Shared posts

23 Jul 22:45

Differences in brains of diplomats after mystery Cuba attacks...

Differences in brains of diplomats after mystery Cuba attacks...

(Second column, 14th story, link)

23 Jul 22:45

CENTCOM: May have downed more Iranian drones...

CENTCOM: May have downed more Iranian drones...

(Second column, 3rd story, link)

23 Jul 22:45

STUDY: 'Anonymous' data not so anonymous...

STUDY: 'Anonymous' data not so anonymous...

(Third column, 8th story, link)

23 Jul 22:44

BARR: Encryption creates security risk...

23 Jul 22:44

FTC: FACEBOOK deceived about facial-recognition...

FTC: FACEBOOK deceived about facial-recognition...

(Third column, 7th story, link)

23 Jul 22:44

Ex-PM apologizes for killing of Arab protesters...

Ex-PM apologizes for killing of Arab protesters...

(First column, 16th story, link)

23 Jul 22:44

SHOW TIME: Key Aide Will Appear Alongside Mueller During Hearings...

SHOW TIME: Key Aide Will Appear Alongside Mueller During Hearings...

(First column, 11th story, link)

23 Jul 22:44

Trump sues NY AG, House committee to block tax return disclosure...

Trump sues NY AG, House committee to block tax return disclosure...

(First column, 12th story, link)

23 Jul 22:44

Justice Dept to Open Broad, New Antitrust Review of Big Tech...

Justice Dept to Open Broad, New Antitrust Review of Big Tech...

(Top headline, 1st story, link)

23 Jul 22:44

Saudi blogger visiting Israel attacked by Palestinians at Temple Mount...

Saudi blogger visiting Israel attacked by Palestinians at Temple Mount...

(First column, 15th story, link)

22 Jul 18:33

Moon covered in human poo?

Moon covered in human poo?

(Third column, 11th story, link)

22 Jul 18:32

Oregon to allow students to take 'mental health days'...

Oregon to allow students to take 'mental health days'...

(Third column, 4th story, link)

22 Jul 18:32

Australia arrests journalists filming anti-coal protest...

Australia arrests journalists filming anti-coal protest...

(First column, 10th story, link)

22 Jul 18:32

Trump says it is getting harder for him to want to negotiate with Iran

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that it is getting harder for him to want to make a deal with Iran and said the situation could go either way very easily.
22 Jul 18:31

Students Slam Obama Immigration Quote... When They Think It's From Trump

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Cabot Phillips via Campus Reform,

President Donald Trump announced that he would use ICE to track down and deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of a crime.

The move prompted outrage from many on the Left who accused the practice of being anti-immigrant and unprecedented.

Proponents of the move pointed out this week that President Barack Obama gave his support to the same policy when he was in office and bragged of deportations of criminals having increased 80 percent during his tenure.

In 2014, Obama gave an immigration address from the White House, in which he said: 

We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable, especially those who may be dangerous. That’s why over the past six years deportations of criminals are up 80 percent, and that’s why we’re going to keep focusing on threats to our security. 

Wanting to know what college students would think of this quote and whether Obama was "racist" for wanting to deport illegal aliens convicted of a crime, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to Georgetown University to find out. 

After being told the quote came from “a president,” students offered near-universal condemnation for it, as well as the policy of deporting criminals. 

“I think that policy comes from a place of white American nationalism,” one said, before another added, “Donald Trump has embraced this rhetoric of racism and xenophobia that’s not beneficial to our country at all.”

“I don’t think that quote stands true,” another stated.

“It’s just really awful."

After gathering their responses, Phillips played each student the video of Obama’s speech, showing them he was the president the quote belonged to. 

“I thought it was the Trump administration that said something like that,” one bewildered student said, while another agreed, saying “I didn’t expect it to be Obama… it never occurred to me that it could be him.”

“It’s quite surprising. I thought that was from Trump,” another said.

My understanding of Obama vs Trump is that Obama was more liberal as far as amnesty… I expected that quote to come from Trump.

One student said it reminded him how hypocritical many politicians have become:

“One person can say something five years ago and next thing you know it doesn’t apply to them anymore and they can now be the morality police for whoever is in office now.”

What did the others have to say? 

Watch the full video to find out...

22 Jul 18:31

Gainer under fire after ‘inappropriate’ behaviour involving stuffed lion

by Jonathan Guignard
Saskatchewan Roughriders' Gainer is under fire once again after what some people are describing as "inappropriate" behaviour involving a stuffed lion.
22 Jul 18:31

California Police Attacked For Investigating ANTIFA Terror Plots

by The Alex Jones Show
LAPD criticized for watching over violent ANTIFA.
22 Jul 18:31

Elon Musk Joins the Dark Side

by David Knight
Brain chips slowly being rolled out for public use.
22 Jul 18:31

Costa Rica blames 19 deaths on tainted alcohol, confiscates 30K bottles

by Vandana Ravikumar, USA TODAY

Several brands of alcohol tested positive for the presence of methanol, a toxic form of alcohol not intended for drinking.

22 Jul 18:31

Trump says he could win Afghan war in a week but doesn't 'want to kill 10 million people'

by Jordan Fabian
President Trump said Monday he could end the war in Afghanistan "in a week," but that doing so would cause millions of deaths."I could win that war in a week. I just don't want to kill 10 million people,"...
22 Jul 18:30

Army Conducting Secret Operation Around DC...

Army Conducting Secret Operation Around DC...

(Second column, 9th story, link)

22 Jul 18:30

Safari selfies providing road map for poachers...

Safari selfies providing road map for poachers...

(Third column, 23rd story, link)

22 Jul 18:30

2020 Democrats are starting to turn Obama’s legacy against Biden

by Savage Admin

THE DAILY BEAST: Former Vice President Joe Biden has used Barack Obama’s beloved status among Democratic voters to insulate him [READ MORE]

The post 2020 Democrats are starting to turn Obama’s legacy against Biden appeared first on The Savage Nation.

22 Jul 18:29

U.S. immigrant challenges 'squad' to live under socialism for 2 weeks



An immigrant who grew up under socialism is urging U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and her “squad” of far-left freshmen lawmakers to go live under socialism for a couple of weeks to see what it’s really like.

The challenge to the four “Horsewoman of the Apocalypse” – as Cortez and Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., have been dubbed by some critics – comes from Hana Caner.

She grew up under the oppressive communist regime of Soviet-era Czechoslovakia, reports Todd Starnes.

The wife of Truett McConnell University President Emir Caner, she now is an American citizen.

“Socialism is anti-country, destroys country,” she in an interview on TBN’s “Huckabee” program. “It’s anti-freedom.”

She said the movement represented by the four lawmakers is “very dangerous.”

“If you want a taste of socialism, be ready for communism to step in – because those two are hand in hand,” she warned.

About Ocasio-Cortez she said, “I would love for her to go and live in socialism for two weeks and see how she does – just two weeks.”

Haner said that once government “starts telling you what you can and can’t do, you will completely lose what America is standing for.”

The four “squad” members have built their reputations largely on two factors. One is their advocacy for socialist policies. Ocasio-Cortez, for example, has proposed a “green” plan that essentially would eliminate air travel and require reconstruction of everything in the U.S.

They also are known for attacking the president. Tlaib promised at her election victory celebration to impeach the “mother——” president.

The president repeatedly has fired back.

“The ‘Squad’ is a very Racist group of troublemakers who are young, inexperienced, and not very smart,” he wrote on Monday via Twitter.

One week ago, in a series of tweets that touched off charges of racism, Trump urged the “squad” to “go back” and fix their countries of origin and then return and offer solutions to fix America. Three of the four members were born in the United States. Omar came to the United States as a refugee from Somalia.

Trump tweeted on Sunday that the four are incapable of loving the U.S.

“I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said. They are destroying the Democrat Party, but are weak & insecure people who can never destroy our great Nation!” he said.

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La, recently commented, “The simple fact of the matter is that the four congresswomen think that America was wicked in its origins.”

He acknowledged they are entitled to their opinion.

“They are Americans. But I’m entitled to my opinion, and I just think they are left-wing cranks, and they are the reason that there are directions on a shampoo bottle,” he said.

“I think we should ignore them.”



The post U.S. immigrant challenges 'squad' to live under socialism for 2 weeks appeared first on WND.

22 Jul 18:29

Britain blasts Iran seizure of tanker as act of 'state piracy'

Britain will seek to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz after Iran seized a British-flagged vessel in what London said was an act of "state piracy".
22 Jul 18:29

'This Is War': 'Borat’ Director Encourages Left to Arm Selves Against 'Maga People'

by Hannah Bleau
Borat director Larry Charles took to Twitter Monday and compared Trump supporters – or as he described them, "Maga people" – to the violent, pro-China "triad" mob who attacked peaceful pro-democracy protesters Sunday night and essentially encouraged far-left agitators to arm themselves for "war."
22 Jul 18:29

After Russia Narrative Implodes, BuzzFeed Fingers Ukraine As 2020 Pro-Trump Bogeyman

by Tyler Durden

With the Trump-Russia collusion narrative in smoulders, BuzzFeed - which notably published the fabricated 'Steele' dossier - has put forth a new bogeyman to explain a 2020 Trump victory (since of course the only way Trump could have beaten an establishment darling is with help). 

Enter Ukraine

With the election of Ukraine's new President, Volodymyr Zelensky, times have apparently changed. Long gone are the days of just 20 short months ago in which a Ukrainian court ruled that government officials meddled for Hillary in 2016 by releasing details of Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's 'Black Book' to Clinton campaign staffer Alexandra Chalupa.

Forget that Ukraine's previous administration fired its top investigator who was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into a Ukrainian energy firm whose board Hunter Biden sat on, Burisma Holdings (after Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from the 'scandal free' Obama administration).

Nevermind that Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed in a recent interview with Oliver Stone that "it is perfectly obvious that Ukrainian oligarchs gave money to Trump’s opponents." Perhaps Burisma's owners are included in that list. 

Now, the tables have apparently turned, according to BuzzFeedwhich reports that two unofficial envoys reporting directly to Rudy Giuliani "have waged a remarkable back-channel campaign to discredit the president's rivals and undermine the special counsel's inquiry into Russian meddling in US elections."

In a whirlwind of private meetings, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman — who pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican campaigns and dined with the president — gathered repeatedly with top officials in Ukraine and set up meetings for Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani as they turned up information that could be weaponized in the 2020 presidential race.

The two men urged prosecutors to investigate allegations against Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. And they pushed for a probe into accusations that Ukrainian officials plotted to rig the 2016 election in Hillary Clinton’s favor by leaking evidence against Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, in what became a cornerstone of the special counsel’s inquiry. -BuzzFeed

Parnas and Fruman "who both have troubled financial histories," donated hundreds of thousands of dollars into top Republican committees, along with dozens of candidates' campaigns, according to the report. While doing this, they promoted a new Ukrainian natural gas company using a photo of Parnas posing with President Trump and top House legislators. 

Meanwhile, "Prosecutors in Kiev announced in March they would investigate the officials accused of trying to steer the election in Clinton’s favor — a month after meeting with Parnas, Fruman, and Giuliani..." 

Parnas said he expected the information that he and Fruman advanced to become an important focus of Barr’s inquiry, and to dominate the debate in the run-up to the 2020 election. “It’s all going to come out,” he said. “Something terrible happened and we’re finally going to get to the bottom of it.”

In an exclusive interview with BuzzFeed News at the Trump International Hotel, the 47-year-old former stockbroker insisted he and Fruman were not paid for acting as intermediaries between the Ukrainian officials and Giuliani. “All we were doing was passing along information,” he said. “Information was coming to us — either I bury it or I pass it on. I felt it was my duty to pass it on." -BuzzFeed

According to Parnas, the back channel to the Trump administration was initiated by Ukrainian officials who didn't know how else to make the right connections. "They knew I was friends with the mayor," he said, referring to Giuliani. "That was what kick-started the campaign to dig up information on Democrats in Kiev — an effort that “is not going away,” Parnas added. “We’re American citizens, we love our country, we love our president.”" 

Trump and Giuliani under fire

"Trump has either authorized Giuliani to engage in private diplomacy and deal-making or, even worse, remains silent while Giuliani and his dodgy band of soldiers of fortune engage in activities that severely undermine US credibility and are contrary to fundamental US interests," said former federal prosecutor Kenneth McCallion, who once represented Ukraine's former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, adding that Parnas and Fruman were "playing with fire" by not registering as foreign agents or being vetted by the US State Department. 

Click here for the rest of BuzzFeed's in-depth investigation, pieced together after examining "scores of court filings and confidential financial records and interviewed dozens of people — including Parnas." 

It's one of those "On a balmy evening in May, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman hunkered down over a table on the terrace of the gleaming Hilton hotel tower in Kiev, a hookah pipe burning between them" type reports, so 'hunker down' and prepare for a long read.

22 Jul 18:28

AMD exec: Nvidia fell for our double bluff

by Jim Salter
AMD's Scott Herkelman explains to HotHardware how he "jebaited" Nvidia.

Enlarge / AMD's Scott Herkelman explains to HotHardware how he "jebaited" Nvidia. (credit: 2.5 Geeks)

Earlier this month, AMD Radeon VP Scott Herkelman tweeted a single, cryptic word: jebaited. If you're not a big Twitch person, that probably doesn't mean much to you. Thankfully, Herkelman made it clear for the rest of us a week later, when he appeared on HotHardware's 2.5 Geeks podcast to talk about the Radeon 5700 launch.

The first half of the 45 minute interview goes by with Herkelman propping up his gamer cred, then he walks through AMD's usual talking points about contrast-adaptive sharpening and doing the usual "we love the reviewer community" routine. But about 26 minutes later, HotHardware's Dave Altavilla asked Herkelman about the tweet—which referenced AMD's Radeon pricing strategy—and things got more interesting.

Ever seen a T-shirted division vice president of a $35B company crow about "jebaiting" a corporate opponent by "double bluffing the Super strategy?" No? Well, today's your day.

AMD first unveiled its new Navi cards in June, with Nvidia's forthcoming "Super" line of upclocked refreshes waiting in the wings. While the RX5700 line promised a better performance-per-dollar ratio than competing Nvidia cards—a promise that has been borne out by third-party reviews—Nvidia still had the possibility of muting AMD's thunder with a well-timed Super release, which might bring that price:performance ratio back into line. Herkelman's cryptic tweet dropped when Nvidia acted—and the next day, AMD slashed prices on the new cards enough to bring the entire line under the new RTX 2070 Super's $499 asking price.

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments

22 Jul 18:28

Astronomers map Local Void, empty space surrounding the Milky Way

Astronomers have produced a new map of the Local Void, a large region of empty space surrounding the Milky Way galaxy.
22 Jul 18:28

Many teens are too reliant on parents for basic tasks, poll finds

Parents aren't especially confident that their teens are fully prepared to take care of their own money management and health care, a new study found.