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19 Jan 07:15

A 22x22x22-es Rubik-kockát összekeverni is sokáig tart

by vizzitor
A lehetetlennek tűnő, a kombinációk számát tekintve, csak több mint 1000 számjeggyel leírható 17x17x17-es Rubik-kockát Oskar Van Deventer tervezte, a puzzlemegszállott Kenneth Brandon pedig alig 8 óra alatt kirakta (az alap 3x3x3 kockát 5-6 mp alatt rakják ki a profik). Megérkezett az újabb kihívás. A Coren Puzzle csapata elkészítette az eddigi 22x22x22-es Rubik-kocka klónt. Az eddigi legbonyolultabb kocka oldalanként 484 db színes „mozaikot” és összesen 2691 alkatrészt tartalmaz. A kombinációk száma 4,3×10^1795, azaz egy 4-es kezdődő, majd közel ezernyolcszáz számjeggyel folytatódó szám. Centillió a harmadikon, szorozva néggyel. Sok. A komplex szerkezet érdekessége, hogy mind a 2691 alkatrésze teljes egészében, egy […]
19 Jan 07:10

KFA2 GeForce GTX 970 EXOC Sniper Edition now official

by Babu Mohan

KFA2 today announced the GeForce GTX 970 EXOC Sniper Edition graphics card for the EU market. The graphics card features a custom PCB that is 27cm in length and comes with dual custom cooling solutions. The PCB is protected by the anodized aluminum backplate with a dense aluminum fin-stack. KFA2 utilizes a new Silence Extreme...

The post KFA2 GeForce GTX 970 EXOC Sniper Edition now official appeared first on VR-Zone.

18 Jan 17:33

Far Cry Primal Game Promotion Lets The Winner Sleep In A Cave For The Night (video)

by Julian Horsey
Ubisoft the developers and publishers of upcoming new game Far Cry Primal have started a new promotion that allows the winner to be able to sleep in a cave located in the Pyrénées, after getting a little professional survival training of course. So if sleeping in a cave is one of your goals, check out […]

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18 Jan 11:12

TSMC's 5nm plans revealed

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)
TSMC's 5nm plans revealed

Two years after 7nm

Foundry TSMC claims it will be ready to roll out its 5nm process technology two years after the launch of its 7nm node..

In a statement,  company co-CEO Mark Liu said he expects to start production of 7nm chips in the first half of 2018.  He did not say if the node would be ready for volume production  or if it or just doing test production by that date. Both would be fairly ambitious.

TSMC's R&D timeline  for the 5nm process technology suggests it will be ready for launch in the first half of 2020.  It looks like it will be using extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography to make them.

Liu claimed that TSMC had made significant progress with EUV to prepare for its likely insertion into 5nm," Liu indicated.

TSMC expects to qualify the 10 nm node in time for customer tape-outs in the first quarter of 2016, Liu said.

The outfit is predicting that its share of the 14/16nm foundry market segment will rise to more than 70 per cent  in 2016 from about 40 per cent  in 2015. TSMC's 16nm FinFET processes consisting of 16nm FinFET, 16nm FinFET Plus and 16nm FinFET Compact will account for more than 20 per cent of the foundry's total wafer revenues in 2016, the company said..

The new 16nm FFC node, a low-power and low-cost version of TSMC's 16nm FinFET products, will be ready for volume production in the first quarter of 2016, Wei added.

TSMC is on track to move its integrated fan-out (InFO) wafer-level packaging technology to volume production in the second quarter of 2016

. "We do not expect adoption by a large number of customers. However, we do expect a few very large volume customers," Wei said.

Apple is probably going to be among the first adopting the InFO packaging technology, which many of its users will believe Steve Jobs invented.

18 Jan 06:31

Just Cause 3 видео обзор APU

by (cybertron)
jc Мы продолжаем наши циклы видеообзоров APU, целью которых стало тестирование топовых встроенных графических решений AMD и Intel. Следующей игрой, принятой для тестирования встроенных графических решений, стала игра Just Cause 3. 
15 Jan 09:11

World’s Biggest SSD Has 13TB Of Storage

by Conner Flynn
In the old days SSDs came in really very storage sizes, but cost a small fortune. SSDs are still expensive today, but they are considerably more affordable now, especially since they have also increased in storage capacity. Well, if you’re looking for an SSD that goes above and beyond the call of duty, a company […]

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14 Jan 17:20

ZTE Axon Elite - termékpolitikai elit

Az Axon sorozat jelen tagja egy kellemesen árazott zászlóshajó Snapdragon 810-es SoC-vel és három kamerával – kár, hogy itthon ez sem kapható hivatalosan.
13 Jan 16:32

Az olvadó jéghegyek lassítják a klímaváltozást


kész, nincs itt gond, csak gyorsabban kell olvasztani azt a fránya jéghegyet, és teljesen kompenzálni fog

Tápanyagokat eresztenek a Déli-óceánba, táplálják az algákat, amik szén-dioxidot kötnek meg.
12 Jan 16:46

Lumia 520 and 435 modded with external Wi-Fi antenna, cooling fan

Most people wouldn't think to customize their phone further than choosing a wallpaper and a ringtone, but then there are some tinkerer's that go over the top just for fun. Take Core Down, aka Marc, from the WindowsArea forums - his Lumia 520 has a big Wi-Fi antenna and a fan. The antenna had to be connected to the proper pins on the motherboard (after the stock antenna had been removed). And since the 520 was getting hot under the collar when running games (the phone being the gaming powerhouse that it is), Marc added a fan to keep it cool. He went on to add a Wi-Fi antenna to a Lumia 435 too. No fan though, the dual-core Cortex-A7 processor somehow doesn't seem like the "active cooling" type. Modded Lumia 435 and Lumia 520 It's all just for fun, of course, but apparently the two phones get much better Wi-Fi reception. Also, the antenna can be unscrewed and the phone can be hooked up to the car's antenna like in the good ol' times (I'm not sure if this boosts GSM connectivity though, just Wi-Fi). If you're interested in trying your hands on hardware modding, Marc promises to post a guide in the WindowsArea forums. Source (in German) |...

12 Jan 13:31

Radeon R9 Nano: AMD senkt den Preis von 699 auf 549 Euro (Update)

by Jan-Frederik Timm

kellemesen sikerült átváltani az 500 dollart

AMD hat den Preis der kleinsten Grafikkarte auf Basis der Fiji-GPU gesenkt. Der Hersteller empfiehlt Händlern ab sofort einen Preis von 549 anstelle von vormals 699 Euro. Das haben deutsche Händler gegenüber ComputerBase bestätigt.

12 Jan 13:30

HTC Vive VR Headset Could Cost $1,500 (Rumor)

by Roland Hutchinson
HTC announced a new version of their HTC Vive VR headset at CES last week, the HTC Vive Pre, the device will go up for pre-order next month. HTC will start taking pre-orders on the Vive on the 29th of February and the device will ship in April, the company has yet to reveal any […]

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11 Jan 22:28

Blind shootout: Nexus 6P vs. LG V10 vs. Galaxy Note 5

Stop us if you've heard this one before - the Samsung Galaxy Note5, LG V10 and Huawei Nexus 6P walk into the GSMArena office... and, of course, we pit them head to head. We'll publish a full vs. article, but first let's see what you think about the cameras of those three phones.

11 Jan 19:31

New Grand Theft Auto V Mod Enables Watch_Dog Style Hacking (video)

by Julian Horsey
If you enjoyed playing the hacking game Watch_Dog that was released a few years back, you may be interested in a new Grand Theft Auto V mod that has been created by JulioNIB, which follows on from a similar modification that was released for the earlier GTA IV game back in 2014. Check out the […]

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08 Jan 19:50

Beléptem a Mátrix 0.1-be

Lebron Jamesszel kosaraztam, megszereltem egy űrállomást, kávét főztem, és halomra lőttem egy csomó kommandóst műanyag puskával. Mindezt fél napon belül, vagy fél tucat virtuális valóságban.
07 Jan 16:17

CES 2016: demonstrálta új processzorhűtőjét az AMD

A Wraith a Socket AM4-es foglalathoz készül, és maximális fodulatszámon nagyságrendekkel csendesebb az elődnél.
07 Jan 11:19

Szaddám Huszein luxusjachtja ma kutatóhajó

Egy diktátor és két király is birtokolta, mégis egy egyetem tengerkutatójaként végzi munkáját.
07 Jan 11:12

LG to triple OLED telly sales

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)
LG to triple OLED telly sales

Ramping up manufacturing

LG has told the world that it will be ramping up production of OLED TV sets this year in a move which should establish the technology in the market place and drive down cost.

LG TV chief Kwon Bong-suk made the comments on the sidelines of the CES trade show in Las Vegas and they were later confirmed by his head office. 

Kown said LG could at least triple sales of OLED sets based on fourth-quarter numbers.  While this sounds rather a lot, no one is really certain how many OLED tellies made in the fourth quarter so it might be a bit less than it sounds. .

LG is the world's No. 2 TV maker behind domestic rival Samsung.  It is betting the farm on OLED, hoping that the new technology will help it get ahead of rivals.

The firm cut prices of some OLED TV models by as much as 45 percent late last year in the United States and appears to have stimulated some demand.despite failing to get the less-than-lucrative contract for the Farrell household's 4K replacement flat screen.


07 Jan 07:41

CES 2016: 170 hüvelykes tévét mutatott be a Samsung

A 432 centiméteres képátlóval bíró készülék a vállalat SUHD technológiájában rejlő erőt hivatott demonstrálni.
06 Jan 22:25

VR Ready: EVGA springt mit speziellen Grafikkarten auf den VR-Zug

by Volker Rißka

EVGA springt auf den Hype-Zug rund um die Thematik VR auf und zeigt zur CES 2016 die erste VR-Ready-Grafikkarte. Die Besonderheit der GeForce GTX 980 Ti VR ist ein zusätzlicher, nach innen gerichteter HDMI-Anschluss, zum Lieferumfang gehört darüber hinaus auch ein Front Panel.

06 Jan 16:20

Origin PC Omni All-In-One Gaming Systems Features Titan X Graphics And 3440 x 1440 Resoltuion

by Julian Horsey
Following on from the unveiling of a new all-in-one PC by Maingear at CES 2016 this year in the form of the Maingear Alpha 34 we featured yesterday here on Geeky Gadgets. Origin PC has also unveiled a new all-in-one gaming system in the form of the Origin PC Omni, that offers high-performance desktop power […]

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06 Jan 09:57

A japán vasútnál egy cica is lehet állomásfőnök

Nemrég elhunyt elődje is macska volt, aki felvirágoztatta a céget, és alelnöki pozíciót kapott.
06 Jan 06:50

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain тест GPU 2015

by (svl)

ez vajon meg lett véve? xd

mgs Спустя девять лет после событий METAL GEAR SOLID V: Ground Zeroes Снейк, также известный как Биг Босс, наконец, пробуждается от комы. Идет 1984 год, в разгаре холодная война, уверенно ведущая планету к глобальной катастрофе... Жаждущему реванша Снейку предстоит освоиться в новом для себя мире и отыскать ниточку к тайной организации XOF...
05 Jan 15:48

CES 2016: új CPU-t és GPU-t használ az NVIDIA Drive PX 2

Az önvezető autókba szánt csomag a 8 TFLOPS-os teljesítményt kínál.
05 Jan 10:45

NVIDIA Announces DRIVE PX 2 - Pascal Power For Self-Driving Cars

by Ryan Smith

As has become tradition at CES, the first major press conference of the show belongs to NVIDIA. In previous years their press conference would be dedicated to consumer mobile parts – the Tegra division, in other words – while more recently the company’s conference has shifted to a mix of mobile and automobiles. Finally for 2016, NVIDIA has made a full transition over to cars, with this year’s press conference focusing solely on the subject and skipping consumer mobile entirely.

At CES 2015 NVIDIA announced the DRIVE CX and DRIVE PX systems, with DRIVE CX focusing on cockpit visualization while DRIVE PX was part of a much more ambitious entry into the self-driving vehicle market for NVIDIA. Both systems were based around NVIDIA’s then-new Tegra X1 SoC, implementing it either for its graphics capabilities or its compute capabilities respectively.

For 2016 however, NVIDIA has doubled-down on self-driving vehicles, dedicating the entire press conference to the concept and filling the conference with suitable product announcements. The headline announcement for this year’s conference then is the successor to NVIDIA’s DRIVE PX system, the aptly named DRIVE PX 2.

From a hardware perspective the DRIVE PX 2 is essentially picking up from where the original DRIVE PX left off. NVIDIA continues to believe that the solution to self-driving cars is through computer vision realized by neural networks, with more compute power being necessary to get better performance with greater accuracy.  To that while DRIVE PX was something of an early system to prove the concept, then DRIVE PX 2 is NVIDIA is thinking much bigger.

NVIDIA DRIVE PX Specification Comparison
SoCs 2x Tegra X1 2x Tegra "Parker"
Discrete GPUs N/A 2x Unknown Pascal
CPU Cores 8x ARM Cortex-A57 +
8x ARM Cortex-53
4x NVIDIA Denver +
8x ARM Cortex-A57
GPU Cores 2x Tegra X1 (Maxwell) 2x Tegra "Parker" (Pascal) +
2x Unknown Pascal
TDP N/A 250W

As a result the DRIVE PX 2 is a very powerful – and very power hungry – design meant to offer much greater compute performance than the original DRIVE PX. Based around NVIDIA’s newly disclosed 2016 Tegra (likely to be Parker), the PX 2 incorporates a pair of the SoCs. However in a significant departure from the original PX, the PX 2 also integrates a pair of Pascal discrete GPUs on MXM cards, in order to significantly boost the GPU compute capabilities over what a pair of Tegra processors alone could offer. The end result is that PX 2 packs a total of 4 processors on a single board, essentially combining the two Tegras’ 8 ARM Cortex-A57 and 4 NVIDIA Denver CPU cores with 4 Pascal GPUs.

NVIDIA is not disclosing anything about the discrete Pascal GPUs at this time beyond the architecture and that, like the new Tegra, they’re built on TSMC’s 16nm FinFET process. However looking at the board held up by NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, it appears to be a sizable card with 8 GDDR5 memory packages on the front. My gut instinct is that this may be the Pascal successor to GM206 with the 8 chips forming a 128-bit memory bus in clamshell mode, but at this point that’s speculation on my part.

Update Kudos to our readers on this one. The MXM modules in the picture are almost component-for-component identical to the GTX 980 MXM photo we have on file. So it is likely that these are not Pascal GPUs, and that they're merely placeholders.

What isn’t in doubt though are the power requirements for PX 2. PX 2 will consume 250W of power – equivalent to today’s GTX 980 Ti and GTX Titan X cards – and will require liquid cooling. NVIDIA’s justification for the design, besides the fact that this much computing power is necessary, is that a liquid cooling system ensures that the PX 2 will receive sufficient cooling in all environmental conditions. More practically though, the company is targeting electric vehicles with this, many of which already use liquid cooling, and as a result are a more natural fit for PX 2’s needs.  For all other vehicles the company will also be offering a radiator module to use with the PX 2.

Otherwise NVIDIA never did disclose the requirements for the original PX, but it’s safe to say that PX 2 is significantly higher. It’s particularly telling that in the official photos of the board with the liquid cooling loops installed, it’s the dGPUs we clearly see attached to the loops. Consequently I wouldn’t be surprised if the bulk of that 250W power consumption comes from the dGPUs rather than the Tegra SoCs.

As far as performance goes, NVIDIA spent much of the evening comparing the PX 2 to the GeForce GTX Titan X, and for good reason. The PX 2 is rated for 8 TFLOPS of FP32 performance, which puts PX 2 1 TFLOPS ahead of the 7 TFLOPS Titan X. However while those are raw specifications, it’s important to note that Titan X is 1 GPU whereas PX 2 is 4, which means PX 2 will need to work around multi-GPU scaling issues that aren’t an issue for Titan X.

Curiously, NVIDIA also used the event to introduce a new unit of measurement – the Deep Learning Tera-Op, or DL TOPS – which at 24 is an unusual 3x higher than PX 2’s FP32 performance. Based on everything disclosed by NVIDIA about Pascal so far, we don’t have any reason to believe FP16 performance is more than 2x Pascal’s FP32 performance. So where the extra performance comes from is a mystery at the moment. NVIDIA quoted this and not FP16 FLOPS, so it may include a special case operation (ala the Fused Multiply-Add), or even including the performance of the Denver CPU cores.

On that note, while DRIVE PX 2 was the focus of NVIDIA’s presentation, it was GTX Titan X that was actually driving all of the real-time presentations. As far as I know we did not actually see any demos being powered by PX 2, and it’s unclear whether PX 2 is even ready for controlled demonstration at this time. NVIDIA mentions in their press release that the PX 2 will be available to early access partners in Q2, with general availability not occurring until Q4.

Meanwhile along with the PX 2 hardware, NVIDIA also used their conference to reiterate their plans for self-driving cars, and where their hardware and software will fit into this. NVIDIA is still aiming to develop a hardware ecosystem for the automotive industry rather than an end-to-end solution. Which is to say that they want to provide the hardware, while letting their customers develop the software.

However at the same time, in an action admitting that it’s not always easy for customers to get started from scratch, NVIDIA will also be developing their complete reference platform combining hardware and software. The reference platform includes not just the hardware for self-driving cards – including the PX 2 system and other NVIDIA hardware to train the neural nets – but also software components including the company’s existing DriveWorks SDK, and a pre-trained driving neural net the company is calling DRIVENet.

Consequently while the company isn’t strictly in the process of developing its own cars, it is essentially in the process of training them.  Which means NVIDIA has been sending cars around the Sunnyvale area to record interactions, training the 37 million neuron network how to understand traffic. A significant portion of NVIDIA’s presentation was taken up demonstrating DRIVENet in action, showcasing how well it understood the world using a combination of LIDAR and computer vision, with a GTX Titan X running the network at about 50fps. Ultimately I think it’s fair to say that NVIDIA would rather their customers be doing this, building nets on top of systems like DIGITS, but they also have seen first-hand in previous endeavors that bootstrapping an ecosystem like they desire requires having all of the components already there.

Finally, NVIDIA also announced that they have lined up their first customer for PX 2: Volvo. In 2017 the company will be outfitting 100 XC90 SUVs with the PX 2, for use in their ongoing self-driving car development efforts.

05 Jan 10:44

Ijesztő szilvesztere volt Verstappennek

by (Telesport)
„Százötven emeletnyire voltunk a tűztől”
05 Jan 10:43

Motorola Moto X Force - droid, amit kereshetsz

Az amerikaiak csúcsmodellje felső kategóriás felszereltséggel és törhetetlen kijelzővel hívja fel magára a figyelmet, a 21 megapixeles kamera nem rossz, a rendszer friss és gyors.
05 Jan 07:10

Drive PX 2: Nvidias Auto-Computer mit 2 Pascal-GPUs und 2 Tegra-SoCs

by Nicolas La Rocco

Nvidia hat auf der CES 2016 einen Supercomputer für autonome Fahrzeuge vorgestellt, der auf der Größe eines Schuhkartons zwei Pascal-GPUs und zwei Tegra-SoCs vereint. Die Rechenleistung soll dafür genutzt werden, die in Echtzeit während der Fahrt gesammelten Daten für die autonome Steuerung des Pkws zu verarbeiten.

04 Jan 23:18

Bejelentette a GeForce GTX VR Ready programot az NVIDIA

A vállalat a friss kezdeményezéssel árulta el a világnak, hogy olyan PC kell a VR-hez, amilyet az Oculus eredetileg is kért.
04 Jan 12:02

Nagyon, de nagyon okos otthont akar magának Mark Zuckerberg

Önnek is belefér az idei lakásfelújításba egy mesterséges intelligencia?
04 Jan 09:54

A jövőben akár óránként változhatnak az árak


mert eddig nem így volt? xd

Ha egy boltban nem papíron szerepel a termék ára hanem digitálisan, akkor akár naponta többször is módosulhat majd.