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19 Sep 18:35

Cinco alimentos ‘frescos’ que nunca deberías comprar

by Efrén Álvarez

Carne picada envasada

A veces porque no sabemos, otras porque vamos a lo cómodo y otras porque nos la quieren colar, acabamos comprando algo de dudosa calidad o que empieza a estar en mal estado, así que, aunque no soy yo muy fan de listas y mucho menos de decálogos, hoy os voy a contar  algunas cosas que os van a ser de ayuda, sobre todo para los que estáis empezando a ir a la compra y sois blanco fácil de tan resabiados tenderos.

1. Carne picada envasada, hamburguesas y albóndigas preformadas. Es esa cosa rosa y con forma de gusanos que está envasada en maravillosas bandejas y disponible para nuestras ávidas manos cuando pasamos por el pasillo del frío.

En general, si está empaquetada en el propio supermercado, está hecha de recortes sobrantes de carne del día anterior. Por el contrario, cuando es industrial, no llega a ser ni un 80 % de carne, completando el resto con proteína de soja, almidones, estabilizantes y un largo etcétera.

Además de no tener ni idea de de qué está hecha, tampoco sabremos el porcentaje de grasa que tiene. Yo me he llegado a cruzar con carnes que tenían más del 50 % de grasa y no veas lo asqueroso que es retirar dos vasos de puro sebo animal de una cazuela de boloñesa, para luego comerte el resto con recelo… Con hamburguesas y albóndigas, lo mismo.

¿ Y cómo lo solucionamos? Pedimos que nos la piquen delante de nosotros, le echamos un poquito de ganas, las hacemos en casa y listo. Yo suelo usar falda o morcillo de ternera (para burger, si pudiera, usaría lomo o entrecot, algo más infiltrado de grasa), y si es para boloñesa lo mezclo 80-20 con panceta.

2. Preparados para sándwich y queso estilo Tranchetes. Muchas veces nos encontramos con unos paquetitos estupendos, con una suerte extraña de jamón cocido a la izquierda y queso a la derecha, listos para abrir y marcarte un mixto quetemueres. Pues este ingenio tan cómodo suele estar compuesto por un falso jamón, muchas veces un fiambre prensado medio rancio y un queso plasticoso e insípido que funde muy regular. Por si esto fuera poco, el precio suele ser superior al de los ingredientes por serparado porque, claro, ¡te ahorran el trabajo!

Por otro lado, y esto ya es una favor personal, os pediría que no compréis Tranchetes o asimilados. Mira que yo no tengo nada en contra del grupo Kraft… pero es que ¡ESO NO ES QUESO! Es otra cosa: lámina de origen lácteo con bien de sal, recuerdo cuadrado de leche y estabilizantes… o como queráis llamarlo, pero no me insultéis a los pobres quesos. Y encima más caro que  muchos de verdad.

3. Marisco descabezado y/o cocido. Esta es nueva. Ya van un par de veces que me intentan colar unas galeras y unas gambas que ya no tenían cabeza. Sí, sí como lo oís, me ven cara de universitario primo y me la quieren liar. Pues que sepáis que la cabeza es lo primero que se pone feo de esos bichitos, por eso se la quitan.

Pero ya no es solo que te intenten colar un bicho medio pocho sino que te quedas sin la cabeza, con lo maravillosa que es. ¿Cómo me hago yo un arroz  de galeras o una crema de gambón sin cabezas? Si es que… tiene miga el asunto.

También sucede que tienen expuestos unos langostinos amarillentos (“langostino cocido”) extrañamente baratos. ¿Qué sucede? Que probablemente no tengan donde cocerlos en el propio super y los compren ya cocidos, por lo que cuando te llegan a ti un jueves, llevan ya dos días cocidos y otros dos descongelados. ¿No os mosqueáis con las sobras de Navidad a partir del segundo día? Pues eso.

Ya, como estén descabezados y cocidos, id santiguándoos.


4.Pescado que no brille o pescado fileteado. Para que un pescado esté fresco se tienen que dar tres cosas: que tenga unas escamas brillantes (de forma natural), que conserve los ojos cristalinos y claros, y que las agallas estén de color rojo intenso. Todo lo demás no es 100 % fresco así que, al precio que lo ponen, directamente no lo compramos. No os dejéis engañar por el brillo que puede generar el agua con la que los rocían cada poco. Fijaos en todo, que no cuesta nada.

Y por lógica, si el pescado está ya en filetes en la propia pescadería, ¡no lo compréis! Si ni siquiera te enseñan de donde venía ese filete o lomo, algo malo tendría y me llamaréis desconfiado pero cualquier súper puede permitirse cortar una rodaja o un lomo sobre la marcha.

5. Frutas y verduras en bandeja, o “la que más brille”. Esto tiene una doble línea argumental. En primer lugar es un despropósito desde el punto de vista ecológico, si cada seis manzanas tengo una bandeja y su plástico correspondiente, en un mes he generado basura suficiente para llenar el Bernabéu.

Por otro lado, además de que son más caras, si no tocamos la fruta no podemos sentir si tiene golpes o algún defectillo. ¡O gusanos! o Osi está en el punto de maduración que queremos. Con la verdura, salvo contadas excepciones, lo mismo. Cogedla, elegidla y embolsadla vosotros. Y si no lo tenéis muy claro, siempre podéis preguntarle a alguna abuela.

Otra cosa que es curiosa es que la fruta que más brilla, que brilla porque la enceran y además mucho, no es la mejor sino simplemente la más cara, así que no os dejéis engañar: disfrutad de la compra y de la posterior comida, y preocupaos un poco, ¡leches!



* Imágenes: Getty.

La entrada Cinco alimentos ‘frescos’ que nunca deberías comprar aparece primero en Tinta de calamar.

19 Sep 18:16

Pompa pompa!

by (porcoconleali)
Da Kin8:

Ne ho viste di puttanate epocali, ma finora una che si "inzippa" una pompa nella patana non l'avevo ancora vista! Forse sarà anche piacevole...chissà...

E in effetti una roba del genere mancava pure a me...
19 Sep 18:08

Foto del día: El saber mamar no ocupa lugar

by Fogardo
El saber mamar no ocupa lugar

Vuelven las clases magistrales de sexo oral a Moscú.

19 Sep 17:31

El Fórum Gastronómico de Santiago se marcha a A Coruña

by Unodedos

El Fórum Gastronómico de Santiago se marcha a A Coruña

Una noticia que ayer me llamó mucho la atención sin duda es esta, que el Fórum Gastronómico de Santiago se marca a A Coruña. Las tres ediciones anteriores siempre se celebraron en Santiago, pero parece que no se puede sostener más esta situación y la próxima convocatoria, en febrero del 2014, será en la ciudad herculina.

A primera vista pensé que era una locura, dado que la capital de Galicia es Santiago, y todas las comunicaciones buenas, incluido el avión, son en dicha ciudad. Pero resulta que el cambio viene dado por el lado económico, como pasa en muchas otras ocasiones.

A Coruña celebrará el Fórum Gastronómico en ExpoCoruña entre el 23 y 25 de febrero de 2014 debido a la falta de espacio, el límite económico, y la merma de la colaboración del sector local que se produce en Santiago de Compostela.

No sé qué os parece a vosotros este traslado del Fórum Gastronómico de Santiago a la ciudad de A Coruña. A mí desde Bilbao me resulta más cómodo como estaba en Santiago, pero si me coincide estar en Galicia en esa fecha, desde luego me cae mucho más cerca su celebración en A Coruña, ciudad preciosa donde las haya, también hay que decirlo.

Imagen | Fórum Santiago
En Directo al Paladar | Fórum Santiago 2012 u otra forma de hacer congresos es posible

La noticia El Fórum Gastronómico de Santiago se marcha a A Coruña fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar por Unodedos.

19 Sep 17:30

no underware lota fuzz

by tiki bot

no underware lota fuzz.gif

no underware lota fuzz originally appeared on My[confined]Space NSFW on September 19, 2013.

19 Sep 17:30

Best News Ever: There’s a new Richard Scarry book, for the first time in decades!

Richard Scarry
Last month the news broke that “at least five” new J.D. Salinger novels are on the way. The New York Times reported that, according to a new movie and book, both bearing the title Salinger, the new Salinger novels and/or short stories will start being published in 2015. Some of the new books will “extend past work,” which probably means we will find out more about those mopey, brilliant Glasses.

But forget about Buddy and Zooey and, um, Boo Boo. That’s all well and good, but this year has brought far more exciting news: We’re going to find out more about a character with a much more interesting inner life: Lowly Worm! That’s right—a new Richard Scarry book is on the way! In fact, it drops next week.
Lowly Worm
The great brooding antihero of twentieth-century children’s literature: Lowly Worm
Called Richard Scarry’s Best Lowly Worm Book Ever, the new book is based on unpublished “sketches and text,” according to The Guardian (UK). Scarry died in 1994—after publishing more than 300 delightful picture books for children populated with all manner of friendly cats and bears and foxes and so forth—and the new book has been completed by his son, Huck Scarry, who like his dad is also an illustrator.

I can remember poring over my surely dog-eared copy of Busy, Busy World like it was yesterday. Something about the playful, generous, gentle, jam-packed images rewarded my lengthy perusal like few other books did. I definitely appreciated the emphasis on all the different countries, too.
Busy, Busy World
As you wait for The Best Lowly Worm Book Ever to hit your local bookstore, you can check out the always amusing Busytown Police Blotter or brush up on your counting skills by watching “Richard Scarry’s Best Counting Video Ever!”

19 Sep 11:47

Damn whore, in the end she doesnt even like video games

by neuntöter

Rule 34 de Anita Sarkeesian. Alguén entende esa lealdade sectaria do "gamers" co seu "fandom", que non son máis que empresas apelando aos instintos máis mainstream?

19 Sep 11:25

Those feminists...

by mongosansl

It's on vimeo so it's probably art.

19 Sep 10:40

John Waters loves it: You must see Isabel Sarli as the tortured nymphomaniac in ‘Fuego’

I first heard about Armando Bo’s lusty 1969 Argentinian sexploitation film Fuego (Fire) due to John Waters championing of the film, but I didn’t actually get to see it until last night. I’m always interested in seeing something that John Waters is enthusiastic about and I reckon that quite a few of you feel the same way. If so, then you need to get your hands on Fuego toot sweet.

It does not disappoint.

Fuego stars the outrageously hot, extremely well-endowed Isabel Sarli, who has the sort of “brick shithouse” build that Russ Meyer was so very fond of. Fuego and Meyer’s Vixen would make a great “nymphomaniac” double bill, but a more appropriate match-up would be Female Trouble and Fuego, which now that I’ve seen it, was obviously a big influence not only on John Waters, but also on Divine. Much of Dawn Davenport—the character’s fashion sense, walk and bouffant hairdo—would appear to be closely modeled on Isabel Sarli. Sarli was also an outrageously hammy actress and Divine just took her already over-the-top “undulating” acting style and turned the volume up to 11.

Sarli plays the insatiable, irresistible Laura and in this role, lemme tell ya, she is perfectly cast. Laura is a complete nymphomaniac and naturally this gives Sarli plenty of excuses to get naked, which she does constantly and we see her engaged in trysts with both men (any man seems to do, her catchphrase—normally screamed—is “I need men!”) and with her older, lizard-like lesbian maid. A wealthy businessman named Carlos (director Armando Bo, who also wrote the script and the insanely incessant music) sees some girl-on-much-older-girl action on the beach and later attends a party at Laura’s boyfriend’s house. Soon Carlos is seeing Laura, but he has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. She roams the streets flashing her tits and he is constantly catching her in bed with other dudes. It happens a lot.

The first part of Fuego is where most of the nudity occurs, whereas the later half is talkier, more melodramatic and more nuts. Laura realizes that her uncontrollable urges are causing her husband grief when he nearly kills an electrician he catches her fucking. They go to a “sex expert” to discuss what can be done about her “condition” (a Pocket Rocket might help…) During a gynecological exam, Laura has a thundering orgasm. The pair travel all the way to New York where Carlos is told by a doctor there that the only thing that can save Laura is his unwavering love.

I won’t tell you how it ends, but when you know in advance that Armando Bo and Isabel Sarli made 27 films together—with her rolling around naked in every single one of them—and that they were famously lovers for years (although he never left his wife for her), you can start to project all sorts of psychological things onto Fuego. First off, Bo wrote the script and so he therefore wrote the cuckold role for himself. There’s also the voyeuristic aspect of Bo arranging to see his woman getting her tits out for so many other guys.

There’s a certain “subtext” to Fuego, let’s just say.

Waters calls Fuego: “A hetero film for gay people to marvel at” and truly, it’s a movie that covers all the bases. I’d recommend watching it in a group, like Birdemic or something like that. It’s enjoyable no matter what, but like most “so bad that it’s good” movies, experiencing it for the first time with other people is the way to go. I also recommend the dubbed version, the actors obviously had fun with it.

Armando Bo died in 1981 and Sarli stopped making films, She is now a cult figure with a devoted following. Sarli was feted at Lincoln Center in 2010.

You can find Fuego cheap on Amazon and it’s also here.

The NSFW trailer for Fuego:

In the clip below from his John Waters Presents Movies That Will Corrupt You show, the Fellini of Baltimore waxes poetic about one of his favorite films, admits that he “stole” a lot of stuff from Fuego and you can see some of the opening titles:

19 Sep 10:34

’50 Shades of Grey’ star needs extra security to protect him from crazed haters

by Robyn Pennacchia
’50 Shades of Grey’ star needs extra security to protect him from crazed haters

Apparently, some people are wicked angry over the planned casting for the upcoming “50 Shades of Grey” movie. Which is weird, because everyone I know was more or less furious that it was actually as successful a book as it was. Anyway, apparently they are so furious that this dude Charlie Hunnam is going to play the main dude in the book, that he actually needed extra security at the premiere of his TV Show, “Sons of Anarchy.”

Tearful fans of the book have allegedly been gathering outside the set of the show on the regular, dog-eared copies of the book clenched in their little overworked hands.

The fierce fans have apparently even started a petition to replace Hunnam with Matt Bomer of “White Collar,” and collected over 80,000 signatures. Which is probably a lot more than any of the petitions for important things have gotten. Is there a way we can get “50 Shades of Grey” fans to boycott Walmart?

(Confession: I have no idea who these people are, and I have not read “50 Shades of Grey.” I assume you haven’t either. However, should you be interested in seeing what all the fuss is about– my dear friend Samantha Irby, author of Meaty, has compiled a handy list of all the masturbatable parts of the book over at her blog, bitches gotta eat. You know, for referencing purposes.)

Ok. We all know what it’s like to be horrifically disappointed in casting choices. For some people, it’s Ben Affleck as Batman. For me, it’s Cameron Diaz as Miss Hannigan. Or Anne Hathaway as Fantine in Les Mis, or Carrie Underwood as Maria in “The Sound of Music,” or any very young girl playing Little Red Riding Hood in the upcoming movie version of Into The Woods because that is just so inappropriate. And, um, some other ones that don’t specifically have to do with musical theater.

But I don’t think I’d go so far as to actually physically maul someone over it, regardless of how very importantly I feel about the collected works of walking deity Stephen Sondheim.

From what I’ve heard, all the fans of “50 Shades” were your mom, so I’m having trouble imagining a bunch of middle aged ladies rushing the red carpet at a television premiere in their “Not Your Daughter’s Jeans” to physically attack a dude for being in a movie. Isn’t that more of a One Direction fan thing? You would think that if such a thing occurred, someone would be taking pictures, because that surely would be a sight to see.


19 Sep 10:01

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

by Argyle
Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy - A short essay on happiness, reality, frustration, and generational expectations.
19 Sep 09:02

Cocktail historian is a job? How might I qualify?

by Rustic Etruscan
Lawyers need bartenders more than bartenders need lawyers. When it comes to cocktails and the names they're given, a recipe can't be copyrighted and a name isn't usually trademarked, and there's no governing body, no law of the liquor land that stops the duplication of a recipe or a cocktail name. Which makes cocktail naming—shall we call it mixonymics?—special among naming practices in the modern world: It's the bartender tribe, not the law, that defines prior art.
"Swizzle Me This," Michael Erard, The Morning News (single link)
19 Sep 08:39

La Pokémon cumple un año y sigue bajo secreto de sumario

by Xosé Carreira
19 Sep 08:39

Los responsables de Adif descargan la responsabilidad en el maquinista por el accidente de Angrois

by Mario Beramendi
19 Sep 08:35

"Agredíronnos por ser homosexuais e non é un caso illado"

by David Lombao

Falamos con Noel Dopazo, coordinador da área de liberdade afectivo-sexual de Esquerda Unida que, en datas recentes, sufriu unha "agresión homófoba" nun pub de Compostela. "Isto é consecuencia do aumento dos grupos de ultradereita", asegura.

18 Sep 21:41

Spiderman - Las historias jamas Contadas

by (Keanu alikante)

Os mellores comics de Spider-Man dos 90. En serio, son autoconclusivos e moi bos, BAIXA AÍ.

P00004 - Spiderman - Las Historias

Historias de los primeros años que nunca fueron contadas! Las primeras y más espectaculares andanzas de Spiderman, contadas a las nuevas generaciones de lectores por un espectacular equipo creativo. Kurt Busiek y el dibujante Pat Ollife dan vida a uno de los mayores hitos de la historia del Hombre Araña.

En esta lujosa colección descubrirás el universo arácnido al completo, con multitud de secundarios, terribles villanos y la participación de otros héroes Marvel, un retorno al pasado que te permitira profundizar en las raices de un personaje que ya forma parte de todos nosotros.

Idioma: Español
Editorial: Marvel, Forum 
Guion: Kurt Busiek 
Dibujo: Pat Ollife 
Escaneadores: UltronXII (CRG)
Archivos: 29
Formato: CBR
Tamaño: 182.5 MB

P00005 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00006 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00007 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00008 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00009 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00010 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00011 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00013 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00014 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00015 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00016 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00017 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00018 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00019 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00020 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00021 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00022 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00023 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00024 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00025 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00026 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00027 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00028 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00029 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00001 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00012 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00003 - Spiderman - Las HistoriasP00002 - Spiderman - Las Historias

18 Sep 21:39

Un gato perfectamente dibujado.

Un gato perfectamente dibujado.

18 Sep 21:31


by (Lo dice Diana Aller)

iCona da modernidade española publicando un post noxentamente racista.

No me hace especial gracia la escatología, pero ayer me encontré esto por ahí, y lo pego y reescribo para compartirlo con ustedes.

1-Liberar a Nelson Mandela
2- Calcular tu producto interior bruto
3- Liberar a Willy 
4- Mandar un fax a la competencia 
5- Tengo a Jordan colgao del aro
6- Me voy a ver chi cago
7-Cambio en Brasil: Sale Kaká por Elano
8- Voy a hacer lo que Rafa Nadal, romper el servicio
9- Voy al Darth Vater a usar la fuerza
10- Voy a descomer
11- Tengo a Hamilton en la pole 
12- Tengo la tortuga asomando la cabeza
13- Voy a sacar la leña al patio 
14- El perro asoma el hocico 
15- Voy a dar de comer al mundo
16- Sacar a mi amigo negro de paseo 
17- Echar un Obama en la casa blanca 
18- Tengo al oso a punto de salir de la madriguera 
19- Voy a liberar a los rehenes
20- Voy a echar un hueso al caldo
21- Voy a reiniciar güindous.
22- Voy a rescindir el contrato a Kaká
23- Voy a expulsar al ministro del interior
24- Penetrar a la inversa
25- Voy a deshacerme de Digglet 
26- Enviar un paquete a Portugal
27- Echarle avecrem al caldo 
28- Voy hacer unas gestiones 
29- Roca me ha hecho una perdida
30- Voy a echar un curriculum 
31- Voy a bajar a tarzan de las lianas 
32- Me estoy cagando y no es de miedo
33- Voy a soltar lastre 
34- Voy a componer reggeton 
35- Voy a ser una bruja mala (si no conocen el video de la bruja mala, dificilmente lo entenderán)
36- Tengo el aguijón tocando tela
37- El topo sale de la cueva
38- Voy a dar de comer al monstruo
39- Voy a soltar lastre 
40- Voy a hundir un zeppelin
41- Voy a hacerte un gemelo 
42- Me voy, que tengo al gitano en la puerta
43- ¿Han visto la peli enemigo a las puertas? Pues vengan al baño 
44- Tengo a Eto´o en el túnel de vestuarios 
45- Voy a aparcar el submarino 
46- Me estoy 42 (42 en francés se pronuncia similar a “cagando”) 
47- Voy a descomprimir archivos 
48- Voy a tirarme un pedo sólido
49- Voy a echar un Michael Ñordan / Jarno Truñi
50- Voy a sacar lo mejor de mi
51- Voy a sacar a Mario de la tubería 
52- Voy a soltar un Makelele 
53- Voy a ver si es niño o niña 
54- Voy a mandar un “recao” a los poceros
55- Voy a dar la alineación de Camerún
56- Sauron me pide paso
57- Vaciar la bodega
58- Bomb has been planted
59- Café y cigarro, muñeco de barro
60- Voy a descargar un archivo adjunto
61- Voy a hacer un remake de Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate
62- Los Jackson Five me saludan
63- Asoma el Prestige

64- Voy a sacar un toblerone
65- Estoy horneando un muffin

Lo dice Diana Aller
18 Sep 21:27

4gifs: Mouth cereal bowl. [video]


Mouth cereal bowl. [video]

18 Sep 21:19

La televisión más nutritiva

by Mikel López Iturriaga


Almejas poco femeninas en 'Gastronomía insólita'. / THE BRAISER


Que sí. Que ya sabemos que los programas de cocina tradicionales están muy bien y te enseñan a hacer muchas recetas. ¿Pero qué pasa cuando NO queremos aprender nada? ¿Cuando simplemente necesitamos procrastinar viendo la tele? Tras años en que la parrilla televisiva era un páramo de espacios gastronómicos libres de enseñanzas prácticas, la implantación de la TDT ha traído la explosión de programas inútiles y estrambóticos que tanto necesitábamos. Ésta es la guía definitiva para no perderse en un océano de entretenimiento en el que nadan constructores de tartas imposibles, cocineros-camioneros, niños aspirantes a Ferran Adrià y toda clase de monstruos de la comida.

'Food factory'

Canal: Discovery Max. ¿De qué va? Va de meterse en diferentes fábricas y ver cómo se hacen en plan industrial cosas como los Rockets (unos caramelos canadienses en forma de pastillita), el pan de molde, las samosas industriales o los cubitos de hielo. Muestran todo el proceso, desde el momento en el que los ingredientes salen de los sacos/cajas/bolsas en los que llegan a la fábrica hasta que salen, perfectamente empaquetados y listos para consumir. Es estupendo si tienes ese espí­ritu cotilla que hace que quieras saber de dónde viene TODO, y disfrutas con datos como “por aquí cada dí­a pasan tropecientos mil kilos de azúcar, suficientes para llenar cuatro campos de fútbol". Cuidado, no confundir con La fábrica de comida de Jimmy, un programa que emitían en Canal Cocina en el que un granjero intentaba (y la mayoría de veces hasta lo conseguí­a) reproducir en su casa platos precocinados o industriales. Potencial para dar hambre: bajo, siendo generoso. Las comidas y bebidas hechas por máquinas y en las que los polvitos forman parte del proceso no me ponen precisamente canino. Potencial para estresarte: bajo también. El ritmo en las fábricas es constante pero nunca se va a nadie correr ni una situación de emergencia, así­ que transmiten una extraña placidez mecánica. Potencial para crear adicción: alto. Atrapa bastante, pero supongo que tiene aún más gracia si los productos que diseccionan forman parte de tu día a día. ¿Versión española? Existe (como programa especial, de momento solo han grabado uno).



'El rey de las tartas' 

Canal: Discovery Max. ¿De qué va? Muestra con todo lujo de detalles la vida en el taller de tartas de fantasía de Buddy Balastro, llamado Carlo´s Bakery. Allí lidian a diario con señores que quieren tartas de Nueva York extremadamente realistas, futuros pendones que aún no saben que lo son que necesitan una tarta rockera o empresas que quieren pasteles en forma de coche... a tamaño real. Además de hacer auténticas virguerías (y sufrir algún que otro desastre que lo hace todo aún más emocionante) el programa trata de las relaciones familiares de los Balastro, una familia italiana bastante peculiar. Potencial para dar hambre: bajo, porque a mí el fondant como que no. Potencial para estresarte: medio, sobre todo cuando se cae una torre de dos metros de tarta a media hora de la entrega. Se sufre. Potencial para crear adicción: medio. ¿Versión española? Si Alma Obregón abriera las puertas de su taller seguro que triunfaba. 


'Gastronomía Insólita'

Canal: Viajar y Discovery Max. ¿De qué va? Un chef calvo, gordezuelo y ex politoxicómano muy simpático, Andrew Zimmern, viaja por el mundo comiendo marranadas. Bueno, vale, no son marranadas, sino productos culturalmente difíciles para el paladar del occidental medio. Zimmer, especializado en shows de comida extrema -rezo porque algún canal empiece a emitir Cenando con la muerte, sobre comidas que te pueden matar- ha probado en el programa 36 roedores, tres murciélagos, 15 serpientes, 88 tipos de insectos, 18 tipos de ojos y 48 órganos reproductores de animales. Pero mis manjares favoritos han sido los fetos de pato en Filipinas, las ratas gigantes en Uganda y la placenta fresca de vaca en EEUU. Potencial para dar hambre: muy baja, a no ser que te gusten los escorpiones caramelizados. Potencial para estresarte: media, por el asco que dan algunos platos. Potencial para crear adicción: alta. Siempre quieres ver más y más bichos raros. ¿Posible versión española? Un recorrido por todas las brutalidades que se comen en la piel de toro, de las criadillas a los sesos.


'Cena imposible'

Canal: Energy. ¿De qué va? De torturar a un pobre chef llamado Robert Irvine y a su equipo poniendo al límite su capacidad para pergeñar comidas para choporrocientos invitados con montones de limitaciones. Ejemplo: una cena para 250 empleados e invitados VIP de Mattel para celebrar el cumpleaños de Barbie, donde hay que preparar 18 platos que puedan caber en bandejitas plateadas de 8x10 centímetros, y en solo ocho horas. Se trata de diseñar el menú, ejecutarlo y servirlo, y por si a alguien le parece fácil, en cada programa hay un par de putaditas del estilo "pues ahora te quitamos el limón" o "Ken tiene envidia, ¿puedes diseñar un plato para él?". ¿Hay que estar mal de la cabeza? Pues hay un spin off llamado Restaurant: Impossible, donde redecoran restaurantes también en condiciones bastante locas. Potencial para dar hambre: bastante alto. Las recetas en general son bastante pintonas, y muchas de ellas se pueden encontrar (en inglés) en la web de Food NetworkPotencial para estresarte: muy alto. Dan ganas de salir corriendo solo de pensar que puedes estar en su situación.Potencial para crear adicción: alto. Te puedes tragar 4 capítulos (y media nevera) de una sentada ¿Versión española? Me cuesta imaginar a Ferran Adrià aguantando esas condiciones y no mandando a alguien a Cuenca de un soplamocos...



'Crónicas carnívoras'

Canal: Energy. ¿De qué va? De todos esos sitios de los que habla la leyenda de la América más vacaburri donde por comerte una cantidad ingente de algo te dan un viaje o una comida gratis (o simplemente te ponen en un podio, como a un marine capaz de comerse 23 puffy tacos para enseñarle a su hijo lo que es la verdadera superación personal). Haciendo honor al título original del programa, 'Man vs. Food'Adam Richman, el presentador (actor secundario y tragón declarado hoy reconvertido en sibarita), intenta en primera persona gran parte de estos retos en una suerte de orgía de carne, lácteos, harina y demás que ríete tú de Supersize Me. Después de cuatro temporadas dejó el programa y perdió unos 25 kilosPotencial para dar hambre: entre muy alto y nivel náusea, dependiendo de tu estado. Si lo ves antes de comer o en pleno munchie te puedes comer al gato por los pies, en cambio si lo ves con la barriga llena te puede dar un cierto asquillo. Potencial para estresarte: medio. Sólo estresa cuando ves a un hombre enfermo, de color morado y a punto de vomitar por haber ingerido 768.654 costillas de cerdo. Potencial para crear adicción: medio. ¿Versión española? He visto escenas en algún buffet de hotel que os harían llorar, así que por supuesto. 



'Comida sobre ruedas'

Canal: Energy. ¿De qué va? De enseñarnos que la buena comida puede estar donde menos te lo esperas. Con el actor James Cunningham como maestro de ceremonias, el programa se pasea por Estados Unidos buscando los camiones de comida callejera más apetecibles. Y doy fe de que los encuentra: pizza en horno de leña, unos burritos que hacen saltar las lágrimas al verlos, bocadillos italianos, comida cubana o zumos orgánicos ultravitamínicos, no hay delicia que no se pueda cocinar en un camión. Si queréis probarlo en casa pero os pilla un poco lejos, aquí podéis encontrar (en inglés) las recetas que los cocineros comparten amablemente con el programa. Potencial para dar hambre: Extremo. Este programa produce más saliva que una tonelada de limones y un efecto Carpanta total. Potencial para estresarte: Muy bajo, aunque de vez en cuando veo mucha gente metida en un camioncito me da agobio. Potencial para crear adicción: Alto, además de por lo bonita que se ve la comida (y los trucos que aprendes con las recetas que descubren en cada camión) los clientes siempre están de buen humor, como si la comida tuviera un aderezo especial¿Versión española? Creo que la ruta sería corta, solo se me ocurren El Perrito Cervecero de Koldo Royo y A_Tixola, del que ya os hablé en un post anterior


Maratón maleni

Canal: Divinity. ¿De qué va? Si eres de los que padecen resacones los domingos por la mañana por beber más que Charlie Sheen y Massiel juntos, Divinity, el canal favorito de los intelectuales, tiene la solución para ti: un maravilloso maratón del azúcar de seis horas de duración. Sí, has leído bien: 6 HORAS. A las 9.00 abre los paquetes de fondant el chef repostero (y arquitecto en el armario) Duff Goldman con Dulces e increíbles. A las 10.40 sigue Charlie y la fábrica de pasteles, una especie de reality sobre los quehaceres de una pastelería surafricana. Recoge el testigo a las 11.45 Planet Cake, otro reality sobre la reina de las malenis australianas y pastelera de celebridades Paris Cutler. En caso de que no te hayan tenido que ingresar en algún hospital por hiperglucemia para esa hora, a las 12.35 puedes ver Sugar Stars, sobre las tribulaciones de una señora canadiense bastante pija (Elle Daftarian) que tiene un negocio de pasteles y recibe encargos gilipollescos de gente como Jordan Knight, de los New Kids on The Block. Y de postre entre los postres, de las 13.30 a las 15.00, Supertartas de boda, que es mi preferido porque junta dos de las cosas que más aborrezco en este mundo: la repostería cursi y las bodas. Potencial para dar hambre: nulo. A la quinta tarta tu hipotálamo deja de funcionar. Potencial para estresarte: No te estresa, te mata. Potencial para crear adicción: baja. Es como los tripis, que son tan fuertes que no te apetece repetir hasta mucho tiempo después. ¿Versión española? Una webcam conectada 24 horas al Happy Day.




'Masterchef Junior'

Canal: TVE. ¿De qué va? Antes de que disfrutemos con el martirio de nuevos concursantes adultos en la segunda entrega de Masterchef, Televisión Española nos regalará una edición con críos que promete batir todos los récords de decir "qué moooonoooo" entre la audiencia. Está claro que el factor ternura jugará a su favor, y a nada que los elegidos en el cásting sean un poco espontáneos, despertarán la simpatía de los espectadores. En contra: los niños en la tele pueden acabar resultando cargantes, y ni los jueces ni los tuiteros podrán ser demasiado crueles con los platos, con lo que se perderá parte de la diversión. Emisión: antes de que acabe 2013.

MasterChef Junior, la receta de un programa de éxito mundial
18 Sep 18:35

Os alcaldes galegos rebélanse cunha voz única contra a reforma local de Rajoy

by Redacción

A Fegamp aproba por unanimidade as súas emendas nun texto consensuado polas tres forzas políticas e convoca unha asemblea de alcaldes para o mes de outubro. “Queremos que se escoite o profundo desencanto que esta reforma xera”, aclara Rey Varela.

18 Sep 18:30

We are not here to lead a battle between the sexes

by roomthreeseventeen
France's upper house of parliament, the Sénat has passed a women's equality bill, which aims to redress some of the persistent inequalities between men and women, in the sphere of pay, jobs and parental leave.

One clause of the new law getting a lot of media attraction is the ban on all beauty contests for girls 16 years or younger.

The Senate approved the pageant ban measure 197-146 overnight, as an amendment. The legislation now goes lower house of parliament for further debate and another vote.
18 Sep 18:29

Ron Swanson Is Full of Emotions

by Elise Czajkowski
by Elise Czajkowski

The Ron Swanson we all know and love is a man of intense emotions. All two, maybe three of them. In honor of the new season of Parks and Recreation, NBC put together this supercut of Ron Swanson's vast emotional range. Below, some preview clips from the show's London-based season premiere, which airs next Thursday:

18 Sep 18:26

‘Time For the 99% To Give Back To The 1%,’ says sociopathic Forbes columnist Harry Binswanger

by Robyn Pennacchia
‘Time For the 99% To Give Back To The 1%,’ says sociopathic Forbes columnist Harry Binswanger

Harry Binswanger, a man who either was, or wishes he had been, Ayn Rand’s sex poodle, has penned a column for Forbes that, were it satire, might be one of the greatest examples of the genre since Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.” Alas, although it is titled “Give Back? Yes, It’s Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%,” it is written entirely in earnest.

His other essays, written entirely in earnest, include such gems as “Insider Trading is a Right: Don’t Shackle The Knowledge Seekers” and “By Eliminating Failure, The Government Robs Us of Success,” and other gentle, loving handjobs to laissez-faire capitalism. Or, more accurately, anarcho-capitalism.

Now, Binswanger is an easy target. Probably not something I should even waste time on–and I wouldn’t, save for the fact that I do think it’s worth it for people to know exactly what people like Binswanger, and other followers of Objectivism, like Rand Paul and Paul Ryan, actually think of them.

I admit that I’m an idealist–I want to live in a glorious fantasy land where all humans are treated equally, and with dignity and respect, I want to redistribute the wealth of the nation, I want a world with no violence and no war–and although that feels like an impossible goal, I’d rather strive for that with the hope of landing somewhere in between here and there. They are also idealists. Except in their ideal world, everyone is either a sadist or a masochist, and not in a sexxxy way.

Let’s take this shit apart, shall we?

It’s time to gore another collectivist sacred cow. This time it’s the popular idea that the successful are obliged to “give back to the community.” That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from “the community.” And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by “exploiting” people, not by creating value–as if Henry Ford was not necessary for Fords to roll off the (non-existent) assembly lines and Steve Jobs was not necessary for iPhones and iPads to spring into existence.

Consider that sacred cow intact and un-gored. Yes, on the whole, in order for anyone to accumulate a vast amount of wealth, or a vast amount of power, someone helped them, and someone was screwed over. Henry Ford would not have made a dime if people did not have roads to drive on, if he had to put every one of those cars together himself. Henry Ford contributed cars to us, but he was also in cahoots with Germany during WWII and provided them with military vehicles. He was also, you know, kind of a Nazi. Steve Jobs would probably have a little less money if he manufactured his iPhones and iPads here in America, rather than “exploiting” child labor in other countries.

For the record, however, Henry Ford believed in a living wage. Why? Because he realized that if he wanted to make money, he needed the people who worked for him to be able to buy his cars.

Let’s begin by stripping away the collectivism. “The community” never gave anyone anything. The “community,” the “society,” the “nation” is just a number of interacting individuals, not a mystical entity floating in a cloud above them. And when some individual person–a parent, a teacher, a customer–”gives” something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

Yes, there is a “community,” there is a “society” and there is a “nation.” If the nation did not “collectively” use our tax money to educate our children, then very few people would be qualified to work for these glorious, genius enterprises. If we do not “collectively” take care of our people and our children, if people do not have the qualifications necessary to hold these jobs, then no one can profit off of their labor. No one succeeds in a black hole.

It was from love–not charity–that your mother fed you, bought clothes for you, paid for your education, gave you presents on your birthday. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service–want it for their own personal benefit and enjoyment. And most of the time they get it, which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

Yes, it is from love. It’s also because feeding, clothing, and educating children is necessary to sustaining our society. When a child is fed, clothed, and educated, we all benefit. We benefit because that child is less likely to turn to crime as a means of supporting his or herself. We benefit because that child may go on to do a lot of good in this world, for all of us.

All proper human interactions are win-win; that’s why the parties decide to engage in them. It’s not the Henry Fords and Steve Jobs who exploit people. It’s the Al Capones and Bernie Madoffs. Voluntary trade, without force or fraud, is the exchange of value for value, to mutual benefit. In trade, both parties gain.

Each particular individual in the community who contributed to a man’s rise to wealth was paid at the time–either materially or, as in the case of parents and friends, spiritually. There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

To quote Noam Chomsky, ”The idea of “free contract” between the potentate and his starving subject is a sick joke, perhaps worth some moments in an academic seminar exploring the consequences of (in my view, absurd) ideas, but nowhere else.” Not all “proper human interactions” are win-win. In most cases, one side wins quite a bit more than the other. A rich person has benefited, more than most, from the cumulative contributions of people they don’t even know and will never meet. Steve Jobs benefited from the work of actress/inventor Hedy Lamarr, and there was certainly no direct contract between the two.

Well, maybe there is–in the other direction. The shoe is on the other foot. It is “the community” that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa. Ayn Rand developed the idea of “the pyramid of ability,” which John Galt sets forth in Atlas Shrugged (ed- Oh just go to the site for that whole excerpt. Too long to post here, and also Rand gives me hives).

For their enormous contributions to our standard of living, the high-earners should be thanked and publicly honored. We are in their debt.

The whole pyramid thing has actually always been one of my major issues with Capitalism. I don’t like the idea of a pyramid. I don’t like the idea that we live in a system which requires that the vast majority of people in a society be at the bottom of that pyramid. That is literally systemic inequality, and the idea of a serfdom just isn’t my jam. But let’s let him continue.

Here’s a modest proposal. Anyone who earns a million dollars or more should be exempt from all income taxes. Yes, it’s too little. And the real issue is not financial, but moral. So to augment the tax-exemption, in an annual public ceremony, the year’s top earner should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Imagine the effect on our culture, particularly on the young, if the kind of fame and adulation bathing Lady Gaga attached to the more notable achievements of say, Warren Buffett. Or if the moral praise showered on Mother Teresa went to someone like Lloyd Blankfein, who, in guiding Goldman Sachs toward billions in profits, has done infinitely more for mankind. (Since profit is the market value of the product minus the market value of factors used, profit represents the value created.)

A modest proposal, indeed. It’s about one step away from eating the babies of the poor. You want to celebrate Goldman Sachs? A company that profited off of the mortgage crisis that screwed the entire country? A company that made money off of betting that Americans would fail? A company that used the bailout money we gave them to give its top earners $1 million dollar bonuses? Screw you. Tell me how that makes them in any way superior to Al Capone? Tell me, what is the difference between robbing a 7-11 and robbing the American people?

To say that those of us who have not been lucky enough to make a million dollars should be the only ones responsible for contributing to this country’s welfare is completely sick.

Value created is a lot more than how much money you’re able to make. The idea that someone’s value as a person ought to be tied to how much money they make–or even, yes, how hard you are willing to “work” is essentially inhumane. We are more than wage slaves. There is no amount of value a single human being can provide to the world that ought to entitle them to buy a golden toilet seat while someone else is starving. That, in itself, is an act of violence.

I have respect for everybody. You bet your ass I have respect for a janitor, for the person who rings up my groceries, for the server that brings me my dinner at a restaurant. They all add value to my life and to the lives of others. We could not live in a society full of Lloyd Blankfeins. Everyone can’t be Steve Jobs– otherwise, we’d all have to bus our own tables. So I believe that everyone is important, and should be valued.

Instead, we live in a culture where Goldman Sachs is smeared as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.” That’s for the sin of successful investing, channeling savings to their most productive uses, instead of wasting them on government boondoggles like Solyndra and bridges to nowhere.

There is indeed a vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity: the Internal Revenue Service. And, at a deeper level, it is the monstrous perversion of justice that makes the IRS possible: an envy-ridden moral code that damns success, profit, and earning money in voluntary exchange.

An end must be put to the inhuman practice of draining the productive to subsidize the unproductive. An end must be put to the primordial notion that one’s life belongs to the tribe, to “the community,” and that the superlative wealth-creators must do penance for the sin of creating value.

And Ayn Rand is just the lady who can do it.

Jesus Christ, this Harry Binswanger is a sick puppy ain’t he? Little ironic that there’s actually a form of dementia called Binswanger’s Disease, I suppose. Isn’t he lucky that he was born with two arms and two legs? Isn’t he lucky that CUNY Hunter, a college supported by taxpayer money, was willing to give him some of that that money to spread his views? Isn’t he lucky he was born a straight, white male in a society that privileges straight white males? Isn’t he just lucky?

I’m lucky. I was born healthy, to kind, supportive, loving parents who were financially able to take care of and provide for my sister and me. I have an awesome job that allows me to be clever for an actual living. I do not believe in god, but I believe that I had better wake up every morning and say THANK YOU to whatever forces in the universe, economic or otherwise that have allowed me to go on for this long. I need to say THANK YOU, because my biggest “problem” right now is that I feel chubby and my iron deficiency has been out of whack lately.

I do not believe that everyone who is not a millionaire is just lazy. I worked with very rich people for a very long period of time, and I can tell you, many of them are not just lazy, but also painfully stupid. I have seen people who were born dirt poor, in crappy situations, who worked harder than I ever did in school, who were smarter, and funnier, and who just got beaten down by a world that didn’t care to value them. People contribute more to this world than just the way they make money. We should value each and every person, and that means that yes, just by virtue of living in this country alone, they should be guaranteed food, shelter, clothing and health care. I’m a little sick of Republicans talking about how much they value “life” when it comes to a freaking fetus, and then turning around and trying to cut food stamps by $4 billion.

I don’t believe that someone who works two minimum wage jobs just to get by and to support their family is lazy. That particular, insidious notion, is what is turning our country into a nation of unsexy sadists and masochists. Instead of “rewarding” the rich for all the glorious value they’ve provided, with tax breaks and a low minimum wage, we need to reward all the people that actually work for a living to provide us with the small things that make our lives livable.


18 Sep 10:01


18 Sep 09:59

Inclusión Social

Hace diez minutos, en el telediario de Televisión Española, un pequeño reportaje acerca del “Festival de Artes Escénicas e Inclusión Social” [sic] que organiza La Casa Encendida. Artistas discapacitados presentan sus obras en distintos órdenes. Dos voces narran la noticia: la primera no sabe pronunciar las equis y dice “teshtos, eshperiencias y eshclusión” y la segunda sufre de Gangosismo Ilustrado y dice “teatgro filantgrópico compgrometido”. La noticia del evento cocinada ya como pieza perfecta para el mismo.

18 Sep 09:58


18 Sep 09:57

Mierda de caca por Irene T

Mierda de caca

por Irene T

18 Sep 09:57


17 Sep 15:37

Generation GTA

by Luke Winkie

Photo via Flickr user Cory Doctorow

My friend Glenn would bring his PlayStation 2 over to my house after class during middle school. I think it was mostly because I had a TV in my room, and he didn’t—like all adolescents, we wanted to obsess over our passions in private. I remember never really knowing how the wires were supposed to attach to the back of the monitor and how we’d just keep guessing until it worked. Our afternoons revolved around Vice City, the second game in Rockstar’s rebirthing of the Grand Theft Auto franchise. You played as Tommy Vercetti, a scummy, greased-up coke dealer with a Hawaiian shirt and a lot of one-liners. One day Glenn had his sniper rifle pointed right at a cab driver’s face as my father walked in the room. Glenn pulled the trigger, replacing the cabbie’s head with a fountain of blood, and that was too much for my dad. No more bedroom GTA action for us.

Six years later I was one month away from my 18th birthday, which meant I was one month away from the right to purchase Grand Theft Auto IV. I couldn't stand to wait, though, so my brother and I hatched an elaborate plan. Our friend Alex was 18, so we signed up for the pre-order under his name at the local GameStop, pooled our cash, and sent him off with 60 of our hard-earned dollars. A copy of GTA IV was hand-delivered to us in an inconspicuous plastic bag a few hours later, like some kind of contraband. I remember watching my brother carefully slice off the cover art so the box wouldn’t arouse any parental suspicions. We played in shifts, our thumbs hovering over the pause button in case mom or dad made any unexpected visits. Nothing would stop us from experiencing the latest volume of the most important media franchise of our time.

For as long as I can remember—which is as long as Grand Theft Auto games have been coming outthe franchise has been surrounded by controversy. It’s a video game synonymous with the violent, satanic indulgences that have been blamed for school shootings and godless children. Disbarred Florida attorney Jack Thompson has dedicated his activist career to destroying the franchise and its creators (along with rap music and Howard Stern). New York politicians criticized GTA IV’s portrayal of their city, Mothers Against Drunk Driving hated that characters could get behind the wheel while shitfaced, and the Chicago Transit Authority refused to let ads for series appear on its property. You likely remember the hysterias caused by GTA—the crimes it got blamed for, the won't-somebody-think-of-the-children rhetoric. (You may also remember that some of the more important works of narrative art of the 20th century were the subject of outright bans, a la Ulysses and Lolita, but that's another story.) 

There was a moment, back in 2005, when modders uncovered the sex-simulating “Hot Coffee” minigame lodged deep in the code of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, where it seemed that GTA was about to crash and burn. San Andreas got slapped with the commercially nonviable “Adults Only” rating, and the Federal Trade Commission started investigating Rockstar’s parent company’s advertising practices. And the games did change, a bit—the company agreed to “clearly and prominently disclose on product packaging” any objectionable content, and when I killed a cab driver in GTA IV there was no fountain of blood, just an ugly lurch of the gun, a solemn stain of red on the windshield, and a limp body in the driver’s seat. The streets of Liberty City got a little less gleeful, the violence became a little more human. Storylines in GTA IV included a character's cousin’s taxi business getting burnt to the ground as we watch, a bank robbery going horribly, tragically wrong, and a revenge saga rooted in the atrocities of the Bosnian War.

Some said the franchise had matured, that it was finally discarding the silly, crime-TV parodies of the earlier games and embracing something “serious.” But for my money, GTA has always been on the cutting edge. The plethora of longform, narrative-focused games we have today wouldn’t exist without Grand Theft Auto IV; the dynamic, open-world games wouldn’t exist without Grand Theft Auto III. Rockstar has always been the vanguard of innovation, and their marquee franchise exists to push boundaries. GTA stands as perhaps the one franchise most responsible for legitimizing video games as art on a mainstream platform.

If that sounds fanboyish, maybe that’s a consequence of growing up with these games—every single GTA release since at least the Vice City days was a watershed moment in my adolescence, like Christmas except my parents hated it. When I buy my copy of GTA V, I’ll still feel a twinge of disobedient sin.

Will this installment have the same wide-ranging effect as its predecessors? I don’t know. It’s hard to stay influential and groundbreaking for as long as the GTA franchise has. GTA V be the last major release exclusive to our current generation of consoles, and it’s entering a climate where games like The Last of Us, Bioshock: Infinite, and Far Cry 3 have borrowed some of GTA’s blueprints to amazing effect. Early reviews have stressed the game’s sheer ball-busting fucking awesomeness, but some have also pointed out that it’s retained the franchise’s streak of sneering misogyny, which more gamers are aware of these days.

On the other hand, the franchise has mostly outlasted its critics—hardly anyone seems eager to denounce GTA V as a brutal, child-corrupting monster. Even Fox News is publishing blog posts about how the games have “grown up.” Only the willfully ignorant think that 1) These games are for young kids; 2) You get “points” for having sex with prostitutes; or 3) The sheer scope of playable world and the level of detail aren’t amazing achievements in and of themselves. Even more importantly, I don’t live with my parents anymore. See you guys in a couple weeks.


More on video games:

'Grand Theft Auto V' Is Going to Destroy My Social Life

My Name Is Tom and I'm a Video Game Addict

Whoa, Dude, Are We Inside a Computer Right Now?