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06 Oct 04:52

Collins Blasts Dems for Exploiting Christine Ford to ‘Engineer the Defeat of this Nominee’

‘Professor Ford testified that a very limited of number people had access to her letter, yet that letter found its way into the public domain’
06 Oct 04:51

Rubio: Efforts to Intimidate Susan Collins More 'Vicious, Vile, Dangerous' Than Reported

by Ben Kew
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) disparaged efforts by Democrats and left-wing activists to intimidate Sen. Susan Collins as she made her decision on whether to vote in favor of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, describing their tactics as "vicious, vile, and dangerous."
06 Oct 04:49

Twitter Agonizes, Celebrates, Melts Down as Susan Collins Delivers Longest Kavanaugh Endorsement Possible

by Caleb Ecarma

In a lengthy speech, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) announced that she will vote for Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which means the judge will almost certainly be appointed to the bench.

Collins, who praised Kavanaugh’s judicial record and attacked liberal “special interest” organizations for getting involved in protests, quickly breezed over Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations against the nominee and attempted to play both sides.

“I found her testimony to be sincere, painful and compelling. I believe that she is a survivor of a sexual assault and that this trauma has upended her life,” the senator said. “Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events of that evening gathering where she said the assault occurred.”

Collins concluded that Ford’s claims cannot “fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the court.”

The senator was ripped on Twitter by many progressive pundits, as well as criticized by the media for dragging out her yes vote into a long Senate speech that barely addressed the misconduct allegations. Additionally, many noted that it is unlikely Collins prepared much of the speech after Ford went public with her claims, since much of it focused on Kavanaugh’s judicial record instead of the allegations.

Check out a few of the responses below:

[image via screengrab]

Follow the author on Twitter (@calebecarma).

06 Oct 04:49

2020: Susan Rice Walks Back Challenge to Susan Collins for Senate over Brett Kavanaugh Vote

by Joel B. Pollak
Former UN Ambassador Susan Rice suggested Friday afternoon that she would challenge incumbent Republican Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) in 2020, following Collins's speech on the Senate floor explaining why she would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, Rice walked back her "announcement" moments later.
06 Oct 04:49

Report: White House Celebrates Susan Collins’ Support For Kavanaugh

by Mike Brest
They're excited
06 Oct 04:48

Full Text: Susan Collins' Senate Speech Announcing 'Yes' Vote for Brett Kavanaugh

by Breitbart News
Full text of Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) remarks to explain her support of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the United State Supreme Court.
06 Oct 04:48

George H. W. Bush Praises Sen Susan Collins For Her ‘Political Courage And Class’

by Virginia Kruta
'I salute my wonderful friend'
06 Oct 04:48

Hollywood explodes on Susan Collins


(Breitbart) Hollywood celebrities from Sarah Silverman to Alyssa Milano exploded with hate against Sen. Susan Collins over her promise to vote to confirm President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh Friday.

Kathy Griffin simply tweeted, “FUCCKKKKK YOUUUUUU” to Susan Collins Friday, following up by tweeting, “Dear SenatorCollins: To quote madeleine: ‘There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’ GO TO HELL.”

06 Oct 04:48

Susan Collins' defining moment


(LifeZette) — Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) stood up Friday afternoon on the Senate floor, and before her colleagues and the American people talked about the law, the Constitution, and the presumption of innocence to explain her “yes” vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (she’s pictured above right).

How refreshing, how critical — how needed in today’s fractured political climate.

After weeks of hysterical, 11th-hour claims about nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior as a teenager in high school, Sen. Collins brought it all back to the law. The nation’s angry rhetoric gave way to reason, thoughtfulness, and an examination of the greatest and most enduring document in the nation: the Constitution.

Generations of schoolchildren have pondered it, jurists have clung to its words during difficult cases, and a nation was born through its ideals.

06 Oct 04:48

Susan Collins Just Leaned In

by Emily Jashinsky
According to the Left's dogma, Collins's bold stance in favor of Kavanaugh amounts to an unforgivable sin, rather than a moment of moral courage.
06 Oct 04:48

Susan Collins Finds Starring Role in Kavanaugh Vote...

Susan Collins Finds Starring Role in Kavanaugh Vote...

(Top headline, 1st story, link)

06 Oct 04:48

Dan Rather on Sen. Susan Collins: She Missed ‘Her Moment to Be a Hero’

by Tamar Auber

After Sen. Susan Collins lengthy Senate floor speech announcing that she was a ‘yes’ on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination vote on Friday, veteran newsman Dan Rather took to Facebook to slam the Republican senator for missing her moment to be a hero.

“So Collins misses her moment to be a hero, and the old bulls win again. Trump, McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, Graham—the whole lot of them– win. Again. They are laughing, congratulating one another, and at least metaphorically are popping Champagne,” Rather wrote.

He continued on: “For most women and many men it’s a bitter, devastating loss. Which makes it all the sweeter for the old bulls, and for the forces of power, privilege and money everywhere. A sense that the nation’s climate of justice has taken another turn toward dark clouds rises. The age-old question for the country of whether we prioritize power, privilege and money over justice takes on renewed importance.”

He then added that looking past “the clouds of the present” and considering “the long river of history” this may actually be a breakthrough for women.

“To paraphrase the daughter who recently said in another context, ‘women have never had a better moment to be heard in politics, to make a difference.’ That is, if they—and those of us men who support them—seize the moment (if they don’t miss the moment as Senator Collins has.)” he further wrote. “What that requires is that women and the men who love them and hate what has happen[ed ] adopt an attitude of  ‘we can be beaten but never defeated.’ Adopt it, cling to it and live it as a credo.”

Read the full Facebook post below:

[image via screengrab]

06 Oct 04:48

Lindsey Graham: Susan Collins ‘Saved the Senate’ From ‘Sliding Into the Abyss’

by Joseph A. Wulfsohn

On Friday night, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) praised his colleague Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) for giving her speech in support of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Sean Hannity began by praising Collins, declaring her speech “the most powerful speech” he has ever seen on the Senate floor. Graham called it “historic.”

“She adopted the rule of law, rejected the rule of the mob,” Graham said. “And If I had to tell somebody a good reason to vote for Kudge Kavanaugh, I would ask them to look at Susan’s speech. It was incredible in detail. Forcefully delivered. She didn’t look like she was pained. She hated what happened to the process but she was confident that Judge Kavanaugh was the right guy at the right time. So I think she saved the Senate and the Judiciary from sliding into the abyss.”

Ahead of the November midterms, Graham laid out what he called the “two choices” voters have: “the Susan Collins way or the protester way.”

“Who do you want to run the government? Conservatives aligned with Senator Collins, trying to work toward empowering people, making us safe, more money in your pocket or do you want to turn your government over to people who just yell and spit on you?” Graham asked.

He continued on: “To me, this is a really important time in American history. It’s now all about Kavanaugh. Before it was about a lot of things. Now it’s pretty simple. If you vote for the Democratic Party, you’re turning your government over to people who follow you around, spit on you, and try to intimidate you. If you keep the Republican Party in place, that means there will be an alliance between Susan Collins and others to keep us safe and make our lives better. That’s a pretty simple choice.”

Watch the clip above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]

05 Oct 13:23

Mystery disruption for cell networks after presidential alert text...

Mystery disruption for cell networks after presidential alert text...

(Second column, 15th story, link)

05 Oct 13:21

Scores of protesters arrested in Senate building...

05 Oct 13:21

Hollywood Melts Down...

05 Oct 13:21

WEEKEND: Final vote...

05 Oct 13:20

Zuckerberg Faces Anger Over FACEBOOK Exec's Kavanaugh Support...

05 Oct 13:20

Suit accuses 'mean girls' of targeting boy with false allegations...

Suit accuses 'mean girls' of targeting boy with false allegations...

(First column, 2nd story, link)

05 Oct 13:20

Mysterious hole shoots 12-ft flames into Arkansas air...

Mysterious hole shoots 12-ft flames into Arkansas air...

(First column, 18th story, link)

05 Oct 13:19

Interpol chief missing...

Interpol chief missing...

(Third column, 11th story, link)

05 Oct 13:19

Still Anonymous: White House hunt for op-ed author fades...

Still Anonymous: White House hunt for op-ed author fades...

(Third column, 7th story, link)

05 Oct 13:19

#MeToo First Year Ends With More Than 425 Accused...

05 Oct 13:19

WHOLE FOODS vs vegans: Restraining order against activists...

WHOLE FOODS vs vegans: Restraining order against activists...

(Second column, 6th story, link)

05 Oct 13:18

Bette Midler apologizes calling women 'N word of world'...

Bette Midler apologizes calling women 'N word of world'...

(First column, 8th story, link)

05 Oct 13:18



(Third column, 1st story, link)

05 Oct 13:17

Spy Chips Report Adds Pressure on Pentagon Cloud Security...

Spy Chips Report Adds Pressure on Pentagon Cloud Security...

(Third column, 10th story, link)

04 Oct 16:08

Tuesday's Presidential Alert Text Is Everything You Need To Know About The US Government

by Tyler Durden


The internet erupted in a flurry of posts about President Trump’s message to millions of people Tuesday afternoon. The text, which was announced prior to its transmission, served as a test to a new national alert system enacted by FEMA for the purposes of alerting citizens about natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other emergencies.

People were quick to express their desire to opt out (you can’t) and their general disgust at receiving direct texts from the president. Others condescendingly claimed the alerts will be for our own good - because apparently no one ever got word of national emergencies until the day Donald Trump and FEMA decided they were going sound the alarm.

While the national alert has people issuing a glut of social media posts focused on Trump, the single message actually tells you everything you need to know about the government.

1. No one ever asked if you wanted it: Because of a law passed in 2006, the government can assertsthe president’s right to text you even if you turn off other government notifications. Similarly, the increasingly omnipotent government at large never asks if you’d like to participate. Despite popular rhetoric about the “social contract,” at no point in a person’s life does the government send a consent form to the people it taxes and rules over asking if they would, in fact, like to engage in the system. Though politicians and their supporters can claim “we are the government” all they want, we were never given a chance to actually voluntarily agree.

2. You don’t have a choice over these impositions on your property: Even though we own our phones and our data plans, there is no way to opt out of the presidential alert. Just as owning your own home does not preclude the government from taxing it and confiscating it if you refuse to pay, the government can also apparently invade your private phone. The same mechanism applies to taxation in general: the government asserts its right to impose itself on your property (money). This is the basis of how it sustains itself and all of its operations, including sending you annoying texts with screeching alarms.

3. You can’t opt out: You might be able to opt out of annoying cold calls from private companies, but when it comes to government, you have no choice. You were never asked if you want to participate, you can’t prevent the state from infringing on your private property, and you also can’t peacefully excuse yourself. If you, for example, decided you didn’t want your tax dollars to fund imperial wars that kill innocent people, well, too bad. If you don’t want to fund mass surveillance, tough luck. And if you refuse to pay, you will be thrown in a cage. If you don’t want to go through the TSA’s body scanners, you can technically “opt out,” but only insofar as you’re willing to have your private parts groped by a government agent. This is what defines government: its ability to force you to submit without requiring your permission and without giving you an alternative. You can’t even “leave if you don’t like it” without paying a compulsory, exorbitant fee.

4. It’s for your safety!: Many are convinced the alerts are necessary in order to protect us. But just as FEMA is certain these texts will help in emergency situations, the government at large insists it is there to protect you. The previously mentioned wars, mass surveillance, and state-sanctioned sexual assault are all in place to preserve public safety, just like President Trump’s text.

The memes mocking Trump’s new alert system are already flooding the internet, and most people have already formed an opinion on it.

If only they would opt out of the mentality that their participation in this entire system is voluntary.

04 Oct 16:07

U.S. indicts seven Russians for hacking nuclear company Westinghouse

The United States on Thursday indicted seven Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to hack computers and steal data, including attempts to break into the computer networks of the nuclear power company Westinghouse Electric Co.
04 Oct 16:07

Flake: No corroboration for Ford’s claims in FBI report

by Alexander Bolton
"Thus far we've seen no new credible corroboration, no new corroboration at all," key GOP senator says.