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27 Jan 08:44

EVGA outs new GeForce GT 710 graphics cards

by Babu Mohan

GT 710
After Palit, EVGA has also introduced its GeForce GT 710 lineup of low-end graphics cards. While the GeForce GT 710 may not be desirable for any gamer out there, users simply looking to upgrade from onboard graphics might still be very interested in these new cards. Compared to integrated graphics, the GT 710 dedicated graphics...

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26 Jan 13:09

Asus Zenfone Go - nyugtalan árazás

Belépőszinten sem néz ki rosszul egy Zenfone, de az árazás nem kimondottan passzol a 4G hiányával küzdő MediaTek MT6580-alapú hardverhez és a visszafogott felszereltséghez.
26 Jan 07:22

Lebegő fa az új hightech őrület

Az Air Bonsai a botanika évezredes hagyományát ötvözi a legvadabb scifi álmokkal.
26 Jan 07:20

Galaxy Note 5 vs. iPhone 6s Plus vs. LG V10: The snow camera field test


nem fogynak ki bar megertem h el tudnak bohockodni ezekkel a cuccokkal

When you are pinned in the city, winter hardly feels like a pleasant season. But once you step outside of the city's boundaries, the sweeping vistas of the snowy slopes make for some of the best photo opportunities...

25 Jan 16:29

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - zártosztályos zseni

Az ártól kezdve a fémházon át az üzemidőig minden klappol az ujjlenyomat-olvasós, Helio X10-es Redmi Note 3-mal – kivéve a zárt bootloadert, ami Kína határain kívül jelenleg eléggé rossz hír.
25 Jan 09:16

Google sets up its first free Wi-Fi hotspot in India in Mumbai


kicsit tavoli h mon is tolja xd de az irány jó

Google had previously announced its plans to bring free internet service to the railway stations of India. As part of that project, the first free Wi-Fi hotspot has been setup at Mumbai's Mumbai Central railway station, one of the country's oldest and busiest railway stations, in collaboration with Indian Railways and RailTel. Initially, the internet service will be free, but Google plans to monetize it in future to make it self sustainable and expand it to other areas. Google plans to bring this service to 100 stations across the country by the end of this year. The key here is that it is a high-speed Wi-Fi, allowing not just browsing but also streaming of content. To prevent abusing the service, the high-speed will only be available for the first hour, after which the speed drops down for the user. The setup process is based on the simple SMS login code system that is commonly used. The service will be available in Allahabad, Jaipur, Patna, and Ranchi...

25 Jan 08:40

Ferrarival farmon fartatni?

Megérkezett a legújabb Tax The Rich videó, amelyben éppen egy F40-esnek kenik.
25 Jan 08:36

Újra pályán az F1-esek: Elrajtolt az év első tesztje Franciaroszágban

by (Telesport)
Résztvevők, információk, képek
22 Jan 16:35

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak тест GPU

by (svl)
Homeworld Deserts of Kharak В игре вам предстоит посетить пустыню Кхарак, где за каждой дюной кроется опасность. В ходе кампании Deserts of Kharak далеко в южной пустыне обнаружена аномалия. На место отправлена экспедиция, но на поверку всё оказывается куда сложнее. Вам предстоит узнать историю Рейчел С-Джет, ведущей своих людей на поиски их происхождения...
22 Jan 11:50

LG G Pad II 10.1 LTE - jól bevált módszerek

A dél-koreaiak táblagépe Full HD felbontású kijelzővel rendelkezik, de ami a 4G/LTE támogatás mellett igazán érdekes, hogy a régi Snapdragon 800 SoC-t szerelték bele.
22 Jan 11:46

NVIDIA could launch Pascal-based mobile GPUs by end-2016

by Babu Mohan

Recently a rumor claimed NVIDIA was working on the GTX 970MX and 980MX GPUs for notebooks. However, a new report from Notebookcheck claims that is not the case. The website claims to have heard from various industry insiders that NVIDIA has no plans of updating the GTX 970M and GTX 980M cards, but will instead...

The post NVIDIA could launch Pascal-based mobile GPUs by end-2016 appeared first on VR-Zone.

22 Jan 07:07

Az Asus bemutatta a Pegasus 5000-t Kínában


jézusom ez a ragozás komoly gondok vannak itt XD

Nem lehet tudni, hogy belpiacos modell lesz-e, vagy globálisan elérhetővé válik, az viszont biztos, hogy a középkategóriás phabletek ligájában versenyzik.
21 Jan 13:03

AMD rumoured to cut the cost of Fury

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)
AMD rumoured to cut the cost of Fury

Not sure how much yet

If you are thinking about getting your paws on a Fury graphics card you might want to wait a few weeks.

Kit Guru’s deep throats have suggested that AMD executives have a price cut sitting on their desks right now and are thinking about it.

AMD’s air-cooled Fury GPUs sell for around £430-£450, which sets it against Nvidia’s Maxwell-based GTX 980. This card can be found for anywhere between £380 and £450 depending on retailer and brand.

While the Fury is a good card, it is hard to compete at those prices so the idea is to drop the price to make it look more attractive – at least that is what the rumour says.

The question then becomes how much and if it will apply to the water-cooled FuryX, which is positioned to compete with the GTX 980Ti around £500.

We have put in a few calls to AMD to see what they are doing and will let you know when we hear back.

21 Jan 12:37

Awesome Prison Architect Game Launching On PS4, Xbox One And Xbox 360 Spring 2016 (video)

by Julian Horsey

lol ez mi xD és akkor a cim "awsome" hat ez minden csak nem awsome

Mark Morris Managing Director of Introversion Software, the creators of the awesome Prison Architect game that has already been available for PC for some time via the Valve Steam network. Has this week announced that the game will now be making the jump to games consoles and will be launching on Sony’s PlayStation 4 and […]

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21 Jan 12:35

Lenovo Vibe X3 - az átalakulás első lépcsőfoka

Ez a kínai gyártó első olyan okostelefonja, amelyen már érezhető némi motorolás beütés, ami a javára válik. A készülék igazi vonzereje ugyanakkor a zenei képessége lehet.
21 Jan 09:51

A Kalasnyikov, ha amerikaiak tervezik

A lelke megmarad, de minden mást a kényelem és a műanyag ural.
20 Jan 15:41

Tömörítéssel gyorsít a neten a Google

Egy új tömörítési algoritmussal szeretné tovább javítani az internet látszólagos sebességét a Google.
20 Jan 15:33

Evolveo StrongPhone Q6 LTE - kívülről erős

Az IP és MIL-STD szabványoknak megfelelő StrongPhone Q8 kistestvére nem kapott katonai szintű strapaminősítést, a gyártó ígérete szerint viszont ugyanúgy por-, víz- és ütésálló.
20 Jan 15:22

World of Tanks Launches On PlayStation 4 (video)

by Julian Horsey
Those of you that enjoy driving retro hardware on the battlefield will be pleased to know that the PlayStation 4 version of World of Tanks has now arrived, and the game is now live worldwide. The World of Tanks PS4 version is now available to download and provides online tank battles between 15 vs15 players […]

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20 Jan 15:22

Google Chrome Browser Update To Increase Load Speed And Reduce Data Usage

by Julian Horsey
Google has this week announced that they will be soon rolling out the new Brotli compression algorithm to its Google Chrome browser, that will bring with it a number of improvements for users to enjoy. A few of the more prominent features will include an improved page load speed as well as a reduction in […]

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20 Jan 15:21

Phoenix OS Android Desktop 64-Bit Operating System (video)

by Julian Horsey
If you have been interested in the recent launch of the Remix OS Android desktop operating system that allows you to run the Android software as a desktop OS. You might be interested in an alternative in the form of Phoenix OS which also provides the Android mobile operating system as a viable desktop OS […]

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20 Jan 15:19

Zen not arriving until the end of the Year

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)
Zen not arriving until the end of the Year

And only at the high end

While AMD fanboys expect Zen to arrive and cause Intel to immediately surrender its stonking market lead, it seems that it will not be saving the company’s bacon until next year.

Lisa Su, CEO of AMD said that the chip maker is in conversations with PC makers to use Zen-based chips, code-named Summit Ridge. The plan, as she sees it is that the Zen processor architecture will first come to high-end desktops like gaming PCs at the end of this year.

Early next year, Zen chips will be in servers. There's no word on when Zen would be introduced in laptops or PCs which belong to ordinary people.

AMD wants people to combine Zen with its GPUs based on the Polaris architecture, which will ship mid-year which made many suspect that the CPU would be with us sooner rather than later.

However on that road map, Zen will not make any serious inroads into Intel’s market share until 2017.

AMD already offers FX chips with up to eight cores for gamers, and Summit Ridge will likely be sold under that brand. The desktop chips will have a high-core count and support the latest DDR4 memory, AMD has said.

AMD needs to target its gaming and home builder desktop market which it started to lose when Intel started allowing its Core chips to be overclocked .

Su said that the Summit Ridge chips would be a "re-entry" into the high-performance desktop market.

A Zen-based CPU offers a performance uplift of 40 percent per cycle than Excavator CPU cores, which are in current chips code-named Carrizo, Su said.

AMD's PC business has been performing poorly. Due to a decline in PC shipments, revenue for AMD's Computing and Graphics revenue -- which deals in PC and graphics chips -- declined to US$470 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2015 compared to $662 million in the same quarter a year ago.

AMD reported a net loss of $79 million in the fourth quarter, compared to a profit of $18 million in the same quarter a year ago. The company reported revenue of $958 million, declining from $1.24 billion.  So bascally AMD is signing up for a year of more misery before Zen arrives.

20 Jan 15:18

Évek óta létező 0-day hibát találtak a Linux kernelben

by Voith Hunor
A sérülékenység a linuxos PC-ken felül az androidos mobileszközök nagy részét is érinti.

20 Jan 09:22

Elkezdett vastagon fogni a Telekom árceruzája


xdd szép felvezetés

Nem csak a téltől, hanem az árak láttán is kiráz majd minket a hideg.
19 Jan 23:15

AMD Reports Q4 2015 Results And FY 2015 Earnings

by Brett Howse

Today AMD released their quarterly earnings for Q4 of Fiscal Year 2015. AMD continues to struggle financially, and for Q4 they had revenues of $958 million, down 10% from last quarter and down 23% since a year ago. Gross margin for the quarter did increase to 30% after last quarter’s $65 million inventory write-down, and for the full year gross margin was 27%, impacted heavily by the write-down last quarter. For Q4, AMD had an operating loss of $49 million, and a net loss of $102 million, or $0.13 per share. For the full year, the operating loss was $481 million and the net loss was $660 million, or $0.84 per share.

AMD Q3 2015 Financial Results (GAAP)
  Q4'2015 Q3'2015 Q4'2014
Revenue $958M $1.06B $1.24B
Gross Margin 30% 23% 29%
Operating Income -$49M -$158M -$330M
Net Income -$102M -$197M -$364M
Earnings Per Share -$0.13 -$0.25 -$0.47

On a non-GAAP basis, AMD reports an operating loss for the quarter of $39 million, and a net loss of $79 million. For the full year 2015, the operating loss of $253 million, down from a non-GAAP operating income of $316 million in 2014. This amounts to a per share loss of $0.53 using non-GAAP numbers.

AMD Q4 2015 Financial Results (Non-GAAP)
  Q4'2015 Q3'2015 Q4'2014
Revenue $958M $1.06B $1.24B
Gross Margin 30% 23% 34%
Operating Income -$39M -$97M $52M
Net Income -$79M -$136M $18M
Earnings Per Share -$0.10 -$0.17 $0.02

Looking at the individual segments, the Computing and Graphics segment had revenue of $470 million for the quarter, up 11% since last quarter but down 29% year-over-year. AMD had more notebook processor sales compared to last quarter, but lower client processor sales compared to last year. This segment had an operating loss of $99 million, compared to $181 million last quarter and $56 million last year. The inventory write-down last quarter was the main reason for the improvement this quarter, and lower sales caused the year-over-year drop. One good nugget for AMD is that average selling price (ASP) increase sequentially for processors, although it is down year-over-year, but GPU ASP increased both sequentially and year-over-year.

AMD Q4 2015 Computing and Graphics
  Q4'2015 Q3'2015 Q4'2014
Revenue $470M $424M $662M
Operating Income -$99M -$181M -$56M

The Enterprise, Embedded, and Semi-Custom segment had revenue of $488 million, down 23% from last quarter and 15% year-over-year. Operating income was $59 million, down from $84 million last quarter and $109 million last year. AMD attributes the seasonally lower sales of semi-custom SoCs as the reason for the drop from last quarter, and the year-over-year drop is due to lower game console royalties, and lower server and embedded sales.

AMD Q4 2015 Enterprise, Embedded and Semi-Custom
  Q4'2015 Q3'2015 Q4'2014
Revenue $488M $637M $577M
Operating Income $59M $84M $109M

The All Other segment had an operating loss of $9 million, an improvement over the $61 million loss last quarter, and a big improvement over the $383 million operating loss in Q4 2014. AMD has made some restructuring charges which affected them last quarter, and the year-over-year improvement was “primarily due to the absence of a goodwill impairment charge, lower restructuring and other special charges, net and a Q4 2014 lower of cost or market inventory adjustment.”

With a less than amazing 2015, for 2016 AMD is resting a lot of hope on their new 4th generation GCN GPU, which they are calling Polaris. On the CPU side, they hope to execute their new Zen platform with a 40% increase in Instructions Per Clock. With AMD getting out of the fab business, they have now been relying on others to move forward on the process side, and we are finally seeing fabs other than Intel now producing FinFET based designs. Clearly AMD has a lot of work to do to not only launch the products, but execute sales of them as well. VR could also be an area where AMD could find some growth, since the requirements for VR will likely drive some GPU sales over the next 12 months.

19 Jan 16:38

Microsoft unveils Minecraft: Education Edition, to cost $5/student



Microsoft has recently acquired the MinecraftEdu mod for Minecraft game, which sole purpose was to be used for educational purposes in school and at home. The education potential behind Minecraft was one of the reasons Microsoft acquired the game in the first place. Now the TeacherGaming team behind MinecraftEdu is part of Microsoft, it can achieve its purpose faster and deliver it much cheaper. The purpose of the Minecraft Educational Edition is to allow students to explore different places, historical monuments, ancient cities, all recreated accurately, and learn from them. The game went through minor optimizations, which include better mapping, in-game camera and a scrapbook for screenshots. Everything else is the same - Microsoft says while it wants to make it an educational too, it's still a game and will be keep the fun factor. Microsoft is launching a platform, where teachers could submit lessons (Minecraft worlds) and download such. The company won't be building the places, it wants to rely on a wide contributing community of schools, students and teacher. Hopefully this pans out in time. The Edu edition of Minecraft will cost $5 per student in school and each registered student will be able to play the game at home as well upon logging with the same account. You can learn more about the initiative...

19 Jan 13:46

Újabb örömhír: a Saul fia az amerikai kritikusok díját is megkapta


ez a Saul kibaszott fia mindent végignyer xd kicsit már lolgyanus azért

A Saul fiát a kritikusok szemében nem tudták legyőzni más nemzetbeli filmek.
19 Jan 13:44

Samsung starts mass production of 4GB HBM2 memory stacks

by Babu Mohan

megint csak 4 gb? vagy hogy lesz ez most?

Samsung today announced it has started mass producing the industry’s first 4 gigabyte (GB) DRAM package based on the second-generation High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) interface. The new HBM2 DRAM package will be used in upcoming high performance computing (HPC), advanced graphics, network systems, as well as enterprise servers. Both AMD and NVIDIA are rumored to...

The post Samsung starts mass production of 4GB HBM2 memory stacks appeared first on VR-Zone.

19 Jan 13:42

AMD will launch two GPUs based on 14nm Polaris architecture this year

by Harish Jonnalagadda

ez h kettő lesz idén xd ez a megfogalmazás annyira nem jön át azért xd

amd polaris
In an interview with VentureBeat, AMD’s Radeon Technologies Group chief Raja Koduri said that the vendor is readying two GPUs based on its recently unveiled 14nm Polaris architecture. Koduri stated that the hardware would be available mid-2016, which ties up with rumors suggesting a summer launch: We have two versions of these FinFET GPUs. Both are extremely power efficient....

The post AMD will launch two GPUs based on 14nm Polaris architecture this year appeared first on VR-Zone.

19 Jan 12:07

Ki milyen jó a boxutcában?

by (Telesport)
A Mercedes a kerékcseréknél is vitte a prímet