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03 Jan 17:52

Ex-CIA Deputy Director Predicts Iran Will Kill Senior American Official As Retaliation For Soleimani Death

by Chuck Ross
'There will be dead Americans'
03 Jan 17:51


03 Jan 17:51

Hustler Magazine sends graphic Christmas card to lawmakers depicting Trump’s assassination

by Savage Admin

NEW YORK POST: Hustler Magazine is under fire of a graphic Christmas card that was sent to several lawmakers featuring [READ MORE]

The post Hustler Magazine sends graphic Christmas card to lawmakers depicting Trump’s assassination appeared first on The Savage Nation.

03 Jan 17:51

United Methodist Church announces plan to split over gay marriage, LGBTQ clergy

by Marty Johnson
The United Methodist Church is expected to split following an impasse over a persistent debate over same-sex marriage and LGBTQ inclusion.Leaders of the nation's third-largest denomination said Friday that the Unit...
03 Jan 17:51

U.S. government limits exports of artificial intelligence software

The Trump administration took measures on Friday to crimp exports of artificial intelligence software as part of a bid to keep sensitive technologies out of the hands of rival powers like China.
03 Jan 17:51

The Fed Just Monetized $6.4 Billion In Debt Sold Earlier This Week

by Tyler Durden
The Fed Just Monetized $6.4 Billion In Debt Sold Earlier This Week

Yesterday, when looking at the details of the Fed's ongoing QE4, we pointed out that the New York Fed was now actively purchasing T-Bills that had been issued just days earlier by the US Treasury, and which settled the day of the permanent open market operation, or POMO.

As a reminder, the Fed is prohibited from directly purchasing Treasurys at auction, as that is considered "monetization" and directly funding the US deficit, not to mention is tantamount to "Helicopter Money" and is frowned upon by Congress and established economists. However, insert a brief, 3-days interval between issuance and purchase... and suddenly nobody minds. As we summarized:

"for those saying the US may soon unleash helicopter money, and/or MMT, we have some 'news': helicopter money is already here, and the Fed is now actively monetizing debt the Treasury sold just days earlier using Dealers as a conduit... a "conduit" which is generously rewarded by the Fed's market desk with its marked up purchase price. In other words, the Fed is already conducting Helicopter Money (and MMT) in all but name. As shown above, the Fed monetized T-Bills that were issued just three days earlier - and just because it is circumventing the one hurdle that prevents it from directly purchasing securities sold outright by the Treasury, the Fed is providing the Dealers that made this legal debt circle-jerk possible with millions in profits, even as the outcome is identical if merely offset by a few days"

So fast forward to today, when the Fed conducted its latest T-Bill POMO in which, as has been the case since early October, the NY Fed's market desk purchased the maximum allowed in Bills, some $7.5 billion, out of $21.9 billion in submissions. What was far more notable, were the actual CUSIPs that were accepted by the Fed for purchase. And here, once again, we find two particular issues that stick out: UB3 (due July 2, 2020) which was the most active CUSIP, with $5.245BN purchased by the Fed, and TM1 (due April 2, 2020) of which $1.2BN was accepted.

What's so special about the highlighted CUSIPs? Well, just as we first showed yesterday, the Fed - together with the Primary Dealers - appears to have developed a knack for monetizing, pardon, purchasing in the open market, bonds that were just issued. And sure enough, TM1 was sold just earlier this week, on Monday, Dec 30, with the issue settling yesterday, on Jan 2, just one day before today's POMO, and Dealers taking down $15.9 billion of the total issue...

... and just a few days later turning around and flipping the Bill back to the Fed in exchange for an unknown markup.

What about UB3, which was the most actively purchased CUSIP in today's POMO, representing 70% of the entire $7.5 billion operation? Exactly the same, as this particular 182-Bill was auctioned off on Dec 30, and settled on Jan 2, also one day before today's POMO. Here, too, Dealers were most active, taking down $23.5 billion of the entire auction... and just days later selling 22% of their entire takedown, or $5.245BN back to the Fed.

These are not isolated incidents as a clear pattern has emerged - the Fed is now monetizing debt that was issued just days earlier, only because it was held however briefly by Dealers, who are effectively inert entities mandated to bid for debt for which there is no buyside demand, it is not considered direct monetization of Treasurys. Of course, in reality monetization is precisely what it is, although since the semantic definition of the Fed directly funding the US deficit is violated by a temporal footnote, it's enough for Powell to swear before Congress that he is not monetizing the debt.

Oh, and incidentally the fact that Dealers immediately flip their purchases back to the Fed is also another reason why NOT QE is precisely QE4, because the whole point of either exercise is not to reduce duration as the Fed claims, but to inject liquidity into the system, and whether the Fed does that by flipping coupons or Bills, the result is one and the same.

Tyler Durden Fri, 01/03/2020 - 12:16
03 Jan 17:50


03 Jan 17:50

Trump Eliminates Some Of World’s Top Terrorists In Just A Few Months

by Amber Athey
A decent track record
03 Jan 17:50

BREAKING: Alex Jones Responds to Trump’s Surgical Strike & Killing of Soleimani

Watch & share this powerful breakdown!
03 Jan 17:50

New York Times Journalist Offers “Eulogy” to Killed Iranian Terrorist Leader

by Paul Joseph Watson
Tweets video of Qasem Suleimani reciting poetry.
03 Jan 17:50

Iraqi parliament to hold extraordinary session on Sunday: statement

Iraq's parliament will hold an extraordinary session on Sunday to discuss the U.S. air strike in Baghdad which killed Iran's Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, it said on Friday.
03 Jan 17:50

U.S. oil workers leave Iraq after air strike on Iranian leader

U.S. citizens working for foreign oil companies in the southern Iraqi oil city of Basra were leaving the country on Friday, the Oil Ministry said, after a U.S. air strike killed a top Iranian commander in Iraq.
03 Jan 17:50

U.S. says killing top Iran general foiled plot against Americans

Iran promised vengeance after a U.S. air strike in Baghdad on Friday killed Qassem Soleimani, Tehran's most prominent military commander and the architect of its growing influence in the Middle East.
03 Jan 17:50

Rose McGowan apologizes to Iran over US airstrike on general: 'Please do not kill us'

by Marina Pitofsky
Actress Rose McGowan apologized to Iran after the Pentagon confirmed Thursday night that President Trump ordered an airstrike that killed Qassem Soleimani, one of the country's most powerful generals."52% of us hum...
03 Jan 17:49

The Trump Admin’s Likely Legal Justifications for Bypassing Congress to Kill Qassem Soleimani

by Elura Nanos
03 Jan 17:49

CNN’s Sciutto Imagines War With Iran: ‘Will Not Just Take Place on the Battlefield,’ But On Many Fronts With Many Technologies

by Charlie Nash

CNN imagined what a war with Iran would look like on Thursday evening after it was reported that Iranian Quds Force Supreme Commander Qasem Soleimani had been assassinated by the United States in an airstrike.

On CNN Tonight, Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto claimed a war with Iran “won’t look like the Iraq War in 2003.”

“It won’t look like the Gulf War in 1990. It may not look like any war conflict we’ve seen, because it will not just take place on the battlefield,” he explained, adding, “Iran has enormous capabilities, which it’s already demonstrated in a number of fields.”

“They can carry out terror attacks, whether in the region, on soft targets or military targets. They can attack shipping, we’ve already seen that. They have enormous cyber capabilities. They already attack us with a fair amount of regularity, you can expect more of that,” Sciutto concluded. “So what’s known as hybrid warfare, but a whole host of fronts with a whole host of technologies that take aim at a whole host of targets. And keep in mind, not just military targets, but the potential of diplomatic and civilian targets. Think U.S. embassies in the region, but also economic targets as well.”

CNN Senior International Correspondent Arwa Damon also predicted what the next stage would look like.

“The last time that the U.S. took significant action in the Middle East, the invasion of Iraq for example with the removal of Saddam Hussein… that had unforeseen consequences to a certain degree. You then saw the rise of Al-Qaeda in Iraq that then led to the rise of ISIS,” Damon declared. “This action by the United States, this assassination, is arguably just as monumental, and there are going to be unforeseen consequences to it no matter how much analysts try to play out the different scenarios.”

“We are right now in uncharted territory, and this war, because Iran is most certainly going to be perceiving this as an act of war, is not necessarily going to look like something the region has seen in the past,” she continued. “Iran has a number of very very powerful proxies, not just in Iraq, but also in Syria and Lebanon.”

Watch above via CNN.

03 Jan 17:49

Rep. Waltz: Soleimani Kill Is What the Iranian Regime Understands

‘They’re emboldened by perceived weakness’
22 Dec 21:43

Lou Dobbs Predicts ‘Century After Century of Veneration’ for Trump: ‘Greatest President in Our History’

‘As the Democrats’ plot to remove the President is put on hold, the President tonight is set to sign the defense spending bill, handing him yet another legislative victory’
22 Dec 21:42

Brexit: Big Ben can ring out to mark Britain's exit from EU, says Speaker Lindsay Hoyle

by Adam Forrest
Brexiteers express delight as John Bercow's successor says he won't 'stand in the way' of commemorative bongs on 31 January
22 Dec 21:42

James Clyburn Calls Trump Aide Stephen Miller a ‘Cancer on This Country’

by Connor Mannion

Rep. James Clyburn, a member of House Democratic leadership, called President Donald Trump aide Stephen Miller a “cancer on this country.”

Clyburn was speaking with CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield on CNN Newsroom Saturday, and drove the conversation toward Miller and the Trump administration supposedly appropriating religion for its own ends.

“I really believe that the American people need to speak up. I’m so glad that people from the Jewish community are now speaking up about Stephen Miller,” Clyburn said.

“Asking that he resign or be at least be removed?” Whitfield clarified.

“That’s exactly right, he should be,” Clyburn said. “This guy is really a cancer on this country, not just this presidency. The same thing is happening now with the evangelical community, the Christian community. I was born and raised and know what the Bible says about a whole lot of things. Certainly it’s not what Franklin Graham is saying. He must not be reading the same Bible that I have read and the Bible that his father preached from so much.”

In an interview with Fox Business’ Trish Reagan Friday, Miller said the Democrats who say he’s a white supremacist and racist are being anti-Semitic. A number of Jewish Democratic lawmakers have called for Trump to oust Miller based on leaked emails showing he worked to boost arguments from white nationalist groups.

Watch above, via CNN.

22 Dec 21:41

'We are at a turning point in war' against jihadism: French President Macron in Niger

by FRANCE 24
French President Emmanuel Macron said that the fight against jihadism in the Sahel was at “a turning point”, calling on the five countries in this African region to redefine “more clearly the objectives”. 
22 Dec 21:41

Hong Kong Riot Cops Clash With Protesters Following Rally For China's Oppressed Muslims

by Tyler Durden
Hong Kong Riot Cops Clash With Protesters Following Rally For China's Oppressed Muslims

Riot police in Hong Kong forcefully broke up a pro-democracy rally in solidarity with millions of Uighurs - Chinese Muslims living under oppressive conditions, many in so-called 're-education camps.'

Around 1,000 protesters gathered near Hong Kong's harbor, waving pro-Uighur posters and flags - in what appears to be the latest grievance between the pro-democracy movement and China's influence. While largely peaceful, police used pepper spray to disperse the protesters. In response, protesters threw glass bottles and rocks.

"We shall not forget those who share a common goal with us, our struggle for freedom and democracy and the rage against the Chinese Communist Party," said one protester holding a megaphone.

China runs Hong Kong under a "one country, two systems" model that grants the financial capital expanded freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland. Many Hong Kongers view China as encroaching on these freedoms and fear mainland policies will come to the city.

What started as a movement against Chinese meddling has morphed into broader calls for greater democracy and police accountability following months of often violent protests.

The huge scale of the surveillance and prison system in Xinjiang has been closely watched in Hong Kong, with many fearful that similar measures could befall the city. -DW

The United nations and human rights organizations have widely condemned China's treatment of Uighurs. Approximately 1 million have been forced to live in internment camps in the northwestern Xinjiang region. While Beijing calls them "vocational training centers" required to combat Islamic terrorism, those who have escaped tell shocking tales of torture and control.

"The Chinese government are control freaks; they can't stand any opinions they disagree with," a civil servant and protester named Kathrine told AFP before riot police moved in.

"In Xinjiang they are doing what they are doing because they have the power to do so. When they take over Hong Kong, they will do the same."

Tyler Durden Sun, 12/22/2019 - 15:30
22 Dec 21:41

A 72-foot gator and towering Santa will light up the skies for a holiday Louisiana bonfire festival

by BY YOUSSEF RDDAD | Staff writer
About a dozen men carefully wheel a 500-pound alligator head from a trailer as classic rock blares out of the open door of a nearby pickup truck on recent, chilly afternoon.
22 Dec 21:40

White House spokeswoman: 'Dangerous' for Pelosi to hold impeachment articles from Senate

by Justine Coleman
White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) holding on to the impeachment articles is "dangerous" for the country.Grisham told Fox News's "Fox & Friends Weekend"...
22 Dec 21:40

Historians Rip Into The New York Times After It Refuses To Address Requests For Corrections To The ‘1619 Project’

by Shelby Talcott
Historians Rip Into The New York Times After It Refuses To Address Requests For Corrections To The '1619 Project'
22 Dec 21:40

Trump Has Quietly Appointed 25% Of Circuit Court Judges As Smug Liberals Celebrate 'Merry Impeachmas'

by Tyler Durden
Trump Has Quietly Appointed 25% Of Circuit Court Judges As Smug Liberals Celebrate 'Merry Impeachmas'

While the smug left clinks champagne for "Merry Impeachmas" after the House passed articles of impeachment against President Trump, they're fast losing the battle when it comes to America's judicial landscape.

Even if 20 GOP Senators somehow flipped on Trump and he was removed from office, he's already appointed 25% of sitting US circuit court judges, not to mention given us a conservative Supreme Court - after Senate Republicans stalled in 2016 on confirming Obama's choice to replace the late justice Antonin Scalia, Merrick Garland.

According to the Washington Post:

Trump nominees make up 1 in 4 U.S. circuit court judges. Two of his picks sit on the Supreme Court. And this past week, as the House voted to impeach the president, the Republican-led Senate confirmed an additional 13 district court judges.

In total, Trump has installed 187 judges to the federal bench. -Washington Post

And as the Post notes, "Trump's mark on the judiciary is already having far-reaching effects on legislation and liberal priorities."

For example, last week a Trump appointee on the 5th Circuit court of Appeals was one of two judges to strike down a key provision of the Affordable Care act. The case could move next to the Supreme Court, where two of the nine justices are Trump-appointed conservatives.

The 13 circuit courts are the second most powerful in the nation, serving as a last stop for appeals on lower court rulings, unless the case is taken up by the Supreme Court. So far, Trump has appointed 50 judges to circuit court benches. Comparatively, by this point in President Obama’s first term, he had confirmed 25. At the end of his eight years, he had appointed 55 circuit judges.

Trump’s appointments have flipped three circuit courts to majority GOP-appointed judges, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York. The president has also selected younger conservatives for these lifetime appointments, ensuring his impact is felt for many years. -Washington Post

Spearheading the effort to fill benches with conservatives is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) - who is "almost singularly focused on reshaping the federal judiciary," having fast-tracked two Senate rule changes which speed up the confirmation process, despite objections from Democrats.

"Leave no vacancy behind," McConnell has publicly stated.

McConnell has bragged that blocking Garland in the off-chance Trump won the 2016 election was one of his greatest achievements. Consequently, Trump appointed conservative Justice Neil M. Gorsuch to fill Scalia's seat.

"I’ve always heard, actually, that when you become President, the most — single most important thing you can do is federal judges," said Trump at a November White House event to celebrate his "federal judicial confirmation milestones."

"Now, President Obama was very nice to us. He gave us 142 empty positions. That’s never happened before," Trump joked in the Oval Office on Thursday. "But, as you know, that’s said to be the most important thing that a President has."

What's more, "There is only one circuit court vacancy left for Trump to fill, but more could open up next year. And if Trump wins in November, there will certainly be vacancies in his second term. There’s also the potential for additional openings on the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, is 86 and has had health problems. Justice Stephen G. Breyer, another Clinton pick, is also over 80," according to the report.

This is not going well for the resistance.

Tyler Durden Sun, 12/22/2019 - 16:20
22 Dec 21:40

Navy SEAL at center of war crimes case meets with Trump at Mar-a-Lago

by Rebecca Klar
The Navy SEAL accused of war crimes in whose case President Trump intervened met with the president and first lady at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort Saturday. The Instagram account "eddie_and_andrea," which appears...
22 Dec 21:40

14 inmates dead in shootout after AK-47s smuggled Into prison

by Jack Davis, The Western Journal

Gangs and guns are a lethal mix on the streets. Think about what it might be like when the come together in prison.

That's exactly what happened last week in the La Joyita prison in Panama Tuesday, according to the BBC.

When the shooting stopped, 14 inmates were dead and 14 others were wounded, according to Voice of America News. Initial accounts had put the death toll at 13.

Officials said they found three AK-47 assault rifles as well as five pistols in a search after the incident.

The Associated Press reported that the shooting was among rival members of the same gang. The housing unit in which the gunfight took place held 500 inmates.

Panama President Laurentino Cortizo said weapons had been found once before during a recent search of the prison.

"These firearms didn't fall out of the sky, there was obviously some type of cooperation there for firearms to be brought in," he said. "It's something we have to put a stop to. A few weeks ago a search was carried out [in the prison] and arms were found, and now again, so someone is letting these guns in."

The nation's president said he has asked the Interior and Public Security departments to deliver a report on prison violence in Panama and a plan to keep guns out of the nation's prisons.

“I want to have answers and actions that must be taken,” he said.

Deputy Director of National Police Alexis Munoz said that “there are many ways that weapons can get in” to a prison, according to WDBJ.

Cortizo fired Prisons Director Walter Hernandez as well as Hernandez's second in command.

La Joyita has a population of about 3,700 inmates, none of whom escaped during the incident, officials said.

The prison received international attention earlier this year when Pope Francis visited it during a visit to Panama for World Youth Day.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post 14 inmates dead in shootout after AK-47s smuggled Into prison appeared first on WND.

22 Dec 21:39

Erdogan says Turkey cannot handle new migrant wave from Syria, warns Europe

Turkey cannot handle a fresh wave of migrants from Syria, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, warning that European countries will feel the impact of such an influx if violence in Syria’s northwest is not stopped.
22 Dec 21:39

Schumer: Newly released emails show importance of White House witnesses in Senate trial

by Justine Coleman
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that newly released emails show the importance of having White House witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial.Schumer spoke at a press...