Shared posts

28 Feb 14:35

Baked Kit Kats Exist in Japan

by Brian Ashcraft


Baked Kit Kats Exist in Japan

In a country with numerous Kit Kat flavors and a Kit Kat specialty store, this should not come as a surprise. It should come as an utter delight.


28 Feb 14:35

Medieval Warfare Is Better With Giants

by Gergo Vas

Medieval Warfare Is Better With Giants

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare was already silly enough with those slings and its online gameplay. But it just wasn't enough for modders. Here's Crustacean Soup's Giant Slayer mod that adds overpowered giant knights to the game.


28 Feb 14:01

The Evolution of the Tetris Song from 1987 to Today

by Richard Eisenbeis

I'm glad some responsible human being posted the Smash Bros version in the comments. No seriously, it's a great rendition of it. I'll be listening to these over the course of the day. However, I've gotta say I still prefer the music in Tengen Tetris after all these years. COME AT ME BRO

The Evolution of the Tetris Song from 1987 to Today

When you think of Tetris, you no doubt hear a song bouncing around your head. This song, known by many as “Type-A” or simply “The Tetris Song,” is an arrangement of 1860s Russian folk tune Korobeiniki. And over the years since it appeared in Tetris, it’s gotten a new remix in nearly every Tetris game.


28 Feb 13:52

If you had any doubt that the cult of Helix fossil, one of the "religions" formed around Twitch Play

by Gergo Vas

I consider this art more than that creepy-assed statue of some dude in his underpants in that other college.

If you had any doubt that the cult of Helix fossil , one of the "religions" formed around Twitch Plays Pokémon, is a serious thing, here's proof. Someone sprayed this masterpiece recetnly on a seemingly useless cement block, in front of a school. This must be one of those moments when graffiti becomes art instead of vandalism.


27 Feb 21:49

The Most Disappointing Final Battles in All Science Fiction and Fantasy

by Jason Krell and Charlie Jane Anders on io9, shared by Stephen Totilo to Kotaku

So basically it sounds like these guys' only idea of a "good" final confrontation is the entire last episode of Scryed (which mind you, isn't even a fight between the heroes and villains, just a fight between two rivals... after the main story is actually over). I don't wholly disagree on the ones that I actually know, but none of the conflicts looked to me like anything that required "huge-ass battle encompassing time and space". Not the way they were set up, anyway.

I was always curious about those Dark Tower books, and yeah, going from the multiple comments that one does sound pretty lame. Obviously ME3 is on here, but I've already spoken my piece of that enough I think.

The Most Disappointing Final Battles in All Science Fiction and Fantasy

It's all been leading up to this. Hundreds of pages, or hours, of buildup, leading up to the final confrontation between the forces of excellent and the forces of not-excellent. And then... it's kind of a bust. The bad guys kind of fold. Or the fight lasts 30 seconds. Or it's just thumb-wrestling. Here are the most disappointing, and saddest, final confrontations of all time.


27 Feb 19:57

​Ask Dr. Nerdlove: How Do I Make Friends?

by Harris O'Malley

No, I have no idea why I linked this installment.

​Ask Dr. Nerdlove: How Do I Make Friends?

What's up, Kotaku? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only advice column dedicated to helping make nerds sexy and the world a little more geek-curious.


27 Feb 19:05

The first Shin Megami Tensei comes to iOS next month.

by Jason Schreier

God, fine.

The first Shin Megami Tensei comes to iOS next month. It'll be out on March 18 for $8, Atlus says. Here's hoping you don't have to pay real money to negotiate with demons. That'd be kind of evil.


27 Feb 16:36

An RPG That Teaches You Japanese

by Jason Schreier

An RPG That Teaches You Japanese

Here's a fascinating new Kickstarter project: an RPG that sets out to teach Japanese to English speakers.


27 Feb 16:18

Crazy Nintendo Investor Wants Us To Pay $0.99 For Higher Mario Jumps

by Evan Narcisse


Crazy Nintendo Investor Wants Us To Pay $0.99 For Higher Mario Jumps

"Just think of paying 99 cents just to get Mario to jump a little higher." No. Let's not think of that. Ever.


27 Feb 15:20

The Sport Of The Future Is MMA vs Batman

by Luke Plunkett


The Sport Of The Future Is MMA vs Batman

While this might look like a rehearsal for an upcoming superhero movie, it's actually a working concept for a suit of armour built by Sydney company Chiron Global. Armour that's been designed not for show, but for sport.


27 Feb 15:18

Gamers Get Pretty Gross Facebook Ads

by Patricia Hernandez

Wow, it's like the second coming of Evony.

Gamers Get Pretty Gross Facebook Ads

If you have a Facebook profile, chances are good that you've populated it with some information about yourself. Like say, some of your favorite games—that way, anyone can look on your page and learn a little bit about you. It's a useful feature, but it's also used so that Facebook can spit more "relevant" ads at you.


27 Feb 15:13

Disappointed by Fable III?

by Luke Plunkett

Disappointed by Fable III? Even series creator Peter Molyneux now admits in an interview with Develop that "Fable III was a trainwreck". It's a good read if you want to see where it all went wrong.


27 Feb 15:01

Nintendo Killing Online Services For Wii, DS

by Luke Plunkett

Oh man, but how will I ever play Brawl's online multi----HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah I couldn't type that with a straight face. That shit never worked, good riddance.

Nintendo Killing Online Services For Wii, DS

If you own either (or both!) of Nintendo's last-gen machines, and you use any kind of online service with them, now's the time to make the most of it. Because on May 20, Nintendo is pulling the plug.


27 Feb 14:58

Two Chinese Guys Copied That Insane Shanghai Tower Climb

by Brian Ashcraft

ITT: Chinese people copying stuff


Two Chinese Guys Copied That Insane Shanghai Tower Climb

Recently, in the middle of the night, two young Chinese men snuck into the Shanghai Tower construction site. Their goal was to climb to the top, just as two European daredevils recently did.


27 Feb 14:55

Final Fantasy Themed Weddings Sure Are Romantic

by Brian Ashcraft

So I imagine the vows went,

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Final Fantasy Themed Weddings Sure Are Romantic

Sweet and adorable, too! If you plan on getting married, may I suggest doing something like this?


27 Feb 14:52

Attack on Titan Now Selling Hamburgers in Japan

by Brian Ashcraft

Yeush Colossal Beef

Attack on Titan Now Selling Hamburgers in Japan

Mmm...Meat! Next month, popular anime Attack on Titan will be hawking burgers stacked with meat in Japan. And yes, they're made with beef, not humans!


26 Feb 17:10

How David Wise Saved Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

by Robert Ward

The beauty of a David Wise composition is itsinnate ability to seamlessly stitch together your senses. What you see and feel is eerily embodied in his melodies.

Read How David Wise Saved Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze on Siliconera!

26 Feb 14:30

Baskin Robbins Is Releasing Ice Cream Dolls in Japan

by Brian Ashcraft

Baskin Robbins Is Releasing Ice Cream Dolls in Japan

In Japan, March 3 is Girl's Day (雛祭り or "Hinamatsuri"). It's a doll festival. To celebrate, Baskin Robbins is releasing a set of five ice cream "dolls." Delicious!


26 Feb 13:49

China's Pollution Is Making Japanese Air All Crappy

by Brian Ashcraft


China's Pollution Is Making Japanese Air All Crappy

Osaka issued its first pm2.5 warning today. But it wasn't the only place in Japan to do so.


26 Feb 04:46

Creep Stalks Hot Topic Employee On Facebook, Gets Served

by Luke Plunkett

I don't particularly care about its loose relation to video games, all I care about is reading about this guy getting told. BECAUSE HE SURE GOT TOLD.

Creep Stalks Hot Topic Employee On Facebook, Gets Served

This Facebook exchange between two strangers begins as many Facebook exchanges between random dudes and female retail clients go.


26 Feb 04:40

T-Shirt Is Appropriate

by Luke Plunkett

T-Shirt Is Appropriate

I'm not sure if this is coincidence or performance art.


25 Feb 21:27

Taco Bell's Waffle Taco Is Going Nationwide. Prepare Yourselves.

by Mike Fahey

The review actually doesn't sound so hot, but regardless I must try it. Worst case, AM CRUNCHWRAP WHOAMG

Taco Bell's Waffle Taco Is Going Nationwide. Prepare Yourselves.

Last year I traveled the countryside far longer than I needed to in order to acquire an early taste of the Waffle Taco, the linchpin of Taco Bell's new breakfast menu — a menu launching nationwide next month.


25 Feb 18:49

Candy Crush Makers Don't Want to Trademark 'Candy' Anymore

by Jason Schreier

It's too late-- the non-casual gaming community will never forgive you. But that leaves the ignorant mobile gaming casuals who are likely unaware of what you were trying to do, so I guess you don't give a fuck either way, huh?

Candy Crush Makers Don't Want to Trademark 'Candy' Anymore

The company behind Candy Crush Saga has withdrawn their trademark application for 'Candy' in the United States, according to documents they filed with the U.S. Trademark Office yesterday.


25 Feb 17:46

Four (!) New Persona Games Are Coming To North America

by Jason Schreier

*dances*, but not like in that dancing game, because I'm not capable of such things. I will enjoy playing it anyway, along with the rest of the games.

Four (!) New Persona Games Are Coming To North America

Here's an afternoon bombshell courtesy Atlus: Four new Persona games are coming to North America over the next two years, including the game we've all been waiting years to play: Persona 5.


25 Feb 16:15

Fan makes Lego versions of Xenogear mecha

by Pedro Cortes


Dale North over at Destructoid posted about these custom Xenogears designs, up on user diegocabrera's Lego Cuusoo page. Built mechs include Fei's Xenogear, as well as the Fenrir and the Weltall. Be sure to check out diegocaberea's page and give it some love, as it's currently only at 76 supporters. It'll need quite a few more backers before the Lego people will even take a look at the project.

While I may not be too familiar with the Xenogears, I am familiar with mecha designer Junya Ishigaki's other work on Xenosaga, Diebuster, Macross Frontier, Gundam Wing, etc. This is some fantastic work by diegocabrera, as the colors are damn near spot on and the structure of each build is very close to the original suits. I'd love to see what he would do for stuff like the Jehuty, from Zone of the Enders.

Fan makes Lego versions of Xenogear mecha screenshot

25 Feb 15:51

Sitting down in the middle of a town and opening a store with your loot in DayZ is probably the risk

by Gergo Vas

Sitting down in the middle of a town and opening a store with your loot in DayZ is probably the riskiest thing you can do. Some players still like to do that, maybe because they have snipers on the roof. Either way, I am positive that business will be booming.


25 Feb 15:13

Ah, So That's How First Person Shooters Work

by Steve Marinconz

Ah, So That's How First Person Shooters Work

Brendon Chung, creator of Thirty Flights Of Loving, brings us this behind-the-scenes look at how first person shooters really work.


25 Feb 14:37

A Bonkers Theory on The True Identity of Andy's Mom In Toy Story

by Patricia Hernandez

A Bonkers Theory on The True Identity of Andy's Mom In Toy Story

Forget the unified Pixar theory. Or rather, let's get more granular than the unified Pixar theory. Have you ever given much thought as to who Andy's mom is in the movie Toy Story?


25 Feb 14:27

Robocop Stopping Perverts on Japanese Trains

by Brian Ashcraft

The real 80s Robocop would have just straight-up killed him.

Robocop Stopping Perverts on Japanese Trains

As part of the public service campaign, Robocop is doing his part to nab unsavoury perverts on Japanese trains. Your move, creep!


25 Feb 14:11

Club Nintendo Promotion Offers Free Pokémon X or Y in March

by Owen Good

Club Nintendo Promotion Offers Free Pokémon X or Y in March

Nintendo is offering a free download code in March for Pokémon X or Pokémon Y to those who register, via Club Nintendo, either a 3DS, 3DS XL or 2DS, and one of five games for that platform.