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02 Aug 07:25

RPG lehet a GTA 5-ből

Egy mod segítségével RPG-t készíthetünk a GTA 5-ből.
31 Jul 18:21

uleFone Be Touch 2 - homage vagy lopás?

Nyolcmagos rendszerchip, 3 gigabájt RAM, Full HD kijelző, fémkeret és vállaltan az iPhone 6 Plust megidéző külső – mire megy a fiatal márka a felső-középkategória legjobbjai ellen?
31 Jul 18:21

Huawei Honor 7 review: Rags to riches

The Honor 7 is Huawei's bid to bring an extra touch of class to the upper midrange. Some serious hardware in a highly attractive shell may as well help the Chinese pull it off. Whether it is meant to co-exist with the P8 flagship or be its alternative...

30 Jul 07:57

Teens Try To Sell iPhone Boxes Stuffed With Play-Doh, Get Arrested

by Conner Flynn
We’ve all heard about the scams where people put rocks in an iPhone box and try to rip other people off. There’s always someone trying to run an iPhone scam. The latest interesting scam happened in Detroit, where three teenagers were arrested for trying to sell fake iPhones. The teens got their hands on some […]

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29 Jul 16:24

A svájci bicska ehhez képest kőbalta

Ha Isten akarja, a kapanyél is elsül. Ha a Szpecnaz akarja, még a kés is. Az NRS–2-nek lőfegyvert építettek a markolatába.
28 Jul 17:00

Hivatalos: jön a Mafia III

A 2K Games hivatalosan is leleplezte a Mafia harmadik részét.
28 Jul 05:47

A hónap idiótája, level 999+

Az idióta szelfiző és a Darwin-díj közös nyertese a héten Todd Fassler, aki egy csörgőkígyóval akart fotózkodni.
28 Jul 05:37

Opera Mini Disappears From The Windows Phone Store

by Vygantas
Yes, again. We are not exactly sure what is going on with either Microsoft or Opera but it looks like Opera Mini has disappeared again from the Windows Phone store, for a third time this year. The good news? Opera Software is aware of the issue and are working with Microsoft to fix it. Personally, […]
24 Jul 11:26

Pérez fejre állt, Raikkönen elhagyta a szárnyát – Hamilton az edzéselső

by (Motorsportal)
Serio Pérez műszaki hiba miatt bukott, szerencsésen megúszta az esetet
24 Jul 08:35

Hogyan mosnak az űrhajósok?


nah vmiben hasonlóak a ciganyok az űhajósokhoz

Sehogy. Minden ruhájukat csak egyszer hordják. Zoknit például csak havonta váltanak.
24 Jul 08:32

Nvidia Pascal GPU has 17 billion transistors

by fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic)

hűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűűű XD

Nvidia Pascal GPU has 17 billion transistors

Exclusive: Pascal has a Killer performance

Pascal technology will have as many as 17 billion transistors under the bonnet, Fuzilla can exclusively reveal. 

Pascal is the successor to the Maxwell Titan X GM200 and we have been tipped off by some reliable sources that it will have  more than a double the number of transisters. The huge increase comes from  Pascal's 16 nm FinFET process and its transistor size is close to two times smaller.

Nvidia and AMD are making their GPUs at TSMC and the Taiwanese foundry has announced 16nm FinFET production runs. Intel and Samsung/ GlobalFoundries call their process 14nm. Our sources told us the branding depends which side of the transistor you look at, the longer or shorter. The size of the gate is almost identical for both 16nm and 14nm process.


Pascal has 17 billion transistors and it will be significantly smaller silicon than the Maxwell 28nm based GM200.

Nvidia will use second generation HBM for its Pascal GPU to get to a 32GB on the highest end card, This is 2.7 times more than the already impressive 12GB used on Titan X.  The second generation HBM or HBM 2.0 will enable 8Gb per DRAM die, 2Gbps speed per pin and 256 GB per second Bandwidth/ stack.

The first generation offers 2Gb Density per DRAM die, 1Gbps speed per pin, 128 GB/s GB per second Bandwidth and maximum of 4 Hi stack chips with 4GB per HBM card. You saw this with Fiji cards.

HBM2 enables cards with 4 HBM 2.0 cards with 4GB per chip, or four HBM 2.0 cards with 8GB per chips results with 16GB and 32GB respectively. Pascal has power to do both, depending on the SKU.

The GPU looks great but it is coming in 2016, and not before. After Pascal comes the Volta GPU, but that will take a few years. 

23 Jul 12:22

Sokkoló adatok: Bianchit az eddig említettnél háromszor nagyobb erőhatás érte

by (Telesport)
Új részleteket közölt az FIA a tragikus balesetről
23 Jul 09:52

Acer Liquid Jade - elkésett a munkából

Nem siette el az útját mihozzánk az Acer pillekönnyű, öthüvelykes középkategóriása, amelynek azóta már megjelent a folytatása, csak éppen nem a hazai piacon.
21 Jul 20:20

Examining Microsoft Edge Browser Performance

by Brett Howse

In what seems like forever ago, Microsoft’s Project Spartan was announced at the January 21st event in Redmond. This project kept the same rendering engine, Trident, and ECMAScript (JavaScript) engine, Chakra, as Internet Explorer, but stripped out much of the old code for backwards compatibility and moved forward with a push towards better performance and web standards support. I took a look at the performance of Project Spartan back in January when it could be enabled inside of Internet Explorer. The performance jump from Internet Explorer was extremely large, which was a good indication of what was to come.

Moving forward, Project Spartan got a name in Microsoft Edge back at Build. Over the last several months, Microsoft has put out quite a bit of information on the new features they are adding to Edge over on the Microsoft Edge Dev Blog including support for the latest ECMAScript standards, asm.js, SIMD support, and much more, all in an effort to bring their browser up to par for the modern web. It is likely not a surprise to many that Internet Explorer has had a tremendously long development cycle, especially compared to browsers like Chrome, and now Firefox, which are updated almost continuously. Some of that was due to the reliance of old features which were used in businesses, and Microsoft’s strong adoption in the enterprise has certainly held them back when it comes to large scale changes to the browser. Internet Explorer will be sticking around for those who need it (for example if you need ActiveX Controls on your page) but for the rest of Windows users, Microsoft Edge will now be the new default browser out of the box.

I’ve gone over some of this in the past, but it is likely worth a refresher anyway. Edge is bringing some new features such as integrated Cortana support built right into the browser to offer contextual search within a web page, or to offer answers to questions right in the address bar. It will also have support for annotation of web pages using a pen, mouse, or touch, and annotated pages can easily be shared. It has a reading view, a reading list, and while not available next week when Windows 10 ships, it will be gaining extension support very similar to Google Chrome to add even more functionality to the browser. This, combined with better web standards support, and a much quicker update cadence (this will have to be proven by Microsoft after release, but they have committed to quicker updates of Edge through the Windows Store) should result in a much better browsing experience than was available in Internet Explorer. If you have already switched from IE to Chrome, Firefox, or another browser, it may not be enough to sway you back – especially without extension support at launch – but it is at least worth a look. I’ll get more into my takes on Edge in our Windows 10 review.

For now, what we can examine is browser performance, not only because it is important, but because Microsoft has been making a lot of statements about improved performance of Edge as recently as last week when Windows 10 Build 10240 was released. When a company says a product is “blazing fast” it is a good idea to check it out to see if it actually lives up to that performance level.

Luckily I did run numbers in January on my desktop which features an Intel Core i7-860 processor. None of the hardware has changed, so I decided to re-run the tests with the latest version of all of the browsers. I kept the original numbers for IE 11, but I did re-run the tests to verify that they did not change.

Browser Performance - Core i7-860
Benchmark IE 11 (Jan) Spartan (Jan) Edge 20 (July) Chrome 40 (Jan) Chrome 43 (July) Firefox 35 (Jan) Firefox 39 (July)
Sunspider (lower is better) 149.7ms 144.6ms 133.4ms 260.9ms 247.5ms 220.1ms 234.6ms
Octane 2.0 (higher is better) 9861 17928 22278 17474 19407 16508 19012
Kraken 1.1 (lower is better) 3781.2ms 2077.5ms 1797.9ms 1992.8ms 1618.7ms 1760.4ms 1645.5ms
WebXPRT (higher is better) 913 1083 1132 1251 1443 1345 1529
Oort Online (higher is better) 1990 2170 5470 5370 7620 3900 7670*
HTML5Test (higher is better) 339 344 402 511 526 449 467

In every single instance, Microsoft Edge outperformed Project Spartan from back in January which is a good sign. It is the quickest browser in Google’s Octane 2.0 benchmark, and by a good margin. It is still the slowest in WebXPRT 2013 though. One of the biggest improvements though was the WebGL performance in the Oort Online benchmark, which went from terrible to good.

The other browsers have not been sitting idle though, and in that time they have also made gains in their performance. But the story is still a good one for Edge. It really is right up there with the rest of the browsers in terms of performance. It is quicker in some workloads, and slower in others, but generally performance should not be an issue. It still falls behind in the HTML5 test, but it has made big improvements there as well.

One thing that did pop out though is how much of a gain Firefox made in the WebGL test. Firefox went from middle of the pack to leading in the overall score, but if you noticed in the table I had to put an asterisk beside its score. The performance was quite good, but it achieved this performance by not rendering the scene correctly at all which contributed to its high score. In Oort Online’s benchmark, there is a snow scene, which Firefox rendered as blinking lights, and a rain scene, which was rendered as a couple of horizontal lines as seen in this screenshot.

Firefox Rain Rendering (Incorrect)

Edge Rain Rendering (Correct)

It is great to see Microsoft focusing on browser performance again, and especially not sitting idle since January, since the competition in this space has not been idle either. Only time will tell how Edge holds up over time, and if it continues to receive updates on a quicker cadence, but considering it is already at version 20.10240.16384.0, it does appear that Microsoft has jumped on the rapid release cycle with regards to their browser, which will only help them moving forward.

21 Jul 12:00

Samsung Xcover 550 - koravén felfedező

A koreai cég egy olyan hagyományos kialakítású telefonnal rukkolt elő, mely IP67 védettséggel és dizájnos külsővel rendelkezik, ráadásul az üzemideje is kiváló.
21 Jul 11:56

Az Intel a Skylake-től megváltoztatja az IGP-inek számozását

A módosítást az OEM partnerek kérték, hogy a piac jobban átláthassa a teljes termékskálát.
20 Jul 19:56

Íme, az ország leggyorsabb Haswell processzora!


Még mielőtt bárki megkérdezné, hogy mi értelme van ennek, leírjuk, hogy lényegében semmi. Achill3uS összejött extrém tuningos barátaival, Overlockerrel és subaruwrcvel, kicsit bütyköltek, kicsit beállítottak, és villantottak egy komoly számot. Ennyi. Elmehettek volna dartsozni, biliárdozni vagy ezer más dologgal foglalkozni, de őket az extrém tuning szórakoztatja, köti össze.

aha oké xd vilagos nem jösz at extreme oczni?

Lassan befut a Skylake kódnevű utód, és Achill3uS-ék ennek örömére még egyszer, jó alaposan meghajtották az Intel Core i7-4770K-t.
20 Jul 12:07

Kaveri Refresh: AMD A8-7670K folgt A10-7870K als zweites Modell

by Volker Rißka

Kurz vor dem Windows-10-Start schickt AMD mit dem A8-7670K den zweiten Prozessor aus der Serie Kaveri Refresh mit erhöhten Taktraten in den Handel. Für knapp 120 Euro soll die APU perfekt geeignet sein für neue Mittelklasse-Desktop-Systeme auf Basis von Windows 10, die ohne zusätzliche Grafikkarte auskommen.

20 Jul 10:01

1558 ezermilliárd forintos aszteroida haladt el mellettünk

Ennyit ér a 2011 UW158-ban lévő platina.
20 Jul 09:56

Jockey Ewing fiai a világ összes ezüstjének felvásárlására hajtottak

Az évszázad tőzsdei manipulációja volt, csődbe is mentek bele, miután beavatkozott az amerikai jegybank.
20 Jul 09:43

Huawei Y3 - dupla led, fix fókusz


érdekes kombo xd

A jól ismert kínai gyártó egyik legolcsóbb okostelefonja járt nálunk, amely érdekes módon dupla ledes villanót kapott, ám sajnálatosan fixfókuszos kamera jutott mellé.
19 Jul 19:58

Lucky12345 vagyok, 800 milliót ad értem az FBI

Nem sorozatgyilkosok, terroristák vagy drogbárók, mégis milliós nyomravezetői díj jár értük. Bemutatjuk az internet legkeményebb arcait: ők a világ legjobban keresett hekkerei, akik után hiába teszi tűvé a fél világot az FBI.
19 Jul 07:37

A rovásírás is bekerülhet a számítógépes karakterkészletbe

Magyar nemzeti szabvány lett a rovásírás.
19 Jul 07:09

Ennél menőbb autóreklámot ma már nem látsz


xd nagyon beteg

David Hasselhoff még a kagylóból is egy Hemi motor hangját hallja.
17 Jul 08:27

Windows 10 Home Will Feature Mandatory Automatic Updates

by Roland Hutchinson

izgalmas lesz egy bugnal

Microsoft’s new Windows 10 platform launches later this month, the new software will come with regular updates and the Windows 10 Home version will get the updates installed automatically. The Automatic updates to Windows 10 Home will be mandatory, this was revealed in the terms and conditions of the software, and re/code received a statement […]

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17 Jul 06:21

Introducing Sony’s Project Morpheus

by Amelia Rose

Sony Project Morpheus

As we enter the second half of 2015, we are presented with a virtual reality market that is saturated with high-end and entry level products. From the low-cost Merge VR headset to Microsoft’s HoloLens, the VR market has exploded and offers an incredibly diverse array of products for consumers to consider.

With this in mind, several of the frontiers opposing virtual reality have been overcome already. Take the suggestion that VR hardware would be prohibitively priced, for example, as while some headsets are relatively costly there are others that have targeted the lower end of the market (think of Google’s simplistic Cardboard invention). There are other challenges facing the technology, however, with some experts suggesting that existing platforms will struggle to deliver an immersive multiplayer VR experience at any point in the foreseeable future.

Project Morpheus targets full immersion - from movies to games by Sony and its entertainment subsidiaries.

Project Morpheus targets full immersion – from movies to games by Sony and its entertainment subsidiaries.

This was an issue tackled recently by leading technology brand Sony, whose own Project Morpheus remains one of the leading virtual reality initiatives. According to Sony Corp, innovative gaming mechanics and creative narratives could be established to encourage alternative forms of multiplayer VR gameplay,  despite the fact that console platforms such as popular PlayStation 4 have only a single port through which a headset can be connected. By encouraging players to alternate between perspectives and engage in remote, multiplayer gameplay online, there do not necessarily need to be any restrictions in terms of using VR technology. You can watch one of Sony’s tech demos from E3 2015 below:

For many gaming experiences, the lack of multiplayer VR options would not be an issue. Take virtual casino gameplay, for example, where players can operate individually in a virtual realm and connect with other players remotely and online. This means that serious players can still enter a the doors of the casino, without being forced to compromise on the experience as a whole. With a wealth of reputable casino platforms like William Hill slots the future for this increasingly popular style of gaming is exceptionally bright.

For episodic or console-inspired titles, however, multiplayer is an important consideration. The response to this challenge by VR brands such as Sony has been exemplary, however, as these entities have been able to develop inventive game mechanics and scenarios that alternate perspective and drive a multi-player virtual reality experience. This also highlights the versatility of virtual reality as a concept, and suggests that it will be able to evolve and thrive in the mainstream regardless of what other challenges it is forced to overcome.

The post Introducing Sony’s Project Morpheus appeared first on VR World.

16 Jul 13:23

Intel: vége a tikk-takk érának

by Gálffy Csaba

fúha mindha vmi komoly tragédia lenne :D

Lezárult egy korszak, az Intel egy évvel kitolta a 10 nanométeres gyártástechnológia bevezetését. Ezzel megszakad az évtizedes tikk-takk ütemterv, amely oly sikeressé tette a vállalatot. A pénzügyi eredményeket a PC-k húzták vissza, és az adatközponti térhódítás is visszaesett.

16 Jul 13:20

Achill3uS most tuning helyett brutális SSD teljesítménnyel villantott

A téma most nem extrém tuning, de ritkán látható, eszméletlen adatátátviteli sebességadatok érkeztek.
16 Jul 11:03

Intel CEO confirms 10nm is 2017

by fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic)
Intel CEO confirms 10nm is 2017

After Skylake comes the Lake 14nm

Intel might have admitted that it will take a bit longer to get to 10nm, and it turns out that after the second generation 14nm Skylake, the next Intel CPU will be another 14nm design, not a 10nm part as many expected.

It is becoming more complicated to go from 22nm to 14nm and it turns out that going from 14nm to 10nm seems to be a bigger problem than people anticipated.

The chaps from Computerworld have a few quotes where they claim that Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said that "Intel plans to produce its first 10-nanometer processors in the second half of 2017". This feels like a year delay as we expected to see Cannon Lake 10nm processors in late 2016. 

We did mention this delay some week ago as the next generation might be another 14nm processor codenamed Kaby Lake. It is expected that Kaby Lake will show its face as early as early Q1 2016, as Dell might in on time to ship some Kaby Lake-based enterprise notebooks in January 2016.

Cannon Lake, a 10nm Skylake shrink, is now expected in 2017, which will mess up the tick – tock schedule and possibly put Moore's Law in jeopardy. We will try to double-check if Intel actually went on record and confirmed these delays. In about a month, Intel will hold its Intel Developers Forum 2015 in San Francisco, and we are quite sure that the company will talk about the future plans and improvements in Kaby Lake. 

It will be interesting to see if Intel is ready to show the first demo of a 10nm Cannon Lake but we will have to wait and see. It seems unlikely that they will show something that will ship in about 18+ months from now. After 10nm comes 7nm that you might see between late 2019 and 2020. 


16 Jul 10:54

Xiaomi announces Mi TV 2S in China, priced at around $483


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