Shared posts

19 Apr 00:48

Donald Trump: I’m Having a Good Day, No Collusion, No Obstruction

‘There never was, by the way, and there never will be’
19 Apr 00:48

Sen. Blumenthal: ‘What’s Demonstrated’ in the Mueller Report Is ‘Nothing Less than a National Scandal’

‘This report is far from the end of the inquiry ... it is the beginning of another chapter’
19 Apr 00:47

Pentagon confirms NK test launch, says not ballistic missile...

Pentagon confirms NK test launch, says not ballistic missile...

(Second column, 2nd story, link)

19 Apr 00:47

Wanted life free of laws in international waters...

Wanted life free of laws in international waters...

(Second column, 13th story, link)

19 Apr 00:45



(Main headline, 5th story, link)

19 Apr 00:45

White House lawyer refused order to fire Special Counsel...

19 Apr 00:45

Not 'conscious wrongdoing'...

19 Apr 00:45

NATIONAL ENQUIRER sold for $100 million...

19 Apr 00:45


19 Apr 00:45


19 Apr 00:44

COP: Short-circuit likely caused Notre Dame fire...

COP: Short-circuit likely caused Notre Dame fire...

(First column, 11th story, link)

19 Apr 00:44

'He's asking me to do crazy s**t'...

19 Apr 00:44

Full Text of Q&A...

19 Apr 00:42


19 Apr 00:41


19 Apr 00:41

MCCARTHY: Mueller blithely reversed burden of proof...

17 Apr 21:14

Researchers restore functions to pig brains hours after death

Using a unique solution created to preserve brain tissue, scientists were able to restore some basic cellular functions inside several pigs' brains hours after death.
17 Apr 21:14

NASA announces record-breaking stay on space station for astronaut Christina Koch

Astronaut Christina Koch will break the record for longest spaceflight by a female, according to NASA.
17 Apr 21:14

Ancient goat urine reveals how Anatolian farmers began to domesticate their herds - Science Magazine

17 Apr 21:14

Attorney general will hold a news conference on Mueller report on Thursday

U.S. Attorney General William Barr will hold a news conference at 9:30 a.m. EDT (1330 GMT) on Thursday to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential race, the Justice Department said on Wednesday.
17 Apr 21:14

At Baton Rouge restaurateur's arson trial, prosecutors want jury to hear of prior fire in Ascension

When a Baton Rouge man stands trial for allegedly burning down his Jones Creek Road restaurant in 2017 to collect insurance money, prosecutors want jurors to hear that he pocketed insurance proceeds following a 2015 fire at an eatery he…
17 Apr 21:14

San Francisco, Los Angeles, & Seattle: 3 Formerly Beautiful West Coast Cities Have Become Hellholes

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Once upon a time, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle were three of the most beautiful cities on the entire planet.  I know that this is hard to imagine today, but there was a time when millions of people eagerly moved out to the west coast for a better quality of life.  Sadly, the reverse is true today.  Millions of people are moving away from our major cities on the west coast because of the hellholes that they have become. 

A former Seattle police officer that was recently interviewed by a reporter from KOMO News  was very honest about the fact that he would never want to raise a family in Seattle because of the hellhole that it has become.  Every night he saw the worst of Seattle firsthand, and he finally felt forced to quit because city officials would not allow him to effectively do his job.  An explosion of homelessness in our major west coast cities has fueled a wave of crime, drugs and human degradation unlike anything we have seen before, and in many cases our law enforcement officials have their hands tied and are literally being prevented from cleaning up the streets.

Right now, more than half a million people are homeless in the United States.  As the economy gets worse, that number will continue to rise.

Many homeless Americans are law-abiding citizens that have just had a tough break. Everyone gets knocked down in life at some point, and we need to do all that we can to help those law-abiding citizens get back on their feet.

But because of their ultra-liberal policies, some of the major cities on the west coast have become magnets for drug addicts, serial criminals, sex offenders, illegal immigrants and people that have simply heard about all of the “free benefits” that are being offered.  As a result, the streets of those cities have become a showcase for the social decay that is sweeping across our nation.

Let’s start with San Francisco.  According to one report, it is home to more than 28,000 homeless people, and that would make San Francisco the city with the third largest homeless population in the United States.

Others feel like that number is way too low, and the truth is that it is exceedingly difficult to count the homeless.

After all, how are you supposed to accurately count people that don’t want to be counted?

What we do know is that San Francisco is a huge magnet for drug addicts.  The city handed out 5.8 million free syringes in 2018, and that number would seem to suggest a homeless population far in excess of 28,000.

And as all those drug addicts aimlessly wander through the streets, many of them use those streets as their own personal toilets.  Over the past 8 years, more than 118,000 reports of human feces in the streets have been filed with city authorities

Since 2011, there have been at least 118,352 reported instances of human fecal matter on city streets.

New mayor, London Breed, won election by promising to clean things up. However, conditions are the same or worse. Last year, the number of reports spiked to an all-time high at 28,084. In first quarter 2019, the pace continued with 6,676 instances of human waste in the public way.

In addition to endless piles of poop, the drug addicts are also endlessly committing property crimes in order to pay for their drug habits.

Each year, there are more than 6,000 property crimes per 100,000 residents in San Francisco.  That is about four times the rate of property crime that New York City has reported.

Mayor Breed would like to get a lot of these homeless people off of the streets, but finding a place to put them has been problematic.  Residents of one wealthy liberal neighborhood are currently fighting like mad to keep a proposed homeless shelter away from their gated mansions…

A wealthy liberal neighborhood in San Francisco whose residents cast the most votes for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election is fighting against a proposal to build a new homeless shelter near their gated mansions.

Mayor London Breed has sponsored legislation to fast track a homeless shelter that would house 200 people. However, wealthy liberals living in the affected area have set up a GoFundMe to stop the project which has already hit $80,000 of its $100,000 target.

Things are certainly not any better in Los Angeles.

According to the same report mentioned above, L.A. has nearly twice as many homeless people as San Francisco

Los Angeles has the second largest population of people exploring homelessness, according to a new report.

The LA area contains 55,200 homeless people, according to data released by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute.

The homeless population in L.A. has surged 75 percent in six years, and this has happened during a time when the economy has been relatively stable.

So how bad are things going to become when the economy starts getting really bad?

When I was running for Congress, one of the people that came to help the campaign had spent a lot of time in some of the worst parts of Los Angeles.  He told me about the public drug use, the constant crime and the human degradation that is seemingly everywhere.  This greatly saddened me, because Los Angeles was once a magnificent city.  In fact, at one point in my life I wanted to live there.

But not anymore.  Today, millions of people are leaving California and never looking back because of the utter hellhole the entire state has become.

Further up the coast, the city of Seattle is experiencing similar issues.  Not too long ago, a veteran Seattle reporter named Eric Johnson produced an hour-long documentary entitled “Seattle Is Dying”, and if you have not seen it yet I would strongly recommend taking the time to watch it.

Since it was first released, it has been viewed almost 2 million times on YouTube

In the past two weeks, Seattle Is Dying has garnered 38,000 shares on Facebook and nearly 2 million views on YouTube. The report has clearly resonated with anxious, fearful, and increasingly angry Seattle residents. Exhausted by a decade of rising disorder and property crime—now two-and-a-half times higher than Los Angeles’s and four times higher than New York City’s—Seattle voters may have reached the point of “compassion fatigue.” According to the Seattle Times, 53 percent of Seattle voters now support a “zero-tolerance policy” on homeless encampments; 62 percent believe that the problem is getting worse because the city “wastes money by being inefficient” and “is not accountable for how the money is spent,” and that “too many resources are spent on the wrong approaches to the problem.”

One of the moments in the documentary that really touched me was when a concerned resident described how drug addicts have been leaving needles and human waste in the graveyard near his home.  The homeless have erected tents all around the graveyard, and he can clearly smell urine whenever he walks down the streets.

He would like to fix things, and he is fed up enough that he has decided to run for city council.  But he is facing an uphill battle, because Seattle has been entirely taken over by socialists.  The following comes from Mac Slavo

The entire video is about an hour long, but it is pretty easy to see where Seattle continues to go wrong. A heavy tax burden, regulations that push out businesses, and a power-hungry group of totalitarian sociopaths have been slowly eroding the city. The decay of Western civilization can be seen up and down the entirety of the West coast. Some say it’s by design, others disagree. But the commonality is that all of the cities are being pushed into poverty by illusions and lies of socialists. Calling Seattle anything other than a leftist’s paradise would be inaccurate. The city has all of the laws the socialists want, yet it’s killing itself because of it.

In life, the decisions that we make have consequences, and San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle are now experiencing the consequences of decades of incredibly foolish decisions.

But of course they are far from alone.  All across the country there are thousands of communities where social decay is exceedingly evident, and it is getting worse with each passing year.

If we want to change the trajectory of our future, we have got to start doing things differently.

Because if we keep doing the same things, we are going to keep getting the same results, and our country is going to continue falling apart right in front of our eyes.

17 Apr 21:13

California Dems Are Fit To Be Tied Over Trump Proposal To Dump Migrants In Sanctuary Cities

by Tim Pearce
'The logic'
17 Apr 21:13

Ex-Obama campaign manager: Sanders can't beat Trump

by Michael Burke
Former President Obama's ex-campaign manager Jim Messina said Wednesday that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) would not be able to beat President Trump if the two were to face off in the 2020 general election.Messina sa...
17 Apr 21:13

NRA sues ad agency for withholding billing documentation

The National Rifle Association sued Oklahoma-based advertising agency Ackerman McQueen, saying the company refused to provide documentation about billing.
17 Apr 21:13

AOC Taunts Republicans For Trying to Keep Her From Coming to Coal Country

by Tommy Christopher

New York Congresswoman and Democratic media star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is taunting Kentucky Republicans for getting cold feet after she accepted an invitation to visit coal country.

On Tuesday, the congresswoman who has championed the Green New Deal dunked on her colleagues from the Bluegrass State who are no longer so keen to have her visit. “GOP’s getting scared that up close, their constituents will realize I’m fighting harder for their healthcare than their own Reps,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

And she continued today:

The flap over the invitation began at a House Financial Services Committee hearing several weeks ago. Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) responded to AOC’s fiery viral defense of the Green New Deal by inviting her “to come to Eastern Kentucky where thousands of coal miners no longer have paychecks” so she could hear their concerns about the proposal.

AOC told Barr, “I’d be happy to. In fact, when I first started my campaign, the first place I went was Kentucky.”

She added that “I’d also like to note that in the Green New Deal, one of the things that I advocate for is fully funding the pensions of coal miners in West Virginia and throughout Appalachia because we want a just transition to make sure we’re investing in jobs across those swaths of the country.”

But last week, Barr sent a letter to Ocasio-Cortez withdrawing the invitation unless she apologized to Rep. Dan Crenshaw over a Twitter beef involving Crenshaw’s attack on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MI). A spokesman for AOC told the local “Luckily, Kentucky has open borders,” and indicated she could go with or without the invite.

And then on Monday, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) seemed to accept Hey Kentucky! host Matt Jones‘ suggestion that the feud with Crenshaw was simply a pretext to avoid having the visit backfire.

Comer said that there was no “upside” to bringing AOC to Kentucky, and added that “Republicans are making a mistake picking on her. I think we need to be very prepared when we debate her on issues that we’re having a hard time with.”

Comer repeatedly praised AOC for being “intelligent” and “prepared,” and said Republicans need to make sure that we’re debating the right people.

Watch Barr’s invitation to AOC above, via the House Financial Services Committee.

17 Apr 21:12

Columbine-obsessed teen Sol Pais dead after sparking massive manhunt

by Savage Admin

NEW YORK POST: The suspected Columbine massacre-obsessed teen who was wanted in Colorado for making violent threats to schools there is dead, according to [READ MORE]

The post Columbine-obsessed teen Sol Pais dead after sparking massive manhunt appeared first on The Savage Nation.

17 Apr 21:12

Gas station fight breaks out over hot dogs

by Savage Admin

Have you read "Stop Mass Hysteria"?

The post Gas station fight breaks out over hot dogs appeared first on The Savage Nation.

17 Apr 21:12

Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Says His Campaign Sacrifices Make Up for Miserly Charitable Donations

by Savage Admin

BREITBART: Fake Hispanic Beto O’Rourke was confronted at a town hall about his miserly campaign donations and responded in such [READ MORE]

The post Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Says His Campaign Sacrifices Make Up for Miserly Charitable Donations appeared first on The Savage Nation.

17 Apr 21:12

Woman develops gonorrhea rash on her hands and all over her skin

by Leslie Young
Some gonorrhea cases can enter the blood and infect various parts of the body.