Amazon’s Fire TV streaming devices and Kodi’s semi-legal media player software have been a popular combination for years. With that in mind, you may be eyeing one of those new “Fire TV Edition” television sets from Element or Westinghouse, which run the company’s TV operating system right out of the box.
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How to Install Kodi on Your 'Fire TV Edition' Amazon-Powered Television
Komentar na ARNT – još jedno ‘iznenađenje’, komentirao/la KrešoM
Uređeno tržište trgovinski je segment kojim upravlja Zagrebačka burza i na kojem je moguće trgovanje uvrštenim instrumentima.
Transparentnost uključuje dostavu svih zakonom i Pravilima Burze propisanih informacija o izdavatelju i uvrštenim financijskim instrumentima koji mogu utjecati na cijenu instrumenta.
Uređeno tržište podijeljeno je na sljedeće segmente:
Vodeće tržište
Službeno tržište
Redovito tržište
Vodeće tržište najzahtjevniji je tržišni segment u smislu zahtjeva koje postavlja pred izdavatelja, osobito glede transaprentnosti. Redovito tržište obvezuje izdavatelja na dostavu samo minimalnih infromacija propisanih Zakonom o tržištu kapitala, dok za Službeno i Vodeće tržište postoje dodatne obveze propisane Pravilima Burze.
Learn All the Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts with This Cheat Sheet
Windows 10 comes with a few new keyboard shortcuts to take advantage of new features like the virtual desktop and the action center. Here’s a handy table of shortcuts you might not know about yet.
Microsoft offers a downloadable Word doc of these shortcuts, but I’ve also copied them as images for you below. You’re probably familiar with some of these from previous versions of Windows, but even still I found this a good refresher and reference guide.
Shortcut keys for Windows 10 | Microsoft
The Hidden Keyboard Shortcut for Images in Your Browser: S+Right-Click
Take a second to hold down the "S" key and right-click on any image on the web. Whoa, right?
The results vary by browser:
- Chrome: This immediately initiates a reverse image search (i.e., searches Google for that image) in a new tab, which can come in pretty handy. It's faster than right-clicking on an image and selecting the search option. (I found this in an infographic about cool browser shortcuts over at Eukhost, but then found that it doesn't work the same in other browsers.)
- Firefox: Opens the set image as desktop background window(as shown in the image above at left).
- Internet Explorer: Opens the Save Image dialog to save the image to your Pictures folder.
- Safari: Immediately highlights the "use image as desktop picture" option in the right-click menu.
It'd be nice if the shortcut was universal, but it's still a shortcut in your browser you might not have known about.