Shared posts

13 Nov 17:16

Wii U Holiday Commercial Is Not Helping The Wii U

by Luke Plunkett


During the boom years, when both the DS and Wii were killing it, Nintendo used to make pretty good commercials. Or, at the very least, serviceable ones. A few years back, though, something changed.


13 Nov 17:14

The Producer Of Gravity Is Trying To Make A Temple Run Movie

by Luke Plunkett


The Producer Of Gravity Is Trying To Make A Temple Run Movie

You know mobile game Temple Run? Dude runs in a straight line forever, jumping over stuff, sometimes moving sideways. That, people, is enough to get a game a major Hollywood movie deal.


13 Nov 17:12

Knock on Your Car. You Might Save a Cat.

by Brian Ashcraft

I did not think about this. But then again, I don't own a car.

Knock on Your Car. You Might Save a Cat.

It's fall! In much of Japan, the weather is getting chilly. And while we bundle up, cats want to stay warm, too. And sometimes, they crawl up next to car engines for warmth. Remember that before you start your car!


08 Nov 17:32

Blizzard has revealed the very first key artwork for their upcoming all-star game, Heroes of the Sto

by Gergo Vas

The only MOBA I'm legitimately interested in

Blizzard has revealed the very first key artwork for their upcoming all-star game, Heroes of the Storm, which we should be seeing more of tomorrow at BlizzCon. Everyone's here: Sylvanas from WoW, Nova from StarCraft, the Witch Doctor from Diablo, even Illidan and Anub'arak, I'm already sold!


08 Nov 17:11

1 Person + 4 Years = One Amazing Stop-Motion Animation.

by Toshi Nakamura

1 Person + 4 Years = One Amazing Stop-Motion Animation.

It never ceases to amaze me what people can do on their own, with the right determination and a little bit of time. This is Junk Head 1. A 30-minute stop-motion animated movie made by one man.


08 Nov 16:36

​10 Misunderstood Heroes (Who Are Misunderstood For a Reason)

by Jason Krell and Charlie Jane Anders on io9, shared by Kirk Hamilton to Kotaku

​10 Misunderstood Heroes (Who Are Misunderstood For a Reason)

Everybody loves an amoral protagonist, or an anti-hero — but sometimes, a hero really does his or her best to be good and decent, and yet everybody always expects the worst. We love to identify with misunderstood heroes, whom everybody suspects of evilness — but here are 10 heroes who are misunderstood for good reason.


08 Nov 16:13

The Internet Reacts To Internet Explorer's New Anime Mascot Girl

by Gergo Vas

Man, when I saw this design a few months ago I thought it was just another weird fan-designed OS-tan thing. But I guess MS is now employing the deadliest weapons to get people to use IE again. I guess this just means Firefox and Chrome will have to make their own.

The Internet Reacts To Internet Explorer's New Anime Mascot Girl

Microsoft's Internet Explorer officially has an anime heroine called Inori Aizawa and people are already coming up with tons of fan art of her. This is the Internet. There's no such thing as turnaround time here.


08 Nov 11:54

Forget Cars. Let's Race Dinosaurs.

by Patricia Hernandez


Forget Cars. Let's Race Dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs make everything better—and racing games are no exception.


08 Nov 07:01

Lightning Returns' Clothing Options Make Me All Giddy

by Mike Fahey

I hope this trend in JRPGs and RPGs in general continues. If I'm gonna spend dozens of hours in the same world, I want my characters to look good dammit!

Oh god. I didn't realize I could do this. I am going to get stuck playing dress-up in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII for days.


08 Nov 06:57

Using Pokémon To Teach Safe Sex Is Super Effective

by Patricia Hernandez

I can't think of some clever thing to say about this atm, you figure it out

Using Pokémon To Teach Safe Sex Is Super Effective

Colleges that provide easily-accessible free safe sex supplies are already rad, but it certainly doesn't to do something a little more playful than 'here are a bunch of baskets with condoms, dental dams and other fun stuff,' too.


02 Nov 23:37

The Ultimate Video Game Music Cover Band

by Mike Fahey

Really good arrangements imo, but one really upsetting thing I found when sampling the album: The "Main Theme" listed for Pokemon isn't the ACTUAL main theme of the Pokemon games, it's just the goddamn US opening to the anime. Come on guys.

Award-winning composer and Blizzard dev Jason Hayes has gathered an army of prolific musicians, from session stalwarts to symphony stars to the pianist from freaking Toto, just to do video game music covers under the name Critical Hit. Here's the first one. It's pretty amazing.


28 Oct 19:42

Today's New Batman Games Tease A Very Cool Possible Sequel

by Stephen Totilo

None of this really means anything to me, and you guys weren't going to play it so it's all good. I do like the top comment at the end which wishes for a Batman Beyond game like the Arkham games, because come on guys! Please?

Today's New Batman Games Tease A Very Cool Possible Sequel

We don't want to ruin any of the surprises in the new Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate games today—not if you don't want to be spoiled. But if you do want to know about the very exciting future of the franchise that both games are teasing, keep reading. That was a spoiler warning. Got it? Ready?


28 Oct 19:10

The Art Of The Plot Twist

by Jason Schreier

No, I have no idea why I shared this. Really.

Seriously though, first comment about Zero Escape there has me once again debating putting VLR on my top ten favorites list. I'm sure a lot of people would think it impossible for two of my favorite games to be Vita games.

The Art Of The Plot Twist

A few years ago, I spent a weekend cranking through season 1 of 24. I don't regret this. Binge-watching is a beautiful experience.


28 Oct 19:03

Miyamoto: Online Multiplayer Isn't Nintendo's Focus This Time Around

by Jason Schreier

The joke is that Online Multiplayer is NEVER Nintendo's focus any time around. Of course, I'm perfectly fine with that in all but one of their games. I think you know which one I'm talking about.

Miyamoto: Online Multiplayer Isn't Nintendo's Focus This Time Around

The upcoming Wii U platformer Super Mario 3D World, like many other Nintendo games, won't have online multiplayer. If you want to play with other people, you'll have to do it in the same room.


28 Oct 18:57

Old Nintendo Products Turned Into Insane Statue

by Jason Schreier

Old Nintendo Products Turned Into Insane Statue

NeoGAF user Khrno says he spotted this beast at the British department store Peter Jones. It's simultaneously wonderful and horrifying.


28 Oct 05:26

Someone on Twitter is reenacting Back to the Future—"in real time"—creating nearly 50 accounts for a

by Owen Good

Someone on Twitter is reenacting Back to the Future—"in real time"—creating nearly 50 accounts for all of the characters (and the DeLorean). If you like the movie, you'll love The Hill Valley Project. Seven hours ago, Marty saved George from getting run over, and he should wake up in Lorraine's bedroom any minute now.


28 Oct 05:15

Fans Trash Call Of Duty Booth At Games Expo

by Luke Plunkett

Fans Trash Call Of Duty Booth At Games Expo

Someone at Activision thought it would be a good idea to hand out $200 editions of the next Call of Duty game to the first 500 people who could get to the game's booth at the Milan Games Week. No other rules. Just get there first. Surprise: it was not a good idea.


28 Oct 05:13

Nintendo, Steal This SNES Paint Scheme And Sell It, Please

by Luke Plunkett

Nintendo, Steal This SNES Paint Scheme And Sell It, Please

Console artist Zoki64 once made the prettiest Nintendo 64 (and GBA!) I've ever seen. He's back today, with one of the prettiest Super Nintendo's you'll ever see.


25 Oct 16:59

Console Games Have Helped Save The PC

by Luke Plunkett

Pretty much everything we've already discussed on this topic, but yeah, I'd have never thought a decade ago that PC gaming would blow up like this again.

Console Games Have Helped Save The PC

In 2013, the PC is arguably one of the strongest gaming platforms on the planet, blessed with a massive variety of games, the promise of virtual reality and a planned invasion of the living room imminent. But it hasn't always been that way.


25 Oct 15:54

"The Scariest Thing" Conan O'Brien Has Ever Seen

by Brian Ashcraft

Oh my god.

To get in the spirit of Halloween, Conan O'Brien checks out some scary PC games in the dark.


25 Oct 15:50

How To Beat Deathstroke, Batman: Arkham Origins' Most Annoying Boss

by Steve Marinconz

Linking this because I need to ask: Really? Does this look like an enjoyable boss fight to any of you? I can't really understand how they decided on doing things this way.

Deathstroke is one of the eight assassins sent to kill Batman in Batman: Arkham Origins, so he should be a formidable opponent. The problem is, he's a bit too tough, resulting in a pretty frustrating boss fight. Take a look at the video above for how to get through it.


25 Oct 15:28

The Internet Reacts Ridiculously To Ellen Page's Game

by Patricia Hernandez

There are legitimate criticisms about this game, and then there are... these.

While YouTube comments are infamous for being crappy, and while Beyond: Two Souls is kind of an unconventional game, watching these absurd reactions to a Beyond trailer is still rather cringe-worthy. The things people say, man.


25 Oct 15:27

Pokémon X & Y's Worst New Feature Is Also One of Its Funniest

by Patricia Hernandez

It really is a stupid feature, but I guess some people are somehow having fun with it.

Some things are so bad they're good—and the ability to make promotional videos of yourself and your Pokemon in X & Y definitely fits that bill.


23 Oct 18:34

Like a lot of people, I’ve sort of left my mayoral duties...


I'm obligated to link this because of this stupid game's terrible hold over me, and this comic making it that much worse. Gonna go cry now.

Like a lot of people, I’ve sort of left my mayoral duties to Isabelle in order to become a pokemon master.

In two days, I’ll probably be picking up Ace Attorney 5, and next month, a Link Between Worlds is coming out. So busy! 

This comic is inspired by a tweet.

22 Oct 00:20

Online Passes Treated Every Customer Like a Shoplifter

by Owen Good

The best part of course is if you buy a 360 version, which additionally will leave you paying that extra monthly fee just to use your own internet connection with the system.

Online Passes Treated Every Customer Like a Shoplifter

Every time I bring home a new video game I have this ritual: I take a fish boning knife and slide it under a fold in the shrinkwrap, then twist. Then I try to remove all of the cellophane in one piece, like it's the world's biggest peel-and-eat shrimp. If it's an Xbox 360 game, I slip it down under the obnoxious seal across the edge and lift that out. I have to do all of this because American retail packaging insists on treating every customer like a potential shoplifter.


07 Oct 13:08

Kotaku 'Shop Contest: No-Stick: The Winners

by Owen Good

Kotaku 'Shop Contest: No-Stick: The Winners

Everything was fine with our 'Shop Contest until the power grid was shut off by stickless here. Valve's oddball controller flooded us with so many great 'Shops that I waived the 20-finalist cap and just threw in everything that looked hilarious—along with overall No. 1 Snake56!


07 Oct 13:07

Uniqlo Folds T-Shirts Better Than You Do

by Brian Ashcraft

Uniqlo Folds T-Shirts Better Than You Do

Leave it to some employees at Japanese retail chain Uniqlo to show off the best way to fold t-shirts.


03 Oct 15:39

Why Is Ash from Pokémon Such a Loser?

by Brian Ashcraft

Gary was here

Why Is Ash from Pokémon Such a Loser?

The Pokémon Origins anime special offered a reminder of one thing: Ash is a pretty lousy Pokémon trainer. If only he could reach his true potential! Eh, he can't.


03 Oct 12:44

Boy Does The Attack On Titan Game Look Like A Blast

by Patricia Hernandez


Man, they even featured it in the JP Nintendo Direct.

Sure, the characters on Attack on Titan use their 'maneuver gear' to get around because GIANT HUMANOID MONSTERS WANT TO EAT THEM, but you can't say that mode of transportation doesn't look like a ton of fun anyway. And in this regard, the 3DS version of Attack on Titan seems to indulge.


03 Oct 12:42

SimCity Is Trying To Ruin Its Mods, Too

by Luke Plunkett

I don't really need to say anything else about this, the jokes and disappointment write themselves.

SimCity Is Trying To Ruin Its Mods, Too

The good news is that SimCity will soon be allowing user-generated content. The bad news is that EA is looking to place so many restrictions on what you can actually mod that it seems almost pointless.