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22 Jul 18:34

USA Staging Troops At Saudi Base Used During Previous Wars...

USA Staging Troops At Saudi Base Used During Previous Wars...

(Second column, 8th story, link)

22 Jul 18:34


22 Jul 18:34


22 Jul 18:33

India Launches Ambitious Mission to Land at Moon's South Pole...

India Launches Ambitious Mission to Land at Moon's South Pole...

(Third column, 7th story, link)

22 Jul 18:33

Creator of 'Storm Area 51' Movement Fears Could Lead to 'Military Base Slaughter'...

Creator of 'Storm Area 51' Movement Fears Could Lead to 'Military Base Slaughter'...

(Third column, 8th story, link)

22 Jul 18:33

Bald eagle that survived shooting kidnapped from refuge...

Bald eagle that survived shooting kidnapped from refuge...

(Second column, 18th story, link)

22 Jul 18:33

Footage surfaces of Tlaib disrupting Trump speech...

Footage surfaces of Tlaib disrupting Trump speech...

(Third column, 8th story, link)

22 Jul 18:33



(Second column, 18th story, link)

22 Jul 18:32

Gulf Cartel Leader Caught Sneaking Across Border...

Gulf Cartel Leader Caught Sneaking Across Border...

(Third column, 2nd story, link)

22 Jul 18:32

UPDATE: 'TOP GUN' Sequel Drops Japanese, Taiwanese Flags to Appease Communists?

UPDATE: 'TOP GUN' Sequel Drops Japanese, Taiwanese Flags to Appease Communists?

(First column, 12th story, link)

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22 Jul 18:32

NOT FUNNY: Comedian says punched in face for making Trump joke...

NOT FUNNY: Comedian says punched in face for making Trump joke...

(First column, 9th story, link)

17 Jul 00:13

Pelosi Briefly Banned From Speaking In The House After Calling Trump "Racist", Leading To Chaos On House Floor

by Tyler Durden

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was briefly banned from speaking on the House floor on Tuesday after she made disparaging comments about President Trump's 'racist' behavior, sparking chaos in the chamber. 

GOP lawmakers fumed after Pelosi slammed Trump as "xenophobic" for a Sunday tweet in which he told progressive Democrats to "go back" and "fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came." 

"How shameful to hear him continue to defend those offensive words, words that we have all heard him repeat, not only about our members, but about countless others," said Pelosi, adding ""There is no place anywhere for the president's words, which are not only divisive but dangerous, and have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color.

In response to Pelosi's comments, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) claimed that her remarks violated House rules forbidding personal attacks against the president or lawmakers. 

After Collins asked Pelosi if she would like to rephrase her comments, Pelosi said she had cleared them with the parliamentarian in advance. 

I would like to make a point of order that the gentlewoman's words are unparliamentary and ask they be taken down,” Collins said. 

Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), who was presiding over the floor then reminded members “to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president.” -The Hill

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat, said "The words used by the gentlewoman from California contained an accusation of racist behavior on the part of the President," adding "The words should not be used in debate. 

Hoyer's comments technically banned Pelosi from speaking on the House floor for the rest of the day, while the debate over Pelosi's comments caused the House to come to a standstill as lawmakers debated what to do next.

Rep. Cleaver dramatically 'abandoned the chair' and dropped the gavel on the dais while the situation unfolded. 

Ultimately, Pelosi's comments were allowed to stand after a motion to strike her comments failed 190-232. Every Republican voted in favor of the motion.  

17 Jul 00:13

1977: Joe Biden Worried Busing Would Lead to a ‘Racial Jungle’

by Breitbart
At the time, Biden was a first term Senator facing tough reelection prospects in his home state of Delaware, where the issue of busing was particular contentious.
17 Jul 00:13

Senator: ‘I Stand with’ Trump; ‘Montanans Are Sick and Tired of Listening to…Radical Democrats Trash Our Country’

by CNS News
“Montanans are sick and tired of listening to anti-American, anti-Semite, radical Democrats trash our country and our ideals."
17 Jul 00:12

CNN Blasted for Giving Platform to White Nationalist Richard Spencer

by Caleb Ecarma

In light of President Donald Trump’s recent racist attacks against four progressive congresswomen of color, CNN gave a platform to white nationalist Richard Spencer — who was a featured speaker at the deadly 2017 Unite the Right neo-Nazi rally — to discuss the “red meat” race-based attacks on Tuesday.

While Spencer was a strong supporter of Trump at the start of his presidency, as he famously leading the “hail Trump, hail our people” Nazi-esque chant in Washington, D.C. just after the 2016 election, the alt-right thinktank president told CNN’s Sara Sidner that these latest “racist tweets” from Trump are nothing more than “the kind of sentiments you might hear from your drunk uncle while he’s watching Hannity.”

“Many white nationalists will eat up this red meat that Donald Trump is throwing out there. I am not one of them. I recognize the con-game that is going on,” Spencer said during the segment, which was pre-taped by CNN and was not aired in its entirety. “He gives us nothing outside of racist tweets and by racist tweets, I mean tweets that are meaningless and cheap.”

Spencer quickly took to Twitter to promote his CNN hit.

The network was also slammed by a number of reporters on Twitter, especially those that frequently cover the far-right, for platforming Spencer.

The “racist tweets” that Spencer did not feel fulfill his vision of white nationalism in America came Sunday morning when Trump unleashed on four recently elected minority lawmakers, including Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ilhan Omar (MN), Ayanna Pressley (MA), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY).

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” he wrote in a series of three posts.

Watch above, via CNN.

17 Jul 00:12

Joe Biden Falsely Claims He Got All the American Troops out of Iraq

‘When I was the Vice President, the president gave me all the easy jobs’
17 Jul 00:12

Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Support for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly among Republicans after he lashed out on Twitter over the weekend in a racially charged attack on four minority Democratic congresswomen, a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll shows.
17 Jul 00:11

Iran Claims It Rescued "Missing" UAE Tanker After US Said IRGC "Forced" It Toward Iran

by Tyler Durden

The saga of the UAE "mystery" tanker which seems to have disappeared after its transponder went dark late Saturday night, and which no one has heard from since it drifted toward Iranian waters in the Strait of Hormuz over the weekend, has deepened after Iran contradicted US media reports of IRGC involvement. 

The semi-official news agency ISNA said hours after initial reports on Tuesday suggested Iran's military "forced" the vessel into Iranian waters that Iranian navy vessels actually came to the assistance of the disabled foreign oil tanker. The statement indicated the vessel was partially disabled and in desperate need of repairs. 

"(Spokesman) Abbas Mousavi said... that an international oil tanker was in trouble due to a technical fault in the Persian Gulf... After receiving a request for assistance, Iranian forces approached it and used a tugboat to pull it toward Iranian waters for the necessary repairs to be carried out," ISNA said, as cited by Reuters

UAE-owned oil tanker Riah, via The Daily Mail

The AP reported how it all started over the weekend:

Tracking data shows an oil tanker based in the United Arab Emirates traveling through the Strait of Hormuz drifted off into Iranian waters and stopped transmitting its location over two days ago, raising concerns Tuesday about its status amid heightened tensions between Iran and the U.S.

The report detailed that the Riah, a 58-meter oil tanker which operates frequently in the region, switched off its transponder for the first time in three months after 11pm on Saturday, based on tracking data. 

As of Monday "red flags" were raised as US officials began inquiring of the Riah's status. CNN's Pentagon correspondent Barbarra Starr had this to say based on intelligence sources: "US intel increasingly believes UAE tanker MT RIAH forced into Iranian waters over the weekend by #IRGC naval forces. UAE isn't talking."

Via Marine Traffic/The Daily Mail

Summarizing the statements of anonymous US intelligence and defense officials, the Jerusalem Post reported:

US officials believe that the Panama flagged tanker M/I RIAH was seized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on Saturday night, when it was crossing the Strait of Hormuz in international waters. Information from the US intelligence agency indicated that the IRGC troops forced the tanker to enter Iranian territorial waters before withdrawing the vessel to Iran's Qeshm Island.

However, this could be another case of hawkish US intelligence and defense officials hyping a false threat. Starr continued based on her source: "Some Gulf sources say ship simply broke down/towed by Iran. US says though no contact with crew. Last location Qesham Island."

Following the UK's controversial and aggressive move to seize a tanker carrying 2 million barrels of Iranian oil of Gibraltar earlier this month, Tehran's military has threatened to in turn intercept UK vessels.

This also comes after repeat pledges over the past year by Iran's leaders following a US sanctions campaign that if Iran is blocked from exporting its oil out of the gulf then no country would be able to traverse the vital oil shipping lanes either. 

The question remains: is this yet another knee-jerk attempt of US officials to immediately "blame Iran" in order to ramp up pressure? Could the "missing" UAE vessel just be the result of an accident or being disabled at sea? 

17 Jul 00:11

Update: Google Exec Says Infowars & Alex Jones Will Soon Be Unsearchable On YouTube

by Jamie White
Sen. Blumenthal had demanded to know why tech giant hasn't censored 100% of videos related to Jones.
17 Jul 00:11

Green files articles of impeachment against Trump, setting up floor vote

by Cristina Marcos
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) filed articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday under a process that will force a House floor vote by the end of this week.Green introduced his articles of impeachment after...
17 Jul 00:11

FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier

by John Solomon, opinion contributor
Using Steele's belated cooperation with the inspector general investigation to prop up the credibility of his 2016 anti-Trump memo is misguided.
17 Jul 00:10

Border agents' kids get taunted at school


(Conservative Review) — Here is your job description:

You must patrol a rugged frontier where everything stings and bites. In 105-degree weather.

You must confront and interdict hundreds of desperate illegal aliens alone in remote brush and ensure that no dangerous people or drugs get in. But you must also treat them all with the utmost care.

You must confront the most violent and deadly terrorist groups in combat mode, but you can’t be in combat mode.

Your job is to protect Americans, but unofficially your job has become protecting those invading who are strategically sent here by rival groups beheading each other.

The post Border agents' kids get taunted at school appeared first on WND.

17 Jul 00:10

Voice Of America Ignored Multiple Warnings On Anti-Trump Facebook Posts By Its Editor

by Shelby Talcott
'Professionalism at VOA is dead'
17 Jul 00:09

Trump taps Monica Crowley to be Treasury spokeswoman

by (John Bowden)
President Trump announced Tuesday that he plans to appoint former Fox News contributor Monica Crowley to be the next spokeswoman for the Treasury Department.Crowley, who left the Fox News channel in 2016 and currently serves as the department's...
17 Jul 00:09

New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage history

by Savage Admin

THE STAR TRIBUNE: New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the [READ MORE]

The post New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage history appeared first on The Savage Nation.

17 Jul 00:09

Trump calls for inquiry into Google's work with China

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday his administration would investigate whether Alphabet Inc's Google supports the Chinese government, following accusations that a company official refuted hours later at a Senate hearing.
15 Jul 03:19

U.S. special forces soldier killed during combat in Afghanistan

A U.S. special forces soldier was killed during combat operations in Afghanistan, the U.S. Department of Defense said Sunday.
15 Jul 03:19

Voice Of America Editor Likely Has A Facebook Page Littered With Anti-Trump Posts

by Shelby Talcott
'Accurate, objective, and comprehensive'
15 Jul 03:19

Trump Slams Democrats 'Who Speak So Badly' of America and 'Hate Israel'

by Kyle Morris
President Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday evening to slam the far-left Democrats who have come to the defense of those who “speak so badly of our country.” In one of his shared tweets, Trump claimed far-left Democrats defend those
15 Jul 03:14

Anarchist Who Firebombed A Detention Center is Being Called a Hero


69-year-old, Willem Van Spronsen, 'The Firebomber,' attacked a detention center before being taken down by police.
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