s not altogether surprising that it clocks in at a whopping 28 minutes. You might want to cook up come popcorn if you plan to take the whole thing in at once. It’s a pretty epic ride, though a bit on the violent side.

    Here’s a list of the best catchphrases on the planet, as voted by the folks who spend a lot of time participating in polls over at LoveFilm.

    1. “I’ll be back” (Terminator, 1985)
    2. “Bond. James Bond” (Dr No., 1962)
    3. “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (Mary Poppins, 1964)
    4. “Who you gonna call?” (Ghostbusters, 1984)
    5. “Elementary, my dear Watson” (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1939)
    6. “Heeeere’s Johnny!” (The Shining, 1980)
    7. “Run Forrest, run!” (Forrest Gump, 1994)
    8. “You talking to me?” (Taxi Driver, 1976)
    9. “Goooood morning Vietnam” (Good Morning, Vietnam, 1988)
    10. “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” (Apocalypse Now, 1979)

    Do you think Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “I’ll be back” is the best catchphrase in film history?

    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘I’ll Be Back’ Named Best Catchphrase is a post from: The Inquisitr News

    19 Dec 18:57

    Breaking Bad? Walter White Is A Meth Dealer Facing 12 Years Of Prison… In Real Life

    by Patrick Frye

    Breaking Bad? Walter White Is A Meth Dealer Facing 12 Years Of Prison... In Real Life

    For Breaking Bad, Walter White just became another instance of art imitating life when a real life meth dealer named Walter White was sentenced to 12 years of prison.

    As previously reported by The Inquisitr, a Breaking Bad sequel, and not just a prequel, is possible with the Better Call Saul spinoff that will be showing exclusively on Netflix.

    Breaking Bad’s Walter White was named by Time magazine the most influential character of 2013. Fortunately, the real life Walter White wasn’t inspired to enter a life of crime because of the TV show. Instead, Mr. White claims he became addicted to meth and his suppliers threatened him when he wanted to stop selling it.

    But don’t feel too bad for him. U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy sentenced Walter Jack White to 12 years in prison because he was responsible for distributing 32.5 pounds of meth and he was involved in gun violence. The supplier, Tomas Alvarado, is getting 30 years for his role in the meth dealing.

    Unlike the real life Walter White, the creators of the TV show wanted the fictional character in Breaking Bad to be sympathetic to viewers by giving him a “good” reason to be a meth dealer:

    “You’re going to see that underlying humanity, even when he’s making the most devious, terrible decisions, and you need someone who has that humanity – deep down, bedrock humanity – so you say, watching this show, ‘All right, I’ll go for this ride. I don’t like what he’s doing, but I understand, and I’ll go with it for as far as it goes.’ If you don’t have a guy who gives you that, despite the greatest acting chops in the world, the show is not going to succeed.”

    There apparently wasn’t too much sympathy involved with the family since White’s son, Brandon, actually shot his father in the back after arguing over a $10,000 debt (the son is facing assault with a weapon). And that’s how police managed to discover the Breaking Bad wannabe. While investigating the shooting they found $10,000 in meth, several guns, and more than $15,000 in cash. They also discovered people were robbing storage units in order to pay off their debts to Mr. White.

    Breaking Bad? Walter White Is A Meth Dealer Facing 12 Years Of Prison… In Real Life is a post from: The Inquisitr News

    19 Dec 18:56

    School Bus advertisements.

    Nice selection of school bus ads after the cut~!

    Oneida Warrior
    Carpenter Cadet
    Wayne Super CustomCarpenter
    1956 Blue Bird
    1957 Chevrolet
    Carpenter Corsair
    Thomas Built in what future?

    Thomas Built BusesCarpenter
    Wayne SuperamicCarpenter Premier

    Thomas Built Buses