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12 Dec 23:53

Closing Time (the Last Post)

by Keren Taggar


So the time has come to officially close this drawing blog project.

It went on for 3 years, capturing a spectrum of emotions and unbelievable things.

I want to thank you so much for being interested and making me get up every day and draw. It’s been the backbone of my life for so long, longer than I ever thought possible.

To celebrate this project’s end (and the beginning of new ones), I exhibited 100 drawings on the walls of the Alfred Gallery in Tel-Aviv. My first, and hopefully not last ,gallery show.

Here are some images from the space, photographed by Ariel Caine.







The good news are, I already have a new blog (yes, it’s addictive).

It’s different than this one, free-er, I think. Please please please check it out. It’s in Hebrew, but I’m sure Google Translate can do a good job at translating my simple words.

So thank you again. It’s been a pleasure, really.

Keren T