Shared posts

06 Jul 23:18

A Pig With Swords

by Miss Cellania

Redditor doodlebug001 apparently works at a college in New Hampshire and posted a story in the headline: An international student ran into our office wearing oven mitts, panicking about a "pig with swords" in his apartment. It wasn’t long before redditor AWildSketchAppeared had an illustration for that intriguing sentence.

When the staff went to investigate, here’s what they found.

It took 45 minutes to shoo the porcupine out of the apartment, and almost that long again to get him to go into the woods. By then he had lost a lot of quills due to panic. The student was Chinese, and someone explained that the Chinese word that means porcupine translates literally to “sword pig” (he didn’t say whether that was in Mandarin or Cantonese). So the student was doing the best he could with the English he knew.

06 Jul 23:17

29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song

by Philby
Rob Cantor (link to Bandcamp page) performs an original song in 29 perfect celebrity impressions... including a dolphin! (SLYT) Previously: 10 Second Songs
06 Jul 02:45

"The chili pepper does not want to be your friend."

by the man of twists and turns
The Gut-Wrenching Science Behind the World's Hottest Peppers
The 17 tribes of Nagaland are united, historically, by an enthusiasm for heads. The Nagas: Hill Peoples of Northeast India—my reading matter on the two-hour drive from Dimapur to Kohima, in the state of Nagaland —contains dozens of references to head-taking but only one mention of the item that has brought me here: the Naga King Chili (a.k.a. Bhut Jolokia), often ranked the world's hottest. "In the Chang village of Hakchang," the anthropologist J. H. Hutton is quoted as saying in 1922, "...women whose blood relations on the male side have taken a head may cook the head, with chilies, to get the flesh off." Hutton's use of "cook" would seem to be a reference to Chang culinary practice. Only on rereading did I realize the Chang weren't eating the chilies—or the flesh, for that matter—but using them to clean the skull. Such is the perplexing contradiction of the genus Capsicum: condiment and industrial solvent, pleasure and pain.

The Arms Race to Grow World's Hottest Pepper Goes Nuclear - "Nobody Holds Record Long; After 800,000 Scoville Units, Watch Out"
The Search For The World's Hottest Pepper
The bhut jolokia is a hundred and fifty times hotter than a jalapeño. Gastromasochists have likened it to molten lava, burning needles, and "the tip of my tongue being branded by a fine point of heated steel." Yet, at more than a million Scoville heat units—the Scoville scale, developed by the pharmacist Wilbur Scoville in 1912, measures the pungency of foods—the bhut jolokia is at least 462,400 SHU short of being the world's hottest chili pepper.
In 2013, the Guinness Book Of World Records confirmed Smokin Ed's 'Carolina Reaper' as the World's Hottest Pepper. Watch these 23 Hilarious Reactions to eating it. Not quite up to it? Try one of these other ten. Or visit The Capital Of Heat. Got too many on your hands? Try making Conserva de Pimenta .

Scientists Reveal Structure of Pain Sensor
In December, however, scientists reported creating a high-resolution image of the protein's structure for the first time. Like the blueprint of a motor, that information should help researchers understand how the tiny apparatus can respond to such a wide array of signals — from temperature to toxins — and the role it plays in both acute and chronic pain. The results could ultimately lead to new painkillers, potentially without the troublesome side effects of opiates.
06 Jul 02:44

Important Public Service Announcement

by ArbitraryAndCapricious
Idaho and Iowa are two different states. Here is a song to help you tell them apart.

If you're still having trouble differentiating, just remember that Iowa is the one with the corn.
06 Jul 02:43


by Swollen Goods
05 Jul 21:51


by Jarret_Noir

05 Jul 21:49


by dw
05 Jul 21:47

Françoise Huguier. Étranges beautés.

by delay

Kommunalka de Françoise Huguier von editionsmontparnasse
Kommunalka von theatrecinemachoisy

By the way: I miss some of the native french speaking Ghettonians :-(
05 Jul 21:45


by trollilol
05 Jul 21:44

10 Best and Worst (Actual) Sleeping Positions for Couples

by Alex Santoso

The best part of love is sleeping with your partner. The worst part of love is also sleeping with your partner.

Molly Fitzpatrick and Allison Pottasch show us the best and worst (actual) sleeping positions for couples in this post for Swimmingly. Surprisingly, the blanket thief position isn't shown, but that's probably because every couple is familiar with that.

05 Jul 21:42

What Color is Your Pee?

by Alex Santoso

via Fail Blog

When you're trying to educate guys about their health, it pays to speak their language. This humorous sign seen at a medical aid station of the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run (mile 55 at Michigan Bluff) asks runners "what color is your pee" using various beer. If your pee looks like a pint of Guinness, you better see a doctor. Stat!

05 Jul 21:42

Los 11 errores que debes evitar si invitas a un argentino a una barbacoa

by minue

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 1

Mañana Argentina se enfrenta a Bélgica en los cuartos de final del Mundial de Brasil, y como a nosotros nos han eliminado ya, puede que decidamos ver el partido con algún amigo argentino, e incluso que nos atrevamos a preparar un asado, algo tan osado como prepararle una paella a un valenciano, todo sea dicho.

Pero si sois de los que no le tenéis miedo a nada, aquí tenéis una guía básica para que vuestro amigo pueda disfrutar del partido sin blasfemar por lo mal que hemos preparado la carne. Estos son los 11 errores que debes evitar si invitas a un argentino a una barbacoa o, mejor dicho, una parrillada.

1. Encender el fuego con alcohol

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 2

Seguro que todo recordáis a Homer Simpson encendiendo una barbacoa con alcohol, mucho alcohol, en el capítulo en el que Lisa defiende su vegetarianismo. Pues bien, como podéis imaginar, no es una buena idea encender el fuego con alcohol, y no solo por cuestiones de seguridad, sino porque es un acelerante que luego hará que las brasas nos duren menos.

2. Escatimar con la madera o el carbón

Las brasas son la clave de una buena parillada, y tanto si usamos madera o carbón, es crucial que utilicemos uno de calidad, que se queme lentamente para que dé unas buenas brasas no duren todo el tiempo necesario.

3. No esperar a las brasas

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 3

La carne debe cocinarse con calor, no con fuego. Es por eso que es muy importante esperar a que las brasas estén en condiciones antes de añadir la carne, y no cometer el error de echar carbón o madera nueva con la carne ya puesta. No es bueno ni para la cocción de la carne, pues se carbonizará por fuera, ni para nuestra salud tampoco.

El momento adecuado para añadir la carne es cuando las brasas están blancas por arriba, y rojas por debajo. La clave está en que el carbón no transmita sabor a la carne, sino que sea al revés, que la grasa de la carne, al caer sobre las brasas, genere ese ahumado tan característico de las barbacoas.

4. Bajar demasiado la parrilla

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 4

De nuevo, el temor a que las brasas no duren lo suficiente o no tengan fuerza suficiente, nos hace bajar la parrilla más de la cuenta. La consecuencia inevitable es que la carne se queme por fuera y no se haga por dentro, cuando en un asado, parrillada o barbacoa, lo que queremos es una carne que se haga lentamente, para que esté jugosa y sabrosa.

5. Poner la carne directamente de la nevera

Salvo que quieras que la carne te quede dura, no la pongas en la parrilla directamente de la nevera. Es mejor que la carne se atempere unas horas antes de cocinarla, el calor de las brasas ya se encargará de eliminar cualquier atisbo de vida bacteriana que haya podido revivir en ese periodo de tiempo.

6. Quitarle la grasa a la carne

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 5

Ya hemos comentado que la grasa es en parte responsable de ese ahumado tan propio de las parrilladas, así que quitarle la grasa a la carne es un sacrilegio en plena regla. Si no te gusta, puedes quitársela a la hora de comer, pero nunca antes de echarla a la parrilla.

7. Darle la vuelta a la carne con un tenedor

Pinchar la carne con el tenedor de la parrilla para darle la vuelta es un clásico error de principiante. Lo último que queremos es que la carne pierda su jugo, y si la pinchamos es exactamente lo que ocurrirá, aunque sea gota a gota. Para evitarlo, usemos unas pinzas.

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 6

8. Cortar la carne para comprobar si está hecha

Ocurre lo mismo que si la pinchamos con un tenedor, pero a lo bestia. Es como abrir una herida en la carne para que se desangre por ahí. Si quieres saber si la carne está hecha o no, presiónala con el dedo, si recupera la forma rápidamente, está en su punto.

9. Andar con prisas

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 8

Las prisas nunca han sido buenas consejeras, y a la hora de preparar un asado o una barbacoa, tampoco. Si los comensales tienen hambre, que se coman unos panchitos, pero avivar las brasas y darle muchas vueltas a la carne para que se haga antes no es ni de lejos una buena idea.

10. Servir la carne en bandejas metálicas

Parece una tontería, pero no lo es. Servir la carne en bandejas metálicas, parte del menaje habitual de las barbacoas y parrilladas, contribuye a que la carne se enfríe rápido, ya que el metal hace de difusor del calor. Lo ideal es servir la carne en pequeños braseros para que mantenga su temperatura, y si no puede ser, en tablas de madera.

11. Disfrazar la carne con salsas

11 errores que evitar al hacer una barbacoa - 7

Con todo el esfuerzo y dedicación que le hemos puesto a preparar la carne, no vayamos a disfrazarla ahora con salsas varias, ya sea chimichurri o ajoaceite, por mencionar dos habituales a cada lado del charco. Si la carne es buena y está bien preparada, es todo lo que le hace falta.

En fin, espero que os hayan servido estos 11 errores que debes evitar si invitas a un argentino a una barbacoa. Yo a menudo peco de impaciente en varias partes del proceso, y se hago la carne más rápido de lo que debería, así que me aplicaré también el cuento.

En Directo al Paladar | Las 13 mayores aberraciones de la Historia cometidas con la paella En Directo al Paladar | Trucos esenciales para dominar el fuego de la barbacoa

La noticia Los 11 errores que debes evitar si invitas a un argentino a una barbacoa fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar por minue.

05 Jul 21:17

frosting tits

by tiki god

frosting tits 700x554 frosting tits

frosting tits originally appeared on MyConfinedSpace NSFW on July 5, 2014.

05 Jul 20:57

Happy Fucking Birthday, America

by Megan Koester

Photo via Flickr user Mike Mozart

America is the greatest fucking country on Earth. It may as well be the only fucking country on Earth. It’s the only fucking country that matters, anyhow. After all, giving us free reign over the entirety of His Kingdom was the last thing God did before He died. That’s right–our complete and utter dominance over the rest of the world is Divine Right, baby! Which explains why we’re so fucking good at it! We run this bitch (and by “this bitch,” I mean, “the world”)…like a boss!

In honor of the birth of the nation that allowed D. W. Griffith’s wildly racist Birth of a Nation to be the first motion picture ever screened at the White House, let us now take a break from setting shit on fire and pounding piss-weak macrobrews to praise everything that makes the good ol’ U.S. of A. the proverbial tits.

We Get Other Countries to Make Our Shit for Us

We’re, like, constantly on the go, workin’ double shifts at our service industry jobs to pay for childcare, which means we no longer have the time to manufacture our own products like ancestors did in generations past. It doesn’t matter, though, ‘cause China’s totally got our backs. They’re all, like, “Dude, we get it. You guys are busy. Don’t worry, we’ll totally make all your shit. T-shirts? Done. Electronics? On it. Food? Oh, fuck yeah. We’ve got this.” And we’re all, like, “Thanks, brah. We were worried we’d have to manufacture things again and, in the process, earn more than eight dollars an hour. We don’t wanna join a union or whatever like our dads did back in the day… LOL.”

We Get Other Countries to Answer Our Phones for Us

Dude, how baller is that? It’s like India’s our fucking butler!

Photo via Flickr user Shine 2010

We Can, Apropos of Nothing, Decide That We’re Super Into Soccer

Hell yeah, we competed in the World Cup. Should we have? Fuck no. Soccer is the World’s Game, and the world, by and large, despises us. In other countries, up to and including Brazil, the World Cup’s current host country, soccer is a game primarily played by impoverished slum dwellers. In America, it’s a game primarily played by upper middle class autistic kids (all that running gives ‘em the opportunity to blow off some steam!). There are no geopolitical aspects to our newfound love of soccer—it’s just an excuse for frustrated fathers to scream “Hustle, Brayden!” from the sidelines and, in the case of the World Cup, start drinking at 9 AM on a weekday.

The best part about America’s newfound World Cup fever, of course, is the fact that it gives us the opportunity to arbitrarily start hating countries we previously didn’t even know existed. We can’t tell you where Belgium is on a map, or even what language they speak, but we can tell you they should go fuck themselves. ‘Cause they beat our boys, goddamnit!

We Have the Freedom to, Like, Talk or Whatever

We can say whatever the fuck we want, whenever we fucking want. So long as, in doing so, we don’t upset our corporate overlords or get ourselves sued for slander. The richer we are, the more we can say, which gives us an incentive to work hard, make that paper, and go on racist tirades!

Photo via Flickr user Erik Hersman

We Can Vote and Shit (Even if We Have Pussies)

Listen, toots—this ain’t Saudi Arabia. Women have had the right to vote in this country for, like, a hella long time. As is the case with any right, they totally have the right to, like, not vote, too. Which is tight, because voting doesn’t really matter anyway. Our sick-ass Supreme Court ultimately makes all of our decisions, up to and including what broads can do with their bods. Having our lives and rights determined for us frees us from having to research and care about the issues, which in turn gives us more time to care about the shit that really matters, like professional sports and those kooky Kardashians.

We Solved Racism

Whenever some hater approaches us with that “America is still hyper fragmented by race” mumbo jumbo, we can just point at a picture of our fuckin’ POTUS, lookin’ non-white as fuck, and be all, like, “Uh… read ‘em and weep, dipshit.” The same thing applies when it comes to class. Whiny-ass motherfuckers are all like, “Boo hoo, the rich are only getting richer and the poor poorer, soon there won’t be a middle class at all, blah blah blah” and we’re, like, “Uh… bootstraps much? If you don’t wanna be poor all your life, do something about it. Develop an app or something. Look at that 24-year-old over there. He was just a college kid, eating ramen at Yale, and now he’s a billionaire. All ‘cause he found the right angel investor.”

Photo via Flickr user 5chw4r7z

We Use Other Countries’ Cultures as Excuses to Party

While it’s bomb and all that Cinco De Mayo is some kind of tight-ass holiday in Mexico, that isn’t why we get crunk at Chevy’s Fresh Mex once a year. We just love to drink while wearing funny hats. We also love to attend outdoor music festivals while wearing funny hats, which is why our Facebook profile is filled with pictures of us in headdresses and short shorts at Coachella.

We Have Hella Religious Freedom

Listen, there’s no room for religious discrimination in this land of the free, home of the Atlanta Braves. If you wanna be super Christian, or just only kinda Christian, that’s your choice. We’re not here to harsh your buzz, bro. Unless, I mean, you don’t want to pray before a town meeting. If that’s the case, we’re sorry, but our bois and broads down at the Supreme Court have to put the hammer down on your ass.

Photo via Flickr user Simon Shek

We Have Hella Food

We have so much food, we joyfully, remorselessly stuff foods in other foods. So much food, as a matter of fact, that we don’t even eat all of it. Thirty-one percent of our food, 133 billion pounds of shit, is thrown out yearly. That’s $161.6 billion worth of hot dogs—hot dogs filled with cheese, liquid cheese, cream cheese and that cheese shit that comes in a can. We DGAF, though, ‘cause we’ve got money the fuck to spare, what with us being ballers and all.

It makes sense that we’d have so much food, on account of how much we love it. The only thing we love more than eating, in fact, is talking about where we’re gonna eat next, and what we’re gonna eat when we get there. How much do we love eating? Enough to talk about eating while we’re eating.

Photo via Flickr user Pål Joakim Olsen

We Love Our Guns

And our guns love us. Which is why we polish ‘em up, real nice like. We cradle them in our arms, caress them like we used to caress our ex-wives, before they got all fat and we had to kick their asses to the curb. You want our guns? You can take them from our cold, dead fingers. We'll no longer need them, having been fatally shot by another gun-toting patriot minutes prior. 

Follow Megan Koester on Twitter.

05 Jul 20:56

How to grill hot dogs like a damn hero

by Alex Moore
How to grill hot dogs like a damn hero

A couple years ago Blake Smith of changed the Fourth of July forever, making us realize that we’d been grilling hot dogs like assholes our entire lives. Thanks to Smith, you can stop acting like an asshole and start grilling hot dogs like the damn American hero you know yourself to be. The Spiral Cut—all it takes is a wooden stick and knife. You can handle that. Watch below, and go rule your Fourth of July party.

05 Jul 20:55

And the Pulitzer for "Best Recipe" Goes To....

by magstheaxe
Looking for American recipes to take to tonight's 4th of July party? It's easy to find historic recipes. But why not look to America's great fiction writers instead?

Okay, so some of the recipes may be a little too elaborate for an Independence Day picnic, but you can keep them in mind for when you host!

Edgar Allen Poe: Eggnog

Kurt Vonnegut: 3 Musketeers Bars

Sylvia Plath: Tomato Soup Cake

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Chocolate Bread Pudding Trifles

Elizabeth Bishop: Chocolate Brownies

Ray Bradbury: Pappa al Pomodoro

Emily Dickinson: Coconut Cake (previously on Metafilter)

Ernest Hemingway: Pan-Fried Trout

Willa Cather: Spiced Plum Kolaches

Allen Ginsberg: Cold Summer Borscht

Katherine Mansfield: Orange Soufflé with Sherry Syrup

Henry David Thoreau: Hazelnut Raisin Bread (there's a rumor that Thoreau invented raisin bread. It's not true, but he may have helped popularize it).

And from film: Every recipe in 'Pulp Fiction'
05 Jul 20:52

7 Awesome Beards by James Myrick

by John Farrier

James Myrick is a master beard artist. He's rather secretive about his methods, but my guess is that, by precise mental concentration, he can grow his beard into different shapes. The results are amazing, such as this hypnotic spiral.

Myrick, like all of us, needs money to live. But he lives in order to beard.

You can find him on Twitter at @hospitalcup.

Myrick once tried to shave with a kryptonite razor. The blade broke.

In the X-Men universe, Myrick would be considered an alpha level mutant. He would teach bearding at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Wolverine would seek out his advice on how to manage his mutton chops.

As a serious Breaking Bad fan, Myrick suggests that we look upon his beard and despair.

But he's also a romantic and sentimental person at heart.

-Thanks, James!

05 Jul 20:47

The Manos, the Hands of Fate of pop singles

by vathek
Think's "(Things Get a Little Easier) Once You Understand" has been called the worst hit song of all time.

Written by Lou Stallman and well known children's composer Bobby Susser, Think's single reached number 23 on the charts and sold 1.4 million copies. It was later interpolated by Biz Markie and sampled by 4Hero.

The Bridge, a Christian psychedelic band, did an amazingly unhinged cover in 1972. And here's a duo called Cotton Candy doing a cover version at a bar in Arlington in December 2013.
05 Jul 20:43

15 Empowering Illustrations for Women

by Alex Santoso

"It has always bothered me, the world's attempts to control women's bodies, behavior and identities," Carol Rosetti said to Mic, "It's a kind of oppression so deeply entangled in our culture that most people don't even see it's there, and how cruel it can be."

So Rosetti decided to do something about it. The Brazilian artist decided to post a series of artwork centered around the issues of gender identity and sexuality, body image and other topics on Facebook. The response was tremendous: thousands of people shared her empowering illustrations worldwide, and Rosetti's series "WOMEN in english" has gone viral.

Originally written in Portuguese, Rosetti is now working on translating her artwork into other languages. "I can't change the world by myself," Rosetti added, "But I'd love to know that my work made people review their privileges and be more open to understanding and respecting one another."

Here's a few of Rosetti's empowering artwork:

View more over at Rosetti's Facebook page.

05 Jul 20:39

A Simple But Beautiful Musical Tattoo

by John Farrier

DeviantART member Tea, an artist in Norway, got her first tattoo. The forms and colors are simple, but it's a striking design. It's also personally meaningful to her. Tea has always loved music. She has experience in both a brass band and an orchestra. She has played clarinet, trombone, and tuba. Tea writes:

Since I started in a Brass band, we don't use the bass clef, but the treble clef, and I wanted to have something that means so much to me as my music, so it had to be the treble clef.

05 Jul 20:37

El Cómic ‘La mano del Diablo’ se convertirá en película

by administrador


La Mano del Diablo, la premiada obra del dibujante gallego Brais Rodríguez dará el salto a la gran pantalla.

La productora No Majors Films adquiere los derechos para la adaptación cinematográfica de la obra que obtuvo el Premio Castelao 2010.

‘La Mano del Diablo’ es una historia postapocalíptica en el que un grupo de mercenarios recorren un territorio devastado por la guerra y las enfermedades eliminando a los enemigos que permanecen ocultos en lugares remotos.

Para Brais Rodríguez, ganador del premio Injuve 2010 en el apartado de cómic e ilustración, ‘La Mano del Diablo’ es un alegato contra la sinrazón de la guerra y la forma en la que ésta afecta al comportamiento de quienes participan en ella.

El cómic, publicado por Astiberri en castellano y por Demo Editorial en gallego, será adaptado a imagen real y contará con un guión de Jacobo Paz, con una amplia experiencia en series de televisión.


The post El Cómic ‘La mano del Diablo’ se convertirá en película appeared first on Teenage Thunder.

05 Jul 20:34

The Sudokomic Game

by Miss Cellania

The latest comic from Abstruse Goose is not meant to be read as all nine panels in sequence. It’s like Sudoku, or Tic-tac-toe, in a way. Each three-panel comic read across is a logical, self-contained sequence, and each three-panel comic read top to bottom makes the same kind of sense. Read all six three-panel comics, and you’ll be craving a donut yourself.

05 Jul 20:30

Recortable Punk -Revista vibraciones Febrero de 1978

by Alex_add
La Revista vibraciones nos ofrecía entre su paginas de el numero de Febrero de 1978 este magnifico recortable que ofrecía un buen rato de entretenimiento con las difrentes ropas y accesorios punk para vestir al madel-punk según requiera la ocasión. Baja las imagenes imprimelas y disfruta del recortable 36 años después de su publicación.

Siguenos en Facebook con actualizaciones, Resenas de discos , videos y mas cosas

                    Visita:....Black Market Records

05 Jul 20:27

Foods and vaginas

by Jarret_Noir

05 Jul 09:31

Feijoo chama a evitar que Castelao sexa "refén dunha parte de Galicia"

by Redacción

O Parlamento acolleu os actos de conmemoración do 70 aniversario da publicación en Bos Aires do Sempre en Galiza. Para o presidente da Xunta "facelo refén da Galicia de onte ou dunha única parte da Galicia de hoxe é non entender a liberdade pola que el tanto loitou”

05 Jul 09:25

«Noia ten unha Catedral e o Apóstolo xa ten unha ría»

by Marta Gómez

Por la gracia de Dios!

05 Jul 09:21

by Carolyn

05 Jul 09:20

by Carolyn
Rerun...because I'm still very grateful for this.
05 Jul 09:19


05 Jul 09:19


by (MRTIM)