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19 Feb 01:36

yansquid: whowasntthere: postcardsfromspace: thelingerieaddict: canudigelvis: iridessence: fatg...
















“Why do bras cost 50 bucks?”

They don’t, the bras YOU want cost 50 bucks.

“Why does make up cost 50 bucks?”

It doesn’t, the make up YOU want costs 50 bucks.

It’s fine to want things, but don’t act like you’re a victim because you want high quality stuff without having to pay higher prices for it lol.

it cant just be me who finds it rather jarring and unnerving that a 34 year old man and self-described “libertarian” wrote this post and yet it still gained some kind of traction

what bras aren’t overpriced though like by all means let me know

bras that you entitled “feminists” want: shiny, $50, money that could go to third world kids who need water
bra made of papier-mâché and elmer’s school glue: does the job just fine, basically $0.00, checkermate feminists

ok but why do cis dudes always do this lmao… why do cis dudes constantly feel the need to argue with women about how much it costs to be a woman. has it occurred to a single one of them that how the fuck would they know? jfc

I have NEVER found a bra in my size for less than 50$ so bye

on the VERY RARE occasions i have found a bra for less than $50 in my size, they’ve fallen apart quickly and they hurt like hell. have you ever worn a bra, dude? apparently not. the cheap ones HURT. also, the cheap ones invariably come in small cup sizes. i do not have small boobs. bigger boobs = more expensive bras. you try bra shopping sometime.

whenever someone talks shit about the cost of bras, it almost ALWAYS turns out to be a cis dude who’s never had to purchase one or experience the shopping hell that is bra shopping in his life

i just bought 5 bras, plain and boring as hell, 


ON SALE, and they still came to $170 before shipping and cross country/border duties. Once you added that in (because they don’t have that store here, and the sizes here cut off at 44), each bra came to $45



shut your ignorant fucking mouth


The only bras I’ve found worth their salt that were also under $50 were a VS bra where I fit the cups but just missed the band size, so I had to buy extenders with it. It was $43 and the extender was in a pack of 3 for $16. So it still cost $60.

And the others are all thrifted. I had to buy used bras to be able to afford them.

@ OP find me a good quality bra in a 36DDD that’s under $50 and I’ll stop complaining forever about bra prices, until then shut the fuck about something you clearly know nothing about 

Not the OP, but resources:

Also worth noting: cheaply constructed and poorly fitting bras cause chronic back problems. I’m not sure there’s an analogy that’s going to make intuitive sense to cismale folks, but it’s impossible to overemphasize the difference that this makes to quality of life: we’re talking about a garment that people wear *for most of their waking hours,* which significantly impacts not only your visual presentation and the fit of your clothes, but also your posture and body mechanics.

Good bras are a health and safety issue. The larger your breasts are, the more expensive bras get–and the more critical quality becomes. And understand: this is an ongoing expense, because garments with elastic wear out faster, especially if you’re wearing them 16 hours a day.

(Also worth pointing out: the exact same issues apply to binders, which also come with some even more drastic safety considerations and are likewise ridiculously fucking expensive.)

When I wore bras, I wore a 32-DD, which is just over the cusp of sizes that most inexpensive lines offer. The difference between what my cismale partner and I spent on basic undergarments that were a minimum prerequisite for physical comfort and professional presentation was pretty fucking ridiculous. 

Or, put another way: gender identity and presentation entirely notwithstanding, the cost of top surgery was less than I would have paid for bras over the course of an average lifespan.

^^^^^ Jay knocks it out of the park again.

a comparison for the cis-dudes out there:

wear $10 tennis shoes for the rest of your life. no half-sizes available. no insoles, no support, shoddy construction. now perhaps expensive bras make more sense?

^^^^^^^ Yeah, this works; but you also gotta assume that you’ll be on your feet ~16 hours per day, with no option of sitting down; and also those that those shoes will somehow intrinsically affect the fit of every other garment you put on.

18 Feb 00:00

a small collection of canon facts about neurodivergent matt murdock



Keep reading

I’ve touched on this before; but, yeah. One of the things I like so much about Matt Murdock is that his superpowers aren’t a metaphor for neurodivergence or disability: they’re literally a (comic-book-science-y, but still) sensory integration disorder.

P.S. I love so much that OP’s list is so matter-of-factly canon-based, down to volume citations; because on one hand, I am pretty compulsive about deferring to the text; but on the other hand, you can have my reading of Matt Murdock as Autistic when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

P.P.S. Daredevil vol. 1 #186-187 also feature the single best visual representation of overload and shutdown that I’ve ever seen, in any medium (which also serves as a damn good example of one way to use lettering to serve the story):


(See also: Matt’s body language on those pages, damn.)

17 Feb 23:58

comicgeekery: Yes. Perfect. I think we’ve all been there.


Yes. Perfect.

I think we’ve all been there.

16 Feb 02:25

finkspiration: owlyjules: inkfromtheoctopus: The Adventures...




The Adventures of Prince Achmen.
1926. German.
The oldest surviving animated film in history.



 This woman is one of the most important figures in animation HISTORY!

Have a little memoriam movie the animation school Goblin did in her honor.

Look, I love Winsor McCay but I’m extremely pissed that my animation history class in college focused on him and did not mention Lotte Reiniger at all.

15 Feb 00:24



The Freeze Type and the Dissociative Defense 

Many freeze types unconsciously believe that people and danger are synonymous, and that safety lies in solitude. Outside of fantasy, many give up entirely on the possibility of love. The freeze response, also known as the camouflage response, often triggers the individual into hiding, isolating and eschewing human contact as much as possible. This type can be so frozen in retreat mode that it seems as if their starter button is stuck in the “off” position. It is usually the most profoundly abandoned child - “the lost child” - who is forced to “choose” and habituate to the freeze response (the most primitive of the 4Fs). Unable to successfully employ fight, flight or fawn responses, the freeze type’s defenses develop around classical dissociation, which allows him to disconnect from experiencing his abandonment pain, and protects him from risky social interactions - any of which might trigger feelings of being reabandoned. Freeze types often present as ADD; they seek refuge and comfort in prolonged bouts of sleep, daydreaming, wishing and right brain-dominant activities like TV, computer and video games. They master the art of changing the internal channel whenever inner experience becomes uncomfortable. When they are especially traumatized or triggered, they may exhibit a schizoid-like detachment from ordinary reality.

13 Feb 03:01


13 Feb 03:01

alwaysalreadyangry: AN ACTUAL PRODUCT FROM THE 1960S THAT WAS...



let’s recap and then discuss some of the things that this advert promises

  • You can actually have the fabulous BEATLES GROWING IN YOUR OWN ROOM! YES!
    • why is there so much emphasis on them growing their hair (/just “growing” in general, like terrifying b-movie monsters) in your room? is this a common fantasy? yes i want to keep harry styles in my house like a canary so i can watch his hair grow
  • due to a fantastic scientific method, these miniature BEATLES will GROW BIGGER AND BIGGER, FASTER AND FASTER EACH AND EVERY DAY. Imagine the look on your friends faces when you take them to your own room and show them your very own LIVING BEATLES.
    • the look on my friends’ faces would be: abject terror
    • i understand that by growing “BIGGER AND BIGGER, FASTER AND FASTER” they are just referring to the hair, but this makes it sound like they will be rapidly growing clones, which is fucking horrifying
    • my pal steve assures me that the hair is made out of mould. that is the “fantastic scientific method”. stuff getting mouldy.
  • See them gasp with awe and delight as you give your BEATLES their Haircuts.
    • actually they would say “why are you cutting that mould. stop”
    • is giving your favourite singers a haircut another common fantasy?
  • All you have to do is lead them to a cup or glass of water and give them a drink.
13 Feb 00:23

Against Big Bird, The Gods Themselves Contend In Vain


Scott Lynch:

I was a hard-core Sesame Street viewer from about 1979 to 1984, and my memories of the show are the sort of deep nostalgic tangle you’d expect, with a great deal of idiosyncratic noise blended into the signal. So, for many years, I carried around a vague but emotionally vivid recollection of a Sesame Street episode in which Big Bird and Snuffleupagus had witnessed the the passage of a soul to the ancient Egyptian afterlife, complete with the weighing of the human heart against a feather. I shit you not.

For all those years, I just assumed that I was nuts, or that I was conflating a memory of a childhood dream with a childhood television experience. Not long ago, I was trading Sesame Street memories with that girl I like, and I determined to Google-fu my way to the truth.

In the 1983 special Don’t Eat the Pictures, assorted humans and Muppets are stuck overnight in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. While Oscar, Bob, Cookie Monster, Olivia, and some small children are having the sort of mild and educational adventures you’d expect, Big Bird and Snuffy meet Sahu, a 4,000-year-old Egyptian prince (!) condemned to wander eternally in spirit form (!!) unless he can answer a riddle posed by a demon (!!!) that appears to him each night at midnight. I am not fucking with you. This really happened.

There’s Sahu!

ACTUAL DIALOGUE from Big Bird: “Oh no! The demon’s gonna be here any second now!” And here’s the appearance of that demon, played by James motherfucking Mason.

Keep reading

11 Feb 02:57

theavc: This Twitter account is ripping the way women are...


This Twitter account is ripping the way women are introduced in film scripts

Film producer Ross Putman has noticed some cringeworthy commonalities in the way women are introduced in the scripts that cross his desk. Namely, that these women are all described as being hot, and the description usually includes what they are (or aren’t) wearing. To shine a light on this unfortunate trend, he started @femscriptintros. The Twitter account launched a little under a day ago and already has more 19,000 followers. Here are a few highlights.

“JANE stands next to it (30’s) dressed in a paramedic’s uniform - blonde, fit, smokin’ hot.”

“A gorgeous woman, JANE, 23, is a little tipsy, dancing naked on her big bed, as adorable as she is sexy. *BONUS PTS FOR BEING THE 1ST LINE”

“Behind a steamy shower door is the indistinguishable but sexy silhouette of JANE showering.”

“JANE, a 19 year old Bunny girl - honey-blonde farmland beauty queen.”

“JANE, 28, athletic but sexy. A natural beauty. Most days she wears jeans, and she makes them look good.”

Again, these are real scripts, and only the characters’ names have been changed. It’s simultaneously hilarious and really, really sad.

Follow @femscriptintros

More at

All of this applies to comics scripts as well.

05 Feb 16:57

dragondicks: dragondicks: how come the robots in star wars are property even though they’re very...


How those movies treat C-3PO was by far my least favorite thing about those movies when I rewatched them recently. He's literally always anxious and afraid (with good reason) and it's literally always treated as comic relief. The scripts never give him a chance to show his worth, and even when he's useful it's as a tool, not a person. It's bizarre.



how come the robots in star wars are property even though they’re very obviously sentient and can feel emotions?? what the fuck. why do none of the movies point out how fucked up that is

after a full night’s sleep this is still bugging me tbh like there’s this scene in the first movie where r2d2 and c3po are visibly scared of being taken apart by jawas and i guess its supposed to be quirky?? but it comes across as scary???? and in the mainstream movie canon nobody ever goes “hey why did we program these subservient machines to have personalities and identities and to be able to feel fear and distress” this is some brave little toaster shit except it’s somehow gone unnoticed in an absurdly popular sci fi movie series with a plot that revolves around morality and justice. leia how could you allow this

05 Feb 04:20

froborr: geekandmisandry: smallswingshoes: crowmunculus: i’ve noticed this recent uptick in...





i’ve noticed this recent uptick in really lovely, kind, affirming posts about how executive dysfunction and disability impact hygiene, and how you are not a bad or lazy person for struggling with hygiene when you don’t have the energy or brainpower

and i’ve seen the responding posts calling this “enabling” and “toxic” and telling disabled people we have “no excuse” and, essentially, try to shame disabled people into Better behavior, and it is with the intention to shame no matter how sugarcoated in ~self care~ the words may be

here is a secret: shame is not an effective motivator. do you realize how much shame we feel already when we can’t even wash our hair or brush our teeth? we’re already told that it’s shameful and we already believe it and all that shame and self-loathing have done fucknothing to help us function better. shame makes us function worse because it is an extra emotional burden to distract us and sap our energy reserves

sometimes self-care - genuine self-care - means being kind to yourself even when you are unable to perform tasks. being cruel to yourself will not get those tasks done

look. this isn’t “enabling,” this is literally the kind of CBT practice used by licensed therapists. i am an Officially Mental Ill with the seal of approval from Psychiatry so if you’re into that whole mindset of “doctors are psychic and can do no wrong” then you should give my words a little more credence here: in my therapy sessions once a week one of the main things we work on is helping me be proud of whatever tasks i have accomplished, even if they are small, and be at peace with the tasks i did not accomplish

good doctors don’t shame their patients. good doctors affirm the lived experiences of their patients and help them be at peace with themselves, because trying to fix the external chaos in your life when you still have to settle the internal chaos of self-hatred and guilt that comes with disability is like trying to bail water out of the ocean. you’re not going to get very far

if it were so easy for us to take care of hygiene that we could accomplish it by just ~pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and doing it~ then i assure you we would have already fucking done it, and also you have no fucking clue how disability works or what executive dysfunction even is

give us this one fucking inch to love ourselves and be okay with our existence as disabled people. back off.


Aaaah, yes! That part about self care is being KIND to yourself even when you’re unable. 👏

Yeah. Shame can be a powerful dismotivator–for better or worse, it is very effective at getting people to NOT do things that the people around them don’t want them to do–but it’s absolutely terrible at getting people to actually do something.

Also: if you yourself have no personal or professional experience with the specific disability under discussion, you have absolutely no business whatsoever telling disabled people how to deal with it. And if you have professional experience, you should fucking know better than to offer advice to someone you haven’t met (let alone examined), which is a violation of every code of professional ethics out there.


Guy who is trying very hard to be fine with the fact that he’s been a total slob all week, because feeling bad about it makes my depression worse, which makes it fucking harder to fix, you judgmental piles of shit.

All of this: YES. (H/t to @sabotflask)

16 Jan 05:35

Does telekinesis work on touch-screens?

I imagine it depends on the mechanics of telekinesis in the specific story; but most Marvel versions would.

05 Jan 03:25

fyeahcopyright: fyeahcopyright: “If you have some fan-tastic...



“If you have some fan-tastic fic, we’d love to read it. Send us your finest work and one winner will be published in the pages of EW and on”

Yep, that’s a thing that Entertainment Weekly - who are generally a fandom-supportive magazine/website - is doing this month. January is Fanuary, and they’re focusing on fandoms, fan creativity (fic and art), fan theories and more.  

It’s definitely not the first time that a mainstream publication has focused on fanworks - look at the article on My Immortal in NY Magazine last summer, or about 90% of what happens at SDCC and NYCC. It’s also not the first time that a mainstream entity has encouraged fanworks submissions - Lucasfilm has hosted (”curated”) fan-film fests, Mtv and the BBC have showcased fanart in galleries and at comic-cons, Wattpad has worked with shows like Dig by hosting fanfic, etc.

And EW is owned by Time, Inc., which isn’t actually owned by Time Warner anymore, though there are still certain lingering licenses and relationships between the two companies. Whether you’re ok with - or excited by - Fanruary, think it’s a great way to get more readers, writers, artists and reccers interested in awesome fanworks and share squee, or if you think it’s a way for a major multinational to get clicks and free content from fandomers, or whether it’s irrelevant to you and your fannishness, the contest terms of use are a watershed moment for fanworks, because of parts of its Terms of Use; some sentences are awesome. Other parts are kind of weird. 

This bit is awesome: 

Entrant represents that any fan fiction submission and other materials submitted as part of Entrant’s Contest entry are original…

Before, say, 2013, it would be surprising for a mainstream publication to create a contest that is premised upon the fact (not the idea, not the theory, but the fact) that the fan fictions submitted therein is “original”. 

But given recent cases, including those, like Google Books that we’ve written about here, that’s become an accepted fact. A fanfic can be an original work. EW can ask for fanfic submissions that do not “infringe upon the rights of any third party” because it’s an accepted legal judgment that fanfic does not automatically infringe upon the rights of any third party. They didn’t ask for fic only based on works in the public domain, like Shakespeare and Sherlock Holmes and Jane Austin. 

They ask the entrants to affirm that the entry does not “otherwise” infringe on any third party’s rights. The underpinning to this is that fanfiction is transformative, Fair Use and thus non-infringing. It says “fan fiction submission” - not just “submission”. By putting “fan fiction” into that sentence, they’re creating a situation where a court would have to use the standard meaning of “fan fiction”. Now, EW is obligated to accept whatever risk could vest, at least re what they eventually opt to publish.

It’s a good thing to have in your archives of Why Fanfic Is Noninfringing, basically, and we like archiving things that say that, especially when they come from big companies that are related to at least some of The Powers That Be. 

While we’ve seen some say that you’re handing over your story to EW if you enter the Fanuary contest, it appears that you’re actually not assigning it to EW or anyone else. The ToU for the contest says:

Entrant grants to Sponsor a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to edit, publish, promote, republish at any time in the future and otherwise use Entrant’s submitted fan fiction, along with Entrant’s name, likeness, biographical information, and any other information provided by Entrant, in any and all media for possible editorial, promotional or advertising purposes, without further permission, notice or compensation (except where prohibited by law).

Under this, they can do a lot with the story you submit, even if you don’t win, but they don’t have any exclusive rights to it just because you submit it to the contest - although it wouldn’t surprise us if the winner has to grant a broader license before they publish their story. 

However, the first paragraph says, “Entries become sole property of Sponsor and none will be acknowledged or returned.” @ew​, we think that someone might not have beta-read the contest rules, because the copyright license in the Rules contradicts the implication in the first paragraph, in a way that makes the first paragraph look poorly worded because it’s vague as to what the entry actually is. If @ew​ does a similar contest in the future, they may want to just say “No entries will be acknowledged or returned.” ETA: @rivkat discusses this issue here

ETA for clarification: In the US, a license or assignment of copyright can only be done in writing, and while a nonexclusive license (like the one spelled out in the Rules) can happen without a signature, as the Copyright Office says, a “transfer of copyright ownership … is not valid unless an instrument of conveyance (for example, contract, bond, or deed) or a note or memorandum of the transfer is in writing and is signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or the owner’s duly authorized agent.” See 17 U.S.C. § 204(a).

We don’t believe that submitting a contest entry constitutes a signing by the fic-writer; if it doesn’t, then there’s no assignment of the fic. There is, as we said, a non-exclusive license, but that means that after submission, the fic-writer can still do anything they want to with said story. 

[Updated Jan. 4, 2016 at 1:50 PM EST]

I’ve added in a few clarifications re indemnification and what’s required in the US for an assignment. We still think that @ew / @entertainmentweekly should remove the “become property” sentence for clarity purposes, but we don’t see the Rules as containing an assignment of copyright. 

[That’s all you had to say. Okay, one more thing!]

We’ve seen a few reblogs of that post with over 22000 (as of now) notes which states that fic writers don’t have rights to their fanfic.

While it’s correct that ficcers and fanartists don’t have any copyright in the characters, when people think they don’t have any rights to the stories themselves, they feel like they can’t stop someone from taking their story and uploading it to another site, or even selling it on Amazon or on a disc with other fics, on ebay - and they can. 

Fic writers own the copyright in their words, even if they don’t own a copyright in the characters, or the sentences they quote from canon or other works. There have been multiple issues in the last year or two where people have had their fics taken and sold without their permission on Amazon & elsewhere, and haven’t felt like there is anything they can do about it. They can; if this happens to you, do a DMCA takedown; here’s our tutorial on how to do it. 

This is fascinating.

29 Nov 22:06

Oliver does a lot of intense drawings.

Oliver does a lot of intense drawings.

29 Nov 15:48

responsible-reanimation: Seriously though, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy conveys “the...


At the end of Mostly Harmless, Arthur finally accepts that the universe is going to play a cruel joke on him any time he acts like he knows what he's doing, he comes to terms with the nature of reality described in the post, and he accepts the inevitability and immediacy of death. It's only then that he's ever at peace, and it's virtually the only time in the whole series that he isn't bewildered. It's an impressively sweet and beautiful (and rather Buddhist) moment considering it's also an ending where every major character is blown up to rectify a clerical error.


Seriously though, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy conveys “the universe fundamentally does not care about you” better than just about any cosmic-horror story I’ve ever seen.

Its whole theme is, “the default state of life is a parade of ridiculous out-of-left-field nonsense and disaster and beauty which does not care about your personal virtue” and it can embrace and celebrate the weirdness without getting bogged down in overwrought elder pantheons.

And it’s packed with non-sequiturs and shaggy-dog stories and rambling detours but they’re all in service of that message, and the story’s just gleefully having fun with concepts like an immortal alien who’s determined to insult everyone in the galaxy to their face in alphabetical order.

Basically, the Hitchhiker’s Guide is the guy on the right:

09 Nov 21:17

The 10 Best Hacking, Coding, Computing Games

by Brendan Caldwell

In the section on TIS-100, there's a link to a post where the Zachtronics guy dissects and reverse-engineers Yoda Stories and it's way interesting.

Three weeks ago the UK telecoms provider TalkTalk was hacked, allegedly by a band of teenagers, compromising some 157,000 users details. This week hacktivist group Anonymous released personal details of hundreds of members of the Ku Klux Klan. And now the UK government wants a record of all the websites you’ve visited to be stored for 12 months, to be accessed at the discretion of police and security services. Clearly, we already live in a constantly evolving cyberpunk dystopia. But if this Gibsonist world is just too REAL for you, we have put together the ten best videogames about hacking, programming and computing so you can escape into meta-dystopia. Which I’m sure is a much better place.

… [visit site to read more]

05 Nov 04:38

I just watched Speed Racer due to interest generated by listening to the Into It episode and, WOW! I need to find friends willing to watch it again (and perhaps again) with me and discuss because it's every bit as good as you & Elle suggested!


that would be a good commentary track

I keep forgetting to mention: for everyone who’s excited about this that an upcoming milestone goal at Elle’s Patreon involves the two of us recording a commentary track for Speed Racer. (You should support Elle’s work anyway, because Into It is amazing and so is she, but: bonus!)

04 Nov 23:17

I think our new programmer might rage quit


I guess that's why there were 600 mostly redundant lines of code in there, then.




Chain of notes attached to a ticket:

New programmer on the completion notes: “Reduced 600 lines of mostly redundant case statements to 15 tightly constructed lines.” 

Her manager, in the management notes on the same ticket: “15 lines of code in 3 hours is not enough.” 

I want to rage quit and I don’t even have this job

“Redacted 585 lines of redundant code. Hoping upper management can be as efficient in finding underperforming and superfluous content in its structure. HTH, HAND.”

03 Nov 00:41

In which I achieve a state of perfect self-parody by coming out...


trans autistic person who has a podcast literally entirely devoted to explaining things they're passionate about. JUST SAYING YOU SHOULD MAYBE FOLLOW POSTCARDS FROM SPACE

In which I achieve a state of perfect self-parody by coming out as trans via a critical essay and a Halloween costume. Jay in most contexts; Jay Rachel or J. Rachel for professional purposes; neutral pronouns for the time being; further updates as relevant. Cheers.

28 Oct 00:58

pervocracy: ozymandias271: Excellent “am I transgender?” questions from Hacking...


For me this starts out like "oh shit" and then just gets really confusing.
1. definitely yes to both.
2. the woman one. If only because "regular boy" sounds pretty terrible, and magic genderswap pills are rad.
3. First of all, "desired sex" is a weird phrase and I don't know what to substitute for that. Secondly, I'd probably be like "oh uh well geez cool I guess but this is some more shit to deal with huh" and then would probably be mostly the same kinds of insecure going forwards but with some things swapped out for others. Having "had an inexplicable magic genderswap" as a permabuff would be a pleasant added undercurrent though.
4. Also hard to contemplate, in that I feel like that's a whole other set of stuff and it would be especially weird to have all of that with all of the self-discovery and shit that would presumably go along with that. Like geez, what version of me picked out all of the clothes? What do they know that I don't? That's what I'd be more interested in.
5. Probably the first one. After all, "attractive person of my current sex" to me sounds like they've found a way to make this stuff work (and not in a Manly Man CisManstuff sort of way either). Again, "desired gender" is too vague to know what to do with, and "average person" as a phrase makes me feel uncomfortable. Ain't nothing wrong with average people! How do you even quantify that. Unless it means in terms of self-esteem? And some self-esteem would be nice.
6. All of those sound pretty nice to me, honestly
7. Does there really need to be gender on a deserted island? Beyond that ehhhh??
8. I feel like either of those would be an annoyingly presumptuous, conclusive thing that would stick in my craw and that I would mull over worriedly for a long time.
9. Something cool and right sounding that I haven't heard of before.



Excellent “am I transgender?” questions from Hacking Transgender:

  1. Imagine you have just been presented with a magic red button. When pressed the button will change you into the female version of yourself. It will also change the memories of all those you know and love so that they will have always known you as a woman, and regard you as such now. Would you press the button? What if you could only press the button once, and never be able to change back. Would you still press it?
  2. If you were presented with two magic pills, one that would turn you into a woman, and one that would take away your trans feelings and make you into a “regular boy,” which one would you take, and why?
  3. If you were to wake up tomorrow with the body of your desired sex as if you had been born that way, how would you feel? In a month? Year? Decade?
  4. If you were to wake up tomorrow 3 years post-transition, any surgeries or changes you desire completed, hormones taken full hold, a full wardrobe, etc., how would you feel? Month? Year? Decade?
  5. Would you rather be a rich, successful, attractive person of your current sex, or an average person of your desired gender?
  6. If you were married with kids which sounds more appealing, being a husband or a wife? A mom or a dad? A gay man, a straight woman, a gay woman, a straight man?
  7. Which gender would you prefer to live as on an island by yourself? Alone with Family? Friends? Strangers?
  8. How would you feel if you saw a therapist and they told you that you were trans? How about if they said they could tell you really weren’t trans and should never transition?
  9. If there was a test you could take that accurately guessed the taker’s gender, and you were to take it, which answer would you be hoping it gave you?

Well, ouch.

gosh i wish i had seen this three years ago :o

25 Oct 23:26

Any board game recommendations?


That sounds like something I would very much want to play specifically with y'all

I am super into Zendo, even if pretty much no one will play with me twice.

19 Oct 15:50

cat update: cat is fine, as far as anyone can tell.


yaaaaay kiiiismet!!!

cat update: cat is fine, as far as anyone can tell.

19 Oct 00:28

blehh. cat not doing good. housemate taking him to the vet right now - i stayed home bc im all...


Kismet!! :

blehh. cat not doing good. housemate taking him to the vet right now - i stayed home bc im all groggy from cold medicine

realistically the odds are good the cat is fine. but, reason for concern / getting it checked out.

and of course all the nearby vets are closed on sundays. of course they are.

14 Oct 03:23

I remember exactly the bleak, doomed, lonely feeling that sent me to that fucking book, and...

I remember exactly the bleak, doomed, lonely feeling that sent me to that fucking book, and it’s gone now. It doesn’t come up, no matter what I’m going through in life. thanks hrt o_____o;;;;;

14 Oct 03:23

idk what to do with this book now. some kinda ritual, for sure. possibly involving burying it?...


Do what you gotta do, but not gonna lie: that thing's been my #1 "Jade artifact I know exists but have never known what the deal with it is or looked through at any length despite voyeuristically wanting to" for at least 7 years so I'd be mildly bummed if it stopped existing entirely.

idk what to do with this book now. some kinda ritual, for sure. possibly involving burying it? burning it?? idk.

06 Oct 11:28

pogorobot: from


At this point a big chunk of my RSS feeds are feeds you used to share a bunch but have lost interest in.


from :

“Jobs is also presented as though he could be on the autistic spectrum; he has zero filter, fails to recognize anyone’s point of view other than his own, never believes he’s wrong, and often condescends with arrogant daggers.”

:singing: go fuuuuck yourself go fuuuuck yourself go fuuuck yoursellllf

sparked a full cleanse of my RSS feeds. lot of garbage in there i don’t care about. no wonder i haven’t been keeping up

05 Oct 04:25

they have nettles on the farm. My friends got stung by nettles.For context, stinging nettles were...


Another interesting "Tim and Jade had very different experiences of the same environment": When I was in Prague, hiking with the school group, I was thrilled to see nettles and intentionally brushed my hand against one, enjoying the sting. It was extremely nostalgic and genuinely pleasant (if somewhat painful). I wanted to go back for a more hefty brush, but by then we were leaving.

they have nettles on the farm. My friends got stung by nettles.

For context, stinging nettles were extremely common in the area of Germany where I spent my teenager-hood. Brushing up against them causes a nasty acid burn. I got stung once when I was twelve and since then, lived in fear. Didn’t wear shorts outside, stepped gingerly through any tall grasses. You know.

they kind of are symbolic of everything that hurts about the way I grew up.

they have nettles on the farm. My friends got stung by nettles.

But they also have an antidote - some leaf that you can chew up and then mash the resulting paste on the nettle-sting, to get the swelling down and prevent it from hurting anymore.

my friends did not accept that balm. I assume they would have, if the pain of brushing up against the nettles had been too severe. Regardless, it was available. It exists. It grows, in the same places the nettle grows.

29 Sep 01:30

wearenotevacuatingthishouse: thehumantrampoline: eirenical: ba...


"Then, combining his metamorphosed cells with the very molecules of the steel leg... 'I'll just oxidize this thing into... SOLID RUST!'"





“Reports from French missionaries to Siam and Indochina in the seventeenth century are sometimes barely distinguishable from the reports sent by agents of Colbert’s East India company, but in the course of the rites controversy, the French Jesuits in China produced a vast literature to communicate to Europe their idealized image of China.”

…this game is way less fun when you’re in grad school.

Nearest book to me is the one I’m currently reading on my kindle…

“Through the spinal column of the neck was the only way to put them down permanently and quickly.”

…surprisingly apt? ;D

“There’d be six girls at the front, and half a dozen of us queens at the back… hanging onto his every move.” - Simon White

I mean, sure, okay

“Thinking radical thoughts was exciting.”

okay i mean yeah but

“Another benefit of badass: Badass users won’t shut up.”


23 Sep 21:09

Humble Bundle And CBLDF Launch Pay-What-You Want Bundle Of Banned Comics

by Chris Sims

From October 27 to September 3, the American Library Association, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and a dozen other organizations made up of creators, publishers, teachers and journalists will be celebrating Banned Books Week. Well, maybe "celebrating" is the wrong word for a 33 year-old campaign designed to raise awareness of censorship by championing books that were challenged or banned from libraries across the country, but there's at least one good reason to have a good time with it.

To mark the occasion, the folks over at Humble Bundle have launched a pay-what-you-want collection of banned and challenged comics, including Jeff Smith's Bone, Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neil's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Keiji Nakazawa's Barefoot Gen and more --- complete with reasons why they were challenged.

Continue reading…

23 Sep 15:12
