Shared posts

20 Nov 13:23

When X-Files is more realistic than modern crime shows.

15 Nov 10:10

He said this just after he farted.

15 Nov 09:40

Came up with the concept while brushing my teeth. Why isn't this a thing yet?

14 Nov 12:03

Today I eat penguins

14 Nov 11:59

Salvador Dali Coffee

07 Nov 12:42

Motion Tracked Morphing Table Surface.

07 Nov 12:07

Did you know you can actually beat snake?

06 Nov 13:50

"How often people speak of art and science as though they were two entirely different things, with no..."

“How often people speak of art and science as though they were two entirely different things, with no interconnection. An artist is emotional, they think, and uses only his intuition; he sees all at once and has no need of reason. A scientist is cold, they think, and uses only his reason; he argues carefully step by step, and needs no imagination. That is all wrong. The true artist is quite rational as well as imaginative and knows what he is doing; if he does not, his art suffers. The true scientist is quite imaginative as well as rational, and sometimes leaps to solutions where reason can follow only slowly; if he does not, his science suffers.”

- Isaac Asimov, “Art and Science,” The Roving Mind, 1983. (via kenobi-wan-obi)
06 Nov 13:46

Prof. David Nutt awarded the John Maddox Prize for Standing up for Science

by Neurobonkers
Prof. David Nutt is a man who needs no introduction. The expert psychiatrist, neuropsychopharmacologist and Chair of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD) was made world famous by former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith who in 2008 fired him from the British Government's Advisory Council ...

Read More
06 Nov 13:31

Scumbag genes.

06 Nov 13:30

That explains something...

06 Nov 13:18


06 Nov 13:13


Prediction for Carlsen v. Anand: ... 25. Qb8+ Nxb8 26. Rd8# f6 27. "... dude." Qf5 28. "The game is over, dude." Qxg5 29. Rxe8 0-1 30. "Dude, your move can't be '0-1'. Don't write that down." [Black flips board]
05 Nov 12:06

Doctors went out on demonstrations and this is what they were asking for. Support.

05 Nov 12:02

Every time I have a cold

05 Nov 11:58

This was written on the board as I entered my math class.

05 Nov 11:56

cumaeansibyl: green-evening: Sometimes in daily life I like to pretend I’m a time traveler from...



Sometimes in daily life I like to pretend I’m a time traveler from late medieval Europe and I’m just fucking amazed at my luxurious life

Let me tell you, 14th c me is REALLY impressed with modern me’s easy access to pepper and cinnamon

"you have multiple purple garments? you must be a person of some note"

"these chairs are fantastically luxurious"

"I’ve never seen so much salt in one place"

05 Nov 11:34

One of those things

05 Nov 10:54

Manual Override

05 Nov 10:52

Public transportation

05 Nov 10:47

Here's a bouncy tit

04 Nov 09:34

How to tell it's HTML5:

04 Nov 09:17

Surfing the internets

01 Nov 12:33


24 Oct 12:54

Looking for a flat and came over same listing on two estate agent websites...

24 Oct 11:18

I destroy my enemies - Abraham Lincoln

23 Oct 12:30

I feel like PSU (and all US grad programs) need to adopt this...

23 Oct 12:26

Never piss off the IT guy

23 Oct 11:36

bibliophilefiles: You know, the essentials.


You know, the essentials.

23 Oct 11:36

My life is a Lie