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28 Mar 14:59

Smollett attorney: Attackers may have been in whiteface

by Joe Concha
Jussie Smollett's attorney said on NBC's "Today" show that the two Nigerian brothers who say they were paid by the "Empire" actor to attack him may have been in whiteface."He only saw one of the attackers. One of t...
27 Mar 16:32

Anti-Trump Rapper Cardi B Says She Had ‘Limited Options’ After Video Shows Her Saying She Drugged, Robbed Men

by Jerome Hudson
Grammy-winning rapper Cardi B is taking a ton of heat after a video resurfaced online showing the New York crooner detailing how she drugged and robbed men for money.
27 Mar 16:32

China’s Social Credit System Humiliates ‘Deadbeats’ with Embarrassing Ringtone

by John Hayward
China’s “social credit” system--a dystopian surveillance nightmare that monitors people in countless ways and automatically dishes out punishments for poor citizenship and political dissidence--is humiliating “discredited individuals” by forcing them to use an embarrassing ringtone on their cell phones.
27 Mar 16:31



(Top headline, 1st story, link)

27 Mar 16:30

Brunei introduces 'vicious' new Sharia laws...

Brunei introduces 'vicious' new Sharia laws...

(Third column, 8th story, link)

27 Mar 16:30

Gays stoned to death, thieves amputated...

Gays stoned to death, thieves amputated...

(Third column, 9th story, link)

27 Mar 16:30

Rant At Mexican Restaurant Over Bilingual Menu...

Rant At Mexican Restaurant Over Bilingual Menu...

(First column, 19th story, link)

27 Mar 16:30

Chicago police ask feds to investigate Smollett



Jussie Smollett (Facebook)

Jussie Smollett (Facebook)

“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who reached an agreement with state prosecutors in Chicago to make 16 charges relating to his claim he was attacked by two racist, homophobic men in an incident authorities determined was set up go away, apparently isn’t in the clear yet.

Police in the city have asked federal authorities to investigate him for a possible federal violation – he’s suspected of mailing to himself a death threat, which would be a federal offense.

Chicago police union spokesman Kevin Graham on Wednesday said in an interview with Fox that the city’s Fraternal Order of Police members have written to federal prosecutors asking them to review Smollett’s actions.

Local authorities earlier had alleged that Smollett had sent the threat to himself, and when it failed to generate enough publicity, hired two acquaintances to “attack” him, an event he then reported to police as a “hate” crime.

A grand jury reviewed the evidence and indicted Smollett on 16 charges, but in a stunning outcome that may have been influenced by politics, local prosecutors on Tuesday announced all the charges were dropped in return for Smollett’s community service and forfeiture of $10,000.

“We are interested in having federal authorities look into what has occurred here,” Graham told Fox on Wednesday.

He said the handling of the case, especially the decision to seal the details and keep them from the public, was “unprecedented.”

He explained the letter asking for federal intervention was hand-delivered to authorities, “to make sure they understood we’re serious.”

Graham said the U.S. attorney is known to be “a low and order attorney.”

When the decision on the local charges was announced Tuesday, the Chicago police chief, Eddie Johnson, said the city is owed an apology.

And Mayor Rahm Emanuel blasted a deal as a “whitewash.”

WND reported early Tuesday that prosecutors had agreed to drop the 16 charges Smollett was facing of manufacturing a hate crime by hiring two acquaintances to attack him.

Smollett had blamed the attack on racist, homophobic Trump supporters.

He then reported the “crime” to authorities. But investigators concluded he sent a threatening letter to himself, and staged the attack, to raise his profile and possibly to boost his pay.

Emanuel minced no words in his condemnation of the agreement.

“Because of the judge’s decision none of [the] evidence ever will be made public. This, without a doubt, is a whitewash of justice.”

He said it “sends a message that if you’re in a position of power, you get treated one way, and others get treated another way.”

The federal investigation might not be the only unresolved issue, either.

The Gateway Pundit reported there may have been outside influence on the case.

“The Chicago Police Union want a federal investigation into Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s handling of Smollett’s case after text messages revealed she was communicating with Jussie Smollett’s relatives and supporters about their concerns over his case,” the report said.

The “Smollett family friend,” the report said, was Tina Tchen, who wrote to Foxx: “Hi Kim – I sent an email to your work address I think as well. I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation. I am on an 8 am flight to nyc but please call me before then. I land about 1015 Chicago time. My cell is [redacted]. Many thanks!”

The report pointed out that Tchen is former first lady Michelle Obama’s former aide.

“I’ll keep you posted,” she wrote after the message: “Spoke to the superintendent earlier, he made the ask. Trying to figure out logistics.”

The Chicago Tribune reported Foxx had asked police to let the FBI handle the case after being contacted by Tchen but later recused herself from the case because of the contacts.

The political connections didn’t end there.

Breitbart reported left-wing billionaire George Soros gave $408,000 to a PAC that was supporting Foxx.

The donation took place in 2016 when Soros was investing heavily in “progressive” candidates in various prosecutorial positions.

An ABC report suggested that federal authorities already were investigating Smollett’s claim of getting a letter threat.

A source told the network the state’s actions did not change the federal probe, PageSix said.

Officials from the Project 21 black leadership network blasted Smollett for the situation’s “crass display of ‘celebrity privilege'”

“This case stands for one clear proposition – regardless of color. In America today, people of wealth and privilege can escape accountability for the same acts that mainstream Americans cannot,” said Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper. “This deal stinks, and it makes a mockery of the idea that all Americans are equal before the law.”

“Jussie Smollett is either the luckiest guy in Chicago or the shrewdest. The bombshell dropping of all charges against him has stunned critics who call it an outrageous instance of black celebrity privilege,” said Project 21 member Nadra Enzi. “This is no less than a slap in the face to the Chicago Police Department and race relations!”

The group is asking the NAACP to rescind Smollett’s nomination for an Image Award for “Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.”


The post Chicago police ask feds to investigate Smollett appeared first on WND.

27 Mar 16:30

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Crushes Notion There Wasn’t Enough To Charge Jussie Smollett

by Amber Athey
'That's not what the state's attorney said'
27 Mar 16:30

Luxury cruise ship lost engines due low level of lubricating oil: Norway

The engines of a luxury cruise ship that narrowly escaped disaster during a storm off Norway on Saturday failed because of relatively low levels of lubricating oil in the engines, the Norwegian Maritime Authority said on Wednesday.
27 Mar 16:29

DeVos blasted by House for suggested cuts to Special Olympics funds

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos fought off attacks from Democrats over her budget suggestions to cut $18 million from the Special Olympics and other programs.
27 Mar 16:29

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela

U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on Russia to pull its troops from Venezuela and said that "all options" were open to make that happen.
26 Mar 16:31

Chicago PD "Furious" After Smollett Charges Dropped; Empire Actor Makes "Emergency Court Appearance"

by Tyler Durden

Update: Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson is reportedly "furious" over the dropped charges, according to CBS Chicago's Charlie De Mar. 


Charges were dropped on Tuesday against Empire actor Jussie Smollett for disorderly conduct related to allegedly staging a fake hate crime attack and filing a false police report, according to the Chicago Tribune

A grand jury slapped Smollett with 16 felony counts earlier this month for falsely reporting a hate crime, which his attorney Mark Geragos called "vindictive" and "prosecutorial overkill." 

The Cook County State's Attorney's Office issued the following statement: "After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition & appropriate resolution."

According to reports, the state of Illinois filed the motion to dismiss the case, which the judge signed off on. The case has also been sealed, according to CBS Chicago's Charlie De Mar

"Today, all criminal charges against Jussie Smollett were dropped and his record has been wiped clean of the filing of this tragic complaint against him. Jussie was attacked by two people he was unable to identify on January 29th. He was a victim who was vilified and made to appear as a perpetrator as a result of false and inappropriate remarks made to the public causing an inappropriate rush to judgment," reads a statement from Smollett's attorneys. 

"Jussie and many others were hurt by these unfair and unwarranted actions," the statement continues. "This entire situation is a reminder that there should never be an attempt to prove a case in the court of public opinion. That is wrong. It is a reminder that a victim, in this case Jussie, deserves dignity and respect. Dismissal of charges against the victim in this case was the only just result."

There had been no clue that prosecutors planned the about-face move before the announcement. A publicist for Smollett’s attorney was the first to notify the news media Tuesday morning, issuing an alert that did not elaborate on the nature of the emergency.

The 36-year-old actor, who was free on $100,000 bond, has previously denied lying to police or faking the attack. -Chicago Tribune

Smollett maintains that he was the victim of a predawn hate crime on January 29 in which two men assaulted him while he was on his way home after buying a sandwich; hurling racial and antigay slurs at him, dousing him in a liquid, placing a noose around his neck (which he was still wearing when police arrived later that morning), and punching him in the face. 

The incident sparked national outrage - with the left-leaning mainstream media and prominent Democrats uncritically supporting Smollett's version of events; holding it up as a prime example of violent Donald Trump supporters

Smollett's family has issued a statement, saying that his "name and character has been unjustly smeared." 

Last month, a visibly angry Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson issued a scathing admonishment of the Empire star.

"I just wish that the families of gun violence in this city got this much attention, because that's who really deserves the amount of attention that we're giving to this particular incident," Johnson began. 

"This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary so he concocted a story about being attacked," said Johnson, who added "This publicity stunt is a scar this city didn’t deserve." 

"Why would anyone, especially an African American man, use the symbolism of a noose to make false accusations?"

Two suspects in the case, Nigerian-American brothers Ola and Abel Osundario - one of whom has been an extra on Empire, told police that Smollett paid them a combined $3,500 to stage the "attack," and that the three of them had practiced it beforehand. They also said that Smollett was involved in creating a racist letter containing a white substance that was sent to the actor on the Chicago set of Empire.

Controversy erupted earlier this month when texts and emails released by the Cook County State's Attorney's Office revealed that Michelle Obama's former Chief of Staff, Tina Tchen, attempted to have the case transferred to the FBI from the Chicago Police. 

"Spoke to the Superintendent Johnson," Foxx emailed Tchen on Feb. 1, in reference to Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson. "I convinced him to Reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation." 

Foxx also texted with one of Smollett's relatives whose name was redacted from the text release, saying: "Spoke to the superintendent earlier, he made the ask ... Trying to figure out logistics. I’ll keep you posted." 

"OMG this would be a huge victory" the family member texted back. 

"I make no guarantees, but I'm trying" replied Foxx - who recused herself from the case on Feb. 20. 

Looks like none of that was necessary, as Smollett is now in the clear. His critics, however, remain unconvinced that justice was done. 

26 Mar 16:31

GOP leader: Dems need to apologize to Trump over collusion

by Scott Wong
Democrats who alleged that Donald Trump had engaged in collusion with Russia should apologize to the president, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (D-Calif.) said Tuesday."I think he is owed an apology from every...
26 Mar 16:31

Michael Avenatti’s Indictment Is Reportedly Raising Questions In R. Kelly’s Sexual Abuse Case

by Lauryn Overhultz
What do you think?
26 Mar 16:31

Media Won’t Abandon Russia Story Because It’s All They’ve Know For Two Years And It’s Good For Business

by Nick Givas
'They will try to keep this alive as long as possible'
26 Mar 16:29

After Slew Of Victories, Trump Administration Agrees With Judge’s Findings That Obamacare Framework Is Unconstitutional

by Saagar Enjeti
Accelerate talks
26 Mar 16:29

Napolitano Reacts to Smollett’s Charges Being Dropped: ‘This is Almost Unheard Of’

by Aidan McLaughlin

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano was stunned by news that police had dropped all charges against Jussie Smollett, who was indicted just last month on 16 counts for allegedly faking a hate crime in Chicago.

“It sounds as if the government has asked to dismiss its own indictment,” Napolitano said. “Quite frankly this is almost unheard of.”

Napolitano noted that the Chicago police decried Smollett for allegedly faking a hate crime, explaining how incredible it is that the 16 count indictment — which Napolitano said was “overkill” from the start — was reversed.

“The police were furious they had been played, in their view, and used, by Jussie Smollett,” he said, explaining the hefty indictment.

As Napolitano analyzed the news, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office issued a statement explaining the decision:

“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”

After reviewing the statement, Napolitano said, “This is beginning to sound to me more and more as though it is some hybrid form of deferred prosecution.”

“It is not an acknowledgement by the government that it couldn’t prove their case, it’s some sort of act of mercy on the part of the government,” he said.

Napolitano noted that Smollett’s forfeiture of his $100,000 bond is a sign the case was not defective: “If their case is so defective they have to have it dismissed, he is entitled” to the money back, Napolitano said.

Watch above, via Fox News.

26 Mar 16:28

Flashback: State Attorney in Office that Dropped Smollett Case Recused Self [Updated]

State Attorney Kim Foxx is friendly with the Smollett family
26 Mar 16:28

Report: Jussie Smollett Escapes Hoax Attack Trial Due to Unrelated Previous Community Service

by Joshua Caplan
Charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett for filing a false police report about a staged hate crime against himself were dropped Tuesday due to community service undertaken by the Fox star in an unrelated case, according to local reports. The
26 Mar 16:28

Jussie Smollett charges dropped

by Judy Kurtz
Prosecutors have dropped charges in their case against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett.The 36-year-old performer had been charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly filing a false report after he told Chicago pol...
26 Mar 16:28

Brian Stelter Gets Roasted For Saying It’s Not CNN’s Job to “Investigate”

by Paul Joseph Watson
CNN host blasted for sharing Jeff Zucker's dubious claim.
26 Mar 16:28

In Latest Blow To Washington, EU Refuses To Recommend Bloc-Wide Huawei Ban

by Tyler Durden

The Trump Administration probably didn't need any more convincing that the longstanding post-war economic and military alliance between the US and Europe now exists solely on paper. But it got it all the same.

Just days after Beijing officially annexed Italy to the BRI, and with Brussels still deliberating what can be done to put Europe back on an even economic footing with China, the bloc has decidedly rejected Washington's efforts to muscle Huawei out of the global 5G market. First, individual EU capitals unanimously rejected Washington's warnings that Huawei posed an intractable national security, and refused to disallow the company's telecoms equipment from being used in domestic 5G networks.

And on Tuesday, the European Commission tacitly embraced Huawei by refusing to recommend that member states exclude the company, a recommendation made in a set of security guidelines, Reuters reports.


EU member states will be required to share information about cybersecurity risks related to 5G, and even develop a plan to tackle them before the end of the year. But for all of Washington's lobbying, the Commission has refused to specifically target Huawei.

According to ABC News, EU countries will have until the end of June to study 5G cybersecurity risks. Their findings will be incorporated into a bloc-wide assessment before Oct. 1. Using this assessment, the EU would need to agree on a plan to mitigate these risks by the end of the year. Experts said some measures could include certification requirements and tests of products or suppliers deemed security risks.

EU Digital Commissioner Andrus Ansip said this plan would help ensure that Europe's 5G infrastructure would be "resilient" to attack.

Andrus Ansip said that the measures announced on Tuesday aimed to address concerns about foreign governments using companies for espionage. Ansip said that 5G technology would transform the economy and society, but that this cannot happen without full security built in.

"It is therefore essential that 5G infrastructures in the EU are resilient and fully secure from technical or legal backdoors," Ansip said in a statement.

5G technology will transform economies and society, "but we cannot accept this happening without full security built in," said EU digital commissioner Andrus Ansip.

The fight to exclude Huawei, which may finally be impacting the trade talks between Washington and Beijing,  has taken on extra urgency as EU countries prepare to auction off 5G frequencies to telecom operators. Germany began the auction earlier this month (and its leader Angela Merkel soundly rejected Washington's lobbying on Huawei).

Huawei, meanwhile, has denied accusations that it is beholden to the Chinese state, and mocked Washington's hypocrisy, gleefully invoking the revelations leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and questioning whether Washington is the real "security threat."

26 Mar 16:28

Supreme Court rules against USS Cole victims, backs Sudan in bombing lawsuit

by Zack Budryk
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked American soldiers injured in the 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole from claiming millions in damages from...
25 Mar 16:14

Dem rep on collusion: 'Impossible' to 'write it off completely' just going off Barr summary

by Zack Budryk
Rep. David Cicciline (D-R.I.) told CNN Monday morning it's "impossible" to "write off completely" the question of Russian collusion without the full report from special counsel Robert Mueller.A summary released Sun...
25 Mar 16:14

Sanders: 'No discussion' of pardoning former Trump aides

by Zack Budryk
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that there are no discussions about pardoning former aides of President Trump following the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation....
25 Mar 16:14

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Dodges When Asked if She Accepts Mueller Finding No Collusion

by Julio Rosas

When repeatedly asked by MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt on if she accepts the conclusion of Robert Mueller’s investigation, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) did not answer directly.

Mueller’s report, according to a summary by Attorney General William Barr, cleared President Donald Trump and his campaign on any collusion with Russia. It did not make a determination on obstruction, though Barr and Deputy Rod Rosenstein concluded there wasn’t enough evidence for an offense.

“Do you agree, do you believe, the conclusion that Robert Mueller made, that there is no evidence that the president or his associates colluded with Russia?” Hunt asked.

Jackson Lee said the investigation was the result of Trump’s and others behavior during and after the election.

“Wikileaks, the dumping of emails, the conspicuous call to the president during his campaign from Roger Stone saying emails are about to dump,” she said.

“All of us on the Judiciary Committee want to be sobering and deliberate in our review,” she added, calling for the full Mueller report to be released.

“Ok but, again, do you believe Robert Mueller when he writes that there was no collusion? Do you accept that conclusion?” Hunt pressed.

“I think what I accept is that Robert Mueller did a very thorough job and he has made the assessment that there was no collusion, again that is not a legal term, it’s conspiracy, but his decision was based on a whole number of factors and investigations. And what I’m saying is, we in the Judiciary Committee want to review those documents,” Jackson Lee said.

Watch above, via MSNBC.

25 Mar 16:14


25 Mar 16:14

'Unsatisfied' customer busted for pelting pizzeria owner with slices...

'Unsatisfied' customer busted for pelting pizzeria owner with slices...

(Second column, 17th story, link)

25 Mar 16:13

Yale Rescinds Admission Of One Student Allegedly Linked To College Bribery Scandal

by Neetu Chandak
'Our longstanding policy'