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09 Oct 15:44

Houston officials nix brothel featuring sex dolls

(Note: Story may contain material objectionable to some readers)
04 Oct 16:12

Step Aside Russia: Pence Accuses China Of "Meddling In American Democracy"

by Tyler Durden

Update: Highlights from Pence's speech (via Bloomberg):












So that confirms it - China is the new enemy number 1. Xi is the new Putin!

*  *  *

The White House is about to ratchet up tensions possibly far beyond what they already are amidst the ongoing US trade war with China.

At 11 a.m. eastern time Vice President Mike Pence will deliver at address at the neoconservative Hudson Institute where he's expected to call China out on a number of explosive issues around the globe where Beijing's increasingly aggressive actions are seen as a threat to the US, but will especially focus on the Sunday incident involving the USS Decatur which was dangerously intercepted by a Chinese naval vessel in the South China Sea. 

The Chinese ship reportedly came within a mere 45 yards of the American warship in international waters; however, it's but the latest in a string of such threatening incidents intended by Beijing to lay claim to vast swathes of the South China Sea on the basis of its man-made island chains. 

According to Reuters, which has previewed the speech, Pence will say Beijing's actions were dangerously provocative toward the USS Decatur “as it conducted freedom-of-navigation operations in the South China Sea, forcing our ship to quickly maneuver to avoid collision.”

“Despite such reckless harassment, the United States Navy will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows and our national interests demand. We will not be intimidated. We will not stand down,” Pence will say.

Pence is also expected to address the issue of the Chinese Communist Party of recently convincing three Latin American nations to sever ties with Taiwan and recognize China.

Pence will address the issue in the following: “These actions threaten the stability of the Taiwan Strait – and the United States of America condemns them. And while our administration will continue to respect our One China Policy, as reflected in the three joint communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act, let me also say that Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people,” he will say.

Meanwhile President Trump signaled recently the he hopes to cool tensions by calling Chinese President Xi Jinping a friend even after he hit china with tariffs on $200 billion in goods. However, at a news conference last week in New York Trump said, “Maybe he’s not any more, I’ll be honest with you.” During a UN General Assembly meeting Trump had shocked diplomats and heads of state by leveling the charge of election meddling in November's mid-term elections, a charge which Beijing rejected. 

Pence will further address China's expanding economic influence world wide, which the White House accuses of using “debt diplomacy” to pressure countries to conform to Beijing's policies: “Today, that country is offering hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure loans to governments from Asia to Africa to Europe to even Latin America. Yet the terms of those loans are opaque at best, and the benefits flow overwhelmingly to Beijing,” he is expected say.

This includes China extending up to $5 billion in loans to the “the corrupt and incompetent Maduro regime in Venezuela,” which can be repaid with oil. Globally, Pence will say, “It’s using wedge issues, like trade tariffs, to advance Beijing’s political influence.” 

Concerning recent charges of a massive uptick in Chinese spying on American soil, Pence will outline the goal of covert influence operations as shifting Americans' perception of China by mobilizing “covert actors, front groups, and propaganda outlets.”

“As a senior career member of our intelligence community recently told me, what the Russians are doing pales in comparison to what China is doing across this country,” Pence will say. This will include specific accusations of unprecedented economic involving “leveraging their desire to maintain their operations in China.”

“In one recent example, they threatened to deny a business license for a major U.S. corporation if it refused to speak out against our administration’s policies,” Pence will say. However, it's not expected that the particular corporation will be named. 

It appears that the White House is set to make the case Russia will now step aside as American "enemy #1" and will focus efforts on deterring the new more pervasive China threat. 

04 Oct 16:11

Louisiana included in ground beef recall; 57 people sick nationwide so far

by Carlie Kollath Wells
Some of the products were sold at Walmart.
04 Oct 16:11

What’s the Connection Between Shelia Jackson Lee and Arrested Congressional Staffer?

by Shane Stranahan
04 Oct 16:10

Ex-House intern charged with 'doxing' GOP senators during Kavanaugh hearing

by Aris Folley
The man arrested by U.S. Capitol Police on Wednesday for allegedly "doxing" one or more GOP senators has been identified as a former intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).Jackson A. Cosko, 27, of Washington,...
04 Oct 16:09

ICESat-2 fires lasers for the first time, measures Antarctic ice

NASA's polar-orbiting probe IceSat-2 fired its laser instrument for the first time this week, yielding the satellite's first height measurement.
04 Oct 16:09

Texas Students Will Now Learn How To Survive a Police Stop

by Zuri Davis

|||Screenshot via NBCDFWTexas schools added something new to their curriculums this year: a course on how to go through a police stop.

In 2017, state lawmakers passed the Community Safety Education Act, which requires all high schools to teach a course on police interactions at least once before each student graduates. Schools were provided with a 16-minute video and related course work. The instructional video, which contains the robotic acting and Power Rangers-esque soundtrack some of you may remember from your own school days, is available for viewing below.

The related course work instructs students to follow various procedures, such as keeping both hands visible and on the steering wheel, and notifying the officer of their intention to reach for a license or insurance documents. The packet also informs students of expected officer conduct. For example, students will be taught that officers should obtain clear consent for a search. Should something go poorly during the stop, or even exceptionally well, students will learn how to file a complaint and leave a compliment.

Intentional or not, the tips in the mandated course resemble a discussion known as "the talk" that occurs between black parents and their children. (A digital media company called Jubilee Media recreated "the talk" here.) The conversation largely covers how to act during police interactions, which includes remaining calm and compliant. And while some brush off the concept, there have been a number of fatal interactions that have caused many to feel the need for such conversations and classes.

In July 2016, for example, the officer-involved shooting death of Philando Castile caused frustration after he was killed while attempting to comply with instructions from a panicked officer. Castile was not only forthcoming about the fact that he legally carried a firearm, he was shot while reaching for his wallet despite the officer's previous request for his identification. Castile's death is a reminder that citizens can do everything right and still suffer at the hands of law enforcement.

04 Oct 16:08

Farm bill expiration puts dozens of programs on hold

The expiration of the farm bill this week has left dozens of programs that promote foreign trade, conservation and specialty crop farming frozen.
04 Oct 02:31

Democratic Staffer For Sheila Jackson Lee Arrested In GOP Doxing

by Tyler Durden

A 27-year-old intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has been arrested by the US Capitol Police for posting private, identifying information (Doxing) of several Senators to Wikipedia, according to the USCP, after the personal information of Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch was posted to Wikipedia Thursday during the hearing of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, which included home addresses and phone numbers. 

The suspect, Jackson A. Cosko of Washington D.C. has initially been charged with witness tampering, threats in interstate communications, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second degree burglary and unlawful entry. 

Cosko, who was fired after his arrest, previously worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA). 

Notably, Sheila Jackson Lee handed the attorney for Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford a mysterious envelope right around the same time her staffer was allegedly doxing the GOP senators.  

As a result of the information being made public, Sen. Hatch's wife "has been receiving calls nonstop ON HER BIRTHDAY and their home address was made public," according to Caleb Hull, director of content at the Republican technology firm Targeted Victory. 

The IP address used to "doxx" the Senators was quickly traced back to the House of Representatives... 

It was initially reported to be traced back to a staffer for Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who immediately denied the charge - saying she is "utterly disgusted by the spread of the completely false, absurd, and dangerous lies and conspiracy theories that are being pedaled by ultra-right wing pundits, outlets, and websites who are promoting a fraudulent claim that a member of my staff was responsible for the release of the personal information of Members of the United States Senate on Wikipedia."

Waters also claimed that "the United States Capitol Police and our internal IT specialist have determined that the IP address in question does not belong to my office or anyone on my staff. The member of my staff – whose identity, personal information, and safety have been compromised as a result of these fraudulent and false allegations – was in no way responsible for the leak of this information. My office has alerted the appropriate authorities and law enforcement entities of these fraudulent claims."

04 Oct 02:30

Top FBI Lawyer Flips: Russia Probe Was Handled In "Abnormal Fashion" And Rife With "Political Bias"

by Tyler Durden

James Baker, a former top FBI lawyer, told congressional investigators on Wednesday that the Russia probe was handled in an "abnormal fashion" and was rife with "political bias" according to Fox News, citing two Republican lawmakers present for the closed-door deposition. 

"Some of the things that were shared were explosive in nature," Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told Fox News. "This witness confirmed that things were done in an abnormal fashion. That's extremely troubling."

Meadows claimed the "abnormal" handling of the probe into alleged coordination between Russian officials and the Trump presidential campaign was "a reflection of inherent bias that seems to be evident in certain circles." The FBI agent who opened the Russia case, Peter Strzok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page and others sent politically charged texts, and have since left the bureau. -Fox News

Baker, who worked closely with former FBI Director James Comey, left the bureau earlier this year. 

Lawmakers did not provide any specifics about the interview, citing a confidentiality agreement signed with Baker and his attorneys, however they said that he was cooperative and forthcoming about the beginnings of the Russia probe in 2016, as well as the FISA surveillance warrant application to spy on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. 

"During the time that the FBI was putting -- that DOJ and FBI were putting together the FISA (surveillance warrant) during the time prior to the election -- there was another source giving information directly to the FBI, which we found the source to be pretty explosive," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

Meadows and Jordan would not elaborate on the source, or answer questions about whether the source was a reporter. They did stress that the source who provided information to the FBI’s Russia case was not previously known to congressional investigators. -Fox News

According to Fox, Baker "is at the heart of surveillance abuse allegations, and his deposition lays the groundwork for next week's planned closed-door interview with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein." 

As the FBI's top lawyer, baker helped secure the FISA warrant on Page, along with three subsequent renewals

Rosenstein is scheduled to appear on Capitol Hill on October 11 for a closed-door interview, according to Republican House sources, "not a briefing to leadership," and comes on the heels of a New York Times report that said Rosenstein had discussed secretly recording President Trump and removing him from office using the 25th Amendment. 

Rosenstein and Trump pushed off a scheduled meeting into limbo amid speculation of his impending firing. 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Wednesday the meeting remains in limbo.

"If there's a meeting, we'll let you know,” she said. “But at this point, they continue to work together and both show up every day and do their jobs." -Fox News

A DOJ official told Fox that Rosenstein agreed to meet with House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), however no other details were made available. 


04 Oct 02:30

MAG: Problem With #BelieveSurvivors...

04 Oct 02:30

This Is Why Linda Sarsour Can Get Arrested So Often And Still Go Home For Dinner

by Anders Hagstrom
Lots and lots of arrests
04 Oct 02:29

McConnell: The Senate Will Receive FBI Results on Kavanaugh Tonight, Files Cloture with Cloture Vote on Friday

by Ian Hanchett
During a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced the Senate will receive the results of the FBI’s investigation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh that evening, filed cloture on Kavanaugh’s nomination, and said the cloture vote will take place Friday. McConnell said, “Mr. President, this evening, the Senate will receive the results of the FBI supplemental background investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.” McConnell added that members will have time to review and be briefed on the material before a Friday cloture vote, and filed for cloture on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett
03 Oct 14:02

'Jewel of Roman Empire' faces Libya dangers...

'Jewel of Roman Empire' faces Libya dangers...

(Second column, 25th story, link)

03 Oct 14:02

Japanese spacecraft drops robot onto asteroid to hunt for the origin of the solar system

by Andrew Griffin
'A land full of wonder, mystery and danger! I landed on asteroid Ryugu!'
03 Oct 14:01

Bitter Hillary STILL complaining about 2016 election — 693 days later!

by American Mirror
She’s still bitter.
03 Oct 14:01

Helicopter jailbreak gangster arrested in France...

Helicopter jailbreak gangster arrested in France...

(Second column, 28th story, link)

03 Oct 14:01

Alex Jones sues PayPal over InfoWars ban

by Anthony Cuthbertson
The lawsuit alleges Silicon Valley firms are 'discriminating against politically conservative entities and individuals'
03 Oct 14:01

How the Government Fails to Help the Mentally Ill: New at Reason

by Reason Staff

They live on the street, often foraging through dumpsters. Some threaten us. Occasionally, they assault people.

Thousands of mentally ill people cycle in and out of hospital emergency rooms. They strain our medical system, scare the public, and sometimes harm themselves. What is worse, writes John Stossel, the government is failing utterly in its efforts to help.

View this article.

03 Oct 13:55

Clip Of Interviewer Demanding Kanye West Remove His MAGA Hat Goes Viral

by Tyler Durden

Kanye West slammed the interviewer's request to make people "feel comfortable" with: "Now, I've already told you what this represents for me, this represents... y'all can't bully me!"

Just days after West was laughed at and booed by the audience during Saturday Night Live's 44th season premiere, after the rapper filled in as a last-minute replacement for Ariana Grande, he refused to take off his Make America Great Again hat during a live interview with TMZ.

West sat down with Harvey Levin on "TMZ Live" on Monday, but things were awkward from the start as Levin immediately pressured the outspoken singer and producer to take off his MAGA hat, saying it made people feel "uncomfortable".

Screenshot via TMZ Live

Levin said, "If you would not wear that hat, it would make me and a lot of other people feel better," and then directly requested, "In fact why don't we say please take off the hat Kaney, how's that?" 

Kanye responded: "It's not good.." And Levin interrupted, "Then won't do it... because you have a right to do it."

At this point a defiant Kanye shouted: "1st ammendment baby!.. 1st ammendment... 1st ammendment!.." To which a clearly agitated and upset Levin responded: "Then I have a right to express my view on it."

West, remaining defiant, then explained:

I am American and I support and give my ideas and support and brilliance to whoever ends up in office. That's my stance as an American. I support our president.

Bottom line, no matter who they are... Now, I've already told you what this represents for me, this represents... y'all can't bully me!

The clip featuring the segment where Kanye refused to bow to the interviewer's demands has since gone viral, with an outpouring of support for his refusal to play by the rules of "safe space" political correctness. 

Meanwhile other people that don't have the celebrity recognition or superstar status of Kanye West have in some instances gotten assaulted for merely wearing a MAGA hat. 

One notable incident that was caught on video last summer involved 16-year-old Trump supporter Richard Hunter being assaulted by an aggressive liberal for wearing a red MAGA hat at a local Whataburger. 

Hunter received widespread support even from people who are not Trump-supporters, as it was widely recognized that he was the unfair target of harassment and bullying, and that his choice in hats and political speech should be protected. 

With such incidents seemingly on the rise of late we expect Kanye's "defiant" stance over his outspoken support for President Trump and his wearing a MAGA hat to gain increased support from those sectors of America who are sick of being bullied and told what they can and can't wear. 

03 Oct 13:54

Lie Detectors Aren’t: New at Reason

by Reason Staff

There was no shortage of absurdities during last week's Senate hearing on Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault accusation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But the suggestion that the polygraph test she passed proved she was telling the truth may have been the silliest, Jacob Sullum says.

Even if polygraphs worked as advertised, they would be useless in resolving conflicts between the accounts of two people who both believe they are telling the truth, as seems to be the case with Ford and Kavanaugh. But the problem is deeper than that, Sullum writes, because the basic premise of polygraphs—that deception can be detected by looking at variations in someone's blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and galvanic skin response (a measure of perspiration)—has never been properly validated.

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03 Oct 13:53

Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett: Julie Swetnick in ‘Legal Jeopardy’ After NBC Interview, Should Fire Avenatti

by Ronn Blitzer
03 Oct 13:52

Campus mob enraged by 'Confirm Kavanaugh' display...

03 Oct 13:52

Wi-Fi finally swaps those fiddly letter codes for numbers; Wi-Fi 6 on the way

by Ben Lovejoy

Checking whether a device supports the latest Wi-Fi standards has always involved remembering some rather obscure letter codes: a, b, g, n and ac. But that’s now all set to change …


The post Wi-Fi finally swaps those fiddly letter codes for numbers; Wi-Fi 6 on the way appeared first on 9to5Mac.

03 Oct 13:52

Secret Service, FBI examining suspicious mail sent to White House, Pentagon

Federal authorities are looking into at least three pieces of suspicious mail that were sent to the White House and Pentagon, officials said.
03 Oct 13:51

Major Holes Blown In Kavanaugh’s Accusers’ Stories, Media Ignores

by Derek Hunter
Media never lets facts stand in the way of a good narrative
03 Oct 13:50

Former GOP congressmen high on future of marijuana industry

by Tim Morris, Columnist
Former U.S. Rep. Billy Tauzin is now working for a medical cannabis company founded by TV host Montel Williams.
03 Oct 13:50

Ex-boyfriend’s letter prompts Grassley to question Ford’s truthfulness

by Savage Admin

NEW YORK POST: An ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford reportedly wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee contradicting her [READ MORE]

The post Ex-boyfriend’s letter prompts Grassley to question Ford’s truthfulness appeared first on The Savage Nation.

03 Oct 13:50

Trump blasts NYT tax story as 'hit piece'

by Jordan Fabian
President Trump on Wednesday accused The New York Times of writing a "hit piece" against him for publishing a bombshell report abo...
03 Oct 13:49

Donald Trump responds to report he dodged millions in taxes

by Andrew Buncombe
President's lawyer dismisses report as 'extremely inaccurate'