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25 Apr 15:11

Sunday Sweets BRINGS CAKE To The Library!

by Jen

Who's ready to sink your teeth into a good book or two?


(By Janette MacPherson Cake Craft)

Or seven or eight?


Assuming you can convince anyone these are edible, of course.


(By Mel's Amazing Cakes)


Have you seen the new 3D storybook trend? Because it is SO COOL:


(By Laura Jane Cake Design)

Talk about a tall tale!


And "wood" you believe this retirement cake?


(By Merritt's Bakery)



(I've decided we need more librarian-themed cakes, y'all, because librarians rock and that cake is awesome.)


Here's another storybook cake, this time more like a pop-up:


(By Bake-A-Boo)

Loooove those illustrations. Seriously. Unlike the cake, I'm melting.


Ooh, here's an idea for my fellow bibliophiles:


(By Cake Studio)

A book-themed wedding cake!

(Even the teacup and candle are edible! YOWZA.)


This next one won gold in a Tolkien-themed tribute contest, and it's easy to see why:


(By Cupcakes & Dreams Portugal)


What sorcery is this??



Do you think instead of cutting the cake they just handed out books for everyone to eat? Because that would make me indescribably happy.


Speaking of sorcery and happiness, we can't celebrate books and the magical places that let us read them for free without a little Potter magic, now can we?


(By Cheryl Clement, posted here on Flickr)



And one more, which isn't technically a book because it's a journal, but I think you'll forgive me:


(By CakesDecor member Francesca Liotta)

Because oooooh. [grabby hands]

Slytherins never follow the rules anyway, right?


And finally, let's end with the sweetest lil' library cake you ever will see:


(By New Delhi Cake Company)



Now, who wants to go to the library? Remember to thank a librarian while you're there!

Happy Sunday, everyone! Hope it's Sweet!


P.S. Hey fellow book lovers, I just found what may be the prettiest bookmark EVER, check this out:


Metal Feather Charm Bookmark

It's like jewelry for your book! You can choose from gold or silver - or get both: one for you, one for a friend. Or both for you. I won't judge. :D


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Board Games.jpg
15 Apr 00:16

Leasing Agent Learns About Lease The Hard Way

The best part about this shady leasing agent is they thought they'd go ahead and get away with some unadulterated BS, without the tenant actually reading the finer details of said lease. Well, they certainly got humbled and learned their lesson in the end. Check out some more juicy housing drama with this landlord who encouraged their tenant to research their rights, and ended up losing the battle as a result.

05 Mar 04:06

Boss Tells Employees They're Slacking, Petty Revenge Ensues

Not all bosses are great. In fact, some can be complete waking nightmares. Whether you find yourself under the incompetent wing of a maniacal boss who never should've been put in their position of power in the first place, or perhaps fielding an array of toxic instances from a boss who misplaced their moral compass, you'll probably suffer through a gig with a nasty boss at one point or another in your life. In this story, these employees decided to take a glorious, petty revenge on a boss that accused them of slacking. Suffice to say, it seems to have been successful. 

08 Feb 04:55

An Unhealthy Indulgence of Fast Food Nostalgia

Most people who grew up in the 80s and 90s remember the peculiar angular pastel interior of a fast food place, the lawlessness of a McDonald's play place, the absolute need to get a specific happy meal toy, and the peculiar flavor of Hi-C orange drink. What a weird time. If this gets your nostalgia motot running, here's some 90s nostalgia from simpler times.

20 Jan 16:35

Yes, Bakers Are Still Making Disgusting Baby Shower Cakes

by Jen

Warning: Graphic cakes of a medical nature to follow. Hide the kids, and hold on to your appetites!

Additional Helpful Warning from john (the hubby of Jen): There's lady bits ahead.


Remember when all we had to worry about on baby shower cakes was the occasional creepy doll or demonic ultrasound photo?

Next were the boob and belly cakes, because apparently moms-to-be harbor sado-cannabalistic tendencies:


Then they added those Alien-inspired belly-burster baby feet - which is SUPER fun to say three times fast. (Go on, try it. You know you want to.)


Soon even celebs like Christina Aguilera were getting in on the gross-out-your-guests act:



So how do you top edible naked moms giving birth?
Why, make the cake wet plastic shiny and embed a bunch of CLEAR GELATIN, of course.


Mmm, that's the stuff.


Or you could go for classic realism:


Sure, everyone will 'ooh' and 'ahhh' - until the carving knife comes out.
("No, no, YOU serve." "No, you!" "Maybe we'll just have ice cream.")

(If you need more nightmares, just look at this baby cake being sliced.)


But for maximum hurkin'-in-the-gherkins, there's really no beating the spread leg, peek-a-boo head:


With extra jam filling.



Hang on, it's missing something. No, not feet. Or a torso. Or common decency.



Ah, so much better.


But really, aren't those legs kind of, I dunno, unnecessary?

I mean, let's get back to basics, people:


All a good dessert needs is stretched vagina lips, and a crowning fetus head. Am I right, or am I right?



Thanks to Kasey V., Sandy R., Linda G., Darren W., Devon H., Lynds, & Maggie for understanding that there was really no good way to censor those last three, short of blacking out the whole photo. Which would be preferable, but less educational.


Hmm, I wonder if "uncomfortably realistic baby shower cake" is on this list?


 Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Sliding Barn Door.jpg
13 Jun 22:08

British Official Signs U.S. Extradition Order For Julian Assange Despite Hostility Between UK Home Secretary and Trump Regime

by Matt Novak

Britain’s Home Secretary Sajid Javid told BBC Radio today that he has signed the extradition order for Julian Assange, paving the way for the WikiLeaks founder to be sent to the U.S. to face charges of computer hacking and espionage.


06 Feb 23:59

02/06/19 – Working Battalion

by Christopher Baldwin

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Well, I took a lot of breaks and pushed a lot of fluids, and somehow was well enough today to get back on top of things. Finished today’s strip as well as finished Monday and Tuesday’s (you’ll find the last two day’s posts updated).
Fortunately, I wrote and laid this week’s strips out BEFORE I got sick, so they are theoretically coherent. And funny. Fingers crossed.

01 Nov 17:06

POW Party

by luke

Ain’t no party like a People of Walmart party cause a People of Walmart party only costs about $13 to throw.

Side note: Now you all know that girl in the back is a freak. Nobody out here buying leather fetish stuff just for a PoWM party. She just went to her closet.


The post POW Party appeared first on People Of Walmart.

09 Mar 18:06

It's easy

Submitted by: Chris10a

28 Feb 16:06

Jon Stewart Emerged from Beneath Stephen Colbert's Desk to Give Some Advice to the Media

It's been a rough, I don't know, eternity since that reality-TV gameshow host became president. And in that time, we've seen an uptick in hatecrimes, a bunch of unanswered questions about Russia, and a president who thinks "fake news" means "I disagree." 

That's why, last night, on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Jon Stewart emerged from his home beneath Colbert's desk to deliver a message to the media on how to deal with all this: Do your jobs. 

It's good to have the old boy back. 

21 Jun 05:03

Nitrozac painting auction, time is almost up!

Time is running out to bid on Nitrozac's Apple Watch painting. It's an adorable little depiction, and comes with its own adorable little easel. Check it out and bid now!

Apple watch painting!

25 Nov 03:50

Sony Pictures hack takes computers down studio-wide

by Timothy J. Seppala
As a whole, Sony isn't a stranger to being hacked, but the most recent effort targeted its movie division -- not PlayStation. Computers in Sony Pictures offices have been compromised, as Deadline, The Hollywood Reporter and Variety report. Studio-wid...
09 Sep 21:45

Intel's building a reference tablet for Android developers

by Sean Buckley
Looking for a new, stable and regularly updated slate to develop on? Intel has your back. The company says it's been working with Google to create the "Intel Reference Design for Android," a developer tablet designed to help device manufactures and...