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11 Apr 04:02

Pelosi: Barr is 'off the rails'

by Scott Wong
LEESBURG, Va. - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday said Attorney General William Barr has gone "off the rails" after he testified before a pair of House and Senate committees this week....
11 Apr 04:02

Rush Limbaugh: Barr's 'spying' probe 'monumental'



Rush Limbaugh (video screenshot)

Rush Limbaugh (video screenshot)

“Monumental.” That’s how radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh is describing Attorney General William Barr’s statement that he believes the Obama administration was “spying” on the 2016 Trump campaign.

“I honestly don’t think that what has happened today has sunk in yet,” Limbaugh said Wednesday on his national broadcast. “For over two years the entire reason for the existence of CNN and the New York Times and all the rest of these media people was to propel, to amplify, to solidify the idea that Trump colluded with Russia and is therefore an illegitimate president and maybe a traitor, for two years. And they did it with certitude.

“They did it with smiles on their faces and every guest they brought in and every panel they assembled had the same premise, had the same belief. They pummeled it. They pummeled people over the head with it. They didn’t let people breathe. Every time anybody looked at CNN, that’s all they saw. If you read the New York Times, that’s all you saw. If you watched MSNBC, that’s all you saw,” he explained.

“For over two years, when you glanced at CNN, if you were in an airport and you were walking to gates, changing gates, walking to your plane, whatever, you look and you see CNN, you’re gonna see ‘Trump-Russia collusion.’ You’re gonna conclude that it happened. You know there’s a report going on. There’s an investigation. We’re waiting on the truth. We’re waiting on the evidence to be produced, for two years.

“And everybody on CNN’s face is gleeful, and they’re smiling, and they are affectively patting each other on the back after every report. And they are high-fiving, theoretically, every guest and every panel. And they are acting as though they are assured, they are certain that they are going to get this president, that he is toast, he is as good as gone, for two years every day, all day.”

He said the “deluge” of diatribe was constant, without let-up.

Then “the bottom literally drops out,” when the report from special counsel Robert Mueller reveals no collusion.

“The floor, the foundation on which they have built their professional existence drops out from underneath them. They’ve got no ripcord. They are plunging into an abyss. Virtually everything they have staked their professional reputations on has been snatched away from ’em,” Limbaugh described.

But that wasn’t even the worst, for them.

“They’re hit today with the reality that everything they were complicit in is on the verge of being exposed. That all of those handshakes and all of those backslaps and all of those high fives and all those smirks and all those smiles of confidence that we’re gonna get Trump, they’re gone, folks.

“Remember, we’re talking a level of arrogance here, these people never thought they weren’t going to get away with it. They never thought it wasn’t gonna work. Just need Mueller to come through. Just need all of those anti-Trump investigators on Mueller’s team to come through.”

Barr’s confirmation he’s looking into the actions of the intel community under Obama – and against Trump – sent a shock wave, he said.

“The turnaround here, the flip, the 180, the standing everything upside down on its head, they are in a state of shock. … Today you can see this blank, stunned disbelief, depression, despondency, disappointment on their faces.”

He continued, “I’m taking this time because I want everybody to take whatever time you have just to stop and realize how big it is, how monumental it is.”

He predicted Democrats now will have to come up with “new Trump scandals, scandals that you haven’t heard of,” because their battle plan of “getting rid of Trump” continues.

“But this, what Barr said today, the importance of this and the symbolism of it has not hit people yet. What Barr said today is going to happen, doesn’t happen. Oh, yeah, we have inspectors general running around making sure that individual cabinet departments, agencies and so forth are clean. But we don’t have, we don’t get what William Barr said is going to happen today.

“When’s the last time you can think of the Department of Justice investigating the FBI? Can’t think of it. Oh, there might have been some times in the immediate post-J. Edgar Hoover era, but nothing like what this could be. The tables do not get turned on the administrative state like this. And don’t forget where this is ultimately pointed. Barack Obama and his presidency is where this is pointed.”

Barr actually stunned a Senate hearing room into total silence when he said, “I think spying did occur.”

He said an investigation into what the previous administration’s appointees did is as important as keeping foreign influence out of elections.

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal, a big deal,” he said.

Challenged to say that no, nothing really happened, he shocked listeners, “I don’t … well … I guess you could … I think spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur.”

The post Rush Limbaugh: Barr's 'spying' probe 'monumental' appeared first on WND.

11 Apr 04:02

Barr testimony opens new partisan fight over FBI spying on Trump

by Morgan Chalfant and Olivia Beavers
Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday that he is reviewing whether U.S. officials improperly "spied" on members of the Trump campaign, a statement that prompted cheers from Republicans and gave Democrats new reason...
11 Apr 04:00

Says spying on Trump Campaign by Obama Admin DID occur...

11 Apr 03:59

Mysterious malware infects second critical infrastructure site...

Mysterious malware infects second critical infrastructure site...

(Second column, 9th story, link)

11 Apr 03:58

NATIONAL ENQUIRER Put Up for Sale After Scandals...

11 Apr 03:57

Suspect taken into custody in connection with string of fires at historically black Louisiana churches: report

by John Bowden
Authorities in Louisiana have reportedly taken a suspect into custody in connection with fires that burned down three historically African-American churches in the state....
11 Apr 03:57

House votes to reinstate Obama-era net neutrality rules

by Harper Neidig
The House on Wednesday voted to reinstate Obama-era net neutrality rules prohibiting internet service providers from interfering with web traffic.The bill passed by a 232-190 vote, mostly along party lines. Just on...
11 Apr 03:57



(First column, 1st story, link)

11 Apr 03:56

Alexandria Police Department asks for help finding missing woman

by Alexandria Town Talk

The Alexandria Police Department asks the public to look out for a woman missing since last month.

11 Apr 03:56

St. Landry church fires: Authorities arrest suspect in connection with three fires

by Ashley White, Lafayette Daily Advertiser

Authorities arrested suspect in fires of three predominantly black Louisiana churches.

01 Apr 23:39

Twitter Blocking Users From Following Anti-Abortion Film In Second Recent 'Glitch'

by Tyler Durden

After temporarily suspending the Twitter account of a Christian-focused production company's anti-abortion film with no explanation, some Twitter users are now reporting that they can't follow the account for the movie Unplanned - as Twitter automatically "un-follows" them upon a refresh. 

Unplanned is based on the 2009 memoir of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, who became a pro-life activist after witnessing an abortion at 13 weeks. 

US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell posted video evidence of Twitter automatically un-following the film's account - asking Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Sunday "What is going on @jack? This is outrageous." 

Of note, the 'un-following' may be random, or only apply to accounts with a lot of followers, as some users with small Twitter followings have reported being able to successfully follow the account, @unplannedmovie

Many conservative social media influencers have reported an inability to follow the film's official account. 

R rating, no ad space

The left's suppression of Unplanned extends far beyond just Twitter. Not only did the movie earn an "R" rating that many say never should have been handed down, TV networks have reportedly refused to sell ad time for the film

In short, an underage girl can get an abortion in many parts of the United States without her parents' permission, yet can't legally watch this movie about abortion without a parent. 

01 Apr 23:35

The Latest Scheme To Turn Gun Owners Into Criminals

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Jonathon Moseley via,

Gun-owners, they are coming: on March 21, a Fredericksburg man was prosecuted and convicted of the misdemeanor crime of merely holding a B.B. gun in public.  I know because I was in the trial, as the attorney defending Mr. Wolff.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms.  However, gun control activists are trying to criminalize gun ownership.  Their next step is that you are a criminal if you take a gun out in public.  If they have to let you own a gun, you can't ever take it out of its case.

Liberals continue to try to criminalize private ownership of guns, despite losing a key battle in District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783, 2820–2821, 171 L.Ed.2d 637, (2008).  Unlike conservatives, left-wingers never quit.  They intend to win the war eventually and disarm the American people.

Now they claim that it is illegal to "open carry" a firearm.  The mere existence of a gun if anyone else is around now has become the crime of "brandishing" and/or "assault" (which means frightening people, contrary to popular misunderstanding) or both.

In Virginia, in the Fredericksburg General District Court, my client was charged with two counts of "brandishing" a firearm under Va. Code § 18.2-282 and two counts of assault under the all-purpose (vague) Va. Code §18.2-57, for a single incident that took no more than 30 seconds.  (In my own defense, I took the case knowing that Virginia statutes are bad and need to be challenged by a campaign of appeals.)

In the early morning of January 3, 2019, Mr. Wolff — who because of the pain of his injuries did not sleep most of the night — heard a loud commotion in the private athletic club parking lot right to him.  There was a history of trespassing, drunken parties, and police activity there.  He described often seeing the blue flashing lights of police cars filling his living room from that spot over the years.  He knew that the parking lot was blocked by a cable and a lock, so anyone parking there would be committing a crime, including breaking the cable and the lock.  Just last week, he found a .22 bullet casing in that parking lot.

He testified that he did not know what was going on, so he took his B.B. gun for his own protection. 

 Standing in his own yard, he shouted across the fence, "What are you doing there?  That is private property."  

The woman then shouted, "He's got a gun!"  

The man and the woman then calmly walked away, never answering his question.  

They were "flaggers" assisting a road construction project, but nobody had ever informed Mr. Wolff before. 

His question was never answered.  He went back into his townhouse, thought the incident was over, and went back to his morning meal.

Nobody suggested that he ever pointed the B.B. gun at anyone, nor that he waved it or flourished it in an ostentatious or angry manner (referring to dictionary definitions of "brandish").  But he was then arrested for two counts of "assault by intimidation" and two counts of brandishing, purely because the two workers said they were afraid.

There was body-cam video of the interviews after the fact.  Everyone agreed on the day of the incident that the defendant carried a B.B. gun by holding the barrel (the front tip up by his hip) so that the trigger end hung down near the ground, and that he held the B.B. gun down next to his leg. He then leaned it up against the fence.

There were four counts alleging two victims from the same incident.  So if you have a gun around ten people, you could be charged with twenty misdemeanors from one single action.  That would be ten crimes of brandishing by just holding the gun passively and ten crimes of assault from the same holding, because there are ten people around.

The judge seemed sympathetic but said that he felt constrained by prior court cases to find Mr. Wolff guilty of Va. Code § 18.2-282, which also criminalizes merely "holding" a firearm "in such manner as to" frighten someone.  The judge discussed with me that the statute is completely subjective from the standpoint of the complaining person.

I say this makes the statute unconstitutional — void for vagueness — because anyone can say he is afraid just because you are holding a gun.  How do you know what to means to hold a gun "in such a manner" as to make someone afraid?  There are no standards to follow.

How do you know if you are breaking the law?  What is "brandishing?"  Nobody knows.  There is no definition in the statute.  Virginia considers dictionaries, but those definitions are all over the map.

We should all be offended by vague and ambiguous laws that can be bent like putty in the hands of prosecutors or police.

Va. Code §18.2-282 and similar laws nationwide are unconstitutional because they are "void for vagueness," in violation of the due process rights of the U.S. Constitution.  Mentions in precedents and dictionaries are inconsistent as well as incredibly vague and ambiguous.

Neither I nor Mr. Wolff has the funds to, but someone needs to take this all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down these vague laws.

Many of the events on January 3 were captured by police "body worn camera" video, which is still available to confirm every detail.  The trial was captured by court reporting firm Frances K. Haley & Associates, Inc.

Now, in order to take the case to Second Amendment organizations like the Virginia Civil Defense League, Gun Owners of America, and the NRA, or The Rutherford Institute with John Whitehead in Virginia, it is necessary to show the court reporter's transcript to them.  They need to know that this case is a good example of the legal question before going forward with it.

Mr. Wolff is a disabled veteran living on a small pension.  He needs help to pay $1,300 for the court reporter's transcript.  Otherwise, he won't be able to take the case up on appeal.  If anyone cares about the growing assault on every American's Second Amendment rights, please help with a donation of whatever you can manage, large or small.

01 Apr 23:35

Lunar lander firm OrbitBeyond eyes Florida for new facility

Lunar lander company OrbitBeyond is eyeing Florida for a new facility.
01 Apr 23:35

GOP Downplays Whistleblower’s Clearance Concerns: She Said ‘Only 4-5’ People Posed ‘Very Serious’ Problems

by Matt Naham
01 Apr 23:35

3 World War II service members ID'd 7 seven years after death

Scientists have identified the remains of three service members killed more than seven decades ago during World War II, the Defense Department announced Monday.
01 Apr 23:35

No more broken phone screens: New see-through film is stronger than aluminum

Thanks to a new transparent polythene film, shattered phone screens "could be a thing of the past," according to researcher Ton Peijs.
01 Apr 23:35

Air Force Selects New Air Base For Mysterious B-21 Stealth Bomber

by Tyler Durden

The U.S. Air Force announced last week that it had selected Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota to be the preferred location for the first operational B-21 Raider bomber unit, as well as a training group, reported the United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa.

The release said the second and third bombing units would be based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, and Dyess AFB, Texas.

“These three bomber bases are well-suited for the B-21,” Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said in the release. “We expect the first B-21 Raider to be delivered beginning in the mid-2020s, with subsequent deliveries phased across all three bases.”

Ellsworth AFB was selected as the first location for the next-generation stealth bomber because of its strategic location in the Midwest. The release said Ellsworth AFB has "sufficient space and existing facilities necessary to accommodate simultaneous missions."

The service is expected to make the final decision after it compiles the National Environmental Policy Act and other regulatory and planning processes on where to base the B-21 by 2021.

In 4Q18, the Air Force said that Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma would provide temporary support for the B-21, and Edwards AFB in California would conduct testing and evaluation trials. 

Robins AFB in Georgia and Hill AFB in Utah were also chosen to support Tinker on maintaining, overhauling and upgrading the B-21, the Air Force said last fall.

The Air Force will retire the B-1 Lancers and B-2 Spirits once series production of the B-21 begins.

“We are procuring the B-21 Raider as a long-range, highly survivable aircraft capable of penetrating enemy airspace with a mix of weapons,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Dave Goldfein said in the release. “It is a central part of a penetrating joint team.”

The head of the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command expects 100 B-21 bombers will be the minimum ordered and envisions some 175–200 bombers in service by 2030. At $550 million per plane in FY10 dollars, the entire program could cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

01 Apr 23:34

Chicago police call for state's attorney to resign in Smollett controversy

Protesting Chicago police officers on Monday called for Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx to resign after her office dropped felony charges against actor Jussie Smollett last week related to allegations that he staged a phony hate crime.
01 Apr 23:34

Maxine Waters Gushes: ‘Jussie Smollett Is Like A Son To Me’

'It’s the correct thing that the charges were dropped,' says California Democrat.
01 Apr 23:34

Biden’s Team Claims Photos A “Cottage Industry of Lies”

Establishment that favors fake news slams real photos, videos
01 Apr 23:34

Mueller handed Democrats their next line of attack against Trump

by Madison Gesiotto, opinion contributor
How could the president have obstructed justice in an investigation of a crime that was never committed?
01 Apr 23:34

Dead cows washing up on Canary Island beaches...

Dead cows washing up on Canary Island beaches...

(Second column, 19th story, link)

01 Apr 23:34

Child video game addictions sending parents to couples counseling...

Child video game addictions sending parents to couples counseling...

(Second column, 24th story, link)

01 Apr 23:33

Maxine Waters Supports Charges Being Dropped Against Smollett

by Mike Brest
'He never committed a crime before, he forfeited the bail'
01 Apr 23:33

James Comey ‘Announces’ 2020 Run in April Fools’ Day Tweet

by Josh Feldman

Former FBI Director James Comey‘s contribution to April Fools’ Day was a tweet suggesting a 2020 presidential run.

He followed up with a dig at President Donald Trump‘s Twitter habits:

There were more eye rolls than laughs.

[image via screengrab]

01 Apr 23:33

Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery Postponed Rolling Stones Tour - Rolling Stone

01 Apr 23:32

Dick’s CEO a Member of Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Control Group

by AWR Hawkins
Dick’s banned sale of “assault rifles” and “high capacity” magazines two weeks after Parkland shooting.
01 Apr 23:32

Baltimore Mayor On Leave Following Her Self-Published Kids’ Book Fiasco

by Neetu Chandak
'Battling pneumonia'
01 Apr 23:32

Pelosi: Accusations against Biden don't disqualify him

by Al Weaver
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that a pair of allegations of inappropriate kissing and touching against former Vice President Joe Biden should "not at all" disqualify him from the 2020 race."No. No, I...