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10 Jun 02:33

The Old Guard Sees NATO’s Defeat

by VD

When the Special Military Operation began, both Messrs. Lind and van Creveld were inclined to viewing it as a Russian mistake. However, unlike NATO’s military strategists, both of the old lions are still capable of changing their minds on the basis of the facts on the ground, as William S. Lind’s recent commentary on the situation demonstrates:

Kiev’s defeat need not shatter world peace. But NATO’s response to defeat in Ukraine may do so. Panic is already showing its head in Paris, where French President Macron is suggesting NATO might send in troops to fight Russia directly. Berlin says no, but the traffic-light coalition government is weak and can be pushed around. London is in a belligerent mood and Warsaw is always eager to launch a cavalry charge against Russian tanks. The decisive voice will be Washington’s. That is not good news, because the Dead Inca has no idea what he’s doing and his advisors will be terrified of the charge of “losing Ukraine” in an election year. Can NATO just swallow hard and say, “We lost?” If not, the alternative is escalation in a war against nuclear power.

In Gaza, Israel has destroyed itself at the moral level of war, which is what states usually do against non-state opponents. Martin van Creveld’s “power of weakness” is triumphing again. Hamas will emerge from the war physically diminished but not destroyed, while most of the world sees it as “the good guys” because the massacres on October 7 have been overshadowed by Israel’s destruction of Gaza. Hamas will rebuild quickly, and not only in Gaza. Recruits and money will flow to it in a veritable Niagara.

The threat of a wider war lies to Israel’s north, not its south. While Hezbollah’s operations have been restrained, they have nonetheless driven 80,000 Israelis from their homes, along with tens of thousands of Lebanese who have fled Israeli airstrikes. The latter don’t matter strategically, but the former do because Netanyahu needs their votes. As always, he will put himself above his country’s interests. That suggests he is likely to launch a ground invasion of Lebanon, which Hezbollah apparently is anticipating and ready for. Hezbollah is much stronger than Hamas, and recent events suggest Iran will also be forced to get involved directly.

On a philosophical, but not-unrelated note, Martin van Creveld provides some important advice:

– Prepare to change your mind when new evidence arrives. As has been said, too often it is not old opinions that die; it is those who hold them, still clinging to their antiquated views, who do. This is not a fate you want for yourself and for your work.

It’s remarkable that both of these great military historians can still accomplish, in their eighties, what so few of their successors have been able to do.


The post The Old Guard Sees NATO’s Defeat appeared first on Vox Popoli.

27 Jan 22:47

Zelensky issues warning over Abrams deliveries

by RT

The Ukrainian president claimed that if the tanks arrive in August it would be too late

President Vladimir Zelensky has criticized Washington’s lack of speed in delivering heavy tanks to Ukraine. In an interview with Sky News on Friday, the Ukrainian leader also warned that Kiev would not be satisfied with a small number of tanks from the West.

Zelensky’s comments come after the US promised on Wednesday to supply Kiev with 31 M1 Abrams tanks, but cautioned that the delivery could take several months or more. The White House explained that it expects to acquire the machines from the industry, rather than pulling them directly from its own stocks.

However, Zelensky complained that if the American tanks arrive as late as August, it will be “too late.” He insisted that a handful of tanks “won’t make a difference on the battlefield.” 

The Ukrainian president told Sky News that Kiev currently needs “300 to 500 tanks” in order to be able to launch a counter offensive against Russia.

“It’s not about politics, it’s about specific results on the battlefield,” he said.

Read more
A Leopard 2 main battle tank of the German armed forces Bundeswehr fires its gun during drills.
Germany reveals timeline for Leopard 2 delivery to Ukraine

Zelensky also thanked the countries that have been delivering weapons to Ukraine and noted that a total of 12 countries have already committed to bolstering Kiev’s tank coalition.

Earlier this week, Germany officially approved the supply to Kiev of 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks from its own stocks and also gave permission to other countries to provide their own German-made armor to the Ukrainian army. Berlin said it expects to deliver the Leopards no later than the end of March.

Other countries that have also pledged their heavy armor to Kiev include the UK, Poland, Canada, Spain, Norway and the Netherlands.

Russia, meanwhile, has warned the West against continuing to supply Ukraine with weapons, arguing that it only serves to prolong the conflict. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also warned that German and US tanks will not change the outcome of the fighting and will “burn” like the rest of Western-supplied weaponry.

24 Jan 18:04

Monday Arktoons

by VD

DON QUIXOTE Episode 3: Preparations in Motion

REBEL DEAD REVENGE Episode 11: Toad-Sucking Strumpet

SAVAGE MEMES Episode 73: Gen Coomer

PAPER DOLL VERONIKA Episode 9: Wind Through the Leaves Judgeth You

CHUCK DIXON PRESENTS: WAR Episode 33: Dog of Boche

Preparations in Motion image number 1

The post Monday Arktoons appeared first on Vox Popoli.

19 Oct 11:32

Quando o pintor cobra caro e a pessoa decide pintar a parede sozinha

by Joe Loreto

A intenção foi boa, a execução nem tanto…

A pessoa sabia que tinha que usar fita, só não sabia exatamente como.

É assim que se aprende: fazendo grandes cagadas.

06 Oct 02:13

Nunca cometa o erro de ficar moscando na saída do toboágua

by Joe Loreto

Imagina levar uma SACADA em alta velocidade bem na orelha. Esse cara deve estar ouvindo zumbidos até agora.

A saída do toboágua é 10 vezes mais perigosa do que a parte da piscina que quase ninguém da pé…

25 Jun 15:47

O tipo de roubo que a pessoa só percebe quando já é tarde

by Joe Loreto

Totalmente na maciota, sem fazer nenhum barulho… e ninguém percebeu.

O cachorro que conhece as táticas de furtividade nunca passa fome.

Dica de Daniel Becker.

27 Mar 13:10

Women's sports are parasites

by VD

 It's not just crazy for feminists to insist on equal pay for women's sports, it's literally ruinous

The NCAA Division I men’s basketball championship budget for the 2018-19 season was $28 million — almost twice as much as the women’s budget.

Information provided by the NCAA to ESPN on Friday shows the men’s tournament brought in a total net income of $864.6 million that season, while the women’s event lost $2.8 million — the largest loss of any NCAA championship.

The men’s tournament budget for the 2018-19 season was $28 million, while the women’s was $14.5 million.

The demand for equality is why literally hundreds of men's college teams have been eliminated. It also demonstrates why catering to it is going to destroy any organization or institution that does, including the universities and militaries.

The point is not that women can't produce work of superlative quality that sells very well. Castalia Library's newest book, written by a woman about a little girl, looks as if it is going to be out of stock faster than we'd anticipated. But if we were to insist that half our books be written by female authors, more than a few of our subscribers would rightly stop subscribing due to our failure to respect their demand.

Posted by Vox Day.
25 Jan 16:52

Análise: João Doria determina que vírus chinês só pode circular depois das 20h

by Carlos de Freitas

João Doria só tem um objetivo na vida: poder. Nada mais fala ao coração da calça skinny falante mais odiada do Brasil. Tudo na sua estampa denota fingimento. 

Durante a pandemia – para salvar vidas, é claro -, Doria aumentou impostos, ampliou em quase 70% a verba publicitária, transformou a TV Cultura num cercadinho ideológico para críticos de Bolsonaro, fechou São Paulo e foi pra Miami curtir o sossego.

No começo da crise, esperou o Carnaval acabar para fechar tudo e jogar a chave fora, como convém aos grandes estadistas. Esperou o resultado das eleições municipais, aglomerou em festas e voltou a colocar o estado sob vigilância restrita.

Assine a Brasil Paralelo por apenas R$ 10 mensais

Seguindo o caminho de figuras lapidares da nossa política, como Fernando Collor, José Sarney e Ciro Gomes, Doria parece querer transformar São Paulo no seu feudo.

Nada mais perigoso para o estado de São Paulo do que um político que quer expandir seus transtornos obsessivos compulsivos para todas as instâncias da vida. Doria quer amarrar seu suéter de cashmere em torno da fronteira do estado.

São Paulo tem quase um quarto das mortes pelo vírus chinês do Brasil. Qualquer pessoa sã percebe que a política de enfrentamento da doença é desastrosa. O fecha e abre promovido por João Doria tem como objetivo desmontar a economia mais sólida do país para depois culpar o governo federal pelo fracasso.

Sua sanha sádica é sentir que tem o poder de vida e morte sobre milhões de cidadãos que dependem, direta e indiretamente, do comércio para manter suas contas, seus lares e suas existências.

Somente cracudos e bandidos tem motivos para agradecer ao governador. A revolta do suéter ou o levante da calça skinny ainda ficará marcado como um dos capítulos mais sombrios da história paulista.

Seja membro da Brasil Paralelo por apenas R$ 10 por mês e tenha acesso a horas de conteúdo sobre liberdade de expressão!

Entenda o pensamento do maior psicólogo da atualidade: Jordan Peterson – Entre a Ordem e o Caos!

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O post Análise: João Doria determina que vírus chinês só pode circular depois das 20h apareceu primeiro em Senso Incomum.

30 Nov 22:17

Trump Pardons Flynn…It’s a Good Start!, by Ron Paul

by Ron Paul
Last week President Trump granted a “full pardon” to Gen. Michael Flynn, his first National Security Advisor. In a White House statement announcing the pardon, the Administration pointed out that the relentless pursuit of Flynn was a partisan effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election. The pursuit of Flynn was spearheaded by people...
28 Nov 12:01

Da série: dúvidas que você nem sabia que tinha

by Joe Loreto

Talvez até dê pra colocar, só não sei se é uma boa ideia…

Apesar de que parece facilitar o famoso GRAU…

Enfim, eu nem sei porque eu tô levantando essa discussão, já perdi o controle da minha vida.

18 Oct 17:11

Folha chama censura do Twitter e do Facebook de “medidas incomuns”

by Carlos de Freitas

A síndrome do esquerdismo crônico que acomete 10 em cada 10 jornalistas do Grupo Folha é responsável por conteúdos cada vez mais disformes, confusos e claramente antinaturais. 

Contando com sumidades do mundo da paranoia como Reinaldo Azevedo, Tati Bernardi e a esposa do marido alemão Nina Lemos, o grupo Folha, que amarelou-se pela “democracia”, tem marcado presença no universo do ilogismo, inclusive com instintos homicidas, como o do colunista Hélio Schwartsman, que quer para o mundo a mesma vida infeliz que leva – ao menos nisso ele é coerente. 

A empresa que diz que lutava pela democracia, que é contra a censura, chamou o banimento de postagens que noticiavam o escândalo envolvendo o filho do candidato do Partido Democrata à presidência de “medidas incomuns”. 


A mesma Folha que chamou de ataque as críticas feitas à matéria mentirosa de Patrícia Campos Mello sobre os tais disparos de WhatsApp que teriam beneficiado o candidato Jair Bolsonaro. Imaginem se as “medidas incomuns” fossem contra o candidato Joe Biden.

O caso envolvendo o filho de Biden é grave e as gigantes tecnológicas, junto com a mídia oficial, estão fazendo de tudo para ocultar o escândalo. É crucial que um Democrata vença a eleição no país mais rico do mundo. Os planos globalistas dependem disso.

O Facebook a restringiu as postagens alegando que a checagem do conteúdo ainda estava pendente. É a velha história do lobo querendo ser o pastor das ovelhas. Uma boa dose de Esopo e La Fontaine dá conta dos episódios recentes. 

Já a Folha, em mais um vexame, mostra como seu padrão varia de acordo com o emissor da mensagem. Se as restrições fossem contra postagens sobre um suposto escândalo de Trump ou de sua família, aposto que a farândola, a escumalha, a récua citada no começo do texto faria um novo vídeo com as bocas tampadas e aquela expressão canastra que só a escolinha de atores do Wolf Maia é capaz de ensinar. 

O ressentimento dos intelectuais preparou o terreno para ódio a tudo o que busca uma ordem transcendente no mundo. A minoria rancorosa quer adestrar a seu modo os comportamentos, os gestos e própria natureza humana. Para isso, contam com trilhardários idiotizados dispostos a financiá-los. Isso não tem como acabar bem.

Seja membro do Brasil Paralelo e tenha acesso a horas de conteúdo sobre liberdade de expressão!

Entenda o pensamento do maior psicólogo da atualidade: Jordan Peterson – Entre a Ordem e o Caos!

Faça seu currículo com a CVpraVC e obtenha bônus exclusivos!

Conheça a Livraria Senso Incomum e fique inteligente como nós

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O post Folha chama censura do Twitter e do Facebook de “medidas incomuns” apareceu primeiro em Senso Incomum.

30 Aug 14:12

Conspiracy Theory is news minus 4 years

by VD
The mainstream media is finally beginning to admit that Pizzagate is real. From The Telegraph:
Paedophiles using cheese and pizza emojis as secret code on social media
28 August 2020

Cheese and pizza emojis are being used as a secret code by paedophiles to communicate on social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter, online safety groups have warned.
Or perhaps no one has informed The Telegraph that an actor was hired to fire a single shot at a computer, which thereby proves that no one has ever abused a child and you're a dirty, ignorant conspiracy theorist if you think pedos exist, use social media, or communicate with each other in any way.

Posted by Vox Day.
28 May 00:59

Invenção inútil da semana: o cobertor para dias quase frios

by Joe

Pra que simplesmente colocar uma perna pra fora da coberta quando eu posso FAZER UM BURACO NO MEIO pra colocar a perna…

Ainda bem que eu tenho um cobertor que já tem o buraco…

16 Sep 01:01

"We Can Do This For 100 Years": Taliban Threaten More Violence After Trump Kills Peace Talks

by Tyler Durden
"We Can Do This For 100 Years": Taliban Threaten More Violence After Trump Kills Peace Talks

Now that President Trump has put a stop to negotiations with the Taliban, leaving the Afghanistan peace process in limbo, the Taliban have a message for the leader of the free world: "We can do this for one hundred years."

At least that's what the group's lead negotiator, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, told RT during a recent interview. Trump shut down the nearly year-long talks after a Taliban car bombing killed an American soldier stationed in Kabul. The two sides were set to meet at Camp David, where they were reportedly on the cusp of signing a major agreement.

Taliban representatives insist their bombings are justified by the ongoing attacks by American and Afghan forces on Taliban-held territory, and that they are simply defending their land from a hostile occupier.

Stanikzai said he's skeptical of Trump's reasons for halting the talks, arguing that it conflicted with a statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who, during a TV appearance the following day, bragged that the US had killed "over 1,000 Taliban" over the previous ten days, even as negotiations progressed.

If the Taliban could keep negotiating even as American troops gunned down their men, Stanikzai wondered, why couldn't the Americans?

"If they can kill a thousand of us, why can we not kill one or two of them?" Stanikzai asked. "This is our right. We have to defend ourselves and defend our people."

He added: "The war was imposed on us. It is American soldiers who are in Afghanistan. It’s not our mujahedeen in Washington."

The Taliban rep also criticized President Trump for failing to distinguish himself from his predecessor, Barack Obama, who also pursued peace talks with the Taliban before pulling out at the last minute. Stanikzai said he doubts Washington's commitment to ending the nearly 20-year war in Afghanistan, a war that has cost US taxpayers $877 billion.

Stanikzai spoke to an RT reporter during a visit by the Taliban delegation to Moscow this past week that was part of regular meetings scheduled with Russian officials. These have continued in parallel to the American talks with the militant group, which were brokered by Qatar.

Watch Stanikzai and other members of the Taliban delegation speak to RT:

Still, a formal agreement must be signed, and American troops must depart Afghanistan, before the Taliban can settle its differences with the US-backed government in Kabul.

Tyler Durden Sun, 09/15/2019 - 19:00
09 Sep 14:02

‘Microsoft Excel’ Is Now A Strategy Game

by Johnathan Irwin
  • ‘Civilization’ recreated in Microsoft Excel as ‘[Cell]ivization’.
  • Created in just a week.
  • The future of gaming at work safely?


In my many years of gaming, I’ve seen everything from the awesome to the awful. But every now and then, something strange appears on the horizon. What can be considered more strange than using Microsoft Excel to recreate one of the most iconic strategy series Sid Meier’s Civilization? Impossible, I hear you say. But if there’s one thing we know now by 2019, it’s that nothing is impossible and all it takes is determination and skill to achieve anything you want. Even if that desire is using a program that is mostly a spreadsheet pack mule to most users, as the base for a video game.

Which brings us to [Cell]ivization, a basic version of Civilization that is as weird as it is impressive. I’ve seen Excel used for a lot of things, but I’ve never seen it used for a video game. User s0lly has released version 1.0 with the following description;

This is my first game in Excel, with the first iteration (v1.0) created in just around a week for the OLC CODEJAM 2019 

The gamejam’s theme is destruction, which is apt for this game’s v1.0 iteration, given that the only way to win is to destroy the opposing team.

The game is very light on features (basically just build units and attack the opposition), but I will add on additional features – DLC you could call it – if people are keen to see more!

The game currently features:

 – Two player game (BLUE vs GREEN), in a hot-seat environment

 – Move units around using WASD

 – Move the camera around the world map independently of unit movement

 – Build different unit types in cities using 0-6 keys

 – Multiple unit types available, each with their own statistics, with some having special abilities ( see the “Tiles” tab)

 – Unit movement speed is dependent on the ground it traverses

 – Build new cities to produce more units, more often

 – One world, with a close-quarters or larger / longer game setting available

 – Fog of war

Version 1.0, along with instructions to get you started, are available on Color me impressed, I wonder how many people are going to try to boot this up during a nine to five workday instead of using solitaire to kill some spare time?


The post ‘Microsoft Excel’ Is Now A Strategy Game appeared first on Exclusively Games.