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30 Jun 14:33

A Lyre Made Out Of A Human Skull

by Zeon Santos

The lyre is a distant relative of the modern day guitar, yet it’s not really considered the type of instrument a heavy metal band would want to play onstage, but maybe this morbid instrument will change their mind.

This is a lyre made from a human skull, as well as antelope horns, guts, skin and hair, and it’s probably the most metal instrument I’ve ever seen!

It dates back to the 19th century, and is currently part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection, at least until some extremely wealthy rock god snatches it up for their own wicked purposes...

-Via io9

30 Jun 14:17

Ocean Creatures

by Chris

Ocean Creatures

Disclaimer: may not be scientifically accurate.

29 Jun 19:34

Pleathora of penises

by tiki god

Pleathora of penises 700x994 Pleathora of penises

Pleathora of penises originally appeared on MyConfinedSpace NSFW on June 28, 2014.

29 Jun 19:32


by (Sr. Ausente)

Visto en este tuit.
29 Jun 19:18


by Head Gardener



29 Jun 19:17

You're next,,,,

by dw
29 Jun 19:15


by half_past_seven
29 Jun 18:59

Learning languages with Muzzy, the clock-eating fuzzy alien

by filthy light thief
"Je Suis La Jeune Fille." "Yes, that's French they're speaking. But no, these children aren't French – they're American!" If you grew up in the late 1980s and early 1990s, or watched children's TV programming from that era in the US or UK, no doubt you saw that commercial for Muzzy (formally titled Muzzy in Gondoland). The show was first produced by the BBC in 1986 to teach English as a second language, as seen in this playlist of five videos, and later expanded with Muzzy Comes Back in 1989 (six episode playlist). The shows were both translated in to French, German (playlist), Spanish (and the Spanish vocabulary builder), and Italian (Muzzy in Gondoland, Muzzy Comes Back).
29 Jun 18:58

Terrible Taxidermy, Now With Appropriate Slogans!

by Zeon Santos

Taxidermy is hotly contested in some circles, personally I’m an animal lover who also grew up admiring taxidermy works, but when the poor stuffed critter ends up looking like something that escaped from the island of Dr. Moreau it makes me want to reconsider my thoughts about taxidermy:

People will say “well, you gotta start somewhere”, but in the case of these horrifyingly bad taxidermy pieces maybe the amateur taxidermists should have started by making something out of fabric, rather than destroying an animal hide:

Now, with the help of some meme style lettering and a snappy slogan these terrible taxidermy monstrosities will live on forever as examples of what not to do when you're trying your hand at taxidermy!

-Via The Soup

29 Jun 18:57

The shots heard round the world.

by doctornemo
One hundred years ago today, an age came to an end and a terrible war was spawned. On June 28, 1914, 20-year-old Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Duchess of Hohenberg Sophie, in the city of Sarajevo. This triggered a diplomatic crisis which metastasized into the first World War.
29 Jun 18:11

Things the Public Often Pictures Incorrectly

by Lisa Marcus

Cracked asked readers to present them with items or concepts that many people perceive incorrectly, due to media or public misrepresentations. Chosen submissions were made into comparison graphics. Check these out and see if you agree with the readers' ideas. Read the full article to see all 20 common misconceptions here. Images:

29 Jun 18:11

Mexicalia: Mexican Narco Music Is the Soundtrack to the War on Drugs - Part 1

by VICE Staff

Mexico's narcocorrido music genre and subculture openly celebrates the most extreme aspects of the country's drug war. The songs are filled with catchy, detailed narrations of beheadings, executions, coked-out nights, and a strangely consistent obsession with Buchanan's whiskey.

With lyrics like "We're bloddy and a little twisted / We love killing / Mass kidnappings are the way they should be done / All my crew with gold-plated AKs / Shooting up their bodies until they fall to pieces / A sharpened knife on hand for beheadings," the movimiento alterado—literally the "altered movement"—is more of a "we're-fucking-crazy-and-we-will-cut-you-up" movement.

The music scene originated in the old cartel citadel of Mexico's western Sinaloa state, and it's an open secret that most of the artists identified with the genre are tied to the local cartel.

VICE went to Mexico to talk to some of the genre's major producers and see whether they're as hard as their songs suggest.

29 Jun 18:10

The Preacher

by magstheaxe
Bobby Womack--one of the last surviving soul greats from the Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding generation--has died. Nicknamed "The Preacher" for his authoritative, church-trained voice and the way he introduced songs with long discourses on life, Womack never had the success of contemporaries like Marvin Gaye, Al Green or Otis Redding. For a good part of his career, he was better known as a songwriter and session musician.

But to the popular musicians of the day, Womack was indispensible. He recorded with, or wrote songs covered by, everyone from the Rolling Stones to Wilson Pickett to Sly Stone (Womack produced There's A Riot Goin' On) to the J. Geils Band.

Eventually, Womack's albums Communication (1971) and Understanding (1972) delivered enduring R&B hits, and in 1972 he provided the soundtrack for Barry Shear's blaxploitation movie Across 110th Street: the title track would prove to be his most popular single.

Bobby Womack was seventy.

The Womack Brothers - Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray

The Valentinos - It's All Over Now

If You Think You're Lonely Now

That's The Way I Feel About 'Cha

Woman's Gotta Have It

Across 110th Street (with Soul Train interview)

A rather comprehensive YouTube playlist

The Bravest Man in the Universe

The making of his latest album, The Bravest Man in the Universe

His induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and his performance at the ceremony.
29 Jun 18:09

Chimpanzees Develop a Fashion Trend

by Miss Cellania

For the first time, a troop of chimpanzees have been observed participating in a fad, a meme, or actually a fashion statement. The trend is to wear a blade of grass sticking out of one ear. It’s become a tradition among chimps of one troop in Zambia. This behavior was written up by Edwin van Leeuwen of the Max Planck Institute in the Netherlands. It started when a chimp named Julie put grass in one ear. Seven of the 11 chimps in her troop were soon wearing grass in one ear, and continued even after Julie’s death. There is no known advantage to grass in the ear, especially in just one ear.

To figure out if this was really a tradition, and not just chimpanzees sticking grass in their ears at random, van Leeuwen and his colleagues spent a year observing four chimp groups in Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage Trust, a sanctuary in Zambia. Only one troop performed the grass-in-ear behavior, although all of the chimps lived in the same grassy territory. There’s no genetic or ecological factors, the scientists believe, that would account for this behavior -- only culture.

Lydia Luncz, a primatologist at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, who was not involved with the research, agrees. This study shows how the chimpanzees who learned to put grass in their ears did so through the “natural transmission” of new behavior, she says.

This is how you do science, folks -a year of watching chimps to see if they stick grass in their ear. Let’s hope they were observing other behaviors as well. Van Leeuwen compares this grass-in-ear fad with human groups that wear earrings or a certain kind of hat. -via reddit

(Image credit: Leeuwen, et. al.)

29 Jun 18:07

Nos encanta la comida que cruje

by Sergio Parra

640px-kartoffelchips-1.jpgNunca entendí la costumbre norteamericana de comer galletas blandas, sin ese típico “crac” que antecede a la liberación de fragmentos de galletas de todos los tamaños por la boca. En todo caso, constituye una excepción gastronómica, porque a la mayoría de nosotros nos chifla la comida que cruje, que hace crac.

Lo crujiente resulta seductor para nuestro paladar porque denota frescura (como el de una zanahoria), y lo rancio, lo que está podrido o pasado, puede ponernos enfermos. Hemos evolucionado para decantarnos por las comidas duras y crujientes. Hasta cierto punto, comemos con nuestros oídos, por eso, por ejemplo, los fabricantes de chips cuidan tanto el ruido de sus patatas al quebrarse bajo nuestra mandíbula.

Según Van Vliet, un experto en el tema, a los seres humanos les gustan los alimentos que, al crujir, alcanzan alrededor de 90 o 100 decibelios. Si la gente come patatas pero se enmascara el ruido de la masticación en las frecuencias más altas, entonces ya no se percibe frescura, y se considera que las patatas están rancias.

Tal y como explica Mary Roach en su libro Glup:

La dureza y lo crujiente, en resumen, nos dice que la comida es “saludable”. Los imperios de comida de aperitivos han sabido sacar partido de este hecho, produciendo alimentos frescos y crujientes que nos resultan atractivos pero no son tan beneficiosos en términos de salud y supervivencia (…) Es una maravilla: una física sofisticada al servicio de la comida basura.

Foto | Kartoffelchips-1

La noticia Nos encanta la comida que cruje fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

29 Jun 18:06

"Everybody gets it. This is a singular voice."

by MartinWisse
The Nebula, Arthur C. Clarke and Hugo awards are the Triple Crown of science-fiction writing. If Ancillary Justice claims the Hugo, it will become the first novel to win all three. After years toiling in obscurity, Leckie's given up trying to wrap her mind around how quickly she and her gun-slinging, galaxy-traversing heroine, Breq, have climbed to critical and popular adoration.

Leckie's success — and the fact that it was achieved with a novel that not only has a strong female protagonist, but also refers to all of its characters, male or female, as "she" — comes at an interesting time. Barely a year ago the science-fiction community was tearing itself apart over sexism allegations. Seemingly in response, the 2013 Nebula Awards marked the first time in its nearly 50-year history that all of the winners were women.
The St Louis Riverfront Times takes a look at the success of local author Ann Leckie and what it means for science fiction as a whole. (print edition.)
29 Jun 18:05

We all really are just rats in the Facebook maze

by COD
Facebook scientists, having apparently become bored with optimizing advertising algorithms, are now running social science experiments on the users. Link to the actual paper. I assume they are already selling this to the advertisers as a way to alter "brand perceptions."
29 Jun 18:03

Come on Yolanda what's Fonzie like?

by growabrain
"Old school cool" are recent history's coolest kids, from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between.
For example this stylish, handsome 1940's swagger, which was found on this maternal family album.
All are taken from r/OldSchoolCool.
See all images on one page @ imgur.
And of course, an original source of The Cool Hall of Fame at If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger

29 Jun 17:55

The Hairpin on YouTube Beauty Vloggers

by danabanana
My Imaginary Friends: The Beauty YouTuber Economy

The descriptions are so exact that they are hypnotizing, but this minute attention is also countered by the hyperactive energy that is a prerequisite for beauty YouTube personalities. Hyperbole is the currency in these videos—beauty vloggers are obsessed with everything. "Kenra Platinum Finishing Spray is life-changing," Ingrid of the two million-subscriber channel MissGlamorazzi said recently, with a fervor no one who watches many product videos would bat an eye at. "There's something indescribable about this deodorant," London YouTuber essiebutton said in a favorites video. "It's an absolute joy to use." In a video about her favorite eyeshadow palettes, she said, "I genuinely feel like I could die if I don't get the Lorac Pro Palette."

But these women are not weird. They're not or nerdy or awkward. They're pretty, generic girls next door, wholesome basic bitches who are grossed out by feet and the word "moist." Many of them are covertly Christian, slipping Bible verses into the "About" sections of their channels. They're the quintessential Nice Girls Who Like Stuff, as a famous advertisement for Juicy Couture once put it. Their approachability is carefully engineered and purposeful; the chatty gal pal stock character is obviously a marketing ploy.
29 Jun 00:53

Muere el cantante, guitarrista y compositor de R&B, Bobby Womack

by Magic Pop
Bobby Womack
Robert Dwayne “Bobby” Womack nació en Cleveland, Ohio, el 4 de marzo de 1944 y falleció el  27 de junio de 2014 según anunciaba su representante. Con una trayectoria musical de cinco décadas, fue un grandioso compositor, músico y cantante de R&B que empezó  cantando góspel y doo wop, y que interpretó soul, funk, rock and roll, o country.  En su carrera se pueden enumerar gran cantidad de éxitos como los temas  "Across 110th Street", "Lookin' for Love" o "It's All Over Now". En 2009 fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll.

The Valentinos 
Nacido en el seno de una familia de músicos, su madre tocaba el órgano en la iglesia y su padre era pastor eclesiástico y guitarrista. Con sus hermanos empezó cantando y tocando la guitarra por las iglesias con el nombre de Womack Brothers. Solo tenía 10 años y ya grabó un tema llamado “Buffalo Bill” con el sello Pennant con su hermano Curtis Womack como solista. Después formarían The Valentinos.  Sam Cooke les oyó cantar y los  contrató para su sello SAR pero tras la muerte de Cooke, quedaron un tanto abandonados a su suerte.  Los otros hermanos son Cecil Womack (nacido en  1947 y fallecido en 2013); Curtis Womack (nacido en 1943); Friendly Womack, Jr. (nacido en 1941); y Harris Womack (nacido en 1954 y fallecido en 1974 por agresión de arma blanca durante una pelea con su novia).

Bobby Womack 
Entre los temas más conocidos de los Valentines está su "It's All Over Now" que versionaron los Rolling Stones pese a la  inicial desaprobación de Bobby; "Looking For a Love" que adaptó la J. Geils Band; "I Found a True Love", Wilson Pickett; "Everybody Wants to Fall in Love", Solomon Burke o "I Can Understand It", The New Birth, así como su "I'm Going To Forget About You".  En esa época también había tocado la guitarra con Sam Cooke.  Pocos meses después de su muerte, Bobby se casó en marzo de 1965 con Barbara Campbell, viuda de Cooke. Se divorciaron en 1976.

Tras separarse los Valentinos, Bobby empezó una carrera como músico de sesión.  Trabajó en los estudios de Chips Moman en Memphis y grabó con Joe Tex y los Box Tops. También tocó la guitarra con Aretha Franklin en trabajos como “Lady Soul” pero no en "Chain of Fools" como se cree erróneamente.  Su carrera como compositor también empezó a florecer después que Wilson Pickett quisiera grabar sus temas  "I'm a Midnight Mover"  y "I'm in Love". Como guitarrista de sesión también colaboró con Ray Charles o Dusty Springfield.

Bobby Womack 
En 1968 grabó con Minit Records su primer álbum en solitario “Fly Me to the Moon” donde figuraba su primer hit, una versión del "California Dreaming” de los Mamas & The Papas.  Al año siguiente, 1969, colaboró con Gábor Szabó con el que escribió el instrumental, "Breezin'", que sería un éxito con George Benson.  También trabajaría con Sly and the Family Stone en el disco “There's a Riot Goin' On” y con Janis Joplin en "Trust Me" del album Pearl. Tras dos discos más con Minit se pasa a United Artists.  Entre los años 1970 y 1990, Womack tuvo 36 éxitos con canciones como un remake de “Looking for a Love”, o "That's the Way I Feel About Cha", "Woman's Gotta Have It" o “If You Think You're Lonely Now”.

Bobby Womack 
Tuvo una vida repleta de desgracias como la muerte de dos de sus hijos que se complicó más con un consumo de droga.  A partir de 1985 su carrera fue diluyéndose hasta que volvería en 1990 precisamente con el disco “Resurrection”.  Tras colaborar con Todd Rundgren y un homenaje a George Gershwin, en 2009 grabó con Damon Albarn de los Blur el tema “Stylo” para su proyecto Gorillaz. En 2012, Womack sacaría su primer álbum en más de diez años con el título de "The Bravest Man in the Universe".
Womack había superado el cáncer y padecía síntomas de alzheimer.  Su muerte fue anunciada por su representante de la  discográfica XL Recordings, con la que preparaba un nuevo álbum, “The Best Is Yet to Come” en el que se había rumoreado que participaría Stevie Wonder, Rod Stewart y Snoop Dogg.  Su último concierto se celebró el pasado 19 de junio en Ámsterdam.

Documentos sonoros: 

"Lookin' for a Love"(1962) tema de los Valentinos con el que años después volvería a triunfar en solitario Bobby en un remake (1973).

"What is this" de 1966 con Keymen Records, su primer single en solitario.

El tema "Across 110th Street" que se incluyó en el BSO de la película "Jackie Brown" de Tarantino con una espectacular Pam Grier.

29 Jun 00:53

"Doctors, Professors, Kings & Queens" The Big Ol' Box Of New Orleans (2004)

by (RYP)
Man, does this set go down easy big easy! This gorgeous set features over 80 hits from New Orleans' most famous-and occasionally obscure-musical sons and daughters, 4 CDs of jazz, blues, Cajun, zydeco and funk all mixed together like a good 'n' spicy gumbo. An 84-page book takes you by the hand into the most notorious bars and restaurants as you listen to such Crescent City classics as Iko Iko Dr. John; Potato Head Blues Louis Armstrong; You Can Have My Husband Irma Thomas; I'm Walkin' Fats Domino; Let the Good Times Roll Shirley & Lee; Mother-in-Law Ernie K-Doe; Release Me Johnny Adams; Jambalaya Clifton Chenier; St. James Infirmary Preservation Hall Jazz Band; Hey Pocky A-Way Meters; Tell It Like It Is Aaron Neville; I Hear You Knocking Smiley Lewis; Lipstick Traces (on a Cigarette) Benny Spellman; Tipitina Professor Longhair, and more. (New Orleans Monthly)New Orleans is my home, and I love New Orleans music. New Orleans is, and always has been, a city that lives and breathes music. Doctors, Professors, Kings and Queens ("DPKQ") magnificently succeeds in capturing the wide spectrum of seemingly disparate sounds that comprise the New Orleans music phenomenon. No other compilation comes even close to seamlessly melding the common threads found in jazz, R&B, blues, gospel, Mardi Gras music, Cajun, zydeco, brass band music, Latin dance grooves, funk, and even klezmer music.
DPKQ shoots for an extremely high goal. It tells the grand story of the history of New Orleans music from the jazz of the 1920's through the brass band/hip hop fusion of the present day while paying tribute to every important stylistic genre in between. Although it is impossible to do more than scratch the surface of the endless bounties of the New Orleans sound in any 85 track, 5 1/4 hour box set, DPKQ thrillingly pulls it off and clearly sets the new standard for compilation projects.
In addition, the "liner notes", is actually an 84 page book chock full of detailed descriptions of the music and the history and idiosyncrasies of the city itself. There are over 70 photographs that will transport you to New Orleans if you don't live here, and will remind you of the unique beauty of your own backyard if you do.
As a life long New Orleanian, I am proud to give DPKQ the highest possible rating and to praise everyone involved in sharing the wonderful gift of New Orleans music with the world. (R&B Review)
The producers of The Big Ol' Box of New Orleans claim it to be the first box set to cover the full range of music from the Crescent City--from R&B to jazz, from zydeco to funk. Indeed, this handsome four-disc collection ranges through the decades and the neighborhoods of America's first city of music, which has both pluses and minuses. Yes, it's a joy to bask in the diversity of the New Orleans sound. From Louis Armstrong to the Meters, Little Richard to Pete Fountain, Doctors, Professors, Kings & Queens scrambles to include a little something from a whole lot of native sons and daughters among its 85 selections. Problems, however, do arise. At times the sequencing can be jarring, as when Troy Andrews's raucous take on "Ooh Poo Pah Doo" gives way to the modern blues-rock of Sonny Landreth's "South of I-10." The obscurities here are great fun, but, given the city's rich history, they skew too heavily toward more recent releases. Still, there's much to be enjoyed here, from the photo-packed 82-page booklet to the mix of classics and hidden treasures that populate the discs. Not definitive, perhaps, but definitely delightful. --Steven Stolder, Soul World

trax disc 1:
1. Welcome To New Orleans - Galactic Featuring Theryl deClouet 2. Drop Me Off In New Orleans - Kermit Ruffins 3. I'm Walkin' - Fats Domino 4. Iko Iko - Dr. John 5. Potato Head Blues - Louis Armstrong & His Hot Seven 6. My Darlin' New Orleans - Lil' Queenie & The Percolators 7. Para Donde Vas (Where Are You Going) - The Iguanas 8. Meet The Boyz On The Battlefront - Anders Osborne & "Big Chief" Monk Boudreaux 9. Ain't Got No Home - Clarence "Frogman" Henry 10. Feel Like Funkin' It Up - Rebirth Brass Band 11. Zydeco Gris-Gris - BeauSoleil 12. Mother-In-Law - Ernie K-Doe 13. That's Enough Of That Stuff - Marcia Ball 14. Confidential - The Radiators 15. Hey Pocky A-Way - The Meters 16. I Thought I Heard Buddy Bolden Say - Jelly Roll Morton & His New Orleans Jazzmen 17. Foot Of Canal Street - Paul Sanchez 18. Down In Honky Tonk Town - Vernet Bagneris & The Cast Of One Mo' Time 19. Rocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu - Huey (Piano) Smith & The Clowns 20. More Hipper - Jon Cleary & The Absolute Monster Gentlemen 21. Release Me - Johnny Adams 22. Preachin' Blues - Sidney Bechet & His New Orleans Feet Warmers 23. Jambalaya - Clifton Chenier
trax disc 2:
1. Dog Days - Leigh Harris 2. No City Like New Orleans - Earl King 3. Salée Dames, Bon Jour - Don Vappie & The Creole Jazz Serenaders 4. Marshall's Club - Balfa Toujours 5. You Can Have My Husband - Irma Thomas 6. Go Go - Galactic 7. Not Too Eggy - New Orleans Klezmer All Stars 8. St. James Infirmary - Preservation Hall Jazz Band 9. Going Back To New Orleans - Deacon John Moore 10. Hot Tamale Baby - Buckwheat Zydeco 11. Fear, Hate, Envy, Jealousy - The Neville Brothers 12. Poop Ain't Gotta Scuffle No More - James Andrews 13. Mardi Gras Mambo - The Hawketts 14. Ice Cream - George Lewis' Ragtime Band 15. No Doubt About It - J. Monque'D 16. Don't You Feel My Leg - Dirty Dozen Brass Band With Danny Barker & Eddie Bo 17. Dog Hill - Boozoo Chavis 18. Au Bord De Lac Bijou - Zachary Richard 19. Mardi Gras In New Orleans - Tuba Fats' Chosen Few Brass Band
trax disc 3:
1. Shrimp And Gumbo - Dave Bartholomew 2. St. Phillip Street Breakdown - Dr. Michael White 3. Going Back To Louisiana - Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown 4. Tell It Like It Is - Aaron Neville 5. The Saints - Coolbone 6. Canaille - Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie 7. Carnival Time - Al Johnson 8. La Negra Tomasa - Fredy Omar Con Su Banda 9. Let The Good Times Roll - Shirley & Lee 10. The Broken Windmill - Tom McDermott & Evan Christopher 11. Way Down - Champion Jack Dupree 12. Hallelujah - Raymond Myles 13. I Hear You Knocking - Smiley Lewis 14. La Crève De Faim (Starvation 2-Step) - Steve Riley And The Mamou Playboys 15. Main Street Blues - The Red Stick Ramblers 16. Sea Cruise - Frankie Ford 17. Tee-Nah-Nah - Henry Butler 18. Smoke That Fire - New Birth Brass Band 19. Give Him Cornbread - Beau Jocque & The Zydeco Hi-Rollers 20. I Like It Like That - Chris Kenner 21. Classified (Version Two) - James Booker 22. Southern Nights - Allen Toussaint
trax disc 4:
1. Tipitina - Professor Longhair 2. Party - The Wild Magnolias 3. Dr.Jazz - Ellis Marsalis 4. Ooh Poo Pah Doo - Troy Andrews 5. South Of I-10 - Sonny Landreth 6. Lipstick Traces (On A Cigarette) - Benny Spellman 7. The Right Key But The Wrong Keyhole - Charmaine Neville Band With Reggie Houston & Amasa Miller 8. Rip It Up - Little Richard 9. Royal Garden Blues - Kid Ory's Creole Jazz Band 10. Stoned, Drunk & Naked - Anders Osborne 11. Laissez Faire (Let It Be) - Bruce Daigrepont 12. Digga-Digga-Do - New Orleans Jazz Vipers 13. Tailspin - Walter "Wolfman" Washington 14. Lawdy Miss Clawdy - Lloyd Price 15. Havin' Fun In New Orleans - Eddie Bo 16. King Of The Mardi Gras - Tim Laughlin 17. Red Beans - Snooks Eaglin 18. S.U.V. - Mem Shannon & The Membership 19. 'Tits Yeux Noirs (Little Black Eyes) - The Savoy-Doucet Cajun Band 20. Lazy River - Pete Fountain & His Band 21. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans? - Louis Armstrong & His Dixieland Seven
...served by Gyro1966...
29 Jun 00:51

23 Questions And Answers With A Man Who Had A Relationship With His Mother

by Sophie Martin
As seen on Reddit. And yes, it’s verified.


IAMA Man who had a sexual relationship with his mother. Verified

When I was in my teens, I had a sexual relationship with my mother. I think that we would both characterize the experience as positive. Please fee free to ask anything but I will not discuss anything that would reveal my identity. Recently, my mom and I spoke with a researcher that is studying example of incest that were not traumatic. He is preparing a paper on the subject. I am not an advocate for incest. For whatever reason, it worked for us. Don’t use use my experience as a template. I am here to relate my experience, not debate incest as a subject.

Here are a few FAQs that people will probably ask:

It started when I was 14, my mom was 37

I have an older sister that was unaware and not involved.

My dad knew about it from the beginning and supported my mom’s decision.

It ended around college.

1. Stupid question: Any possibility you’re adopted?

Nope, biological.

2. How did the researcher find you, and what made you decide to be involved with his work?

Well, I was aware of some of his work so he was on my radar and then I saw a notice online that he was looking for people in my situation.

3. Were you ever attracted to your sister?

Yes, but not overly.

4. How did this begin?

Well, without giving away too info, I was injured in an accident at 14 and incapacitated. I went from masturbating 2 times a day to zero. After 2 weeks, I was frustrated and took it out on my parents. My mom and dad knew what was up and talked about my mom “helping” me masturbate. They approached me one afternoon and when my mom said, I know you are frustrated and why you are frustrated would you like some help masturbating. Blood was rushing in my ears and I said yes but I really didn’t know if she meant what I thought she meant. I was excited and confused. She said that she would take care of me when I went to bed. Hours away.

[The injury] was temporary. During that time, I was not sure if her masturbating me would continue one I recovered. It did continue and progressed. It started with her masturbating me. Progressed to her giving me oral and eventually we had sex/made love. It was a slow progression.

We had kissed when orgasming but it was weird and it rarely happened.

5. Did you cuddle afterwards, ever kiss passionately, or was it just straightforward sex?

There was no cuddling. There once was a passionate kiss that happened during but it was weird so we didn’t kiss after that. Pretty vanilla sex.

—Here, I’ll say it. “Guy fucking his mom says that kissing her is weird”

6. Was your dad ever present?

Over the years my dad had seen us together but he never watched per se.

7. Were you ever worried about babies and what not?

Well, my mom was on the pill and never got pregnant.

Read This

27 People Confess To The “Fattest Thing” They’ve Ever Done

These 27 people have committed an act of bravery you will never be able to replicate.

8. How was the first time you had sex with her. I mean, full on intercourse.

Well, The first time we had intercourse, I was lying in bed getting oral from her. In the middle of it, she stopped, climbed up my body, pulled her panties aside and sat on me. She was wearing a long Tshirt. She told me not to cum and she rode me for about a minute and came. She then finished me with her mouth. My head was spinning.

Sometimes it was discussed at the table but not with my dad around.

I would never tell anyone I know.

9. Was there a fear that your sister would find out?

There was at first but we were careful. She left for college pretty soon after it started so that made it a little easier.

10. Do you still continue this sexual relationship today?

No, it ended after I left for college. It just started to slow down and then eventually stopped. There wasn’t an event that ended it. I have talked to my mother and father about it over the years. The subject is not off limits. I don’t think that either of us wishes it to start up again.

11. Did your parents ever tell you not to tell anyone outside of the household? if so how?

They never had to tell me, I think that it was a mutual decision.

12. Did you ever talk dirty to each other?

No, no dirty talk. At the beginning, she could be clinical in her description of what she was doing and I would get turned on, but not dirty dirty. At orgasm, there could be the “Oh Shit” or “Oh Fuck”

13. Had you already lost your virginity, or was your mother your first?

I lost my hanjob/blowjob virginity to my mom. But intercourse was with a GF

14. While having sex or when you were about to cum, did you ever yell out, “I’m going to cum, Mom!” or something to that effect?

Yes, on occasion, I would say mom when I was coming because that is what I called her, Mom.

15. After the more clinical phase, who took more control in bed?

Well, it became equal when we started having intercourse.

For the most part, I would initiate but sometimes she would ask me. the code was “do you want to go upstairs?”

We probably only did 3 positions.

16. Did your mom dress sexy around the house?

No, she dressed like a normal mom. I never felt her up around the house.

17. How would most of these encounters happen? like explain a scenario?

At first it would happen when I was going to bed. Then it could be in the morning, after school or before bed. It all depended on the day. Sometimes 2 twice a day and sometime non at all.

18. If she got pregnant, would the child be your mother’s child or grandchild?

I am sure that if that happened then she would have got an abortion.

19. Did your parents know you’d lost your virginity to a gf? How exactly did you know that it amped up your parents’ sex life or that your father was turned on by the details? Can you describe the circumstances of the kiss a bit more? Why did it feel weird?

I did not tell my mother or father that I had lost my virginity. My mom stressed that if I had sex then I should wear a condom. They knew that I had a GF. It was after my mom and I had intercourse that I told her that I had had sex with my previous GF.

I had an idea that it amped up their sex life because I could tell that my parents would have sex after my mom serviced me. I couldn’t hear them but I could feel it through the floor and walls. I confirmed years later, talking to my mom, that it did increase their sex drive.

Well, it was later in the relationship, we were having sex, missionary. We were both in the moment and was lost in the pleasure. I locked lips like I would with my GF. It lasted through orgasm, maybe 30 seconds. We both said that it felt weird. Maybe because we kiss like normal mother and son in real life, this was a bit too intimate I guess. I really didn’t analyze it when I was 17. All I ever called that kiss, was weird. It wasn’t unpleasant just weird.

Read This

33 People On The Human Behavior That They Find Absolutely Disgusting

How will those kids not blame her for that for the rest of their lives? It is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard, even though I didn’t actually know him too well.

20. Were family gatherings (during and after the sex stopped) ever awkward?

No, I don’t remember any family gatherings being awkward. We had a remarkably normal mother/son relationship aside from the sex. I always have gotten along well with both of my prarents.
Keeping that secret is very easy. I haven’t had a urge to tell anyone I know…just thousands of people on the Internet.

I know people will disagree but I am a pretty normal well adjusted person. I don’t see the relationship as negative.

21. Do you like incest porn?

Not really. Incest isn’t a fetish of mine.

22. Was there ever a time when you were anxious or conflicted about your relationship?

There really wasn’t a time that I was anxious or conflicted. When it first happened, I was worried that it would end.

I knew that I liked it, I didn’t feel guilty and that I wasn’t abused. I really thought that I was lucky.

I have seen a therapist about another matter but it was unrelated and short term. If I don’t believe myself to be broken, why should I seek Help?

Over the years, I have had questions and I felt free to ask them. It is not an off limits subject.

23. Do you feel any guilt associated with what occurred?

No guilt. TC mark

image – Aunti Khaki

29 Jun 00:41

What’s Wrong, T-Rex?


What's Wrong, T-Rex?

T-Rex was the most insecure of all the dinosaurs.

29 Jun 00:40

Lapinot de Lewis Trondheim

by Arsenio Lupin
P00001 - lapinot  - slaloms #1
elfernan nos trae un cómic franco-belga escaneados por él para el blog.

Lapinot es un cómic franco-belga realizado por el dibujante francés Lewis Trondheim (La mazmorra).

La serie combina la sátira y la fantasía. Los personajes principales son todos animales, Lapinot es un conejo tímido y tranquilo, mientras que Richard es un gato bocazas con un don para meterse en problemas.

Las historias se alternan entre la Francia moderna y escenarios históricos. Los personajes de la serie pueden ser considerados como actores que no siempre son la misma persona, pero siempre juegan el mismo tipo de papeles. La serie es generalmente impredecible: cada libro es diferente en cuanto a ritmo, trama, tema, etc...

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Planeta DeAgostini
Guion: Lewis Trondheim
Dibujo: Lewis Trondheim
Escaneador: elfernan
Archivos: 7
Formato: CBR.
Tamaño: 129
  1. Slaloms
  2. Coscorrones
  3. Walter
  4. Amor e interinatos
  5. Vacaciones de primavera
  6. De veras - El color del infierno
  7. La vida como viene - El acelerador atómico

P00002 - lapinot  - coscorrones #2P00003 - lapinot  - walter #3P00004 - lapinot  - amor e interinP00005 - lapinot  - vacaciones de P00006 - lapinot  - de veras el coP00007 - lapinot  - la vida como v

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27 Jun 20:34

¿Sabes qué es el dashi?

by Esther Clemente


Hoy vamos a hablar del dashi, éste es un caldo base de la cocina japonesa y parte esencial de ella, pues no se entendería sin él ya que muchas recetas de la gastronomía nipona no podrían ser elaboradas sin su empleo. Se le considera el punto de partida para cocinar platos con fideos así como para preparar la conocida sopa miso.

El dashi es principalmente elaborado a partir del alga kombu seca. Esta, ligeramente salada y sutilmente dulce contiene mucha cantidad de ácido glutámico, la base del glutamato monosódico o MSG, que realza el sabor umami, esencial en la cocina japonesa.

La mayor parte del alga kombu proviene de Hokkaidō, Japón, pero también se cultiva en Corea, donde se le conoce como dashima, y China, donde se le conoce como Haidai. Es secada durante aproximadamente un año para su uso y viene recubierta de un polvillo blanco a partir de sales naturales y que se recomienda retirar ligeramente con un paño antes de su uso.

alga kombi

También podemos encontrar frecuentemente dashi elaborado a partir de otros ingredientes como serían bonito seco o katsoubushi, pescados secos como sardinas o niboshi o incluso dashi vegetariano a partir de setas shitake.

Como os decía al principio el dashi es base fundamental de los platos con fideos, pero también se emplea en ensaladas, salsas, arroces, estofados, aderezos e incluso en chawanmushi, una especia de natillas que los japoneses toman como aperitivo, así que como podéis comprobar es una parte esencial en la mayoría de las recetas.

El dashi a diferencia de los fondos base de la cocina europea en donde se necesita mucho tiempo de cocción, se elabora de forma mucho más rápida. Existen distintas técnicas para su preparación y si estáis interesados en ellas os invito a que visitéis la web Umami Madrid, en donde el maestro Íñigo os explica distintos métodos para su preparación, os la recomiendo pues para mi es una página de referencia cada vez que quiero conocer algo sobre la gastronomía nipona.


Si no os veis para meteros en la cocina y preparar dashi casero, en las tiendas de comida asiática existe un caldo dashi instantáneo, fácil de preparar y llamado dashino-moto, pero como os podéis imaginar no tiene comparación con el preparado en casa, y sería más o menos como comparar una sopa echa con un cubito de caldo o una sopa preparada con un fondo casero.

Ahora que ya conocéis un poco más el dashi, ¿os apetecería probarlo?

Imágenes | Vattenbloggen | Joyosity | Calleboo En Directo al Paladar | La Unesco declara la gastronomía japonesa Patrimonio de la Humanidad En Directo al Paladar | Los fideos soba una pasta diferente desde Japón

La noticia ¿Sabes qué es el dashi? fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar por Esther Clemente.

27 Jun 20:31


by Reza


27 Jun 19:44

5 Foolproof Icebreaker Conversations For First Dates

by Matthew K. Begbie
50 First Dates
50 First Dates

If you have ever been on a first date, you know that it can be an uncomfortable experience for both parties. What in blue blazes are we supposed to do to break that uncomfortable sexual  tension? Well, let me tell you! Here are some 100% foolproof icebreaker conversation topics! Try them out. If they don’t work for you, there is a money back guarantee! 

1. Things You Don’t Like

A lot of people will make the common first date mistake of talking about all the things they’re interested in. WRONG-O! The important things to mention are the things you HATE! What has your date learned after you tell them that you like chocolate and dogs? That you’re a living breathing human being. Mention that you really dislike HPV and chicken potpie. Now you’re getting somewhere! Besides, if you list all of the things you dislike, you’ll have so much more to talk about and relate to. Odds are, your date probably dislikes hate crimes and mosquitos just as much as you! 

2. Find a Common Enemy 

Read This

7 Unexpected Perks Of Being In A Relationship

4. Professional Drink Holder

Whether you’re on a first date or in a job interview, you can be sure to break that uncomfortable ice by finding someone you and your date can mutually shit on. Maybe it’s the guy who took your coffee order at the counter or maybe it’s Brenda from accounting. Channel your inner middle school bully and hone in on their weaknesses together! The pressures of the conversation will quickly shift from you to Brenda’s adult braces and Crocs! Is it childish and cruel to victimize others due to your own insecurities? Of course it is. But would you rather talk about the weather or your thoughts on the new Transformers movie? Yeah, I didn’t think so. 

3. Awful Roommates

Everyone has had a terrible roommate ONCE* in his or her lives. Subtly slip your horrible roommate into conversation! Soon you’ll both be laughing about the fact that your Communist roommate hid a dagger in his desk and it will be like you never even forgot your date’s name!

*Note: If your date doesn’t have any terrible roommate stories to tell, it is because THEY are the terrible roommate. You are now contractually obligated to break this news to them before running away as quickly as possible. No second date. 

4. Daddy Issues

Let’s be real, who doesn’t have daddy issues? Discussing your father’s emotional distance is a great way to show that you aren’t afraid to discuss your feelings while also showing that you’re probably going to be a bit of work if this relationship continues. Getting to know your date’s daddy issues is like getting a glimpse into the future of your emotionally raw relationship together. You’ll learn that things won’t always be easy. Sometimes one person has to work harder than the other and no matter how hard you try, sometimes that person still chooses to leave you without any kind of explanation, DAD.  

5. Previous Dates 

Nothing says, “I’m confident in my dating abilities” like a compiled list of all your previous dates. Impress your date with tales of romantic walks through moonlit parks and holding hands and sobbing during Ghost: the Musical on Broadway. This will show your date that you are a great romancer like Matthew McConaughey in most of his movies. If those dates went well, be sure to point out all the areas in which you succeeded. This will impress your date. Also, be sure to blame any shortcomings on your previous romantic interest so that your new potential lover knows where to step up their game! 

There you have it! Five foolproof icebreaker conversations for your next first date! Just remember, the most important part of a date is to be yourself and have fun. If your date doesn’t seem to like you much after talking about these tips, then they just aren’t worth your time! 

Happy dating, friends! TC mark

27 Jun 18:42


by EmeA
Basicamente hay dos tipos de blogs de cómics: los que se nutren exclusivamente de contenido propio y los que alternan en mayor o menor cantidad los textos de sus redactores con la difusión de notas de prensa. En ADLO! Novelti Librari siempre hemos sido del primer tipo...


...pero ¡qué demonios, de vez en cuándo también nos merecemos un descansito!
27 Jun 17:04

Butt Butt Butt Butt

by Jarret_Noir

27 Jun 16:08

Setenta anos da edición do Sempre en Galiza: mira o vídeo

by magago

Este 4 de xullo cúmprense setenta anos da edición do Sempre en Galiza de Daniel A. Rodríguez Castelao, un libro senlleiro en moitos sentidos, como hoxe pola mañá subliñou Víctor F. Freixanes: de libro de memorias ou recompilación heteroxénea de discursos, artigos de prensa e reflexións en voz alta, a, por suposto, texto político. O máis soprendente é que este libro foi dado ao prelo por un home derrotado: cando o Sempre en Galiza se presentou en Bos Aires, Castelao era un home maduro que vira como todo polo que loitara caera derrubado polo fascismo e, sobre todo, a barbarie. E, malia iso, o texto de Castelao segue a ter a forza da verdade, unha forza que si, procede da Historia, pero que, sobre todo, actúa sobre todos aqueles problemas de Galicia que Castelao e a súa xeración viu e que seguen sen estar resoltos. Por iso o Sempre en Galiza segue a xenerar emocións cando o les.

No CCG estamos preparando unha serie de accións especiais para celebrar estes setenta anos, como unha app gratuíta para tablets e móbiles cunha edición aumentada do Sempre en Galiza, en colaboración coa Editorial Galaxia e outras accións que podes consultar no sitio web, e que circulan ao redor do hashtag #sempreengz. Entre elas, atópase este pequeno spot, que dirixín coa colaboración de Fuco Prado na realización e Pablo Varela na produción, no que queriamos representar a forza optimista que se desprende do magnífico libro de Castelao. Frases poderosas, que apelan ao ti: Castelao sabía que había que convencer un por un a cada galego, e que a tarefa era inxente. Quero agradecer a todas as persoas e amigos que se prestaron a participar neste vídeo a súa colaboración. Bótalle un ollo, e se te apetece compárteo para facer máis visible a obra de Castelao.

Son estes días tremendos, cheos de acción e actividades, e moitísimo traballo, como todos os veráns. Pero aquí sigo: máis calado no blog pero currando doce ou trece horas diarias. E os soños e a forza deste home derrotado que foi quen de escribir palabras que seguen a falarnos a cada un de nós son unha boa inspiración para continuar.