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19 May 18:10

nemissa: I wonder how Apollo first heard about Phoenix? I’m...


I wonder how Apollo first heard about Phoenix? I’m sure that where some saw craziness, others realized true potential…

19 May 17:36

What Nintendo Is Doing Right

by Stephen Totilo

Some good points here, buuuuuuuuuut:

- "Nintendo's best counterpoint might have been that 2006's Mii player avatars for the Wii were in fact new Nintendo characters" I'm worried that this is what they *actually* might believe, and while at least game-wise they're basically restricted to Nintendo's own 1st-party minigame collections, I could really do without them on the core navigation systems. 3DS got it right. If they want to grant us the choice of using actual characters for navigation, I'd be all for that. Yes, this isn't so much a counterpoint as it is a subjective criticism.

- It really sucks that so many people have probably never heard of Dillon's Rolling Western or Pushmo, because they are indeed very fun games with recognizable characters, but there's a reason why. Nintendo could very easily bring these titles over to the WiiU, or at least grant them the same social exposure that they do their regular sequels,but they don't. Really, who knows why they still refuse to increase interaction between the WiiU and 3DS via account bonuses, cross-buy options, etc. That's one of Sony's strongest features for many of their big downloadable titles.

- Miiverse does some interesting things, no doubt. And for tamer game universes, it serves as an amusing fan appreciation board of sort. But for more "serious" games? It is an absolute cesspool. You will never see me actually visiting the Smash Brothers Miiverse, for example, because I do not wish to get eye cancer. Nintendo filters out offensive comments, but it has yet to filter out brain-dead comments.

What Nintendo Is Doing Right

The conventional wisdom is that Nintendo has screwed up. They've lost the plot. Dropped the ball. Somehow sunk their own battleship. But they're actually doing a bunch of things right, too.


19 May 14:55

Honest Star Fox 64 Trailer Goes Straight For The Furry Jokes

by Mike Fahey

The part near the end with the custom names totally made me stop eating with my laughter.

Honest Star Fox 64 Trailer Goes Straight For The Furry Jokes

Sometimes an anthropomorphic animal is just an anthropomorphic animal, Honest Game Trailers.


19 May 14:49

LEGO Pokémon Rock Pretty Damn Hard

by Leon Hurley

I swear my wallet just moved on its own for a second there. Dat Victreebel.

LEGO Pokémon Rock Pretty Damn Hard

These aren't official but by God they should be. This set of models are the work of Dan McCormack who seems to be trying to build them all with his rapidly expanding collection.


19 May 14:49

The Internet Reacts To Google Trying To Buy Twitch

by Luke Plunkett

Didn't hear about this over the weekend. I guess all twitch programming will now be deleted because of ContentIDs. GG

The Internet Reacts To Google Trying To Buy Twitch

Both Variety and The Wall Street Journal have reported tonight that Google is in talks to buy Twitch. Some people are happy about this. Other people are not.


19 May 14:44

Your New Game Console Is Eating More Energy Than Ever

by Patricia Hernandez

Sweet jesus

Your New Game Console Is Eating More Energy Than Ever

Even if you're not actively using your consoles, they're still using electricity—and the amount of energy consoles consume has increased from last generation consoles.


19 May 14:33

Sesame Street Says Take Off Your Oculus Rift And Go Outside

by Steve Marinconz

Didn't watch the video, but the lyrics look amusing. The comments are also pretty funny.

Sesame Street Says Take Off Your Oculus Rift And Go Outside

In this video from Mashable, the Sesame Street crew, along with Zachary Levi sing about the wonders of putting down your technology and going outdoors on a sunny day. Maybe they just haven't bought into our all virtual reality future.


19 May 14:23

The FCC Thinks We're All Idiots

by Ashley Feinberg on Gizmodo, shared by Mike Fahey to Kotaku

The FCC Thinks We're All Idiots

Just a few days ago, the FCC voted in favor of a pretty uniformly terrible proposal to allow internet fast lanes. And throughout the 99-page proposition, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler makes one thing painfully apparent: The FCC thinks we're all a bunch of goddamn idiots.


19 May 14:11

If You Love America, You'll Never Stop Playing This Stupid Game

by Mike Fahey

The video is stupid, but I hope this shows up on Colbert.

If You Love America, You'll Never Stop Playing This Stupid Game

Ah, the glorious Stars and Stripes, stroking that flagpole vigorously in time with your amorous applause. This is Americlap, the spirit of patriotism is one intentionally stupid game.


14 May 20:43

The New Batman Sure Looks Sad

by Patricia Hernandez


The New Batman Sure Looks Sad

Yesterday, we got our first look at Zack Snyder's Batman —and one thing lots of Photoshop-savvy people on the internet agreed on was that Batman looked kind of sad standing next to his batmobile. And that's how the latest "Sad Batman" meme was born.


14 May 15:50

Persona 3 the Movie #2: Midsummer Knight’s Dream Gets A New Trailer

by Ishaan

A VASTLY superior trailer to that last one.

The film will open in Japan on June 7th.

Read Persona 3 the Movie #2: Midsummer Knight’s Dream Gets A New Trailer on Siliconera!

14 May 15:47

Cancelled for every possible Iron Man repaint.


Seriously GSC, get your shit together.

Cancelled for every possible Iron Man repaint.

14 May 15:45

Pokémon Snap On The Oculus Rift Makes Me Want A New Pokémon Snap

by Patricia Hernandez


God, I wasted so many hours on this game. And I can't say I regret it.

Sure, taking photographs of spunky Pokemon in the wild using an Oculus Rift looks like a lot of fun—but we all know we can't mention Pokemon Snap without sighing about wanting a new game in the franchise.


14 May 15:25

​Pharrell And Hatsune Miku, Together At Last

by Chris Person

Seems Pharrell just does whatever Pharrell damn well pleases. Also, the comments... oh my god, someone made this video of Miku showing how to properly flip someone off. Amazing.

​Pharrell And Hatsune Miku, Together At Last

It's always interesting when two pop stars from different parts of the world collaborate. It's even more interesting when one of them isn't real.


14 May 14:30

Let's Share Funny Bugs and Glitches!

by Brian Ashcraft

Yes, I found my Wednesday.

Let's Share Funny Bugs and Glitches!

If you've ever played a video game, you've experienced them. Bugs and glitches are a part of gaming—a really funny part.


14 May 14:13

Did This Japanese Anime Rip Off Glee?

by Brian Ashcraft


Did This Japanese Anime Rip Off Glee?

Or is an homage? Or just a kwinky-dink? Whatever this scene from popular anime Love Live is, it sure resembles an episode of Glee.


14 May 14:04

George R. R. Martin Talks About Killing Game of Thrones Characters

by Gergo Vas

Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin was the guest of Conan O'Brien last night, and among other things they've talked about was the one thing the show is most famous for: characters unexpectedly dying off.


13 May 19:35

Add Up All The Sins Of X-Men: First Class, Then Subtract One

by Mike Fahey

Like I said, I still enjoyed it overall, but seriously, the best scene in the whole movie right there.

Add Up All The Sins Of X-Men: First Class, Then Subtract One

With the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past just around the corner, Cinema Sins checks off all the problems with the first appearance of lil' Xavier and Magneto, wisely not forgetting to include the best bit.


13 May 17:46

Nintendo chief Satoru Iwata has some thoughts about Nintendo's next hardware--and what it needs to b

by Stephen Totilo

I half-thought it was going to be that picture of him holding a bunch of bananas. I'm loving the 3ds but I honestly no longer know what they intend to do on the home console front. Seriously, just gimme Bayo2/SMTxFE then do whatever you want.

Nintendo chief Satoru Iwata has some thoughts about Nintendo's next hardware—and what it needs to before it moves on. This is from Iwata's most recent Q&A with shareholders and is in light of Nintendo's struggle to make its Wii U console a hit.


13 May 17:20

The Official Transformers: Age of Extinction Mobile Game Is Coming

by Mike Fahey

You have no idea how happy it made me to totally misread that title. I thought it said the extinction of mobile games was coming.

The Official Transformers: Age of Extinction Mobile Game Is Coming

From DeNA, the folks behind the Transformers: Legends mobile card game, comes Transformers: Age of Extinction, a combat runner based on the fourth film in a series I'm getting tired of complaining about.


13 May 17:17

Game Boy Camera Makes For A Whole New Kind Of Street Photography

by Yannick LeJacq

Okay, I need to bring out my old golden Game Boy Camera and figure out how to get those things onto my PC.

Game Boy Camera Makes For A Whole New Kind Of Street Photography

Photographer David Friedman recently unearthed a set of beautiful black-and-white photos of New York City that he had taken in 2000. The only difference between these shots and the stunning higher-resolution ones available on his professional website? He captured all of the former shots with his Game Boy Camera.


13 May 16:51

hospitalvespers: harshwhimsy: dangerolive: slasher9485: All...


But what's this show? It must be good if it's paid homage to Gitaroo Man.





All figurine refernces.

1. Moogle-Final Fantasy Series

2. Gitaroo Man-Gitaroo Man

3. Sanic-I don’t know where the hell man

4. Cloud Strife-Final Fantasy 7

Woops I need to fucking watch this show

i am laughing so god damn hard rn at the cloud shit

awwww the cloud looks like hero from rpg world that makes me so happy!!!!

Oh my gosh RPG world reference yay yay

13 May 15:49

ahuttoftea: princeiliana: saeun: thehidingcat: stupidmiiverse...


Jesus Fucking Christ. I hate everyone.






There has only been five female characters comfirmed playable compared to fifteen male characters.

I’m amazed at those exact numbers because 33% is the point where men will start thinking there’s a majority of women in a group.

i wish they would go ahead and make it all female characters and change the name to super smash sisters, let those pansy ass boys cry about it

I would play that game. 

I was pointing out: did anybody notice how they added in/announced a male version of the Wii Fit trainer, but not a female version of the Villager or in the last gen, Pokemon Trainer?

I’m still hoping SO HARD for female villager or I’ll be very angry. There’s still time for it to be announced! 

13 May 15:31

Microsoft Announces Xbox One Without Kinect, Shipping June 9

by Stephen Totilo

Microsoft you crack me up. Again, too little, too late

Microsoft Announces Xbox One Without Kinect, Shipping June 9

Microsoft will start selling its new console, the Xbox One, without the Kinect sensor, eliminating one of the biggest criticisms of the new machine and allowing for a significantly lower cost of entry.


13 May 15:09

Imagine Eating This Giant Parfait

by Brian Ashcraft

Imagine Eating This Giant Parfait

You probably can't handle this giant parfait. I dunno, maybe you can! I sure can't. Well, not alone at least.


13 May 14:12

Visiting a Real Life Pokémon Center

by Richard Eisenbeis

This is pretty much the path that the NYC Pokemon Center was headed on before it became Nintendo World. You can see the similarities in layout.

Visiting a Real Life Pokémon Center

It’s an understatement to say that Pokémon is popular in Japan. “How popular” you might ask? So popular that it has its own Pokémon Centers that look as if torn straight out of the games. You can even buy pokémon there (well, stuffed ones anyway).


13 May 13:24

Video Game Preorders Are Out Of Control

by Luke Plunkett

Saw this retweeted yesterday. Ubisoft can take their game and shove it. I'll see them in two years.

Video Game Preorders Are Out Of Control

What you're looking at here is not a complex scientific chart, or a guide to completing your income tax. This his is how many different ways you can buy Watch Dogs and all the crap that comes with it.


13 May 13:21

Report: Xbox Will Stop Charging You To Watch Netflix, Hulu

by Luke Plunkett

Too little too late

Report: Xbox Will Stop Charging You To Watch Netflix, Hulu

According to "multiple sources within Microsoft", Ars Technica is reporting that Microsoft is set to ditch its long-standing strategy of making users pay for Xbox Live Gold to access services like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Services users already pay for anyway.


13 May 13:20

Remember When The Ninja Turtles Were On Oprah?

by Steve Marinconz

Good god, I think I actually remember this look. But this is still nothing compared to those Michael Bay abominations. The fuck is this guy smoking?

Side note: wow, this music (Oprah's theme included), this dialogue... sometimes it's hard to believe I was actually alive during this time.

Do you not remember what 1990 was like? Well here's everything about it in one video. Maybe the new version won't be so bad after all.


13 May 12:55

H.R. Giger Has Passed Away

by Luke Plunkett

I feel like he can only be honored with dick jokes.

H.R. Giger Has Passed Away

Swiss artist H.R. Giger, made famous for his work designing the iconic creatures in the Aliens series, has passed away at the age of 74.