Shared posts

16 Jul 06:32

Hogy ad el két fehérorosz csaj egy 770 milliós Bugattit? - Dubaj luxusautó-kereskedései

Van, aki úgy vesz Ferrarit, mintha pizzát rendelne, de fordult már meg itt David Beckham is. Dubaj luxusautó kereskedéseiben jártunk.
15 Jul 14:27

Jön a legalapabb Samsung SUHD TV


legalapabb? xd alap h legyen vagy mi? xd nagyon gay fél millios cucc

Félreértés ne essék, a kvantumpontos technológiát használó JS7000 széria még továbbra sem a belépőszint környéke.
15 Jul 12:23

Már készül K|NGP|N EVGA GTX 980 Ti VGA-ja, és a képek szerint brutális lesz

Alapvetően léghűtéssel kerül majd a piacra, de igazából komolyabb rendszer is dolgozhat rajta.
15 Jul 07:59

Itt a direkt raboknak szánt tablet

A börtön ablakába soha nem süt be a nap. De a wifi igen!
15 Jul 06:16

Portolták az Android 13-at a Raspberry Pi 4 szériára

by Adam Kovacs

ahhoz képest h milyen különbség van az 1terras meg az 500as vinyo között árban xd

A málnás PC-k használói örülhetnek: portolták az Android 13-at a Raspberry Pi 4-es szériás mikroszámítógépeire.

Alig néhány napja jelent meg, már portolták az Android 13-at a Raspberry Pi 4B-re, a Pi 400-ra és a Compute Module 4-re.

Portolták az Android 13-at a Raspberry Pi 4B-re, a Pi 400-ra és a Compute Module 4-re

Az XDA fórum KonstaT névre hallgató felhasználója készítette el a custom romot, amely szinte minden funkciót támogat:

  • Hang (HDMI, 3,5 mm-es jack, USB mikrofonok, Bluetooth hangszórók/fejhallgatók stb.)
  • Audio-DAC (GPIO DAC-okkal, pl. HiFiBerry DAC+)
  • Bluetooth (és Bluetooth internetmegosztás)
  • Kamera (hivatalos Pi kameramodulokkal és UVC USB webkamerákkal)
  • GPIO
  • GPS (külső USB-modulok használatával, pl. U-blox 7)
  • Ethernet
  • Hardveresen gyorsított grafika (V3D, OpenGL és Vulkan)
  • HDMI (és HDMI-CEC)
  • I2C
  • IR távirányítók (külső GPIO IR modulokkal, pl. TSOP4838)
  • RTC (külső GPIO I2C modulok használatával, pl. DS3231)
  • Érzékelők (külső GPIO I2C modulok használatával, pl. MPU6050, LSM6DS3, LSM303DLHC, BME280/BMP280 és APDS9930 gyorsulásmérő, giroszkóp, magnetométer, hőmérséklet, nyomás, páratartalom, környezeti fény és közelség)
  • Soros konzol (külső GPIO soros konzoladapterek használatával, pl. PL2303)
  • SPI
  • Érintőképernyő/multi-touch (hivatalos 7 hüvelykes érintőképernyő, USB érintőképernyők, Waveshare SPI érintőképernyők)
  • USB (egér, billentyűzet, tároló stb.)
  • USB-C (ADB, MTP, PTP, USB-megosztás)
  • Wi-Fi (és Wi-Fi internetmegosztás)

Röviden: mindent, kivéve pár fontos dolgot.

Nincs például hardveresen támogatott videó enkódolás és dekódolás, valamint az SE Linux is permissive módban van, tehát a mindennapi használatra nem igazán alkalmas, tesztelésre és kísérletezésre viszont tökéletes.

A telepítés egyszerű, csak ki kell írni egy microSD kártyára a lemezképet és már megy is.

Az, hogy máris portolták az Android 13-at a Raspberry Pi 4-re remek példája annak, hogy mennyi mindenre képesek ezek az apró eszközök és főként a szoftverfejlesztőktől függ, hogy mit hoznak ki belőlük.

Ti rendelkeztek valamilyen mini számítógéppel, TV okosítóval?

A kiemelt képet Jainath Ponnala készítette, forrása: Unsplash

14 Jul 15:18

Mozilla Kills Adobe Flash On Firefox, Disables It By Default

by Vygantas

nagyon kellemes mondhatom...

Now here is an interesting piece of news for all the tech (aka Flash hating) enthusiasts out there. Unless you have been disconnected from the Internet for the last week or so, then the Hacking Team / Adobe Flash exploit leaks should be pretty known to you. Now, according to various reports, people are starting […]
14 Jul 14:54

Flash Player: lyukas, mint az ementáli

by Voith Hunor
A múlt héten nyilvánosságra hozott nulladik napi Flash Player-sérülékenység után – melyet az Adobe gyorsan befoltozott – újabb két zero dayre derült fény a lejátszóban, és biztonsági szakértők szerint a sornak még nincs vége. Azonnali, teljes körű letiltás javasolt.

14 Jul 14:53

GeForce GTX 980 Ti extrém tuningja

Jones965 máris folyékony nitrogénnel kezelte a nemrégiben megjelent, felsőkategóriás GeForce-ot.
13 Jul 11:24

Top 500: 80 helyet csúsztunk hátra

by Gálffy Csaba
Újra megvédte címét a Tianhe-2, a kínai szuperszámítógép továbbra is vezeti a Top 500-as listát. A friss kiadás néhány órája nyilvános, eszerint meglepően csendes a terület, a legjobb tíz gép listáján csupán egyetlen új szereplő jelent meg.

12 Jul 22:10


by Kristian

…and his lawyers.

Ahem, this comic comes with huge apologies to Jim Davis…

12 Jul 21:26

Intel Skylake flagship Core i7-6700K CPU gets reviewed before launch

by Babu Mohan

Intel’s next-gen Skylake processors aren’t expected to debut before next month but a website has already managed to get their hands on the Core i7-6700K CPU and put it through its paces in its first ‘full review’. The website tested the Core i7-6700K CPU on the ECS Z170-Claymore motherboard with 16GB 2133 MHz DDR4 RAM,...

The post Intel Skylake flagship Core i7-6700K CPU gets reviewed before launch appeared first on VR-Zone.

12 Jul 10:55

Ha szereted a Star Warst.....


kell is az az 5 pont xd lényeg h megvan a színvonal

Birodalmi rohamosztagos sisakjába öltöztették a Bluetooth hangsugárzót.
12 Jul 07:34

F1 2015 тест GPU

by (svl)
f1 Станьте чемпионом в F1 2015. Новый движок F1 2015 прекрасно воссоздает поведение болидов Формулы-1, а сама игра теперь выглядит как трансляция по телевидению. F1 2015 — это официальная игра чемпионата мира по Формуле-1 2015 (FIA) плюс все материалы из F1 2014.
11 Jul 18:25

Hoppá: nagyot esett a PC-piac

by Gálffy Csaba

aha a win10 meg skylake
a szomszéd öreg is minden nap atcsenget mar h mikor jön az a skylake mert uj gépet akarna

Teljesen megszűnt a lejáró Windows XP által keltett vásárlási hullám, a PC-piac folytatja a meredek lejtmenetet. A stabilizálódás ideiglenes volt, 8,8 millió új PC tűnt el az értékesítésekből. Az eladók és a vásárlók is a Windows 10-t és az Intel Skylake-et várják.

10 Jul 10:59

Kipukkant az Apple Watch lufi, vagy a piaccal van gond?


gond a piaccal? nem eleg hülyék a vevők?

A Slice Intelligence felmérése szerint drasztikusan esik az okosóra iránti kereslet.
10 Jul 10:14

ASUS Zenfone 2 - felezőpont

Az öthüvelykes Zenfone 2 (ZE500CL) feleannyi processzormagot, kijelzőpixelt és RAM-ot tartalmaz, mint az 5,5 hüvelykes fivére, és pont fele annyiba kerül.
10 Jul 10:13

Asus ZenFone 2 can run Windows 7 in case you really need it to

by Stefan
The latest smartphone that can boot an OS it will likely never need is Asus ZenFone 2. A crafty XDA Developers member ported Microsoft Windows 7 to the Intel Atom-based smartphone.
10 Jul 10:10

On Radeon R9 Fury X Pump Noise & Replacements

by Ryan Smith

On a meta note this evening, over the last week I have received a number of questions about last week’s Radeon R9 Fury X review. Several of these questions were regarding the matter of pump noise, a matter which has been called into question for the original run of R9 Fury X cards.

As a quick reminder, here’s what the noise situation looks like on the R9 Fury X.

In short, the R9 Fury X has great overall noise performance under load. However the pump doesn’t idle all that well, and as a result its idle noise performance is second only to the R9 295X2, a card with two pumps. Compared to contemporary competitors like the GTX 980 Ti, the R9 295X2 ends up being just under 4dB(A) louder than the competition, a not insignificant amount when we’re talking about idle noise levels, and is why we don’t believe the R9 Fury X to be a good fit for HTPCs or other environments where idle noise is of great concern.

Meanwhile there is a secondary matter, which is the tone of that noise. Several of our colleagues, including Tom’s Hardware, PC Perspective, and The Tech Report, have reported that their samples are producing a whining noise. This was not an issue with our sample, and is the crux of the questions I have received on the matter.

So to get right to the point and to answer those questions sent my way, does the R9 Fury X whine? The fact that as many other empirical-minded sites are reporting issues and that AMD has issued a statement on the matter (more on this later) certainly points to a whining issue that needed to be addressed.

At the same time I’ve also had several people ask if our card is somehow different – why we aren’t experiencing whining – and the best answer there is due to variation in the production process leading to different amounts of noise from each card. Just like chip quality there will be minute variations in each card produced, and in this case our card would appear to have varied in such a way as to not suffer from vibrational issues to the same extent as some other cards, dampening enough to eliminate the whining (or at least make it unnoticeable). Which again, just like chip quality variations, doesn't mean our card is identical to all other cards, only that in our specific case we aren't experiencing whining, and is why we haven't had any whining to report on so far. Meanwhile I would also note that our testing is with a closed case, however the case is open for noise testing to more directly measure the video card.

In any case, for current Fury X owners and any prospective buyers, AMD has issued a statement earlier in the week, essentially addressing the issue and discussing how it is being resolved in latter batches.

We have received feedback that during open bench testing a small number of Fury X cards emit a sound from the high speed liquid cooling pump that, while not loud, is bothersome to some users. While the vast majority of initial Fury X owners report remarkably quiet operation, we take this feedback seriously, as AMD’s mission is to always deliver the best possible experience to our Radeon customers.

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X customers demand and deserve the best, so adjustments in the sound baffling adhesive compound were applied in the assembly of the high speed cooling pump to address the specific sound a few end users experienced as problematic. This improved the acoustic profile of the pump, and repeat testing shows the specific pitch/sound in question was largely reduced through adjustments to the sound-baffling adhesive compound in the pump.

AMD will work with its graphic card partners to ensure the satisfaction of the small number of initial customers who observed this specific sound and experienced it as bothersome. AMD is confident that on-going production of Radeon R9 Fury X product reduces the specific sound in question, but this is also a highly subjective matter with wide differences in PC case builds and room acoustics.

The AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury X radiator fan is near silent, and this makes any sound from the high-speed pump more noticeable to some end users, especially during open bench testing. Thus although the overall sound levels are remarkably low for an enthusiast product, AMD has worked to reduce the specific sound that some customers report as bothersome.

AMD for their part believes that the issue has been resolved going forward, and that is something that will need to be tested as the newer batches become available.

Finally, in the meantime there is the matter of the existing cards. AMD’s statement unfortunately doesn’t address the matter, though this is not unexpected since they aren’t directly selling the card to consumers. From what we’re hearing, the board partners are addressing this matter themselves, so any current Fury X owners experiencing pump whining would need to go to their board partner that sold their card for support.

The catch at the moment is that after the initial launch, new R9 Fury X cards remain sparse. A quick check on stock history for the card shows that while new shipments come in almost daily, they also sell out in under an hour, which indicates that cards are hard to come by. So depending on how many support requests are filed and how board partners address the issue, it may not be possible to replace every problematic card at once. Though to be clear, this is speculation on our part.

10 Jul 10:10

Colorful GeForce GTX 980 Ti iGame Ymir-X graphics card official

by Babu Mohan

durva az a nyák elrendezés xd

China based graphics card manufacturer Colorful has unveiled the GeForce GTX 980 Ti iGame Ymir-X graphics card. The card is primarily targeted as the Asian market. The card comes with a dual-slot triple-fan air-cooling solution and six 8mm copper heat-pipes. The fans are temperature activated, so you can expect silent operation when the card is...

The post Colorful GeForce GTX 980 Ti iGame Ymir-X graphics card official appeared first on VR-Zone.

09 Jul 12:19

A Mercedes trükközött, az FIA szigorít

by (Telesport)


A szövetség is felfigyelt a csapat „hamis kiállására”
09 Jul 05:28

Build-A-Rig Round 1: The $1500 PCs and Interviews from Corsair and Zotac

by Ian Cutress

Last week we introduced our new Build-A-Rig project. At a high level, we ask two or three companies in the PC industry each round to configure a system to a budget. Then, with our partners Newegg, we build and test each system in glorious battle, along with interviewing the participants about how they approach the industry. Regardless of the winner, all the systems built are given away to our lucky readers. Imagine Top Gear UK’s ‘Star In A Reasonably Priced Car’, but instead of celebrities racing around a track, we let the configured PCs do the racing where both style and performance count. In this first round, we chose Corsair Memory and Zotac as the first head-to-head.

07 Jul 23:42

Elképesztő sok pénzt játszik össze a YouTube legnagyobb sztárja

A 25 éves svéd srácnak több követője van, mint Taylor Swiftnek, és ez meg is látszik a bankszámláján.
07 Jul 15:53

Magyarország 600 milliót fizetett a világ legostobább hekkereinek

A kapcsolattartó meg Audit vett belőle. A történelem legdurvább hekkelése lehet a Hacking Team felnyomása. Személyes adatok, pénzügyi nyilvántartások, bankkártyák, útlevelek kerültek a netre a hekkerekről, akik válogatás nélkül, rezsimeknek is adtak a kiberfegyverükből.
07 Jul 15:41

Újszerű játékélményt kínálhat a Havok FX

A fejlesztést alapjaiban a játékokhoz tervezték, amely lehetővé teszi a tényleges implementációt.
07 Jul 12:31

Hamarosan vége az emberiség egyik legjobb szórakozásának

A lépést a költségek csökkentése indokolja. Fájó szívvel mondunk búcsút a buborékfólia pukkasztástól.
07 Jul 12:31

Folytatódik a trollok harca

Új-Zéland törvénybe iktatta, hogy a netes zaklatók két év börtönt vagy 6,5 millió forintnyi büntetést kaphatnak.
07 Jul 12:23

iOcean Rock M6752 - kemény legény

Ismét egy új márka debütál lapunk hasábjain, az iOcean-tól elsőnek a Rock phablet került nagyító alá. Még akad néhány csiszolnivaló, de kezdésnek nem rossz.
07 Jul 12:21

Összeomlás közelében az AMD

by Gálffy Csaba

viam lesz a következő 1,5-2 év xd

A készpénzállomány még kitart, a konzolokon kívül minden piacon az összeomlás szélére került a cég. A felvásárlást a masszív adósságállomány hátráltathatja, a befektetők pánikolnak.

07 Jul 12:17

NVIDIA @ ICML 2015: CUDA 7.5, cuDNN 3, & DIGITS 2 Announced

by Ryan Smith

Taking place this week in Lille, France is the 2015 International Conference on Machine Learning, or ICML. Now in its 32nd year, the annual event is one of the major international conferences focusing on machine learning. Coinciding with this conference are a number of machine learning announcements, and with NVIDIA now heavily investing in machine learning as part of their 2015 Maxwell and Tegra X1 initiatives with a specific focus on deep neural networks, NVIDIA is at the show this year to release some announcements of their own.

All-told, NVIDIA is announcing new releases for three of their major software libraries/environments, CUDA, cuDNN, and DIGITS. While NVIDIA is primarily in the business of selling hardware, the company has for some time now focused on the larger GPU compute ecosystem as a whole as a key to their success. Putting together useful and important libraries for developers helps to make GPU development easier and to attract developer interest from other platforms. Today’s announcements in turn are Maxwell and FP16-centric, with NVIDIA laying the groundwork for neural networks and other half-precision compute tasks which the company believes will be important going forward. Though the company only has a single product so far that has a higher performance FP16 mode – Tegra X1 – it has more than subtly been hinted at that the next-generation Pascal GPUs will incorporate similar functionality, making for all the more reason for NVIDIA to get the software out in advance.

CUDA 7.5

Starting things off we have CUDA 7.5, which is now available as a release candidate. The latest update for NVIDIA’s GPU compute platform is a smaller release as one would expect for a half-version update, and is primarily focused on laying the API groundwork for FP16. To that end CUDA 7.5 introduces proper support for FP16 data, and while non-Tegra GPUs still don’t receive a compute performance benefit from using FP16 data, they do benefit from reduced memory pressure. So for the moment NVIDIA is enabling this feature for developers to take advantage of any performance benefits from the reduced memory bandwidth needs and/or allowing for larger datasets in the same amount of GPU memory.

Meanwhile CUDA 7.5 is also introducing new instruction level profiling support. NVIDIA’s existing profiling tools (e.g. Visual Profiler) already go fairly deep, but now the company is looking to go one step further in helping developers identify specific code segments and instructions that may be holding back performance.

cuDNN 3

NVIDIA’s second software announcement of the day is the latest version of the CUDA Deep Neural Network library (cuDNN), NVIDIA’s collection of GPU accelerated neural networking functions, which is now up to version 3. Going hand-in-hand with CUDA 7.5, a big focus on cuDNN 3 is support for FP16 data formats for existing NVIDIA GPUs in order to allow for more efficient memory and memory bandwidth utilization, and ultimately larger data sets.

Meanwhile separate from NVIDIA’s FP16 optimizations, cuDNN 3 also includes some optimized routines for Maxwell GPUs to speed up overall performance. NVIDA is telling us that FFT convolutions and 2D convolutions have both been added as optimized functions here, and that they are touting an up to 2x increase in neural network training performance on Maxwell GPUs.


Finally, built on top of CUDA and cuDNN is DIGITS, NVIDIA’s middleware for deep learning GPU training. First introduced just back in March at the 2015 GPU Technology Conference, NVIDIA is rapidly iterating on the software with version 2 of the package. DIGITS, in a nutshell, is NVIDIA’s higher-level neural network software for general scientists and researchers (as opposed to programmers), offering a more complete neural network training system for those users who may not be accomplished computer programmers or neural network researchers.

NVIDIA® DIGITS™ Deep Learning GPU Training System

DIGITS 2 in turn introduces support for training neural networks over multiple GPUs, going hand-in-hand with NVIDIA’s previously announced DIGITS DevBox (which is built from 4 GTX Titan Xs). All things considered the performance gains from using multiple GPUs are not all that spectacular – NVIDIA is touting just a 2x performance increase in going from 1 to 4 GPUs – though for performance-bound training this none the less helps. Looking at NVIDIA’s own data, it looks like scaling from 1 to 2 GPUs is rather good, but scaling from 2 to 4 GPUs is where the performance gains from scaling slow down, presumably due to a combination of bus traffic and synchronization issues over a larger number of GPUs. Though on that note, it does make me curious whether the Pascal GPUs and their NVLink buses will improving multi-GPU scaling at all in this scenario.

In any case, the preview release of DIGITS 2 is now available from NVIDIA, though the company has not stated when a final version will be made available.

07 Jul 09:14

AMD issues Q2 sales warning

by fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic)
AMD issues Q2 sales warning

Stock dips 13.8 percent

AMD has revised its second quarter sales outlook, warning its investors that sales might not be in line with company guidance. 

The new outlook warns that sales will be down eight percent quarter-to-quarter, significantly more than previous guidance of around three percent. Weaker than expected PC demand is to blame, claims AMD.

Accelerated Processing Units, or APU's were not selling as well as the company expected. The new outlook predicts that AMD will reach $1.0bn in sales.

Gross margin (non-GAAP) is expected to be at 28%, significantly below prior guidance of 32%. GAAP is four percent down from Q1 2015 32%. Lower APU PC volumes are to blame for that and a mix shift towards enterprise, embedded, and semi-custom chip sales.

AMD list a $33 Million GAAP change related to migrating previous 20nm designs to new 14nm / 16nm designs. Despite the fact that AMD COO at that time, Lisa Su, promised 20nm products in 2015, these projects have been canceled or readjusted. 

Back in November 2014 our industry sources were certain that there won't be 20nm GPUs coming in 2015. The same issue plagued some already announced SoC's, including highly anticipated Project Skybridge and the defunct Nolan APU. Both AMD and Nvidia had to stay away for 20nm manufacturing due to low yeields and high leakage, and AMD was affected on both the GPU and the APU side. As a result, AMD Carrizo is a 28nm design that has to fight with Broadwell notebooks, based on 14nm designs. 

We expect to see 14 / 16nm products from AMD in 2016, but it still not clear at what point, most likely in the later part of the year.

This revenue warning adjustment caused AMD stock to go all the way down to $2.13, which is a new 52-week low. This is 16 percent down year to date, and 13.8 percent from the $2.46 per stock when market closed last night.

At least on the GPU side AMD remains competitive, but 28nm APUs are a hard sell, especially with Intel's new 14nm designs in the fray.