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16 Jan 00:02

No Matter How Much Money The Fed Prints, We Still Can't Afford Nice Things

by Tyler Durden
No Matter How Much Money The Fed Prints, We Still Can't Afford Nice Things

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

When will the American wage-earner finally tire of the skims, scams, fraud and lies that are now the foundations of everyday life?

You'd think that with the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars since 2008, we'd all be able to afford nice things. But you'd be wrong: after 11 years of Fed money-printing, nice things are even more out of reach for all but the favored few who've received the Fed's bounty of freshly created currency.

The Fed's trillions were supposed to trickle down into the real economy, but they never did. All those trillions boosted asset prices and the wealth of the $100 million yachts and private jets elite.

Instead costs have soared while wages have stagnated. If this widening gap between wages and costs were accurately presented, there would a political revolt against the Fed and those few who have benefited so immensely from Fed money-printing: the banks, financiers, corporations buying back their own shares, the owners of high-frequency trading computers, etc.

Despite the best efforts of the government's "suppress all evidence of runaway cost inflation" functionaries, a few facts have slipped through. Let's start with income from 1980 to the present, as per the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Note that this is all pre-government-transfer (Social Security, food stamps, etc.) income, both earned (wages) and unearned (investment income).

The top households have done very, very well in the past 20 years of Fed largesse, while the incomes of the bottom 80% have gone nowhere.

Meanwhile, big-ticket costs of living such as rent have skyrocketed: so how do we buy nice things if our wages are stagnant but the cost of essentials is rising? We borrow more money.

Exhibit A for borrowing trillions of dollars to afford nice things is student loan debt. A college degree has long been worshiped as the ultimate Nice Thing everyone who aspires to middle class Nice Things must have, and thanks to cartels and financialization, student debt-serfs now labor under a crushing load of debt:

Healthcare is also a Nice Thing that is no longer affordable. Wages nudge up a few pennies while healthcare costs continue soaring.

A new vehicle is another Nice Thing that's increasingly out of reach unless you borrow a small fortune. My colleague Bill Rice Jr. did the grunt work of comparing apples to apples on the least expensive autos and discovered a massive divergence between "official inflation" and real-world inflation: according to the BLS, inflation in the category of "New Vehicles" has been practically non-existent for decades, while the real-world cost of new autos has risen by over 200%. No, Autos Are Not "Cheaper Now" (June 28, 2019)

Yes, autos are safer, but are they "better"? Just wait until the electronic motherboard of your Nice Thing vehicle goes out and the repair bill totals thousands of dollars. There goes your "rainy day fund" if you have one, and few do.

The real-world costs are masked or buried until The Moment of Truth: the co-pays of your healthcare are arcane and obscure until the soul-crushing bill arrives, and then your next stop is bankruptcy court.

Meanwhile, the financial assets of the Fed's Favored Few have grown to the point that they now dominate the economic and political order. Corporations can borrow billions to buy back their own shares, further enriching the already-rich, while in the real world we watch other shoppers returning items to the supermarket shelves--they're no longer affordable and so the customer has to put the Nice Thing back on the shelf.

While Apple stock soars to new heights, those outside the the Fed's Favored Few are happy to get a 5-year old hand-me-down iPhone since their old iPhone or Windows OS phone died.

While Mr. Softee (Microsoft) stock soars to new heights, tens of millions of their customers with Windows 7 computers received a notice that Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7, and Mr. Softee "recommends" buying a new computer with Windows 10. Windows 7 is a perfectly adequate operating system, but like the rest of America's tottering economy, "growth" comes only as a result of planned obsolescence, not actual improvements.

When will the American wage-earner finally tire of the skims, scams, fraud and lies that are now the foundations of everyday life? Probably never, until the toll is paid in failed health and breakdown. Tax donkeys and debt-serfs can be whipped to continue for only so long, and then they break down and cannot go on any longer. The trickle of tax donkeys and debt-serfs who can no longer go on will swell to a flood, and the Fed's Favored Few will finally face the life-changing consequences of the Fed's lopsided giveaway to the super-wealthy.

*  *  *

My recent books:

Audiobook edition now available:
Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World ($13)
(Kindle $6.95, print $11.95) Read the first section for free (PDF).

Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic ($6.95 (Kindle), $12 (print), $13.08 ( audiobook): Read the first section for free (PDF).

The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake $1.29 (Kindle), $8.95 (print); read the first chapters for free (PDF)

Money and Work Unchained $6.95 (Kindle), $15 (print) Read the first section for free (PDF).

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden Wed, 01/15/2020 - 15:30
16 Jan 00:02

Joe Biden Takes Credit for Ending the ISIS Caliphate

‘Not us alone, 68 other countries, that’s how we were able to defeat and end caliphate for ISIS’
12 Jan 00:37

Roadside bomb kills two US troops in Afghanistan

Two American soldiers were killed in southern Afghanistan on Saturday when a Taliban roadside bomb ripped through an army vehicle, officials said.
12 Jan 00:34

Iran Adopts US Media’s Talking Point: ‘US Adventurism’ Caused ‘Human Error’ That Brought Down Flight

by Virginia Kruta
'One of the great tragedies of war are unintended consequences'
12 Jan 00:34

Everything You Need To Know About Recessions (But Were Afraid To Ask)

by Tyler Durden
Everything You Need To Know About Recessions (But Were Afraid To Ask)

Authored by Nicholas LePan via,

Just like in life, markets go through peaks and valleys. The good news for investors is that often the peaks ascend to far greater heights than the depths of the valleys.

Today’s post helps to put recessions into perspective. It draws information from Capital Group to break down the frequency of economic expansions and recessions in modern U.S. history, while also showing their typical impact.

What is a Recession?

Not all recessions are the same. Some can last long while others are short. Some create lasting effects, while others are quickly forgotten. Some cripple entire economies, while others are much more targeted, impacting specific sectors within the economy.

Recession is when your neighbor loses their job. Depression is when you lose yours.

– Harry Truman

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, a recession can be described as a significant decline in economic activity over an extended period of time, typically several months.

In the average recession, gross domestic product (GDP) is not the only thing shrinking—incomes, employment, industrial production, and retail sales tend to shrink as well. Economists generally consider two consecutive quarters of declining GDP as a recession.

The general economic model of a recession is that when unemployment rises, consumers are more likely to save than spend. This places pressure on businesses that rely on consumers’ income. As a result, company earnings and stock prices decline, which can fuel a negative cycle of economic decline and negative expectations of returns.

During economic recoveries and expansions, the opposite occurs. Rising employment encourages consumer spending, which bolsters corporate profits and stock market returns.

How Long Do Recessions Last?

Recessions generally do not last very long. According to Capital Group’s analysis of 10 cycles since 1950, the average length of a recession is 11 months, although they have ranged from eight to 18 months over the period of analysis.

Jobs losses and business closures are dramatic in the short term, though equity investments in the stock market have generally fared better. Throughout the history of economics, recessions have been relatively small blips.

Over the last 65 years, the U.S. has been in an official recession for less than 15% of all months. In addition, the overall economic impact of most recessions is relatively small. The average expansion increased GDP by 24%, whereas the average recession decreased GDP by less than 2%.

In fact, equity returns can be positive throughout a contraction, since some of the strongest stock rallies have occurred in the later stages of a recession.

Buying the Dip: Recession Indicators

Whether you are an investor or not, it would be wise to pay attention to potential recessions and prepare accordingly.

There are several indicators that people can watch to anticipate a potential recession, which might give them an edge in preparing their portfolios:

This is not a magic rubric for anticipating every economic downturn, but it helps individuals see the weather patterns on the horizon. Whether and where the storm hits is another question.

Tyler Durden Sat, 01/11/2020 - 15:30
12 Jan 00:33

'Disastrous mistake': Iran acknowledges shooting down Ukrainian airliner

Iran said on Saturday its military had shot down a Ukrainian plane killing all 176 aboard in a "disastrous mistake", saying air defenses were fired in error while on alert after Iranian missile strikes on U.S. targets in Iraq.
12 Jan 00:33

Mother who arranged lovers to fight to the death guilty of murder

by WND News Services

(DARTFORD NEWS SHOPPER) A Dartford mother of four who arranged for her ex-husband and lover to fight to the death over her affections has been found guilty of murder.

Giedrius Juskauskas, 42, was found dead in a Stratford alleyway on June 17, having been stabbed at least 35 times by Asta Juskauskiene's younger lover, Mantas Kvedaras, 25.

Juskauskiene, 35, of Iron Mill Lane, had been in contact with her ex-husband and new lover in the hours leading up to the murder, and was "key in orchestrating the fatal meeting", according to police.

Juskauskas , a Lithuanian national who had been living in London for around a decade, was continuing a physical relationship with Juskauskiene, with whom he had a child, despite their divorce in December 2018.

Read the full story ›

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12 Jan 00:33

Man 'looking for someone to kill' intentionally ran over veteran, 75

by WND News Services

(WTVT) Deputies in Pasco County arrested a man who admitted to intentionally running over a pedestrian because he was "looking for someone to run over so he could see what it's like to kill."

Investigators said 21-year-old Justyn Pennell of Hudson called 911 on Thursday afternoon just before 3 p.m., telling dispatchers he had just intentionally hit a man with his car and killed him.

Deputies and Pasco Fire Rescue responded to the scene and found the victim, an unidentified 75-year-old veteran, on the side of Aripeka Road.

Read the full story ›

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12 Jan 00:33

First it was your guns, Now California talking ban on gas-powered lawn tools

by Jared Harris, The Western Journal

The nanny state of California is now considering a ban on gasoline-powered lawn equipment, a move the state government says is for Californians' own good.

According to KOVR, state lawmakers are not worried about citizens losing fingers to mower blades, but about the greenhouse gasses being emitted from garden tools running on fossil fuels.

As of now, 60 cities have enacted some form of restriction on gas-powered lawn equipment.

A statewide ban would seemingly force everyone in the state to turn to electric gear to maintain their lawns and gardens.

For anyone who has ever worked with both gas-powered lawn equipment and the tools' electric-powered cousins, there is a clear difference in power.

This ban would also mean time spent recharging or the hassle of dragging an extension cord to all corners of the yard.

Seemingly, citizens' only other choice would be to use hand tools.

In the mind of California politicians, this is worth it to save the world from climate disaster.

According to the California Air Resources Board, a commercial leaf blower running for an hour "emits smog-forming pollution comparable to driving a 2017 Toyota Camry about 1100 miles, or approximately the distance from Los Angeles to Denver."

Lawnmowers are apparently slightly better for the environment, with an hour of use emitting only what a Camry would in a 300-mile drive.

It's unclear if the ban would affect other machines using similar small engines, like smaller go-karts and generators, or simply be limited to garden gear.

This move would fit with California's prior attempts to lead the nation in fighting the apparently existential threat of climate change, including banning plastic straws.

Of course, the Golden State is not content to just keep people from causing environmental catastrophe.

California is infamous for its nanny state-style gun laws, which include red-flag regulations, restrictions on ammunition and bans on certain firearm parts.

While the state's potential ban on gasoline-powered lawn equipment may make its emissions statistics a little better, it does nothing to combat the massive amount of pollutants coming from increasingly industrialized nations like India and China.

China alone was found to be a major ocean polluter, something that even the strictest of regulations in the United States would not stop.

Likewise, Californians could soon be hacking away at overgrown weed with anemic tools while China's 1.3-billion-strong population is using gas-powered tools for the most mundane of garden chores.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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12 Jan 00:32

Florida man charged with impersonating a security member for Trump's Marine One

by J. Edward Moreno
A former Marine allegedly impersonated a security team member for Marine One, the helicopter that transports President Trump on short trips, and breached two checkpoints last week at Palm Beach International Air...
12 Jan 00:31

CNN Anchor Suggests Iranian ‘Death To America’ Chants Aren’t ‘Seriously Meant’

by Peter Hasson
'The people couldn't have been any friendlier to me'
12 Jan 00:31

MSNBC’s Reid on U.S. Not Leaving Iraq: ‘Isn’t That an Occupation?’

‘If a sovereign government, such as Iraq, votes independently to expel U.S. forces...’
12 Jan 00:30

Protests and condemnation after Iran admits downing Ukrainian plane

Iran's admission that it shot down a Ukrainian airliner, killing all 176 aboard, has provoked international outrage and triggered growing protests against Iranian authorities in Tehran and other cities including one in which Britain's ambassador was detained.
12 Jan 00:30

Seattle man kills himself after officer falsely says he critically injured woman in crash - NBC News

12 Jan 00:29

Trump tweets message of support to Iranian protesters: 'Your courage is inspiring'

by Marty Johnson
President Trump tweeted a message in support of Iranian protesters in Farsi Saturday, as demonstrators took to the streets to speak out against the government following the country's admission that it inadvertently shot d...
12 Jan 00:29

UK Says Iran Briefly Detained Its Ambassador...

08 Jan 02:01

Nunes: Inspector general who started impeachment now under investigation

by WND Staff

President Donald Trump (Official White House photo)

The intelligence community inspector general who already had been rebuked for his handling of the whistleblower complaint that triggered the Democrats' impeachment of President Trump is under investigation, according to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.

The House Intelligence Committee's ranking member noted in an interview with investigative reporter Sara Carter that the transcript of Michael Atkinson's testimony has never been released by the majority Democrats under the panel's chairman, Adam Schiff.

Nunes said Atkinson is "under active investigation."

"I'm not gonna go any farther than that because you know obviously he has a chance to come in and prove his innocence, but my guess is Schiff, Atkinson, they don't want that transcript out because it’s very damaging," Nunes said.

The Conservative Tree House blog recalled an Oct. 6 radio interview with Nunes by "Breitbart News Sunday" host Matt Boyle in which the congressman called Atkinson's testimony "a joke."

The interview took place before it was revealed that Schiff's team had contact with the whistleblower before the complaint was filed.

Nunes said in the October interview that Atkinson is "either totally incompetent or part of the deep state, and he's got a lot of questions he needs to answer because he knowingly changed the form and the requirements in order to make sure that this whistleblower complaint got out publicly."

The reference was to altering the requirement that a whistleblower have first-hand knowledge regarding the complaint. The whistleblower, reported to be CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella, did not hear the phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the center of the complaint.

"So he's either incompetent or in on it," Nunes said of the IG. "And he's going to have more to answer for, I can promise you, because we are not going to let him go. He is going to tell he truth about what happened."

The Conservative Tree House also noted that the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion that Atkinson's internal justification for accepting the whistleblower complaint was poor legal judgment.


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08 Jan 02:00

Iran starts 'second round' of attacks against U.S. bases in Iraq: Tasnim

Iran has started its "second round" of attacks against bases holding U.S. troops in Iraq, the Tehran-based Tasnim news agency said on Wednesday.
08 Jan 02:00

Born Right: Chelsea Clinton Has Made $9M Sitting On Corporate Board

by Tyler Durden
Born Right: Chelsea Clinton Has Made $9M Sitting On Corporate Board

Chelsea Clinton has made $9 million in under nine years while serving on the board of an internet investment company, according to Barron's.

According to the report, Clinton receives an annual salary of $50,000 and $250 in restricted stock units from IAC/InterActiveCorp, which owns such brands as Vimeo, College Humor, OkCupid, Tinder, Angie's List and Home Advisor.

Clinton, who has been an IAC director since 2011, receives an annual $50,000 retainer and $250,000 in restricted IAC stock units, or RSUs. As of Dec. 31, she owned the equivalent of 35,242 IAC shares, consisting of 29,843 shares and 5,399 share units under a deferred-compensation plan, according to a form she filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Share units convert to stock when an IAC director leaves the board.

The value of Clinton’s stake has surged along with the stock. Her IAC shares were valued at $8.95 million as of Friday’s close at $253.91. That is up from $7.2 million in June, and up from $6.6 million in October 2018. -Barron's

Notably, Chelsea joined the board of IAC the same year she joined NBC News as a $600,000 per year 'special correspondent' doing virtually nothing, before switching to a month-to-month contract three years later.

While Chelsea ostensibly wasn't hired to protect a Ukrainian oligarch from prosecution, it's clear that those who are 'born right' receive dividends in spades.

Tyler Durden Tue, 01/07/2020 - 20:35
08 Jan 02:00

Iran leader tweets flag -- like Trump did...

08 Jan 02:00

Iran's Revolutionary Guards confirm rocket attack on U.S. forces in Iraq

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps confirmed on Wednesday that it fired rockets at a U.S. air base in Iraq in revenge for the killing of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, according to a statement.
08 Jan 01:59

Muslim charged for starting Australian wildfire laughs after court hearing

by WND Staff

Fires near Bateman Bay in New South Wales, Australia as seen from space (Copernicus Emergency Management Service)

A Muslim teen who was accused along with his brother of starting a fire in Australia was seen laughing as he left court in Sydney on Tuesday.

Fadi Zraika and his brother Abraham, both 18, allegedly set off fireworks that started a grass fire at a park in Guildford, near Sydney, on Dec. 22, the Daily Telegraph reported.

On Monday, the New South Wales police force announced it had charged 24 people with deliberately starting catastrophic fires that have ravaged many parts of the country. The blazes are so widespread they can be seen from space.

The Daily Telegraph said police were called to the park about 2:40 p.m. after reports of several loud explosions were followed by small grass fires that spread rapidly in sudden winds.

The fires were put out by the Rural Fire Service.

Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer noted Islamic jihadis have identified setting fires as a tool of jihad.

In 2018, the ISIS-linked Al-Ansar Media claimed wildfires in California were retribution for America's participation in the civil war in Syria.

WND reported in 2013 that William Scott, a former National Security Agency official, said terrorists had been using fire as a tactical weapon.

Scott said at the time that after U.S. Navy SEALs killed al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden, they "captured a treasure trove of material that provided some unprecedented insight into the al-Qaida plans. And one of those was a detailed campaign for starting fires throughout the [American] West."

In 2012, al-Qaida called on its followers to set forest fires in the United States. In its magazine Inspire, the terrorist organization presented instructions for the creation and ignition of "ember bombs."

In 2003, an FBI memo warned that a senior al-Qaida detainee told interrogators he planned to spark multiple, catastrophic wildfires simultaneously in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming to strike a blow to the U.S. economy.


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03 Jan 17:49

Majority say Pelosi should send impeachment articles to Senate: poll

by Julia Manchester
A majority of Americans said Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) should send the articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to Th...
03 Jan 17:49

McConnell says Senate will receive classified briefing on Soleimani killing

by Jordain Carney
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Friday that he is working to set up a closed-door briefing for senators on a strike that killed Iran's top general."We're working to arrange a classified...
03 Jan 17:49

Iran summons Swiss envoy again to answer U.S. message: state media

Iran summoned a Swiss envoy for a second time on Friday to deliver its answer to a U.S. message, Iranian state media said, hours after a Swiss diplomat delivered Washington's communication over the killing of Iranian Quds force chief Qassem Soleimani.
03 Jan 17:49

Timeline: U.S.-Iran relations from 1953 coup to 2020 commander killing

Iran promised harsh revenge after a U.S. air strike in Baghdad on Friday killed Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force and architect of its growing military influence in the Middle East.
03 Jan 17:48

Soleimani 'torn to shreds' by missile...

03 Jan 17:48

Oil prices surge...

03 Jan 17:48

Pelosi, Schiff complain Trump didn't consult them before Soleimani strike

by Erin Coates, The Western Journal

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff were both quick to criticize President Donald Trump in the hours after the U.S. airstrike at Baghdad's international airport that killed the head of Iran's elite Quds Force, Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Soliemani and his Quds Force were "responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more," according to the Department of Defense.

"Tonight's airstrike risks provoking further dangerous escalation of violence," Pelosi said in a statement Thursday. "America -- and the world -- cannot afford to have tensions escalate to the point of no return."

She complained that the president conducted the airstrike "without the consultation of the Congress."

"The full Congress must be immediately briefed on this serious situation and on the next steps under consideration by the Administration, including the significant escalation of the deployment of additional troops to the region," she said.

While Schiff said in a Thursday evening tweet that Soleimani "was responsible for unthinkable violence and world is better off without him," he echoed Pelosi's complaint that Congress did not authorize the attack.

"All steps must now be taken to protect our forces against the almost inevitable and increased risk," he tweeted.

Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, was also killed in the strike, along with five others, according to Iraqi officials.

In response to the attack, Iran's foreign minister, Javad Zarif, tweeted, "The US' act of international terrorism, targeting & assassinating General Soleimani -- THE most effective force fighting Daesh (ISIS), Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda et al--is extremely dangerous & a foolish escalation."

"The US bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism," he added.

The airstrike came amid tensions after a New Year’s Eve attack by Iran-backed militias on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. After the two-day embassy attack ended Wednesday, Trump ordered about 750 soldiers deployed to the Middle East, The Associated Press reported.

The breach at the embassy followed U.S. airstrikes on Sunday that killed 25 fighters of the Iran-backed militia in Iraq, the Kataeb Hezbollah. The U.S. military said the strikes were in retaliation for last week’s killing of an American contractor in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base that the U.S. blamed on the militia.

The Pentagon confirmed its role in the airstrike that killed Soleimani on Friday.

"At the discretion of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization," the Department of Defense said in a statement.

"This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interest wherever they are in the world."

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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03 Jan 17:47

Trump Reportedly Sending 3,500 Troops to Middle East Following Strike Against Iran

by Connor Mannion

President Donald Trump’s administration is reportedly deploying 3,500 more troops to the Middle East following a targeted strike that killed top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.

NBC News Pentagon correspondent Courtney Kube appeared with MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell on Andrea Mitchell Reports Thursday and stated that the U.S. is now sending the entire 82nd Airborne Division overseas amid rising tensions with Iran.

“This is the immediate reaction force,” Kube explained. “We saw the first battalion of this group move in several days ago after the U.S. Embassy came under siege in Baghdad. These are the additional troops as part of that immediate reaction force. Those first 700 moved into Kuwait. Many of those are in Baghdad and in Iraq according to the officials that we spoke with here.”

“This is a significant uptick in the number of U.S. troops that are now in the region,” she continued. “Throughout the region, there’s 60,000 U.S. troops throughout that whole area. But in this particular part in Iraq, there’s only about 5,200 U.S. troops there now. This now brings it to an additional 4,000 more troops ordered into that area just in the past week.”

Mitchell then asked Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) to comment on the news.

“It might be a wise move, but until the administration briefs us on what their plans are, neither Congress nor the American public can really reach that conclusion,” Kaine said. “When the U.S. had approached Iraq and said ‘we want to take military actions on your soil against Iran,’ they’ve objected to that and we have taken military action on Iraqi soil over their objections. That’s leading to a situation now where the U.S. –which was popular because we helped to beat ISIS – is becoming less and less popular.”

“We’re more and more in danger of the Iraqi government withdrawing our permission to be in Iraq. We’re pushing Iraq into the hands of Iran,” Kaine added.

Watch above, via MSNBC.