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08 Jul 00:53

18.1% Ternary All‐Polymer Solar Cells Sequentially Processed from Hydrocarbon Solvent with Enhanced Stability

by Chaoyue Zhao, Ruijie Ma, Yiwen Hou, Liangxiang Zhu, Xinhui Zou, Wenzhao Xiong, Huawei Hu, Lihong Wang, Han Yu, Yajie Wang, Guoping Zhang, Jicheng Yi, Lu Chen, Dan Wu, Tao Yang, Gang Li, Mingxia Qiu, He Yan, Shunpu Li, Guangye Zhang
18.1% Ternary All-Polymer Solar Cells Sequentially Processed from Hydrocarbon Solvent with Enhanced Stability

Almost all of the high efficiencies of all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs) are obtained using chloroform as the solvent. Sequential processing and a ternary strategy are combined to enable the highest efficiency, 18.1%, for all-PSCs processed from an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent, which is also comparable to the highest value processed from chloroform.


All-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs) have promising potential for industrial production due to their superior stability. Recently, the widespread application of the polymerized small molecule acceptor (PSMA) has led to a surge in the efficiency of all-PSCs. However, the high efficiencies of these devices generally rely on the use of the highly volatile solvent, chloroform (CF). Furthermore, the molecular weights of PSMA are lower than polymer donors, yet their crystallinity is weaker than typical small molecules, making most PSMA-based all-PSCs suffer from low electron mobility. To improve device performance and facilitate large scale production of all-PSCs, it is necessary to enhance electron mobility and avoid the use of CF. This paper investigates the use of sequential processing (SqP) for active layer preparation using toluene as the solvent to address these issues. This work reports 18.1% efficient all-PSC devices, which is the highest efficiency of all-PSCs prepared using non-halogen solvents. This work systematically compares the conventional blend-casting method with the SqP method using PM6 as the donor and PY-V-γ and PJ1-γ as the acceptors, and compares the performance of binary and ternary blends in both methods. Finally, this work measures the device stability and finds that SqP can significantly improve the photostability of the device.

01 Apr 07:40

Recent progress of dimensionally designed electrode nanomaterials in aqueous electrochemical energy storage

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9,9535-9572
DOI: 10.1039/D1TA00204J, Review Article
Rongmei Zhu, Huiyu Duan, Zhimin Zhao, Huan Pang
This review summarizes the performance of aqueous electrochemical energy storage devices based on nanodimensions, and highlights the recent significant progress of novel electrode materials based on their rational design, controlled synthesis, and energy storage performance.
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