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16 Feb 09:49

2018-ban futhat ki a Titanic másolata

Még több évet csúszik. Egymillió dollár lehet egy jegy, de lesz rajta elég mentőcsónak.
16 Feb 09:43

GeForce GTX 900 open-source firmware images and support code released

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)

ütős a kép xd

GeForce GTX 900 open-source firmware images and support code released

Steps towards Open source

Nvidia has released the signed firmware images and support code which will enable  the GeForce GTX 900 "Maxwell" series to run under its open-source driver.

An Nvidia spokesman said that it has taken a long time for this to happen and he was sorry it took so long. 

According to Phoronix  the whole thing has been a fiasco. The lack of driver signing held up the open-source Linux driver from supporting hardware acceleration on Nvidia's latest generation GPUs.


With Pascal only a few months away Nvidia had not got Maxwell to move on with open-source 3D.  Nvidia's only saving grace is that its official, proprietary Linux driver continues working quite well.

This time taking the firmware to be signed  led Nouveau developers to call the Maxwell GPUs "VERY Open-Source Unfriendly".

Firmware blobs have bee signed for the GM200 and GM204, which isin a separate Git repository but will be merged into linux-firmware once all the DRM driver code is ready.

There is also the "secboot" code for Nouveau that provides the pieces to the open-source kernel driver for being able to load the signed firmware.

Of course this does not mean that there is working open-source 3D for the GTX 900 series, but the necessary enablement should mean that it can working soon.

"the changes for basic support are rather modest, and hopefully this pre-release will be enough to enable patches to land in Mesa."

Nouveau developers should get of this code prepped and landed in the Linux 4.6 kernel cycle.

15 Feb 10:47

Honor 5X - tisztességes munka

Komolyan előrelépett a Honor X sorozata egy év alatt, a fémház, a hátlapi ujjlenyomat-olvasó és a Snapdragon 615 kombinációja viszont erősebb konkurenciával találkozik.
11 Feb 15:07

[Notiz] Preis: GeForce GTX 970 von PNY ab 299 Euro erhältlich

by Wolfgang Andermahr


Trotz einer unverbindlichen Preisempfehlung von 321 Euro war die GeForce GTX 970 von Nvidia zunächst im Handel teurer anstatt wie gewohnt günstiger als diese erhältlich. Mittlerweile hat es ein erstes Exemplar geschafft, knapp unter die 300-Euro-Grenze zu fallen. Ab 299 Euro ist die Grafikkarte nun lieferbar.

11 Feb 12:40

Alcatel One Touch Pop Up 5.0 - zene füleimnek

Újabb termékkel gazdagodott a Pop sorozat, ami a Snapdragon 415 chipset mellett vállalható kamerát kitűnő árazást kapott. A lemerülésre nem, a megjelenésre sokat kell még várni.
10 Feb 15:38

Tim Cook deletes infamous Super Bowl pic, blocks mean Twitter followers

by Adrian Diaconescu

Some Apple intern must get to CEO Tim Cook ASAP to give him a sample of Jimmy Kimmel’s long-running “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets” segment. Maybe the head honcho of the world’s most profitable company would then learn how to take a joke or gracefully parry an online insult.Granted, the stars invited to the late-night talk show to basically offer a lesson in self-deprecation are usually subjected to one mockery at a time, not to mention they’re probably warned well in advance of ...

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The post Tim Cook deletes infamous Super Bowl pic, blocks mean Twitter followers appeared first on Pocketnow.

10 Feb 12:49

Kínaiak veszik meg az Operát

by Gálffy Csaba
Óriási elérése van az Opera mobilos böngészőinek, a cég azonban nem tudja hatékonyan pénzzé tenni ezt a felhasználói bázist - ezzel indokolja a norvég cég eladását a vezetés. Ökoszisztémába olvad be a vállalat, a hátteret a kínaiak adják.

10 Feb 12:49

Opera: Kaufangebot über 1,1 Milliarden Euro aus China

by Ferdinand Thommes

Der norwegische Browserhersteller Opera Software hat bestätigt, von einem chinesischen Konsortium aus Internet-Unternehmen ein Kaufangebot über 1,1 Milliarden Euro erhalten zu haben. Das Angebot stammt von den Firmen Kunlun und Qihoo 360 sowie den Investment-Fonds Golden Brick und Yonglian.

10 Feb 12:42

Allview E4 lite teszt - alacsony fokozat

A középkategória tömött buszjáratára igyekszik a mediatekes Allview E4 lite felférni. Erénye a fémkeretes, kompakt kivitel, ám kompromisszumból is akad, méghozzá nem is egy.
10 Feb 06:48

Ilyen lesz a jövő vadászgépe

Ha a Northrop Grumman tervezi őket. Koncepciós videó a hatodik generációs kísérleti repülőről.
09 Feb 11:42

Az európai fák rontanak a globális felmelegedésen



Egy friss tanulmány szerint az európai erdők miatt is jelentősen nő a globális felmelegedés és ezért a megfelelő fákkal kellene lecserélni ezeket.
09 Feb 11:40

Felkerült a netre az FBI céges telefonkönyve

Egy hekker megszerezte a Nemzetbiztonsági Minisztérium és az FBI több tízezer munkatársának személyes adatait, és nem tartotta meg magának.
09 Feb 11:01

Allview X2 Soul Style - stílustörés

Az Allview Soul szériája új taggal bővült a középmezőnyben. Ha az X2 Soul Lite képviseli a belépő szintet, akkor az X2 Soul Style fél lábbal ugyan beljebb van, de a másik sajnos lemaradt valahol félúton.
09 Feb 08:52

Microcode-Update: Intel stoppt Skylake-Overclocking per BCLK

by Volker Rißka

Zum Ende der letzten Woche wurde es bereits vermutet, jetzt ist es offiziell: Intel hat mit einem Microcode-Update für die Skylake-Prozessoren das Overclocking per integriertem Base-Clock (BCLK) unterbunden. Dies bestätigte ein Sprecher gegenüber US-Medien.

09 Feb 08:44

Google is offering 2GB of free Drive storage to those who take an account security checkup

Today is Safer Internet Day - a day aimed at promoting the safe, responsible, and positive use of digital technology. And just like last year, Google is celebrating the day by offering free Drive storage to those who perform a security audit of their Google account. In case you didn't take it last year, the Google Security Checkup lets you quickly review and manage your Google Account's security settings. These include recovery options, connected devices, account permissions, and 2-step verification settings. Those who complete the audit - a process which takes just a few minutes - will be entitled to 2GB of free Drive storage. Keep in mind that the free storage might not show up immediately. Last year, Google gave a week's window to complete the security checkup - it isn't yet clear how much time do we have this year, so act fast if you want that extra Drive storage. Via | Google Security...

08 Feb 10:49

Prestigio Grace S5 LTE - farmerzsebbe való

Aranyszínben is nagyon jól néz ki a Prestigio ötvenezer forintos óriásmobilja, de a farmerkék egy igazi egyéniség. A beltartalom korrekt, viszont a konkurencia brutálisan erős.
08 Feb 10:49

Wait, what? A hidden chess game in Facebook Messenger?


toltam mar de elegge lassu meg körülményes kicsit

If you are a chess lover who also happens to be a user of Facebook's Messenger app (which crossed the 800 million active users milestone last month), here's some thing of your interest - aside from chatting, the mobile messaging app also allows you to play the game with your friends. The feature was discovered by a Reddit user. While we don't know when it was first introduced in the app, it has been there for at-least over a month now given that the Reddit thread itself is that much old. As per the information shared on the thread, you can start playing chess with someone by typing @fbchess play and end it by typing @fbchess resign - head to the Reddit link below for other instructions on how to play the game. Via |...

08 Feb 10:47

Apple Launches Mac Pro Repair Program

by Roland Hutchinson

mind amd vgas

Apple has launched a Mac Pro repair program for their latest model, the Late 2013 Mac Pro. the program has been launched to deal with issues relating to video cards on the device. The repair program is related to the Mac Pro that was manufactured between the 8th February 2015 and the 11th of April […]

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08 Feb 10:43

MS-Tech vs. Super Flower: 950 und 350 Watt für jeweils 50 Euro

by Hendrik Engelbertz

Aufgrund steigender Preise sind viele Netzteil-Empfehlungen ihrer Preisklasse enteilt. ComputerBase stellt zwei interessante Alternativen in der 50-Euro-Klasse vor und prüft, was das MS-Tech Value Rev. B mit satten 950 Watt und das Super Flower Golden Green HX mit nur 350 Watt tatsächlich leisten.

04 Feb 21:28

The new Doom game launches on May 13 on PC, Xbox One, and PS4

It's official, ladies and gentlemen, the new Doom game will become available on May 13. This has been years in the making, and it will be the fourth installment in the wildly popular series. The original Doom 3 was launched back in 2004, so it's certainly been a long wait for fans of the well-known first-person shooter. On May 13, the new game will be released for PC, Xbox One, as well as PlayStation 4, thus covering all the big platforms. It's already up for pre-order at the moment, with prices starting at $60 for a Standard Edition, while the Collector's Edition is double that. The Standard iteration includes the full game (with solo campaign mode as well as multiplayer support). The Collector's Edition adds a 12-inch LED-lit statue of a Revenant demon. Source |...

04 Feb 11:19

Huawei P8max - mindig van egy nagyobb hal

A régi generációs Kirint futtató P8max mellett még a 6 hüvelykes, szupergyors Mate 8 is eltörpül – ismét egy phablet-tablet hibrid járt nálunk, a megszokott, hibátlan összeszerelési minőséget hozva.
03 Feb 13:39

Eleinte szűkös lehet a 16 nm-es gyártókapacitás a TSMC-nél

Rengeteg a megrendelő, de három cégnek elsőbbsége van.
03 Feb 07:09

Volt egyszer egy király, tudott olvasni

De már meghalt, ma 900 éve. Könyves Kálmán a képregényhős, a strigamentes boszorkányüldöző, a mi gyerekvakító felvilágosult uralkodónk.
02 Feb 10:04

Bemutatták a japán lopakodót

Február közepén emelkedhet a levegőbe az első japán fejlesztésű lopakodó vadászgép.
02 Feb 10:03

World's most valuable company is no longer Apple

Alphabet just released its Q4 2015 earnings today which shot the stock prices of both Stock A and Stock C up to about $750-$780. Alphabet is now the most valuable company in the world, surpassing Apple's position in the ranks. With Apple's earning beginning to show plateauing over earnings from the year before, Google stole the show, showing great numbers of growth. Investors are going crazy buying more stock which drove the price up this afternoon. Alphabet's Year-over-Year revenues are increasing, which means its growth is actually growing exponentially. Revenues went up 24% from the 12% the year before. The majority of Google's revenue is from ads, and while the number of ad clicks have gone up 31%, the cost per click has gone down 13 percent. Don't be fooled. This means the company still made more money on ads! During the sales call, the company also announced that it has more than 1 billion active monthly Gmail users. Google now joins Facebook and What's App who also have more than 1 billion active monthly users worldwide. Source |...

01 Feb 12:45

Windows 10 inches towards a 12% market share, now ahead of XP


micsoda diadal

Windows 10 has just pulled ahead of both Windows XP and Windows 8.1 for the first time in terms of market share. The analysts from NetMarketShare now put Microsoft's latest OS version at 11.85% market share, when XP stands at 11.42%, and 8.1 is at 10.40%. document.getElementById("na635899241222310000").src=""+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qptimeframe=M"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpsp=204"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpch=350"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpdt=1"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpct=3"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpcustomd=0"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpcid=fw201662"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpf=16"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpwidth=728"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpdisplay=1111"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpmr=10"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"site="+window.location.hostname Windows 7 remains in a dominant position, running on more than half the desktops in the world. Its 52.47% share in January, however, marks a downward trend in its share. Approaching its 20th anniversary, Windows 98 can still be found running on the occasional PC, but it's not enough to make it past the 0.01% mark, unlike Windows 2000, which has coasted around, but above that number for a while now. Meanwhile Mac OS X 10.10 and 10.11 have both climbed in market share reaching a combined value of 5.77%, versus 5.22% the month before. Source |...

01 Feb 12:41

Windows 95 Now Capable Of Being Run In A Browser

by Julian Horsey
Microsoft Windows 95 originally launched 20 years ago back in 1995 as the name suggests, and for those interested is now capable of being run and used within a browser window thanks to a resourceful 19-year-old developer named Andrea Faulds based in Scotland. Faulds has been able to get full Windows 95 functionality via a […]

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29 Jan 07:51

Rise of the Tomb Raider тест GPU

by (svl)
Rise of the Tomb Raider События Rise of the Tomb Raider разворачиваются после окончания истории, отображенной в комиксах, в частности Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals, в котором Лара пытается найти артефакт, способный исцелить Сэм, умирающей от токсичной передозировки неких веществ. Открыв в себе жажду приключений, Лара намерена обнаружить в мифическом городе секрет бесконечной жизни и вечной молодости...
27 Jan 21:41

Itt a Tails 2.0

by Gálffy Csaba
Főverziót váltott a Tails, az Edward Snowden által is biztonságosnak hirdetett asztali operációs rendszer. A Tails 2.0 már letölthető, illetve a már meglévő rendszerek frissíthetőek az új kiadásra (igaz, ez csak manuálisan végezhető el).

27 Jan 13:46

Asus Zenfone Max - Zennek fele sem tréfa

Középkategóriás felszereltség, egész jó ár. Ilyet láttunk már, de hogy emellé még olyan extrák is járjanak, mint a lézeres autofókusz vagy az 5000 mAh-s akku, olyat már kevésbé.