Shared posts

29 May 04:48

Strange and maddening rules

by Joel Spolsky

There’s this popular idea among developers that when you face a problem with code, you should get out a rubber duck and explain, to the duck, exactly how your code was supposed to work, line by line, what you expected to see, what you saw instead, etc. Developers who try this report that the very act of explaining the problem in detail to an inanimate object often helps them find the solution.

Stack Overflow April Fools Joke 2018This is one of many tricks to solving programming problems on your own. Another trick is divide and conquer debugging. You can’t study a thousand lines of code to find the one bug. But you can divide them in half and quickly figure out if the problem happens in the first half or the second half. Keep doing this five or six times and you’ll pinpoint the single line of code with the problem.

It’s interesting, with this in mind, to read Jon Skeet’s checklist for writing the perfect question. One of the questions Jon asks is “Have you read the whole question to yourself carefully, to make sure it makes sense and contains enough information for someone coming to it without any of the context that you already know?” That is essentially the Rubber Duck Test. Another question is “If your question includes code, have you written it as a short but complete program?” Emphasis on the short—that is essentially a test of whether or not you tried divide and conquer.

What Jon’s checklist can do, in the best of worlds, is to help people try the things that experienced programmers may have already tried, before they ask for help.

Sadly, not everybody finds his checklist. Maybe they found it and they don’t care. They’re having an urgent problem with code; they heard that Stack Overflow could help them; and they don’t have time to read some nerd’s complicated protocol for requesting help.

One of the frequent debates about Stack Overflow is whether the site needs to be open to questions from programming novices.

When Jeff and I were talking about the initial design of Stack Overflow, I told him about this popular Usenet group for the C programming language in the 1980s. It was called comp.lang.c.

C is a simple and limited programming language. You can get a C compiler that fits in 100K. So, when you make a discussion group about C, you quickly run out of things to talk about.

Also. In the 1990s, C was a common language for undergraduates who were learning programming. And, in fact, said undergraduates would have very basic problems in C. And they might show up on comp.lang.c asking their questions.

And the old-timers on comp.lang.c were bored. So bored. Bored of the undergraduates showing up every September wondering why they can’t return a local char array from a function et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum. Every damn September.

The old timers invented the concept of FAQs. They used them to say “please don’t ask things that have been asked before, ever, in the history of Usenet” which honestly meant that the only questions they really wanted to see were so bizarre and so esoteric that they were really enormously boring to 99% of working C programmers. The newsgroup languished because it catered only to the few people that had been there for a decade.

Jeff and I talked about this. What did we think of newbie questions?

We decided that newbies had to be welcome. Nothing was too “beginner” to be a reasonable question on Stack Overflow… as long as you did some homework before asking the question.

We understood that this might mean that some of the more advanced people might grow bored with duplicate, simple questions, and move on. We thought that was fine: Stack Overflow doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment. You’re welcome to get bored and move on if you think that the newbies keep asking why they can’t return local char arrays (“but it works for me!”) and you would rather devote the remaining short years of your life to something more productive, like sorting your record albums.

The mere fact that you are a newbie doesn’t mean that your question doesn’t belong on Stack Overflow. To prove the point, I asked “How do you move the turtle in Logo,” hoping to leave behind evidence that the site designers wanted to allow absolute beginners.

Thanks to the law of unintended consequences, this caused a lot of brouhaha, but not because the question was too easy. The real problem there was that I was asking the question in bad faith. Jeff Atwood explained it: “Simple is fine. No effort and research is not.” (Also this.)

To novices, the long bureaucratic rigmarole associated with asking your first question on Stack Overflow can feel either completely unnecessary, or just plain weird. It’s like Burning Man. You just want to go to a nice glittery dance party in the desert, but the Burning People are yammering on about their goddamn 10 principles, and “radical self-expression” and so on and so forth, and therefore after washing your dishes you must carefully save the dirty dishwater like a cherished relic and remove every drop of it from the Playa, bringing it home with you, in your check-in luggage if necessary. Every community has lots of rules and when you join the community they either seem strange and delightful or, if you’re just desperately trying to get some code to work, they are strange and maddening.

A lot of the rules that are important to make Burning Man successful are seemingly arbitrary, but they’re still necessary. The US Bureau of Land Management which makes the desert available for Burning Man requires that no contaminated water be poured out on the ground because the clay dirt doesn’t really absorb it so well and it can introduce all kinds of disease and whatnot, but who cares because Burning Man simply will not be allowed to continue if the participants don’t pack out their used water.

Similarly for Stack Overflow. We don’t allow, say, questions that are too broad (“How do I make a program?”). Our general rule is that if the correct length of an answer is a whole book you are asking too much. These questions feel like showing up on a medical website and saying something like “I think my kidney has been hurting. How can I remove it?” It’s crazy—and incidentally, insulting to the people who spent ten years in training learning to be surgeons.

One thing I’m very concerned about, as we try to educate the next generation of developers, and, importantly, get more diversity and inclusiveness in that new generation, is what obstacles we’re putting up for people as they try to learn programming. In many ways Stack Overflow’s specific rules for what is permitted and what is not are obstacles, but an even bigger problem is rudeness, snark, or condescension that newcomers often see.

I care a lot about this. Being a developer gives you an unparalleled opportunity to write the script for the future. All the flak that Stack Overflow throws in the face of newbies trying to become developers is actively harmful to people, to society, and to Stack Overflow itself, by driving away potential future contributors. And programming is hard enough; we should see our mission as making it easier.

We’re planning a lot of work in this area for the next year. We can’t change everybody and we can’t force people to be nice. But I think we can improve some aspects of the Stack Overflow user interface to encourage better behavior, for example, we could improve the prompts we provide on the “Ask Question” page, and we could provide more tools for community moderation of comments where the snark currently runs unchecked.

We’re also working on new features that will let you direct your questions to a private, smaller group of people on your own team, which may bring some of the friendly neighborhood feel to the big city of Stack Overflow.

Even as we try to make Stack Overflow more friendly, our primary consideration at Stack Overflow has been to build the world’s greatest resource for software developers. The average programmer, in the world, has been helped by Stack Overflow 340 times. That’s the real end-game here. There are other resources for learning to program and getting help, but there’s only one site in the world that developers trust this much, and that is worth preserving—the programming equivalent to the Library of Congress.

29 May 04:48

A Dusting of Gamification

by Joel Spolsky

[This is the second in a series of posts about Stack Overflow. The first one is The Stack Overflow Age.]

Around 2010 the success of Stack Overflow had led us into some conversations with VCs, who wanted to invest.

at the Getty

The firm that eventually invested in us, Union Square Ventures, told us that they were so excited by the power of gamification that they were only investing in companies that incorporated some kind of game play.

For example, Foursquare. Remember Foursquare? It was all about making your normal post-NYU life of going to ramen noodle places and dive bars into a fun game that incidentally generated wads of data for marketers. Or Duolingo, which is a fun app with flash cards that teaches you foreign languages. Those were other USV investments from that time period.

At the time, I had to think for a minute to realize that Stack Overflow has “gamification” too. Not a ton. Maybe a dusting of gamification, most of it around reputation.

Stack Overflow reputation started as a very simple score. The original idea was just that you would get 10 points when your answers were upvoted. Upvotes do two things. They get the most useful answers to the top, signaling that other developers who saw this answer thought it was good. They also send the person who wrote the answer a real signal that their efforts helped someone. This can be incredibly motivating.

You would lose points if your questions were downvoted, but you actually only lose 2 points. We didn’t want to punish you so much as we wanted to show other people that your answer was wrong. And to avoid abuse, we actually make you pay one reputation point to downvote somebody, so you better really mean it. That was pretty much the whole system.

Now, this wasn’t an original idea. It was originally inspired by Reddit Karma, which started out as an integer that appeared in parentheses after your handle. If you posted something that got upvoted, your karma went up as a “reward.” That was it. Karma didn’t do a single thing but still served as a system for reward and punishment.

What reputation and karma do is send a message that this is a community with norms, it’s not just a place to type words onto the internet. (That would be 4chan.) We don’t really exist for the purpose of letting you exercise your freedom of speech. You can get your freedom of speech somewhere else. Our goal is to get the best answers to questions. All the voting makes it clear that we have standards, that some posts are better than others, and that the community itself has some norms about what’s good and bad that they express through the vote.

It’s not a perfect system (more on the problems in a minute), but it’s a reasonable first approximation.

By the way, Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman, the creators of Reddit, were themselves inspired by a more primitive karma system, on Slashdot. This system had real-world implications. You didn’t get karma so that other people could see your karma; you got karma so that the system knew you weren’t a spammer. If a lot of your posts had been flagged for abuse, your karma would go down and you might lose posting or moderation privileges. But you weren’t really supposed to show off your high karma. “Don’t worry too much about it; it’s just an integer in a database,” Slashdot told us.

To be honest, it was initially surprising to me that you could just print a number after people’s handles and they would feel rewarded. Look at me! Look at my four digit number! But it does drive a tremendous amount of good behavior. Even people who aren’t participating in the system (by working to earn reputation) buy into it (e.g., by respecting high-reputation users for their demonstrated knowledge and helpfulness).

But there’s still something of a mystery here, which is why earning “magic internet points” is appealing to anyone.

I think the answer is that it’s nice to know that you’ve made a difference. You toil away in the hot kitchen all day and when you serve dinner it’s nice to hear a compliment or two. If somebody compliments you on the extra effort you put into making radish roses, you’re going to be very happy.

This is a part of a greater human need: to make an impact on the world, and to know that you’re contributing and being appreciated for it. Stack Overflow’s reputation system serves to recognize that you’re a human being and we are super thankful for your contribution.

in Utah

That said, there is a dark side to gamification. It’s not 100% awesome.

The first problem we noticed is that it’s very nice to get an upvote, but getting a downvote feels like a slap in the face. Especially if you don’t understand why you got the downvote, or if you don’t agree. Stack Overflow’s voting has made many people unhappy over the years, and there are probably loads of people who felt unwelcome and who don’t participate in Stack Overflow as a result. (Here’s an old blog post explaining why we didn’t just eliminate downvotes).

There’s another problem, which is that, to the extent that the gamification in Stack Overflow makes the site feel less inclusive and welcoming to many people, it is disproportionately off-putting to programmers from underrepresented groups. While Stack Overflow does have many amazing, high reputation contributors who are women or minorities, we’ve also heard from too many who were apprehensive about participating.

These are big problems. There’s a lot more we can and will say about that over the next few months, and we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us trying to make Stack Overflow a more inclusive and diverse place so we can improve the important service that it provides to developers everywhere.

Gamification can shape behavior. It can guide you to do certain things in certain ways, and it can encourage certain behaviors. But it’s a very weak force. You can’t do that much with gamification. You certainly can’t get people to do something that they’re not interested in doing, anyway. I’ve heard a lot of crazy business plans that are pinning rather too high hopes on gamification as a way of getting people to go along with some crazy scheme that the people won’t want to go along with. Nobody’s going to learn French just to get the Duolingo points. But if you are learning French, and you are using Duolingo, you might make an effort to open the app every day just to keep your streak going.

I’ve got more posts coming! The next one will be about the obsessive way Stack Overflow was designed for the artifact, in other words, we optimized everything to create amazing results for developers with problems arriving from Google, not just to answer questions that people typed into our site.


28 May 16:44

AEE 954: How to Create a Speed Bump in Your English Conversations to Listen Better

by Lindsay

Do you think it’s easier to understand a language or to speak it? When you hear people speaking in English, do you struggle to keep up? Some people find it easier to understand because you can pick up words. We’re going to look at how... Read More

The post AEE 954: How to Create a Speed Bump in Your English Conversations to Listen Better appeared first on All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture.

25 May 05:19

AlgoExpert Review: What it is, Key Features – Is AlgoExpert Worth it?

by Laurence Bradford

If you need to practice coding interview questions, you’ve probably come across

AlgoExpert gives you a comprehensive overview of 100 of the best programmer interview questions in nine different languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Swift, Kotlin, C++, Java, C# and Go.

You type out your answers in a code-execution environment and get 70+ hours of video explanations to help you understand the core principles behind each question. This content comes directly from AlgoExpert co-founder and CEO Clément Mihailescu, a software engineer who passed coding interviews at Google and Facebook. 

In this AlgoExpert review, we’ll cover what it is, topics taught, pricing, main features of the platform, content quality, what past students think, etc. Visit the AlgoExpert website and get 15% off with our AlgoExpert promo code ltcwm.

Disclosure: I’m a proud affiliate for some of the resources mentioned in this article. If you buy a product through my links on this page, I may get a small commission for referring you. Thanks!

AlgoExpert Review

Table of Contents

AlgoExpert Review: the TL;DR

Full AlgoExpert Review

AlgoExpert Alternatives

Final Thoughts: Is AlgoExpert Worth It?

AlgoExpert Review: the TL;DR

Is AlgoExpert worth it? Before we dive into the full review, here’s a quick pros and cons list you can use to quickly decide if it’s right for you.

Pros of AlgoExpert

  • 100 coding interview questions to practice for your technical interview
  • 70+ hours of code walkthroughs from experienced software engineer Clément Mihailescu, who walks you through problems step by step and can help you learn about different approaches you can take
  • Solutions in 9 coding languages
  • Access to a crash course in data structures
  • Interactive code editor
  • Soft skill interview tips from the experts

Cons of AlgoExpert

  • You need to start with basic programming knowledge; AlgoExpert is not meant to teach you how to code
  • The coding walkthrough portion of AlgoExpert videos is only filmed in Python
  • No refunds
  • No lifetime access: if you stop paying, you lose access
  • There is no community aspect (i.e., no forums to ask other coders/instructor for help with a coding problem)
  • You can find similar material for free online (e.g. there are code walkthroughs you can watch on sites like YouTube)

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Full AlgoExpert Review

Now, let’s get deeper into what you can expect when you use

Topics Taught on AlgoExpert

AlgoExpert is geared toward helping you master the information you need to succeed in a coding interview. You’ll get content covering:

  • Coding interview questions
  • Interview tips from experts
  • Data structures crash course
  • Advice for behavioral interviews
  • Binary search trees, linked lists, strings, Big O notation, and more
  • How much memory an algorithm uses and how fast it runs example questions

AlgoExpert Pricing

AlgoExpert is an annual subscription service. You’ll pay $99 for 1 year of access to alone. For $129 a year, you can add a subscription to SystemsExpert, which prepares you more specifically for systems design interviews. 

Get 15% off your AlgoExpert subscription price with discount code ltcwm.

Features of the AlgoExpert Platform

👩‍💻 100 coding questions spanning 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels.

📹  70+ hours of video explanations with two-part code walkthroughs for every coding question.

🏆 Certificate of completion: Completing all AlgoExpert questions earns you a certificate of your coding-interview preparedness.

✔ 3 curated assessments: To reflect what a real day of coding interviews might look like.

9⃣ Solutions in 9 programming languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Swift, Kotlin, C++, Java, C# and Go.

💻 Code execution environment so you can practice directly on the AlgoExpert website and check your solutions against their test cases without having to go back and forth between your problem page and code editor. Also allows you to turn off syntax highlighting to help you simulate a whiteboarding interview.

👨‍🏫 A crash course on data structures with 13 modules totaling nearly 5 hours of video content. Gives you the foundational knowledge to tackle any algorithm question.

💡 Interview tips from the experts to help you stand out from other software engineers. Topics include: problem-solving ability, communication, culture fit, etc.

🙌 Access to a few free videos and coding questions to try out the platform.

❤ 30% loyalty discount after your first year using the platform.

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AlgoExpert Ease of Use

Everyone has different workspace preferences, but you can take a look at the AlgoExpert coding interface/workspace here. Some users report that the interface/workspace feels a little busy/too much going on. Others find it easy to navigate once you understand where everything is. 

When browsing through the library of coding questions, you can filter by difficulty (e.g., easy, medium, hard), category (e.g., arrays, binary trees, graphs, heaps), or sort them randomly so you never know what to expect. You can “star” questions if you want to bookmark them, mark them as completed with a strikethrough, etc. 

Within the code editor, you can:

  • Change the light theme (light or dark mode)
  • Time yourself with the built-in stopwatch 
  • Change the layout (quad vs. tri layout)
  • Change the editor font size
  • Change the programming language
  • Change the syntax highlighting theme

When you click on a coding question, you’ll go through a simple process:

  1. See the coding interview question/prompt 
  2. You can open up a few hints via a dropdown if you need help getting started
  3. Write your solution in the code editor and run it
  4. You can toggle over to the tab “Our Solution(s)” to see AlgoExpert’s answer and then toggle over to the “Video Explanation” tab to see the code walkthrough

Overall, AlgoExpert is easy to use, but can feel a bit busy/overwhelming when you’re first getting started.

The AlgoExpert interface

AlgoExpert Content Quality

One benefit of using paid learning resources is that you can usually expect a high level of quality. That’s certainly the case with AlgoExpert. You’ll enjoy well-produced, high-quality coding interview prep content. 1080p videos boast crystal-clear audio and are strategically divided into two parts to give you the most comprehensive explanations to questions.

Code walkthroughs show Clément Mihailescu writing out solutions on both a virtual whiteboard and code editor. They’re clear and easy to see, follow, and understand.

AlgoExpert behavioral interview

What Past AlgoExpert Customers Think

The AlgoExpert site has a page featuring reviews from past customers. Here are a few samples:

Nick, Rotational Engineer at Facebook:

“AlgoExpert succeeds in a key area that other similar platforms fail by putting an emphasis on explaining the thought-process of each question. I'm not the type who wants to try and memorize 500 questions in hopes that my interview questions are ones that I have seen before – I want to really understand the concepts and patterns that would help me solve ANY question. AlgoExpert and SystemsExpert do a superb job of providing in-depth explanations of the patterns and thought that you should use to arrive at the correct solution, no matter the algorithm or design problem. I put my time and trust in AlgoExpert and I now have a job at Facebook to show for it. Highly recommended!”

Alex, Software Engineer at Google:

“AlgoExpert was the backbone of my technical coding interview preparation. It allows you to efficiently work through the most common variations of problems asked by top-tier companies without having to spend hours ‘battling' an algorithm only to come up with an inefficient or incorrect solution. There are a lot of resources available for repetition, but AlgoExpert differentiates its product by providing the ‘how' and ‘why' in clear and concise videos. Developing a deeper understanding of how to approach these problems is better than trying to memorize lines of code. I highly recommend AlgoExpert.”

Elana, Software Engineer at Bloomberg:

“The video explanations and detailed code examples on AlgoExpert have changed the way I approach coding problems. It has been an incredible asset during my career journey and I highly recommend it to anyone preparing for the job market.”

AlgoExpert buyer testimonials

Who AlgoExpert is Recommended For

You’re most likely to benefit from using AlgoExpert if you fit one of these categories:

  • Someone facing their first programming interview / hasn’t had one for a long time and needs to brush up
  • Software engineers who have less experience in data structures and algorithms and want to get up to speed with them
  • Possibly overwhelmed by the idea of tech interviews and doesn’t know what to expect; doesn’t know what to do to prepare
  • Enjoys video explanations and likes to see step-by-step solutions
  • Those who want to improve their problem-solving skills

Head back to the table of contents »

AlgoExpert Alternatives 

It’s always a good idea to explore what else is out there so you can make an informed decision. Here are some other coding prep resources similar to AlgoExpert — both free and paid.

LeetCode: Basic tier is free. 1,000+ coding questions. Has a peer competition and scoring component. Supports 14 popular coding languages. No video explanations. 

Interview Cake: Course style. $29. 50+ hours of practice questions and readings.

Grokking the Coding Interview: Interactive interview prep course for aspiring FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix) engineers. Explains the 16 patterns for coding questions. $79. Comes with challenges, lessons, coding environment, etc. 

Codewars: A community where people solve programming puzzles known also as “katas”. It is highly gamified, so users earn ranks and honors for completing coding problems. Higher level coding problems. 

HackerRank: Mostly targeted at companies hiring developers, but has a developer-oriented side too. For example, it includes Interview Preparation Kit, curated challenges and tips based on learnings from 1000+ companies to help you prepare for your upcoming interviews. Plus, lots of practice problems to work through. Free for coders to use.

Pramp: Pairs you with a peer to conduct mock coding interviews with each other.  You and your peer will interview each other for 30-45 minutes. Helps you master the art of interviewing through live practice. Free of cost. 

Coderbyte: Library of 300+ coding challenges. You can discuss solutions with the community. Over 10 programming languages supported. Access to solution guides with a subscription membership. $35/month or $150/year.

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AlgoExpert Review Final Thoughts: Is AlgoExpert Worth It?

AlgoExpert is a great option, but it isn’t the best one for everyone. If you’re looking for a community aspect where you can ask and answer questions about your code solutions, you might want to look elsewhere. This also isn’t for people just starting out on their coding journey.

In short, independent learners who enjoy detailed, tutorial-style video explanations will appreciate AlgoExpert. It’s great for someone with prior coding experience who’s ready to start job-hunting and wants to be interview-ready.

If you sign up for AlgoExpert, make sure to use AlgoExpert coupon code ltcwm for a 15% discount!

The post AlgoExpert Review: What it is, Key Features – Is AlgoExpert Worth it? appeared first on Learn to Code With Me.

17 May 16:13

Jak się nauczyć phrasal verbs? | Po Cudzemu #130

by Arlena Witt

Co to są phrasal verbs i jak się ich nauczyć, żeby się nie myliły? Które są najważniejsze? Czy są na nie jakieś sposoby?

„Grama to nie drama” to książka do gramatyki angielskiej, napisana prostym językiem i na wesoło – jest do kupienia tu:

• 18 maja – Kraków, Arteteka Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej
• 22 maja – Gdańsk, Infoshare, spotkanie autorskie Michała Szafrańskiego
• 29 maja – Warszawa, Sektor 3.0 – Festiwal Let’s Know-How
• 15 czerwca – Kraków, Biblioteka, Filia nr 16
Śmiało wpadajcie po dedykację, wspólne zdjęcie, przybicie piątki albo żeby się przytulić. :) Szczegóły spotkań autorskich (godzina i miejsce) podaję na bieżąco na fanpage’u „Po Cudzemu”:

Codziennie nowe „słowo na dziś” w Instastory:

Fanpage „Po Cudzemu”:

dźwięk: Zgrywa Studio
muzyka: zasoby


Obejrzyj odcinki z Q&A, zanim je zadasz, bo prawdopodobnie już na nie odpowiedziałam:
Q&A nr 1 –
Q&A nr 2 –
Q&A nr 3 –

Pozdrawiam wszystkich, którzy czytają opisy odcinków! Jeśli przeczytałeś opis do tego miejsca, w komentarzu wpisz „I look forward to [tu wpisz to, czego nie możesz się doczekać – pamiętaj o końcówce -ing przy czasowniku]”, np. I look forward to putting on this dress. :)

Ostatnio przestałam korzystać ze Snapchata i teraz śmieszkuję na Instastory. Codziennie wrzucam „słowo na dziś”, a poza tym są tam jeszcze inne (nie zawsze mądre) rzeczy. Ale przynajmniej bawię się doskonale. :) To tu:
15 May 09:30

AEE 947: One Simple Word to Add Momentum to Your English Conversations

by Lindsay

Have you ever heard somebody use “away” in a manner that you didn’t quite understand? Think of an example such as hearing somebody say that they were going to “work away until they got it done.” You probably know what “away” means, but not necessarily in this... Read More

The post AEE 947: One Simple Word to Add Momentum to Your English Conversations appeared first on All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture.

14 May 20:09

Firefox, Google I/O, кодстайл, JS и Prepack, RTL, тяжёлый лэндинг


  • Ольга Алексашенко
  • Вадим Макеев
  • Мария Просвирнина
  • Алексей Симоненко


  • 00:00:17 События
  • 00:04:51 Firefox 60
  • 00:14:51 Google I/O
  • 00:35:55 Авторитарный кодстайл
  • 00:46:33 Оптимизация JS с Prepack
  • 01:02:46 CSS справа налево
  • 01:09:57 Спонсор выпуска

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Поддержите нас на Патреоне или переводом на Яндекс.Деньги или PayPal.

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Firefox 60

Google I/O

Авторитарный кодстайл

Оптимизация JS с Prepack

CSS справа налево

Спонсор выпуска

13 May 07:47

Docker. Начало

by AG10

Примерно такие же эмоции я и мои коллеги испытывали, когда начинали работать с Docker. В подавляющем большинстве случаев это происходило от недостатка понимания основных механизмов, поэтому его поведение казалось нам непредсказуемым. Сейчас страсти поутихли и вспышки ненависти происходят все реже и все слабее. Более того, постепенно мы на практике оцениваем его достоинства и он начинает нам нравиться… Чтобы снизить степень первичного отторжения и добиться максимального эффекта от использования, нужно обязательно заглянуть на кухню Docker'a и хорошенько там осмотреться.
Читать дальше →
01 May 06:58

(The Mystery Knight) Lilia Plays Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Part 32

by Lady Lilia

Hi friends! It's finally time! Let's play Kingdom Come: Deliverance, woohoo! This playthrough will focus on the main quest but of course I'll get distracted 50% of the time (as usual). I can't wait, let's gooooo! (I'm playing on PC.)

Thank you friends! ♥

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24 Apr 17:41

AiA 186: ngUpgrade in the Real World with Sam Julien


  • Charles Max Wood
  • John Papa

Special Guests: Sam Julien

In this episode of Adventures in Angular, the panel talks to Sam Julien about ngUpgrade in the real world. Sam is an Angular teacher and developer in Portland, Oregon and has spent a lot of time working through the issues with ngUpgrade. He has also launched a course called Upgrading Angular JS. He talks about the process behind upgrading and the two phases and four building blocks that are present in this process. They also touch on the fact that Angular JS is very different in the real world versus in theory.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

  • Sam intro
  • Do you see steady traffic with needing ngUpgrade?
  • Angular JS is popular in the enterprise community
  • How do people get started with upgrading?
  • Update to a current version of Angular JS
  • Building blocks to upgrading
  • TypeScript and Webpack
  • The most important things to be doing
  • npm
  • General process – 4 building blocks and 2 phases
  • Determine your approach
  • Different approaches available for upgrading
  • Pick a route and work from the bottom up
  • Angular AOT mode
  • Upgrading is overwhelming but is manageable
  • Don’t rush the process
  • Create a reasonable timeframe
  • You can’t always use the CLI for these projects
  • Target those who feel stuck
  • What are the biggest problems that you’re seeing?
  • And much, much more!






22 Apr 06:53

Радио-Т 594

by (Umputun, Bobuk, Gray, Ksenks)
22 Apr 05:02

Лето в Гамбурге. Влог программиста

by Senior Software Vlogger
19 Apr 05:57

Рыба форель.Хапама(рецепт от мамы)

by У Жоржа
18 Apr 15:15

AEE 932: How to Express Intensity in Your Grammar Choices

by Lindsay

Grammar is weird. In school you probably learned all of the standard grammar forms but there are a lot of casual and spoken grammar forms that can express a specific feeling that your teachers never taught you. Today we’ll show you one grammar form to... Read More

The post AEE 932: How to Express Intensity in Your Grammar Choices appeared first on All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture.

18 Apr 15:11

AiA 185: Angular for Java Developers with Yakov Fain


  • Shai Reznik
  • Alyssa Nicholl
  • Joe Eames

Special Guests: Yakov Fain

In this episode of Adventures in Angular, the panel talks to Yakov Fain about Angular for Java developers. Yakov has worked as a Java developer for about 18 years, and in the last 4 or 5 years, he also started using front-end frameworks like Angular. They talk about what made him switch over to Angular, how it has improved his programming, and when it is best to utilize this framework. They also discuss how Yakov trains Java developers to start using Angular and the two methods he uses to do so.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

  • Yakov intro
  • Wrote books on Java and Angular
  • Angular
  • Adobe Flex
  • Why he stopped using Adobe Flex
  • Angular and TypeScript combination
  • Angular is built for large-scale projects
  • Angular is good for creating single-page apps
  • When Angular isn’t that great
  • What he’s looking for in Angular 6
  • Creating widgets
  • Angular Element
  • The programming community looks down on JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Recommends people learn CSS if they are a Java developer
  • The beauty of the industry
  • There is a specific way to teach to Java developers Angular that is easy for them to understand
  • Two major directions in training Java developers
  • And much, much more!






15 Apr 04:44

Радио-Т 593

by (Umputun, Bobuk, Gray, Ksenks)
12 Apr 10:00

AEE 929: “What Are You Up To?”: What It Means and How to Answer

by Lindsay

What is a super natural way to ask someone what their plans are? You can say, “what are you up to?” Why is this phrase so useful and dynamic when you connect with natives? Check out this episode to find out today!   Let’s start... Read More

The post AEE 929: “What Are You Up To?”: What It Means and How to Answer appeared first on All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture.

11 Apr 17:16

Польский. Тема: Członkowie rodziny (Члены семьи)

by Sandra Alek

Członkowie rodziny
Czy ma pan(i) dzieci?
У вас есть дети?
Nie mamy dzieci.
У нас нет детей.
Mamy troje dzieci.
У нас трое детей.
Najstarszy syn ma na imię Piotr.
Старшего сына звать Пётр.
Czy ma pan(i) dużą rodzinę?
У вас большая семья?
Czy masz rodzeństwo?
У вас есть братья и сестры?
Jestem jedynakiem/jedynaczką.
Я единственный ребёнок.
Mam młodszą siostrę i starszego brata.
У меня есть младшая сестра и старший брат.
Są w tym samym wieku.
Они одного возраста.
Jestem o pięć lat młodszy/starszy od mojej siostry.
Я на пять лет младше / старше моей сестры.
Jesteście spokrewnieni?
Вы родные?
To mój bliski/daleki krewny.
Это мой близкий / дальний родственник.
Czy ma pan(i) krewnych za granicą?
У вас есть родственники за границей?
Nie mam (prawie) żadnych krewnych.
У меня (почти) нет родственников.
Nie mam częstego kontaktu z rodzicami.
У меня нет частых контактов с родителями.
Siostra - сестра brat - брат
Dziadkowie - дедушка и бабушка
Dziadek - дедушка
Babcia - бабушка
Pradziadek - прадедушка
Prababcia - прабабушка
Wujek - дядя
Ciocia - тётя
Bratanek - племянник (сын брата)
Bratanica - племянница
Siostrzeniec - племянник (сын сестры)
Siostrzenica - племянница
ojciec - отец, папа
Tata - папа Syn - сын
Matka - мать Córka - дочка
Mama - мама Brat - брат
Dziecko - ребёнок Siostra - сестра
Dziadek - дедушка
Babcia - бабушка
Wnuk - внук
Wnuczka - внучка
Kuzyn - двоюродный брат
Kuzynka – двоюродная сестра
Teść - тесть
Teściowa - свекровь
Zięć - зять
Synowa - невестка
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Буду рада любой Вашей материальной поддержке на развитие канала!

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Разрабатываю и пишу тематические аудио-видео словари слов и выражений под заказ!
Контактная информация: e-mail:, skype: Sandra Polski
Польский с Сандрой - это просто!
11 Apr 06:00

American English Idiom - Challenge Results!

by Rachel's English

Here's your chance to learn some English idioms -- thanks to the Rachel's English community! All these students teach you an idiom that they have learned. This is a Rachel's English video challenge -- next week, you'll get a vocabulary video: Laundry! :)

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Improve your American Accent / spoken English at Rachel's English with video-based lessons and exercises. Rachel uses real life English conversation as the basis for teaching how to speak English and how to sound American -- improve listening comprehension skills. Study English vocabulary and English phrases such as phrasal verbs, as well as common expressions in English. Learn American idioms and American slang.

Cải thiện nói tiếng Anh Mỹ / 改善美式英語的發音 / 미국 영어 발음 향상 / アメリカ英語の話し言葉のアクセントを向上させる / Улучшение произношения американского английского языка / Meningkatkan berbicara bahasa Inggris Amerika / Melhore sua pronúncia do inglês americano / Mejora tu pronunciación en Inglés Americano / बात अमेरिकी अंग्रेजी में सुधार تحسين لهجتك الأمريكية الإنجليزية / שפר את המבטא האמריקאי שלך / Améliorez votre prononciation en anglais américain / Migliora la tua pronuncia in inglese americano

...with Rachel's English!

Help us caption & translate this video!
11 Apr 05:59

Цілого світу замало. Або мої історії про переїзд на роботу в США. Частина 1: Типи робочих віз в США

by comanche

Доброго здоров’я, вельмишановний читачу.


Частина 1 Підготовка до переїзду:

  1. Типи робочих віз в США <- Ви тут

Частина 2 Речі, які треба зробити по приїзді:

  1. Отримання I-94
  2. Отримання SSN
  3. Отримання EAD (I-765)

Можливо ти уже мав нагоду прочитати мій блог де було описано досвід переїзду на роботу в Берлін.

Якщо не мав – дуже рекомендую переглянути. Та зараз ми не про Німеччину. Ось минуло рівно 1 рік і 10 місяців як я повернувся з Німеччини, де жив та працював за програмою Blau Karte. Та життя на довго не могло мене кинути на призволяще у спокійне та виважене життя, а тому ось зараз я знову на ящиках. Пакуюсь, збираюсь у далеку дорогу. Та перш ніж розповісти усю історію про те що де куди та як, я зроблю кілька теоретично-вступних ремарок, щоб читачу було легше сприймати термінологію.

Тож почнемо з того що потрапити в США можна багатьма способами. А от на те щоб потрапити в США легально, а ще краще – легально залишитись там працювати, тут уже кількість варіантів сильно обмежена. Та якщо відсіяти Work&Travel, візу на навчання та візу за особливі заслуги (спонсорська віза) – у вас залишиться всього 3 основні варіанти: виграти грін кард, отримати H1B візу, або ж L1.

Якщо з грінкою – все просто та зрозуміло, Україна – країна де найбільший відсоток населення подається щороку за квиточком в цю далеку гамерику.


  • пожиттєва
  • видається на сім’ю, включаючи дітей до 21-го року
  • не прив’язана до роботодавця


  • Лотерея з шансом виграшу ~1 до 3 000 в Україні.
  • зобов’язує тримача знаходитись в США пів року + 1 день(що року). Інакше може бути дуже легко анульована під час чергового в’їзду в США


А от з візами L1/H1B усе дещо складніше. І почну їх характеристику з речей які спільні для обох типів віз, а потім перейду до відмінностей.

  1. Обидві візи мають статус Non-immigrant Visa подвійного наміру.
    1. Non-immigrant означає, що візи вам дадуть право жити, працювати та отримувати дохід на території США виключно під час дії візи, без можливості якимось чином залишитись в США.
    2. Подвійного наміру – тому що:
      1. ви не зобов’язані доводити Сполученим штатам що вас щось тримає в Україні(майно, сім’я, діти чи хоч дати “чесне слово” що у вас є причини повертатись в Україну) для отримання L1/H1B ви нічого такого доводити не зобов’язані.
      2. ви(а точніше ваша  компанія, на яку ви працюватимите) по приїзді в США маєте повне право подати клопотання на отримання шкарпетки поза конкурсом і тоді через 8-18 місяців UPD: Згідно з новими правилами пропрацювання грін кард, станом на 17-те травня 2018р термін розгляду заявок на L1A складав 12-18 місяців. L1B – 24-30 місяців, (від моменту подачі клопотання, яке зазвичай подається через рік роботи в США) ви можете її отримати (виграти грінкард поза конкурсом, не беручи участі в DVL).
        Ремарка: надалі в тексті, слово шкарпетка буде означати саме грін кард 🙂 А Добі – буде той сумлінний працівник, який мріє про шкарпетку.
  2. Обидві візи видаються на підставі того, що працівник має теоретичні, технічні або спеціальні знання в галузях які перераховані, та не обмежені списком нижче:
    1. Математика
    2. Медицина
    3. Інженерія
    4. Архітектура
  3. Для отримання L1/H1B візи необхідно буде надати підтвердження диплому про освіту, який відповідає роботі яку ви плануєте виконувати в США. Хоча для L1 ці вимоги не настільки строгі. Про відмінності я розповім нижче.


  1. Подача на візу

    • L1 Віза також відома як intra-company transfer. Це означає, що велика компанія, яка має філіали в різних країнах і мінімум один з них в США, робить внутрішній трансфер свого співробітника. Це, звісно ж, означає – що співробітник прив’язаний до цієї компанії і ніяких варіантів як змінити місце праці (окрім як отримати шкарпетку) у нього немає. Необхідною умовою для L1 візи буде робота в даній компанії на протязі не менше як 1-го року до планової дати переїзду в США на протязі останніх 3-х років.
    • H1B у свою чергу, теж зв’язаний з компанією яка вас перевозить в США. Але на H1B візу вас мають право подавати, по суті, будь які компанії в США.
  2. Термін дії візи

    • L1A максимум діє 7 років (4 + 3 продовження)
    • L1B видається на 5 років (3 + 2 продовження)
    • H1B максимум може знаходитись в США 9 років (6 + 3)
  3. Депенденти

    • Дружина/Чоловік L1 утримувача – Отримує L2 візу та має повне право отримати дозвіл на роботу (~4 місяці після переїзду UPD: станом на 17-те травня 2018р згідно з новими правилами обробки EAD (дозволу на роботу), заявки розглядаються від 5.5 до 7.5 місяців). При цьому депенденти не зв’язані контрактом чи компанією. Вони можуть працювати, або ж не працювати де завгодно поки L1 віза холдер офіційно працює на території США
    • Депенденти H1B утримувача – отримують H4 візу, та нажаль – працювати не мають права.
  4. Ліміт віз

    • L1 віза немає обмеження по кількості виданих віз на рік
    • H1B має річну квоту в розмірі 65 000 віз (+ додатково 20 000 для Магістрів). Набір заявок проходить з 1-го квітня кожного року та теж має форму лотереї. Комп’ютер випадковим чином вибирає 65 000 заявок які отримують візу. Хоча шанс у цьому випадку набагато вищий аніж у випадку грінки (~1 до 3-х). Аплікант який не виграв цього року, подається на наступний рік ще раз, правда уже тепер в систему потрапляє 5-ть заявок цього ж апліканта значно збільшуючи шанси.
  5. Мінімальна ЗП

    • L1 немає обмежень по нижній межі заробітної плати
    • H1B має обмеження
  6. Зміна роботодавця

    • L1 не дає жодного права змінити роботодавця
    • H1B дає право змінити роботодавця в будь який момент часу. Основне правило – заявка на зміну повинна відбутись на звичайних умовах, правда для цього не потрібно покидати США і їхати в Україну. Це можна зробити продовжуючи працювати в США.
  7. Зміна типу візи

    • Існує механізм по зміні типу візи з L1 на H1B, і хоча дозвіл потрібно отримувати точно так само через лотерею, повертатись в Україну для цього немає потреби, це можна робити працюючи далі на Л1 візі. У випадку відмови/не виграші лотереї L1 віза далі продовжує працювати.
    • Зміна H1B на L1 можливо і є, але дуже мало документована, та й кейс мабуть настільки рідкісний, що не вартий його опису.
  8. Вікно подачі

    • L1 віза відкривається круглий рік. Орієнтовний термін 5 тижнів від моменту початку підготовки документів, до отримання візи. Зазвичай віза починає діяти з дня відкриття, тобто як тільки паспорти забрати з посольства – одразу можна летіти в США (якщо в документах які ви подавали не було обумовлено іншого)
    • H1B віза подається лише 1-го квітня. Квота  складає 200 000 заявок, які розбирають в перші 5 днів останні 4 роки. Після отримання візи – найближча орієнтовна дата переїзду – вересень/жовтень цього ж року.


Взявши до уваги усе вищесказане – найбільш оптимальним варіантом перебратись в США для high-skilled worker, особисто для себе, я обрав L1.

Переваги очевидні:

  1. Немає ліміту по часу отримання візи
  2. Віза не є лотереєю, шанс що її не видадуть дуже мінімальний
  3. Не обов’язково шукати компанію-спонсора в США, можна абсолютно спокійно трансфернутись в середині своєї компанії (якщо остання таке пропонує)
  4. Дружина/Чоловік – отримує право на роботу без прив’язки до роботодавця

З недоліками теж не все так погано:

  1. Обмежений вибір компаній – це найбільш вагомий недолік, але якщо у списку доступних компаній є адекватні і у вас є план отримати шкарпетку в США то на 3 роки можна спокійно переїжджати і не паритись 🙂
  2. Термін дії візи теж ніяк не впливає. Якщо є план залишитись в США то за 5 років уже можна 3 рази грінкард отримати. Якщо ж плану залишатись немає тоді 5-ти років достатньо щоб попрацювати по всіх можливих штатах, або знайти компанію готову спонсорувати H1B і гарантовано вже отримати цю візу
  3. Відсутність мінімального порогу – ніяк не впливає на висококваліфікованих працівників. Оффер по зарплаті ви погоджуєте ще в Україні. І тут можна цілком тверезо оцінити свої потреби в США та комфортну зарплату яку хочеться заробляти і в результаті не погоджуватись на менше
  4. Прив’язка до роботодавця – це теж великий мінус. але тут спрацьовує перший пункт – на виборі роботодавця треба дуже прискіпливо ставитись до потенційних варіантів.

Тож як я вже сказав  L1 на мою думку, на даний момент – найпростіший механізм для переїзду як  Non-immigrant в США на роботу!

The post Цілого світу замало. Або мої історії про переїзд на роботу в США. Частина 1: Типи робочих віз в США appeared first on Трішки домашнього затишку.

10 Apr 15:08

Не дай себя обмануть. Или этому не научат в автошколе.

by Sergey Novokshonov

Любим мы смотреть ролики на тему – многие не знают, не дай себя обмануть, такому не научат в автошколе. Да, такое бывает. Не учат. Но и плохому там не научат. Если уж что-то объясняют, то объясняют точно в соответствии с Правилами дорожного движения. Правда, не всегда ученики понимают особо сложные моменты. Или пропускают мимо ушей. Может, педагог не обладает достаточными навыками.
Но я сейчас не про это. А про то, как в YouTube авторы, пользуясь своей харизмой и зарабатывающие немалые деньги, лезут в тему, в которой просто не разбираются. Мало того, что не знают правил и всех подводных камней, не в теме, так ещё и под девизом «Этому не научат в автошколе, или не дай себя обмануть» несут откровенную чушь. Просто становится жалко водителей, которых штрафуют на дороге, а они не понимают за что. Ещё и тут их вводят в заблуждение.
Речь пойдет про разворот на перекрестке. И за что наказывают лишением прав на 4 – 6 месяцев. Где НУЖНО делать разворот по большому радиусу, а где можно по малому. Гаишники обычно караулят там, где по правилам водители обязаны разворачиваться по большому радиусу.
Давайте разбираться.
0:11 не дай себя обмануть
0:15 этому не научат в автошколе
0:39 не в теме
0:52 про разворот
0:55 за что наказывают лишением прав
1:00 где нужно делать разворот по большому радиусу
1:03 где можно делать разворот по малому радиусу
1:09 где караулят гаишники
1:20 объяснение
1:25 разделительная полоса
1:33 шириной более оного метра
1:36 нанесенная разметка
1:40 конструкция, отбойники
1:52 что разделяет проезжие части
1:57 две проезжие части
2:03 одна проезжая часть
2:11 что является основным определяющим фактором
2:20 если вы собираетесь развернуться
2:30 два пересечения на перекрестке
2:50 там, где нет пересечения
3:10 где двигаться на пересечениях
3:28 что будет, если развернуться по малому радиусу
3:33 как мы оказываемся на встречке
3:40 если нет разделительной полосы
3:55 являются ли трамвайные пути разделительной полосой
4:00 когда нет нарушения, если по малому радиусу
4:13 то же, не нарушение по малому радиусу
4:20 на каких перекрестках вас не будут наказывать
4:30 перекресток, где накажут лишением
4:44 знаки, подсказывающие про запрет разворота
5:00 не удивляйтесь. если стоит ДПС
5:11 не хотите общаться с ДПС?
Развитие канала и съемка видеоуроков требует затрат. Мы будем рады любой помощи! Спасибо!!! Карта Сбербанка 4276721051829562
10 Apr 15:08

Занятие №5: Разворот на перекрестке.

by Энциклопедия Вождения

Уроки Вождения Нижний Новгород 89040573701 Михаил
Пятое занятие по вождению: Разворот на перекрестке.
00:00 Объяснение как выполнять разворот на перекрестке.
05:00 Отработка разворотов на перекрестке.
08:22 Объяснение разворота на перекрестке с разделительной полосой.
10:37 Отработка разворота на перекрестке с разделительной полосой.

Моя страница:
Официальная группа:
Слова благодарности и на развитие канала:
10 Apr 15:07


by Marina Mogilko

Butt dial, manspreading, ragequit - догадаетесь, что значат?) учим американские выражения в этом видео!
Мой Телеграм канал -
Забронировать поездку с изучением английского языка -
Проверить свой текст на английском -

Моя футболка с сайта Romwe - - Romwe сайт - Подборки одежды

Английские слова в этом видео:
1. Butt dial
2. “Manspreading" was coined to describe men who take up extra room on public transport by sitting with their legs wide apart
3. “Hangry" is defined as a bad mood brought on by hunger
4. Ragequit - angrily abandoning a video game
5. wine o'clock and beer o'clock - the appropriate time of day to start drinking
6. creep = strange person
7. stalker = somebody who is constantly following you in a n annoying way
8. to feel blue = to feel sad
9. to bail = to leave abruptly
10. buck = dollar
11. Piece of cake — A metaphor to describe something that is easy or effortless.
12. coach potato = a lazy person who spends the bulk of their time engaged in things that can be done while sitting on a couch
13. to crash = to fall asleep abruptly
14. down to Earth = and adjective for practicality and lack of pretense
15. for real = a proclamation of honesty
16. cold shoulder = a metaphor for deliberately ignoring someone
17. plead the fifth = references the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allows a witness in court to refuse questions on the grounds that they risk self-incrimination
18. screw up = to make a mistake, i.e. mess up
19. sweet = an adjective that describes something that is good, or nice
20. tight = an adjective that describes closeness between competitors, i.e. a tight competition
21. to trash = can be used as an intransitive verb for destruction
22. to wrap up = to finish
23. to hang out = to spend time relaxing
24. wheels = car
25. babe = if you refer to someone as a babe, it means that you think they’re hot and attractive
26. to get busted = to get caught
27. to have a blast = to enjoy doing something
28. epic fail = complete disaster
29. by the skin of my teeth = just barely

📚 Моя книга о поступлении в университеты США без денег -
⭐ VK -

✈️🇺🇸Для бизнеса в США рекомендую банк Chase (у них за расходы по карте начисляются мили и можно летать бесплатно) -

📝 Здесь вам носители языка быстро откорректируют текст на английском (еще один проект нашей команды) -

Монтаж видео: Алексей Бойченко

ВЛОГИ (на улице):
- Canon G7X -
ВИДЕО ВНУТРИ (говорящая голова)):
- Sony A7R II (также отлично подойдет для Instagram) -
- Sony 50 mm линза -
- Zoom H4n Pro (внешний рекордер для звука) -
- Rode video mic (если таки приходится в камеру писать звук) -

$20 НА ПОЕЗДКУ НА ТАКСИ - английский быстро
10 Apr 15:07

AEE 927: How to “Jump In and Swim” with Heidi from the Boston Adventure

by Lindsay

Today we get to meet Heidi who is one of our native speakers in the Urban Immersion Adventure. Plus you’ll find out why when it comes to connecting, you just need to get in there and start speaking! Heidi is originally from New Jersey. She... Read More

The post AEE 927: How to “Jump In and Swim” with Heidi from the Boston Adventure appeared first on All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture.

10 Apr 04:48

Cooking Systems in the Backwoods - The American Frontier

by Townsends

Welcome to The American Frontier!

Special guest Dan Wowak from Coalcracker Bushcraft shares his knowledge and expertise on preparing various cooking systems while on the trail.

Visit Dan's website ▶ ▶▶

Visit Dan's YouTube channel ▶ ▶▶

Click here to get a copy of Creswell's Journal ▶ ▶▶

Twitter ▶ @Jas_Townsend
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Instagram ▶ townsends_official
09 Apr 15:01

AEE 926: 1 Phrase, 3 Meanings, and 15 Minutes with Michelle and Lindsay

by Lindsay

Have you ever heard a native say “there you go”? Do you know what it means? You might know the most obvious definition of it but do you know the other, more natural ways to use it? We’re going to show you what those are... Read More

The post AEE 926: 1 Phrase, 3 Meanings, and 15 Minutes with Michelle and Lindsay appeared first on All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture.

07 Apr 21:58

4 ЛАЙФХАКА чтобы говорить как НОСИТЕЛЬ!

by Джастин

➠ Подписывайся тут!
➠ Мой онлайн курс английского языка!
➠ ВК:
➠ Инста:

👦 Кто я такой?
Я Джастин - иностранец и носитель английского языка. Я снимаю видео об обучении английскому языку и моем мнении o России с точки зрения иностранца!

📘Лучшая детская английская книга:

🔥По поводу сотрудничества и рекламы:

🌟 Мои полезные ссылки
➠ Учи английский за границей!
➠ Хочешь улучшить свой канал?

Это видео не спонсировано. Мы делаем видео не для того, чтобы зарабатывать. Мы зарабатываем для того, чтобы делать видео больше и лучше!
07 Apr 21:58

Урок польского языка - глаголы (учебник Поехали в Польшу)

by PolskieCentrumKLD

Jedziemy do Polski
Первый учебник польского языка для русскоязычных, который соединен с каналом в Youtube для эффективного и быстрого обучения.

Учебник "Поехали в Польшу" это самоучитель.

200 практических задач и упражнении в сочетании с видео уроками польского языка на нашем канале в YouTube поможет вам самостоятельно освоить основы грамматики и что самое главное, начать разговаривать на польском.
07 Apr 14:30

Why you should make mistakes, and how to learn from them

by Learn English with Emma [engVid]

Are you embarrassed or frustrated when you make mistakes? You are not alone. Many learners feel bad when they make a mistake, but they don't realize that making mistakes can help them improve! In fact, making mistakes is one of the BEST WAYS TO LEARN, especially if you are trying to learn a language. In this video, I will teach you that making mistakes is a very important part of learning a language. I will then show you some ways you can use your mistakes to improve your English. We will go through some practical tips on what you should do to maximize your learning. Which mistakes should you focus on? How do you know what your mistakes are? How can you make sure that you are improving? For answers to these questions and more, watch the video.

Now it's time to watch another video! Watch this video about how to stop wasting time and start learning:

Take the quiz on this lesson:


Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video we are going to talk about mistakes and why we should make them, and: What should we do when we make them? Okay? So, I hope you're making mistakes; very, very important when you're learning anything. Whether it's math, science, English, French, Spanish, Chinese - you want to make mistakes. Okay? I cannot say that enough. If you're not making mistakes, then you're doing something wrong because if you're making mistakes it means you're actually using the language or, you know, you're actually... It's very important in the learning process to make mistakes. So, in this video I'm going to teach you six ways or six steps on how to improve with mistakes. Okay?

So, before I get started, I just wanted to again say: Please, please, please make mistakes, especially when you're learning a language because mistakes equal good learning. Okay? So, I... You know, I know a lot of students when they go out and they're talking to a native speaker, they feel so embarrassed. "Oh my goodness, I just... I can't believe I just said that. I made a mistake with the present perfect. Oh my god", it's not a big deal, you should be making these mistakes.

So, the first step on how to learn from your mistakes is: Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Okay? You want to tell yourself it's okay, and I can't stress this enough. Tell yourself: "I need to make mistakes. Today I'm going to try make mistakes.", "Another mistake? Yay me. Woo! Very good." Okay? So give yourself permission. Don't look at mistakes as a bad thing because they are not a bad thing. Mistakes, when learning a language, are actually a good thing.

So, step two: Once you give yourself permission to make mistakes, you should start to know your mistakes. Okay? What are the mistakes you're making? So one way you can find out what mistakes you're making is you can ask your teacher, or your friend, or, you know, somebody you're close to, maybe your classmate. You can ask them: "What's my biggest mistake? When I speak English, what's my biggest mistake? In my writing, what's my biggest mistake?" Okay? So a lot of the times other people can help and tell you what your biggest mistake is.

Another thing you should be asking: "Why is it a mistake? What is the problem with this? Why is it a mistake?" Okay? A lot of the times with students I've found, and I'm also guilty of this, I remember in university I would write an essay and I would get all these comments on my essay and I'd also get a mark or a grade, you know, like A+, B, whatever. And I remember always looking just at the percent I got or the grade, and not looking at the comments. Those comments that your teachers write actually tell you a lot about the mistakes you're making, so please, please, please see that, read it, focus on it, and think about it. Okay? Whatever your teacher writes on your essay, on your test, take a moment to really think about that mistake.

Also, another way to know what mistakes you're making is you can think about what mistakes are common for people speaking your language. So, for example, if a Spanish person is learning English, maybe they say: "I am agree", which is fine in Spanish, but in English it's a mistake; or maybe if you're Brazilian, you want to say the word "red" but you say the word "head" because the R sound and the H sound, I think, you know, with Brazilian students this is often a pronunciation mistake. So think about: What mistakes are common for your culture? We have a lot of resources on this on engVid actually, where you can actually see common mistakes for your language. Okay.

I'm going to get into this in a moment with the next step, but I'll just say it right now because I really want you to think about this: When you ask somebody: "What is my biggest mistake?", try to focus on one mistake. […]
06 Apr 04:27

10 разговорных выражений с WAY - разговорный английский - English Spot

by English Spot - разговорный английский

Друзья, вы заметили как часто носители применяют в своей речи слово WAY? Разве что они используют его не только в значении "путь", но и в составе различных разговорных выражений. Именно ими мы с вами сегодня и займемся! Итак, я представляю вашему вниманию 10 разговорных выражений со словом WAY!
Приятного просмотра! 😊

Видео добыто при помощи сайтов:,

Музыка в конце видео:

Разговорный английский:
Частые ошибки:
Грамматика для начинающих:
Разница между похожими словами и выражениями:

VK (сообщество):
Добавь меня в друзья Вконтакте:

Вариант английского: АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ 🦅

Спасибо за просмотр!

english spot разговорный английский, учить английский, уроки английского, английская грамматика, английское произношение, американское произношение, американский английский, английский для начинающих, английский для продолжающих, идиомы, фразовые глаголы,
как выучить английский, английский советы, как понимать английский на слух, егэ по английскому, огэ по английскому,
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