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11 Apr 15:38

Whatsapp Windows Client in development

by Ashish Mohta

Whatsapp, the popular messaging client might get its first Windows Client that you can use on your PC. However, the work is still in progress and we will get to know if it makes it to reality with time.

So now if you are wondering how an app can work on a PC when it is not allowed to even work on WIFI only Tablets then here is the deal. The client emulates a mobile environment by using your phones IMEI number. It also gives you an option to choose your mobile operating system (Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Symbian or Blackberry).

Whatsapp Latest Client

The real added advantage of this is that Whatsapp will think that you are using the same phone and the app will work both on your phone and your PC.

I am pretty use that if this becomes reality, it will be successful even if it is a paid app. Whatsapp has a huge userbase and even with the availability of tons of messenger services its is the most successful.

The client development is open source and the work is in progress. So if you want to contribute in it, you can join the team. As of now the application can only test authentication. However, there is a previous version of the app available here which is available for the public. The screenshot posted by the developer is yet to release.

Via Nirmal | More Here | Project Home

Whatsapp Windows Client in development by Ashish Mohta originally appeared on Technospot.Net on 2013/04/11. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

The post Whatsapp Windows Client in development appeared first on Technospot.Net.

02 Jan 18:16

StarCraft and Caesar III made playable on Android via Winulator

by Phone Arena
Let's face it – playing classic video games on an Android device is often hard due to the lack of adequate physical controls. Sure, RPGs and other genres that don't require timely reactions are indeed playable, but real-time strategies, for example, and other kinds of games that you're supposed to play with a mouse, are practically impossible to enjoy. Yet here comes Winulator...
25 Dec 10:08

Neo Geo X ha sido hackeada

Neo Geo X acaba de salir a la venta y ya ha sido hackeada. Entre sus nuevas opciones, la carga de más juegos a parte de los oficiales y la instalación de la Universe Bios.

El proceso, descubierto por los usuarios del foro, no ha resultado muy complicado por la falta de medidas de seguridad de la consola. En España aún tendremos que esperar algunos días para meterle mano, ya que no llegará a las tiendas hasta finales de año o principios de enero. Gracias a fulgen1981 por el aviso.

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen
24 Dec 08:48

Dark Knight Rices

Submitted by: blakegades
Posted at: 2012-12-22 17:37:18
See full post and comment:

11 Dec 09:02

critica de la película de el hobbit, el señor de los anillos

by Kno
El hobbit, siendo la película que más presupuesto ha tenido de la historia, superando a sus predecesoras incluso, de el señor de los anillos, no debería decepcionar, pero...

Lo cierto es que la película y su ambientación están muy logrados, con escenas que no decepcionarán, pero las primeras críticas que comparto, ya apuntan a que quizá este filme sea demasiado largo.
Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que la idea del director es hacer una trilogía, evidentemente para sacar más tajada económica.

Seguro que a los seguidores de tolkien no decepcionará y les maravillará, pero quizá decepcione a otro tipo de público.

nota aparte para la novedad técnica de grabar la película a 48 frames por segundo, a ver que os parece esta teórica mejora en la visualización.

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08 Dec 23:09

Capcom anuncia 'Street Fighter x Mega Man', un crossover en plan 'Mega Man' y que pronto podremos degustar gratis en PC

by Jarkendia

Street Fighter x Mega Man

Tanto ‘Street Fighter’ como ‘Mega Man’ están de 25 aniversario. Pero ya sabemos que Capcom no está cuidando muy bien a su mascota Rockman, hasta llegando a cancelar su ‘Mega Man Universe’.

Sorprendentemente descubrimos ahora un giro inesperado, y es que Capcom nos brindará muy pronto un nuevo ‘Mega Man’, y además muy especial. Todo un crossover con la saga ‘Street Fighter’. Y no sólo eso, sino que será completamente gratuito. Viniendo de Capcom es toda una sorpresa, ¿o no?

El caso es que como decimos ‘Street Fighter x Mega Man’, que así se llamará, nos pondrá en la piel nuevamente de Mega Man, y con el objetivo de hacer frente a ocho luchadores del universo ‘Street Fighter’. Aquí más de uno pensará en el plantel inicial de la segunda entrega, la más famosa de la historia, pero no. Estarán Ryu, Chun Li, Dhalsim o Blanka, sí, pero también Rolento o Rose. Y como es lógico, tras abatirlos ganaremos sus poderes. No está nada, pero que nada mal este homenaje.

El próximo 17 de diciembre, desde su espacio personal dentro de la página de Capcom-Unity, podremos descargarlo gratuitamente y empezar a darle caña en nuestro PC. Aquí su tráiler.

Vídeo | Youtube
Vía | Capcom-Unity
Sitio oficial | Street Fighter x Mega Man

07 Dec 07:59

The Most Infamous Sexts of 2012 (NSFW)

by Sam Biddle
Click here to read The Most Infamous Sexts of 2012 (NSFW) Hacked pictures. FBI inbox sweeps. Cameras pointed at mirrors. This year was full of horny, naked Internet. More »

06 Dec 22:37

Primer teaser de Star Trek Into Darkness

by Cèlia Gallego

Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek: En La Oscuridad (Star Trek Into Darkness), la secuela del reboot de la saga realizado por J.J. Abrams, estaba rodada de un extraño secretismo. Sabíamos que se estaba rodando y que Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) pululaba por allí supuestamente para interpretar a Khan, pero poco más. Ahora, con el teaser narrado por el propio Cumberbatch, sabemos un poco más, aunque no demasiado. ¿Es Khan? Probablemente (aunque hay quien opina otra cosa), pero lo que está claro es que su personaje viene en busca de venganza.

Y esta es la versión extendida del tráiler emitidida en Japón con una imagen más que vale la pena ver porque seguro que a los fans os suena muchísimo y aclara muchas cosas sobre la identidad villano:

¿Queréis saber más? Pues aquí tenéis la sinopsis oficial:

Cuando la tripulación del Enterprise finalmente puede regresar a casa, se encuentra con una fuerza incontrolable, proveniente de la misma organización, que provoca un caos en la flota y destruye todo por lo que pelean, dejando al mundo en un estado de crisis total. El Capitán Kirk, tiene un reto personal que cumplir, y lidera una cacería humana hacia una zona de guerra para atrapar al hombre que tiene un arma de destrucción masiva.

Mientras nuestros héroes luchan en una batalla épica como si fueran piezas de un tablero gigante de ajedrez, el amor será puesto a prueba, la amistad se romperá en pedazos y se deberán realizar muchos sacrificios para salvar a la única familia que le queda a Kirk: su tripulación.

Star Trek: En La Oscuridad se estrenará en Estados Unidos el 14 de mayo pero no llegará a España hasta el 22 de agosto de 2013. ¡Qué suplicio!

27 Nov 09:14

Invasión Secreta en Español

by (Carnal Pages Tarazona)


''... En vez de verlos con sus pistolitas de rayos, fui a su origen de La Invasión de cuerpos, y eso fue lo que me llevó a la idea''. - Brian Michael Bendis

Este fue el crossover de Marvel de 2008.

Simplemente impresionante, una historia con lógica, muy pero que muy intrigante, como si estuvieramos leyendo una novela de espías lleno de ramificaciones y nuevos descubrimientos que nos dejan tensos durante toda la obra...

Secret Invasion (Invasión Secreta) es un evento que te remonta a muchísimos eventos anteriores, puesto que estamos ante una invasión y suplantación de superheroes por parte de los alienígenas Skrulls, los cuales llevan bastante tiempo diseñando el plan maestro de la invasión secreta, para conquistar la Tierra...

Una historia que en algunos momentos recuerda 'Expediente X' y donde vemos la oscura y profunda crueldad de los Skrulls, y como han estado bastante tiempo 'entre nosotros' pasándose por muchos de los superhéroes sin la menor sospecha.

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23 Nov 09:13

Kerrigan from StarCraft

Submitted by: bakank
Posted at: 2012-11-21 13:45:11
See full post and comment:

21 Nov 08:38

Nala's a bit horny tonight

Submitted by: reallyhuh
Posted at: 2012-11-19 03:19:50
See full post and comment:

20 Nov 17:07

PREGUNTAS DE SEGURIDAD - A veces pueden traernos malos recuerdos

16 Nov 15:22

Google lanza en beta cerrada 'Ingress', un juego de ciencia ficción para Android basado en la Realidad Aumentada

by Alex C


La imagen que encabeza este post bien podría haber sido extraída de algún capítulo de ‘Fringe’, pero en realidad se trata de una imagen promocional de ‘Ingress’, un juego basado en la Realidad Aumentada que ha lanzado Google.

Al parecer en ‘Ingress’ una serie de científicos europeos han descubierto una energía misteriosa de origen desconocido. Tampoco se conoce el objetivo de dicha fuerza, pero al parecer podría ejercer cierta influencia en nuestra forma de pensar (la sombra de ‘Fringe’ no solo aparece en la imagen promocional, como veis). La idea es controlar esta energía antes de que nos controle a nosotros, y para ello deberemos elegir bando: ‘The Enlightened’ engloba a aquellos que quieren abrazar dicha energía, mientras que ‘The Resistance’ es el grupo formado por aquellos que desean defender y proteger lo que queda de nuestra humanidad. Yo me quedo con la resistencia.

‘Ingress’ nos anima a salir a explorar las calles. El escenario es el mundo en el que vivimos, donde, gracias a la Realidad Aumentada y a nuestro smartphone Android, podremos detectar puntos de energía, adquirir objetos, desplegar tecnología para conquistar zonas del mapa, y quizás lo más importante: establecer alianzas con otros jugadores de nuestro mismo bando. Pensad que ‘Ingress’ funciona a nivel mundial, así que cuanto más numerosos sean los equipos de cada bando, más divertida e interesante se puede poner la cosa.

Vídeo | YouTube

No es el primer videojuego que intenta llevarnos a la calle para poder jugarlo basándose en nuestro posicionamiento o incluso en elementos de RA, pero Google ha demostrado que el tema de los mapas se le da especialmente bien, así que unir mapas y Realidad Aumentada en su propio sistema operativo para móviles suena bien. Esto a nivel técnico, porque luego queda lo más importante: la jugabilidad y la cantidad de jugadores dispuestos a salir de casa para jugar a ‘Ingress’.

Por el momento se encuentra en fase de beta cerrada y es necesario contar con una invitación. La aplicación se puede instalar sin problemas en dispositivos Android (está optimizada para móviles, no para tablets), pero al abrirla y elegir nuestra cuenta nos pedirá el código de activación, que es el que se nos indica en la invitación. Yo ya he pedido la mía a través de su página web oficial, tengo curiosidad por ver qué tal se comporta.

Sitio oficial | Ingress
Más información | Niantic Project

15 Nov 19:32

[New Game] Google's Niantic Labs Releases "Ingress" In Closed Beta - A Virtual Reality MMO, Or Geotagging Game, Or Something

by Jeremiah Rice

unnamed (1)We've heard very little out of Google internal team Niantic Labs. Before today, their sole public presence was Field Trip, a mash up of Google Now and various hyperlocal points of interest. The team'' latest creation, Ingress, defies description: it's a virtual reality game in which players are tasked with going to real-world locations to harness a fictional energy source. Also there are two "teams" and every player in the world is one one or the other. Think Alliance versus Horde.

The premise seems pretty nebulous at the moment. A new source of energy has been discovered, and it's got the potential to control people's thoughts.

Done With This Post? You Might Also Like These:

[New Game] Google's Niantic Labs Releases "Ingress" In Closed Beta - A Virtual Reality MMO, Or Geotagging Game, Or Something was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

13 Nov 16:09

Oh Privacy, Where Art Thou?

by egzthunder1

I do realize that we are a little late in terms of reporting on this one, but truth of the matter is that we caught it pretty much the moment that it was originally posted. However, I could not really come up with a correct angle to tackle the article without sounding like a victim. As a little introduction to this, as you may already be aware, cell phone companies have various ways to track your every move. If you recall about a year ago, we uncovered CIQ, which was loaded on many devices and it could essentially rack up monumental amounts of information from several devices and make it viewable to whomever is on the receiving end of the service. Carriers claimed that their reasoning for using this was because they wanted this data to help troubleshoot and improve service by tracking things such as data connectivity, log calls, SMS, signal strength, and a whole bunch of other things. Now, we all knew back then that this was not entirely true, but people gave the carriers a run for their money for pulling such tricks on their customers without telling them.

A year later, we learn from an article posted by CNET that during a conference, a Verizon Wireless Executive essentially stated that they can see virtually everything their customers do. Nothing really new here, but the problem is that, unlike what was stated before, the data being collected is not only not being used for network maintenance but also as a VERY profitable business—to sell information. Any company that deals with end users knows and understands the importance of data metrics and trend generation when it comes to try and get their products in front of their customers. What better way to do this than by analyzing the browsing habits of your target audience, combined with geographical data? This kind of information is worth its weight in gold, and Verizon (USA’s largest carrier) knows it all too well, and capitalizes on it.

Lets go back to the statement uttered by Verizon’s Marketing Director Bill Diggins. During a press conference, he said the following, while describing the strategy deemed as Precision Market Insights:

“We’re able to view just everything that they do,” [...] “And that’s really where data is going today. Data is the new oil.”

This statement could not be more accurate, after all, it was Sir Francis Bacon who said “Knowledge is power”, and in this day and age, power can easily be equated to money. The problem with this is not as much as them selling the data, after all, if you read the fine print in your contract, you will likely notice that they claim that the data can and will be sold to third parties and Verizon partners. The biggest problem comes from the fact that the kind of information being recorded is personal and private in nature. So, while using information for statistical purposes may be OK for data mining purposes, checking out everything from what you do, what devices you use and how, all the way to what choices you make when it comes to deciding on what to put on your pizza (since companies do allow you to order online) is over the top, and quite possibly, borderline illegal. After all, entities normally allowed to do this kind of invasive searches are normally tracking you because they are about to throw you in jail for all practical purposes.

So, where can people draw the line, and more importantly how can they stop it? Verizon does have an opt-out policy, which can be found if you look for it for a little while. Having said that, it certainly makes one wonder about their place in this world of ours where we are seen, by the same people we pay for services, as giant bags of money. It also raises more questions as to what would be a good way to protect oneself from this kind of unwanted privacy breaches. Who knows? Maybe our developers could create something that renders deep packet sniffing useless, or maybe something that could retro-feed Verizon’s centers with pictures of lolcats instead of the juicy information that they are so desperately trying to mine out of us.

This is very likely not carrier specific. It just so happens that Mr. Diggings decided to brag about it in the open to a crowd that includes very privacy conscious individuals (us). So, unless you are OK with this kind of practice, I suggest that you look for the little “opt out” button and click it. And if you are OK with it, hopefully you are mindful of what you use your data for because after all… you are being watched.

You can find more information in the original article on CNET.

Thanks for reading. Want something published in the Portal? Contact any News Writer.

10 Nov 10:42

Having fun with my Muppet wallpaper

Submitted by: endorbine
Posted at: 2012-11-08 22:30:18
See full post and comment:

07 Nov 08:51

New In Titanium Backup: Create Flashable Zips Of All Your Apps And Data

by Cameron Summerson

Mejores 6 euros de mi vida


How many times have you gone through this: download a new ROM, backup all your apps with Titanium, reboot into recovery, perform a nandroid backup, wipe, install new ROM, boot and set up, then restore all your apps and data. Yeah, it's crazy. And it takes forever.

What if you could cut that time by a solid 20 or 30 minutes? Thanks to a new feature just incorporated in Titanium Backup, you can. With the newest update to TB Pro, you can now create a flashable zip of all your apps and data. That means that you can flash all your goodies right after a new ROM and fire up a system that's ready to go right out of the box.

Done With This Post? You Might Also Like These:

New In Titanium Backup: Create Flashable Zips Of All Your Apps And Data was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

06 Nov 20:04

[New Game] Curiosity Is The Most Absurd, Ambiguous, And Tedious Game Of All Time

by Cameron Summerson


Have you ever felt the need to endlessly tap on your screen for no real reason? Do like watching things turn from one color to another? Then we have the game for you! It's called Curiosity, and it's mind bogglingly boring. And pointless.

Here's the gist: there's a giant cube. Like, huge. And the entire world "chips away" at it little by little in real time. Why? To satisfy their own curiosity (hence the name of the "game"). Apparently, there are new things to look at with each layer and whoever chips the last block will find out some "life changing" secret.

Done With This Post? You Might Also Like These:

[New Game] Curiosity Is The Most Absurd, Ambiguous, And Tedious Game Of All Time was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

05 Nov 18:55

How certain substances affect the aging process

Submitted by: diegolin101
Posted at: 2012-11-05 00:43:14
See full post and comment:

03 Nov 21:36

Shigeru Miyamoto actin a fool in Spain, where he visited this...

by ericisawesome

Shigeru Miyamoto actin a fool in Spain, where he visited this week to accept Spain’s prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for his contributions to video games — you know, that whole thing with creating Mario, Zelda, etc.

You should totally watch this montage of Miyamoto’s trip to see him mixing it up with fans, accepting his award, and even meeting a few Spanish royals:

You really get a sense of how he’s touched so many lives through his games, by all the love everyone has for him.

Buy: New Super Mario Bros. 2
See also: More Shigeru Miyamoto posts
02 Nov 15:46

The Three Laws of Robotics; As Told by Asimov Himself

by Jason Fitzpatrick

Many Sci-Fi fans and certainly most Isaac Asimov fans are familiar with the Three Laws of Robotics–but how many of us have heard the man himself explain them?

In this archival clip a young Isaac Asimov explains the Three Laws of Robotics–the organizing principle behind his robot-based short stories and novels.

[via Neatorama]

6 Start Menu Replacements for Windows 8 What Is the Purpose of the “Do Not Cover This Hole” Hole on Hard Drives? How To Log Into The Desktop, Add a Start Menu, and Disable Hot Corners in Windows 8

01 Nov 12:55

Download The Android 4.2 Camera/Gallery App With New UI, Editing, Photo Sphere [Update: Now With Working Sphere Viewer]

by Liam Spradlin


UPDATE: We've updated the links below with an install package that lets you capture and view Photo Spheres right on your handset.

One of the most popular features introduced Monday with Android 4.2 was a revamped camera/gallery app (that we got a peek at early). The camera introduces a new focus/settings UI (popping up with an "options ring" only when you need it), a refreshed gallery interface, and of course – Photo Sphere.

Photo Sphere, for those who missed it, allows users to capture 360° images of their surroundings a la Google Maps, using XML data in concert with an enormous JPG file to help you save an immersive photo experience of where you've been.

Done With This Post? You Might Also Like These:

Download The Android 4.2 Camera/Gallery App With New UI, Editing, Photo Sphere [Update: Now With Working Sphere Viewer] was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

30 Oct 19:23

Final Burn Alpha Available for Android!

by egzthunder1

We have all seen our share of emulators for the Android platform. Name the vintage console of your liking, and there is bound to be either a native emulator for it on Android or a ported one from its PC counterpart. In fact, Capcom system games also have an emulator available thanks to XDA Forum Member Cpasjuste. However, this one has a few limitations in what it can do compared to other, more capable options on PC. Because of this, the dev decided that he wanted to be able to play games as if using one of the famous PC CPS emulators on his Android device(s). And just like that, Final Burn Alpha for Android went from being a dream to a reality.

Here’s a quick run through this emulator: It is used to emulate the systems used by several arcade machines used to play Capcom games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter (any version), and several others. FBA emulates the machines and allows any device running this program to launch images or ROMs (a concept that we are all mildly familiar with) to enjoy said games. This app will allow you (once completed) to run CPS1, 2, and 3 ROMs, as well as some of your favorite NeoGeo, Sega System 16, and System 18 games, and many more.

The dev is up to version 1.2, and as such there are some bugs present. Please help the dev out by testing the app. Just remember, please DO NOT ask for ROMs in open threads since they are copyrighted content, and as such ARE treated as warez on XDA. Feedback, as always, is highly appreciated.

Hi !

I couldn’t wait anymore to share my current progress on porting Final Burn Alpha on our android devices since it’s now in a good shape. There’s still some work to do (see todo list next). Else most games seems to work, including CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, NEOGEO, PGM and all other supported FBA platforms except consoles. It run at fullspeed with no frameskip on my Galaxy Note n7000, with a lower device it won’t run fullspeed i guess.

You can find more information in the original thread.

Want something published in the Portal? Contact any News Writer.

[Thanks Cpasjuste for the tip!]

29 Oct 13:39

Otro grande de Super Nintendo llega a Android: 'Chrono Trigger'

by Jarkendia

Chrono Trigger (Google Play)

Es curioso. No han pasado ni dos semanas desde que recordamos cinco temazos de la SNES, entre ellos, por supuesto, uno del ‘Chrono Trigger’, y ahora tenemos que volver a mencionarlo para hacernos eco de una noticia relativa a este clásico de Squaresoft, la de su llegada a Android.

Sí, tras su paso por iOS el año pasado ahora le toca el turno al sistema de Google mediante Google Play, y por un euro menos, por cierto. 7,99 euros, en concreto. La versión, además, no es la de Super Nintendo (que jamás pisó territorio europeo), sino la de Nintendo DS, con dos zonas adicionales que ya vimos en esa entrega (Vórtice Dimensional y Santuario Olvidado). El control, eso sí, es táctil, y viene en español. Otra gran oportunidad para adentrarse en tan mágico universo creado por Squaresoft.

Os dejamos con su tráiler de presentación, en el que se menciona también la versión para iOS (iPad, iPhone e iPod Touch), recordando, ya de paso, que lo podemos encontrar en Nintendo DS (en formato físico), WiiWare (Consola Virtual de Super Nintendo), e incluso entre los clásicos de PSone de Playstation Network, aunque aquí en la cuenta norteamericana. Que empiecen los viajes en el tiempo…

Vídeo | Youtube
Vía | Siliconera
En Google Play | Chrono Trigger

29 Oct 11:56

How to get Windows 8 Pro Promo Code without Windows Serial Key Check

by Ashish Mohta

Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft has made it lot easy for Windows 7 / Windows Vista or even Windows XP user to migrate and upgrade their OS to a genuine Windows 8 Copy even if you have lost your Windows License or never had it before. There are couple of offers right now starting with cheap $13 or 699 Indian Rupees upgrade or get a new license of 39.99$ or get a DVD Coy in 69.99$.

Now I have heard that many users who do not have Windows 7 Original License Key or they have lost it or somebody has installed pirated Windows on their machine are able to upgrade to Windows 8. Though this sound funny but probably Microsoft is doing it intentionally to remove pirated version of Windows from the market by giving out the OS for so cheap.

So to get this offer, go to and select your country. Now the real trick is to fill in the details which comes in the next page. Now to let you know this offer is only valid for recently bought PC but if you fill in details smartly, you can still grab the offer.

In case you have forgotten Windows Key, Be careful what you need to fill in.

  • Add your Contact Name, Email Address and Phone No correctly.
  • When filling the month of purchase, make sure to fill in dates which is close to one or two month of launch of Windows 8.
  • Do not choose any brand when it comes to selecting PC brand because this will initiate the Windows 7 Key verification.
  • You can put in the name of the company from where you bought your PC in the next field.

Once done, the next page will not ask you to verify Windows 7 Key Check. Remember if you have the key, please choose the appropriate PC Brand like Dell.

Windows 7 PC Upgrade

Once done you will receive an email and notification  that “You’ve completed registration for the Windows Upgrade Offer. You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly with your registration details for your records” and you will get a registration number. Soon you should get a second email with Windows 8 Promo Code.

How to upgrade ?

This is critical. Since this is upgrade and not the clean installation, you need to run the Windows 8 upgrade software on the PC which you want to upgrade. This link to the upgrade will be included in the same email where you get the promo code.

Next run the upgrader and follow the steps till you are asked to buy Windows 8 where you need to enter the promo key. You will be able to choose Payment Method and other information.

Follow the upgrade and its instruction and you should be able to upgrade nicely. Read more about it here.

What if this does not work for you ?

In that case Microsoft has another offer which costs only 39.99$ USD which gives you option to either upgrade or clean install


How to get Windows 8 Pro Promo Code without Windows Serial Key Check by Ashish Mohta originally appeared on Technospot.Net on 2012/10/29. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

The post How to get Windows 8 Pro Promo Code without Windows Serial Key Check appeared first on Technospot.Net.

Related posts:

  1. Buying a New Windows 7 PC ? Grab Windows 8 for almost free (14.99$)
  2. Upgrading to Windows 8 will need to have Windows 7, Vista or XP already Installed & Product Key Handy
  3. How to find licenses and serial numbers of installed software

29 Oct 11:10

Bug en EXT4: No rebotarás tu máquina.

by puefale (posted by Mu)
EXT4 Data Corruption Bug Hits Linux Kernel. No sé si hay mucha gente utilizando ext4 en entornos de producción, yo soy uno de ellos. RHEL 6 tiene soporte para ext4, como teníamos problemas con el número de directorios, 32.000 se nos quedaban cortos (sic), acabamos montando un RHEL 6 con ext4. En una intervención hubo que reiniciar la máquina y... ¿qué pasó? Pues corrupción total del ext4. Fue imposible volver a montar el filesystem. Por suerte era un sistema redundado y no fue un pollo de grandes proporciones. El tema es que me quedé con la mosca detrás de la oreja, básicamente por qué parecía más que nada un bug. No había habido problemas de HW, pero no hubo manera de encontrar nada. En casa utilizo ext4 también, y no he tenido problemas aunque, claro, el uso de disco es bastante más bajo. ¿A alguien más le ha pasado lo de perder un filesystem ext4 sin ver razón aparente?
28 Oct 17:57

After using Windows 8 for a couple of hours

Submitted by: thewootcool
Posted at: 2012-10-27 17:52:15
See full post and comment:

28 Oct 17:52

Colección EPUB 3732 Libros en Español

by (Carnal Pages Tarazona)


Extensa colección de ePub de todos los géneros, en Castellano. Listos para ponerlos en tu eBook, Ipad, Android, Iphone,etc.

Listado de libro:


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27 Oct 20:35

Evil Dead: Regreso a la cabaña (Trailer)

by NeoTeo


Evil Dead: Regreso a la cabaña (Trailer)

Para ser honestos, estamos un poco preocupados. ¿Por qué, se preguntan? En primer lugar, Evil Dead no es cualquier otra saga de terror. En segundo lugar, Evil Dead NO ES cualquier otra saga de terror. Y en tercer lugar, pensar en superar al personaje de Ash Williams (y en consecuencia, a Bruce Campbell) suena un poco a locura, teniendo en cuenta la enorme cantidad de “héroes” a los que ha inspirado con el paso de los años. Pero Evil Dead tendrá su remake, el trailer oficial ya está dando vueltas por la Web, y tanto Campbell como Sam Raimi figuran como productores, por lo tanto, saber que están en control del timón debería brindar tranquilidad... ¿cierto?

Evil Dead: Regreso a la cabaña (Trailer)
Ver articulo completo: Evil Dead: Regreso a la cabaña (Trailer)
26 Oct 13:27

Point of view really matters

Submitted by: doomeranger
Posted at: 2012-10-24 11:44:49
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