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07 Jun 09:38

Coming on Camera: Beautiful Agony's Orgasmic Porn

by Rula Al-Nasrawi

Still from Kamee's second masturbation video. All images and video courtesy of Beautiful Agony

Hundreds of people around the world have seen Kamee* come. They’ve watched her lie down on her stomach and stare straight into the camera as she rubs her clit, her red lips forming the shape of a rapturous O. They’ve heard her quietly pant and moan as she climaxes, with her big brown eyes clenched tight. Every so often her eyes flicker up to the camera and smirk, and for a brief moment it's easy to forget who’s actually watching whom.

“It’s not like I just want people to watch me come or anything like that,” Kamee told me. “I did it because I wanted to support a project that is a safe space for people who wouldn’t video-tape themselves doing something like this.”

That project is Beautiful Agony—also called “Facettes de La Petite Mort.” It’s an Australia-based erotic website that posts daily videos of people masturbating until they orgasm. The twist is that the videos are only filmed from the shoulders up, so all you see is a succession of O-faces. The videos are basically webcam versions of Andy Warhol’s experimental “Blow Job” short film. Anyone from a DDD-cup porn star to your 95-year-old granddad can submit a video of themselves getting their rocks off. The videos range from one-man shows to group circle jerks, but you never see what’s going on down below. The name “Beautiful Agony” speaks to the almost painful tension you feel right before you come, followed by a zen-like state. The beauty lies in watching people of all walks of life momentarily lose control in the best way.

Kamee, a film and theater producer and performer from Canada, discovered Beautiful Agony in 2012 through an old schoolmate and submitted right away. She taped her first video while living as a student in Switzerland, with the Alps as the backdrop and the sounds of birds chirping outside.

“It was extremely quiet, and I just remember thinking, If anybody sees this right now...” she said, laughing.

Founded by Richard Lawrence and Lauren Olney in 2004, Beautiful Agony hasn’t changed a lot since its inception. The site still has an old Windows 90-something look to it. The only difference between now and its debut is the long list of monthly subscriptions Lawrence and Olney have collected over the years. Pay $15 and you have access to hundreds of videos of people finishing themselves off, and confessing their innermost sexual secrets, for a month. Pay $100 and you’ve got access for the entire year.

Lawrence told me over Skype that the site was essentially born out of the duo’s frustration with mainstream porn.

“If we were to sort of parallel the porn industry with the car industry and imagine what a car looked like if it had the same values and the same sort of commitment to excellence that porn has, I think that you’d be looking at a piece of junk that costs $3 million that would run out of petrol after three miles.”

So Lawrence and Olney took matters into their own hands.

“We said, ‘Why don’t we try this and see what happens?’” Lawrence said. “I think we were a little too embarrassed to film our own [videos] and show each other, so instead we just lent a video camera around to some friends of ours that we knew were open-minded.”

It didn’t take long for more than just friends to submit. While most submissions and subscribers still come from Down Under, the general audience is global. The site currently has more than 3,000 submissions.

Still from Kamee's second masturbation video

Along with erotic projects like Hysterical Literature (photographer Clayton Cubitt's video series of women reading literature at a desk, while being pleasured underneath the table) and MakeLoveNotPorn.TV (a site where regular people submit their own sex videos for online rental), Beautiful Agony is pioneering a shift in the porn industry away from the male gaze.

“[Beautiful Agony] is something that fits right in with what has been kind of evolving over the last 10 years with the feminist porn movement internationally,” said Mireille Miller-Young, a professor of feminist studies at UC Santa Barbara. “It’s implicit critique is that the graphic display of pornography doesn’t necessarily equal pleasure for the viewer or the performer, and that you could possibly have something that’s less graphic or a more confined view."

Beautiful Agony also sets itself apart from other porno sites by the agency its users have in the videos they submit. The person diddling on camera has 100 percent say in what the world gets to see—and what angle they see it from. The control given to the users and the amateur nature of their videos gives Beautiful Agony an intimacy that Miller-Young finds refreshing.

“In a society of surveillance, I think, people have fantasies that are rooted in privacy and are rooted in no one knowing,” she said. “I think that it’s what is so interesting about Beautiful Agony, because masturbation is supposed to be this private act.”

To further its mission in eroticism, a year into the genesis of Beautiful Agony, founders Lawrence and Olney decided the site needed more than just videos of people getting off. They wanted tell the stories behind the orgasmic faces on their site.

“We realized that we wanted to know something about the people that we were watching, so we would interview them or we would ask them to interview themselves,” Lawrence said. “People will talk very frankly about their sex lives when they’re looking at a video camera, which is awesome.”

Miller-Young finds the confessional feature of Beautiful Agony “massively important.”

“It humanizes the actors, but they’re not seeing themselves as actors; they’re just regular people.”

In Kamee’s confession video, she recalled one of her first experiences of getting off as a child.

“I had this giant pink carnival bear that was kind of a rip-off of a Care Bear, but it was huge, like it was bigger than me at that age, and somebody had won it for me at a carnival or something. And I used to... I didn’t know what I was doing, I was a kid... But I used to rub up on it. That was my earliest form of masturbation,” Kamee said. “I did it every day; it was like a ritual.”

Her mother eventually gave the bear away. And even though it happened years ago, it’s still one of the most memorable events of her life.

“That was really traumatic for me. I mean, I lost my first sex toy,” Kamee said to me, laughing. “Children are hedonists. They’re just like, This feels good. End of story. There’s no post- or pre-anything; it’s just, I’m gonna continue doing this.”

And while many people grow out of that hedonistic stage and learn about indecency and sexual gratification behind closed doors, others choose to fight it. Instead of just getting off for pleasure, these people get off and then share it with others in hopes that their own ecstatic release will create some sort of orgasmic domino effect that will double and triple and multiply. That’s exactly what Kamee did. She took a vulnerable moment, a moment free of inhibitions and control, and shared it with hundreds of people. All she had to do was hit record.

*Kamee wanted only her first name revealed.

Follow Rula on Twitter.




05 Jun 12:07

Bunny Yeager

by (DaviZ)
Bunny Yeager

Linnea Eleanor "Bunny" Yeager (1929-2014) fue una modelo reconvertida a fotógrafa de pin-up que ayudó a poner en marcha la carrera de la entonces desconocida Bettie Page.

Yeager se hizo famosa por hacer que las mujeres, desde las amas de casa hasta las azafatas de avión, se sintieran cómodas desnudándose. Sus fotos de Page con bikini de leopardo, junto a un leopardo real, son muy conocidas aún en la actualidad.

05 Jun 11:27

What we talk about when we talk about sex (with kids)

by medusa
What if we admitted to children that sex is primarily about pleasure?
I realized why my son was confused. He was thinking "accidentally getting pregnant" was like accidentally burning yourself because you didn't realize the stove was on. "Sweetie," I explained, "most of the time that people have sex, they're not having it to have a baby. They're having it because it feels good. So you can get accidentally pregnant if you're having sex for pleasure and you don't use effective birth control."
The consequences of talking honestly with children about sex, by Alice Dreger.

Alice Dreger's work previously on metafilter. And if you are distracted by her use of language, see Dreger's explanation of why I refer to my husband, my romantic partner, and my life companion as my mate.
05 Jun 11:13

"Don't Forget to Be Awesome"

by Fizz
The Teen Whisperer by Margaret Talbot [New Yorker] How the author [John Green] of "The Fault in Our Stars" built an ardent army of fans.
05 Jun 10:57

The 11 Best Sketches from 'Inside Amy Schumer' Season 2

by Emma Soren and Jessye McGarry
by Emma Soren and Jessye McGarry

In honor of Inside Amy Schumer’s season finale tonight, we’ve compiled the best sketches from the show's excellent second season. Comedy Central renewed Schumer for a third season, and we’re already looking forward to more hilarious on-the-street interviews and “Amy Goes Deep” segments in addition to the signature sketches in the year to come.

Check out a collection of the best of Season 2 below:

The Foodroom

A spot-on parody of Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom and his fast-talking characters set in a fast food restaurant.

A Couple Chooses A Movie

Amy and guest star Rory Scovel look for something to watch On Demand, and end up scrolling through a great list of fake Tyler Perry movies, amongst other things.

Hello M’Lady

In which there’s an app to help manage clingy guys who think they’re your boyfriend.

A Chick Who Can Hang

A group of men just want to date a cool girl who can “recite all of Boondock Saints verbatim while rebuilding a deck.”

Pity Sex with a Prom Loser

Amy’s attempt to improve her image by becoming a celebrity prom date goes horribly wrong.

Herpes Scare

Paul Giamatti guest stars as God, who visits Amy during a time of crisis.

A Very Realistic Military Game

Things get political when Amy chooses to play as a female soldier in a realistic Call of Duty-esque war game.

Bachelorette Party Disaster

It’s possible this sketch was made only to create a context where stripper firefighters are believably mistaken for real firefighters.


Two drunk roommates compete in a Food Network-type cooking show given a challenging basket of ingredients—which includes a half-eaten Chobani yogurt from 2012 and Lexapro.

I’m So Bad

A group of friends swap stories about their bad eating habits.

Mom Computer Therapy

Amy helps her computer-illiterate mother send an email, all while a therapist eases her through the process.

05 Jun 10:48

Esta es la mujer que ha visto los 4000 programas de Jordi Hurtado al frente de ‘Saber y Ganar’

by Borja Terán

Se llama Pilar Palacín. Y ha visto Saber y Ganar desde su estreno hace 17 años. Había que celebrar esta lealtad, claro. Así que Jordi Hurtado ha premiado a esta vecina de Salou con un día en la grabación de su longevo concurso, que esta semana emite la edición 4000.

Pilar ejemplifica la fidelizada audiencia que no falta a la cita con Saber y Ganar. De hecho, este formato sigue siendo lo más visto de la segunda cadena de Televisión Española, impulsando el pobre share de La 2 hasta rondar la barrera del diez por ciento de cuota de pantalla.

Un gran dato que convierte a Saber y Ganar en un emblema que ha sobrevivido a gobiernos, directores generales e incluso a sus propias pruebas, que han crecido con el tiempo. Todo ha ido cambiando menos su presentador, Jordi Hurtado; la voz en off, Juanjo Cardenal: el director, Sergi Schaaff;  la reconocible base musical que envuelve el espacio y las características sombras hiperactivas con las que arranca y termina el programa a contraluz y con todos los participantes de la edición alrededor de un Jordi Hurtado que se mueve histérico para que quede más bonito en plano.

Y en este tipo de pequeños detalles está el secreto del triunfo de Saber y Ganar. Es el concurso con las preguntas más difíciles del panorama televisivo nacional y el que menos dinero se llevan los participantes, pero también es uno de los concursos mejor realizados: sabe jugar con los trucos del espectáculo televisivo. Lo hace con mucho salero.

En Saber y Ganar los concursantes se mantienen en el tiempo y hasta vuelven a participar meses después, como estos días que juegan aquellos que más aguante tuvieron. De esta forma, se logra que el espectador empatice con los participantes, conoce sus filias y fobias. En definitiva, dejan de ser sujetos anónimos para transformarse en personajes cercanos y el público queda enganchado a su evolución programa tras programa. Es más, el espectador intenta resolver las pruebas junto a ellos. Un programa interactivo, antes de que existiera Twitter.

Además, el show fomenta las sorpresa y los guiños constantes a sus participantes, ya sea con el reencuentro sin avisar con un familiar o cantando un rap personalizado al ‘sabio’ de turno.

Y todo esto comandado por un presentador que es el yerno ideal. Su lozanía es un plus para el chascarrillo social, también sus imitaciones o su complicidad con la voz, Juanjo Cardenal. Porque Saber y Ganar es un formato que es más espontáneo de lo que parece.


Jordi Hurtado infinito: ‘Saber y Ganar’ cumple 17 años

¿Qué tienen en común Christian Gálvez y Jordi Hurtado?

¿Y tú de qué programa infantil eras: ‘Barrio Sésamo’, ‘Dabadabadá’, ‘El Kiosco’ o ‘La bola de cristal’?

05 Jun 10:35

Megg, Mogg, & Owl - Part 5

by Simon Hanselmann

Click here for last week's episode.

05 Jun 10:33

Will the Entire Porn Industry Be Forced to Move to Nevada?

by Tina Horn

Another wave of porn regulation is here: On May 27, Assembly Bill 1576, a statewide expansion of Measure B, passed the California Assembly.

Los Angeles County voters passed Measure B back in 2012, which requires “producers of adult films to obtain a County public health permit,” and for “adult film performers to use condoms while engaged in sex acts.”

AB1576 takes Measure B a step further and imposes an additional mandate on STI testing than the ones currently used by porn performers, and requires that all producers disclose those records with the Department of Industrial Relations, a clear violation of privacy.

Assemblyman Isadore Hall (D-Los Angeles) introduced the bill, and Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, sponsored it. The bill is scheduled to move to the California State Senate sometime after June 15.

We should be cheering, right? HIV = bad. Condoms = good. Condoms + people who fuck for a living = less HIV for all!

Except that many people in the sex industry feel that this issue is more about body autonomy than about public health.

Sex-industry laborers, the group most directly affected by AB1576, have been speaking out against the bill since it was introduced. More than 600 adult film performers signed a Free Speech Coalition petition opposing the bill.

I spoke with three porn stars within three different segments in the porn industry who use condoms in their shoots and all agreed that the bill will take away choice from the performers and will not make the industry safer.

Lorelei Lee has been performing in porn for 15 years, working for a variety of companies in Los Angeles and San Francisco. She is now a performer/director at, a company that films BDSM and fetish scenes involving hardcore sex.

She and hundreds of other sex industry professionals have been involved in extensive lobbying and #StopAB1576 social media campaigns. They point out that commercial sex is different from personal sex. Instead of condoms, many performers prefer self-regulated STI testing every 14 days due in part to the “condom burn” that can occur from prolonged on-set intercourse.

According to, a site with information opposing the bill:

“The industry's own current protocols for testing are more rigorous than those of the CDC or Department of Public Health Standards. AB1576 requires only the less-accurate ‘rapid HIV antibody’ test (with a window period of approximately 8 1/2 weeks between infection and detectability),  whereas all major producers now use the gold standard ‘HIV viral load’ method (with a window of 7–10 days). Most adult film producers already require full-panel STI testing no earlier than 14 days prior to any sexual shoot.”

Contrary to stereotypes of on-set environments, Lee asserted that performers educate each other about health risks and help one another to make the best informed choices.

“There is absolutely a culture of information sharing, especially among female performers,” Lee said. “I think this is true of most kinds of sex work. We all started out alone, without that knowledge. As soon as we get it, we want our co-workers to have it too. There’s a feeling that no one else cares. We’re the only ones who really care about each other.

“Condom mandates are going to stop this information sharing from happening. This is already happening in LA.”

Lee cautioned those who may believe condom mandate bills are protecting sex workers from exploitation and infection. She pointed out: “When people are thinking about that 18-year-old new sex worker who doesn’t have ties to co-workers who can share information with her, when we’re thinking about how we can protect her... That person is actually the one made most vulnerable by these kinds of laws. It’s not those of us who already have the knowledge and are used to working with the safety protections that we have in place now. I go onto a set and I know what I can demand.”

Many people speaking on behalf of the adult industry have stated they already have their own health, safety, and personal body autonomy under control.

Jiz Lee, another a San Francisco-based porn performer (who prefers gender-neutral pronouns), became a star in the queer porn genre and has worked for mainstream adult companies as well. The performer made over 200 adult videos. For the past year, the performer has also been employed full-time as the Online Marketing Director for Pink and White Productions.

Pink and White is an industry leader when it comes to safer sex practices. The company’s sets are equipped with drawers full of organic lubricants, all sizes of condoms, non-latex condoms, nitrile gloves, and fruity dental dams, and they offer resources for performers to be tested for STIs every 14 days.

“For my own performances,” Jiz Lee said, “I like to look at the scene in terms of risk assessment. I like to show safer sex through use of barriers—to make it visible.”

Even a sex educator, like Jiz Lee, believes AB1576 will do the sex industry more harm than good.

“The AIDS Healthcare Foundation claims the bill is to protect porn performers from HIV, yet no performers have contracted HIV on set since 2004. It reads like a moral crusade,” Jiz Lee said. “They’re not looking out for performers’ best interest. And to create a vague law that could incriminate every employee in a porn company sounds more like an anti-porn agenda."

Two performers, Cameron Bay and her boyfriend who is also an adult film actor, said they contracted HIV on set in August 2013, but tracing their contraction proved difficult. The industry shut down until all other performers tested negative, which is Jiz Lee's reasoning behind the 10-year no-contraction period. 

If this bill is really about fighting AIDS and HIV, then it seems the gay male porn industry would have something to say about it.

Conner Habib has been working as a gay male porn performer for seven years. Habib works only with condoms and said that in the two hundred scenes he’s shot, he has never experienced a condom breaking.

“This bill is not really protecting anybody in any substantial way,” Conner said, “but it is violating human rights.

“Lots of men who are in the gay adult industry are extremely well informed about HIV. A lot of gay studio heads are more informed, having lived through and understood HIV in a much deeper way than most cis [cisgender], straight people. A lot of us are fine having protected sex with someone who is HIV positive. It’s a reality of our sex lives that we might be doing that anyway.”

All three performers had plenty of ideas for alternatives to this bill, mostly involving comprehensive education and access to safer sex resources.

Jiz Lee suggested, “Imagine the way cigarettes are sold, or alcohol. They’re controlled substances. They have a warning label. There’s already a law that you have to show a 2257 disclaimer that performers are over the age of 18. The same kind of title card could be used in porn before every film. There could basically be a condom ad. ‘Get out there and get tested. Know your status.’ That would be a great way to get that in people’s minds. Associating, ‘I’m about to watch something that’s going to turn me on and get me off’ with safety.”

Jiz Lee added, “I wish the money backing this campaign could have been funneled into schools, youth centers, and organizations who are working with people who are actually at risk for HIV.”

AB1576 will not stop the industry from producing condom-free sex scenes. The bill allows producers to Photoshop condoms out frame by frame. Companies are already doing this, despite prohibitive costs, due to a demand for scenes that reflect fantasy sex. As with any regulation, this risks pushing pornographers “underground,” producing content without a license or regulation. This would obviously lead to unsafe labor conditions and less performer autonomy; in other words, the bill would be counterproductive.

Another possibility, which is being publicly considered by many producers including’s CEO Peter Acworth, would be a move to Nevada. California could lose a multibillion-dollar film industry, and the lives of those involved in that industry would be in complete upheaval.

Jiz Lee confirmed the same stance for Pink and White: “In consideration for the safety and legal protection of our employees, we would consider doing production out of state.”

If AB1576 passes the Senate, how will this change the porn that we jerk off to?

Habib’s prospects were dour. “I think it would open the industry up to more homophobia, less education about sexual health and HIV, less concern as to whether people had gay-friendly or sex-positive attitudes. It requires zero education,” he said. “That’s the purpose of a Nanny State: ‘We’ll take care of everything.’ This much regulation actually decreases understanding about sexual health and what choices are available.”

On May 30, the Los Angeles Department of Health issued a statement saying that they had drawn no conclusive link between HIV and adult-film production in 2013.


05 Jun 10:24

Female-named hurricanes deadlier than male, because they don’t get enough respect

by Robyn Pennacchia
Female-named hurricanes deadlier than male, because they don’t get enough respect

In case you needed further proof that sexism is stupid, a new study reveals that hurricanes given female names end up killing more people than storms given male names, because people don’t even take storms with female names seriously enough.

Via Washington Post:

Storms with female names have historically been significantly more deadly because people neither consider them as risky nor take the same precautions, the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concludes.
Researchers at the University of Illinois and Arizona State University examined six decades of hurricane death rates according to gender, spanning 1950 and 2012. Of the 47 most damaging hurricanes, the male-named hurricane produced an average of 23 deaths compared to 45 deaths for female-named hurricanes, or almost double the number of fatalities. (The study excluded Katrina and Audrey, outlier storms that would skew the model).
The difference in death rates between genders was even more pronounced when comparing strongly masculine names versus strongly female ones.
“[Our] model suggests that changing a severe hurricane’s name from Charley … to Eloise … could nearly triple its death toll,” the study says.
Sharon Shavitt, study co-author and professor of marketing at the University of Illinois, says the results imply an “implicit sexism”; that is, we make decisions about storms based on the gender of their name without even recognizing it.
“When under the radar, that’s when it [the sexism] has the potential to influence our judgments,” Shavitt said.

“Oh, whatever. That’s just a lady storm! What’s a lady storm going to do to me? NAG ME TO DEATH??? Haha!” says you, right before you get blown off the front porch to your untimely demise. The study also set up 6 different experiments, asking 100-346 people in each group a series of questions about hurricanes, and found that people were significantly less likely to seek shelter if the storm had a female name than a male one, and predicted male-named storms to be more dangerous than female-named storms.

The researchers suggest that the meteorological society should re-consider their storm-naming practices due to the implicit gender bias that some people have that puts them at risk. However, the National Hurricane Center–which declined to comment specifically on the study, suggests that maybe people be less dumb and pay more attention to the hurricane itself rather than what gender its name is.

You know, I’m just going to say it–if you die in a hurricane because you thought it was going to be a “gentle lady hurricane,” our gene pool can probably stand to lose you. That might literally be the definition of “too dumb to live/come in out of the rain.”

05 Jun 00:58

Pacucho, el rey de la paella

El murense Francisco Rodríguez se convirtió hace años en el chef de muchas de las comidas campestres chairegas. Elabora gratis paellas gigantes, que llegan a las 800 raciones, y ya son el menú estrella de citas vecinales y reuniones de cazadores.
04 Jun 22:36

A Little off the sides

by bender
04 Jun 22:26

I will lick your asshole

by Swollen Goods
04 Jun 16:20


by Chris


04 Jun 16:19

urban myths

by kris


with this method, you’ll always know where the nearby spiders are: on your body

04 Jun 16:17

En presencia de Profesionales

by Sark
Once años ha tardado Neil GayMan en regresar a España. No es que venga por el Décimo aniversario de ADLO!, pero casi, y si tenemos en cuenta que la última vez se pilló tal mosqueo con Norma que decidió dejar de publicar con ellos el asunto había que aprovecharlo.

La clave nos la dió Sahiher en Nuestra Ya Clásica ML, Neil iba a participar en una Entrevista Digital de El País, así que teníamos la ocasión perfecta para preguntarle por sus colaboraciones con ROB!. Lo que significó entrar de inmediato en un juego contra otros profesionales: Los del periódico.

El primer escollo fue, sin duda, el filtro de preguntas. Por algún extraño motivo -¡un saludo a los lurkers!- no aparecían entre las escogidas ninguna que incluyera el nombre de Liefeld en ellas.  Ni que le hubiéramos preguntado por su pertenencia a la cienciología. Así pues, mientras iban saliendo otras preguntas, en ADLO! nos dedicábamos a maquinar. 

Que tampoco es que tuviéramos que maquinar mucho teniendo en cuenta que nos lo estaban dando hecho todo, entre las preguntas obligatorias y las respuestas traducidas a la retortera


o el propio GayMan siendo gracioso 

pasando por su legendario conocimiento de los clásicos españoles 

¿Qué pasa? ¿Me váis a decir ahora que El Quijote sí estaba ambientado en la Realidad Cotidiana? ¿Que El manuscrito de Zaragoza -SIC- no cuenta como literatura en castellano porque la escribió un polaco en francés? ¡Daño es lo que queréis hacer! 

No es de extrañar que al final las respuestas que le salen son las que son: 


Llegado el momento sospechamos que algún ADLátere se hubiera chivado a GayMan de nuestros propósitos 

Pero esto es ADLO! y aquí somos capaces de cosas que  se la va metiendo a poquitos, bien sea mediante Hulka preguntando por lo suyo
-que, oye, un arte este Neil tirando balones fueras- 

o colándoles preguntas inspiradas por la GENIALIDAD!  para que hable de una posible película de su obra emblemática

hasta llegar, por supuesto, a lograr que hable de su personaje femenino por excelencia 
con todo esto podríamos darnos por contentos... pero, como decía, nos enfrentamos a profesionales.

Por muy buenos que seamos en ADLO! ellos lo son más. De modo que da igual la GENIALIDAD! que logres canalizar -ROB! mediante- porque ellos SIEMPRE te superarán.



Y, además, son persistentes. Vamos, que si han dicho dicho algo lo mantienen.

El tiempo que haga falta.




A estas horas sigue sin cambiar el texto, podéis echarle un ojo aquí ]
04 Jun 16:02

3 reis galegos que terían dado grazas de poder abdicar (pero que acabaron como o rosario da aurora)

by Raquel C. Pico

Isto é un deses artigos que sacan todos os medios para aproveitar o tirón da noticia do día. Esa clase de artigos que fan que, por exemplo, un medio económico super serio aproveite a semana dos Oscar para analizar o impacto económico que os premios teñen nas películas ou que intente posicionarse en Google con ‘alfombra vermella vestidos’ falando de como as actrices conseguen afundir ou levantar unha marca de moda. Así que hoxe nós tiñamos claro unha cousa: tiñamos que escribir sobre a abdicación do rei Juan Carlos. Pero que? Como? Que facer para conseguir facernos con tráfico polo tema do día?

Despois de moito pensar, velaquí está a resposta. Un profundo repaso a todo o aprendido en anos de Coñecemento do Medio e un agradecemento a Galicia sueva, de Camilo Torres, permiten facer esta lista dos reis que tiveron un final moito máis chungo que a abdicación na historia de Galicia. Se vos impresiona que só 3 reis de Galicia acabaran como o rosario da aurora pensade que tampouco é que houbera moitos máis na historia de Galicia.

Requiario, rei suevo- Requiario. Os reis suevos son os máis molóns porque teñen unha historia así rollo salvaxe, levábanse non moi ben cos nativos e posiblemente non se bañaban (eu teño o plan vital – un de tantos que teño – de escribir un mega best seller que será como Xogo de Tronos pero con reis suevos e retirarme coas ganancias). Requiario foi o terceiro rei suevo e o anterior a unha época de escuridade e misterio da que non sabemos moito. Requiario estivo a guerrear pola Península adiante e, claro, acabou como o rosario da aurora. O rei visigodo Teodorico II (que era o seu cuñado!!) conseguiu penetrar no reino suevo, tomar a capital (Braga) e chegar a Porto. Alí estaba Requiario que intentara fuxir por mar pero que non puido zarpar por culpa dunha borrasca. Adiviñades que pasou? Foi degolado. Claro que era alá polo 456 e os costumes eran outros.

- Eborico. Outro rei suevo de tráxica historia. Era o fillo e herdeiro de Mirón (o rei suevo máis popular) e sucedeuno cando este morreu (e xa veredes que é unha morte medieval moi digna de best seller) por beber augas “infectas” no sur de España, durante unha campaña militar. O pobre Eborico era demasiado novo cando chegou ao poder e decidiu seguir coa política do seu pai (rollo: sexamos amigos dos veciños visigodos para que non nos fagan mal), o que non gustou a todo o mundo. Un nobre suevo, Andeca, que estaba prometido coa irmá de Eborico deu un golpe mestre de política de best seller medieval: depuxo ao pobre rei, pasou da prometida e casou coa nai, viúva do rei anterior (e máis popular). O pobre Eborico tivo que marchar para un mosteiro, alá polo século VI. Andeca acabará logo en prisión e o reino suevo desaparecerá para sempre.

Garcia de Galicia- García de Galicia. O pobre home super tráxico que serviu para que lle fixeran libros, traxedias e cousas así (imaxinade o filón que era no Romanticismo e similares!, o certo é que visto así tampouco lle dedicaron tanto material), breve conto en verso de Victor Hugo incluído.

Non reinou máis de seis anos, alá polo século XI. Herdou a coroa do seu pai, Fernando I, que repartiu Castela, León e Galicia entre os tres fillos. Galicia tocoulle ao pequeno. Pero os seus irmáns non estaban moi conformes co reparto da torta e acabaron guerreando con el. García acabou preso por un dos irmáns (previo paso polo exilio en terras máis soleadas) e morreu en prisión dunhas febres.

Imaxes Wikipedia

04 Jun 15:58

La chimenea de Endesa, de las más altas del mundo y, en su día, de las más contaminantes, de aniversario

by Germán Castro
Foto José Mauriz
Se cumplen 40 años de la terminación de las obras de la chimenea de Endesa en As Pontes de García Rodríguez. En un pie de foto del siempre por mi añorado Ferrol Diario, del 5 de junio de 1974, se leía: "La estilizada silueta de la chimenea de la Central Térmica de As Pontes se levanta contra el cielo como una lanza amenazante. Ya ha finalizado la construcción de esta obra gigantesca que con sus 356 metros de altura rivaliza con los edificios más elevados del mundo". Lo de "lanza amenazante" no sabría interpretar si como metáfora o como presagio de capítulos negativos que en el futuro se escribirían. Porque esta chimenea, símbolo de empleo, más que de riqueza  ya que esta se esfumaba, nunca mejor dicho, en su mayor parte hacia otros lares, guarda en su pasado el triste récord de haber vomitado nubes de humos contaminantes hasta ser considerada la Térmica como una de las que mayores niveles de emisiones de CO2 alcanzó en el marco de las naciones europeas. Otro episodio, que yo recuerdo por haberlo cubierto informativamente (lo recuerdo en "Acotaciones" de 17 de julio de 2013), tiene que ver con el movimiento obrero y las reivindicaciones laborales, ya que, al año siguiente de ser inaugurada, esto es en el 1975, dos sindicalistas la escalaban hasta la cima, manteniendo el foco de atención de la prensa de la época. A la "vuelta" esos dos dirigentes, José Luís Muruzábal y Miguel Ángel Domínguez Bolaños, fueron represaliados con una multa de 100.000 de las antiguas pesetas y al no poder pagarlas dieron con sus huesos en la cárcel. Uno de ellos, Muruzábal, luego estudiaría la carrera de abogado que ejerció en la vecina ciudad coruñesa en donde fallecía a los 66 años, se cumplirá un año en julio. La gran chimenea de As Pontes continúa "afumando", pero menos y, paradojas de la vida, malo el día que deje de echar humo.
04 Jun 15:52

As serpes pasean por Vigo

A Policía capturou en menos de 24 horas a tres delas que estaban en vivendas e bares.
04 Jun 13:57

TARHEEL SLIM & LITTLE ANN - The Red Robin and Fire Years (1950’s)

by (RYP)
Slim was quite an eclectic soul during his 1950s tenure with Bobby Robinson's Red Robin and Fire imprints (as this set conclusively shows). New York blues, pop/R&B duets with Little Ann, even blistering rockabilly-tinged outings ("Number 9 Train," and "Wildcat Tamer") were all well within the versatile guitarist's stylistic scope. (Bill Dahl, Allmusic)Singer-guitarist Tarheel Slim and his partner Little Annie were cut from much the same mould as Ike and Tina Turner -- a blazing guitarist and powerful singer, Tarheel Slim was clearly the driving force behind the duo, while Little Ann often rose to the fore in their duets with her piercing, slightly eerie voice. Slim's voice is remarkable as well, and after a while you may wish they'd recorded more solo tunes -- although they both sound great, their duets don't always mesh as well as you'd want. The best tracks on this collection are electrifying, although there is a great deal of variability from track to track. For one thing, they seem to have chased several popular styles -- there's an "Unchained Melody" soundalike, a few Dinah Washington-style ballads - and these attempts to fit the sound a la mode don't always work as well as the spine-tingling blues that was really the pair's forte. But that blues stuff is pretty awesome: if you like sizzling old-school electric blues, you'll want to check this one out! (DJ Joe Sixpack, Slipcue Music Guide)trax:
01 Wildcat Tamer 02 Number Nine Train 03 Lock Me In Your Heart 04 Can't Stay Away 05 Send Me The Pillow You Dream On 06 It's A Sin 07 You're Gonna Reap 08 Bless You, My Darling 09 It's Too Late 10 Much Too Late 11 Anything For You 12 My Kinda Woman 13 Too Much Competition 14 Don't Ever Leave Me 15 Can't Stay Away From You 16 I Love You Because 17 Forever I'll Be Yours
...served by Gyro1966...
04 Jun 13:57

The Detroit Cobras "Life, Love and Leaving" 2001

by (RYP)
If you are dying for Garage, Soul and Pop. this is it. Hot and energic that finally reached Sweden. Great. - By Per Dahlkvist (SWEDEN)Admittedly, the Detroit Cobras are simply a cover band. But with their release Life, Love and Leaving on the Long Beach label Sympathy for the Record Industry (the label responsible for the White Stripes' incredible international success), they've been given a bit of credence and an opportunity to showcase their amazing homegrown chops. These 14 songs, all Motown, soul, and good ole rock & roll standards, are the perfect material to bring this Detroit garage rock combo to life. Guitarists Dante Aliano and Maribel Restrepo set the frets afire with seething twangs and fuzz-box chord progressions. And singer Rachael Nagy attacks each song with aplomb, like Janis Joplin crossed with Mary Wells -- a hearty bar band crooner with showstopping resplendence. In fact, Nagy's most impressive track on the record is a cover of Wells' "Bye Bye Baby." Other standouts include her stunningly sincere renditions of Jackie Deshanon's "He Did It" and Otis Redding's "Shout Bama Lama." Like labelmates the White Stripes, the Cobras' sound is stripped down to '60s proportions so that the production takes a back-seat to heart-rending voices and screaming guitars. In this regard, Detroit mainstay Al Sutton triumphs, producing a minimal gem of an album. Life, Love and Leaving is clearly one of the best records of the Detroit garage rock scene. Though the Cobras may never really get their due in the shadow of so many more flashy, press-friendly Motown rockers, they have the much-coveted gift of musicality that sets them apart from most of their noisy neighbors. - Review by Ken Taylor

Bass, Organ, Piano – Eddie Hawrsh / Drums – Damian Lang / Guitar – Dante Aliano, Maribel Restrepo / Harmonica – James Wailin / Slide Guitar – Jeff Grand / Vocals – Rachael Nagy

01 Hey Sailor 02 He Did It 03 Find Me a Home 04 Oh My Lover 05 Cry On 06 Stupidity 07 Bye Bye Baby 08 Boss Lady 09 Laughing at You 10 Can't Miss Nothing 11 Right Around the Corner 12 Won't You Dance With Me 13 Let's Forget About the Past 14 Shout Bamalama
03 Jun 21:43

Currás: «Seguiremos al frente de este barco porque hay que asegurar la gobernabilidad»

by La Voz
03 Jun 21:42

Pregúntanlle á Xunta polos seus contratos con Véndex e contesta cos do bipartito

by David Lombao

O Goberno galego atribúelle á Agadic, fundada en 2008, dous gastos menores con Sermasa datados en 2005. A resposta está incluída no expediente dunha pregunta do PSdeG sobre fondos europeos.

03 Jun 21:41

Ediles imputados, condenados o dimitidos en el Ayuntamiento de Santiago

03 Jun 21:41

Só uns segundos para unha sentenza sen precedente​s

by eunonman



            Luns 2 de xuño. O mesmo día que o Rei abdica, coñécese a condena do xulgado do penal de Santiago contra os sete concelleiros do goberno municipal do PP xulgados por prevaricación: nove anos de inhabilitación para exercer cargos públicos.


             Os medios de comunicación – aínda dándolle a lóxica prioridade á abdicación do Rei – destacan especialmente a noticia da sentenza contra máis da metade dos membros do goberno local do PP en Compostela e, horas despois, o anuncio da dimisión dos mesmos:


             Os informativos da TVG recollen con profusión a gran noticia, a abdicacion do Rei. A segunda nova destacada do día é a condena dos sete concelleiros do PP de Santiago, e nos telexornais parece que tamén… pero non. Ten trampa.


              Ao mediodía a nova cóntase nunhas colas, un formato que non soe pasar de 30″ que le a propia presentadora. Despois veñen as reaccións: O alcalde, do PP; o vicepresidente da Xunta, do PP, e os grupos parlamentarios… incluido o PP !!!:


             Pola tarde os edís anuncian a dimisión e… outra vez colas coa declaración dunha das condenadas (María Pardo) lendo un comunicado. É dicir, o Telexornal serán informa da condena cun formato que non permite explicar os argumentos dunha sentenza demoledora, nin contar como se chega ao anuncio de dimision de sete edís – SETE -, concelleiros do grupo de goberno santiagués.


                     Non se da nada sobre o futuro da corporación, nin un video explicativo sobre as opcións que teñen o PP e o alcalde… A sentenza non ten precedentes na recente historia democrática do municipalismo de Galicia, pero os telexornais da TVG cren que è suficiente cun texto duns poucos segundos lido pola presentadora.


                      Se non hai intención de minimizar a condena… parécese moito.

Arquivado en:Mais manipulación, Versións interesadas Tagged: cargos públicos, dimisión dos edís, goberno municipal, inhabilitación, nove anos, PP Santiago, sentenza, sete concelleiros, Xulgado do penal de Santiago
03 Jun 21:02

La novia de Frankenstein (2014)

03 Jun 19:54

pussyrights: every time i see this i think to myself that the...


every time i see this i think to myself that the best cosplay in history was made unintentionally

03 Jun 19:43

The Detroit Cobras "Mink Rat or Rabbit" 1998

by (RYP)
The Detroit Cobras are an American garage rock cover band from Detroit, Michigan, formed in 1994. Their material is non-original and consists of material chosen from their personal record collections that they rearrange and perform.The Detroit Cobras manage a pretty rare feat with their debut LP by transcending classic R&B material by sticking not to the original sound or slavishly recreating arrangements and stylistic trappings of the genre, but by finding the essence of the rough-and-tumble spirit of the original streetwise tunes the Cobras tackle on Mink Rat. That they've chosen as their material obscure R&B nuggets from such legendary labels as Fortune Records and tunes from the glory days of regional hits and AM radio (with the left-field cover of the Oblivians' "Bad Man" here titled "Bad Girl") only aids and abets their efforts to make this material uniquely their own. Led by rhythm guitarist Steve Shaw, the Cobras are so tight, instrumentally, that they're loose. The sound, in modern terms, is dirty garage rock, but emboldened by a sense of rhythm that eludes most trash rock and punk-leaning outfits. But, really, what the Detroit Cobras peddle is rock & roll, just as raw and funky as it was originally intended. Shaw may lead the instrumental charge, but it's vocalist Rachel Nagy that steals the show. With a limber, husky voice that recalls Peggy Lee gone to seed and chain-smoking while standing on a Detroit street corner, Nagy is soulful without resorting to histrionics. Instead, she infuses her treatment of the material with an alluring bad-girl bravado and a feral sultriness. Always one step away from falling apart, the Detroit Cobras manage to hang together long enough to keep the house party vibe rolling from track to track. A fitting tribute to the spirit of rock& roll and a reason to go dig through the crates to hear the originals. - Review by Chris HandysideCredits:
Bass – Jeff Meier / Drums, Vocals – Damian Lang / Guitar, Vocals – Maribel Restrepo, Steve Shaw (2) / Vocals – Rachel Nagy

01 Cha Cha Twist 02 I'll Keep Holding On 03 Putty (In Your Hands) 04 Easier To Cry 05 Bad Girl 06 Slummer (The Slum) 07 Midnight Blues 08 You Knows What To Do 09 Can't Do Without You 10 Hittin' On Nothing 11 Out Of This World 12 Chumbawa 13 Breakaway
03 Jun 16:32

How to Suck Cock

by Erika Moen

The Book
Our Kickstarter is just about half-way over, with 16 days left to go!

Book Cover
We just posted a preview of what the interior of the book will look like— all the lovely layout work that our book designer, Allyson Haller, has invested so far into making this its own beautiful object.

Wanna reserve your copy of the gorgeous Oh Joy, Sex Toy book? Man, get on it!

03 Jun 11:12

crossroads, is dat you?

by chocolateface

03 Jun 11:12


by trollilol
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