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11 Sep 20:30

INFOWARS stores thrive online despite Big Tech ban...

INFOWARS stores thrive online despite Big Tech ban...

(Second column, 28th story, link)

11 Sep 20:30

Cosmonaut shows space station hole to calm public...

Cosmonaut shows space station hole to calm public...

(Third column, 23rd story, link)

11 Sep 20:29

Zuckerberg's obsession with ancient Roman emperor...

Zuckerberg's obsession with ancient Roman emperor...

(Third column, 16th story, link)

11 Sep 20:29

100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended Near Texas...

100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended Near Texas...

(Third column, 20th story, link)

11 Sep 20:29

Astronauts commercialized like celebs, athletes...

Astronauts commercialized like celebs, athletes...

(Third column, 13th story, link)

11 Sep 20:29

NASA may sell corporate naming rights for rockets, spacecraft...

NASA may sell corporate naming rights for rockets, spacecraft...

(Third column, 19th story, link)

11 Sep 20:29

Bono uses 'devil clown alter ego' to mock Sweden with Nazi salutes...

Bono uses 'devil clown alter ego' to mock Sweden with Nazi salutes...

(Second column, 22nd story, link)

11 Sep 20:28

Bezos banning controversial books...

Bezos banning controversial books...

(Second column, 21st story, link)

11 Sep 20:28

Facial biometrics catches another illegal at DC airport...

11 Sep 20:28

FBI Now Training Politicians On How To Avoid Becoming 'Fake News'...

FBI Now Training Politicians On How To Avoid Becoming 'Fake News'...

(Third column, 13th story, link)

11 Sep 20:28

Trump Jr.: Father only trusts small group in White House after op-ed...

Trump Jr.: Father only trusts small group in White House after op-ed...

(First column, 8th story, link)

11 Sep 20:27



(Main headline, 1st story, link)
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11 Sep 20:27

Chen's Co-Hosts Rip Husband On CBS Show 'THE TALK'...

Chen's Co-Hosts Rip Husband On CBS Show 'THE TALK'...

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11 Sep 20:26

Russia launches biggest war games...

Russia launches biggest war games...

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10 Sep 16:09



(Main headline, 1st story, link)
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10 Sep 16:09

MAXINE MELTDOWN: I say impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment!

MAXINE MELTDOWN: I say impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment!

(Top headline, 1st story, link)

10 Sep 16:09

"The Pendulum Swung Too Far" - Wall Street Slashes Retailers' Profit Forecasts Despite Blockbuster Quarter

by Tyler Durden

Somewhere out there, a cadre of dedicated contrarians convinced they'd found the next great distressed play were thrilled when brick-and-mortar retailers from JC Penney to Macy's to the Home Depot posted Q2 earnings that soundly beat expectations, largely thanks to resurgent consumer spending, most of it with the help of a trusty credit card...

...which helped sooth anxieties tied to President Trump's embrace of protectionism.


The pervasive optimism this inspired lifted the entire sector, cementing consumer discretionary as the second-best performer for the month of August (behind tech, of course). But unfortunately for traders hoping for some short-term gains, this bout of enthusiasm is already proving short-lived. Retailers have given back some of those gains already this month as the myriad long- and short-term risks facing the sector drifted back into view.

And apparently, analysts at the big Wall Street banks foresee more pain in the immediate future. To wit, the Financial Times reports that Wall Street has slashed its profit forecasts for Q3 for 52 of the 89 US retailers in S&P's retail index.

Wall Street has taken an axe to forecasts for dozens of US retailers, renewing questions about their profitability even as consumer spending buoys sales.

Projected profits for the current quarter have been reduced for 52 — almost three-fifths — of the 89 companies in S&P’s retail index over the past three months, according to a Financial Times analysis of figures collated by Bloomberg.

The downward revisions come even though a humming economy has encouraged Americans to splash out on products from skirts to games consoles.

As one analyst explained, after years of store closures, staff cuts and bankruptcy filings, the outlook for American retailers had become so bleak that investors were discounting the fact that some retailers will inevitably adapt and survive the e-commerce onslaught. In other words, "the pendulum had swung too far."

"The pendulum swung too far: retail never died, but it’s likely not as healthy as people think, either," said Simeon Siegel, analyst at Instinet. "After a very strong first half, it would seem management teams feel the need to reset the bar, to bring hype back to reality."

Meanwhile, as analysts slashed expectations for retailers...


...They hiked expectations for the nemesis of everything "brick and mortar": Amazon.


Analysts even slashed profit expectations for companies like Tiffany's amid concerns that a growing number of retailers might reinvest their profits in capital expenditures (instead of returning it to shareholders in the form of buybacks).

Jay Sole, analyst at UBS, said investments by the companies partly explained the lowered third-quarter forecasts across the sector.

"There’s been a lot of cutbacks in retail over the past 10 years," he said. "This year, profits have been bigger than expected, with the consumer shopping more. Companies are taking the opportunity to reinvest these extra profits into their businesses."

Mr Sole also highlighted cost pressures. "Despite the consumer being healthy, companies are not seeing a ton of relief from cost inflation. In particular, the costs of online operations continue to rise."

And apparently the first stirrings of sustained consumer-price inflation weren't enough to satisfy analysts' concerns.

Drew Wilson, portfolio manager at Fenimore, said: "The fact is that even though Amazon is not going to kill every retailer, online is going to take some capacity away. It’s still going to be a painful transition away from brick and mortar."

"It’s a stock story, not a sector story. There’s been a lot more optimism about the sector, which for a value investor means there’s a lot less opportunity than there was."

Of course, these concerns are nothing new. American retailers have struggled for years as e-commerce behemoths like Amazon have gobbled up market share, leaving the landscape of American cities and towns dotted with the hollowed-out husks of bankrupt big-box chains.

At any rate, the culling of the retail heard, which we have dubbed the 'retail apocalypse', is expected to continue. As we pointed out a few months back, more than 12,000 stores are expected to close this year, compared with last year’s 9,000. If these projections prove correct, 2018 will beat out 2017 for the highest number of store closures in a single year.

The bottom line: Some chains will inevitably endure - but retail will continue to be a sector where only the strong survive.

10 Sep 16:09

Jim Carrey educates Americans on Canadian health care in ‘Real Time’ rant

by Chris Jancelewicz
Canadian actor Jim Carrey is fed up with what he says are misperceptions about Canada's health-care system.
10 Sep 16:07

Net neutrality gives “free” Internet to Netflix and Google, ISP claims

by Jon Brodkin
The words,

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | nevarpp)

Frontier Communications is asking employees for help in its fight against state net neutrality rules in California, claiming that the rules will give "free" Internet to major Web companies while raising costs for consumers.

The Internet service provider urged employees to submit a form letter asking Governor Jerry Brown to veto the net neutrality bill that was recently approved by the state legislature. Frontier sent an email to employees and set up an online form for them to send the form letter to Brown.

"I am proud to work at Frontier and help operate a network that is part of an incredibly successful Internet ecosystem that is the backbone of our economy and daily life," the form letter says. But net neutrality rules "will harm consumers and impose complex layers of costly regulation," and therefore "deter investment and delay broadband deployment in California, especially in rural areas that still lack high-speed Internet access," the letter says.

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

10 Sep 16:07

Michael Moore Steals Microphone Away From David Hogg After He Calls on Canadians To Illegally Interfere In Upcoming Elections

by Joe Simonson
Foreign meddling?
10 Sep 16:07

Report: Trump Expected to Declassify DOJ and FBI Documents This Week

by Kristina Wong
President Trump will reportedly declassify documents that are expected to reveal how the government justified its investigation into his campaign.
10 Sep 16:06

Massive Brawl Breaks Out At Ole Miss Football Game. The Video Is Crazy

by David Hookstead
What are they thinking?
10 Sep 16:06

Clergyman calls on Catholic Cardinal in Washington to resign: report

by Kim Chatelain
Deacon James Garcia said Cardinal Donald Wuerl should step down amid criticism of his handling of abusive priests.
10 Sep 16:06

Sex assault trial delayed again as U.K. sailor remains hospitalized

Darren Smalley and Simon Radford are charged with sexual assault causing bodily harm and participating in a sexual assault involving one or more people at CFB Shearwater in April 2015.
10 Sep 16:06

Saudi princess says $900,000 of jewels stolen from her Paris hotel

A Saudi princess has reported the theft of jewels worth 800,000 euros ($930,000) from her suite at the Ritz hotel in Paris, a police source said on Monday.
10 Sep 16:06

DeSantis resigns House seat to focus on governor's race

by Max Greenwood
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) is stepping down from his House seat to focus on his gubernatorial bid against Democrat Andrew Gillum.DeSantis on Monday notified Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that he would resign his seat...
09 Sep 16:48

Trump knocks NFL over first game's ratings

by Megan Keller
President Trump in a tweet on Sunday knocked the NFL over lower ratings for its first game of the season."Wow, NFL first game ratings are way down over an already really bad last year comparison," the president sai...
09 Sep 16:45

Sons of injured Brazilian presidential candidate take over campaigning

The sons of seriously wounded right-wing Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro -- who was in hospital Saturday after his campaign trail assault -- said he was making progress, as they took his campaign reins.
09 Sep 16:42

Williams fined $17,000 for U.S. Open code violations

Serena Williams has been fined $17,000 for the code violations she received during the U.S. Open final, the United States Tennis Association (USTA) said on Sunday.
09 Sep 16:41



(Third column, 26th story, link)