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09 Oct 15:43

After Losing Kavanaugh Fight, Many in Media Calling to Scrap the Senate

Ken Dilanian, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joan Walsh and others have had enough with America's constitutional republic as designed
09 Oct 15:43

Soros-Funded Activist Who Accosted Flake Doesn’t Deny Being Paid to Protest

‘I am incredibly proud to have created spaces for so many people to tell their stories’
09 Oct 15:39

Former GOOGLE boss launches scathing Silicon Valley attack: NOT making world better place...

Former GOOGLE boss launches scathing Silicon Valley attack: NOT making world better place...

(RSS generated with FetchRss)
09 Oct 15:39

NETFLIX down 15% from high; Could be more pain ahead...

NETFLIX down 15% from high; Could be more pain ahead...

(RSS generated with FetchRss)
08 Oct 17:44

Trump calls Kavanaugh allegations a 'hoax that was set up by the Democrats'

by (Brett Samuels )
President Trump said Monday that he expects a lot of Democratic voters to support Republican candidates in the upcoming midterms because of how the party's lawmakers handled sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court...
08 Oct 17:44

Florida sheriff’s deputy who stayed outside school during shooting will testify

The then-Florida sheriff's deputy who didn't rush into the building as a gunman killed 17 high school students and staff members is scheduled to testify this week before the commission investigating the massacre.
08 Oct 17:44

NOFD offers free smoke detector installation for deaf, hard of hearing

by Beau Evans
Detection components are designed specifically for deaf and hard-of-hearing residents.
08 Oct 17:44

Frats can be fined $500 for 'insensitive messages'


(COLLEGE FIX) — The Interfraternity Council at the University of Pennsylvania can fine fraternities up to $500 for “citizenship violations” that amount to “discrimination or hate against another group,” according to guidelines spelled out in its bylaws.

The constitution of the IFC’s Judicial Inquiry Board states that “racist comments made to another group” or “insensitive fraternity-sponsored messages” can qualify as violations. In addition to the $500 fine, the Judicial Inquiry Board can also authorize punishments like community service, suspension and expulsion.

The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life did not respond to a request for comment from The College Fix.

08 Oct 17:44

Cops Arrest ‘Man-Bunned Protester’ Who Allegedly Kept Yelling ‘Dad!’ at Trump During Rally

by Ronn Blitzer
08 Oct 17:43

Trump: No Current Plans to Fire Rosenstein

by Kit Daniels
President met with embattled Deputy AG on Monday
08 Oct 17:32

President Trump and DAG Rod Rosenstein – “No Collusion”, No Immediate Worries…

by sundance
Unless something consequential happens as a result of congressional oversight,… if there’s one official who will be in place through the mid-term elections it’s DAG Rod Rosenstein.  Through the declassification agreement between President Trump and Rosenstein, POTUS carries tremendous leverage … Continue reading →
08 Oct 17:10

Beautiful 3D model of stars explains changes in brightness

by Chris Lee

From a supercomputer to your desktop, models of blue variable stars.

The Universe abounds with things that we think we might understand but aren’t really sure about. What it often comes down to is our ability to compute: to answer the question of whether models based on the physics we know about generate the behavior we see around us. In response to that question, researchers have turned their computation gun on a long-standing problem: why do luminous blue variable stars exist? 

Luminous blue variables are very big, very bright stars, but their temperature (color) varies quite a bit. Scientists were pretty sure that the variability came down, somehow, to a combination of radiation pressure, shock waves, and convection. But until now, no one could confirm that.

Emotional stars lose their equilibrium

In particular, luminous blue variables go from brightness and temperature ranges that are in equilibrium to brightnesses that are far out of equilibrium. 

Read 13 remaining paragraphs | Comments

08 Oct 17:09

New Louisiana anti-abortion law on hold as doctors challenge recent court ruling

Enforcement of a new anti-abortion law will have to wait as the physicians who challenged the split decision upholding constitutionality asked for a review of a recent appellate court decision.
08 Oct 17:09

Gyroscope malfunction forces Hubble Space Telescopes into safe mode

The Hubble Space telescope is currently in safe mode. Engineers were forced to suspend scientific activities after one of its gyroscope's failed.
08 Oct 17:09

Hurricane Michael expected to strengthen en route to Florida

Mandatory evacuation orders and school closures were issued on Monday in the Florida Panhandle as Hurricane Michael was expected to strengthen rapidly before slamming into the state on Wednesday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said.
08 Oct 17:09

Police ID wig-wearing woman suspected in French Quarter armed robbery

by Laura McKnight
Destiny Dennies Lacourse, 27, is wanted on a charge of armed robbery in the Sept. 7 holdup at Lush Cosmetics.
08 Oct 17:05

Groundbreaking maker of gentle factory robots shuts down

by Timothy B. Lee
Article intro image

Enlarge / Baxter in 2014.

Back in 2014, we wrote about Baxter, an anthropomorphic factory robot that was gentle enough to work alongside human workers. We visited Baxter at a robotics trade show in New York, and it seemed like the company was getting a lot of interest from potential customers. Unfortunately, we learned last week that Rethink Robotics, the company behind Baxter, is shutting down.

Traditional factory robots are dangerous—they're often put behind cages to avoid accidentally injuring human workers nearby. Baxter, by contrast, is designed to work directly alongside human workers. All of Baxter's joints are designed not to pinch fingers. Its arms can "feel" if they encounter unexpected resistance (like a human body part) and stop. Company representatives liked to put their arms or heads in the path of the robot's arms to show off this safety feature.

Traditional factory robots are also difficult to program. By contrast, almost anyone can learn how to teach Baxter a new task by grabbing its arms and guiding it through the desired steps.

Read 10 remaining paragraphs | Comments

08 Oct 17:04

Wireless voting machines vulnerable? States say safe enough...

Wireless voting machines vulnerable? States say safe enough...

(Second column, 7th story, link)

08 Oct 17:04

Inside Israel's Top-Secret Anti-Terror Operation...

Inside Israel's Top-Secret Anti-Terror Operation...

(Second column, 11th story, link)

08 Oct 17:04

Florida Governor Issues State Of Emergency Ahead Of Hurricane Michael

by Grace Carr
'We can rebuild your home, but we cannot rebuild your life'
08 Oct 17:04

Alan Dershowitz: Constitution Would ‘Not Permit’ Impeaching Kavanaugh

by Caleb Ecarma

Professor Alan Dershowitz called Democrats looking to impeach newly confirmed Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh “foolish,” since he believes the Constitution would “not permit” that action.

“[Impeaching Kavanaugh] would be absolutely foolish, inconsistent, and hypocritical,” Dershowitz said while appearing on Fox News today.

The constitutional law scholar explained that it’s “hypocrisy run rampant,” since some of the same Democratic lawmakers defended Bill Clinton amid his impeachment related perjury scandal, but are now calling to remove Kavanaugh in the same way.

“The Constitution would not permit impeachment of a sitting justice for actions he took while a private citizen 35 years ago,” Dershowitz added. “Nor, I think, would it permit using the laws of perjury, which are very tough — they have to be about a material fact, it has to have been a deliberate lie, not forgetfulness, not a boast, not an exaggeration, but a willful, deliberate lie about a material fact.”

The legal defender, who is one of Donald Trump’s top defenders and published a book against impeaching the president, said “Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot” by seeking to remove Kavanaugh.

“We ought to be moving forward,” he concluded. “Let’s judge Justice Kavanaugh on his performance as a justice of the Supreme Court.”

Watch above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]

Follow the author on Twitter (@calebecarma).

08 Oct 17:04

EU regulators studying crypto assets case by case

The European Union's securities watchdog said on Monday it was examining every initial coin offering (ICO) to see whether it should be regulated, mirroring moves by its U.S. counterpart.
08 Oct 17:04

Limo in deadly New York crash failed a state inspection last month: governor

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says a limousine involved in a crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York had failed a state inspection and should not have been on the road.
08 Oct 17:04

Fox hires ex-Trump aide Hope Hicks


(CNBC) — Months after leaving the White House, Hope Hicks will head to Fox to become its new chief communications officer.

Hicks, 29, is best known as one of President Donald Trump’s most trusted aides. She served as White House communications director and director of strategic communications for Trump until she left in April of this year.

The company, which will be spun off after Disney completes its $71 billion takeover of 21st Century Fox, will be home to Fox News, the conservative-leaning news and commentary network. Trump is an outspoken fan of Fox News, often promoting their programming on his Twitter feed.

07 Oct 05:55

Michael Avenatti Turns Radioactive As Liberals Blame Porn Lawyer For Kavanaugh Confirmation

by Tyler Durden

Following Friday's announcement by GOP swing voter Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) that she would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the left flipped on one of its recent heroes; Michael Avenatti. 

In a fiery speech announcing her decision, Collins ripped unsupported claims by Avenatti's client, Julie Swetnick, that Kavanaugh facilitated a Cosby-esque "gang rape" operation while in high school. 

Some of the allegations levied against Judge Kavanaugh illustrate why the presumption of innocence is so important. I am thinking in particular not of the allegations raised by Professor Ford, but of the allegation that, when he was a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh drugged multiple girls and used their weakened state to facilitate gang rape.

This outlandish allegation was put forth without any credible supporting evidence and simply parroted public statements of others. That such an allegation can find its way into the Supreme Court confirmation process is a stark reminder about why the presumption of innocence is so ingrained in our American consciousness. -Sen. Susan Collins

As a result of Collins calling Swetnick's claim, liberals began to pile onto Avenatti - blaming him for Kavanaugh's impending Saturday confirmation, while conservative pundits poked fun. 

While Christine Blasey Ford's groping allegation may have been believable - and enough to derail the nomination, subsequent claims against Kavanaugh likely derailed what little legitimacy Ford had. 

CNN's breaking news editor, Kyle Feldscher, took a swing at Avenatti - blaming him for Kavanaugh's confirmation in a tweet which reads: "Hard to state how much Avenatti’s entrance into this process hurt the Democratic effort to bring down Kavanaugh’s nomination." (h/t Josh Caplan @ Breitbart) 

Avenatti responded: "You are right. I should have turned my back on my client. Told her to “shut up” and stay quiet because people like you apparently believe assault victims are to blame. This line of thinking is disgusting and offensive to all survivors. And it makes lawyers not want to help them."

Feldscher replied: "Literally never suggested that, but have a good weekend sir."

One can imagine that Avenatti vs. Trump in 2020 is no longer in the cards... 

06 Oct 22:07

Kavanaugh Confirmed as Next Supreme Court Justice

by Tamar Auber


On Saturday, the Senate voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation came after a tense battle sparked by a sexual assault allegation made by Christine Blasey Ford.

In the end, however, the decision by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) to support Kavanaugh pushed the ‘yes’ count over the threshold needed to secure the nomination.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) was the lone Republican who came out in opposition of Kavanaugh, but she voted “present” in the final vote, a nod to her colleague Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) who was unable to vote because he is at his daughter’s wedding in Montana, giving a final vote of 50-48.

During the vote, protesters in the gallery repeatedly interrupted the proceedings.

President Donald Trump has announced Kavanaugh will be sworn in later on Saturday.

Watch above, via MSNBC

[image via screengrab]

06 Oct 22:07

Kavanaugh Vs. Feinstein - Flawless Victory

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Tom Luongo,

Yesterday’s dramatic cloture vote to push SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a final confirmation vote is one of those political moments of pure victory.  It was messy and it was tense, but the ultimate outcome was better than I could have ever originally expected.

Because it’s pretty clear to me that we’re looking at the kind of big operation run on the Democrats and the Soros Group to expose not only their tactics, the classic “Nuts and Sluts” shaming technique, but also in the process crush certain powerful members of the Democratic party which have been the conduit through which ‘the Resistance’ has driven our political process to the point of no return.

Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation was supposed to create the kind of uproar that would have Kavanaugh withdraw well before any of the dots could be connected by Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley and others.

The rapid succession of accusers was supposed to overwhelm the news cycle with outrage porn and the Rebpublicans were supposed to fold like they always have in the past.

But we’re well beyond that point.  I’ve been warning about this since Trump began rising in the polls.  He out-Alinsky’s the Alinskyites and by doing so gives spine to the spineless and energizes a frustrated conservative/libertarian base of voters to go after these obviously corrupt, venal, power-mad freaks that run both the GOP and the DNC.

So, to me, it looks like some form of ‘operation’ was run on Feinstein and the Democrats here.  That the chum that was Brett Kavanaugh — young, rich, white, successful, etc. — they couldn’t ignore.

Like flies to a bug zapper they flew too close to the light and were fried unmercifully.  Feinstein knows she’s done.

This letter tells you so much about what is really going on behind the scenes.  

Grassley is telling this group of feckless jackasses he has has them dead-to-rights.  He has their texts/IM’s and knows this was all coordinated through Feinstein’s office.  That’s why DiFi looked like she was crying while Chuck Schumer handled the press.

Feinstein’s done.  The woman should have been arrested for treason after the scandal about her driver working for the Chinese broke earlier this year.  But, we should be able to connect a dot or two here and see that that was used as leverage against her to hold Blasey-Ford’s accusation until the most politically-damaging moment.

Wait for the fall-out from this.  The Republicans had a win/win situation on their hands here as long as Kavanaugh was 1) not guilty and 2) willing to endure the process.

It looks like he was able to do both.  Because if the Democrats force a failure of the vote, it will energize people to go to the polls in numbers unheard of for a mid-term election.

Or, if the Republicans finally fight back the way they are supposed to, then they 2) energize the base to finally crush these venal scumbags that so richly deserve it.

One of the two major parties has to fail for the Swamp to truly be Drained.  Old power structures within the Senate and House need to crumble.  Diane Feinstein is staring (with tears in her eyes) at censure, being stripped of her seniority and possible forced retirement.

All of those relationships get shattered. There are ripple effects up and down the lobby circuit in D.C.

What’s sad is that they really thought the rules hadn’t changed.  And if I’m right that this was an operation planned from the beginning to frame Kavanaugh with a known liar, not only Ford but Julie Swetnick as well, then by the time this is done everything in Washington will look very different over the next six months.

George Soros and Tom Steyer will have to spend even more money on their next losing battle.  And at some point, the situation in D.C. will turn against them far enough for asset seizure and possible imprisonment.

While watching the livestream keep all of that in mind as well as anything else I’m not catching in my initial read on this most fascinating political victory.  As always NSFW rules apply (so headphones, folx).

*  *  *

Join my Patreon if you want to win the Culture War

06 Oct 22:06



(Main headline, 1st story, link)

06 Oct 04:48

Brett Kavanaugh: Trump nominee closing in on confirmation as Susan Collins and other swing senators pledge support

by Chris Riotta
Susan Collins, Joe Manchin and Jeff Flake all say they will vote 'yes' in a vote expected this weekend
06 Oct 04:47

Media Melt Down: Susan Collins Like White Moderates 'Who Legitimized Jim Crow'

by Tony Lee
The left-wing media melted down as Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) announced on Friday afternoon that she will vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.